Yet another reason to love my tab - Galaxy Tab 10.1 General

I've been loving my tab since I bought it, it's light, has a beautiful screen and aside from not doing my laundry, it can do no wrong by me. Today, however, I took a look at Swype for the first time and tried it out.
I am now officially in love. I have never had a chance to try Swype until now and it's an input method I have completely fallen in love with. Not often does something stun me speechless (i talk alot) with how amazing it is. I went down the hall and showed another coworker (who owns a transformer) and his first question was "Why don't I have that?!" and he ran off to install it.
Thank you for giving me yet another reason to love my tab, Samsung.

sinbsd said:
I've been loving my tab since I bought it, it's light, has a beautiful screen and aside from not doing my laundry, it can do no wrong by me. Today, however, I took a look at Swype for the first time and tried it out.
I am now officially in love. I have never had a chance to try Swype until now and it's an input method I have completely fallen in love with. Not often does something stun me speechless (i talk alot) with how amazing it is. I went down the hall and showed another coworker (who owns a transformer) and his first question was "Why don't I have that?!" and he ran off to install it.
Thank you for giving me yet another reason to love my tab, Samsung.
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I do love swype, but i can type faster when a normal keyboard, swype just slows me down. I'm just so used to a normal keyboard since i use computer soo often.

I will agree that I can type faster with a keyboard but on the tablet, I find the onscreen keyboard causes my typing to slow down too much with errors and swype feels much more natural and in its element when combined with the tab.
It's just nice to know there are always new things to discover with the tab and android.. one of the many reasons I vacated the iPad camp.

I use Swype exclusively on my phone, but wasn't too fond of it on my Tab. Using the Swiftkey tablet beta and I really like it. The split keyboard layout makes holding and typing so much easier.

I tried Swype today for the first time. It was interesting, but I still prefer Swiftkey for tablets.

Sold. This is the endorsement I was looking for.

I love swype, but I mostly use it as a normal keyboard. I just love the look and feel, the layout also seems to fit my needs far better than any other ive used

I love swype on my nexus s 4g, but only use thumb keyboard on my tab.

I absolutely love swype on the tab as well. Since I generally lay the tablet on my lap, it's the fastest input method for me, and I guess I'm an epic nerd, because it's fun, too.

Swype is great on my Evo but I use thumb keyboard on my Tab.

mrsbelpit said:
I absolutely love swype on the tab as well. Since I generally lay the tablet on my lap, it's the fastest input method for me, and I guess I'm an epic nerd, because it's fun, too.
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It totally is fun. Nice to have another way to differentiate the tab from those failpads.

Using Swype in mini-mode is excellent for e-mail and such. It's like using it on a phone and it greatly reduces the distance your hand travels.

MINUS Stl said:
I use Swype exclusively on my phone, but wasn't too fond of it on my Tab. Using the Swiftkey tablet beta and I really like it. The split keyboard layout makes holding and typing so much easier.
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Plus One on SwiftKey and it split keyboard layout... Also love how you can easy it is to jump to a regular layout keyboard to.
Sent from my Galaxy10.1 TouchWiz/ADWex equipped Starship.

Sad things is it doesnt work well when trying to type websites.

+1 for Thumb Keyboard. I got it when it was free on the Amazon App Store. It's highly customizable and makes typing that much better. Now if only I could get the stupid cursor to go where I want it to by touch. Most annoying honeycomb issue IMO.

I love SwiftKey Tablet X. It has an awesome split keyboard when in landscape mode. It also can analyze your facebook and twitter feeds to suggest to you words in a manner you are a custom. Sometimes I don't even have to type when testing someone from GV. I highly recommend.

After using Swiftkey Tablet X for a while, it is uncanny the predictions it is making. I have found myself just pressing [space] [space] [space]

acefiredx said:
Sad things is it doesnt work well when trying to type websites.
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True, not the best for websites but it is a keyboard as well. You don't have to use the swype function. I find that suitable. Checking out Swiftkey as well.. Sounds good.

SouthPhilly said:
Plus One on SwiftKey and it split keyboard layout... Also love how you can easy it is to jump to a regular layout keyboard to.
Sent from my Galaxy10.1 TouchWiz/ADWex equipped Starship.
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I agree, having used the trial version I'm definitely going to buy it.

