Regarding Sprint Premier silver members - Epic 4G General

Some info first, I was supposed to turn sprint premier gold on October 5th, and then i was getting the E4GT. But then the sprint playbook said sprint was getting rid of it, but that gold members would stay that way through 2012 until they upgrade. So i was freaking out, they are getting rid of Premier silver/gold status 3 days before my 10th year anniversary with sprint! So, i was advised by my favorite sprint employee, Korey_Nicholson, to simply call *2. So, i did, told them my situation, and they sent me up one level. The 2nd guy on the phone said that all premier silver members that were turning gold between now and December 2012 will still turn gold anyways! So, i'm still going to be able to get it.
Short version: If you were supposed to turn Sprint Premier Gold status between now and December 2012, you still will.
Also, they changed my number to be the primary line for me to recieve the upgrade instead of my Mom's line.

I put zero worth in anything said by a sprint rep. Did you get this in writing? Id call back and tell them to email this to you. Make sure to have them clearly word what they told you, have them specify your ptn, along with their own full name, and a number and extention to get back them when it doesn't happen.
Just me for real. No dis to wdm, just I know almost all of us have been given conflicting info from one rep to another.
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Z, why would you want an SG II when Qualcomm 2.5Ghz quad core processors are due out early next year? Or is it a use it or lose it upgrade?
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kennyglass123 said:
Z, why would you want an SG II when Qualcomm 2.5Ghz quad core processors are due out early next year? Or is it a use it or lose it upgrade?
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The S4's aren't going tobe in phone that fast. S3's haven't even hit the market yet.

Lol i want the GSII because its Amazing! If i wait for Quadcore, something new will be on the rumor mill.

I hope it's true, but I may hold on to my upgrade and go Craigslist with my Christmas bonuses.
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worldwidepmp said:
I hope it's true, but I may hold on to my upgrade and go Craigslist with my Christmas bonuses.
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Oh, good point. Another reason i'm getting the GSII is because i have to money now to get it! I never have money lol

Korey_Nicholson said:
The S4's aren't going tobe in phone that fast. S3's haven't even hit the market yet.
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But they will soon. I hate getting something and then the day after the next best thing comes out and your stuck for 20 months.
zanderman112 said:
Lol i want the GSII because its Amazing! If i wait for Quadcore, something new will be on the rumor mill.
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My Epic is blazing fast thanks to Devs here and Bonsai crew. I can hold out for a tri-core or quad-core with a physical keyboard. Technology is moving so fast these days. It seems as soon as I got my Epic a few dual core phones hit and now 2.5Ghz quads on the horizon. You took your time to decide to root, don't rush into this.

kennyglass123 said:
But they will soon. I hate getting something and then the day after the next best thing comes out and your stuck for 20 months.
My Epic is blazing fast thanks to Devs here and Bonsai crew. I can hold out for a tri-core or quad-core with a physical keyboard. Technology is moving so fast these days. It seems as soon as I got my Epic a few dual core phones hit and now 2.5Ghz quads on the horizon. You took your time to decide to root, don't rush into this.
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Trust me, I ain't rushin' lol I've wanted the GSII ever since it was announced, just like the OG Galaxy S.
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G Touch+Keyboard

You should finally go all out with custom roms and stuff right before the upgrade then
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

Haha, my root story will never be forgotten, will it?
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G Touch+Keyboard

zanderman112 said:
Haha, my root story will never be forgotten, will it?
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G Touch+Keyboard
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Click to collapse was like giving birth with a really long labor...LOL.
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Anybody try pushing the e4gt music into og epuc
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kennyglass123 said: was like giving birth with a really long labor...LOL.
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Lol what can I say. You'll never forget Mr. Z.
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G Touch+Keyboard

Guys.... The rate technology is you really see another flagship device being released with a keyboard? ....
Sent from my SPH-D700

iSaint said:
Guys.... The rate technology is you really see another flagship device being released with a keyboard? ....
Sent from my SPH-D700
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maybe not "flagship" per se, but high end at least. droid 3 is out and kinda hawt, with 5 row keyboard.

