Please Read, Need Help ASAP - Atrix 4G General

So im new to motorola, really liking the atrix, just got it 3 days ago. It was on 2.3.4. I installed RSD lite, downloaded the bootloader unlock sbf, and tried to flash. it got to 98%, then reset my phone, and now it is in the rsd menu.
It says "no OS detected, going to rsd mode." I cannot flash in rsd mode, when i to flash the unlock, it says unable to retrieve interface handle. Im fairly certain I fully bricked as my phone cannot boot, but before i run to the store and plead ignorance does anybody have any advice?
Also, what exactly went wrong?
i think its just a soft brick but im not sure sry still new with the atrix myself maybe this will help

Same message when I was soft bricked try the fix in this whoops wrong link at first here's the rite one
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DERP. I figured it out but thanks for responding, the fact that it didnt flash to 100 percent and said failed is what scared me, but it was just a soft brick as far as i can see.

Yeah srry put wrong link up at first there is an auto fix that will save u some time there now
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

it scared me too!


[Q] 2.3.15 SBF fail

Hey Guys,
I need some help! I used RSD lite 4.8 and the new sbf (2.3.15) and I get all the way to the end and then it fails....Here is the error log:
Failed flashing process. Interface BP: Error sending RAM download for bootloader. Device API Error: 0xE0030009 Address: 0x18F000 Command ADDR (0xE0231009); phone connected.
Any ideas?
I am using the OTA 2.2 update and was rooted using BigDX theme.
I have tried the sbf 2x, and both times, would up in the same spot...
When the phone reboots, I have all my contacts and apps...
The reason I wanted to use the sbf is gmail keeps force closing so I'm not getting my emails over push...
So you didnt do a nandroid backup before you installed themes/roms?
I know this is a stupid question so sorry in advance- did you enable USB debugging on your phone? If so- have you tried it in different modes? Media Sync or USB mass storage?
I have heard reports of having to be in a different mode.
And you are sure it was the new sbf...
Not the system sbf...
thepolishguy said:
I know this is a stupid question so sorry in advance- did you enable USB debugging on your phone? If so- have you tried it in different modes? Media Sync or USB mass storage?
I have heard reports of having to be in a different mode.
And you are sure it was the new sbf...
Not the system sbf...
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To SysadmNJ,
Yes I did a nandroid backup, so I have a place to go back to...but gmail was still force closed... So that is why I wanted to do the SBF.
yes I have USB debugging enabled, and had thrown the phone in PC mode so it was detected. I'm stumped as to why it is failing at the end. Yes, I grabbed the SBF from rootz wiki. Would like to have a full SBF work so I can get the gmail service working again.
did you place the patch in rsd lite folder?
mob87 said:
did you place the patch in rsd lite folder?
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Yes, the patched pst_flash.ini file?
Is there a new one for RSD 4.8?
Just trying to figure out what else might be going wrong...
there isnt a new one just wanted to make sure. maybe you got a bad download of the sbf.
mob87 said:
there isnt a new one just wanted to make sure. maybe you got a bad download of the sbf.
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Tried the original that was hosted here before it got pulled by the mods, and also grabbed the one from rootz wiki as well. Got the same result with both. I will try putting the phone in charge only mode as well as media sync mode later and retry the sbf.
If anyone has done this successfully, can you please list the steps you took?
SysAdmin-X said:
Tried the original that was hosted here before it got pulled by the mods, and also grabbed the one from rootz wiki as well. Got the same result with both. I will try putting the phone in charge only mode as well as media sync mode later and retry the sbf.
If anyone has done this successfully, can you please list the steps you took?
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You are suppose to be in bootloader when you flash the sbf.
mob87 said:
You are suppose to be in bootloader when you flash the sbf.
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Ok. Will give this a try. I read you could do it with the phone on or off.... That it would put the phone into bootloader...which it looks like it did.
I will try putting it into bootloader prior to running the sbf.
I put the phone into bootloader mode, and have run the sbf 2 more times...still with the same error. Just wind up with different values on the error codes....
Yes holding the volume down, camera, and power button for a few seconds will make the screen flash then release the buttons and you will be in bootloader mode.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Try a different USB port or even a different PC.
Have tried the above suggestions.... I noticced each time it would make it slightly farther (or so it seemed) that there were device druvers being installed along the way.
Anyone have the driver p package they used if they got the sbf to work?
I'm using the 4.7 drivers
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I recently got the same error message, I asked a few developers and P3 told me its the radio that is not being changed. he said it is not a problem unless you are not happy with the radio. This was about a week agao and i have been flashing Rom's/Themes all week and my phone is running great. I wouldn't worry much about it.
Just an FYI I am on the leak and used the first sbf.
I recently got the same error message, I asked a few developers and P3 told me its the radio that is not being changed. he said it is not a problem unless you are not happy with the radio. This was about a week agao and i have been flashing Rom's/Themes all week and my phone is running great. I wouldn't worry much about it.
Just an FYI I am on the leak and used the first sbf.
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Hm...interesting. So the radio doesn't really matter unless its already messed up... I guess I should have thought of that...
ON ur x, it does look like everything else is back to stock tho?
did you do a battery pull ; and/or clear data/cache and do a factory reset after the process seemingly completes (never mind the error) - coz I got some error when I tried flashing using sbf - but I was on the 1st leak - and used the original (2.1) sbf - rsdlite said 100% - but error - mentioned somethin abt bootloader - I did a battery pull - phone went into loop of death - I cleared data/cache and also did a factory reset by going into recovery - and my phone was as good as new... just a thought..
EDIT: Actually, all your questions seem to be answered in the other thread in this very forum by name " Droid X Full SBF Release" posted by catalystsupreme2 - read through all the posts - esp. abt the radio etc which someone here also mentioned in this thread
chiaroscuro7 said:
did you do a battery pull ; and/or clear data/cache and do a factory reset after the process seemingly completes (never mind the error) - coz I got some error when I tried flashing using sbf - but I was on the 1st leak - and used the original (2.1) sbf - rsdlite said 100% - but error - mentioned somethin abt bootloader - I did a battery pull - phone went into loop of death - I cleared data/cache and also did a factory reset by going into recovery - and my phone was as good as new... just a thought..
EDIT: Actually, all your questions seem to be answered in the other thread in this very forum by name " Droid X Full SBF Release" posted by catalystsupreme2 - read through all the posts - esp. abt the radio etc which someone here also mentioned in this thread
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I read through this, and I haven't done the battery pull, or clear..... trying to avoid it if possible...but will if needed.
As for the answer about the BP, it didn't seem like the post really answered the question per say...just gave an explanation about it overall
thank you for the help

