New ICS G+2.0 and GoogleMusic4.0.1 apk leaks! - EVO 4G General

I'm sure many of you already know about these, but just in case...:
AndroidCentral said:
The fellows at Android Police have their hands on a couple new apps from the Ice Cream Sandwich build that's floating around out there (how 'bout a dump for the community, Mr. Anon?), and with it comes with new Google Music and Google+ apps. The new music app has a bit of a UI makeover, with more sleek (and less screen real-estate wasting) controls, most noticeable in the "now playing" screen, and a search button has been included since ICS has no dedicated search key. It appears that everything we know and love about Google Music is there, but in a more refined package.
The Google+ app at first look appears much like the current version in the Android Market, until you look at the Huddle Messenger portion. Once again, it's been renamed, this time Google is calling it "Chords." While that may be confusing at first, it's probably less confusing than having the same name as other applications (Facebook, iOS, etc.) that are using the word messenger. Or it may be something that Google it kicking around, and not even final. We'll only know for sure when ICS is available for everyone. For more pictures, as well as a download link for the Google Music app, check out the source links.
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The GM4.0.1 works beautifully! I'm still using it, no bugs I can find yet.
(Looks like user charlieb620 started a thread in the Apps and Themes section for the GM4. Thanks Chuck!)
But the G+ is a bit broken (no "public" posting, and in Sense (ver?) it seems to cause FCs in "People" app), but it seems Much more intuitive, polished, and fun to play with. But you will likely end up uninstalling and reverting to the "legit" version. (read the comments at AP)
Have fun!


Android market app is crap... make a list shall we?

OK.. allow me to express my frustrations of this enourmously integral app on any android powered phone.
1. I am unable to do predictive search on it
2. It always use strict search queries and does not show matching spellings on the apps or even similar apps that we may like.
3. The interface is terrible
4. No straightforward way to purchase apps like the Itunes with saved credit card details.
5. No screenshot of any apps in the apps detail page.
I also use the Iphone and the app store on Iphone is MUCH MUCH better as it does everything that Android market doesnt.
What other things do you think is wrong with this app?
There is a new version of Market coming with Donut, which should resolve at least some of your concerns (see ).
Not sure what you mean on point 4 - buying an app is very easy IMHO, and I've only ever entered my cc details once.
Oh - forgot to add. My biggest issue with the Market are the comments.
There are far too many duff comments against applications where either the commenter has no idea what they are talking about, has not read the instructions, or is trying to make a "clever" statement to Google (e.g. all those comments about CyanogenMod).
The comment systems needs to be cleverer so that all this trash doesn't detract from the really useful comments.
I hope they are fixing the search function.. the UI looks a little better in the video.
Easy now. I know the martket isnt as polished at the apple appstore but remember that apples appstore is a cashcow while this doesnt being in nowhere near the same revenue.
I believe Donut is available now, along with the new market app.
How can google make a search function that is so bad, they have to fix that
dieseldk said:
How can google make a search function that is so bad, they have to fix that
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HAHAHA +1 for this one.
Been using the new market for 2 weeks now, it is better than the old android market, but still not 100%.
The most annoying things is the mini-gallery of "Featured" apps at the top.
When you use your finger to swipe them, your finger obscures the icons and more importantly the title of the "Focused" app, so you can't actually see what the name is.
Mind numbingly stupid.
Either the swipeable area needs to be vertically larger so you can swipe and not obscure the icon, and or the "focused" title should be moved above the gallery.. Can't believe no one ever tested it in the real world.
One more thing...
I live in Romania and i don't have access to payed apps....only for the free ones..... I would like to buy a navigation app and i can't....
That is because your region is not "Market Enabled" rather than an issue with the Market application itself. If you use the marker enabler (see ) you should be able to effectively change your region to one where paid apps are available.
Thanks Dave.
I'll try that and let you know.
One more question though....Do i need to root my hero for the market enabler to work?

Necessary Changes in The Android Market..

