[Q] Bizarre touch 'Dead Spot' on screen - G2 and Desire Z General

I have a really, really strange dead spot issue with my G2. It does NOT seem to be a hardware issue. It started a few days ago.
The bottom area of the screen appears dead, but only when I use certain applications. For example, the bottom 'row' of the screen does not respond to touches when the dialog-box type buttons in the Email and Gmail accounts are on screen (the row of buttons with 'Delete', etc). The same is true with any other application that puts buttons on that bottom row like that.
But if I touch the screen in the same spot in home launcher, or if I hit the 'menu' button and the pop-up menu appears, that area of the screen works fine.
I also noticed I can't dismiss the pulldown status menu by tapping at the bottom of the screen.
I've tried using different roms (Cyanogen 7, 7.1RC1, MIUI, etc), and they all have the same problem.
Has anyone seen this?


White bar at bottom of screen

Anytime I open up my phone to text a white bar shows up at the bottom of the screen. It's been happening for like 2-3 weeks now, but can't figure out what it is. Basically anytime I slide up, the screen switches to landscape and it automatically has a white bar on the bottom. If I click the screen, everything is moved and the screen reacts like the bar isn't there(as in I have to click an inch below anything I want to actually hit)
Any ideas? Thanks guys!
Really? No one can help?
Can you post screenshots of your screen?
Is this a physical screen problem or a graphic problem?
How can I tell which is which?
The problem is pretty easy to explain, dunno how to do a screenshot... Basically it is my normal screen, just like always, except at the bottom there is a white bar, maybe 1/4 inch thick. What it does is move all my graphics up. So the start bar is not visible, and the send button(for txt messaging) would be right above the white part.
If I hit something I can see on the screen, it will act like I'm hitting where the graphic is supposed to be. For example, on the text messaging screen, if I hit the part that says "Inbox" (which is located at the very top of my screen because of the white bar), it will bring up the Start Menu as if I hit the start menu(which I did tap where the start button would be if the white bar wasn't there, but graphically the start bar is off the screen and I am tapping where the start button would be, but instead it is now the Inbox button that is there instead, but the behavior acts like there is no white bar there)

opera 9.7 border disappears

well when I use opera for a while it seems that the border just disappears (back favorites tabs home options) does anyone know why that is ? can it be running out of memory?
It just disappears so that you can see the whole screen and view it, if you want to get it back all you have to do is hit the little button at the bottom right.
It gets annoying at times, no idea if there is a way to keep the border and buttons up.
Just go to the settings menu, choose display and then uncheck "Automatic full screen"
right I knew that much but what I ment was the button disappears and I cant click anything. if I click physical back button it will go back a screen but the border still remains hiddenand three area where the refresh button is is black. any ideas?

touch screen sensitivity problem needing double taps?

ok, so ive noticed that sometimes when i pull down the notification shade that my first tap doesnt get recognized....but if i close the shade and reopen, then my finger press gets recognized. or when i try to tap on one of the 'recent' applications section of the shade, i need to double tap sometimes.
sometimes to a lesser extent, i notice this in the market when i press the search box too. most times though everything gets recognized with a quick tap instead of needing a firm delayed tap or double tap.
anybody think this is a bug?
ive looked around a little and nobody seems unhappy with the touch sensitivity/grounding so not sure what to do...
but ive never had it happen on the lockscreen or launcher bar or other programs that i can remember either.
This happens to me sometimes. It doesn't bother me. It may be a small bug but I suspect it is actually the trackpad pulling focus. Sometimes the trackpad will detect a slight input and place focus on a nearby screen icon or menu item, depending on which type of screen you're on. The focus highlight is subtle and hard to notice so that "first tap" might actually be your finger pulling focus back to your intended selection. Your second tap opens it.

Quick help please re home screens

Hi, my phone has randomly decided to mix my home screens up so that now my main home screen is number 3 or so and the new main screen (house picture along bottom of screen) is a previously unused screen which is blank. So every time i turn my phone on i have to flick around to find my original home screen which is very slow and annoying. How do i re set the order of my screens so that my original one is the main (house picture) screen which appears whenever i use my phone? Thanks!
Found it! hope this helps others. Turns out it's not in settings. You just pinch the home screen. Then you can add, remove, change order and select default home screen. You do the latter by pressing the white house icon on the top of the screen which will then be highlighted in white all around its icon.

Home screen

guys - i just got the pixel and confused if there is one home screen or 3 screens together that are known as the home screen
Supposedly according to google, I can swipe from bottom and get to the home screen but doing that it simply puts me on the screen I was at before (even if it was the 3rd rightmost screen). If I swipe from bottom, then it's same behavior
Can somebody explain?

