[DEVS] Who's Planning on Developing for the Epic Touch 4G - Epic 4G General

Since it's less than a week until release and we still don't have a separate section for the upcoming SGS2 Epic Touch 4G I figured it would be nice to know which developers are planning on buying/ developing for it. Hopefully this will give users a better idea of what it will be like over there before buying ...

I am not really a developer but I plan on going to the touch. I chose the Epic because of the keyboard and I have never used it. And it isn't because of the keyboard lag. It is because I loved swype. And I have wished it didn't have one since I got it. So I am looking forward to the new phone. Plus I actually like touchwiz and am really looking forward to native touchwiz4. And besides the obvious improvements to hardware, I love Odin and how simple it is to flash whatever we want.
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crawrj said:
I am not really a developer but I plan on going to the touch. I chose the Epic because of the keyboard and I have never used it. And it isn't because of the keyboard lag. It is because I loved swype. And I have wished it didn't have one since I got it. So I am looking forward to the new phone. Plus I actually like touchwiz and am really looking forward to native touchwiz4. And besides the obvious improvements to hardware, I love Odin and how simple it is to flash whatever we want.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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I an in the exact same boat. I'm not a dev either. I bought for keyboard and always use on screen kb. I am excited for Friday
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

I'm not really a dev, but I do plan on representing ERA for the E4GT, bringing as good a theme as I can.
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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iSaint said:
Since it's less than a week until release and we still don't have a separate section for the upcoming SGS2 Epic Touch 4G
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Does anybody know when they usually add a section for a new phone? I was active in the Asus Transformer forum on XDA weeks before release. I guess I'm just surprised they haven't built one yet.

It is weird they haven't been added yet.
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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zanderman112 said:
It is weird they haven't been added yet.
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I thought the same thing. Wasn't the Evo 3D section up really early?
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honestly i was going to get the epic touch... until i saw the specs for the prime...
its like epic touch on steroids with no touchwiz....
easy no brainer

iSaint said:
Since it's less than a week until release and we still don't have a separate section for the upcoming SGS2 Epic Touch 4G I figured it would be nice to know which developers are planning on buying/ developing for it. Hopefully this will give users a better idea of what it will be like over there before buying ...
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I plan on swapping into the ET4G from the photon on Friday. I love the Photon but am more comfortable on the Samsung hardware. So count me in

ksmullins88 said:
honestly i was going to get the epic touch... until i saw the specs for the prime...
its like epic touch on steroids with no touchwiz....
easy no brainer
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So, you're willing to wait until the winter to upgrade? That's why I'm not waiting on the Nexus, too many differing specs, and who knows if sprint will get it honestly. It'd be logical to put it on sprint, but not every buisness decision is logical.
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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ptfdmedic said:
I plan on swapping into the ET4G from the photon on Friday. I love the Photon but am more comfortable on the Samsung hardware. So count me in
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Yes! Score for the winners!
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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zanderman112 said:
Yes! Score for the winners!
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Yes! Its going to be good to have Rob around.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

If I get and keep the ET4G, I will be pairing up with Zanderman

Korey_Nicholson said:
If I get and keep the ET4G, I will be pairing up with Zanderman
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Korey, not that I am going this route but do you know how much Sprint pays for the Epic on the buy back program?
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JohnCorleone said:
Korey, not that I am going this route but do you know how much Sprint pays for the Epic on the buy back program?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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I believe it is $85, not worth it at all.

Korey_Nicholson said:
I believe it is $85, not worth it at all.
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Ouch! Well, I am keeping mine anyway. I still won't come close to my landline minute limit even splitting the minutes between two phones. Now, if your review of the ET4G is not a good one, I may still back out...but everything I have seen to this point has been positive
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JohnCorleone said:
Ouch! Well, I am keeping mine anyway. I still won't come close to my landline minute limit even splitting the minutes between two phones. Now, if your review of the ET4G is not a good one, I may still back out...but everything I have seen to this point has been positive
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Have there been any reviews yet? I haven't seen any and I think it's because Sprint still hasn't sent them out yet to the websites. The only way sites could get them before me is through Samsung.

