Launcher Pro + Cyanogen VS. LP + MIUI - Droid Incredible General

Just my personal $.02 from having used a couple of different ROM setups in the last month or two:
It seems to me that Launcher Pro works much better with Cyanogen than with MIUI. I originally ran MIUI with LP, but ran into some problems:
- LP would freeze on startup quite often. Problem could be fixed by 'force closing' LP, or giving it a long time for bootup. But still kind of annoying
- Occasionally my LP applications pane would lose all the apps. In other words, when you went to open up your applications list, it would be empty. A hot reboot would fix this. Again, annoying.
Because of these LP issues (minor but a hassle), I stopped using LP and set up the MIUI launcher to run the way I wanted to:
- put all the apps into a couple of folders to clean things up
- used Beautiful widgets & folder organizer same as I did in LP
However, I just don't like the MIUI launcher as much:
- Only allows 4 launcher icons on the bottom of the screen
- No secondary action on icons at bottom (cannot swipe icons for secondary action)
- cannot customize icons at bottom of screen
- cannot 'loop' screens around
So, I switched to Cyanogen to get back to LP. Voila - day 2 (yes its early), and it seems to work great. no bugs with LP yet, and super fast smooth. I really like using LP, and based on that preference, I have to give it to Cyanogen. There are things I miss from MIUI (hot reboot, great toggles on drop down), but some things that are better about Cyanogen (can turn off swipe when I have the pattern lock enabled).
But overall, my personal experience is that Cyanogen and LP Plus run better together than MIUI and LP Plus.

carlbettag said:
Just my personal $.02 from having used a couple of different ROM setups in the last month or two:
It seems to me that Launcher Pro works much better with Cyanogen than with MIUI. I originally ran MIUI with LP, but ran into some problems:
- LP would freeze on startup quite often. Problem could be fixed by 'force closing' LP, or giving it a long time for bootup. But still kind of annoying
- Occasionally my LP applications pane would lose all the apps. In other words, when you went to open up your applications list, it would be empty. A hot reboot would fix this. Again, annoying.
Because of these LP issues (minor but a hassle), I stopped using LP and set up the MIUI launcher to run the way I wanted to:
- put all the apps into a couple of folders to clean things up
- used Beautiful widgets & folder organizer same as I did in LP
However, I just don't like the MIUI launcher as much:
- Only allows 4 launcher icons on the bottom of the screen
- No secondary action on icons at bottom (cannot swipe icons for secondary action)
- cannot customize icons at bottom of screen
- cannot 'loop' screens around
So, I switched to Cyanogen to get back to LP. Voila - day 2 (yes its early), and it seems to work great. no bugs with LP yet, and super fast smooth. I really like using LP, and based on that preference, I have to give it to Cyanogen. There are things I miss from MIUI (hot reboot, great toggles on drop down), but some things that are better about Cyanogen (can turn off swipe when I have the pattern lock enabled).
But overall, my personal experience is that Cyanogen and LP Plus run better together than MIUI and LP Plus.
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You have a few facts wrong about miui.
1. I've had 6 icons on the bottom dock with miui
2. You can customize the icons, use theme manager.
Just wanted to make sure you're aware of these features!
Sent from my HTC Incredible

lpp is my choice.miui doesn't have 3 scrollable docks. I love the lpp widgets for easy productivity and lpp uses themes and can change icons on home if needed. I use cm7 themes from market which also makes me content for app drawer icons

Something else to note is that Widgetlocker now works very well with android 2.3.5 (presented in latest versions of MIUI and CM7)
some screenshots of it while using CM7 attached
Little more back on topic, MIUI is better for those who like more theming options.
CM7 isn't as great in that area, but for my tastes I've customized my phone to where I don't have any need for additional theming options since CM7 + LPP provides a pretty decent amount of ways you can customize the looks.

not a fan of miui lock but I do like agile for sense 3.0 lock for cm7

There are a ton of MIUI lockscreen themes including sense 3.0 ones, if you're into that kind of thing
Lockscreen theming is a big reason MIUI>CM7 for me, including how you can mix and match theme elements and customize basically everything.
And TheWhiteBandito is right, you can have up to six icons in the dock and you can use whatever icons you like. I'm not sure why the OP had issues with LP+MIUI, I can't personally speak to it but I know many people use alternate launchers (including LP) on MIUI without issue.