[Q] Did Alpharev just brick my phone?? Please help!

Ooookay, so I'm really hoping I don't have a bricked phone here, but it isn't looking too good.
I have a Bell Legend and I decided to try the modified alpharev iso to S-OFF my phone. Using the counting method I managed to get through the first two steps just fine, but at step 3 my timing must have been off and the phone froze, not letting me hit fastboot. I kept trying, and waited another 20 minutes, but after it was obvious nothing would happen, I pulled the battery to start over.
I was able to fake-flash my way back into clockwork recovery and then restored a previous nandroid backup, but my phone simply would not boot back into the OS after the restore, it just hangs at the HTC logo indefinitely. I let it sit for over half an hour and still NOTHING.
Is my phone bricked? If not, is there anything I can do to fix this?
Oh, and if it helps, when the alpharev utility prompted me about whether I wanted to flash its custom clockworkmod recovery I said yes.. not sure if that was the right call.
And I never got to/through step 3 of the flash, and that's supposedly the only part of the process during which bricking the phone could occur, so I'm pretty lost on what's happening here, but I would really appreciate some help :S
If you are still able to turn it on I guess you haven't bricked your phone.
Btw your thread title is wrong, Alpharev never brick your phone. It is you as the user that brick it, you should know the risk (mentioned very clearly) and yet still attempt the procedure.
Sent from my Legend using Tapatalk
Maybe my memory is off or the procedure for Bell Legends are different, but aren't the 3rd step straight foreward? I mean no timing? Anyway I don't think your phone is bricked, unless you pulled the connection/battery after the procedure started flashing the bootloader.
Edit: I see that you never got to step 3 if I understand correctly. Maybe wiping and reflashing helps.
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
Just run the alpharev once more to try for step 3 again.. tried several times myself before getting the timing right.. as yes as mentioned.. Alpharev never brick phones.. Users does..
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
fatthumb said:
If you are still able to turn it on I guess you haven't bricked your phone.
Btw your thread title is wrong, Alpharev never brick your phone. It is you as the user that brick it, you should know the risk (mentioned very clearly) and yet still attempt the procedure.
Sent from my Legend using Tapatalk
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Yes, I'm very much aware that it was my own silly actions that led to my predicament and I in no way blame the alpharev team, they've done a great job. I just made that the thread title so that people would be aware of what I was doing before I messed up my phone, but again, totally my fault, not alpharev's
Anyways, I've solved the problem, probably won't try to S-OFF my phone again until I do some more reading.
MaBlo said:
Maybe my memory is off or the procedure for Bell Legends are different, but aren't the 3rd step straight foreward? I mean no timing? Anyway I don't think your phone is bricked, unless you pulled the connection/battery after the procedure started flashing the bootloader.
Edit: I see that you never got to step 3 if I understand correctly. Maybe wiping and reflashing helps.
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
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No, your memory is spot on, I'm mistaken. I meant steps 1 and 2, I guess I didn't make it to step 3. If I messed up at step 3 only THEN would I have been completely screwed. Fixed the problem, I must have had a corrupt nandroid backup. Restored an earlier backup and now the phone is running fine. Premature panicking!