+1 for thumb keyboard, it's great. For the phone I have come to like swiftkey over swype.


Any big time texters on the nexus one?

Just wondering if any of you nexus one owners happen to text frequently and if you have a hard time with the virtual keyboard. I can type at light speed on my G1 and frankly, the only thing that worries me about the nexus I ordered is not having this physical keyboard. So let's hear it. Is it awful, usable, good, or downright amazing?
That has been my largest worry as well. I'm a G1 user who is very fond of the hardware keyboard. However, I am forcing myself with the Nexus One to learn to love the Onscreen. It seemed like all the best and newer phones were not coming with keyboards, or when they did the keyboard was not very pleasant to use. At least once I(we) get over the hump of getting used to the onscreen with the N1 we can then go to ANY other android phone and be satisfied.
My Nexus One SHOULD be waiting for me on the counter when I get home... will pop my SIM in and away I go.
I'm in the same boat although I've noticed on my G1 I'm better with the HTC_IME keyboard than the stock. I'm hoping we can push the HTC_IME keyboard to the N1.
It's actually not as bad as i thought it would be. I wish it had the HTC IME, so I wouldn't have to click a button for numbers or exclamation points. FYI: I installed HTC IME, but it doesn't look that great on the screen.
I don't have a nexus one and part of the reason why I love my G1 is because of the physical keyboard and I also like the HTC IME over the android one by leaps and bounds. I am currently using "shapewriter" from the market and it took about a few days to get used to and see the benefits but since i got used to it, my texting is now almost twice as fast as the keyboard. I haven't used the keyboard for texting for a couple weeks now whereas before i would only use the keyboard during texts. Shapewriter is making me really consider getting a nexus.
The keyboard in landscape mode is great. Plus I've been using the voice input to send texts and its pretty accurate for the most part, awesome new feature. I'm not missing my G1 keyboard at all.
I'm sure the VK will be good. My G1 physical spacebar broke (go figure..) and I have been using the HTC_IME on it for months now :\. Can't wait for the N1 though. It should be here tomorrow
Glad to hear all that! I've switched to using on vk on my G1 to get ready lol. But unfortunately I'm using HTC_IME and it's awesome. I think cyanogen said he plans on porting the HTC_IME for nexus shortly. Let's keep our fingers crossed
Well I have never used the HTC IME and always had a hardware keyboard (except the Artemis where I used a stowaway bluetooth when heavy typing).
I can not type at the speed I could on the G1 keyboard but it is not bad. I do not like that I can not see my IMs/SMS when typing in landscape but the keyboard is good for the most part. In portrait mode I rely a lot more on autocorrect but mistakes are not terrible there either. Of course I have only been using an on screen keyboard for about 2 hours so hopefully with experience it will get easier. Even now though for texting where typos are not a huge concern it gets the job done.
It is a trade off, no hardware keyboard but it is very thin. I would have gone the other direction but I can understand the choice.
I went from a g1 to an iphone and really missed the keyboard. Once I got used to the iphone I was able to type quickly and accurately. I send/receive about 2200 texts a month so I would say I'm an avid texter (not a fan of talking except to certain people).
I expect the n1 to be similar to the iphone in terms of texting.
matt_stang said:
Just wondering if any of you nexus one owners happen to text frequently and if you have a hard time with the virtual keyboard. I can type at light speed on my G1 and frankly, the only thing that worries me about the nexus I ordered is not having this physical keyboard. So let's hear it. Is it awful, usable, good, or downright amazing?
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I send about 2K-3K texts a month in addition to my email, Web browsing and other keyboard use. The physical keyboard was a must for me for years. Two months ago I traded one of my G1s for a myTouch. I decided to play with the myTouch and then ended up using it. While I sometimes miss the keyboard I got very used to the onscreen keyboard. Now that I have the N1 I can say that I don't miss the keyboard at all. Besides, with ShapeWriter (simply amazing) and Swype (haven't tried it yet but will now that I have an N1), onscreen keyboards are very good.
So far, I have found that using speaking to send the texts are remarkably easy and accurate. I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of speaking to "type" my texts.
The VK isn't that bad though... seems really accurate and there is no lag so its easy to deal with.
Speech to text has removed my need for keyboard use of anykind at home/work/walking.
On screen is accurate enough not to annoy me when speaking out loud would look weird.
I would try better keyboard if default is no good. User dictionary is a must.
I was really worried about this, too -- I got really used to the physical keyboard on my G1 and was really fast at it, although I sometimes used the HTC IME (the Android one sucks).
Now that I have my N1, I'm finding that both Swype and ShapeWriter are AMAZING and with them I can type nearly as fast as I could on a physical keyboard. Definitely give them a try.
i typed a couple hundred text messages yesterday without really any issues, and i come from the ultimate text whore from the Bold 9700 but i had the mt3g b4 then so im not a total noob haha
mlevin said:
I was really worried about this, too -- I got really used to the physical keyboard on my G1 and was really fast at it, although I sometimes used the HTC IME (the Android one sucks).
Now that I have my N1, I'm finding that both Swype and ShapeWriter are AMAZING and with them I can type nearly as fast as I could on a physical keyboard. Definitely give them a try.
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I have to agree with you about Swype. I've not owned a phone without a physical keyboard since before 2005 and I was worried about the N1 not having a physical keyboard as I'm a big texter/GTalker. The standard keyboard is 'OK' but Swype is pretty damn good. It takes a little getting used to but when you've learned the basics, you get pretty quick at typing out long texts/messages.
Can I ask if it's the beta that was released for the Droid that you're using? I get a silly message box every time I switch to landscape or open the camera app.
Every phone I've owned has had a physical keyboard until my MyTouch, although I still used my G1 as my main line, but I can say that while I would prefer a physical keyboard, I don't really miss it. The screens big enough that it's really easy to type, I use Better Keyboard which doesn't have the voice key, but I'm not that interested in the voice typing. I'm not having any problems or regrets though.
When using this phone in landscape mode, I type as fast and accurately as I did with my Tmo wing. It's very responsive and the keyboard is plenty big.
The HTC keyboard does work on the nexus one, the person on this video has it running
Almost all my phones have had physical keyboards and i text a lot... I've been using the nexus one for only about a day now and the keyboard is OK but... sometimes it doesn't register keys. I don't know if it has to due with the lack of multi touch but it doesn't catch some of my button presses especially space bar.
i owned an iphone for about 4 months and while I'm not a huge fan of the iphone I have to admit that their virtual keyboard works a LOT better...

