[Boot Animation]Droid Prime - Optimus One, P500, V Themes and Apps

Disclaimer:I am not responsible if you break,brick,hump,throw against wall or any other action you do to your phone. By using this bootanimation you agree anything that happens is your own noobtastic fault. Any attempts at blaming me for anything other than this being fantastic will result in you being pointed and laughed at.
If you are using BACKSIDE/IHO or have already installed the script dont I REPEAT DONT run the script again. Doing so makes multiple instances of the commands and will stop the bootsound from playing. If you run the script more than once you will have to delete somethings to get it to work. SO be warned DO NOT RUN THE SCRIPT IF YOU HAVE ALREADY OR ARE USING BACKSIDEIHO ROM
Ran across this the other day and have been waiting patiently ever since. I posted about it already now its ready for the wild.
I did not create this. I have only edited the desc.txt so it will run on our phones. All credit goes to BootAnimator on RootzWiki. Again I did not create this so please thank the creator BootAnimator on RootzWiki
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Unzip the file then follow the instructions below.
Root Explorer method:
1. Rename your bootanimation to bootanimation (if not already named this)
2. Put it on your SD card
3. Open Root Explorer and copy bootanimation.zip to /system/media. This will replace the existing boot animation
4. Reboot your phone
ADB method:
1. Make sure you have downloaded android sdk
2. Put android sdk in C:\
3. Set the directory of command prompt to C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools. Click here for a video tutorial.
4. Rename your boot animation to bootanimation and put it in C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
5. Open cmd
6. Type in order:
-adb remount
-adb push bootanimation.zip /system/media/bootanimation.zip
-adb reboot
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You can also preview your bootanimation before rebooting.
In adb type adb shell bootanimation.
To add the sound.
If you are running BACKSIDE or have already installed the script all you have to do is using root explorer copy the file "android_audio.mp3" from the zip you downloaded to /system/media.
Then reboot and you should have awesome bootsound.
If you have never run the script and are not using BACKSIDE then follow the instructions below.
Originally Posted by hockeyfamily737
0. It's recommended to do a nandroid backup first!
1. Download the "bootsnd.sh" file and put it on the root of your sd card.
2. Using root explorer copy the file "android_audio.mp3" from the zip you downloaded to /system/media
3. Open Terminal Emulator and type the following commands using the stock keyboard. Press enter after each line:
cd /sdcard
sh bootsnd.sh
4. As the device boots up you will hear the transformers sound bite sound. You are now free to replace the android_audio.mp3 file in /system/media with any .mp3 file you like as long as you rename it to "android_audio.mp3"
6. Enjoy
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If for some ungodly reason you ignored the above warning and installed the script again..read below.
Here is how to fix it.
Make sure you are mounting in r/w mode on each of these steps.
Using a app like root explorer, goto /system/bin and delete the file bootsound.
Back out to /system now open build.prop in text editor mode, look for this text.
Delete it from the build.prop and save and exit.
This is optional but recommened.
Reboot phone.
Verify no sound is playing.
Now run the script again and reboot.
You should have a boot sound again.
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Sent from LGE XDA phone

eollie said:
Disclaimer:I am not responsible if you break,brick,hump,throw against wall or any other action you do to your phone. By using this bootanimation you agree anything that happens is your own noobtastic fault. Any attempts at blaming me for anything other than this being fantastic will result in you being pointed and laughed at.
If you are using BACKSIDE/IHO or have already installed the script dont I REPEAT DONT run the script again. Doing so makes multiple instances of the commands and will stop the bootsound from playing. If you run the script more than once you will have to delete somethings to get it to work. SO be warned DO NOT RUN THE SCRIPT IF YOU HAVE ALREADY OR ARE USING BACKSIDEIHO ROM
Ran across this the other day and have been waiting patiently ever since. I posted about it already now its ready for the wild.
I did not create this. I have only edited the desc.txt so it will run on our phones. All credit goes to BootAnimator on RootzWikiAgain I did not create this so please thank the creator BootAnimator on RootzWiki
Unzip the file then follow the instructions below.
You can also preview your bootanimation before rebooting.
In adb type adb shell bootanimation.
To add the sound.
If you are running BACKSIDE or have already installed the script all you have to do is using root explorer copy the file "android_audio.mp3" from the zip you downloaded to /system/media.
Then reboot and you should have awesome bootsound.
If you have never run the script and are not using BACKSIDE then follow the instructions below.
If for some ungodly reason you ignored the above warning and installed the script again..read below.
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Umm... It never work... I tried this for 7 times...
Sent from LGE XDA phone

Do this plug your phone in via the usb and open adb window.
Type "adb shell bootanimation".
It will say "mmap failed:errno 19 no such device" and play the animation on your phone screen.
If it says anything else post it here and I can figure out what the problem is.

Boot animation works. But sound doesn't. Used root explorer and changed the permissions also.
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk

lekhwani said:
Boot animation works. But sound doesn't. Used root explorer and changed the permissions also.
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
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+1 Same... 40 times I tried ur method...
Sent from LGE XDA phone

lekhwani said:
Boot animation works. But sound doesn't. Used root explorer and changed the permissions also.
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
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dax4182 said:
+1 Same... 40 times I tried ur method...
Sent from LGE XDA phone
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Im sorry its probably your phone. I see dax is using a P500. Some phones just wont play the boot sound.Ive seen it happen on the V no reason just refuses to play.

eollie said:
Im sorry its probably your phone. I see dax is using a P500. Some phones just wont play the boot sound.Ive seen it happen on the V no reason just refuses to play.
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But on the official ginger is able to play the bootsound as is original manfacturered...
Sent from LGE XDA phone

DaxElectro said:
But on the official ginger is able to play the bootsound as is original manfacturered...
Sent from LGE XDA phone
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Where is the bootsound located on the official gingerbread release?
I only say some phone just wont play it because Ive tried to help several people on android central get it working and their phone just wont play it no matter what we did. Im sure somebody with more knowledge than I have on this would be able to figure it out, however Im not sure why it wont work. I was told that on CM rom the kernel was trimmed and bootsound was removed that is why you have to run the script I link to.