Korey_Nicholson said:
If I get and keep the ET4G, I will be pairing up with Zanderman
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Whoop whoop! I wish I could upgrade friday! Stupid october upgrade date. ...
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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Korey_Nicholson said:
Have there been any reviews yet? I haven't seen any and I think it's because Sprint still hasn't sent them out yet to the websites. The only way sites could get them before me is through Samsung.
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Well, not full reviews but people who made videos at the release party.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

try wirefly epic touch review part one
Korey_Nicholson said:
Have there been any reviews yet? I haven't seen any and I think it's because Sprint still hasn't sent them out yet to the websites. The only way sites could get them before me is through Samsung.
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its been on for days


Check engadget...please!

I am so happy right now! finally some news
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
No more *****ing?
Woohoo hell yeah. U go sprint
wtf...I'm returning my Atrix! Good thing I didn't cancel my Sprint account or sell my Evo
Awesome news~!
i can't wait myself!!
Its on engadget... and androidcentral doesn't have any news on it... lol
2.5 hours is something to hopefully get excited about.
pure speculation on my part but id expect to hear something about
New Android pone
Maybe Pre3?
Galaxy 10, playbook, or the HP tablet
WiMax/LTE news
Sounds promising, but I'm not going to hold my breath for anything until the actual announcement. My EVO isn't even 6 months old yet, but if they come out with something that blows my mind, I'll probably pay retail for a new handset.
Lets go sprint. I've been with sprint since they came into the cell phone world and their service was the worst. Now I am quite glad that I stuck with them for all these years.
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jrmatics said:
Lets go sprint. I've been with sprint since they came into the cell phone world and their service was the worst. Now I am quite glad that I stuck with them for all these years.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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damn...16 years?!
Notice that Sprint.com/Nexus redirects to the home page, where if you type something else instead of Nexus it gives you a 404....
Now if only sprint didn't kill my ability to upgrade my damn phone! Guess if it's that amazing I will have to buy it off ebay
Oh man....I'm going to have to get an NS 4G and an Evo 3D. Double fisted phone junky.
I cannot wait to see the actual announcement. The Nexus S is a beautiful phone.
billfold said:
I cannot wait to see the actual announcement. The Nexus S is a beautiful phone.
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I just hope they made it faster.
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12MaNy said:
Oh man....I'm going to have to get an NS 4G and an Evo 3D. Double fisted phone junky.
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I'm in the same boat...I have had an upgrade since December with nothing to upgrade to...now they are going to release phones and I'm going to have to wait
Nexus s is overrated. Samsung phones are crap I don't care what name they give it. Evo 3d sounds promising.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Yeah, I'm more interested in the Evo, but 3D doesn't do anything for me. Waiting to see what the other improvements are.
jstalford said:
Yeah, I'm more interested in the Evo, but 3D doesn't do anything for me. Waiting to see what the other improvements are.
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hopefully it will run a tegra2 since the only 3d tablet out right now does