big thanks to TheWhiteBandito and k_nivesout for correcting me on the six icons & also changing the icons themselves.
There are several subtle things that work better for me with CM7 & Launcher Pro. Generally my perception is that it's faster & more stable.
Since I use the security lock pattern, the theming of the lockscreens is not so useful to me because I'd rather bypass that entirely & just use the security pattern instead of having 2 screens to go through to unlock my phone.
At any rate, it probably comes down to exactly how you use the phone & your personal preferences. But I stick with my original point - if you are a big fan of Launcher Pro, I think it works better with CM7 based on my experience with it on both ROMs.
Lastly, don't get me wrong - I think MIUI is a GREAT ROM, and I've installed it both on my phone and some of my friends phones, and I'd happily use it again.

I would tend to agree that it does come down to how you use your phone. CM7 has some advantages, and so does MIUI, just depends on your preferences and needs. It's good to see open discussion on pros and cons of roms without the "my rom is better than yours" element being part of it.

Just moved back CM7 after flashing MIUI to give it a try. It seems to be a very well built ROM, fast and stable. The one thing that did MIUI in for me was that I couldn't get swype to work. The installer couldn't license the app correctly, I attempted a few suggested solutions but ultimately gave up when I read a post on the swype website stating that it will not license. other than swype, I'd say that MIUI is one of the best ROMs that I have flashed (right up there with CM7).

gio2005 said:
Just moved back CM7 after flashing MIUI to give it a try. It seems to be a very well built ROM, fast and stable. The one thing that did MIUI in for me was that I couldn't get swype to work. The installer couldn't license the app correctly, I attempted a few suggested solutions but ultimately gave up when I read a post on the swype website stating that it will not license. other than swype, I'd say that MIUI is one of the best ROMs that I have flashed (right up there with CM7).
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MIUI is definitely a top ROM. Very unique and at this time it's pretty stable too.

When I ran MIUI, it was very stable until I'd flashed about 20 new releases without wiping caches even, (including making the transition from FroYo to GB) and I loved the themes. Then I went to CM7. WOW. I last tried it at 7.0.4, 7.1RC1 is so much faster for me than MIUI OR CM7.0.x. It aslo seems a bit more stable, and everything just works. I use GO Launcher EX, and it seems a bit faster on CM7 but I am running CM at 1GHz, MIUI I UC'd to 806 MHz

gio2005 said:
Just moved back CM7 after flashing MIUI to give it a try. It seems to be a very well built ROM, fast and stable. The one thing that did MIUI in for me was that I couldn't get swype to work. The installer couldn't license the app correctly, I attempted a few suggested solutions but ultimately gave up when I read a post on the swype website stating that it will not license. other than swype, I'd say that MIUI is one of the best ROMs that I have flashed (right up there with CM7).
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I can understand not being able to tolerate a ROM if Swype won't work. I run MIUI and have Swype running; followed the steps here: get it working.
The only thing that I "don't like" about MIUI is that it doesn't support scrolling widgets (Pure Messenger).


