what is 3.2 OTA filename/where stored? - Acer Iconia A500

I downloaded the 3.2 update with the intention of saving to PC and installing it later. But where the heck is it???
Also, will deleting the file from the tab get rid of the install nag dialog?

dwallen said:
I downloaded the 3.2 update with the intention of saving to PC and installing it later. But where the heck is it???
Also, will deleting the file from the tab get rid of the install nag dialog?
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It doesn't store, and you can't save it. Look at your log file for the URL and you can d/l it that way. A simple search on this forum will give you details.

wow. If i knew enough about Android to actually understand your reply, I wouldn't have had to ask the original question.
I don't know where this log is any more than I knew where the OTA file is.

dwallen said:
wow. If i knew enough about Android to actually understand your reply, I wouldn't have had to ask the original question.
I don't know where this log is any more than I knew where the OTA file is.
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And my guess is that you don't even know how to use the search function in this forum as already suggested either?
Click HERE.
It's exactly what you need to fix your problem.

kjy2010 said:
And my guess is that you don't even know how to use the search function in this forum as already suggested eithe
It's exactly what you need to fix your problem.
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Such a helpful guy...
Actually, I do know how to use search functions, but with every browser I've tried on thee Acer, the search dialog doesn't function. Since I'm not near my PC searching isn't an option.
But, never mind. Someone asked the same question on another forum and got a real answer, not a half-baked one.

dwallen said:
Such a helpful guy...
Actually, I do know how to use search functions, but with every browser I've tried on thee Acer, the search dialog doesn't function. Since I'm not near my PC searching isn't an option.
But, never mind. Someone asked the same question on another forum and got a real answer, not a half-baked one.
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Search function works fine on tabs here. All you have to do is click "advanced". This pretty much confirms the link I sent for you


wm6 and cingular video

does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link cingularvideo.cingular.com, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
tbl178 said:
does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link cingularvideo.cingular.com, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
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thanks for nothing, if you dont have info then don't reply. i did but didn't find anything about wm6.
tbl178 said:
thanks for nothing, if you dont have info then don't reply. i did but didn't find anything about wm6.
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You didn't read enough or search enough and with an attitude like that I wouldn't help you anyway. The methods are here if you look around.
tbl178 said:
does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link cingularvideo.cingular.com, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
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found info.
wpbear said:
You didn't read enough or search enough and with an attitude like that I wouldn't help you anyway. The methods are here if you look around.
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you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
Here is the write up i found from another member
wratran said:
you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
No he's not a smart a**. He's actually a quite helpful member of this forum. His suggestion to search is that standard answer by anyone who's been around and/or contributed to this forum for any amount of time.
The point of the Search function is to try and get newbies and the inexperianced to look for the answers themselves and not make other members repeat the same information over and over for every new member that is either too lazy to search and read or just doesn't know that the Search function exists. The information posted here is so far and above what your carrier or software or hardware vendor could provide you for any price and it's available for FREE. So respect the forum and respect the members or go call your service provider for answers. (HA)
You are in no position to tell anyone, especially a Senior member to "shut up" if they don't have an answer.
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@evilhomer - thanks for the support.
@wratran - so the seaching or reading is working for you obviously since you found one of those links I was talking about.
To the topic - I wish we could get the UA bypassed in WM6 PIE since I do not like NetFront. I think pappl is looking into it.
wpbear said:
@evilhomer - thanks for the support.
@wratran - so the seaching or reading is working for you obviously since you found one of those links I was talking about.
To the topic - I wish we could get the UA bypassed in WM6 PIE since I do not like NetFront. I think pappl is looking into it.
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wpbear, have you tried this solution to the UA problem? PAPPL and some Europe users were having the same issues and he made a .zip with some files to replace the default files that are keeping PIE from sending out the changed UA in the registry
chenga said:
wpbear, have you tried this solution to the UA problem? PAPPL and some Europe users were having the same issues and he made a .zip with some files to replace the default files that are keeping PIE from sending out the changed UA in the registry
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I am happy to report this works and I will be posting two cabs shortly to make this install the two files and make the reg fix. One cab will be just the fix and the other will be a realplayer all in one fix.
EDIT: Here are the CABS
EDIT- Cabs removed- the fix by pappl causes some to have email problems. If you still want his fix since it works for most people then go to his thread.
Glad it works for Cingular Video as well. Nice work making the .cab files!
wratran said:
you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
Here is the write up i found from another member
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Exactly what has changed in this forum when people who are upstanding members of this community, like wpbear are put down and attacked by "big shots" who want to show they are better than the others on here? wpbear's comments were valid and to the point. It's really quite annoying on a **developers** web site to have the same questions asked over and over again. wratran--get over yourself. So, you can search. Yay. How about you post the results of your search without the person attacks next time, huh?
This forum is NOT for kiddies who are just learning how to make a phone call. It is, in my opinion, a forum designed for DEVELOPERS who actually understand what they are doing! There are n00bie forums around that will fit you better. HowardForums.com comes to mind...
I rest my case....
you noticed wpbear finally post a link to help a member...instead of making smart AS* remark. Look at his first response after the question was asked...and see how obnixious he was...
The search function on this forum does not work very well. I did not get that link by using the search command.
Since I have still not upgraded to WM6 (holding out for WMXL 3.0), I can confirm it works on WM5 AKU 3.3 with PIE. Awesome work guys, I really didn't like Netfront and now it's bye-bye gone!
Huge problem with this fix with outlook email not opening. Email list opens and then the message will try to open but it freezes. Have to close poutlook to get out of it and still can't view emails until HR. I veriefied it is was by installing each app I Had one a a time. I havenot tried this again with the manuall fix and checking email. I will try later.
Edit-The webview dll is causing the email and sms problem but without it the favorites links in pie do not work.
Ugh... yeah, I can definitely confirm that problem!
Is it possible to fix without a hard reset? (I haven't looked inside your cab yet.) I just got all my apps reinstalled and set up on the latest LVSW!
some reason i did not have the outlook problems.
i am using wm6 black 1.2 version with netfront 3.3 and shogun realplayer. i followed the instruction from lokemup and it works.
to many things to comment on here... so i will just tell everyone to place nice or i will lock this thread, since there was already a massive thread on this....