texting on nexus?

hey guys, how is texting on the google nexus? is the qwerty touch keyboard tight or is it finger friendly?
Stock keyboard is passable. Some people are okay with it, some aren't. It's not the best, but I could live with it.
Better Keyboard and Smart Keyboard both provide very good alternatives, as does the ported HTC IME. And then there's Swype, which changes the way you type utterly and--if you can get used to it--lets you type as you've never typed before on a soft keyboard: at a ridiculous speed while retaining high accuracy.
giggles33 said:
hey guys, how is texting on the google nexus? is the qwerty touch keyboard tight or is it finger friendly?
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I can fly on the stock keyboard in landscape... portrait is a bit tight, but that is to be expected. I wish they had a comma on the main screen, and a few other tweaks, but for me I can just fly!
There are other good options, and of course with time, all of these will get better.
I find the stock keyboard very good - word suggestion and automatic replacement is fantastic.
I think the trick is not to worry about hitting the right keys as the automatic suggestion and replacement takes are of everything.
I use swype... LOVE IT
once you get swype you cant beleive its even possible fantastic
hmm I have the htc touch hd running win 6.5...but I'm considering getting the nexus and selling my all of you looove ur nexus? lol if you don't mind can you guys state some cons regarding the phone...
Can't find swype in the market...
Swype for Android is currently in beta. Check out this thread for download link for Nexus One and release notes.
Swype has not been released publicly yet (not for Android, atleast, other than on the newly released MyTouch 3G), the only way to obtain it is through the leaked apk file, and installing it that way. I believe there is an entire thread about it in the Themes & Apps section (for the N1 Obviously).
how about swype for hd2?
giggles33 said:
hmm I have the htc touch hd running win 6.5...but I'm considering getting the nexus and selling my all of you looove ur nexus? lol if you don't mind can you guys state some cons regarding the phone...
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I sold my Touch HD to get the Nexus One and don't regret it one bit.
I've been an avid WM user and the move to Android was a breath of fresh air.
I can't pick out any issues with the device - my advice would be to go for it
wow this is seriously an amazing way to type. at first i was skeptical but wow. you guys should definitely try it out
yea I plan on listing my hd as well and getting the much did u sell the hd for..and did u sell it on this forum?
I also sold my HD for the Nexus and have never looked back! The N1 is amazing, fast, fun, etc.
btw, sold my customized HD on ebay a while ago for around $300.
I too am using Swype. I absolutely love it, especially now that it has most of the things I type that aren't in the dictionary learned. And it will be even better when I finally get my antiglare screen protector as well. Sometimes my fingers get a little sticky which slows me down. However, once you get used to it, and your fingers glide smoothly on the screen, it's stupid how quickly and accurately you can type. People in a bar or at school will just look at me and say "what in the hell..." LOL!
I'm very comfortable using the stock android keyboard - gotta admit it took some time adjusting, coming from iPhone and Hero. The HTC IME input method seemed to have a better input prediction and correction so I'm hoping to see the higher res version for Bravo/Incredible ported sometime in the near future!
At the moment I'm going back 'n forth between Smart Keyboard Pro and the stock android keyboard - texting with Smart Keyboard Pro, and inputting passwords/passcodes with stock android keyboard (that warning that Smart Keyboard gave me scared me off using it for inputting passwords/passcodes). I hope Smart Keyboard Pro would allow some theming in future releases.
Better Keyboard is also a nice keyboard replacement app, but I find it does tend to skip some of my keypresses/inputs.
just registered for the beta of Swiftkey @
The mockup looks good, aesthetically.. hopefully it lives up to its claims
Yea Swype is pretty awesome, I put it on my bfs G1 just for S&G, and he doesnt even use the slide out keyboard anymore
Man had a G1 for a year and then switched to the Nexus 0ne. At first i was stuck on wanting another keyboard phone but i am extremely happy with my N1. Keyboard could be a lil bit better but i am actually quite happy with it. touch accuracy can be a lil off but that is to be expected, i havent seen anything that is a deal breaker. I have used the Iphone OS, and was a MW user since 5.0 till 6.1 and there really isnt any going back for me. I say make the jump!
I find typing on Swype addictive. Never mind the games, this is all I need.
Typing out chunks of Shakespeare on it is stupidly fun.

