Thanks! - EVO 4G General

I just wanted to thank all of you Devs out there for all the development that's been going on for the Evo recently, it's really giving me something to do, and I appreciate it. You guys are doing an A+ job, keep it up. :]


Thanks to the dev's who helped me root tonight!

I just wanted to thank ECLIPS3 and Jamezelle for helping me root my phone tonight. These guys are "GODS!" Thanks for them I have a brand new Senseless ROM and it is fantastic!
Yay!!! way to go guys, the devs here are awesome! I sit on this site all day while at work just watching for new awesome stuff to break my phone with
Wrong section bro. But glad to hear someone else joining the root community.
glad we could both be of help. thats what were here for.
glad to help

Get Well Thread for Eugene373

Hey guys,
This thread might get closed, but its worth saying.
Eugene373 isn't feeling well guys. This is to let him know that we care more about him as a person and human being. More than a person who puts out wonder amazing roms. I hope that you get well soon man. Don't work to hard if you don't have to and my prayers are with you and the family.
For those of you who will ask what is wrong with him please don't unless he he gives out that information.
Of course anyone is welcome to stop by and drop some kind words and wishes.
Best Wishes.
Get well!
Get well quick Eugene! Thank you so much for all the hard work you've done for Android. It really is greatly appreciated
As someone who has busted their eardrum and had labyrinthitis I hope you get better man. Anything that deals with the ear is stupid painful and I do not see how you are doing anything work related. Thanks for all the work on the Slide!
Get well man. Thanks for all the help
Get well man. Thanks again for all you hard work on both the Behold 2 and the MTS. Take care.
I really hope you feel better soon. Get some rest and thank you so much for opening up the potential for the Slide. It is greatly appreciated.
Best Wishes
Eugene! Thank you so much for all the hard work you've done for Android. It really is greatly appreciated. Prays and best wishes for you and yours....
& give it up to Eugene that he is stubborn and he kept fixing the issues with his newest rom.
Thanks Eugene and get well soon.
Get well soon and God bless you
Best wishes...
As always, blessings to you and yours...and we all hope you get better. Lay back, take a vacation from all the xda stress and fun...and come back energized. You rock, Eug.
I had a Busted Ear Drum When I was a kid... Not fun at all.
I hope you get well soon. You made Owning a Behold 2 Bareable. Can't wait to get my Slide on Tuesday.
Just saw this thread... Thank you Sorry just now posting & saying thanks..
I don't know how to router and stuff but thanks eugene for everything feel better
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
I meant root lol
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon! Thanks for all the work you've done!

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Eris Devs!!

To everyone in general, but specifically to all Devs, Admins, Mods & Contributors...
Since the year is coming to a close soon, I thought it'd be nice to say, "Thanks" to everyone involved here. And when I say everyone, I mean across all devices and threads here on xda. I've learned more than I could ever have imagined in the 3.5 months I've been here. You have all been so helpful and understanding to not only me, but others in need of proper help, toast to you all!
I would also like to thank all those before us that put so much effort into deving and these forums. Without them, this wouldn't be as far along as it is current day and I definitely raise a huge turkey leg to them, never forget how you got somewhere...
Special thanks goes out to...
Conap - Most people need to understand... this guy has kept our eris community afloat with his tenacious abilities to fix issues with Froyo working on the eris, Many, MANY thanks to you sir! You've helped me understand this whole process and have been most patient and insightful, you didn't have to do any of that, that's why I appreciate it and would like to say thanks personally! Conap for Pres! lol
tazzpatriot - for being tazz, and helping me learn the basics of rom editing, many many thanks to you too, bro we ALL hope you get better soon!
Captainkrtek - for being a great mod and always helping others, including me. Thank you my friend.
There are too many more to name all, but those few have helped me out the most in my quest to dev roms... I thank you.
I posted this in here in hopes mostly eris dev's would see it, I hope it can stay through thanksgiving day at least.
Let's hear from some thankful xda members ...
Seriously, thanks! Kaos is a huge help! Oh, and DS36, which I've classified as a Tweaker cause he's a tweak guru.
Happy Thanksgiving, all!
thanx shed sooner or later my health wiill improve but til then i enjoy helping you and others as much as i can, im still leraning also , and building roms for you guys to enjoy HAPPY TURKEY DAY ALL
Thanks to all everyone here. To all the devs, thanks for all the hard work!
Sent from my Tazz Vanilla using XDA App
What! No Turkey rom?
Happy Turkey day to everyone here! Thanks to all the devs for your hard work!
Sent from my Floyo Tazz using XDA App
Happy Thanksgiving
Everyone has been super helpful and patient with me. A big thank you to all of you. Happy thanksgiving.
As gay as this thread is, thanks for making my eris awesome!
Happy Thanksgiving to all Eris owners and devs, you've all helped alot of us. THANK YOU GUYS
hlaalu said:
As gay as this thread is, thanks for making my eris awesome!
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Takes one to know one
I guess if showing appreciation to other dev's, being a dev myself, is being "gay" ... then I'm a flamin' Homo!
I'll even give you a great big gay man hug, c'mon here boy! lol
You all have truly made having my Eris a more enjoyable and less hated experience. Thank you devs and Happy Turkey Day!
Sent from my nonsensikal froyo using XDA App
Thanks devs.. you rock.. each of you enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Sent from my Tazz Vanilla using XDA App
Thanks too Kaos and all the other devs. Without out u I would be stuck with stock 2.1
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
I would like to add my thanks to all the devs and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
I really appreciate all you do. I just had to get a replacement Eris so I unrooted and went back to stock for a day in prep for sending it back. The difference between stock and what you guys do is like night and day.
I'm a dev, but not Android (yet). Hope to join your ranks soon and contribute too.
Cheers, lads. Thanks to you, I'll almost be sad to see my Eris go if/when it does.
Thanks to all the eris devs. You made the time I had my eris much more enjoyable. And I must say, no one pumps out roms like eris devs. The d2 only has like 2 good roms. Keep the eris alive!!!
Sent from my Motorola Droid 2 with Fission 2.1
Thanks too all who have made my Eris livable again. Don't know how I ever suffered through stock 2.1, much less 1.5. Keep up the amazing work and, when the time comes, hope too see you on the other side.
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
There is no way this phone would still be as useful as it is without these ROMS.
It amuses me to no end when some one comes up to me at work with their Droid X and are asking where a setting is and I pick up my dinky little Eris and start exploring the 2.2 menus. I almost immediately get asked how I did that.
To which I reply "By rooting my phone and loading a custom ROM".
The follow up is frequently. "Can you do it to mine ? To which I chuckle and say "Nope, better not. You can easily find out how, but your on your own."
PRICELESS !!! So hats off guys, for making my phone last through so much more of my contract.
Thank you very much This just made my evening, happy thanksgiving to you all and hope you all have a good time with your families!