Nexus S 4G Release Date Announced

"The highly anticipated Nexus S™ 4G1 from Google™ goes on sale in all Sprint channels, including www.sprint.com, on Sunday, May 8, for $199.99 (plus tax) with a new line or eligible upgrade and two-year service agreement. Extending the company’s 4G device leadership yet again, it is the fourth 4G phone available and 20th 4G device announced from Sprint."
Look here for details
Engadget just picked it up
Thought some of you might be interested.
I'm interested in so far as this improves Epic gingerbread support.
Would the nexus S end up needing a diff custom rom? Like a sprint version?
Sent from a Epic 4G
Shoulon said:
Would the nexus S end up needing a diff custom rom? Like a sprint version?
Sent from a Epic 4G
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It's the same Rom with a different modem etc.
Texted while driving
Shoulon said:
Would the nexus S end up needing a diff custom rom? Like a sprint version?
Sent from a Epic 4G
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LOL. Yeah! The Rom on that phone will be so clean that people will be tempted to put sprint's crappy bloat ware on it.
Yay let's get a phone...pay 200 for it when its the same as the epic without a keyboard. Hopefully the gingerbread port isn't that difficult
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Pretty sure I told everyone this like last week...
sceptor said:
Yay let's get a phone...pay 200 for it when its the same as the epic without a keyboard. Hopefully the gingerbread port isn't that difficult
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yay! lets buy a phone that is getting updates after they have been out for almost a year. we could use a hardware keyboard that misses keys!
theres a lot more then just the keyboard thats different
i personally will be enjoying my new ns4g on may 8th, i will enjoy it even more when ice cream comes out. really and truly each device has their own market, there is no reason to slam down one just because.
one of the biggest draws for me is the software, within 4 days cm7 will be on the nexus s 4g. the nexus is still getting updates that leaves me very optimistic about the nexus s. ideally they would have brought a nice new lg nexus instead but hey whichever
Whosdaman said:
Pretty sure I told everyone this like last week...
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Yepp, I remember this too.
Sent from my always stock, EC05 Epic 4G
i cant wait! bye bye POS epic that misses keys, randomly shuts off, and cant last for more than 8 hours off the plug
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ksweat2292 said:
i cant wait! bye bye POS epic that misses keys, randomly shuts off, and cant last for more than 8 hours off the plug
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Bye bye person who hasn't contributed anything useful.
Since the Nexus S 4G is coming out soon and of course it'll get a source code, how much will it affect CM7 development?
I'm positive 4G will come much quicker but is there anything else?
acer1096xxx said:
Since the Nexus S 4G is coming out soon and of course it'll get a source code, how much will it affect CM7 development?
I'm positive 4G will come much quicker but is there anything else?
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It depends on what hardware elements are the EXACT SAME, for instance it won't help with the camera because they have different sensors, but it might help with the GPS.
063_XOBX said:
It depends on what hardware elements are the EXACT SAME, for instance it won't help with the camera because they have different sensors, but it might help with the GPS.
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Alright, well let's pray for the best then. Thanks for verifying.
ksweat2292 said:
i cant wait! bye bye POS epic that misses keys, randomly shuts off, and cant last for more than 8 hours off the plug
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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ditto... I'm picking up the NS when it launches I think
063_XOBX said:
Bye bye person who hasn't contributed anything useful.
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acer1096xxx said:
Since the Nexus S 4G is coming out soon and of course it'll get a source code, how much will it affect CM7 development?
I'm positive 4G will come much quicker but is there anything else?
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about the same amount that the nexus s source has helped...
only thing thats different is the ril/radio and wimax
The nexus s. Its as close as sprint will get to the galaxy S II =\ atleast til the evo 3d. Wich isn't that appealing.
Sent from a Epic 4G
What are you talking about? The Nexus S is the Galaxy S with AOSP android, it literally has nothing in common with the Galaxy S2...
063_XOBX said:
Bye bye person who hasn't contributed anything useful.
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Real sentimental about the Epic, eh? Understandable....the Epic is an awesome phone. That being said....I too will be getting a Nexus S when it drops. Don't use Touchwiz and don't need a keyboard so why not?
Can't wait.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