[Q] First time using EB01 SC 2.4 and have some questions

Just flashed SC 2.4 voodoo rom and have some questions about it.
1. how do you delete the home screen? (I have 7 home screens now.. which is too many for me)
2. When I turn on Camera, it says update firmware. do I have to update firmware?
3. how can you customize shortcut on the bottom (a grey box that have call, app list, browser icon)? sry its kinda similar question as #1.
4. What kind of launcher does Superclean rom use? when i see task manager, icon looks like Touchwiz.. but overall interface and app list look like ADW.. but doesnt have ADW options though.. I'm confused.
I thought I had more questions but I forgot
I will edit this post if I think of more.
triple486 said:
Just flashed SC 2.4 voodoo rom and have some questions about it.
1. how do you delete the home screen? (I have 7 home screens now.. which is too many for me)
2. When I turn on Camera, it says update firmware. do I have to update firmware?
3. how can you customize shortcut on the bottom (a grey box that have call, app list, browser icon)? sry its kinda similar question as #1.
4. What kind of launcher does Superclean rom use? when i see task manager, icon looks like Touchwiz.. but overall interface and app list look like ADW.. but doesnt have ADW options though.. I'm confused.
I thought I had more questions but I forgot
I will edit this post if I think of more.
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1,3, 4: its pretty much the stock aosp launcher, so any kind of home screen customization is out of the question unless you get something else like launcher pro/adw. Its called launcher2, I believe, taken straight from aosp source. So, if you want to change stuff, you're going to have to look at other launchers.
2. Yes.
And if you're looking for alot of customiziation options along with neat transitions built in...try launcher pro. I've been using it for years on different androids and love it.
mrodsunshine said:
1,3, 4: its pretty much the stock aosp launcher, so any kind of home screen customization is out of the question unless you get something else like launcher pro/adw. Its called launcher2, I believe, taken straight from aosp source. So, if you want to change stuff, you're going to have to look at other launchers.
2. Yes.
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you mean I can't even set numbers of home screen with 'launcher2'?? thats not good..
what does aosp stand for?
If I use launcher pro or adw, stock launcher will be running in background? running 2 launchers will consume more battery and RAM?
2 launchers won't affect you that much. I used to run LPro and Twiz back on DI01 and could get 24-48 hours of bat life.
From what I have read on other posts just make sure that there are no widgets running on the unused launcher, as they might sitll be using the data connection to update.
AOSP is android open source project.
Personally I recommend Lancher Pro over ADW, but I'm sure others will tell you differently. Free versions of both exists so just try em both out.
Full Battery Popup
I didn't know where to post this but I downloaded the new superclean 2.4, and despite it including a program that should have disabled it, I still got a pop-up notifying me of my full battery in the middle of the night. Does anyone know why I got this or does the full battery popup disable not work for all phones?
If you don't like having two launchers and want more customization options, install Launcher pro and uninstall Launcher ebproductions. I use nothing but LP, none of the other launchers can cut it for me.
eboersch said:
I didn't know where to post this but I downloaded the new superclean 2.4, and despite it including a program that should have disabled it, I still got a pop-up notifying me of my full battery in the middle of the night. Does anyone know why I got this or does the full battery popup disable not work for all phones?
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Did you wipe prior flashing?
And launcher pro is imho the best hands down. Try the trial and if you like it pay for the full. The twitter and facebook widgets are the best of any out none.
go launcher
re jenisiz - I used rom manager and always back up previous rom and wipe data but i did not try to do it myself in cwm but now that you mention it I will give it a shot
re triple486 - Launchers make all the difference. I have tried just about everything I could find and I personally liked Go Launcher. Launcher Pro is cool but i would say it is 100 times better for the pay version. You can resize widgets to your liking and there is a lot of support for theming the Launcher Pro widgets. Overall, any launcher seems like it offers more flexibility and features than the stock or aosp launcher. Try the free versions and see what you like.
Battery pop up still there
I cleared all data and the cache twice but the full battery popup is still there.
I did not mention this but i installed the Revolution theme over superclean 2.4. Will that prevent the battery popup from being disabled?
triple486 said:
you mean I can't even set numbers of home screen with 'launcher2'?? thats not good..
what does aosp stand for?
If I use launcher pro or adw, stock launcher will be running in background? running 2 launchers will consume more battery and RAM?
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Yeah, the only cool thing about the stock AOSP launcher is the 3D app drawer, LauncherPro does this as well but it's not quite as good.
Once LauncherPro/ADW is installed and running, you can use the task manager to kill the other launcher so it's not running in the background.
Press your home key and set the default to LauncherPro/ADW and it will use these by default from then on and the other launchers will not run.
I personally use Launcher Pro on all my android devices and I always recommend it over ADW but they're both good and its just a matter of personal preference, you can install both and try them - it wont hurt anything and they hardly take up any space.
If you set one as a default and want to change the default again go to settings > applications > manage applications - find the launcher you set as a default, and click "Clear Defaults".


