[Q] Help with my ROM development. - Blade General

Hi XDA, I'm currently in the process of making a new 2.3.4 ROM called CAE (Complete Android Experience) I've added new features and changed the UI but now since the ROM will be heavily community orientated Im after your input, Which apps would you like to see included? Do you favour looks/performance? and generally who's interested in using this?
Many Thanks!

SamSamoon said:
Hi XDA, I'm currently in the process of making a new 2.3.4 ROM called CAE (Complete Android Experience) I've added new features and changed the UI but now since the ROM will be heavily community orientated Im after your input, Which apps would you like to see included? Do you favour looks/performance? and generally who's interested in using this?
Many Thanks!
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I can try it when you finished it!
If you can make it fast and all to work, then I use it!
ADW Launcher for deafult launcher is good!
and good WiFi files have: CM7 or Japanese Jellyfish RLS11..?
So if you want good WiFi then try CM WiFi files (Newest Nightly)
And if you add speed tweaks to build.prop then the ROM is much better!
wifi.supplicant_scan_interval=30 to save battery
this is maybe good:
if your build.prop don't have these then add to make your ROM much better:
there is something: http://alldroid.org/Default.aspx?tabid=40&g=posts&m=5696
maybe with this website build.prop boot sound texts you can get the boot sound to work..?

manumanfred said:
I can try it when you finished it!
ADW Launcher for deafult launcher is good!
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I don't agree, I find ADW quite laggy.
The EX version is excellent though.

k0zmic said:
I don't agree, I find ADW quite laggy.
The EX version is excellent though.
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OK! I use always ADW Launcher because It is faster Launcher which I used on my JetDroid ROMs and Blade CM 7.# ROMs...
it is maybe faster than launcherpro launcher but whatever!
EX version lagging on my JetDroid ROMs and it's slower than ADW Launcher? :/
If ADW Launcher is not good then leave original or try touchwiz 3.0 or Launcher Pro...?

manumanfred said:
OK! I use always ADW Launcher because It is faster Launcher which I used on my JetDroid ROMs and Blade CM 7.# ROMs...
it is maybe faster than launcherpro launcher but whatever!
EX version lagging on my JetDroid ROMs and it's slower than ADW Launcher? :/
If ADW Launcher is not good then leave original or try touchwiz 3.0 or Launcher Pro...?
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I find it around the same as LauncherPro on CM7, for me Stock the fastest.
TouchWiz would certainly be interestisting, LauncherPro is always a good option.
Personally, I'd say just leave it as the stock one since people can always download ADW/ADW EX, LP etc without much difficulty.

k0zmic said:
I find it around the same as LauncherPro on CM7, for me Stock the fastest.
TouchWiz would certainly be interestisting, LauncherPro is always a good option.
Personally, I'd say just leave it as the stock one since people can always download ADW/ADW EX, LP etc without much difficulty.
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OK! but TouchWi launcher is not good if ADW Launcher is slow!

My vote is for Launcherpro, for me is faster and smother than ADW

+1 for LP.Hope to see your Rom soon.

forbidden8 said:
+1 for LP.Hope to see your Rom soon.
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Will be uploaded tonight if anyone's interested.

SamSamoon said:
Will be uploaded tonight if anyone's interested.
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if you write more here : which works which not and which need fixing... etc.
and Screenshots of your ROM then people see that does it look good, etc.
I will not try it yet because first I need to check that can I get apps2sd to work on GSF, because without apps2sd I do not use ROM:s ...


[Q] simple android ROM!