[HowTo] Disable HTC Evo 4G Startup Sound

Wow why is it so hard to embed a Youtube video on here
The startup sound of the HTC Evo 4G is one of the few things I find annoying about the phone. The fact that even plugging headphones into the Evo does not stop the sound is lame. Here's how you can disable it.
Fast and Easy Way for Froyo:
Root your device, use a File Browser (like Root Explorer) and rename the /system/customize/resource/SPC_animation_final.mp3 file.
Your phone must be rooted with Toast's method
You must be familiar with ADB and Toast's custom recovery.
If you need more information on Toast's root and recovery, read this {tutorial} how to root \0/ - xda-developers
Disable Startup Sound
Connect your Evo to your computer thru usb and Enable USB debugging on the Evo.
Reboot into recovery. In a commandline do: adb reboot recovery
Start toast's custom recovery by running recovery-windows.bat as Administrator (or the equivalent for Linux and Mac). Do this by right-clicking on the recovery-windows.BAT file and choose Run as Administrator.
Use a different commandline and do: adb shell
Mount the system partition by doing: mount /system
Skip to #9 if you are on 2.2 Froyo
Go into first folder: cd /system/media
rename the mp3 file: mv android_audio.mp3 android_audio.mp3.bak
Go into 2nd director: cd /system/customize/resource
Rename the mp3 file: mv SPC_animation_final.mp3 SPC_animation_final.mp3.bak
You're done! Reboot: reboot
The Making Of
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Physical split screen.
My "tripod"
The stage
Nice one pingpongboss! Come to think of it, modders can tailor made (if they haven't done so. sorry if they have. i'm a n00b.) this procedure to load their own custom sounds and animation during startup.
joackie27 said:
Nice one pingpongboss! Come to think of it, modders can tailor made (if they haven't done so. sorry if they have. i'm a n00b.) this procedure to load their own custom sounds and animation during startup.
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Yup, that's right. I think BuglessBeast does that for the Moto Droid. You can also replace these files with your own files manually.
Thanks for the howto! Definitely glad to remove the sound.
thanks! Naive question, though. Why can't you just to rename the files directly in the evo using a file manager? I thought i'd ask before i try and mess things up .
bkofman said:
thanks! Naive question, though. Why can't you just to rename the files directly in the evo using a file manager? I thought i'd ask before i try and mess things up .
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That is because when you boot into android, /system becomes NAND locked. So you cannot write anything in /system
You can only write to /system in recovery mode.
Does anyone have the stock sprint start up sound SPC_animation_final.mp3 that can upload it here?
I flashed Fresh 0.2 rom and I don't like the startup sound that goes FRESHHHHHHHH. =/
Thank you pingpongboss! It was driving me crazy!
Ketty said:
Does anyone have the stock sprint start up sound SPC_animation_final.mp3 that can upload it here?
I flashed Fresh 0.2 rom and I don't like the startup sound that goes FRESHHHHHHHH. =/
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Haha I was really scared the first time I heard that sound
yeah so how do you enable it if it's gone???
You can also set your phone sound profile to silent before you shut off your phone and it Disables the HTC Evo 4G Startup Sound.
hotboy8628 said:
yeah so how do you enable it if it's gone???
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If you did it yourself, then just redo all the steps, but rename all the files back to .mp3.
If your Rom cane with no sounds then you can probably stick your own mp3 into the right folder.
pingpongboss said:
If you did it yourself, then just redo all the steps, but rename all the files back to .mp3.
If your Rom cane with no sounds then you can probably stick your own mp3 into the right folder.
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it said it was read only when i go to the folder
is this procedure different for froyo?
i get to...
6. Go into first folder: cd /system/media
7. rename the mp3 file: mv android_audio.mp3 android_audio.mp3.bak
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and the android_audio.mp3 file doesn't exist?
cjohnson said:
is this procedure different for froyo?
i get to...
and the android_audio.mp3 file doesn't exist?
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Its very well possible that they may have changed the location of the bootup sound. Is the SPC_animation_final.mp3 still there? And does sound go away when you rename that.
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>adb reboot recovery
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>adb shell
/ # mount /system
mount /system
/ # cd /system/media
cd /system/media
/system/media # mv android_audio.mp3 android_audio.mp3.bak
