[Q] Focus capacitive buttons are green? - Focus General

Hey guys,
I recently purchased a focus and am loving windows phone.
One strange thing though, my buttons on the bottom of the phone are a light green color.
They are also really dim
Is this normal?

Not normal at all , they should be bright white dude.

i just bought one and i notice the same thing... strange.. see attach

Not very clear pics but one can see some tint of green in the last.
My win button lights up white, not very bright but it's surely clean white.

Here take a look at this,
focus on the left and Galaxy s on the right
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Looks like whatever produces the white lights got a problem (since the green is uniform)

My new 1.3 is slightly green. Its definatelt white, but the lightest hint of green is present.
Green is my favorite color
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Display yellowish its normal ?

light yellow spots below the screen, yellowish white its normal?
almost imperceptible.
only with white background.
want to know too.
Do you mean that your whites have a yellow tint to them?
Mine doesn't, white just looks white to me, have you checked your brightness settings, I'm sure that the lower the brightness the 'creamier' the whites might look.
The bottom of the screen is indeed a bit yellowish, just the lower 0.5cm. I have it on my white X10 and my two friends have it on their black Xperias too. It's only noticeable when the screen is completely white.
The bottom of my screen isn't yellow, but I can see a little bit of backlight leakage. Fortunately only when the screen is white, and most of the time a menu or other buttons cover it.
Mine isn't yellow either... white as a snowy day
white here to even when the screen is completly white. in other words its not suppost to be yellow
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nexus one spot light

Am i the only one experiencing this problem, I don't know why but my light on my n1 that flashes for pictures and such has like a blue color in the middle of it and whe ni take pictures using flash it leaves a blue color in the pictures?
any fix for this or reasons?

LED not showing correct colours :)

Hi guys,
I just purchased 2 GS3's. One black and one titanium grey. On the 1st night i put then to charge i noticed the black phone's led was shining brighter (red) while charging but i though it might just look brighter as its on a darker surface. Then i noticed that the titanium grey GS3 was not displaying the correct colours for notifications. So i went into setting and changed the notification colours and realised all light colours were not displayed properly, for e.g.. white is displayed as a light blue.
Does anyone know a fix for this (bedsides taking it back as i got them both from abroad) ?
Had anyone else experienced something like this?
Also just to mention it seems like the on/off button has a different feel to it (does not have that click/spring) to it as the black GS3 and also the camera does not seem as sharp.
Any info will be appreciated !
djsteel3000 said:
Hi guys,
I just purchased 2 GS3's. One black and one titanium grey. On the 1st night i put then to charge i noticed the black phone's led was shining brighter (red) while charging but i though it might just look brighter as its on a darker surface. Then i noticed that the titanium grey GS3 was not displaying the correct colours for notifications. So i went into setting and changed the notification colours and realised all light colours were not displayed properly, for e.g.. white is displayed as a light blue.
Does anyone know a fix for this (bedsides taking it back as i got them both from abroad) ?
Had anyone else experienced something like this?
Also just to mention it seems like the on/off button has a different feel to it (does not have that click/spring) to it as the black GS3 and also the camera does not seem as sharp.
Any info will be appreciated !
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Screen is Amoled, that's why it looks light blue and not white.
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terranoid said:
Screen is Amoled, that's why it looks light blue and not white.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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He is talking about Led Light for notification not the screen
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bbboldy said:
He is talking about Led Light for notification not the screen
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The LED light !!!
djsteel3000 said:
The LED light !!!
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There are only 3 colours available in sgs3 stock red while charging, green when fully charged, blue for missed events notifications, what diff. Colours you are taking about?
Are you using any external 3rd party applications to change led colours?
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gchindi said:
There are only 3 colours available in sgs3 stock red while charging, green when fully charged, blue for missed events notifications, what diff. Colours you are taking about?
Are you using any external 3rd party applications to change led colours?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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Yes i agree there are 3 colours while charging.
While both phones were charging (red led) it was noticeably brighter on the black phone.
Concerning the white led light on whatsapp messenger its supposed to be white (i know you can change the colour in the app settings). On the grey phone it displays the white led light as a light blue. If i change the app notification colour to display a yellow led light it displays it in a greenish colour.
To cut a long story short the led notification light is not displaying the correct colours......
I have changed different custom Roms so i know its not software !
djsteel3000 said:
Yes i agree there are 3 colours while charging.
While both phones were charging (red led) it was noticeably brighter on the black phone.
Concerning the white led light on whatsapp messenger its supposed to be white (i know you can change the colour in the app settings). On the grey phone it displays the white led light as a light blue. If i change the app notification colour to display a yellow led light it displays it in a greenish colour.
To cut a long story short the led notification light is not displaying the correct colours......
I have changed different custom Roms so i know its not software !
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It could be whats app issue, coz on normal stock, all required led lights work fine here on JB leaks, not yet tried official JB yet...
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Try *#0*# on your titanium grey s3 and check if it displays the correct led
It's probably a mis-balance of the voltages to the LED. This could be a driver chip or resistor out of tolerance. Nothing you can do about it except replace the phone. I doubt that they would seriously consider exchanging it for a minor fault like this.
vineet8137 said:
Try *#0*# on your titanium grey s3 and check if it displays the correct led
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Thanks Vineet all working correctly.
OK i took both the black phone and grey phone and observed them both closely . I have realised that the led light on the black phone is visible when off but on the grey phone its nearly invisible when off. It seems they covered the led with the grey colour of the phone and maybe thats why it doesn't show the correct colours.
Im not sure if that makes sense, its hard to explain.
It would be nice if someone else with a grey S3 would comment.
zardoz99 said:
It's probably a mis-balance of the voltages to the LED. This could be a driver chip or resistor out of tolerance. Nothing you can do about it except replace the phone. I doubt that they would seriously consider exchanging it for a minor fault like this.
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Red, green and blue all display properly but not as bright as on the black phone. Its only the light colours that are not correct like white and yellow.