Can someone work on a simple basic Android ROM that is not resource hungry, something like the Openfire Rom, with JIT enabled, but, the only problem with that ROM is the camera quality! So can anyone work around that problem?
Just looking for a Senseless Froyo Rom in its most basic form, but with a decent camera!
HewgBalls` Hybrid ROM, CM7
Hybrid is what iam running right now! And i really was dissapointed by CM7, i was on RC1 for a day, wasnt at all satisfied! iam looking for a more simpler ROM, i dont know if what iam saying makes sense! Something like the Vanilla Android, but with a proper functioning camera! In other words, Openfire with Camera!
Just get some 3rd party Camera app in that case. As you probably have seen yourself, development on Openfire is now frozen / on hold
will that 3rd party camera app help in imroving the quality of the camera?
adellon92 said:
will that 3rd party camera app help in imroving the quality of the camera?
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no it won't.
what was wrong with cm7? Maybe you had problems because of the default v4.2 overclock kernel. Most ppl flashed v4.1 and their problems were solved.
The minute i flashed CM7 i flashed the 4.1 Kernel!
Well first of all, the CRT animation stopped working, and there was no 3D effect in the app menu, basicly the two most prominent features of gingerbread, so yea, i decided to resort back to 2.2, and tried Openfire, ABSOLUTLY LOVED IT!! But then tried the camera, and then decided to resort to the Hybrid Rom, which i beleive is amazing as well!
adellon92 said:
The minute i flashed CM7 i flashed the 4.1 Kernel!
Well first of all, the CRT animation stopped working, and there was no 3D effect in the app menu, basicly the two most prominent features of gingerbread, so yea, i decided to resort back to 2.2, and tried Openfire, ABSOLUTLY LOVED IT!! But then tried the camera, and then decided to resort to the Hybrid Rom, which i beleive is amazing as well!
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The 3D effect isn't there because CM uses ADW instead of the stock android launcher. If you want the 3d thing get ADW ex, its great.
The CRT animation works for me if i enable and run a2sd cachesd reset.
nhnt11 said:
The 3D effect isn't there because CM uses ADW instead of the stock android launcher. If you want the 3d thing get ADW ex, its great.
The CRT animation works for me if i enable and run a2sd cachesd reset.
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Can you tell me how to replace ADW with ADW ex? or atleast resort back to the stock launcher?
oh and how to do that a2sd cachesd reset thing?
really need help!
Alright so can anyone help me with the CRT animation problrm on CM7?
It is said that wiping the dalvik cache restores it. This can be found in the Recovery Menu under the Advanced Tab. Not tested personally by me though, since, I can live without it.
BTW, I was under the impression you wanted a simple, fast, non resource hungry ROM, so why is the animation so important to you?
hahaha! Camera was an essential for me, and CM7 seemed pretty unstable with ADW, so i tried it with ADW EX, and its workinf like a charm! No issues so far! And ill try clearing the cache, but ive done it before and it didnt work! :/
Which rom is similar to Openfire?
I've just notice the camera problem..
CM7 is too much raw, and slow for me.. the keyboard it's to small compared to that of Openfire (do you know what is?)
Koori90 said:
Which rom is similar to Openfire?
I've just notice the camera problem..
CM7 is too much raw, and slow for me.. the keyboard it's to small compared to that of Openfire (do you know what is?)
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It is designed like that, however, the later versions have the "bigger" keyboard. For an alternative to Openfire, you can look at CM6, but, video recording doesn't work on that.
So cant anyone work on a Vanilla android for the wildfire, with the camera?
3xeno said:
It is designed like that, however, the later versions have the "bigger" keyboard. For an alternative to Openfire, you can look at CM6, but, video recording doesn't work on that.
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i've already used CM6 and 7..
now i'm on the hybrid one and seems good
I've tried the HTC Hybrid V6 but i didn't find the way to disable 3G connections (perhaps its my problem...)
Now I'm testing Leaf r3, very simple, with 162MB free after the flash, so I can download only the application I really use.
The only "problem" found with the Leaf r3 is that i should insert the Apn parameters manually...

New Ideos x5, what to do first?