mv android_audio.mp3 android_audio.mp3.bak
mv: cannot rename 'android_audio.mp3': No such file or directory
/system/media # ls
/system/media # find / -name android_audio.mp3
find / -name android_audio.mp3
/system/media # find / -name SPC_animation_final.mp3
find / -name SPC_animation_final.mp3
/system/media # cd /system/customize/resource
/system/customize/resource # mv SPC_animation_final.mp3 SPC_animation_final.mp3.bak
mv SPC_animation_final.mp3 SPC_animation_final.mp3.bak
/system/customize/resource # ls
BigBen.jpg htc_wallpaper_small_12.jpg
CCInfo.txt htc_wallpaper_small_13.jpg
Colosseum.jpg htc_wallpaper_small_14.jpg
EiffelTower.jpg htc_wallpaper_small_15.jpg
SPC_animation_final.mp3.bak htc_wallpaper_small_16.jpg
SPC_wallpaper.jpg htc_wallpaper_small_17.jpg
StatueOfLiberty.jpg htc_wallpaper_small_18.jpg
bootanimation.zip htc_wallpaper_small_19.jpg
htc_wallpaper_01.jpg htc_wallpaper_small_20.jpg
htc_wallpaper_02.jpg htc_wallpaper_small_21.jpg
htc_wallpaper_03.jpg htc_wallpaper_small_22.jpg
htc_wallpaper_04.jpg m1b586a02.jpg
htc_wallpaper_05.jpg m2dcca705.jpg
htc_wallpaper_06.jpg m43a4ec7b.jpg
htc_wallpaper_07.jpg m43b340e3.jpg
htc_wallpaper_08.jpg m4d5e5f0e.jpg
htc_wallpaper_09.jpg m512d806c.jpg
htc_wallpaper_10.jpg m53b5efe7.jpg
htc_wallpaper_11.jpg m6f42e22c.jpg
htc_wallpaper_12.jpg mbd5dc6f8.jpg
htc_wallpaper_13.jpg mc8a1ff6b.jpg
htc_wallpaper_14.jpg md32a3a14.jpg
htc_wallpaper_15.jpg mdcdc890d.jpg
htc_wallpaper_16.jpg mfac50f3a.jpg
htc_wallpaper_17.jpg mfca3085e.jpg
htc_wallpaper_18.jpg resource
htc_wallpaper_19.jpg s1b586a02.jpg
htc_wallpaper_20.jpg s2dcca705.jpg
htc_wallpaper_21.jpg s43a4ec7b.jpg
htc_wallpaper_22.jpg s43b340e3.jpg
htc_wallpaper_small_01.jpg s4d5e5f0e.jpg
htc_wallpaper_small_02.jpg s512d806c.jpg
htc_wallpaper_small_03.jpg s53b5efe7.jpg
htc_wallpaper_small_04.jpg s6f42e22c.jpg
htc_wallpaper_small_05.jpg sbd5dc6f8.jpg
htc_wallpaper_small_06.jpg sc8a1ff6b.jpg
htc_wallpaper_small_07.jpg sd32a3a14.jpg
htc_wallpaper_small_08.jpg sdcdc890d.jpg
htc_wallpaper_small_09.jpg sfac50f3a.jpg
htc_wallpaper_small_10.jpg sfca3085e.jpg
/system/customize/resource #
seems as though they did away with "android_audio.mp3" in froyo on the evo. if you skip steps 6 and 7 (and the bit about toast's recovery in my case since i have amon_ra's installed) everything will work fine.
I would just like to add how I did it.
I rooted using another method but I found a simpler way that works on the EVO 2.2. I downloaded Root Explorer (paid app) for removing bloatware, but I used it to navigate to /system/customize/resource just find SPC_animation_final.mp3 and add .bak to the end of that.
Done and done.
Thanks for the info on which file it was!
chjade84 said:
I would just like to add how I did it.
I rooted using another method but I found a simpler way that works on the EVO 2.2. I downloaded Root Explorer (paid app) for removing bloatware, but I used it to navigate to /system/customize/resource just find SPC_animation_final.mp3 and add .bak to the end of that.
Done and done.
Thanks for the info on which file it was!
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Is there any free application that can do this? I don't see the directory when I use ES File Explorer. I'm guessing it is hidden somehow?
edit: Nevermind, I found it with ES. No file manager I've tried will allow me to edit the file. What is Root Explorer doing that is so special? Just giving itself superuser? Can't we do that manually?
edit2: I did it via ADB but I'm still wondering the answer to my question above. Also, has anyone noticed if it takes longer to boot? It seems to sit at the white screen for longer than before. Maybe it's spending time looking for the mp3 file before on? Or maybe it's just my imagination.
Minjin said:
Is there any free application that can do this? I don't see the directory when I use ES File Explorer. I'm guessing it is hidden somehow?
edit: Nevermind, I found it with ES. No file manager I've tried will allow me to edit the file. What is Root Explorer doing that is so special? Just giving itself superuser? Can't we do that manually?
edit2: I did it via ADB but I'm still wondering the answer to my question above. Also, has anyone noticed if it takes longer to boot? It seems to sit at the white screen for longer than before. Maybe it's spending time looking for the mp3 file before on? Or maybe it's just my imagination.
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Sorry for the long delay but it looks like you've figured it out.
IDK what makes root explorer do what it does, but in order to edit anything you have to click the button near the top (once you are in the directory you are working in) that says 'Mount R/W' to make the files read/write instead of read/only. It locks the files as read only by default.
I haven't noticed any longer boot times or anything on mine... dunno.
This sounds to complicated just turn your volume down before you shut it down.

