i just noticed 2 spots one on the right and the other on the left
they appear as lighter than surrounding area in a gray background only in low brightness
they are ill defined .... not a ring
i ll post a pic later on
any help about this ??
I believe this is a limitation on the SAMOLED+ ( was not there on the original SAMOLED ) some phones dont have this un-uniformity of rendering greys but probably a good majority have.
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bruflot said:
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i searched before posting but didn't found any similar thread
so whats the problem ..... is it normal
it is not obvious but it is annoying to have it in a new device only
in normal use i don't see it but the only screen that i can see it when looking for battery usage as it gives the screen a plain gray color
xdafun4all said:
in normal use i don't see it
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You have 3 choices:
1. Do nothing - no problem under normal use, so why whine?
2. Return the phone.
3. Find one of the 306507 threads involving screen defects and filled with the rantings of some of the most disturbed people you could ever wish to meet. Won't "cure" your phone, but it may be of some succour.
I recommend #3 for you.
B3311 said:
You have 3 choices:
1. Do nothing - no problem under normal use, so why whine?
2. Return the phone.
3. Find one of the 306507 threads involving screen defects and filled with the rantings of some of the most disturbed people you could ever wish to meet. Won't "cure" your phone, but it may be of some succour.
I recommend #3 for you.
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LOL nice.
I actually have the same issue, and ended up in this thread. I'm just gonna live with it, not a big spot in my case.
Few days ago i bought Nexus 4 and its really nice device i really like it.
But the problem i found in game ZenBound 2 is that is displaying this artifacts and that annoys me much.
It just happens in Tree lvl chooser and nowhere else.
So does any1 have similar problems whit ZenBound2 or its just my device that has problems?
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Karlo666 said:
Few days ago i bought Nexus 4 and its really nice device i really like it.
But the problem i found in game ZenBound 2 is that is displaying this artifacts and that annoys me much.
It just happens in Tree lvl chooser and nowhere else.
So does any1 have similar problems whit ZenBound2 or its just my device that has problems?
[screenshot removed]
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I fail to see any screen artifacts, all I see is jaggies and that's not screen artifacts. That's just a lack of anti-aliasing.
deltatux said:
I fail to see any screen artifacts, all I see is jaggies and that's not screen artifacts. That's just a lack of anti-aliasing.
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Look at the leafs. they have some kind of black background around them.
and yes, happens on mine too.
Did you reboot phone? Uninstall and reinstall game?
If its still bad then email developer. Game looks quite cool, might buy it if they fix the issue. Post them the link to this thread in the email!
666fff said:
Did you reboot phone? Uninstall and reinstall game?
If its still bad then email developer. Game looks quite cool, might buy it if they fix the issue. Post them the link to this thread in the email!
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Yep i did that several times but nothing helps.
Game uninstalled!
It looks like the leaf images are supposed to have one color mapped to transparent. What image format is being used? GIF?
This video shows this cool new feature to aid one handed use:
I was surprised to see however that the background color of the unused screen area is blue instead of black - which would make much more sense on AMOLED.
Can that color be configured? Or maybe it's a safety measure against screen burn-in? Also, the border of the box could be a darker color...
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Sounds like a cool feature, but I will never use it. It's why I bought a screen that size and not a screen size that it shrinks down to lol. Can be useful to some, but honestly defeats the purpose of the note haha. As for the colors, I have no idea...
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paul89 said:
Sounds like a cool feature, but I will never use it. It's why I bought a screen that size and not a screen size that it shrinks down to lol. Can be useful to some, but honestly defeats the purpose of the note haha. As for the colors, I have no idea...
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app
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I agree. I have big hands and could reach all points of note 2 so I'm not worried about it but nice for some people
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
vgergo said:
Can that color be configured? Or maybe it's a safety measure against screen burn-in?
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I'm sure that color can be changed (at least I THINK I saw black in another video). As for the burn-in, blue IS what causes the burn in. So blue would actually make it much worse.
they probably made it blue so it's easy to see, so when you move it back to original you can place it exactly in place, instead of black where you might find it hard to put back.
unless of course there is a reset....
Hey guys,
I'm having a problem with the display on my G2. I spotted a grey spot on my display. It's not very big and can only be seen if your in a dark room and the display is black. Sounds really like a minor issue, but now that I know it's there, it just bugs me.
