[Q] Developer for GPS based program needed - Android Software Development

I'm looking for a developer (hope this is the correct forum) that has experience with GPS based programs. PM me for details. Can possibly be paid.

android developer
I have developed a number of GPS based apps for android.I interested to work on your project for more details and discussions please mail me : [email protected]
or skype me : sofian_sunny


Freelance Developer Wanted

Hi guys,
We been working on an App, and recently we encountered a hurdle in our development in GUI.
Are there any keen developers out there willing to work with us, remuneration method is to be negotiated.
For further information, please PM me or via email [email protected]

[Q] Custom Phone apk Development

Hi everyone,
I'm working on a custom Phone apk, but I'm relatively new to the plattform development...
So just a little question:
-> In the InCallScreen java I wanna do a check if the number of the VoiceMail is entered or not...
So if(actualdialingnumber == voicemailnumber)
But I don't now how to get the actualdialing Number, can anyone please provide me some Informations? Thanks a lot!!

[Q] Developer needed

Hi everyone I'm looking for a developer that would be open to help create android application. Willing to pay let me know if there are any interest here?
ps. Sorry if this is not the right place to post this?
android developer
This is sofian working as a software engineer, i have developed some applications for android....
i would like to work with you..
My skype id is : sofian_sunny
Gmail : [email protected]

HtmlUnit for Android

I'm developing an app and I need to retrieve data from html code. In addition, i would like manage the event (for example, click the button and redirect in other page) in html code.
I searched on Google and I've found a beautiful library that meet my needs: HtmlUnit.
The problem is the compatibility with Android SDK: there are conflicts with Android classes and maybe, I must to recompile the source code for Android compatibility.
Are there alternative to HtmlUnit? I don't know how to build this library...Can you help me?
Any help would be most welcome...thank you!
PS: sorry for my poor english!

Add VR features to an existing app

Hi guys,
I need to implement Virtual Reality on this android app: (I can't post links because i'm a new user, so go on GitHub and search for OurStreets documentation)
Does anybody know how to do it? I can't find a solution and this is part of an important project from my University...
Thanks in advance