How To Fully UnRoot HTC Evo

This is not my guide, you dont have to thank me for this.
Thanks to Ocnbrze over at AndroidForums for this.
we are not responsible if your device(s) cause(s) a nuclear war[/B][/U]
This will show you how to FULLY unroot your evo to stock. S-ON *****(LOCKED OOW)*****
Please read thru this guide once or twice before actually taking steps !
Your phone MUST be on a stock sense rom so go get that installed now !
Download these files if you do not have them
ADB.exe http://d-h.st/Vsv
FastBoot.exe http://d-h.st/KB3
AdbWinApi.dll http://d-h.st/MJn
flash_image.zip http://themikmik.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5377&stc=1&d=1327588554
mtd_eng.zip http://themikmik.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5378&stc=1&d=1327588554
PC36IMG_SuperSonic_GB_Sprint_WWE_4.67.651.3 http://d-h.st/n1U
Before you do anything else, your phone MUST be on a stock sense rom !
step #1 downgrading the misc partition
1.download the first three files and create a folder and call it android then move the downloaded files to the android folder.(you should have already have this setup when you rooted with HTCdev)
2.download and install (do not run) htc sync: http://www.mediafire.com/?cdcjs0ue8tne4cy
3.connect your phone to the pc via usb cable
4.we need to extract and then move the flash_image and the mtd-eng files on to the sd card. make sure that you do not put the extracted files in any folders. they need to be on the root of the card (very top level)
5.change the setting from disk to charge only, make sure that usb debugging is turned on, settings>apps>development>check usb debugging, and lastly make sure that fastboot is disabled, settings>apps>uncheck fastboot.
6.on your pc hold shift while right clicking on the android folder. select open command window here option.
7. in the command window type:
[B][I]adb shell
ok you should get # in the command window if not then something went wrong.
if you do get # then type:
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
chmod 755 /data/flash_image
and last:
/data/flash_image misc /sdcard/mtd-eng.img
the command screen should look like this when all the commands are entered:[/I][/B]
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
download the 4.67 PC36IMG file and rename it by deleting everything but the PC36IMG part in the name. make sure not to add an extra zip as windows hides extensions.
move it to the root of the sd card that means on the top level of the card and not in any folders.
power off then press and hold power+vol down. this will take you to the bootloader. if you named the file right and it is on the root of the card then it will ask you to update. select yes.
before you reboot your phone double check your bootloader screen. at the top it should say locked and your hboot should be 2.18 with s-on. if that is what you see then congrats!!!!!!!!!! you are now unrooted!!!!!!!!!!!!​
XenonV said:
First things first- Not my guide, You are fully responsible for whatever happens. It is not XDA's fault, its not my fault, its all on you.
This will show you how to FULLY unroot your evo to stock. S-ON *****(LOCKED OOW)*****
Download these files if you do not have them
ADB.exe http://d-h.st/Vsv
FastBoot.exe http://d-h.st/KB3
AdbWinApi.dll http://d-h.st/MJn
flash_image.zip http://themikmik.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5377&stc=1&d=1327588554
mtd_eng.zip http://themikmik.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5378&stc=1&d=1327588554
PC36IMG_SuperSonic_GB_Sprint_WWE_4.67.651.3 http://d-h.st/n1U
Now lets begin
step #1 downgrading the misc partition
1.download the first three files and create a folder and call it android then move the downloaded files to the android folder.(you should have already have this setup when you rooted with HTCdev)
2.download and install (do not run) htc sync: http://www.mediafire.com/?cdcjs0ue8tne4cy
3.connect your phone to the pc via usb cable
4.we need to extract and then move the flash_image and the mtd-eng files on to the sd card. make sure that you do not put the extracted files in any folders. they need to be on the root of the card (very top level)
5.change the setting from disk to charge only, make sure that usb debugging is turned on, settings>apps>development>check usb debugging, and lastly make sure that fastboot is disabled, settings>apps>uncheck fastboot.
6.on your pc hold shift while right clicking on the android folder. select open command window here option.
7. in the command window type:
[B][I]adb shell
ok you should get # in the command window if not then something went wrong.
if you do get # then type:
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
chmod 755 /data/flash_image
and last:
/data/flash_image misc /sdcard/mtd-eng.img
the command screen should look like this when all the commands are entered:[/I][/B]
download the 4.67 PC36IMG file and rename it by deleting everything but the PC36IMG part in the name. make sure not to add an extra zip as windows hides extensions.
move it to the root of the sd card that means on the top level of the card and not in any folders.
power off then press and hold power+vol down. this will take you to the bootloader. if you named the file right and it is on the root of the card then it will ask you to update. select yes.
before you reboot your phone double check your bootloader screen. at the top it should say locked and your hboot should be 2.18 with s-on. if that is what you see then congrats!!!!!!!!!! you are now unrooted!!!!!!!!!!!!​
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I've actually been dealing with this most of the day trying to unroot and go back 100% stock and have had no success. It was suggested elsewhere that I need to be on a stock rom? I'm dl'ing one now to try as I am currently on an ics rom.
yes you do need to be on a stock sense rom so download a stock sense rom, and then follow the guide
XenonV said:
yes you do need to be on a stock sense rom so download a stock sense rom, and then follow the guide
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Perhaps a good bit of info to add to the op
Relentless D said:
Perhaps a good bit of info to add to the op
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already on it, thanks
So I noticed you said this isn't your guide, but I see no credits in your post for where the guide originated, or who originally wrote the info? I'm sure this will help a lot of people though.
Captain_Throwback said:
So I noticed you said this isn't your guide, but I see no credits in your post for where the guide originated, or who originally wrote the info? I'm sure this will help a lot of people though.
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i dont know who the original writer is, which is why. if i know then i always list that info :good:
XenonV said:
i dont know who the original writer is, which is why. if i know then i always list that info :good:
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Where did you get it from, then?
It looks strikingly similar to this guide:
In fact, the inordinate number of exclamation points and the use of my command prompt screenshot makes me think it originated over there.
Captain_Throwback said:
Where did you get it from, then?
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somebody PM'd me the guide on another website (the tech game) , just the text, no link
XenonV said:
somebody PM'd me the guide on another website (the tech game) , just the text, no link
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If this is where it originated (as it seems to have) it was written by user oznbrze at androidforums.com
Relentless D said:
If this is where it originated (as it seems to have) it was written by user oznbrze at androidforums.com
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problem solved thanks :good:
and yes this is my guide. however, you do not need to be on stock sense, just not on ics roms for this to work. just throwing that out there.
I tired this and when I put the first command in the window I get a $ sign not the # sign can some one help please..
bgsl1ck said:
I tired this and when I put the first command in the window I get a $ sign not the # sign can some one help please..
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make sure you are running command prompt as admin. or logged in to an admin account. and all the files are in correct directories
bgsl1ck said:
I tired this and when I put the first command in the window I get a $ sign not the # sign can some one help please..
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Are you running a rooted ROM? You need to have root access for this to work. Try typing "su" at the prompt and see if it changed to a #.
Can this be done using a Mac?
XenonV said:
make sure you are running command prompt as admin. or logged in to an admin account. and all the files are in correct directories
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i have tried that and it still doesnt work, any help!?
im running a brand new computer like seriously out of the box, windows 7 ultimate and it wont give the #
Chirpout said:
Can this be done using a Mac?
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yes, i believe the guide states something about that..not exactly sure, you can also use google for more help
Hi, I know this is really out of date, but I have to send my phone back because the screen is cracked (inner touch screen) and I wanted the phone to be completely stock. I never rooted the phone. I only unlocked the bootloader. I found this thread hoping I could relock the bootloader to make it look like I never unlocked it in the first place. Of course once I reached Step 7, I don't get the # sign. I get the $ sign and I don't know what to do :/