Any of you guys have an idea what this is, or having the same problem? (Just test it out)
I'm not sure if this is reason enough to get it replaced
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You can't see it very well, because I just don't have a better way of taking a picture from it than my Nexus 7
SchleckBlood said:
Hey guys,
I'm having a problem with the display on my G2. I spotted a grey spot on my display. It's not very big and can only be seen if your in a dark room and the display is black. Sounds really like a minor issue, but now that I know it's there, it just bugs me.
Any of you guys have an idea what this is, or having the same problem? (Just test it out)
I'm not sure if this is reason enough to get it replaced
You can't see it very well, because I just don't have a better way of taking a picture from it than my Nexus 7
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I won't look on mine... because if it's something common I will have it for sure.. and I know myself it will bug me till the end ...
Anyway looks like glue residue or something in that matter, in case you do not have a screen protector.
If you can prove it to the store, get it replaced... This is a flagship device. Prestige one... Even minor appearance problems shouldn't be there.
Personally if I had it there and as you say, you can see it, get it replaced, and you never know if this i snot a beginning of something bigger? What if your screen falls off? (bit paranoid, but you know what to say in the store if they gonna give you hardtime )
Get it replaced! A $500 phone should not have that.
Sent from my JEE TWO
yeah, get it replaced if you want to. But i have a dead pixel on my G2, it bugged me for about a week, but ive forgotten its even there now haha
My S7 Edge is coming tomorrow and I'm always paranoid about things like stuck pixels, dead pixels etc. Have any of you noticed anything that would make you want to exchange for another device?
Yeah. My S7 has way too many pixels. [emoji23]
Sent from my SM-N920W8 using Tapatalk
got my s7 last wednesday and i absolutely love it!
no dead pixels, vibrator is strong, buttons work well and are responsive, speaker sounds fine, and the glass front/back are perfectly clear, not a scratch on it. And the Titanium Silver color is beautiful! I really don't want to put a case on it!!
Samsung has never let me down in terms of hardware flaws out-of-the-box.
berfles said:
My S7 Edge is coming tomorrow and I'm always paranoid about things like stuck pixels, dead pixels etc. Have any of you noticed anything that would make you want to exchange for another device?
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Search this problem, a lot of samsung screen have this, for me it's annoying and samsung don't change it.
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No issues yet. Only quirk is installing apps. I Cannot find the option to disable "allow Google to regularly scan".
Braulio00 said:
Search this problem, a lot of samsung screen have this, for me it's annoying and samsung don't change it.
View attachment 3675573
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And what would the problem be called?
berfles said:
And what would the problem be called?
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I dont know, maybe the glue or any protection more than normal, see this vídeo bellow, 3:38 second and you will see, all s7 edge have a green tone when have in a white image, for me it's annoying and is why I won't buy that model, I love the edge but this feature/annoying thing for me it's impossible, I constantly see and see the problem.
My 9T display when there is low light, the brightness is set to low and the image I see on the display is darkish I can see a vertical line at the right side of the display, is this normal or should I return It?
multiple users reported similar issues with low brightness, some said it's a rom issue but to be sure, post a screenshot or something and wait for others to respond.
read here > https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=80025560&postcount=74
Dev Dezigns said:
multiple users reported similar issues with low brightness, some said it's a rom issue but to be sure, post a screenshot or something and wait for others to respond.
read here > https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=80025560&postcount=74
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Ive never installed that mod and what Im seeing is way different, its a really thin dark line, I will try to upload a photo later.
Ikarem said:
My 9T display when there is low light, the brightness is set to low and the image I see on the display is darkish I can see a vertical line at the right side of the display, is this normal or should I return It?
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I have exactly the same problem on the right.
Its kinda hard to see
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Ikarem said:
Its kinda hard to see
View attachment 4804210
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Exactly in the same place, I think it's a recurring problem on this model.
isman77 said:
Exactly in the same place, I think it's a recurring problem on this model.
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Replaced the phone and there is no line in the new one, you should return It.
I don't have something like that on mine. Looks like banding to me, like on TVs. It can happen, it's probably not important. Screens aren't perfectly uniform.
Ikarem said:
Replaced the phone and there is no line in the new one, you should return It.
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I will wait and replace the last days of its warranty.
+1 Same issue here on Mi 9T
Mi9T pro same
problem appeared after i installed my silicone screen protector