is there any way to set another email software to the email tab?

I think I saw this question before but without an answer and now I couldn't find it again, then I'm asking, I bought Flexmail and I would like to set it to the email tab.
i have the same problem, but still no solution too
mm it seems like is more difficult than I thought
sirrick1 said:
mm it seems like is more difficult than I thought
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it's very simple to do
use search
invest the time, try different key words
and you will find SSMaPa
Sir.B said:
it's very simple to do
use search
invest the time, try different key words
and you will find SSMaPa
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thanks both of you, but I already checked SSMaPa, but until now and according to what I understood, no one has been able to do it yet!!
That is in the Diamond group, not sure SSMaPa works on the Blackstone. anyone tried it? It would certainly be useful.
rjstep3 said:
That is in the Diamond group, not sure SSMaPa works on the Blackstone. anyone tried it? It would certainly be useful.
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a lot of things that work on the Diamond work on the Blackstone. i and i'm sure a few others use it
sirrick1 said:
thanks both of you, but I already checked SSMaPa, but until now and according to what I understood, no one has been able to do it yet!!
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this is portent information you should've mentioned in the first post! that way we won't suggest stuff you already tried
Sir.B said:
this is portent information you should've mentioned in the first post! that way we won't suggest stuff you already tried
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I think I can say something similar, like: the ones who make a recommendation should check if is useful or not, even more after the sarcasm.
but thanks for the advice anyway, I will keep it in mind for my future posts!!
sirrick1 said:
I think I can say something similar, like: the ones who make a recommendation should check if is useful or not, even more after the sarcasm.
but thanks for the advice anyway, I will keep it in mind for my future posts!!
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when you ask for help on a forum you should tell people what the problem is and what steps you have taken to resolve it. i thought that was just common courtesy.
how can anyone know that you already tried the suggested solution, SSMaPa?
i know it's a useful suggestion because that's what i personally used SSMaPa for - change default apps launched by TouchFLO 3D
sorry if i didn't know that it wouldn't change the mail app. hey it's free advice, you get what you pay for.

Please HELP!