If this isn't in the right place, please move it mods.
Basically I think that the market is a bit incomplete.
There are changes I'd like to be made and i've voiced my concerns with google.
Now I need the community backing to actually see these things implemented.
To read about the suggestions and comment, visit this link
I try and address problems with the market and even underlying Android issues that have yet to be resolved.
Add your input and they'll have to listen.
Good idea... You might also add to the list a way to delete apps from download that won't be used anymore. I have three in my download that I will never install again and can't get them off the list. Imagine a few of those in there and it starts to take up alot of space with apps you aren't interested in anymore.
I posted a reply there as it seems to have gotten some attention there. Some of the issues are already in feature request on android issues, I linked to them. Starring the issues increases chances someone will take care of it.
Suggestion added Jeffro.
Thanks for posting Areinu!
If I could make suggestions for Android Market:
(1) Fix all this missing protected apps for new device / firmware quickly
This is silly issue and will only hurt Android platform. This will greatly discourage Android developers for making good apps.
I want to support Android, I want to make it success! I can do this by spending money on Android apps, but I simply cant because of this issue.
And I am afraid this will repeat once new firmware released.
Take a look how long this issue is ... ridiculous
(2) Remove restrictions on countries for purchasing apps
Right now, certain countries like Sweden for example cannot even see the apps!
(3) Add ability to FILTER apps TITLE
I want to "hide" all those WALLPAPERS, SEXY whatnot.
Android is nice, really nice platform. But this Android Market issues are blocking its success.
here in Denmark we can't even see non-free apps in the ma market. because of this, users of ex. iPhone won't even try the platform. its sad really.
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Filtering is very much needed. I tend to view the 'just in' apps, but lately its just a list of MMCANDROIDs latest releases of boarderline under age Asian girls. Its really annoying that you cant block out the stuff you have no interest in.
I'm adding them as they come.
Post a comment on the page to make sure Google eventually sees it.

Things that can make Android even better.

I have been thinking a lot lately about my phone, I have a Galaxy S and I felt some features that were not there or missing without the third party apps, I think putting these together will help making an already amazing operating system even better
1. SMS and call history
Google should come with service where these are backed up on Google servers, or have the option to save it to the external sd card, so that when you format your phone they should be back again. (Yes I know there are third party software’s that does that but something like that should be a part of Google android)
2. Google Talk with Video Integration.
(Right now Yahoo, fringe etc. are there for video chat) but Google should come up with their own video integration service.
3, Google doc support.
Android is lacking with Google doc support, I hope they come up with it, in coming versions.
4. Google chrome,
It should be the default Browser, and should come up as preinstalled browser on the Android.
Google should come up with a service like xmarks and xpass, which saves your bookmarks and passwords on the servers and sync them with your home and office computers.
6. Video/music player.
I saw this somewhere on the xda where they have put in upcoming default player for android that would be a great thing to come. Also I would want it to have an option where it gives you option to select the directory which you want to scan and put into the music and video player. I don’t want it pick anything and everything (Like the game video/music files)
7. Google sync.
Google should come up with a default pc application, not something like HTC has their own, and Samsung has bull**** kies. Also it should have options to save a back up for settings, sms, applications and call logs etc.
8. Market.
They made the interface better but they still need to sync it much better to the Google account and next time when you format the phone, the applications which the person has always be using, should come in the list of previously installed applications, so that we can install them all in one go.
9. Power saving feature.
I used the task killers etc.. They don’t really do anything. but one thing I do not know when you close the application why does it keep running in background? We don’t really need this, it should be more like Symbian once you close the app, it should not run unless you rerun it.. (This will help fix the battery issues)
10. Google maps.
They are getting better and better day by day with maps, but one thing I would say is still lacking is the navigation part. Google Navigation is really not as good as the Igo, Garmin etc. They should allow you to download the map of the city you are in and should show route by route navigation. Also There is a Mark your place option missing, you can mark your house etc, unless you save it as a contact on Google maps, which is annoying..
This is my experience on Android and features which I feel are missing and can make the Android the best OS on the earth ...
PS. This feedback is more related with software only, if you know any feature that you miss the most, comment
Gaurav Kainth
Android SGS user
196 views 0 reply
Guyz this is not something random picked from some site.. this is what I feel is missing on the android... worth a reading.. may be some devlopers put these issues accoss and might help us all
Contrary to popular believe google software is far from the miracle work it's made out to be. In fact their software is often rather immature. Best example of that is google maps but the whole android os is another example. However, unlike microsoft, google is not looking to provide an all in one solution by themselves. They are in fact intentionally leaving out many of the features you mention in order to make those a commodity (and it works, there are apps for most of those functions). It's bad and good for the enduser at the same time. But considering google's software quality, I think it's mostly positive.
PS: Leaving voice and video out of gtalk on the mobile is retarded. But it will likely change with the new apis introduced in android 2.3
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
They probably do back up your call history and SMS messages lol.
Market should be a part of Android (AOSP), not Google Apps.
1. SMS and call history
Syncing to a server would enrage privacy organisations, regular users don't flash thier phone every week. But being able to read them in Gmail would be awesome.
2. Google Talk with Video Integration.
Will be here within months, Andy Rubin already showed it on the dive into D:mobile interview
3, Google doc support.
Google docs = webbased, you can edit in the webversion.
4. Google chrome,
Browser already uses the V8 engine and the webkit renderer, just like chrome.
Bookmarks already get saved and synced on google phones and AOSP roms, samsung disabled it?
6. Video/music player.
7. Google sync.
it's called google apps (gmail, calendar, picasa, enz)
8. Market.
AOSP roms automatically reinstall all your apps after a reset/flash, samsung disabled it?
9. Power saving feature.
Apps dont keep running, they just keep in the RAM so they don't need to reload. They only keep running if they have ongoing processes, and then you probably want them to keep running.
10. Google maps.
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RambJoe said:
They probably do back up your call history and SMS messages lol.
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Lol yeah you never know but atleast they should give users an access to that
I agree with every point.