[HOW TO] DeOdex YOUR lollipop Rom

How to DeOdex YOUR 0A6 Rom.
I would like to note that I appreciate all the work that developers have put forth in creating and maintaining modified Roms. there are some awesome feature rich implementations available. My intentions are not to be critical of any specific Rom or mod. Without the developers we would have nothing.
Firt off, Let me explain why I'm writing this guide of sorts. I've always enjoyed an essentially stock ODEXED rom with a minnimum of tweaks.
When 0A6 arrived with ART support odexing is not currently possible. I attempted to use prepared deoxed varietys but there was always something that was a dealbreaker for me. I have nothing against features but a ROM completely loaded with bells and whistles tends to allow bugs and stability issues creep in. and the requirements to wipe 15 times and do a clean flash while singing a gregorian chant just to get it to boot didn't settle well with me.
Using one of the DeOdexed varietys, I was having problems with duplicate apk's being created in /data/app and erronoius Play store updates compounding this issue. There was also an issue with Private Mode and a variety of FC's. In frustration I reverted to a stock rooted configuration and my phone was rock solid.
BUT, I really missed a few mods that I had grown very accustomed to having namely,
5-Way Reboot
Hotspot Mod
PRL Write
Extra Toggles
So instead of trying to install clean why not create a way for me to Custom DeOdex *MY* rom? and not have to start from scratch everytime allowing a dirty flash without creating some crazy stability issue.
This method is very common knowledge I thought I'd just explain it in an easy to understand way.
Here is what you need.
A stock 0A6 ROOTED configurated phone. Debloat as needed. Set the phone up exactly how you like it with apps and such.
Make sure it's stable. (If you have issues before DeOdexing they will be there afterward!)
Here's the files you may need to make this happen
Installer template (at end of post)
1> Make sure ADB is working on your computer. USB debugging turned on. Create a folder to store your soon to be download system files and launch a DOS shell from that working folder. Working folder name should NOT contain spaces. With the phone hooked up you should be able to type adb shell and get a prompt.
2> Type these commands
adb pull /system/app app/
adb pull /system/priv-app/ priv-app/
adb pull /system/framework framework/
This will take awhile and you will be left with three folders
Create a new folder named "system" and place these three folders inside.
3> Extract and launch LBD2.4 (This is the DeOdexer and is AWESOME). Point it at your recently created "system" folder and let it do it's thing.
I'll assume this will occur without errors as I have never had any.
4> At this point you can manually apply modded apk's to the system folder but I don't really recommend it. They can be applied afterward using the seperate installer zips.
5> with 7-Zip installed open the provided Installer template. Do not Extract it. Just open it in the 7-Zip file browser using the right click context menu in windows.
Drag-Drop the contents of your system folder into the empty system folder in the 7-Zip browser It should be the three folders previously created but now they are Deodexed. Close the 7-zip file manager and select Yes if it asks you to save.
Note: The provided installer template has been modified to only wipe and replace the three system directories.
6. Copy the created installer to your sdcard and install with recovery. Wipe cache and Dalvik before rebooting.
Go have lunch. You will sit at a boot screen for about 10 minutes. Then another 20 to rebuild caches. Time varies.
7. Your system will now be Deodexed! At this point you can install your mods one at a time, I recommend this so you can test your system between installs to determine if a specific mod is creating problems.
This method has so far removed ALL of my stability issues.
The InstallerTemplate is valid for other devices? E.g. Samsung S4.
quinielascom said:
The InstallerTemplate is valid for other devices? E.g. Samsung S4.
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I, too, would like to know if I can use this on my Note 4 (N910G).
Now I haven't used adb in a while but every time I try to run 'adb pull /system/app app/' it runs for about 4 seconds then quits. Then I try to run any other command and it says the device is offline. I have everything up to date, so I'm at a loss right now.
EDIT: So I couldn't get adb to work right so I pulled the folders using ES file manager then copied them to my PC. When I run the deoxeder I get two errors, Invalid Application Directory -"Application folder and Rom folder should not have spaces" and Error -"Invalid Rom Folder"
EDIT: I had a space at the end of a folder title, currently running, will test, and report back.
stuck on boot :S s5 g900h
so confused, i dont know what to do
I am on a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S5 running stock lolipop 5.0. I want to deodex my Rom so that I can intall xposed. After 8 hours I am practically in tear because absolutely NO-one can help
I dont know what to do for Rom System Path. I followed alll the instruction to detail and eveytime I click run it tells me that there is no space or something.. Here is the path I have no idea whre to go from here
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
The rom system path would be what you did in step two:
2> Type these commands
adb pull /system/app app/
adb pull /system/priv-app/ priv-app/
adb pull /system/framework framework/
This will take awhile and you will be left with three folders
Create a new folder named "system" and place these three folders inside.
So you would click 'browse' then go to the system folder you made and place the other three folders in.
Pulling files via adb gave me errors, so I downloaded it by root explorer
Now I'm deodexed, thanks a lot
daswahnsinn said:
The rom system path would be what you did in step two:
2> Type these commands
adb pull /system/app app/
adb pull /system/priv-app/ priv-app/
adb pull /system/framework framework/
This will take awhile and you will be left with three folders
Create a new folder named "system" and place these three folders inside.
So you would click 'browse' then go to the system folder you made and place the other three folders in.
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Zhekin said:
Pulling files via adb gave me errors, so I downloaded it by root explorer
Now I'm deodexed, thanks a lot
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How have you guys replaced back the three deodexed folders???