I will probably have posters coming after me with torches & pitchforks for this. I keep seeing all these negative posts about touchwiz. I guess I'm too much of a noob to see why. I've tried other launchers like Launcher Pro, GoLauncher and even the stock froyo launcher and I keep going back to TW. Mainly it's because I miss some of the widgets that only work on TW. Can anyone give me some examples of things to look for that can show why it's so disliked?
Also if I do switch launchers, the one I'm running always shows up as a running program in Task Manager. Is there a way to get TM to ignore what launcher is set as your default?
Running EB01 debloated deodexed w/ Voodoo kernel
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The reason I abandoned Touchwiz is not because I disliked the UI design (I really like it in fact...very clean), but rather the background scrolling was acting up. In other words, unless I had a particular Samsung widget on one of my screens, the background wallpaper would not scroll back to the correct position when pressed the home button. It would snap back only after I touched the screen again. Even when it did scroll back when it was supposed to, it was sort of laggy. This was happening right out of the box. Anyway, I switched to Launcher Pro and and homescreen scrolling is as smooth as can be with no lag at all.
There is nothing inherently "wrong" with TouchWiz, and there are in fact a good number of people who like it and continue to use it. I'm not one of them, simply because I feel my phone runs faster -- and I prefer the widgets -- with LauncherPro.
But that's just my opinion. This same sort of thread gets re-created every couple of weeks, and the bottom line continues to be this: if you like TouchWiz, use it. If you don't like it, don't use it.
That's why Android's so great -- you can make that choice for yourself.
I actually think TW is really nice and clean looking, and would probably have stuck with it if it offered slightly more comparability.
For me, the 4 icon dock is just too big, and I like to have 5 icons down there (phone, contacts, app drawer, e-mail, web). That and you can't do custom shortcuts on the home screens. ADW was free, and offered solutions to these issues, plus, with ADW you can backup your home screen and UI settings, so whenever I flash a new rom, I just install ADW, restore my settings and I'm back to how I like it.
But every time I reflash a stock rom, I do miss how clean TW is.

Launcher and settings

Laucher what do you use? How they work and what settings you prefer?
- Launcher Pro Plus (works great. Smooth motion with no lag. Complete freedom of configuration. Laucher Others not tested.
Piron said:
Laucher what do you use? How they work and what settings you prefer?
- Launcher Pro Plus (works great. Smooth motion with no lag. Complete freedom of configuration. Laucher Others not tested.
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same here...
GO Launcher EX.. Works great, no lagging no problems
I have just started playing around with GO Launcher and loving it, playing around with the fling speed and transition has given it a whole lot more finished feel
I am using the Go Launcher too but i think that after the new minor update it lags on boot. No other lags after that.
I prefer GO Launcher
Zeam for me.
It has all the features I want (custom dock, home screen gestures) and is so incredibly fast.
I was using GO Launcher Ex and loved it but the new Stockwells B160 Rom includes Launcher Pro so I am giving it a run. Frankly I think I prefer GO. there's not really a lot of difference so far as both are very customizable. I think I'll probably go back to GO as I miss the extra option of swipe upwards. I used this as the camera shortcut - if I haven't got glasses on it's not always easy to find the camera shortcut icon when I need it in a hurry. It worked great. It's a shame to waste memory space on a launcher sitting in the rom unused.
GolfCranK said:
I was using GO Launcher Ex and loved it but the new Stockwells B160 Rom includes Launcher Pro so I am giving it a run. Frankly I think I prefer GO. there's not really a lot of difference so far as both are very customizable. I think I'll probably go back to GO as I miss the extra option of swipe upwards. I used this as the camera shortcut - if I haven't got glasses on it's not always easy to find the camera shortcut icon when I need it in a hurry. It worked great. It's a shame to waste memory space on a launcher sitting in the rom unused.
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You can easily change the Launcher included in the ROM by booting your phone into recovery mode (holding volume + and - keys and power-button) then connect it to a pc and find the launcherpro.apk in /system/app and replace it with the launcher you want to use. I found it more responsive by doing this way then installing a new Launcher-app on the custom one included in the ROM.
This way you can modify the ROM's to use apps that you wan't to use, example other browsers, email- and contact - apps...
sentiment said:
You can easily change the Launcher included in the ROM by booting your phone into recovery mode (holding volume + and - keys and power-button) then connect it to a pc and find the launcherpro.apk in /system/app and replace it with the launcher you want to use. I found it more responsive by doing this way then installing a new Launcher-app on the custom one included in the ROM.
This way you can modify the ROM's to use apps that you wan't to use, example other browsers, email- and contact - apps...
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Thanks. I had read that in a post here but it didn't sink in.
So is there a particular reason for embedding these apk's in the ROM?
Launcher Pro and ADW2Beta
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA App
I am using Go Launcher too. But whenever I press the Home button, it will go back to the default launcher.
Wipe your default
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA App
I'm loving Zeam
Ideos X5 / Huawei U8800
GolfCranK said:
Thanks. I had read that in a post here but it didn't sink in.
So is there a particular reason for embedding these apk's in the ROM?
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I've experienced a more responsive launcher doing this way
I also got a laggy launcher pro when i updated 0.8.5 -> 0.8.6 through market. When i replaced it in /system/app it worked great again.
It's also good to know if you wan't to remove stock apps you never use..