Use Swype or swift key and get over it.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium

Haha, so im ready to get it

Korey_Nicholson said:
Use Swype or swift key and get over it.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
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The keyboard gives the jedi his power.
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austin420 said:
The keyboard gives the jedi his power.
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Haha nice


Nexus S 4G Release Date Announced

"The highly anticipated Nexus S™ 4G1 from Google™ goes on sale in all Sprint channels, including, on Sunday, May 8, for $199.99 (plus tax) with a new line or eligible upgrade and two-year service agreement. Extending the company’s 4G device leadership yet again, it is the fourth 4G phone available and 20th 4G device announced from Sprint."
Look here for details
Engadget just picked it up
Thought some of you might be interested.
I'm interested in so far as this improves Epic gingerbread support.
Would the nexus S end up needing a diff custom rom? Like a sprint version?
Sent from a Epic 4G
Shoulon said:
Would the nexus S end up needing a diff custom rom? Like a sprint version?
Sent from a Epic 4G
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It's the same Rom with a different modem etc.
Texted while driving
Shoulon said:
Would the nexus S end up needing a diff custom rom? Like a sprint version?
Sent from a Epic 4G
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LOL. Yeah! The Rom on that phone will be so clean that people will be tempted to put sprint's crappy bloat ware on it.
Yay let's get a 200 for it when its the same as the epic without a keyboard. Hopefully the gingerbread port isn't that difficult
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Pretty sure I told everyone this like last week...
sceptor said:
Yay let's get a 200 for it when its the same as the epic without a keyboard. Hopefully the gingerbread port isn't that difficult
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yay! lets buy a phone that is getting updates after they have been out for almost a year. we could use a hardware keyboard that misses keys!
theres a lot more then just the keyboard thats different
i personally will be enjoying my new ns4g on may 8th, i will enjoy it even more when ice cream comes out. really and truly each device has their own market, there is no reason to slam down one just because.
one of the biggest draws for me is the software, within 4 days cm7 will be on the nexus s 4g. the nexus is still getting updates that leaves me very optimistic about the nexus s. ideally they would have brought a nice new lg nexus instead but hey whichever
Whosdaman said:
Pretty sure I told everyone this like last week...
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Yepp, I remember this too.
Sent from my always stock, EC05 Epic 4G
i cant wait! bye bye POS epic that misses keys, randomly shuts off, and cant last for more than 8 hours off the plug
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ksweat2292 said:
i cant wait! bye bye POS epic that misses keys, randomly shuts off, and cant last for more than 8 hours off the plug
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Bye bye person who hasn't contributed anything useful.
Since the Nexus S 4G is coming out soon and of course it'll get a source code, how much will it affect CM7 development?
I'm positive 4G will come much quicker but is there anything else?
acer1096xxx said:
Since the Nexus S 4G is coming out soon and of course it'll get a source code, how much will it affect CM7 development?
I'm positive 4G will come much quicker but is there anything else?
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It depends on what hardware elements are the EXACT SAME, for instance it won't help with the camera because they have different sensors, but it might help with the GPS.
063_XOBX said:
It depends on what hardware elements are the EXACT SAME, for instance it won't help with the camera because they have different sensors, but it might help with the GPS.
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Alright, well let's pray for the best then. Thanks for verifying.
ksweat2292 said:
i cant wait! bye bye POS epic that misses keys, randomly shuts off, and cant last for more than 8 hours off the plug
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ditto... I'm picking up the NS when it launches I think
063_XOBX said:
Bye bye person who hasn't contributed anything useful.
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acer1096xxx said:
Since the Nexus S 4G is coming out soon and of course it'll get a source code, how much will it affect CM7 development?
I'm positive 4G will come much quicker but is there anything else?
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about the same amount that the nexus s source has helped...
only thing thats different is the ril/radio and wimax
The nexus s. Its as close as sprint will get to the galaxy S II =\ atleast til the evo 3d. Wich isn't that appealing.
Sent from a Epic 4G
What are you talking about? The Nexus S is the Galaxy S with AOSP android, it literally has nothing in common with the Galaxy S2...
063_XOBX said:
Bye bye person who hasn't contributed anything useful.
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Real sentimental about the Epic, eh? Understandable....the Epic is an awesome phone. That being said....I too will be getting a Nexus S when it drops. Don't use Touchwiz and don't need a keyboard so why not?
Can't wait.
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Samsung Within