Clearest Epic 4G Touch Picture

I don't care if anyone's posted on this or not, but I had to share.
This, makes me super excited.
I've been waiting too long for this lol
Nice find! Should probably change the title though lol.
Bleh....no keyboard.
Nice thanks for posting this
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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YES!!!!! What does Tuesday mean?? ;D I hope it comes out b4 my 30days.
Sent from my MIUI powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
Esteway.619 said:
YES!!!!! What does Tuesday mean?? ;D I hope it comes out b4 my 30days.
Sent from my MIUI powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
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Tuesday is the day Samsung is officially announcing the three gsiis. Was supposed to be Monday, but the hurricane pushed it back a day.
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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good info! not a waste
zanderman112 said:
Tuesday is the day Samsung is officially announcing the three gsiis. Was supposed to be Monday, but the hurricane pushed it back a day.
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I hope it still comes out on the 9th. So I can get it. I made up my mind lol.
Sent from my MIUI powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
I heard sprints getting it the 9th sooooo yeah..
Sent from my SPH-D700
I've only heard the 9th as well
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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ac16313 said:
I heard sprints getting it the 9th sooooo yeah..
Sent from my SPH-D700
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I'm going to pray for it lol.
Sent from my MIUI powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
Esteway.619 said:
I'm going to pray for it lol.
Sent from my MIUI powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
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Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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I don't know about you guys but I constantly check the Epic 4G General section to see if anything new shows up on this, and I always type in "Galaxy S 2" on google and go to the news section and sort it by date. Every day lol.
Esteway.619 said:
I'm going to pray for it lol.
Sent from my MIUI powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
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Lol I'm not, were going to see a lot of people leave bcuz of it hah, and I don't have an upgrade until 2013
Sent from my SPH-D700
ac16313 said:
Lol I'm not, were going to see a lot of people leave bcuz of it hah, and I don't have an upgrade until 2013
Sent from my SPH-D700
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That sucks; I only have one more year left.
Look at it this way though, the longer you wait, the better the next phone you get will be. Oh, by 2013, I can see 1.8-2.0 GHz quad-core phones with 720p display coming your way
So does that look like a 4.5" screen. Doesn't to me dang it.
erikkWTF said:
I don't know about you guys but I constantly check the Epic 4G General section to see if anything new shows up on this, and I always type in "Galaxy S 2" on google and go to the news section and sort it by date. Every day lol.
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I have been doing this since late May when Engadget first ran the review for the international model.
It's been a long time in coming, and often i would go to the sprint store and check out the Photon and Evo 3D, but leave empty handed. I am def going to be walking out of the sprint store with a Galaxy S2 in my hand on Septebmer 9th.
It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine.
Same here. I will have that phone launch day! I hope to have it the night before if they do an early release for Premier members.
Just looks like every other new Android phone...The Photon,Nexus S, LG Revolution...etc. etc.....where is the next slide out keyboard 4G duo processor phone?
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Epic touch sep 16 release date

@phandroid: Sprint to get GSII first, September 16th: http://t.co/JzyIdwI
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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Oh man, I am tempted big time..
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
I knew it would get it frst lol
Sent from my SPH-D700
So is this for sure now? Cuz I got my nexus on the 15th lol.
Sent from my CM7 powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
Now I just need a price range for best buy and im all set
theduce102 said:
Now I just need a price range for best buy and im all set
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Yeah, sprints price isn't bad at all, I'm waiting on radioshacks price as well
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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theduce102 said:
Now I just need a price range for best buy and im all set
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Hopefuly radioshack does what it did with the photon $99
Esteway.619 said:
So is this for sure now? Cuz I got my nexus on the 15th lol.
Sent from my CM7 powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
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Is an official sprint page, so I would assume this is for sure.
I'd do something quick if you want this lol
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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deano0714 said:
Hopefuly radioshack does what it did with the photon $99
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Yeah, that'd be sweet lol
I have to wait till freaking october before I can upgrade, and i'm not very happy lol
But at least I'll gt to see some reviews on it before I buy
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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Esteway.619 said:
So is this for sure now? Cuz I got my nexus on the 15th lol.
Sent from my CM7 powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
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I heard you can reset your 30 days 3 times... so get the photon or something and it should rest the 30 days and then get the gs2 when its out... hopfully tht works
deano0714 said:
I heard you can reset your 30 days 3 times... so get the photon or something and it should rest the 30 days and then get the gs2 when its out... hopfully tht works
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I'd just call sprint and say you want to get the Epic touch, but your 30 days with your Nexus ends the day before launch.
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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Btw, John, I sent you a pm.
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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I am so calling sprint to speed up my upgrade x.x
I'm getting this... I can't wait
Ill see you all over there as well =D
Sept. 16th is near but Oct. 1st....whooo smh this is gonna be a rough 4 weeks for me. So who's all moving to the Epic 4g Touch forum?
theduce102 said:
Ill see you all over there as well =D
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Yeah I hope to see a lot of you guys there... and a lot more devs hopefully
Still gonna wait for the Prime I think.
shane6374 said:
Still gonna wait for the Prime I think.
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I was going too but then I was like naah