I am getting mine tomorrow. Any advices on what to do before use?
Any updates? stock rom?
i'm still using the stock rom and I have the phone for 2 weeks
I'm impressed by the overall quality and speed, my previous phone was an ETEN X500 which was, of course, quite slow compared to the Huawei.
The only important things to do with the phone are:
1) change the launcher, stock launcher aint that good
2) change the dialer, I'm coming from WM-6.5 and no dialer is as good as microsofts, "dialer one" seems to do the job
3) get a keyboard that suits you!
used smart keyboard pro and dialer one.
witch launcher is good?
You can use ADW launcher, Launcher Pro, Go launcher EX for a far better and customizable experience.
Of course search on market for "launcher". Every day appears one for every taste.
went with the launcher pro.
how can i remove the apps that are preloaded?
Me too need help!
I also gonna buy this phone. How to improve performance by using stock rom? I maybe not ready to flash custom rom yet but maybe will flash new kernel to OC to 1ghz because i want to play games. Is do OC is simple? Does HD games is supported by this devices?
iG3 said:
went with the launcher pro.
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I personally use GO Launcher and I really like. Haven't used Launcher Pro, just seen it in a friends Optimus 2X
I think Go Launcher is better, but this is just a thought
As for stock programs, I'm trying to remove them with Titanium Backup, seems to do the job but I don't know if there are any better ways.
I think that the best thing to do is to wait for xda-cookers to create a nice fast rom and apply it!
will try the GO launcher to. thx.
GO Laucher is slower but has free widgets.
Laucher Pro is much faster.
ciwek90 said:
I also gonna buy this phone. How to improve performance by using stock rom? I maybe not ready to flash custom rom yet but maybe will flash new kernel to OC to 1ghz because i want to play games. Is do OC is simple? Does HD games is supported by this devices?
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There is not much you really can do to improve performance without changing rom. Try another launcher and see if that makes the appdrawing faster, but otherwise dead end I would say.
The performance is though enough for many users.
Overclocking is not hard, eg SetCPU.
If you want to overclock, all you need is an OC kernel but your phone needs to be rooted (i think z4root or Androot can do that), then download a kernel and flash it via recovery, you can use stockwells recovery or the other guys recovery (genokalars...i think)...then download SetCPU
First thing, remove all the bloatware it comes with
Use GO Launcher, the stock one is ****.
Root the phone if you want, gives you so much more power.

Suggestion for a simple gingerbread ROM

I need your suggestion for my Bravo. I needed a simple Gingerbread ROM. None of those fancy MUIU or Blur stuff. I have tried:
1)CM5 v7
2) rDannar's MUIU adaptation called GingerBlur
3) MIUI 1.9.2 (my current ROM).
The only one that came close to simplicity for CM5 v7. But the Wifi Icon and Signal Icons were messed up. Plus the accelerometer did not work. So I had to move away.
rdannar's MUIU was nice, but it was MUIU and had some chinese stuff and keyboard in it.
Is there any other simple ROM?
I think I bumbed into an extremely good ROM.
Just plain CM7 gingerbread, or as rdannar calls it CM7 DIET V2 gb 2.3.4
There was some issue with wifi. But his wifisignal fix solved it.
None of the MUIU or Motoblur nonsense. Except, there is this go theme, which I hate. I dont know how I can remove it.
Its smooth as butter
Accelerometer works, no issues with any of the backlight stuff. There is no vanilla camera app at all.
CAMERA does NOT work, even with third party app 'Action Snap'.
Anyone has any clue how to remove the go theme and get back to regular gingerbread launcher or something simpler. Also any idea about the Camera?
I'm using miui with launcher pro as the launcher, and it gets rid off the odd (IMO) miui home screen.
I think ginger blur is the only ROM that keeps the stock launcher...
Note: i'm using BravoMotorola's Miui port...
whoops - edited his name
This is my ROM of choice right now. It seems to be an official MIUI port for the Bravo from the MIUI.us team. It is very very good, everything is working and everything is translated to english just fine. Also is pre overclocked to 1ghz (scores just over 2000 on quadrant standard). Runs butter smooth. Just download launcher pro, zeam, or adw launcher from the market if you dont like the absence of an app drawer.
credit to BravoMotorola for the link.
Thank you. As much as I hate MUIU, if push comes to shove and if I really really really really need camera, then I might have to move to it. I am just hoping that some good samaritan works out his magic on the CM7 and makes everything work. The CM7 V2 Diet is extraordinarily simple and amazingly fast.
FanDroid09 said:
This is my ROM of choice right now. It seems to be an official MIUI port for the Bravo from the MIUI.us team. It is very very good, everything is working and everything is translated to english just fine. Also is pre overclocked to 1ghz (scores just over 2000 on quadrant standard). Runs butter smooth. Just download launcher pro, zeam, or adw launcher from the market if you dont like the absence of an app drawer.
credit to BravoMotorola for the link.
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Is it a true official port? Is stock camera working??????
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
marquae11 said:
Is it a true official port? Is stock camera working??????
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
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Good question!!! let me try it now!
josuearisty said:
Good question!!! let me try it now!
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What were the results?
Working or not?
11sword11 said:
What were the results?
Working or not?
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Sadly no camera!!