Why Sense 3.0? (and Sense in general)

Hey guys, just wondering why some of you sware by sense. I am currently on Unity and the only thing I really use is the weather lock screen. I had to switch to Launcher Pro due to the lag of the stock launcher. I love eye candy but not at the cost of speed. Sense has always kind of been associated with the word lag it seems. So what do you guys like most about Sense and what you keeps you from moving away from it? What am I missing about these Sense ROMs?
Notification bar offer the last used applications and you can switch view to rapidly disconnect your Wifi, GPS, etc.
It's Eye-candy,the camera app contains lots of effect, you can locate your phone via, etc.
Also when you plug the phone to your computer you have a better interface with a lot of options like hotspot, internet computer->phone, internet phone->computer to PC AND Mac OS x.
It's awfully purty...
Sent from my T-mobile G2
Im on the awesome mexdroidmod rom, but I do miss a few aspects of sense. The lock screen is amazing, but what I really miss is the dialer and camera. I have tried many replacement apps for these but haven't found anything that suits me. I also seem to get better facebook and hotmail contact integration on sense roms. Still the speed of the non sense roms is more important to me.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I swear by sense because it is exactly what I am used to. I used the HTC touch pro using sense for winmo and now sense for android. I like the feel and integration HTC has done for their UI.
I don't really use the Sense 3.0 (or Sense 2.0 for that matter) weather app at all.
What I do like about Sense is that it has the wifi hotspot available out of the box; no need for any extra apps to get that function.
Sense 3.0 camera also comes with the panoramic function which I think is quite handy.
I also like the quick settings available after dragging down the notifications tray. Not too sure if that's from Sense 3.0 or is it an added feature of Unity though, but it's handy and saves me from having to install the toggle widgets.
I like sense because it has the extra conveniences just like everyone likes using. I like the integration of FB contacts with the contacts. I really love how you can launch apps in the lock screen with 3.0
I dont like using the weather that much either, but the overlay is just very very pretty. Htc sense is one of the reasons android is better than iOS.
i'm on MIUI now, love MIUI's notification settings toggles, way better than sense 3.0... any way to import MIUI notification bar to non MIUI roms??
not much to complain about MIUI, some gps problems tough :/
Senses dock is so nonfunctional :/ only 3 shortcuts, and 2 of them are "useles". no need to keep customize button available @ dock. And then the appdrawer button, like to use launcher pros swipe up to open appdrawer.
I like sense too because it gives selection of usb connection types, MIUI only asks if i want to mount sdcard. for internet share, need to go though all the settings.
I'm on Unity now as well, and the Sense 3.0 launcher actually feels less laggy than past versions, especially considering all the animations. But you're right in alternate launchers are still faster/smoother, and also much customizable. I'm using ADW EX. People often ask, why use Sense if you aren't using the Sense launcher. But there is actually a lot to Sense, besides just the launcher.
The Sense camera continues to completely pwn the stock Android one in layout, looks and features. I also prefer the HTC dialer and keyboard over stock Android, although many of the differences for those are aesthetic, and its just a matter of personal preference. Of course Sense 3.0 has "trace" on the keyboard, but Swype is still better at this style of text input.