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-i9300 using Tapatalk 4
PIRATA! said:
How have you guys replaced back the three deodexed folders???
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-i9300 using Tapatalk 4
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There's an update zip in the OP's first thread. Now that being said I have a Note 3 and haven't tried it yet. Been a little busy but I have a complete deodex'd the three folders w/o errors.
Boot loop. SM-G900M
I got stuck on boot scrren, and my recovery can't format cache partition in the recovery.
daswahnsinn said:
There's an update zip in the OP's first thread. Now that being said I have a Note 3 and haven't tried it yet. Been a little busy but I have a complete deodex'd the three folders w/o errors.
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Did you pulled with device rooted or not? Is it the same to pull with root or no root?
I am doing that now with no root and I had some skipping special file 'xxxxxxx.so' at the beginning of pulling the /app/ folder.
Is that ok??
PIRATA! said:
Did you pulled with device rooted or not? Is it the same to pull with root or no root?
I am doing that now with no root and I had some skipping special file 'xxxxxxx.so' at the beginning of pulling the /app/ folder.
Is that ok??
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I couldn't get ADB to pull the folders/files so I used a root file explorer. So, yes I did use a rooted device. I don't know if it's the same as if it weren't rooted but it should be. I would say some files may not get pulled for some reason but I'd retry. I'm not a dev so I'm not much help. I tinker with things until I other break it or make what I what work.
daswahnsinn said:
I couldn't get ADB to pull the folders/files so I used a root file explorer. So, yes I did use a rooted device. I don't know if it's the same as if it weren't rooted but it shouldn't be. I would say some files may not get pulled for some reason but I'd retry. I'm not a dev so I'm not much help. I tinker with things until I other break it or make what I what work.
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Mmmh.... but I've read that a lot of people does it without rooting.....or not??
About your situation, have you extracted the same exact folder so, right?
tiago.rici said:
I got stuck on boot scrren, and my recovery can't format cache partition in the recovery.
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I used Root Explorer and did a manual copy of these folders (instead use adb pull). And worked!
Now I'm waiting 1st boot.
---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------
Zhekin said:
Pulling files via adb gave me errors, so I downloaded it by root explorer
Now I'm deodexed, thanks a lot
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How long have you waited on boot scrren? I'm about almost 20 minutes and still nothing. :fingers-crossed:
problems with the process on my SM-T530NU with stock 5.0.2 ROM
Sorry to bother you, but if its not too much trouble, can you please answer a few questions for me about the deodex process?
I tried to adb pull the 3 system folders, /system/app, /system/framework, and /system/priv-app, but some of the files gave me an error on copying. So I tried copying them with es explorer to my external SD which worked OK.
Next, I tried copying the 3 folders to my PC. I copied the correct amount of files (894), but the amount of directories went down from 1013 to 506. Is this correct?
I then tried running the folders through ldb 2.5. most of the files were successful, but there were a few which failed. (Maps, services, and a few others.) is this OK? Can I still use the output to burn to my Tab4?
Thanks for any help that you can give.
motisu said:
Sorry to bother you, but if its not too much trouble, can you please answer a few questions for me about the deodex process?
I tried to adb pull the 3 system folders, /system/app, /system/framework, and /system/priv-app, but some of the files gave me an error on copying. So I tried copying them with es explorer to my external SD which worked OK.
Next, I tried copying the 3 folders to my PC. I copied the correct amount of files (894), but the amount of directories went down from 1013 to 506. Is this correct?
I then tried running the folders through ldb 2.5. most of the files were successful, but there were a few which failed. (Maps, services, and a few others.) is this OK? Can I still use the output to burn to my Tab4?
Thanks for any help that you can give.
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I've just ben informed test the correct way should be to extract those folders from a stock firmware downloaded.
Other method but risky, as you could also get extra apps not natively born with your device, is to copy them or pull them from recovery using a file manager like Aroma File Manager or TWRP integrated file manager, or use adb from recovery.
Other "while system is running" methods are not preferred as they could give errors back.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-i9300 using Tapatalk 4
PIRATA! said:
I've just ben informed test the correct way should be to extract those folders from a stock firmware downloaded.
Other method but risky, as you could also get extra apps not natively born with your device, is to copy them or pull them from recovery using a file manager like Aroma File Manager or TWRP integrated file manager, or use adb from recovery.
Other "while system is running" methods are not preferred as they could give errors back.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-i9300 using Tapatalk 4
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OK, I did exactly as you recommended and got exactly the same result. I used the advanced file manager in TWRP recovery to make copies oof the 3 subfolders and then copied the copies to my PC. I got exactly the same results. still missing folders and getting errors in LBD.
motisu said:
OK, I did exactly as you recommended and got exactly the same result. I used the advanced file manager in TWRP recovery to make copies oof the 3 subfolders and then copied the copies to my PC. I got exactly the same results. still missing folders and getting errors in LBD.
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Use Total Commander for transferring in Windows ambient.
It's good also for coping from micro-sb to hard-disk.
Enable hidden files!
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-i9300 using Tapatalk 4
thank you
Thank you very much for this well detailed explanation. I am not developer. It took me 2 wks searching, working on how to deodex my rom untill finally found this tutorial. It help me a lot.???