Im new to the whole Windows Mobile world and having serious issues with adding keyboards, fonts, etc... Ive always had Blackberry and im used to using and modding that, figured it was time to move on and got the HD2 and now im confused as hell! Can someone please post links, how to, to download the HTC IME keyboard? Also how to add fonts? this is really irritating.. Ive searched and searched and still cant figure out how to get the keyboards and fonts on my phone ... Any help is greatly appreciated!
Just curious, but where did you find the buttons and such? Posting link-backs will give us a chance to see what you are talking about instead of trying to guess.
Did they not have instructions on how to install them?
Did you perchance download the versions meant for chefs, that are designed to be cooked in the kitchens and not installed directly?
Also, for me, please refrain from big caps in your post title when asking about such matters. Let's leave that for the folks with bricked phones, k?
While we are on the subject of etiquette, posting a bump less than 24 hours after your original post is a wee bit pushy. Especially when that bump doesn't say "Bump"
So hit me back with those links and I'll see if I can help you a bit.
Snarksneeze said:
Just curious, but where did you find the buttons and such? Posting link-backs will give us a chance to see what you are talking about instead of trying to guess.
Did they not have instructions on how to install them?
Did you perchance download the versions meant for chefs, that are designed to be cooked in the kitchens and not installed directly?
Also, for me, please refrain from big caps in your post title when asking about such matters. Let's leave that for the folks with bricked phones, k?
While we are on the subject of etiquette, posting a bump less than 24 hours after your original post is a wee bit pushy. Especially when that bump doesn't say "Bump"
So hit me back with those links and I'll see if I can help you a bit.
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Really? Didn't really think i asked for some1 to be a smartass anywhere in my OP did i? Hmmm didn't think so.............. I was asking for a little help, Isn't that what a forum is for???
jpeyatt said:
Im new to the whole Windows Mobile world and having serious issues with adding keyboards, fonts, etc... Ive always had Blackberry and im used to using and modding that, figured it was time to move on and got the HD2 and now im confused as hell! Can someone please post links, how to, to download the HTC IME keyboard? Also how to add fonts? this is really irritating.. Ive searched and searched and still cant figure out how to get the keyboards and fonts on my phone ... Any help is greatly appreciated!
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Adding fonts into WinMo is much the same like WinPC. Just put it into \Windows\Fonts directory.
But on further reading and 2nd guessing what you are trying to say above, it appears that you want to be able use that installed font when the keyboard is activated. Is that correct ?
Isn't HTC IME keyboard already available in the HD2 ? Or are you looking for different language input ?
FYI, I had a bad experience with trying to add Traditional Chinese input capability when installing an extracted HTC Ezinput IME from another stock ROM. See http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=611894&page=2
State clearly what you are trying to achieve so that others can help.
jpeyatt said:
Really? Didn't really think i asked for some1 to be a smartass anywhere in my OP did i? Hmmm didn't think so.............. I was asking for a little help, Isn't that what a forum is for???
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Actually, this forum is for people to help people. Voluntarily. As in, for free. When you ask someone for help, it is generally considered a good idea to adhere to certain protocols, such as being polite and thankful for what help you do receive.
Now, since you obviously are not interested in my help, I leave you to the graces of others. I am also adding you to my ignore list, since you decided to call me a "smartass". Good luck to you.
Zen, Thanks for the reply! When i connect my HD2 to the PC (running on Vista) i cant access ny Windows folder on the phone for some reason, so i cant add a font .. No, the HD2 does not come with the IME keyboard. I am just looking for a English version to download for a Windows device.. If i google it, everything comes up for a Droid.
Snarksneeze said:
Actually, this forum is for people to help people. Voluntarily. As in, for free. When you ask someone for help, it is generally considered a good idea to adhere to certain protocols, such as being polite and thankful for what help you do receive.
Now, since you obviously are not interested in my help, I leave you to the graces of others. I am also adding you to my ignore list, since you decided to call me a "smartass". Good luck to you.
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Correct and i was asking for help right? In my OP i did say "any help is greatly appreciated", did i not? Where did you offer any help to me at all? I asked a question in a thread I started. LOOK at the reply I got from YOU!
jpeyatt said:
Zen, Thanks for the reply! When i connect my HD2 to the PC (running on Vista) i cant access ny Windows folder on the phone for some reason, so i cant add a font .. No, the HD2 does not come with the IME keyboard. I am just looking for a English version to download for a Windows device.. If i google it, everything comes up for a Droid.