Apps we miss!

Symbian Sxx, Windows CE, IOS, Android, etc...
I tried them all but didn't find the ... how to say it.... yes cheeriness & easiness which I found in my new WP8 devices!
but yet, I still feel like I'm left behind, because all of the missing Apps like (Instagram, Whoshere, Tumblr, Keek)
It is true that whatsapp has shortened the distance but it has its flaws like:
1- can't read long messages
2- no broadcast
3- can't save videos to my library
4- slowness
5- can't forward messages to recent contacts
and other things...
I tried to find if whether these application are coming to WP8 or not by contacting the official websites and twitter accounts but no luck!
if anybody has any information about that, please share it.
Thank you,,
No Luck either ...
Yea, I have tried to log a couple of questions with WunderList and SpringPad on their forums/email and the response is working on it. Wunderlist does have an app in the WP8 Store but it's not available/compatible for my phone.
Flipboard pls
I really would like to have TapaTalk (because BoardExpress, ForoPlex and ForumTalk just don't work for me), and TeamViewer.
I would really like a SiriusXM app. That and Google+ integration (just like how Facebook and Twitter are integrated).
I would also love it if the phone had separate "audio profiles". For example, if I plug in a pair of headphones, all the volume should automatically adjust to the settings I had it on last time I had headphones plugged in. Then when I unplug them, the volume should all revert back to what it was set to before.
Also, also a Sonos app would be fantastic!
Snapchat, Instagram, Draw Something 2, official 4Pics1Word, Dropbox, Starbucks, University of Arizona app, etc......
I can tell you that my next phone won't be a Windows Phone.
DarkSeL said:
Snapchat, Instagram, Draw Something 2, official 4Pics1Word, Dropbox, Starbucks, University of Arizona app, etc......
I can tell you that my next phone won't be a Windows Phone.
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While I am not trying to change your oppinion, why do you need the official "4pics1Word" app? It's not a multiplayergame and there are multiple similar games on windows phone ("What's The Word" for instance).
Also, there are dropbox clients for windows phone as well. There's boxfiles for dropbox, there's Filebox and there are others as well. And they work. Why do they not suffice?
Draw Something 2: I got fed up with Draw Something after 2 weeks. What does DS2 do better than DS?
Even Though I do not use instagram I can see how people might want that. Same goes with snapchat for me. I just do not see the use-case for me (appart from sexting), but those are two big names that are missing on WP, alternatives (like Lomogram or Picit) don't cut it because they are incompatible with the already existent userbase on android and ios.
I miss
Ibirds UK
Memory Map navigator or anything that uses the .qct maps
Instagram obviously
Bubble Galaxy
Matching with Friends
Scramble with Friends
Dice with buddies
candy Crush
mini Golf matchup
chess with friends
top quiz
to name just a few, why on earth did i get this Nokia 920, now no one wants to swap with me, big mistake coming to a windows Phone, love the UI, love the phone, hate the lack of Apps...apps make a smartphone, my fault should have done my research, just hope I can swap this phone any time soon
Snapchat, taptalk, instagram
I miss samsung photostudio available on wp7
Haven't switched from android yet, but seriously thinking about it. Will miss;
Minecraft PE, google voice, native google apps (gmail/gcal/g+/etc), and specific apps like memdroid that are easily replaceable
(ranked order)
Missed Hulu for the longest time till it came out last week.
Sent from my RM-878_nam_usa_100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