The notification area (with quick settings) and lockscreen (with fast launching of your favorite apps) on Sense 3.0 are quite nice. The HTC stock and weather apps are pretty nice too. Nothing special that can't be matched or beat by Market apps. But its nice to have apps that are integrated with the general theming of the ROM, no ads, etc.
Agree with above comment that the Sense dock is pretty useless. It takes up a lot of space for so little functionality. HTC actually added the ability to customize the dock apps for the version of Sense on the Flyer tablet. Hopefully, this is a feature they bring to the phone version of Sense.
one more thing, i like senses web browser app, it's great, is there a standalone app for nonsense phones?
Almost There Sense
For me, the things I like about sense are the social (wish tweeter and facebook were separate) and weather widgets, the lock screen and the overall look and feel.
Things that keep me on CM7 (with launcher pro) are: configuring of the dock, scrollable widgets, speed and free memory, no "The application HTC Sense (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again" messages.
If the dock on the Sense ROM was more configurable (may have 5 icons instead of 3) and scrollable widgets, then Sense might become my DD.
On a side note, I haven't tried Launcher Pro with Sense, so maybe there is something to try. Curious how many people use Sense with non-sense launchers.
I use sense with laucherpro. Main reason for me to use sense are the following:
-Smart Dialer
-Email app (unified mailbox)
-Contact list
-Calendar (like the way how it looks)
You probably can get these options by downloading some other apps, but i like to keep my phone as stock and functional possible.
I've used CM6 and CM7 and I always end up back on a Sense ROM (lately, Sense Unity), for several reasons:
1. Camera - the stock (and CM) camera experience is ABYSMAL. Completely terrible. The Sense camera app has so many more options and just gives a MUCH better experience.
2. Sharing - this is hard to explain, but in AOSP-based ROMs, when you click to share something, the intents menu that pops up ISN'T scrollable - that means, if you have lots of apps that tie into that menu, it may crowd out the one you want to use. In Sense ROMs, this submenu is scrollable, so I can access EVERYTHING on that list.
3. Exchange mail - the Sense mail app has several improvements in functionality over the stock one, including the ability to subscribe to folders (so they automatically update), an integrated inbox with all your subscribed folders, etc. It also looks MUCH better.
4. The Sense 3.0 lockscreen is freakin amazing. Anything prior to Sense 3.0, CM7's is actually better
5. Settings - Sense has the extras that let the ringer mute itself when you pick up the phone, switch to speakerphone by putting it face-down, etc etc. I *believe* the later versions of CM7 have that as well, but it wasn't commonplace until recently.
I use LauncherPro Plus, and have on all my phones, regardless of the ROM. The customization options and lower memory profile make it a slam-dunk. I don't use Sense Launcher and I don't use ADW, so all my Sense benefits are on the backend.
I haven't used the ROM's stock launcher since my HTC Hero running 1.5. My current choice is GO Launcher EX with the paid version of Colorize Widgets or the free GOWidgerts. I would love to figure out a way to run the Sense 3.0 widgets with a third-party launcher.
As many people have already mentioned, the Sense 3.0 weather lockscreen is great. I also love the "cylinder tumblers" style of setting date and time values. I hate having to click + and - buttons. The only way it could be better is if tapping on the value allowed you to type in the number, like in stock Android. Check out the implementation in the Sense Calendar app... it has click-stops every 15 minutes.
I tend to use 3rd-party replacements for everything else (dialer, SMS, keyboard), although the camera app is quite nice. If it were possible to get just the Sense 3.0 lockscreen (with wake/sleep-on-trackpad), I'd probably go back to running CM.