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Was you phone connected via ActiveSync or "Disk drive mode" ?
I can't remember off my head but one of them - I take my bet on ActiveSync - will make Windows folder inaccessible. You could have copy into "My Document", remove phone from PC and then move it again via File Explorer.
I still don't get the part about HTC IME that you don't have . What it the ROM version you have ? Go to Start > Settings > About Phone > Software Information. Post the info.
There is Swype, Finger keyboard in the forum. Search for it.
Gotta go offline 24-hr in the next 15 mins or so.
Zentury said:
Was you phone connected via ActiveSync or "Disk drive mode" ?
I can't remember off my head but one of them - I take my bet on ActiveSync - will make Windows folder inaccessible. You could have copy into "My Document", remove phone from PC and then move it again via File Explorer.
I still don't get the part about HTC IME that you don't have . What it the ROM version you have ? Go to Start > Settings > About Phone > Software Information. Post the info.
There is Swype, Finger keyboard in the forum. Search for it.
Gotta go offline 24-hr in the next 15 mins or so.
I have the Swipe but dont have the HTC IME.. ROM version is 2.10.531.1 (82076)WWE
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IME stands for Input Method Editor i.e. on-screen software keyboard.
I am using QQ pinyin input which allows me to input Traditional Chinese. The option to select HTC's default IME, which is called Ezinput, is still there. I do not see the need to use HTC IME since QQ pinyin input has all the capabilities and more. Since HTC IME is in the ROM, I can't remove it either without flashing a cooked ROM.
So how do you type/input text into any apps ?
jpeyatt said:
Zen, Thanks for the reply! When i connect my HD2 to the PC (running on Vista) i cant access ny Windows folder on the phone for some reason, so i cant add a font .. No, the HD2 does not come with the IME keyboard. I am just looking for a English version to download for a Windows device.. If i google it, everything comes up for a Droid.
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To make the windows available you need to have your PC set to show protected files. On a side not please watch the swearing in the forums.
Zentury said:
IME stands for Input Method Editor i.e. on-screen software keyboard.
I am using QQ pinyin input which allows me to input Traditional Chinese. The option to select HTC's default IME, which is called Ezinput, is still there. I do not see the need to use HTC IME since QQ pinyin input has all the capabilities and more. Since HTC IME is in the ROM, I can't remove it either without flashing a cooked ROM.
So how do you type/input text into any apps ?
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My mistake, I thought the actual keyboard i wanted was called the HTC IME.. So, How do i DL and install a diff keyboard without the arrows at the bottom? Whats the best one? Thanks!
zelendel said:
To make the windows available you need to have your PC set to show protected files. On a side not please watch the swearing in the forums.
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Thanks for the info.. Sorry about the swearing, was just a little irritated.
jpeyatt said:
My mistake, I thought the actual keyboard i wanted was called the HTC IME.. So, How do i DL and install a diff keyboard without the arrows at the bottom? Whats the best one? Thanks!
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You want something like in the screenshot.
That's the QQ input I talked about. No, I don't think it is suitable for you since you do not require chinese input.
Let me dig around. Just keep watching this post.
Zentury said:
You want something like in the screenshot.
That's the QQ input I talked about. No, I don't think it is suitable for you since you do not require chinese input.
Let me dig around. Just keep watching this post.
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Yes sir, Exactly like that 1. How do i go out installing that?
Take a look and consider:
Fingerkeyboard2 v2.1 (freeware)
Resco keyboard (commercial)
One thing, I wish to point out is that the version date seems to pre-date WM6.5 actual release. I came across one software which allows for Chinese input, released in May 09 but had read forum complaints about paid users who was not able to get it to work on WM6.5 and that software company acknowledged it. I finally settled on QQ input although it is still in beta which I normally would not even consider installing.
Perhaps try out Fingerkeyboard2 first since it is free and also, you can post questions if the need arises.
zentury said:
take a look and consider:
Fingerkeyboard2 v2.1 (freeware)
resco keyboard (commercial)
one thing, i wish to point out is that the version date seems to pre-date wm6.5 actual release. I came across one software which allows for chinese input, released in may 09 but had read forum complaints about paid users who was not able to get it to work on wm6.5 and that software company acknowledged it. I finally settled on qq input although it is still in beta which i normally would not even consider installing.
Perhaps try out fingerkeyboard2 first since it is free and also, you can post questions if the need arises.
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awesome!! Thank you sir!!:d

