[Q] Oxygen R1 and Dalvik VM heap size - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

I am using Oxygen r1 with FranciscoFranco kernel 31AUG. What is the Dalvik VM heap size ? How can I know this and how to change it to 48 or 64MB ?
Do you recommend to use this toolhttps://market.android.com/details?id=com.martino2k6.vmheaptool&feature=search_result to check and alter the VM Heap size ?
If so, what values are you using ?

Yes you can use that app if you want or you can edit build.prop. There is dalvik.vm.heapsize=32m just change that to whatever you like. I always use 32 and don't know if something else is better.

have anyone tested 48mb or greater heap size ? Does it makes any difference ?


My Legend has less RAM than stated. System info: RAM: 291 MB ROM: 185 MB

Hi all,
I notices something really weird today. I have installed a couple of System Info applications from Market (Android System Info, Quick System Info) on my Legend and these apps are displaying the same thing:
RAM: 291 MB
ROM: 185 MB
Official HTC Specs:
RAM: 384 MB
ROM: 512 MB
Did someone else noticed this on Legend too?
I also tried another sys info app called Device Information. It states "Total Usable RAM: 291 MB". WTF?
Please mates, try it on your Legend and let me know if just mine is f*cked up.
Just checked on mine with android system info: I have exactly the same "issue".
Maybe the rest of the ram/rom is allocated to the OS and therefore not "visible".
I assume that these Sys Info applications does not display correct information. I tried some more similar applications and tested on HTC Tattoo also - it seems there are some hardware reserved system resources which are not discoverable by the apps.
Actually the value in /proc/meminfo also shows 291MB. Is there something between Linux kernel and the hardware itself that could take the remaining 96 megs?
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I have the same problem.
Do you all have rooted phones or not? I think that if the phone is not rooted, some part of memory is locked.
My phone is rooted and it has 291MB of RAM.
This is because of the limitations of the 2.6.29 linux kernel, used in android 2.1 not the device itself. This should be resolved with the next release.
The memory will be fixed with the 2.2 froyo update?
should do
Android 2.2 users 2.6.32 kernel which supports HIGHMEM support for RAM >256MB
old post I know but I've got 2.2 and apps still report 291mb of ram. I presume the rest is hidden by the system and not anything to do with the kernel not using the memory ?
I'm testing " The NewSense 1.0 alpha 6 " by @ogo2 and it is the same :
ROM : 185.1 MB total
RAM : 291.4 MB total
did your really think that a problem?)
"i have the same problem"
very funny, thx guys
pappilion said:
I'm testing " The NewSense 1.0 alpha 6 " by @ogo2 and it is the same :
ROM : 185.1 MB total
RAM : 291.4 MB total
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Do not worry, it should be! memory depends on the ROM

How to change the cpu speed in a rom / kernel .zip file?

Hello All
Sorry for my noob question:
I 'm searching how to change the settings of the cpu speed in my VE 4.0 ROM, through the .zip file directly, or in the kernel files uploaded by radug with his rom to change this speed
In fact, how to change the min/max CPU speed in a .zip file (ROM) ?
Thx in advance for all your help
Fabulous691 said:
Hello All
Sorry for my noob question:
I 'm searching how to change the settings of the cpu speed in my VE 4.0 ROM, through the .zip file directly, or in the kernel files uploaded by radug with his rom to change this speed
In fact, how to change the min/max CPU speed in a .zip file (ROM) ?
Thx in advance for all your help
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I think the kernels for VE 4.0 are pre-overclocked, meaning that you choose a kernel update according to the speed you want....
I am guessing that if this is so, the frequency table in the kernel is very very limited.
What exactly are you trying to do? Does SetCPU enable you to set the speed you want? If not then its because the kernel version you are using does not support it and there is no way to get around it. If SetCPU does support this speed, can't you just use "Set on boot"?
Hi Erasmux
Thx for your response
I would like to set the cpu as i need directly in the rom without having to use set cpu for example. (576 mhZ / 352mhz) and i dont have this choice in the kernels...
Basically, you need to write the min/max frequencies you want to:
You can do this in a file in /system/etc/init.d so that it gets done at boot.
This is of course limited by the frequency tables in the kernel. I am guessing that the free kernel should give you the frequencies you want. I still suggest first using SetCPU to check the exact frequency values the kernel supports.
This is quite a complicated way to achieve, performance and battery life which is worst than the supplied 576/245 locked kernel. I have done quite a lot of investigation on the subject, and the locked kernels will behave much better for you than the free kernel.
Can you explain what problems you have with the 576/245 locked kernel?
setcpu does not manage to change the cpu speed on boot on my hero, although i pick um "set on boot" enable. only after the phone starts up i can go to setcpu and change the cpu speed to 614/176 (my hero is rooted and has the flykernel13, the rom is equal to the original only pre-rooted). is there any other way to change/set cpu speed on boot (for instance, editing in on file ...).

[ Q ] How heavy is Android Rom ??? In MB

Maybe stupid question but how many Mb have real
Android Rom ?
( not Android folder on SD Card )
Maybe someone know how many megs will it have in NAND version ?
Look at the size of the download it will be a rough estimate of the size it will take in nand..... Round 120 for sense bout 110-115 for vanilla... Hope thatd the answer your looking for
Sent from my HTC HD2 Android
Please CLOSE .
The Shubcraft build has a smaller initial download size of roughly 80mb. This is because it creates its own data files upon first boot.

[Q] EXTReloc or PlatformRebuilder: what is better?

Beside the platformrebuilder problems with some devices/files has anybody noticed any improvement (e.g. more free RAM) when using extreloc instead of platformrebuilder?
I think the more free RAM is done by prb, that it adjust ulRAMFree (padded with 64k chunks) automatically when generating xip.bin, and I bet, that EXTReloc doesn't, or what you use for XIP
I think EXTreloc give me more free RAM, and also fixed memory leak when PlartformRebuilder get fail to fix it.
NB: i just cooking the Samsung GT-C6625 and i706 ROM, not tested on other ROM by me.

[Q] HD2 android memory question

Hello everyone
Recently I have installed Pyramid HTC WWE 1.35.401.1 - Real 3D ROM on my HD2, i was wondering if I could increase internal memory storage. For now i have 56mb. I have used CoreDroid ROM and i had about 900mb free. My question is if i can do the same for this ROM, if yes could you tell me how
Thanks in Advance
try to minimise the size of recovey ... if too low rom wont boot ...example for typhoon roms we must use 150 mb recovrry witch lest about 200 mb free but if i reduce the size to 100mb recovery i get 300 mb free ...but with 90 mb recovery size rom dont boot ...
try to minimize by a 100 mb and see the diference
sebastiang244 said:
Hello everyone
Recently I have installed Pyramid HTC WWE 1.35.401.1 - Real 3D ROM on my HD2, i was wondering if I could increase internal memory storage. For now i have 56mb. I have used CoreDroid ROM and i had about 900mb free. My question is if i can do the same for this ROM, if yes could you tell me how
Thanks in Advance
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CoreDroid use Data2EXT so your phone will see your EXT partition as Internal memory but Dungphp Tom only show NAND free as Internal memory.
You can try APP2SD script and move dalvik cache to EXT and you will have about 200mb free
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