HELP! Failed to boot! Can't start RSD or Fastboot support

I am currently unable to boot into anything, no RSD, no Fastboot nothing. I try holding down up volume and down volume. Here's what it says when i try to power up.
SVF 105:1:2
Failed to boot 0x1000
Here's what i did.
I followed the steps exactly to install the stock 2.3.4 ATT update. Everything was fine. Then i decided to start over and install kennethpenn's custom rom. So i tried to flash the 1.8.3 sbf.
i foolishly started surfing other websites and didn't pay any attention to my phone. then when i looked back it was completely black screen and RSD lite said:
Failed flashing process. Failed flashing process. Phone {0000}: Error switching phone to BP Pass through mode (0x70BE); phone disconnected
Thats it. now i can't do anything. Please help.
It's called "bricked". Now search for that term and you'll find answers!
Yeah, I think you're screwed their man... Kennethpenn had the same issue with his Atrix I think.... $600 brick
doesnt sound good...
where in the process exactly did you decide to start over and install kenneths custom rom?
i know its bricked. i'm just wondering how bricked...
i was in the process of starting over to install kennethpenn's ROM. i was flashing the full 1.8.3 sbf.
do you think ATT will take it back under warranty if i play dumb?
b3nman said:
i know its bricked. i'm just wondering how bricked...
i was in the process of starting over to install kennethpenn's ROM. i was flashing the full 1.8.3 sbf.
do you think ATT will take it back under warranty if i play dumb?
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Well you got nothing to lose.
i have the same problem gonna play dumb and get a new one today under warranty
yokozuna82 said:
i have the same problem gonna play dumb and get a new one today under warranty
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Nice. Tell us how it works out, good luck!
yokozuna82 said:
i have the same problem gonna play dumb and get a new one today under warranty
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What did you do to cause it? Same thing as OP?
I'm tellin ya I think there is something wrong with that damn 1.83 sbf itself! The older ones never had any problems! I'm done with it!
LayzeeEyez said:
What did you do to cause it? Same thing as OP?
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yeah, has anyone else tried to flash back to 1.83?
b3nman said:
i know its bricked. i'm just wondering how bricked...
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If it does not go to the moto logo screen that means something messed up your IPL/Bootloader, which means you are pretty screwed.
b3nman said:
i was in the process of starting over to install kennethpenn's ROM. i was flashing the full 1.8.3 sbf.
do you think ATT will take it back under warranty if i play dumb?
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You could just say that you never got around to updating to 1.8.3 (kind of a long shot since it reminds you every hour), and when you installed the update it would not restart. If you have a backup phone, you could just wait till the new update releases and use the same excuse.
If you hard bricked, there is most likely no way they can check if you were messing around with anything. It is worth a shot, but like you said just play dumb <- For future reference
im sorry this happend to you guys, i hope everything goes well with insurance and what not. i made a warning on the guide for people not to flash back until a safe method is found!
i had ur problem a few seconds ago!
rsd stoped at " switching phone to BP Pass through mode " at 33%.
and after a hour nothing happend!
i decided to disconnect the phone but after that i lost RSD,fastboot,.....
i removed the battery for a while and after that i powerd the phone up but it was the same as before.
i left it on moto red logo and after a few second it said:
failed to boot 4
starting RSD mode
and now its working!
but i didnt get " Failed flashing process " like you!
i got one coming through warranty be here no later then tuesday
i guess i didn't understand the warnings. now i see them, only too late. it seems like att will send me a new one.
b3nman said:
i guess i didn't understand the warnings. now i see them, only too late. it seems like att will send me a new one.
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anyone have a cwm backup pre 2.3.4 they can try?
att is sending a new one. it was easy since i'm still within the 30 days of opening my account. lesson learned:
THOROUGHLY READ ALL WARNINGS!!! I hope my fail can prevent others from going through it. THANKS EVERYONE!
is this 4.5.91 specific? I flashed between 4.5.40 and 1.83 sbf a few times without problem.