How Do I Remove Programs from HD2?

how do i get rid of programs from hd2 and all traces of it from the registry? i want to remove programs i dont use or like. how do i that? and how do i get rid of traces of them from the registry?
Settings/applications/choose application, then uninstall.
Assuming you are using Windows mobile, go to Settings > Remove Applications.
Choose the App and Click Remove. This is the default uninstallation method.
RetroVertigo said:
Settings/applications/choose application, then uninstall.
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thats not the correct process.
Hamsn said:
Assuming you are using Windows mobile, go to Settings > Remove Applications.
Choose the App and Click Remove. This is the default uninstallation method.
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again, thats not the correct method.
does anyone here really know how to remove programs? I read somewhere that you go to start > file explorer > windows > start menu and remove programs you dont like. but does this method remove the program itself or the shortcut? again, i need to remove the program, its shortcut, and any traces of it from the registry.
Does SKTools do the job?
koolxx said:
thats not the correct process.
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yes it is, start - settings - system - remove apps
you can also use activesync to remove applications
Richy99 said:
yes it is, start - settings - system - remove apps
you can also use activesync to remove applications
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i dont think you know what youre talking about. read my last post.
again, does anyone know if i can remove programs like, BlockBuster, Barnes n Nobles, Transformers, and slacker radio through start > file explorer > windows > start menu? i also need to know if the shortcut and traces of it will be removed from the registry.
you mean the preinstalled rom stuff then not programs but seeing as you seem to know its not correct process ill leave you be as your attitude wont get you many replies
Richy99 said:
you mean the preinstalled rom stuff then not programs but seeing as you seem to know its not correct process ill leave you be as your attitude wont get you many replies
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dont come back to my threads again. we dont need negative trolls like you.
koolxx said:
dont come back to my threads again. we dont need negative trolls like you.
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troll? lol good one mate, people have tried to help you but you have said to each and every reply that they are wrong, yes or no? if you are talking about removing preinstalled apps that are part of the rom then you need to explain more clearly as to remove applications you have personally installed is the method that the 2 posters abover have given
if 3 people are telling you the same info then maybe its your way of thinking and your attitude is the troll like one here mate, people are trying to help you out
and you have no fear i have no intention of trying to help you out in future
Blimey, and I thought I was special, being banned from his threads, seems anyone can join the "stop attacking me you're a troll" club.
Richy99 said:
troll? lol good one mate, people have tried to help you but you have said to each and every reply that they are wrong, yes or no? if you are talking about removing preinstalled apps that are part of the rom then you need to explain more clearly as to remove applications you have personally installed is the method that the 2 posters abover have given
if 3 people are telling you the same info then maybe its your way of thinking and your attitude is the troll like one here mate, people are trying to help you out
and you have no fear i have no intention of trying to help you out in future
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wat are u taling about? ppl have given me the same responses thats not the ans to my quest. maybe i didnt frame my question as i should have .. im a newbie here.
if ppl are giving the same ans after 3 times, they should have gotten that on the 2nd ans. and ur defending them is very troll like.
and dont worry about me.. i dont need ur help.
looks like its 'hug a troll' day here... weird
koolxx said:
looks like its 'hug a troll' day here... weird
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I think you are talking about removing aps that are preinstalled in a ROM. If this is the case then yes the way that has been posted will not work. There is a thread on here somewhere about hoe to remove preinstalled apps but I can not remember exactly where it is. Do a searh here in HD2 General forum, in the HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A and general forum, and in the HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Development forum. You might have to keep changing your search terms also use advance search and try jist searching thread titles and not posts to see if you have more luck if searching post keep coming up empty.
OP, you should edit your first post here to clarify what you are trying to do. It seems like several members were trying to help you and you haven't been very polite with your responses. If the replies get out of hand this thread will be closed.
Just to let you know koolxx senior member noellenchris is a mod so adhier his warnning.
koolxx said:
wat are u taling about? ppl have given me the same responses thats not the ans to my quest. maybe i didnt frame my question as i should have .. im a newbie here.
if ppl are giving the same ans after 3 times, they should have gotten that on the 2nd ans. and ur defending them is very troll like.
and dont worry about me.. i dont need ur help.
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newbie or not doesnt mean you have to give the type of responses you have, ive noticed your other posts seem to be very confrontational aswell, but if 3 people are giving the same answers then you either havent asked correctly or assume they are incorrect
i have asked if it is the preinstalled rom stuff but you have, again, ignored to answer that and go off on a tangent about being a troll, how can we be trolls? or maybe you need to look up the definition of a troll
T-Macgnolia said:
I think you are talking about removing aps that are preinstalled in a ROM. If this is the case then yes the way that has been posted will not work. There is a thread on here somewhere about hoe to remove preinstalled apps but I can not remember exactly where it is. Do a searh here in HD2 General forum, in the HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A and general forum, and in the HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Development forum. You might have to keep changing your search terms also use advance search and try jist searching thread titles and not posts to see if you have more luck if searching post keep coming up empty.
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hey t-mac, how are you? yeah i'm trying to remove preinstalled apps from the rom. but i also want to make sure that the shortcuts are also deleted and any traces of the apps removed from the registry.
i appreciate your response. and i'll search for that. thanks man.
Richy99 said:
newbie or not doesnt mean you have to give the type of responses you have, ive noticed your other posts seem to be very confrontational aswell, but if 3 people are giving the same answers then you either havent asked correctly or assume they are incorrect
i have asked if it is the preinstalled rom stuff but you have, again, ignored to answer that and go off on a tangent about being a troll, how can we be trolls? or maybe you need to look up the definition of a troll
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its not that... i just noticed many trolls on my past threads and some people dont take others seriously. thats all. at times, i have to give responses like the ones i've given as defense against people who i perceive as trolls. its a defense mechanism i got. its helped me in life.
i didnt see your post about uninstalling preinstalled apps. i just want to know if i can remove both the shortcuts and traces in the registry. if so, how? i read somewhere that ppl have removed preinstalled apps, but their shortcuts remained on the phone.

