font installation - Galaxy S II General

can anyone suggest me how to add marathi(indian local language) font as unable to read emails which are in marathi it displays with the blocks.....thanks in advance

Hi, you will need to do the following :
1. Root Your Phone. Search this site for rooting SGSII help.
2. You need to have the hindi font file. ( I have attached the same. Unzip it and copy it to your mobile).
3. Install any file-explorer with root permissions. (I use root explorer).
4. Open root explorer and then copy the extracted DroidSansFallback.ttf file and paste it (Replace) in folder /system/fonts (you will have to give write access in that folder to root explorer).
5. Reboot your cellphone.
Good Luck.


How can u change the startup picture?

Probably asked a billion times but can somebody quickly explain how i can have a custom startup picture instead of the cingular one? thanks
If u do a simple search, u will find many posts talking about it.
Anyway, here's the steps (WM5 ONLY):
Step 1)
Backing up the original Bootscreen image.
Open your device's File Explorer and go to /Windows.
Search for an image named 'welcomehead.96.png'.
Copy that file (Tap & Hold on the image's name and tap on Copy).
Paste it somewhere else on your device. Preferably on a removeable storage card (SD, Mini-SD, etc)
Paste the file by tap & holding on an empty space in the file explorer and tapping on paste in the context menu.
Now the file is backed up!
Step 2)
Take the Bootscreen skin you've chosen, and put it on your device.
Now, you need a third party file explorer, because Microsoft, for security/safety reasons, disabled the Built-in File explorer (and ActiveSync Explorer)
from replacing system files.
Resco Explorer is a good 3rd Party explorer but there are tons of freeware explorers out there to do the job.
Paste the Bootscreen skin in the /Windows folder with the 3rd party file explorer.
A pop-up will appear asking you to overwrite the original file. Overwrite the file.
You will also probably get a system warning about replacing a system file. This can be ignored.
Please note, as stated above, that this only works on Windows Mobile 5 devices.

{GUIDE} Easy Android Tethering Trick [NEEDS ROOT & NO PAID APPS]

Requires Root
Needs not even a Single Paid App from the market.
Tested on Droid Razr Maxx XT912
Tools Required:
ES File Explorer
PC/Mac (Anyone of the Below)
SQLite Database Manager for Windows
Mozilla Firefox + SQLite Manager Addon (Any OS)
Android Phone Part 1:
Open ES File Explorer and enable Root and Mount RW
Open Settings (Press the Menu key then Settings)
Scroll Down to "Other Settings"
the Select "Root Settings"
Check the following Options
Root Explorer
Up to Root
Mount File System
GoTo the following directory in ES File Explorer:
Copy settings.db and paste it in /sdcard or /sdcard-ext or a convenient location​
PC Part:
Transfer this file to your PC via USB/Bluetooth/Beam/WiFi/WTYH(Whatever Technology You Have) :angel:
Open this file in SQLite Database Browser(I used Windows Version. The Firefox Plugin Version is also Similar so are other SQLite Editors):
File --> Open
open the "settings.db" database file
The first view will show three tables and one index.
Now Click the Browse Data tab
From the Drop-down select Settings
Scroll down to line 68 where it says 79 entitlement_check 1
Double Click on the 1 to edit it.
Change the value to 0
Click Apply Changes and Save the Database from File --> Save (important)
Now Copy this Modified file back to Android Phone​
Android Phone Part 2:
Open ES File Explorer
Copy the new settings.db and paste it in /data/data/
ES File Explorer will ask for Overwrite Confirmation. Agree it,
Now Exit ES File Explorer and Reboot the Phone.​See the below Gallery for Screenshots..
Thats all.. Hit thanks:good: if I helped you.

[GUIDE] How to change Moto G WiFi Mac Address

There are a number of reasons one may want to change their WiFi mac address that are not worth discussing here. The point of this guide is only to provide instructions for making the change on a KitKat 4.4 2nd Gen Moto G. It might work for Lollipop but I've not tested it.
This requires root access.
Go to the WiFi settings panel and open the menu at the bottom right corner.
Click 'Advanced' and write down the MAC address shown (second to last entry)
Use your root enabled file explorer (ES File Explorer is one example) to navigate to /persist and copy the file called 'WCNSS_qcom_wlan_factory_nv.bin'
Paste the file in a place where you can edit it (ex the downloads folder)
Download a hex editor app and open the file from the location you just copied it to
You should be able to find a set of characters in this file that matches your MAC address - make sure that the set matches exactly what you wrote down before
Change the characters to a new MAC address of your choosing and save the file
Using your file explorer, rename the original file 'WCNSS_qcom_wlan_factory_nv.bin' in the /persist directory to something like 'WCNSS_qcom_wlan_factory_nv_bak.bin' to create a backup file
Copy and paste the modified copy of 'WCNSS_qcom_wlan_factory_nv.bin' from your Downloads folder (or wherever you put it) to the /persist folder
Reboot and check your mac address as detailed in steps 1-2 to ensure that it has changed. This change will be persistent.
I used this small apk to change it:
I think it's easier to change with one of the apps from the google play.

Here is how to put and modify a file/folder to C:\directory [Windows 10 Mobile only]

Maybe you know about it, but I just wanna share something I think very interesting : Simple way how to put and modify a file/folder to C:\directory*
1. Based on this thread , pleased know: How to open C:\ folder directly on your phone.
2. Firt thing, copy your file to "This Devices". ex: Documents folder (is up to you, not only Documents folder. You can use other folder)
3. Now, open C:\ directory like following step 1.
4. Go to C:\DATA\USERS\PUBLIC\Documents (here is your file)
5. Try to Copy or Move your file on here (C:\DATA\USERS\PUBLIC\Documents) to root of C:\ or somewhere you liked by pressing the address at the top bar.
*you must know, some file/folder can't modified or re-write because they're have read-only attributes. :laugh:
Thanks, :good:

[LeeDriod Root] Root Browser Fail?

I have root browser (#SuperSu Granted) installed and I am looking in to some of my game files and there is a folder called "app_data". I click on jet, inside there is a text file I can see (take note that I can see it in the browser) called c_2.dat.
Alright, we can see it so why not open and edit it?
I go to open it, select RB Text Editor and then get an error saying no file found!
Also, if I browse to the folder on my PC, I can't even see the app_data folder.

