[Q] Where is Clarkkov ?? - Galaxy 3 General

Today i wanted to download the GB CKved theme of clarrkov and i can't find him and his thread. CAN you help me.
Thanks in advance

I really dunno, where is he. He probably deleted his acount

he is banned from xda developers

werker123 said:
he is banned from xda developers
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whaat? when??

werker123 said:
he is banned from xda developers
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Why?? Too bad, that he doesnt continue with his theme pack

Is it a joke or it's real but somebody else can upload his theme
I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=49.305462,-0.074219

antaine said:
Today i wanted to download the GB CKved theme of clarrkov and i can't find him and his thread. CAN you help me.
Thanks in advance
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If u luv gingy theme, u shld try this..
Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk

ranadip.bswas said:
If u luv gingy theme, u shld try this..
Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk
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This theme is looking cool but i preder the one of clarkkov

ranadip.bswas said:
If u luv gingy theme, u shld try this..
Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk
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I didnt love it, I just regret, that there is 1 less theme maker

jazux said:
whaat? when??
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He s banned. Becuase he released Styloo' s theme without asking him. And he abused the mods. So he s banned. Don t know whether temporary or permanent.

dhirend_6d said:
He s banned. Becuase he released Styloo' s theme without asking him. And he abused the mods. So he s banned. Don t know whether temporary or permanent.
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and where did he get Styloo's theme?

tadeas482 said:
and where did he get Styloo's theme?
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From his ROM. Styloo had not released the AOSP theme intially for public. It was only for the ROM. He had said he will release it later but don t know why, Clarkkov released it before without permission. And then there was some fight between him and the Mods etc etc.

I think, it was fair, that he was banned, cuz releasing some part of rom without its developper´s permision is wrong

And now anybody know where can i find his thème ??
I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=48.879247,2.276622

still got it here but i dont know if it is legal to upload? i don't want to get banned

werker123 said:
still got it here but i dont know if it is legal to upload? i don't want to get banned
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Don't worry you can upload it...
That's no crime !

He should create another profile with different username and continue with his good work!

i think i got a backup of his theme on my sd card..
Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk

This is the adapted theme for our g3 with transparent notification bar and it shows the battery status... Here you go!

gingerbread ckv 09 (i think) no transperant status bar and looks almost exactly like gb http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1L74A21U


MIUI For Dell Streak

Yeah well apparently someone ported it to an MDPI phone.
Could we get this going for us?? I would try but i cant port a GSM phone to save my life
Nikolai2.1 said:
Yeah well apparently someone ported it to an MDPI phone.
Could we get this going for us?? I would try but i cant port a GSM phone to save my life
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im not sure but ill look at it ,, not promising anything im not that smart
downloadin now
tazzpatriot said:
im not sure but ill look at it ,, not promising anything im not that smart
downloadin now
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Psh yes you are!! But thanks man if we could get help from you that would be amazing!!!
tazzpatriot said:
im not sure but ill look at it ,, not promising anything im not that smart
downloadin now
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lol... sure you are bro. if you can port this to us you will truly and finally be a god among men (not that your not real close to this now with your roms).
So tazz hows it going do yo have it ported yet!!??? If not then you have failed me
jk bro take your time, but this would be a great break through for the Eris
Nikolai2.1 said:
So tazz hows it going do yo have it ported yet!!??? If not then you have failed me
jk bro take your time, but this would be a great break through for the Eris
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well i get it to boot but it goes back to recovery
tazzpatriot said:
well i get it to boot but it goes back to recovery
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hmmmm...... this can be an awesome comback rom...... Tazz check ur PM
T.C.P said:
hmmmm...... this can be an awesome comback rom...... Tazz check ur PM
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lol i saw ur p,m now bro forget my reply i didnt see this post lool
tazzpatriot said:
well i get it to boot but it goes back to recovery
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Well thats a start!! Haha, this MIUI rom is gonna be something else.. i read somewhere that its based off of Cyanogen, is that true?
Nikolai2.1 said:
Well thats a start!! Haha, this MIUI rom is gonna be something else.. i read somewhere that its based off of Cyanogen, is that true?
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well tcp just told me ands i looked for myself also , which i shoulda done first , but its not gunna work for us its hdpi
tazzpatriot said:
well tcp just told me ands i looked for myself also , which i shoulda done first , but its not gunna work for us its hdpi
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wait.,.., on the cyanogen mod wiki it said the streak was mdpi...
Nikolai2.1 said:
wait.,.., on the cyanogen mod wiki it said the streak was mdpi...
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well i opened some of the apps and saw nuthing that was mdpi
tazzpatriot said:
well i opened some of the apps and saw nuthing that was mdpi
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awhhh darn i just checked that.. yeah.. well sorry guys.. Cyanogenmod lied to me lol. I fail
Just so i dont make any more threads im posting this here.
Can we use this new hero radio?
or would that not work? I dont want to flash it and brick lol
Nikolai2.1 said:
Just so i dont make any more threads im posting this here.
Can we use this new hero radio?
or would that not work? I dont want to flash it and brick lol
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I've been using it for several days, so yes it's safe to flash.
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
I've been using it for several days, so yes it's safe to flash.
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Any difference?
Bringing this thread back to life...this portingprocess is dead because of the non-published driver-thing, right?
EDIT: Wow, I haven´t seen that this thread is in the wrong section..