Thank you devs

Recently, I've been noticing lots of flaming and trolling goin on in XDA....people are forgetting what this site is I just wanted to say thank you to the devs. Thank you for your hard work, and awesome results. I am rocking the CM7 swag (sorry, saw that in someones sig and I liked it, lol) on my Atrix, and the beta has been flawless for me. I have been able to answer my own questions by reading and using "search"...and Google search can be your best friend too. There is an excellent NOOB guide posted on this forum also, very helpful. Thanks to the Guy that took the time to do that. You hard working peeps rock, and I am loving your work!
I would also like to say thanks to all the devs on here, so their threads aren't filled with even more rubbish posts. Thank you to all the devs on here for your time and patience! I'm rocking the CM7 swag too and i'm just in love! Thank you again!
Word to all that.
Double that thanks devs!
Sent from my kickass Atrix 3.5G!
I don't know about you guys, but I'm feeling a group hug coming on. /wrists
hehe. Thanks to all those who make this community what it is, and for all the hard work everyone puts into it.
Thanks Dev. And people who contribute via donations or helping the people who ask questions that are legitimate. And haven't been covered. I personally couldn't have the patients to put up with all the bickering here but some how you guys do and I <3 for it (no homo)
-CM7.1 Beta Over Clocked via Faux123 1.3ghz V2.0 AcrticBlue themed. THANKS XDA DEV!

Thank you and farewell!

Wanted to give thanks to every developer who took the time to make this phone everything it was able to be. Without this community and the other few like it, Android just wouldn't be the same.
I have upgraded to the Evo 3D, so I'll still be around, just not as frequently in these particular fora. Thanks to toast, bcnice, dodgejcr, riggsAndroid, strapped, prboy, notsointeresting, cloverdale, sparksco, aamikam and all the other devs who continue the push forward into new and unexplored possibilities.
So I say, again, thank you for everything you all have done. It's been a pleasure and an honor.
Enjoy your new phone
Oh, I am, lol.
Development is not quite what I expected over there still, but for now there's enough to keep me preoccupied
We're going to miss you. Have fun and enjoy your new toy . Just don't be a stranger .
Enjoy the new phone man, and male sure you come visit like Prboy said
Sent from my A100 using Tapatalk
tambourineman86 said:
Wanted to give thanks to every developer who took the time to make this phone everything it was able to be. Without this community and the other few like it, Android just wouldn't be the same.
I have upgraded to the Evo 3D, so I'll still be around, just not as frequently in these particular fora. Thanks to toast, bcnice, dodgejcr, riggsAndroid, strapped, prboy, notsointeresting, cloverdale, sparksco, aamikam and all the other devs who continue the push forward into new and unexplored possibilities.
So I say, again, thank you for everything you all have done. It's been a pleasure and an honor.
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Enjoy the 3d... but... BOOOOOO! for leaving the shift! ... thanks for your mods man!
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