next samsung/sprint keyboard phone

We all know that Samsung is coming out with the SGS2, and there is always a constant theme since 4th Q of 2009, the Hero/Moment, Evo/Epic. So is there a chance that the Samsung/Sprint variant of the SGS2 would come with a keyboard and 3d?. I would pass on the evo3d if the sgs2 for sprint came with a keyboard and 3d.
I am not sure if they are gonna make the SGSII with a keyboard. I really hope they don't because the phone is extremely thin and at this point id rather have a slim phone then a keyboard that skips when i start typing too fast.
difrent7 said:
I am not sure if they are gonna make the SGSII with a keyboard. I really hope they don't because the phone is extremely thin and at this point id rather have a slim phone then a keyboard that skips when i start typing too fast.
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+1 on not having a keyboard. I type so much faster without it.
I'm going to be extremely angry if the next galaxy that comes with sprint has a keyboard.
I have to say that I could live without a keyboard at this point as well.
Previously, when the largest screen was only 3.2", I still needed it for my big hands. But with the Epic, I've noticed that I can do either way with plenty of room to spare.
I'd buy a slim SGSII if it was offered and it was a significant, practical upgrade.
markot86 said:
I'm going to be extremely angry if the next galaxy that comes with sprint has a keyboard.
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Hah! To funny.
I will be extremely pissed if it doesn't!
While I can do w/o the keyboard for texting and such, there is no way I could live w/o one for my SNES and NES games.
DCRocks said:
Hah! To funny.
I will be extremely pissed if it doesn't!
While I can do w/o the keyboard for texting and such, there is no way I could live w/o one for my SNES and NES games.
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Yeah the keyboard is real nice for emulation, but phone+case makes this phone way too thick, and after comparing my phone with the Verizon fascinate I was fairly astonished at how much thinner they could make essentially the exact same phone without a keyboard.
I like the keyboard for emulators and sometimes to email or text if im doing a super long message...
Mainly i always want a keyboard for gaming tho...
so i want another keyboard phone!!!
Way too thick? Are you guys looney? lmao
How much thinner does it need to be!?
It's all relative. I think the phone thickness is perfectly fine, even with the keyboard. The next generation with a keyboard would be even thinner, though it's not necessary for me personally.
I really hope we continue to see hardware keyboards on the high end smartphones.
brickwall99 said:
Way too thick? Are you guys looney? lmao
How much thinner does it need to be!?
It's all relative. I think the phone thickness is perfectly fine, even with the keyboard. The next generation with a keyboard would be even thinner, though it's not necessary for me personally.
I really hope we continue to see hardware keyboards on the high end smartphones.
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Do you keep your phone in a case? I agree that case-less it's close to the thinness I need, but I view a case as a necessity so that kind of screws things up.
Coming from a phone that only had a virtual kb I love a physical kb. I never type with vkb unless I'm sending a 2-3 lettered text.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
a sliding hardware keyboard is a must for me. i can't see myself buying a phone without one.
Meh, I'm rather split about having a keyboard or not. I'd love having an ultra slim keyboardless phone, but at the same time I'd miss the convenience of a keyboard, especially for really long messages... just like I did now writing this post. Lol
it has to have keyboard AND 3d screen for me not to get the evo3d. if just the keyboard. im not sure i would get it.
I prefer a physical keyboard. It's why I passed on EVO and waited for the Epic in the first place.
These ppl are crazy talking about "no keyboard". Man please, I'm using a keyboard now with this. Go get the next gen evo or something. The keyboard is a plus, screw a "thin phone" that's petty.
I hate "Top Flight Security Mods"
yeah, i mean, i don't want a thick as a brick phone, but i'd rather have an Epic with a KB than any of the other Galaxy S phones. any future phone model that adds that amount of thickness with a KB over a no KB model will be thin enough for me.
A physical keyboard and better camera are prerequisites to replacing my Epic.
davidrules7778 said:
I like the keyboard for emulators and sometimes to email or text if im doing a super long message...
Mainly i always want a keyboard for gaming tho...
so i want another keyboard phone!!!
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I agree. I sue the screen for texting and light typing, but I like having the hardware option. It's something else for devs to play with and it's a MUST for emulators (especially since the bluetooth game-gripper got shot down).
If they improved the keyboard I'd be sold. That's my only gripe...I got this phone because of the keyboard and then it doesn't even work properly. It misses keys so I barely use it. If it functioned as I needed it to I'd be good. I love the phone.