[Q] A question

Hey Guys
How are you all
So today i have finally given Custom ROMs up ..
As They are all not workin perfectly ..
As after some time .. it starts to Lag
So i want to go back To SE's Original ROM
SE's ROM Doesn't Look good .. As it is not highly customizable
i came up with another idea..
Are there any Custom 2.1 ROMs ?
Or something Similar ??
OR !
Any custom themes for the Original ROM ?
i'd Appreciate ur answers ..
One other thing
Is it possible 2 install " Theme chooser " For the original SE's ROM ?
P.S : Sorry for my bad english
^ Theming Stock 2.1 is possible, as you know SE themed it themselves.
You must edit the framework.apk.
Yah i know that bro ..
but Are there any Themes Here ??
Cause all i found are only CM6/CM7 themes ..
So am just wondering ?
Sira. said:
Yah i know that bro ..
but Are there any Themes Here ??
Cause all i found are only CM6/CM7 themes ..
So am just wondering ?
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Unfortunately few people uses stock 2.1 so the themers doesn't even bother. You can check the General Thread for Android Themes and Apps.
Or you could make your x8 look like a HTC Sense, even with the flipcock
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
RohinZaraki said:
Or you could make your x8 look like a HTC Sense, even with the flipcock
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
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Clock ! I meant FLIPCLOCK ><
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
RohinZaraki said:
Clock ! I meant FLIPCLOCK ><
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
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Haha nice mistake
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk
Sira. said:
Yah i know that bro ..
but Are there any Themes Here ??
Cause all i found are only CM6/CM7 themes ..
So am just wondering ?
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If u upload ur framework and give me a idear of what u want ill do it for u
super.sense on x8
RohinZaraki said:
Or you could make your x8 look like a HTC Sense, even with the flipcock
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
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HTC Sense ??
How the hell ???
And i like the " FlipCock " thingy !!
AChep has made many beautiful themes for stock 2.1 You should check them out.
Sira. said:
HTC Sense ??
How the hell ???
And i like the " FlipCock " thingy !!
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Haha worst mistake ever xD ! Here, this is how i did it
Just replace beautiful widgets with fancy widgets in market, cuz u'd have to pay for beautiful widgets while fancy widgets is free and practically the same
Sent from my X8 running on GingerDX via XDA APP
Chris95X8 said:
AChep has made many beautiful themes for stock 2.1 You should check them out.
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U can also post the link here phello ..
cause i couldn't find it :/
---------- Post added at 03:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 PM ----------
RohinZaraki said:
Haha worst mistake ever xD ! Here, this is how i did it
Just replace beautiful widgets with fancy widgets in market, cuz u'd have to pay for beautiful widgets while fancy widgets is free and practically the same
Sent from my X8 running on GingerDX via XDA APP
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i have had that on my Old rom 2.2 froyobread ..
And am lookin for a Real theming ..
i want everything to be changed ..
Battery, dockbar, ... etc
u know what am talkin about ..
But now ... as they have bypassed the boot loader ..
i think we wont wait too much till they released the Fully functional Bugless SENSE ROMs :3 !
ones i've been waiting for !
Sira. said:
U can also post the link here phello ..
cause i couldn't find it :/
---------- Post added at 03:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 PM ----------
i have had that on my Old rom 2.2 froyobread ..
And am lookin for a Real theming ..
i want everything to be changed ..
Battery, dockbar, ... etc
u know what am talkin about ..
But now ... as they have bypassed the boot loader ..
i think we wont wait too much till they released the Fully functional Bugless SENSE ROMs :3 !
ones i've been waiting for !
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I see...so far, themes and theme choosers have only been seen on custom rom's
Sent from my X8 running on GingerDX via XDA APP
unfortunately ... Yeah :/ !
Sira. said:
unfortunately ... Yeah :/ !
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Here :
Try this, its a honeycomb theme. Looks pretty good
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
i Cannot use it
I don't have a Theme chooser ..
i told you man
Am using 2.1 eclair .. SE's ROM ..
Here is AChep's X-Mini theme for stock ROM. Check his signature for his other themes.
Sira. said:
i Cannot use it
I don't have a Theme chooser ..
i told you man
Am using 2.1 eclair .. SE's ROM ..
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Sry my mistake
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
it's Alright