[Q] Anyone have a White one and use the Notification lght?

Silly question here, I've had an s3 for 2 years now and when debating which color s5 to get, (between black or white) I'm wondering, does anyone own a white one and had some use with the LED notification light? When I saw an s4 in store I noticed they made these lights smaller/dimmer than on the s3... Is it the same case for the s5?
One thing I liked about the white was when the light was blinking, it would light up half the front bezel on my phone because its white.. Does this effect happen with the s5? If anyone has some pictures of videos of their notification lights blinking on a white phone (I wouldn't mind seeing it on a black phone too) that would be awesome!!
(our tmobile store stucks I went in yesterday and they had NO demo units, they acted like they had no clue when the phone would arrive, and I'm stuck at work all day today, just trying to figure out what color I want).
Hi there,
Was just reading this as my white S5 is flashing away. There is definitely slightly more light spread than just from where the notification light is but I wouldn't say it lights up the whole bezel.
brizzle7 said:
Hi there,
Was just reading this as my white S5 is flashing away. There is definitely slightly more light spread than just from where the notification light is but I wouldn't say it lights up the whole bezel.
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well it only appears to light up a good portion of it in a dark room, like at night when its beside my bed on the night stand and it's dark with no lights on, I can see light travel down the sides (it doesn't quit light up the bottom) but it definitely lights up a large portion of it!!
thank you for your reply!

Camera Flash is not white LED, its yellowish dull LED!!

Not sure if its just me, however, I tried taking a few photos in full darkness with flash on or even in low light. I realized that the flash was very dull and did not produce sharp photos as should happen when the flash is on. This phone has dual LED flash and I can still say that my Galaxy S3 with single LED flash had a better performance and produced really good photos with flash on.
The problem I see here is that the flash is kinda yellow in color while S3 had a pure white flash and that too extremely bright, however, with N6P thats not the case. Has anyone else noticed the same and is there a possible fix for the same ?
I agree, it's not that bright...
The flash on the Nexus 4 is also brighter than this one.
Casmo said:
I agree, it's not that bright...
The flash on the Nexus 4 is also brighter than this one.
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Yes, infact all other phones have a white light flash while this one has a yellowish flash. Even if you're using it as a flash light its evident. This is really depressing to see on an overall excellent phone, though my phone too has that ghoulish yellowish tint, but I've learned to live with it.
I agree, the LEDs are not as bright. My Nexus 5 ( 2013 ) has a stronger LED with a cold white tone while the Nexus 6p is not as bright and has indeed a warm-white tint. It´s not a huge problem though since I don´t use my phone as a torch light.
I believe when I first got it I had used it as a flashlight in a dark bedroom. When I was near the wall I could see that the two LEDs looks like they were different colors. One appeared more yellow while the other was more white. I assumed it had to do with balancing out the flash or something. I didn't really pay much attention to it because I take very few photos with flash.
The Nexus 6P (like many newer phones) has a dual LED flash. One LED is a warm white, while the other is cool white. When taking a photo, the two lights are mixed to create a color balance the camera deems appropriate to the scene. When using the flashlight it just turns them both on at a fixed brightness, resulting in a warm-ish colored light.
I really *don't* like this - there should be an option to just have the cool BRIGHT led activate when the tourch function is used