Did I brick Phone? Fix?

I was directed to for unlocking my stock AT&T atrix phone.
After step 11, pressing start it began to do its thing.
THen I got an error that said something about cant restart. (Sorry hit show phone button and it erased the error msg)
But now I can't even turn on the phone?
Is there anything I can do to fix it? I am not even really sure whats broken now.
Any help would be appreciated got a dead phone now... lol that was easy to mess up even following the directions i was sent to... crap!
Can you get the phone back into RSD mode? If so, I think this happened to me. I just had to start over, and I ended up renaming the SBF to something shorter. After that, it flashed just fine for me
However, I'll let you know I'm not a dev or anything, just another end user and honestly I was so flustered when I kept messing up my install that I don't exactly remember

[Q] Please help!! can't recover from soft brick, tried lots of methods, Atrix 4G

So i was trying to get Gingerblur on my Atrix, because Orange has not released it yet and are being very slow at it, but anyway I followed the instructions on a site I visited quite carefully, but when I tried to turn the phone on it just came up with the Motorola start up picture and the red light starts blinking, I have tried a few methods, but I really need the phone working.
Please help.
Thanks in advance...
Sorry if I didn't explain it fully enough, please feel free to ask for a better explanation.
Tomn4569 said:
So i was trying to get Gingerblur on my Atrix, because Orange has not released it yet and are being very slow at it, but anyway I followed the instructions on a site I visited quite carefully, but when I tried to turn the phone on it just came up with the Motorola start up picture and the red light starts blinking, I have tried a few methods, but I really need the phone working.
Please help.
Thanks in advance...
Sorry if I didn't explain it fully enough, please feel free to ask for a better explanation.
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Does it say anything? Does it power off after? Can you get into fastboot or android recovery?
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Yeah I can get into fastboot, and android recovery and all that stuff, but i'm not sure but I think I may have deleted the OS(or something like that) and it does turn off after a few minutes
Have you unlocked the phone? Can you get into rsd flash protocol? Might just flash the bootloader unlock and unlock it, after that flash a custom rom. Search for pudding or ihop to unlock.
I can get into RSD protocol, I tried a method on here last night which used RSDLite (this one )
it didn't work though it got to a certain point the said flash failed
Try the script I made here.
Is it suppose to take a while to boot up after flashing a new ROM?
Never mind it failed again...
matthew5025 said:
Try the script I made here.
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I tried that but now on the phone is just says:
"Failed to boot 2
Starting RSD mode"
If your phone is unlocked. Flash the same exact version u had with this link.
This is an sbf. Download the correct version, install Motorola drivers, place in folder with least file paths ( ie: C:>atrix4g>sbf file ) use latest version of rsdlite or recommended. Follow sbf procedures. I am not responsible blah blah, but this should fix it. Don't panic. I have actually used this when I failed to unlock my bootloader. So in essence, it worked for my locked bootloader. Still, there is risk, try only if u feel comfortable.
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