Omnirom preinstalled apps?

Upon first launch these apps are installed
Dev Tools
DSP manager
Movie Studio
SIM Toolkit
Voice Dialer
I'd like to know which of these are actually supported.
I believe many of them have been abandoned by upstream, like Email, Calendar, Gallery, Messaging, etc.
Search should be removed, seeing as it hasn't been updated since like 1.5. Same with Movie Studio.
I disabled Apollo, Browser and Email within minutes, as there are better apps for their purposes.
VLC instead of Apollo, Firefox instead of browser and K-9 Mail instaed of email.
For some reason, Apollo, a third party app by Cyanogenmod gets included but not any other third party apps.
If third party apps are going to be included, there should be some kind of system as to what is included.
Is omnirom going to come with everything included or just what you need to get started?
There are some open-source apps I'd like to include, but there are some issues (regarding package signatures) that make it difficult to properly include stuff that is also available on the Play Store.
Apollo's inclusion is mostly from inertia, I think that really needs a nuke and repave. Once it was submitted to CM it kind of just sat there. (I'm wondering if it was the victim of shady manuevering by the CM leadership like Focal was...)
Most of the other apps are included as part of AOSP - fixing these apps is something pulser is working on organizing in conjunction with some other projects.
In general, if an app doesn't automatically start a background service and is part of AOSP, we don't put significant effort into removing it since free space in /system achieves nothing for the user.
Frankly most of these apps are useless as Google has alternate in market eg.
Voice dialer
Dash clock widget
I generally freeze them after installing. Might use a script to flash and remove these after install
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shri_chanakya said:
Frankly most of these apps are useless as Google has alternate in market eg.
Voice dialer
Dash clock widget
I generally freeze them after installing. Might use a script to flash and remove these after install
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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But a solid rom *must* include apps to cover that basic functionality, regardless of what else is availabe in the market. Preferrably it should include excellent apps to cover the basics like that. No calendar? No camera? No browser? Those are *must-have* apps to be included with any rom). Unless there's a replacement baked in, it would be a major slight to cut them out. It'd be better to leave what essential apps in as placeholders until superior replacements can be developed/incorporated, instead of just shipping with gaping holes in the ROM and telling users, 'You don't like a barren, crippled build? Ha! Go fish!'
That kind of thing reminds me of so many Linux distros who spend tons of time on slick graphics, but don't even include basic functionality (*cough-elemental-hack*), leaving users to fend with a half-assed barely functional experience. That is just an atrocious way to go about things, IMO.
shri_chanakya said:
Frankly most of these apps are useless as Google has alternate in market eg.
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To add to what Culot said a post above: an AOSP ROM should include apps to cover that basic functionality, and provide a fully functional and useful experience, not only regardless of what else is available in the Play Store, but mostly because an AOSP ROM should be usable without even having Google Play Services.