[GUIDE][XT1254]Getting Xposed Working

Guide: Getting Xposed Running​This morning, I finally managed to get Xposed up and running on my Turbo. So I thought I'd write up a guide as to how!
What you'll need:
A paid copy of Mofo (obviously)
Either a modified system image containing Xposed already, or if you like, you can modify one yourself as described in this tutorial. I've already created a modified system image to include Xposed as well as Wifi Tethering and a modified hosts file for ad blocking.
The Xposed Installer apk
Xposed Installer needs to be installed on your phone
Terminal Emulator and ES File Explorer from the play store need to be installed on your phone
A rooted image flashed to your phone
Before flashing anything, this is what you need to do:
On your computer, find your de.robv.android.xposed.installer_v33_36570c.apk and rename it to be a .zip file.
Open this .zip file and extract /assets/XposedBridge.jar and, if you're modifying your own system image, extract /assets/arm/app_process_xposed_sdk16 as well.
Put XposedBridge.jar somewhere on your phone, I like to use the Downloads folder so I don't lose track of it later.
In ES File Explorer, navigate to /data (NOT SDCARD/DATA)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Make sure it doesn't say sdcard > data!
Create a folder called "xposed"
Long press the folder, select properties, and set permissions to 755
Set the owner of the folder to root and the group to shell
Move XposedBridge.jar into the xposed folder we just created.
Make the permissions of XposedBridge.jar 644
As before, make the owner root and the group shell.
Open the Xposed Installer app on your phone.
Open terminal emulator and type
ps | grep xposed
This will return a pattern like the following. Make a note of the first seven characters, as shown (the first is a lowercase u)
Return to /data/xposed
Create two new files: modules.list and modules.whitelist
Make the permissions on both files 644 as above
Set the owner to the seven characters we noted down earlier and the group to shell on both files
If you're flashing a pre-compiled image with Xposed, you're done here! Go ahead and flash, and enjoy!
If you're modifying your own system image, you've got some more work to do. Take app_process_xposed_sdk16 from the Xposed apk and rename it to app_process.
In your turbo system image, navigate to /bin/ and replace app_process with the one from Xposed Framework. Make sure its permissions are set to 755:
sudo chmod 755 /path/to/img/bin/app_process
Linux does not allow setting the group of a file to a nonexistent group, so on your pc you'll have to make a shell group:
sudo groupadd shell
Change the group of app_process to shell:
sudo chgrp shell /path/to/img/bin/app_process
You're ready to flash!
NOTE: If XposedBridge.jar reports problems, try setting installation mode in the Xposed installer app to recovery (flash manually) and hitting install, then reboot.
You're done! Xposed should show up as installed! Don't use any modules that require system write access, such as replacing system icons, but most modules (ie GravityBox) work fine without it.
Ekkoria said:
This morning, I finally managed to get Xposed up and running on my Turbo. So I thought I'd write up a guide as to how!
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Gahhh I was working all day on getting Xposed baked in
Thanks for the write up! I'm finding modifying the image file and flashing it to be just as addictive if not more than flashing someones prebuilt roms on other devices. I never got into compiling android so this feels like a way to tinker on my own without jumping into the deep end of code.
ntxct said:
Gahhh I was working all day on getting Xposed baked in
Thanks for the write up! I'm finding modifying the image file and flashing it to be just as addictive if not more than flashing someones prebuilt roms on other devices. I never got into compiling android so this feels like a way to tinker on my own without jumping into the deep end of code.
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Same here! When I finally opened Xposed Installer and saw it read the framework as installed, I've almost never been so excited about something Android.
i dont need it but its a great guide, easy, short and with pictures!
Does the phone need to be flashed with a rooted image, like that in the tutorial of how to modify system images? I can't write to /data, presumably because I don't have the rooted image flashed yet. Also my /data directory is empty.
I have a copy of mofo, and copies of the rooted system image and your already compiled system image. Is there something I am missing? Thank you in advance.
Thanks so much man, about to flash. Will let you know how it goes.
Ah damn, I actually just did a bit different process of installing Xposed on a image for myself, (which involved baking it into the rom that didn't have it) totally got it working and I've rebooted 3 times so far and everything sticks. Loving having battery percentage now! I can write a quick tutorial writing xposed files into a fresh rooted image via Virtualbox and such... Took me a few hours
It did not work for xposedbridge.jar
aven1357 said:
Does the phone need to be flashed with a rooted image, like that in the tutorial of how to modify system images? I can't write to /data, presumably because I don't have the rooted image flashed yet. Also my /data directory is empty.
I have a copy of mofo, and copies of the rooted system image and your already compiled system image. Is there something I am missing? Thank you in advance.
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Yes, you will need to be rooted first to perform these actions. Apologies for not originally including this. OP updated
savagebunny said:
Ah damn, I actually just did a bit different process of installing Xposed on a image for myself, (which involved baking it into the rom that didn't have it) totally got it working and I've rebooted 3 times so far and everything sticks. Loving having battery percentage now! I can write a quick tutorial writing xposed files into a fresh rooted image via Virtualbox and such... Took me a few hours
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Yes please do so. I'd be very interested.
Sent from my XT1254 using XDA Free mobile app
I am having trouble with es file explr it tells me the operation failed when trying to do anything I have root and I enabled root for ES it seemed to work on root browser fine (I reset my device and just installed es so far)
edit checked and the root enhancement options are greyed out?
After following directions for all files and then subsequent flashing of your pre-built image xposed installer still reports framework problem. I've gone back and double checked the user:group and perm masks and everything looks good. Any ideas what else I should check?
I am having same problem as u smokie
smokie75 said:
After following directions for all files and then subsequent flashing of your pre-built image xposed installer still reports framework problem. I've gone back and double checked the user:group and perm masks and everything looks good. Any ideas what else I should check?
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What's reporting a problem? Is it XposedBridge.jar?
If so, try setting the installation mode to recovery (flash manually) and hitting install, then reboot.
Ekkoria said:
What's reporting a problem? Is it XposedBridge.jar?
If so, try setting the installation mode to recovery (flash manually) and hitting install, then reboot.
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Thanks! That worked!
Thanks for this , works great , now we just need one with busybox preinstalled
Stuck at this point any help?[/ATTACH]
Ekkoria said:
What's reporting a problem? Is it XposedBridge.jar?
If so, try setting the installation mode to recovery (flash manually) and hitting install, then reboot.
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so will doing this enable gravitybox to work on the turbo?
hmltnjrmy7 said:
Stuck at this point any help?[/ATTACH]
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You should be able to foloow the instruction you quoted from that point. You should go back and check your permissions, ownership and group for the 4 files. first
Do the change in install mode to manual. Hit install and go to recovery
recovery should give you the dead droid an then reboot
Also don't worry if the group "shell" shows up as something else in app_proces
rayjr13 said:
You should be able to foloow the instruction you quoted from that point. You should go back and check your permissions, ownership and group for the 4 files. first
Do the change in install mode to manual. Hit install and go to recovery
recovery should give you the dead droid an then reboot
Also don't worry if the group "shell" shows up as something else in app_proces
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Lol the dead droid freaked me out at first, but I'm so happy xposed finally works!!!