I figured since there isn't a topic on this handset yet that I'd go ahead and start one. Android spin is reporting the phone will release on sprint by the end of July. Does anyone have any information on what will be different about the handset other than the radio. I don't see why sprint would give it a different moniker if its the same as the international version.
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RushAOZ said:
I figured since there isn't a topic on this handset yet that I'd go ahead and start one. Android spin is reporting the phone will release on sprint by the end of July. Does anyone have any information on what will be different about the handset other than the radio. I don't see why sprint would give it a different moniker if its the same as the international version.
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Whosdaman got an email from his source saying that it would be coming at that date. From what I see WiThin=WiMax+Thin. So, they're marketing two features of the phone(4G and size) with one name. So, that's my guess t the name change.
Sent from the only thing i need.
zanderman112 said:
Whosdaman got an email from his source saying that it would be coming at that date. From what I see WiThin=WiMax+Thin. So, they're marketing two features of the phone(4G and size) with one name. So, that's my guess t the name change.
Sent from the only thing i need.
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Hmm I never thought about that lol that makes sense then. I thought it was within like within my soul lol I can't wait for this phone. I got my brother in law to jump ship from his iphone and he says he has "digital explodgasms" over it lol great success!! (borat voice)
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RushAOZ said:
Hmm I never thought about that lol that makes sense then. I thought it was within like within my soul lol I can't wait for this phone. I got my brother in law to jump ship from his iphone and he says he has "digital explodgasms" over it lol great success!! (borat voice)
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Nice. It'll have ben out 2-3 months before my upgrade is due, so I doubt I'll get it to turn around and a new phone come out.
Sent from the only thing i need.
zanderman112 said:
Whosdaman got an email from his source saying that it would be coming at that date. From what I see WiThin=WiMax+Thin. So, they're marketing two features of the phone(4G and size) with one name. So, that's my guess t the name change.
Sent from the only thing i need.
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End of July? That's awesome! My upgrade date is beginning of August!
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Yep yep. Gotta start finding bidders for my epic lol
sent from the ePc4gee
zanderman112 said:
Nice. It'll have ben out 2-3 months before my upgrade is due, so I doubt I'll get it to turn around and a new phone come out.
Sent from the only thing i need.
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worldwidepmp said:
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Lol. It'd be our luck and sprint wouldn't release anything till the next summer . Doubt that'd happen though.
Sent from the only thing i need.
On man I can't wait for this.
"The greatest respect you can earn is self respect" Louie Simmons
I hope thats true I curently have the 75 discount and would love to use it tword this phone
silver03wrx said:
I hope thats true I curently have the 75 discount and would love to use it tword this phone
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it'd probably be cheaper to buy a brand new one from craigslist or ebay than to use your 75 discount and lose atleast a year of your contract agreement
I just upgraded to the epic a month ago lol, looks like I'll have to put a few bucks to the side till its offically released
Posted by some phone named the Epic.
Can't wait to see it come out! I barely got the Epic in March but I wouldn't mind the quick change
RushAOZ said:
Android spin is reporting the phone will release on sprint by the end of July.
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is there a link for this cuz wen I looked it said q3, and realistically, that usually means towards the end of q3 if not, end of they year
Sent from my Epic 4G, using Tapatalk
I have been sitting on my upgrade since february, preordered the evo 3d, then heard about this phone a few weeks ago. If you look at the specs, this thing blows the evo 3d out of the water. Internal memory is huge and the bench marks are insane. So, it looks like I will be sticking with samsung.
Happy I got my epic brand new in box from a friend for 3bills. I refuse to lock a contract.
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Shoulon said:
Happy I got my epic brand new in box from a friend for 3bills. I refuse to lock a contract.
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Sent from the only thing i need.
Shoulon said:
Happy I got my epic brand new in box from a friend for 3bills. I refuse to lock a contract.
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Best way to do it. Ill probably sell my epic on Craigslist and but the within on Craigslist or eBay. I hate signing contracts
"The greatest respect you can earn is self respect" Louie Simmons
been sitting on my upgrade since february as well, specifically for the sgs2. i had the moment, intercept, transform, and the epic so i might as well keep her goin samsung style.
So I got my Epic in December. I stupidly locked into a 2 yr contact. I definitely want this phone tho. Even if it means breaking my contract and starting a new one. What's the smartest route to take?
Sent from Tim's Epic via Tapatalk