Samsung releases LTE Epic on VZW, Gingerbread preloaded

...and yet they still haven't managed to release Gingerbread for the original Epic.
Well done, Samsuck.
k0nane said:
...and yet they still haven't managed to release Gingerbread for the original Epic.
Well done, Samsuck.
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What's your thought on the Stratosphere's source being usable on the Epic?
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ac16313 said:
What's your thought on the Stratosphere's source being usable on the Epic?
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It's no more relevant than any other device's source, by and large, to us.
k0nane said:
It's no more relevant than any other device's source, by and large, to us.
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Okay cool, I can wait patiently for our official now lol.
Samsungs got it all wrong, throwing equivalents of our phone with gingerbread preloaded? Fail.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
ac16313 said:
Samsungs got it all wrong, throwing equivalents of our phone with gingerbread preloaded? Fail.
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My thoughts exactly.
k0nane said:
My thoughts exactly.
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If more people who had this phone knew about android versions and what not, I'm sure samsung would have been getting complaints right about now.
Luckily, for Samsung though, most users are teens who text a lot(me included) Oh well, maybe they'll learn some day.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
ac16313 said:
If more people who had this phone knew about android versions and what not, I'm sure samsung would have been getting complaints right about now.
Luckily, for Samsung though, most users are teens who text a lot(me included) Oh well, maybe they'll learn some day.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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That's right. I would venture 90+% of people have NO CLUE what Gingerbread is, nor what version of Android they're currently running. They see an update come through, install it, and go about their business. A select few of them may notice something different with the looks, but that's about it. They may notice something looks different, but only because one of their apps (I'm thinking Eclair vs. Froyo messaging) looks a bit different. If that's the case, they probably assume the update was just for that app...
If Samsung is throwing around Gingerbread all over the Epic (as well as most of the US galaxy s series) have not gotten, maybe it is the carriers holding everything up. All of the updated GBs have been through Kies and for some reasn Sprint don't want the Epic on Kies.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I can't wait to upgrade to a different phone, I've always been a fan of hardware keyboards but I don't think ill be going that route for my next upgrade, either going iphone 4gs route or nexus prime type phone, btw I've never owned/purchased an apple product
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Bizz08 said:
I can't wait to upgrade to a different phone, I've always been a fan of hardware keyboards but I don't think ill be going that route for my next upgrade, either going iphone 4gs route or nexus prime type phone, btw I've never owned/purchased an apple product
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According to the release specs the iphone 4S has no WiMax or LTE support. So 4G only works on ATT with their crappy 4G.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I don't think Samsung and Sprint are trying anymore.
I told my friend there was a gingerbread leak...he said to turn the oven off and use a bigger container next time
sent from my cm7-ified epic
this is the spot sprint shouldve tried to sell the epic at last year. a decently priced midtier phone. **** i regret buying this.
austin420 said:
this is the spot sprint shouldve tried to sell the epic at last year. a decently priced midtier phone. **** i regret buying this.
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hahah patience is the key to success
austin420 said:
this is the spot sprint shouldve tried to sell the epic at last year. a decently priced midtier phone. **** i regret buying this.
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...Huh? At this time last year the Epic was one of the beefiest high-end phones you could buy.
Ill admit,I'm trying everything I can think of to step away from this like I did with the Moment (only because I hard bricked 2). Now the funds arnt there, but I'm so tempted to sell sperm and blood
Thanks, sam****!
I really hope another company releases a good hardware keyboard phone by the time I'm ready to upgrade.
I wonder if the 1800 mAh battery will fit in our phone.
adelmundo said:
I wonder if the 1800 mAh battery will fit in our phone.
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I think the Epic touch's does
At this point i'm stuck with my epic for another year min. While i'm fine with that it would really easy to live with if I had an official release. at this point I wish they would just release what they have good or bad and our awesome developers here will fix it. Heck what ever they release wouldn't be as good as what our developers do anyway. So close enough I say, release EH17 source and get out of our way!!!!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