Going from physical keyboard to full touch screen

I have had some of the best pqk (physical qwerty keyboard) phone's around from BlackBerry Bolds to the HTC G2 and even recently the Xperia Mini Pro. About a week ago I decided to give the newest version of Samsungs Galaxy line a try and figured if i did not like it, well I could always bring it back. I can say for sure I am not returning it.
Yes the Phone is fast and thin and the battery lasts longer than any other phone i can remember since having a blackberry but what really does it for me is the ability to type quickly and without error on a virtual keyboard. This is achieved using SwiftKey X as it corrects spelling and suggests common words before your done typing. The camera is absolutely amazing as it takes photos as quickly as you can press the button.
So for all you die hard physical keyboard guys out there... You have another option now and its really amazing.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
As awesome as the s3 is, I will definitely be selling it once the photon q or another high end slider is released... a physical keyboard transforms the phone from a toy to a tool... even this message was a pain to type out on the virtual kb
Hermetics said:
I have had some of the best pqk (physical qwerty keyboard) phone's around from BlackBerry Bolds to the HTC G2 and even recently the Xperia Mini Pro. About a week ago I decided to give the newest version of Samsungs Galaxy line a try and figured if i did not like it, well I could always bring it back. I can say for sure I am not returning it.
Yes the Phone is fast and thin and the battery lasts longer than any other phone i can remember since having a blackberry but what really does it for me is the ability to type quickly and without error on a virtual keyboard. This is achieved using SwiftKey X as it corrects spelling and suggests common words before your done typing. The camera is absolutely amazing as it takes photos as quickly as you can press the button.
So for all you die hard physical keyboard guys out there... You have another option now and its really amazing.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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I've heard really good thing about Swiftkey 3 lately. I'm too used to Swype though, you should try that too.
Why SwiftKey x, get SwiftKey 3. It's amazing.
Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2
I also came from the HTC G2, when I heard HTC going away with their physical keyboard line..I was really upset that there won't be a G3. I mean the G1 was the first Android phone.
Swiftkey 3 has made having a on screen keyboard bearable. I haven't used by G2 for a week, but no matter how good on screen boards will get, a physical keyboard will always win for me. I used the G2 today and I do miss it a lot; being able to browse the web and have no keyboard covering half the screen was amazing.
Before I used to think HTC was the best makers of android phones, but now I think Samsung is. Until Samsung makes a physical keyboard phone, I will stick to on screen keyboards.
I got SwiftKey for free from Amazon last year. I didn't know amazon had updated its version to v3 as well. Very neat.
jaytxvo said:
Until Samsung makes a physical keyboard phone, I will stick to on screen keyboards.
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They do. It's called the Epic 4G or Stratosphere.
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Ascertion said:
I got SwiftKey for free from Amazon last year. I didn't know amazon had updated its version to v3 as well. Very neat.
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Same here.
bobloblaw1 said:
They do. It's called the Epic 4G or Stratosphere.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda premium
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Maybe I was too into HTC at the time, but are those phones top tier phones? I never heard of them.
There hasn't been a top tier slider since the og droid.
They were basically middle of the pack but high end for a slider since they were the first keyboard phones to have 4g. Stratosphere is the Verizon version and epic is sprints variant.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda premium
RTbar said:
As awesome as the s3 is, I will definitely be selling it once the photon q or another high end slider is released... a physical keyboard transforms the phone from a toy to a tool... even this message was a pain to type out on the virtual kb
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how long have you been on w/o a physical it takes some getting used to. I highly recommend swiftkey
Seriously, if you use SwiftKey 3 for a couple weeks, going back to even a physical keyboard seems dumb. SwiftKey is perfect.
Actually using SwiftKey keyboard is preferred when trying to keep spelling mistakes to a minimum. I use my SG3 for business so no typos allowed.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
hockey4life0099 said:
how long have you been on w/o a physical it takes some getting used to. I highly recommend swiftkey
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I just tried it, it's just ok IMO... I like the keyboard for other reasons besides typing though
Automatically switch to landscape when the keyboard is flipped open
Easier to hold in landscape
Added thickness is more ergonomic
Easier to browse (space bar is page down, arrrow keys, shortcuts, ect)
Keyboard doesnt take up the whole screen (especcially useful in Splashtop or orther remote desktop apps)
RTbar said:
I just tried it, it's just ok IMO... I like the keyboard for other reasons besides typing though
Automatically switch to landscape when the keyboard is flipped open
Easier to hold in landscape
Added thickness is more ergonomic
Easier to browse (space bar is page down, arrrow keys, shortcuts, ect).
Keyboard doesnt take up the whole screen (especcially useful in Splashtop or orther remote desktop apps)
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This.. just because its easy to become efficient with the virtual kb, doesn't mean a physical one isn't better. It offers a lot more than just typing. One thing I'm gonna miss from my d3 is playing emulators w/ physical keys. I guess a sixaxis will suffice
Just like with anything new there is a learning curve. So give yourself time to adapt. Also my favorite keyboard and I think the best one by far is Swype!
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
I came from a Droid 3, and before that the OG Droid, and I haven't had any problems using the virtual keyboard on my S3. It helps a lot that the screen is so big. I couldn't imagine trying to do it on a 3.5" screen.
The S3 is legit but theres def no beating a onboard keyboard. It's easier to type long messages without even having to look at the screen. The what I miss most about the keyboard. Im to the point that even after using swype and a few other keyboard apps, typos were still everywhere. It helps, but it wont ever be as good as a physical keyboard. With that said, Im forcing myself to get used to this virtual keyboard. each day passing, I get better at it.. but itll never compare to a onboard keyboard..
S3 is a keeper for me though
I Am really struggling with the virtual keyboard. All of my previous phones had sliders and o just left the HTC Evo Shift. This week I was on my first business trip there I do a ton of emails and it was painful on the s3. Ini fact I even put the Shift back on a second line and linked all phones to google voice so I can use either. I am definitely keeping the S3 and will really enjoy it for everything but typing ..,maybe two phones are bad since I like having a backup, The only keyboard I didn't try on the s3 was the swift 3 . I used that on my tablet but preferred the thumb keyboard for that device.
does anyone know if there are any hi end sliders in the product plans for Htc o Samsung?
I was an all physical keyboard guy until this phone. My phone for the last two years was HTC's G2. This is also my first non HTC phone (been a hardcore HTC fan) but lately HTC has kinda been slacking in the slider keyboard department. I was surprised how quickly I adapted to an all touch phone, and I'll be giving Swiftkey 3 a look soon as well. Going from the G2 to this was such a big upgrade that I was able to ignore my reservations and fully embrace the thing. I usually avoid Samsung devices because they've always been too light for their size but this phone is different, though still lacking in terms of materials (would have got the One X if it were on T-Mo for that reason).
That said, once a new high end slider hits the market I'll be selling the S3, so long as the screen is large and it's from a manufacturer I can trust.