Launchers for the HDX 7

Ok, so I'm trying to find a decent launcher for the HDX. I'm going to chronicle my struggle with this great launcher deficit. I do realize there is a "Working Launcher Thread", but it's rather strewn about and disorganized. I would like to make my first contribution to this forum a comprehensive Launcher list, with a quick n' dirty prognosis of each item.
Kindle Fire HDX 7"
Stock ROM Version
Rooted with Towelroot
OTA Updates Disabled
I was just going to flash a new ROM, but I was not able to boot into any ROM Manager. If anyone could point me in the direction of a good ROM and ROM Manager that works with the KFHDX7, I'd be highly appreciative. Now, I digress.
Glitchy and/or Sucky
Tested the following launchers:
Otter(aka stock "Home"): Obviously, this one sucks the proverbial balls. No customizability, no widgets. My whole motivation for rooting.
Next Launcher 3D 3.10: Looked pretty, but unfortunately too glitchy.
GO Launcher HD: Stable thus far. Somewhat busy. GO Widgets work, if you have Google Play.
KitKat Launcher 1.14: Stable, minimalist design. Surprisingly, did use slightly more RAM than relatively cluttered GO Launcher(without Widgets activated)
Holo Launcher HD 2.0.4: Worked great until I rebooted. Sent my device into epileptic crisis.
Galaxy/Touchwiz Beta v5: Always in landscape mode, would not react to moving device to portrait mode.
GEL/Google Now: Widget support! However, I did need the Xposed Framework and GEL Settings app to make things work properly.
Unfortunately, NONE of the launchers had native widget support. They would simply crash when trying to add a launcher to the homescreen. I'm guessing this has something to do with the KFHDX OS itself. The exception to this was GO Launcher, which had working GO Widgets. To be honest, I wasn't overly impressed by the GO Widgets.
Also, another common theme was issues with the screen orientation.Several launchers had problems with device orientation. When in landscape mode with Next, you could not move icons around. The screen would invert, and you would 'drop' the icon. When in portrait mode, the persistent launcher frame with the Home/Back/Apps/Search button would cause the Next launcher bar to overlap some of the icons on the screen, thereby rendering them inaccessible. The same thing happened with KitKat as far as being unable to move icons around when in landscape mode. However, there was no issue with overlapping elements, so this was less of a deal-breaker.
I use Nova on mine. Everything works great widgets and all.
I'm using the everythingme launcher. Its my new favorite.
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Everything me crashed on me every time
Nova prime and Apex both working perfectly. Widget support, wallpapers etc
I installed KK Launcher from the Play Store. Once downloaded you can all install the KK Locker which will replace your Amazon lockscreen with KitKat style one. In the settings of KK Locker choose the disable default lockscreen option and it will take you to the amazon lockscreen options, then back out of it. Reboot device. The amazon lockscreen will appear for a few seconds, then disappear. From then on, the KK Locker screen always appears, no double lockscreen. If you download Android L Wallpapers by AKWS, you can use it to change wallpapers. You can also change the keyboard by installing keyboard of your choice and then finding it under keyboard languages. I installed Android L keyboard from the Play Store and found it under languages as "English (United States)" and checked it. There is another option with same name already checked and that was the Amazon Keyboard, which I unchecked. Then selected the checked keyboard under default and voila. Now my Fire HDX looks like an AOSP Android L (except when entering settings).
BTW - If you go to the app drawer within the launch and select manage apps, it will open the Amazon app manager, but you will lose your onscreen buttons at the bottom of the screen. I did this while typing this post ... still trying to get them back Maybe I can figure out how to load the AOSP buttons in their place:fingers-crossed:
KK Launcher :
KK Locker :
Android L Wallpapers :
Android L Keyboard :
First a preamble....
I am thinking this might be better placed in the themes and apps section, but I am not sure.
If you have read all of the posts about bricking, you would know that flashing a replacement Rom is both dangerous and bound to fail because we do not have an unlocked boot loader yet.
Be careful with implementation, but if you want to experiment with alternate roms, head over to the developer section, read everything about Dagestan for your particular device, and then have a it. Be sure the first thing you do is back up your current Rom. Then make a new slot, and only make changes on new slots.
Okay with that our of the way...
As others have stated, I use Nova. It is quite nice.
For those of you who have issues with typical Android things like wallpapers and widgets, Amazon left out some apps that run those services. Some launchers do not need those services to implement those things. Most do.
You can install those services safely (without locking up your device) by using Kindle Free. It is an app that is in the play store. I just used the free one.
I was happy to discover that even Amazon Native apps come with widgets that can be used once the fix is applied.
I am on the OEM Rom, rooted.
Good luck. Sorry if this comes across as pejorative, but a lot of people are bricking their devices and I would hate for that
T to happen to anyone else.
Apex works well for me. Love that you can resize widgets. Wallpapers work well. That being said, there is the occasional glitch that is fixed with a reboot.
rootnooby said:
Apex works well for me. Love that you can resize widgets. Wallpapers work well. That being said, there is the occasional glitch that is fixed with a reboot.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Amazon Kindle doesn't open when I use Apex. Haven't tried other launchers but expect the same thing to occur. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix that?