[Q] sense rom?

do u recommend a sense 3.5 rom because normal cm7 is getting boring to me
and sense look very good
thank you
wa6000 said:
do u recommend a sense 3.5 rom because normal cm7 is getting boring to me
and sense look very good
thank you
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also can u pls link a few good ones
yes i recommend it if u dont mind it being kind of slower than cm7 like not as snappy. also there is the one in my sig, energy rom:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=733649
and this good one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1282281
those are from my experience
hope i helped
walidhazem said:
yes i recommend it if u dont mind it being kind of slower than cm7 like not as snappy. also there is the one in my sig, energy rom:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=733649
and this good one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1282281
those are from my experience
hope i helped
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thank you for reply, i will try later
wa6000 said:
thank you for reply, i will try later
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I tried Sense 3.5 for a day and although I love the eyecandy it's unbearably slow! So much less snappy than Typhoon and I only got on average 75Mb free RAM :/
What I did do is download GO Launcher EX, download the Sense theme from the market... but not from the market, if you know what I mean and downloaded NTSense theme from the 'HD2 Android Themes and Apps' section and made it look sufficiently like sense Oh and Agile Lock for the Sense 3.0 lockscreen

[Q] Why are the stock-based ROMs graphically smoother than CM7.2 on Defy+?

There's a constant struggle in my mind. I have tried several CM7 builds, but all of it had problems with the GUI smoothness. I just could not reach that iPhone-like smooth operation like the stock ROM or MS2Ginger, not even with V6 SuperCharger and Nitro Lag Nullifier. Various scrolling cache settings and build.prop tweaks also did not help like playing with debug.performance.tuning, video.accelerate.hw, debug.sf.hw. But MS2Ginger has several problems CM don't: SD card corruption (can't be fixed with mmcfix, tried), random FCs. So I just can't decide which is better for me: choppy GUI with no SD problems or ultrasmooth GUI with rage sometimes. It would be good to combine smoothness with SD card fix.
I'm not quite familiar with Android development yet, but I would like to know what modules/drivers/binaries etc. are responsible for this GUI smoothness/choppyness, and is there a way to port these things from stock ROM into CM.
Are you using ADWLauncher (which is the stock one in cm7)?
Try to use another launcher such as launcherpro, go launcher or adw launcher ex (not free).
I don't know why, but adw is very choppy indeed... it works well on lg p350 (cheap android device) of a friend of mine though.
The Development section is only for threads in which actual development is taking place
Step666 said:
The Development section is only for threads in which actual development is taking place
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How do you do actual development inside a forum post? That doesn't even seem possible.
But anyways yeah, I installed CM7 a few days ago and had the exact same issue as the OP—replacing ADWLauncher with Launcher Pro solved it.
Glaux said:
How do you do actual development inside a forum post? That doesn't even seem possible.
But anyways yeah, I installed CM7 a few days ago and had the exact same issue as the OP—replacing ADWLauncher with Launcher Pro solved it.
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Launcher Pro is choppy too. My first task after installing CM is always to replace ADW with Launcher Pro, but LP is still smoother on stock/MS2Ginger than on CM7.
So any tips? It's not a launcher problem, but an overall system symptom. Anyone experienced it?
i'm using adw lancher ex on cm7.2 with supercharged and it's really smooth.. like you said, iphone-like!
daede86 said:
i'm using adw lancher ex on cm7.2 with supercharged and it's really smooth.. like you said, iphone-like!
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Do you have Defy+? What is your kernel version? What is your base SBF? What values are set in bootmenu/overclock?
Lots of performance and specially battery tweaks done in CM ROMs at the cost of better graphics. That's the case with every other brand mobile too. They all look graphically smoother on stock but a bit dull on CM.
It's hard to quantify "choppy" and "smooth," and different people will have different interpretations of the terms. Maybe a comparison video would clear things up.
Can some choppyness come from deodexing a rom? I read somewhere that odexed roms (like stock ones) are faster, but I can't remember in which way faster... maybe just booting up faster?!
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
I searched again and I've found it:
As you can read in the end of the post, odexed rom is snappier in general!!
I'd want to try an odexed CM7.2
That would be fast as he'll :-D
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
sa3e1 said:
I searched again and I've found it:
As you can read in the end of the post, odexed rom is snappier in general!!
I'd want to try an odexed CM7.2
That would be fast as he'll :-D
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How reputable is this poster? FWIR, deodexing only affects boot times, and only after a Dalvik cache wipe—there shouldn't be any performance impact besides that.
in my case, i have a defy+ with adw ex, old v6 (update8) is very smooth. launcherpro is too. stock launcher is sucks, so i dont use it. but other launchers works fine for me.