Clearest Epic 4G Touch Picture

I don't care if anyone's posted on this or not, but I had to share.
This, makes me super excited.
I've been waiting too long for this lol
Nice find! Should probably change the title though lol. keyboard.
Nice thanks for posting this
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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YES!!!!! What does Tuesday mean?? ;D I hope it comes out b4 my 30days.
Sent from my MIUI powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
Esteway.619 said:
YES!!!!! What does Tuesday mean?? ;D I hope it comes out b4 my 30days.
Sent from my MIUI powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
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Tuesday is the day Samsung is officially announcing the three gsiis. Was supposed to be Monday, but the hurricane pushed it back a day.
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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good info! not a waste
zanderman112 said:
Tuesday is the day Samsung is officially announcing the three gsiis. Was supposed to be Monday, but the hurricane pushed it back a day.
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I hope it still comes out on the 9th. So I can get it. I made up my mind lol.
Sent from my MIUI powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
I heard sprints getting it the 9th sooooo yeah..
Sent from my SPH-D700
I've only heard the 9th as well
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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ac16313 said:
I heard sprints getting it the 9th sooooo yeah..
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I'm going to pray for it lol.
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Esteway.619 said:
I'm going to pray for it lol.
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Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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I don't know about you guys but I constantly check the Epic 4G General section to see if anything new shows up on this, and I always type in "Galaxy S 2" on google and go to the news section and sort it by date. Every day lol.
Esteway.619 said:
I'm going to pray for it lol.
Sent from my MIUI powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
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Lol I'm not, were going to see a lot of people leave bcuz of it hah, and I don't have an upgrade until 2013
Sent from my SPH-D700
ac16313 said:
Lol I'm not, were going to see a lot of people leave bcuz of it hah, and I don't have an upgrade until 2013
Sent from my SPH-D700
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That sucks; I only have one more year left.
Look at it this way though, the longer you wait, the better the next phone you get will be. Oh, by 2013, I can see 1.8-2.0 GHz quad-core phones with 720p display coming your way
So does that look like a 4.5" screen. Doesn't to me dang it.
erikkWTF said:
I don't know about you guys but I constantly check the Epic 4G General section to see if anything new shows up on this, and I always type in "Galaxy S 2" on google and go to the news section and sort it by date. Every day lol.
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I have been doing this since late May when Engadget first ran the review for the international model.
It's been a long time in coming, and often i would go to the sprint store and check out the Photon and Evo 3D, but leave empty handed. I am def going to be walking out of the sprint store with a Galaxy S2 in my hand on Septebmer 9th.
It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine.
Same here. I will have that phone launch day! I hope to have it the night before if they do an early release for Premier members.
Just looks like every other new Android phone...The Photon,Nexus S, LG Revolution...etc. etc.....where is the next slide out keyboard 4G duo processor phone?
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[Q] What do you think is your end of life for the epic?

Hey everyone,
Just wondering if people have an idea of how long they'll stay with there Epic? I don't think I've ever loved a phone as much as I love this one but I'm sure I'll be tempted away by something new this summer when my renewal credit is up.
What about you?
Whenever quadcore lte phones roll out ill be upgrading ..... I actually have a two year upgrade though its only been a year which was very tempting but I can wait
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Biggoron said:
Whenever quadcore lte phones roll out ill be upgrading ..... I actually have a two year upgrade though its only been a year which was very tempting but I can wait
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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+1 Agreed! I love my epic!
I'm ready. Promotion.
I'm eligible now. Just waiting for something good.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
This phone has had such great staying power so does just a little bit of everything just good enough that i'm not tempted to change one bit yet. The only reason for me to change is improved hardware/design plus I think I'm ready to ditch the KB.
Biggoron said:
Whenever quadcore lte phones roll out ill be upgrading ..... I actually have a two year upgrade though its only been a year which was very tempting but I can wait
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Samsung Note LTE for sprint or a quadcore.. whichever I fall in love with first!
Waiting on SGS3. Eligible in July. May just go for the Nexus if the 3 looks like a long wait on Sprint, though.
Waiting for LTE with a hardware keyboard... just don't like the idea of using up all my screen with a keyboard.
I may be waiting forever because these cheap manufacturers don't want to make them anymore.
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mouseglider said:
+1 Agreed! I love my epic!
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I think I can wait another year for my next phone. Hopefully we'll have LTE here and there will be a decent LTE phone for sprint.
austin420 said:
I'm ready. Promotion.
I'm eligible now. Just waiting for something good.
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You and I both, I'm ready for the lte phones plus promotions on top of upgrade credit
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xTmDarren said:
Samsung Note LTE for sprint or a quadcore.. whichever I fall in love with first!
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I'd love the note as well, lets see what comes first.
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I just got the epic last week. Running it on virgin mobile. Can't beat $25 bucks a month
Ill probably run the epic for another year or so. Its a still a great phone and a big upgrade compared to my old optimistic v.
I am still getting a Google phone... like I said before, I don't want to be pissed off by samsung's lack if updates, closed source ROM, or HTCs locked bootloaders. I would actually like a Google phone on stock... I don't care if there is 65 core... single core is fast enough and dual core is amazing. Higher on a mobile phone is just stupid until software advances.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
The Epic its the first phone that I've had for more than six months and not thought " I REALLY want a new phone!" It's been almost a year and a half now. I might upgrade to the G Nex if/ when out comes to Sprint or a quad core lte...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
I see little reason to upgrade to something else until LTE is deployed in my area now that CM9 is on the horizon.
I might finally be ready for a phone without a keyboard. The Galaxy Nexus keeps calling me.
I will never get rid of my epic but if sprint gets galaxy note2 I will have to upgrade and keep epic for fun. Even better would be a nexus note.
Keyboard or gtfo
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
ugothakd said:
Keyboard or gtfo
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Watever is hot and worth making me leave my epic4g when August gets here..
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium

From Evo 4g to?

What will you upgrade to this June when your 2 year Sprint contract is up?
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evo4gnoob said:
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Lol leaving android?
Sent from my Nifty MikG'd up EVO 4g while eatin some Chop Suey.
Hit that thanks button if I managed to help.
scottypeterson said:
Lol leaving android?
Sent from my Nifty MikG'd up EVO 4g while eatin some Chop Suey.
Hit that thanks button if I managed to help.
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Going back to my roots
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evo4gnoob said:
Going back to my roots
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You cam from a dying soil into a prosperous one, to go back to a decaying soil?
Though hope you enjoy it.
Seems like new Android phones are dropping so fast. How do you choose just one?
teh roxxorz said:
You cam from a dying soil into a prosperous one, to go back to a decaying soil?
Though hope you enjoy it.
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I'm actually going to go charge my 4 year old blackberry pearl lol
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I'm just joking tbh lol I actually want the HTC ville when it comes out
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I heard the samsung note is headed to sprint named the Journal. So maybe that
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ashdatank said:
I heard the samsung note is headed to sprint named the Journal. So maybe that
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
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by the time it gets to sprint its going to be old tbh
evo4gnoob said:
I'm just joking tbh lol I actually want the HTC ville when it comes out
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Hmm ima check that phone out and thank god ur staying with android lol
Sent from my Nifty MikG'd up EVO 4g while eatin some Chop Suey.
Hit that thanks button if I managed to help.
the new nexus or a used 3d... and wait it out for something
i really am not huge on samsung and really like htc sooo we shall seeeee
I don't think I can ever leave my Evo
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EVO 4G will be right next the C64 and its 64K ram expansion unit and tape drive within my personal museum. As for next phone..who knows.. too early to tell.
Is HTC gonna get hit with all the patent mess from Apple? I lost track of what was going on but last I saw, Apple was suing over a patent on the ability to click on a phone number within a webpage and have it dial the number. At the time, it wasn't going to affect imports for a few months. Anyone heard anything?
The galaxy nexus looks pretty appealing. Although I would like to stick with HTC. Hopefully they come out with a phone that has a screen like the nexus or the epic touch.
I get one more Premier Gold 1-year upgrade on April 1st. If the Galaxy Nexus is out by then, I'll get one. Otherwise, probably the Epic Touch 4G.
I wish HTC would come out with something hot between now and then.
How are you still able to get a one year up? That ended forever ago didn't think they were doing anymore grandfathering in.
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Galaxy S2
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Charleshrg20 said:
How are you still able to get a one year up? That ended forever ago didn't think they were doing anymore grandfathering in.
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Gold Premier (10+ years) customers were given one last one-year upgrade if they were close to their date. Don't remember the time frame, but my acct reflects this. Got my EVO last April, and I'm eligible 04/01/2012.
They ended one-year upgrades for Silver Premier customers last April. Gold customers ended 12/31/2011, with one more upgrade granted.