Android Market

hello all I have question about android on htc blackstone am say is so that when I install an application from the browser displays something like that to me as shown below:
Where and which file need to edit the Android Market HTC Blackstone identified as a device which has been ported to android? [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release
This app is incompatible with your Device
Oy. You PM me, then ask this same question - without responding to my PM?
arrrghhh said:
What apps are you trying to download? I've never got that message, unless I was trying to download some game - which obviously a TON of the games won't work because of the old hardware... So even if you did force it, the game wouldn't work lol.
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Please answer my question.
arrrghhh said:
Oy. You PM me, then ask this same question - without responding to my PM?
Please answer my question.
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how to send pictures to a server is to explain what is about what I have a problem
(I read your reply)
Zi0mal said:
how to send pictures to a server is to explain what is about what I have a problem
(I read your reply)
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Send pictures to a server..?
I just asked what apps you're trying to install that give you this error. As I stated previously, I've never seen this message except when trying to install some games...which probably won't run anyways.
arrrghhh said:
Send pictures to a server..?
I just asked what apps you're trying to install that give you this error. As I stated previously, I've never seen this message except when trying to install some games...which probably won't run anyways.
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To prevent spam to the forums, ALL new users are not permitted to post outside links in their messages. After approximately eight posts, you will be able to post outside links. Thanks for understanding!
Zi0mal said:
To prevent spam to the forums, ALL new users are not permitted to post outside links in their messages. After approximately eight posts, you will be able to post outside links. Thanks for understanding!
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What the heck dude, I asked what apps you're trying to install, so you post some screen shots of the Market?!?
I'm only going to ask this one more time.
Which apps are you trying to install, that give you the error message?
Also, have you tried installing them from the phone itself? Not thru the Market on your PC...
I have not tried to install on your phone just by the android market is easier for me than finding application using the application on your phone
Zi0mal said:
I have not tried to install on your phone just by the android market is easier for me than finding application using the application on your phone
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Please try from the phone.
The phone is ok that I wanted it so much better, and what to do to the visibility of BT telephone communication was different than MSN?
Zi0mal said:
The phone is ok that I wanted it so much better, and what to do to the visibility of BT telephone communication was different than MSN?
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BT is kinda flaky. I have no clue what you mean about MSN. I don't see how that even fits into this conversation?
I lol'd