Can we use both physical keyboard and visual keyboard on Blackberry Venice?

It will be really cool if people can use both of them
If you really wanted to, using the Venice as a full touch should be perfectly possible. Now with the scrolling touch sensitive keyboard, I will definitely be using the keyboard a lot.
yes....whichever u want anytime... :thumbup:
Sent from my SM-N910C using xda premium
yeah you can use both keyboards, but obviously not at the same time
maybe Blackberry adds a keyboard row on top of the touchscreen key buttons just like they do on BB10 for signs and punctuation (? ! , . &... )
johnw7 said:
Yes, it suites different type of user and different situation.
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Please elaborate. This is something I dont understand. While I am highly intrigued about a blackberry phone running Android, why bother using a physical keyboard while still offering an on screen one? The on screen keyboard would be more accurate and quicker with prediction and such no?
Hardly faster. I can type much much faster on a physical keyboard, that's why it's a selling point of the device. Word prediction can be done with a physical keyboard anyway, look at what the Passport does
pluto7443 said:
Hardly faster. I can type much much faster on a physical keyboard, that's why it's a selling point of the device. Word prediction can be done with a physical keyboard anyway, look at what the Passport does
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I cant say I have seen the Passport in actual use. That being said, I used to love my original BB devices(Curve, Bold 9000). I guess Im so used to the one thumb on screen swiping to predict that I feel its faster. My only concern is once the keyboard is flipped down(screen up?) how top heavy will it be and cumbersome to actually type on it?
I would quote but it isn't working on my nexus 7. The person in the hands on video that was released said it felt balanced. And screen up is more correct, as most of the device doesn't move when the slider is slid.
HyperM3 said:
Please elaborate. This is something I dont understand. While I am highly intrigued about a blackberry phone running Android, why bother using a physical keyboard while still offering an on screen one? The on screen keyboard would be more accurate and quicker with prediction and such no?
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You should want the physical keyboard for longer texts or when you don't want to watch yourself type. The on screen one would be great for quick replies that take less time then sliding the screen up would take.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Having the option to use either keyboard is great. I had a BB Bold 9000 when they first came out and loved the keyboard on it. This phone is super tempting but my biggest concern will be updates and how fast we'd receive them.
Lockett said:
Having the option to use either keyboard is great. I had a BB Bold 9000 when they first came out and loved the keyboard on it. This phone is super tempting but my biggest concern will be updates and how fast we'd receive them.
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Especially now that blackberry has said they will get out of the hardware business of they don't make a profit.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Currently have BBerry Z10 and wife has Classic. I will be getting the Priv. But for anyone familiar with the current OS update police from BBerry, it's really been extraordinary.