download the zip and flash it
for ics rom?
r66 said:
for ics rom?
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for Hephappy's cm9...but if u r using diff. rom i can mode it
good job
but i also need different recent app screen?
Free.rockstar said:
good job
but i also need different recent app screen?
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I m working on that.....but I need paul's help so waiting for him to reply my PM....till then request are open for this mode to different rom
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA
26jtyjn said:
I m working on that.....but I need paul's help so waiting for him to reply my PM....till then request are open for this mode to different rom
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA
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ok thanks
please mod for stock rom v20g 2.3.3
Can u do Gauge (white clr) for Fallout V3.0.0 ROM plz...plz
thanks in advance..waiting for the Mod..
04kiran said:
Can u do Gauge (white clr) for Fallout V3.0.0 ROM plz...plz
thanks in advance..waiting for the Mod..
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Fallout v3 give me link of this rom's thread.....or provide its system.apk
@OP provide proper screenshots for each of them so anyone choose & decide which one to download..& instructions also as many here doesnt know how to..thanxx anyways keep it up btw good to see u from Patna..i m from Bhagalpur u may know
Jaani said:
@OP provide proper screenshots for each of them so anyone choose & decide which one to download..& instructions also as many here doesnt know how to..thanxx anyways keep it up btw good to see u from Patna..i m from Bhagalpur u may know
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The images are good...i can see them..
going to write how to...nd btw i m from jaipur studying in patna
Only few sc are working here..
Hey bro here is the link and file :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1679125
p.s plz make it white color.
thanks much..once i get mod will post it in the fallout rom thread and will give credit link to your page..
Here is the fallout framework-res.apk
Does these work on gb CM 7.2??
If not plz make few for them!!
Honeycomb FTW :victory:
Any update for TEAM MAC rom ?
SvetlioMilev said:
Any update for TEAM MAC rom ?
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if u want..u can send me...framework-res.apk and systemui.apk
i don't have this device now
Hello ! Dose this work on JB ? I know it's quiet similar to ics , that's why i ask.
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda app-developers app

Someone has GreenDroid 2.0 rom? can you share with me?