[Tutorial] permanent fix for notifications issue

Hi guys.
First of all, all credits go to @ZeroPDA. The processo is from him. Im just making this tut for everyone to see.
Requirements - root
1-download root explorer and terminal emulator
2-download universal init.d
3-go in the universal init.d APP and turn it on.
4- go in root explorer, go to etc/init.d and create a filé named deviceidle. Note that you have to give all permissionários to etc folder and init.d folder in order to be allowed to creat the file.
5-open the file that you just created, deviceidle, with a text editor, and write the line "dumpsys deviceidle disable". Save. Nós erase everything else from the folder init.d.
6-reboot your phone.
7-please allow some seconds when it boots, to see the message that universal init.d has been granted with supersu permissionários. This may take 30 seconds after boot.
8-when you see the message, go in terminal emulator and type "su"
9-type "dumpsys deviceidle enabled". If it returns 0 your good to go. If it returns 1 you've done something wrong.
Gonna include a video recorded imeadiatly after boot
New video with steps
Did not work, getting 1 and I redid and followed every step.
Thank you for recognizing my efforts. I decided to make it even more clearer with reference to the apps
Requirements - root
Download root explorer and Terminal Emulator for Android
Download Universal Init.d
Go in the Universal init.d app and turn it on.
Go in root explorer, go to /etc/init.d and create a file named deviceidle with permissions rw- --- --- (Only Owner can Read and Write).
Open the file that you just created, deviceidle, with a text editor, and write the line dumpsys deviceidle disable. Save. You can delete everything else from the folder /etc/init.d Just leave one file deviceidle there (You can also leave 99SuperSUDaemon if it is present)
Reboot your phone.
Please allow some seconds when it boots, to see the message that Universal init.d has been granted with supersu permissions. This may take 30 seconds after boot.
After seeing the message, go to the terminal emulator and type "su"
Type "dumpsys deviceidle enabled". If it returns 0 your good to go. If it returns 1 you've done something wrong.
New vídeo with the steps
I did these exact steps, does still not work..
MFRCNS said:
I did these exact steps, does still not work..
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do it again. sometimes you have to check the permissions again. at first, with me, i had to check them twice. also, put all permissions in the file created. when yoiu reboot, please allow a few seconds till the message "universal init.d has been granted su privileges"
I writed a new step. its very importan and might be the reason some people arent being sucessfull with this.
For some reason this method does not work for me
I donwload and install everything, but when i try to go through the steps this is what happens:
I open universal init.d and nothing happens , no way to turn it on!
Then, in Root Browser i have no init.d folder inside etc and if i try to create it, the browser gets stuck and no folder is created!!! Please Help
maurosch said:
For some reason this method does not work for me
if i try to create it, the browser gets stuck and no folder is created!!! Please Help
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Probably either you are not rooted or not given root permissions.
ZeroPDA said:
Probably either you are not rooted or not given root permissions.
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thank you for your reply. I am rooted and permissions for the etc folder are 777 all clicked!!!i want to do this cause i really miss notifications!!!! at first they work, but after a while i have to reboot the phone to start getting them again!!!
What kind of notification doesn't work? GMail, WhatsApp, Viber? All of them?
Sent from my HUAWEI M2-A01L using Tapatalk
maurosch said:
thank you for your reply. I am rooted and permissions for the etc folder are 777 all clicked!!!i want to do this cause i really miss notifications!!!! at first they work, but after a while i have to reboot the phone to start getting them again!!!
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give permissions to etc folder and also to init.d folder. when you create the deviceidle file, before you write anything, save the file without nothing and give also full permissions to that file
nosidefcp said:
give permissions to etc folder and also to init.d folder. when you create the deviceidle file, before you write anything, save the file without nothing and give also full permissions to that file
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i have been usinf this method for awhile, and has worked perfectly.
but since i am on a different firmware now, i had to redo it, and yes it still works...
BUT, only for some time and then it reverts back. (so when checking in Terminal it reads 0, and stays like that for an hour or two, and then automatically turns to 1)
Sent from my HUAWEI NXT-AL10 using XDA Labs
I tried it the first time did not work. Then I opened the Universal Init app and it showed ON and below were the scripts, so I went to SuperSu app to make sure Init app gained permissions, and that was the problem it didn't work in the beginning because did not gain Root. So, went back to the Init app and click the TEST button at the bottom, and there appeared the SuperSu window asking for Root permissions, so, granted permissions, rebooted the phone and opened terminal to make sure it worked this time. SUCCESS, it showed 0 this time. I don't know if it changes back to 1 like someone mentioned above, but I'll check and come back here. Good luck
maurosch said:
thank you for your reply. I am rooted and permissions for the etc folder are 777 all clicked!!!i want to do this cause i really miss notifications!!!! at first they work, but after a while i have to reboot the phone to start getting them again!!!
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Freeze phone manager. I'm not sure how people are reporting success with this when doze is a feature for all Marshmallow devices and none have this issue. I have no doubt that the problem is with phone manager and I'm sure if we were able to decompile the file properly there would already be a solution.
On B321 after selecting keep wifi on during sleep and keep mobile data on during sleep I have zero notification issues. I don't even have to move any apps to system/app anymore.
The problem is that there is no B321 for L29 officially. Any try to flash B321 to L29 is connected with risk to brick the phone. And there is no reliable guidance how to return back to B180 from B321 if someone doesn't like it.
ajsmsg78 said:
On B321 after selecting keep wifi on during sleep and keep mobile data on during sleep I have zero notification issues. I don't even have to move any apps to system/app anymore.
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I couldnt find "keep mobile data on during sleep" option. Where is it?
hi my friend
testing this tip
for lock app after sleep facebook line email etc. show noti. but drain batt'
unlock after sleep not show noti. but save batt.
making by wipe down lock frist wipe down unlock second make in recent app
looking at image
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
b180 fixed the gmail notification issue for me, it is already stated in the official change log that it fixes gmail notification.
That's maybe why the report for b180 drains more battery, doze is half disabled on b180 but so far the notification is working like it should.