Hi, i have a lot of time ussing mod rom's, specifically a 2.3.7 cynamogen rom, but I get tired of not having zoom!! and stability for every day use (no autorestart or bugs)..
I already probe the latest rom's 2.3 .. but the screen jumps every moment .. so I want to get this rom(GreenDroid), because it's have's ext's, swap, and stuff I use, and is fast and stable, something old, but good.. And rigth now is not a link to download in nowhere... Soo if somebody can share with me the ZIP Rom I would appreciate so much!!!
Sorry for my bad english!!
why dont u try the aosp 2.3.7 from miroslav
snakkarike said:
why dont u try the aosp 2.3.7 from miroslav
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nah sir..i think toxygen by kolosses i faster and more stabilized..oxygen rom thats bugfree frm devswift plus aded style from koloses
Sent from my LG-GT540 using xda premium
Just get what the guy wants
here i found it
thanks MrAndroid12
I already use that mod yesterday
SmashDrill said:
nah sir..i think toxygen by kolosses i faster and more stabilized..oxygen rom thats bugfree frm devswift plus aded style from koloses
Sent from my LG-GT540 using xda premium
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Yesterday i probe that room oxygen.. i download the last v. from the devswift page and like another lastest Mod's that i probe, have's this bug in my phone!*
Something like this attach!!
snakkarike said:
why dont u try the aosp 2.3.7 from miroslav
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Hey bro u can send me a link i dont find that Post??
not the last
andreas__ said:
here i found it
thanks MrAndroid12
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Thanks men!! but i just installed the rom.. and don't have ext3/4 partition and swap partition.. so... i have 1.5gb of mi Sdcart unused!!! You are shure that this is the greendroid 6/18/11 (last) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1102051 what was here!!! I realy want that version!!!
nesti123 said:
Thanks men!! but i just installed the rom.. and don't have ext3/4 partition and swap partition.. so... i have 1.5gb of mi Sdcart unused!!! You are shure that this is the greendroid 6/18/11 (last) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1102051 what was here!!! I realy want that version!!!
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i think 2.1 doesn't support init.d scripts ..
2.1 in general dont...
My solution
andreas__ said:
i think 2.1 doesn't support init.d scripts ..
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-Grift- said:
2.1 in general dont...
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Actually yes, I'm using LiteEclairOptimalPerfonmance V2 and I have Ext4 Swap and unbeatable stability and speed, not going back to 2.3.7, all my software and games work perfectly here, and 70mb of ram free and always!!! :fingers-crossed: and look great whit go luncher!!
better than GreenDroid!!!
Admin you can Close these thread!!
andreas__ said:
here i found it
thanks MrAndroid12
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Woah this guy is really helpful
Sent from my LG-GT540 using xda premium
SmashDrill said:
Woah this guy is really helpful
Sent from my LG-GT540 using xda premium
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always (mostly) giving my best
nesti123 said:
Actually yes, I'm using LiteEclairOptimalPerfonmance V2 and I have Ext4 Swap and unbeatable stability and speed, not going back to 2.3.7, all my software and games work perfectly here, and 70mb of ram free and always!!! :fingers-crossed: and look great whit go luncher!!
better than GreenDroid!!!
Admin you can Close these thread!!
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Can you give me the link for that LiteEclairOptimalPerfonmance ?
link to LEOP-V2
smileydr0id said:
Can you give me the link for that LiteEclairOptimalPerfonmance ?
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Shure!!! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1477527
I use this http://depositfiles.com/files/z7etsgvol
nesti123 said:
Shure!!! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1477527
I use this http://depositfiles.com/files/z7etsgvol
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thanks !!!

close it captain

OK GUYS I AM NOT A NOOB! I was trying to compile a kernel but i got stuck on the splash image!! Anyone knows the possible reasons for it? I made the kernel the usual way except it was another phone.(it has broadcom in it)
hell_lock said:
OK GUYS I AM NOT A NOOB! I was trying to compile a kernel but i got stuck on the splash image!! Anyone knows the possible reasons for it? I made the kernel the usual way except it was another phone.(it has broadcom in it)
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i know my pocket
anyway... did you mod the files of source code?? what it has in kernel .txt file in opensource zip file provided by samsung....? i mean which tool chain is suggested in it?
nitubhaskar said:
i know my pocket
anyway... did you mod the files of source code?? what it has in kernel .txt file in opensource zip file provided by samsung....? i mean which tool chain is suggested in it?
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2009q3... I am using it..
nitubhaskar said:
i know my pocket
anyway... did you mod the files of source code?? what it has in kernel .txt file in opensource zip file provided by samsung....? i mean which tool chain is suggested in it?
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You got a pocket??
b16h22 said:
You got a pocket??
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nope.. hell_lock is doing one for it
ssshhh.. .thats a secret lol!! :silly:
@hell_lock.. PMed you with more questions!!
nitubhaskar said:
nope.. hell_lock is doing one for it
ssshhh.. .thats a secret lol!! :silly:
@hell_lock.. PMed you with more questions!!
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uhh.. u told everyone! tum dono apna mu band rakhna(translation:keep ur mouth shut). I am currently working for 4 more devices (they are still unknown i guess)
hell_lock said:
uhh.. u told everyone! tum dono apna mu band rakhna(translation:keep ur mouth shut). I am currently working for 4 more devices (they are still unknown i guess)
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Post deleted
sent while doin' some burnouts
b16h22 said:
Pico,pop plus?
sent while doin' some burnouts
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lol... if we dont keep it under wraps.. he may kill us.. :silly:
Edit: he asked captain to lock the thread itself
hell_lock said:
uhh.. u told everyone! tum dono apna mu band rakhna(translation:keep ur mouth shut). I am currently working for 4 more devices (they are still unknown i guess)
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Sir hell lock ...
U indian.??
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
menewtoroot said:
Sir hell lock ...
U indian.??
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
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can you see location on the left side below his name and avatar?
under thanks meter join date posts etc...?
also click on more info to see something extra.. which will answer your question
Thread Closed at OP's Request.

