[Q] Hd2 vs mytouch 4g - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I had a hd2 and just got this today I was on miui 1.8.5. It was a windows phone converted to android. Where this already is. Is glitches out in the 4g or should I stay stock.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App

Glitches are in stock, so go flash
Sent from... It doesn't matter!

I too came from HD2. Love the battery life. Last me full day on light to moderate use.
I liked stock with bloat removed, but now too trying to flash. For some reason this is second MT4G that is not working with root.sh method.

if you liked MIUI on the HD2, youll love MIUI on the MT4G. I also had an HD2 as my toy while the 4G was my daily. the only thing I miss about that phone was the bigger screen, but thats it. the stock rom on the 4G isnt all that great IMO, and pretty much all the other roms in the dev section blow it out of the water! root that baby and flash your heart out (just make sure to do some reading first tho)


Should I trade my g2 for a mt4g?

Ive never been a fan of the mytouch line just because im a fan of vanilla android but someone offered me a trade the only reason why I would do it is because of the ffc, and are there any vanilla roms I can flash?
Considering the same swap. Need to get the wife a phone, so I'm passing on my G2 and getting a MT4G. It's a hard decision, as the G2 is now free with contract on the t-mobile site, but I'm not a keyboard fan and would rather have the slimmer phone with more RAM.
I would do it as long as you know for a fact that the MT4G works great and has the superior screen.
You can put on Cyanogens 6.1 on there, it's a RC but CM7 is coming along nice.
Other than that, there is a stock G2 rom for this too, it should be somewhere on the forums.
And I'm coming from a G2 myself so yeah, I really enjoy this phone. Took a couple days to get used to not having a keyboard but it's good from there on.
Oh and the battery life sucks compared to the G2, I remember I would get about 2 days with Cynaogens 6.1 rom, and even with the cyanogens rom on this, I get about 8-10hours with moderate to heavy usage...
I went from G2 also...i like the MT4G much better.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Also came from the G2. The radio on the G2 was horrible.... I hated the sense version on the MT4G but i've now got normal sense on the phone and all is wonderful.....
I've owned both a G2 and MT4G (and a Nexus S)
and without a doubt the MT4G is the fastest and best.
If you can do without a keyboard go for it.
I had Swype on my Nexus One and thats all I've used for months now.
I didnt use the keyboard when I had a G2.
I like both phones, I have both. Mt4g is a tad bit better and we do have cm6 and cm7 runs great.
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going_home said:
I've owned both a G2 and MT4G (and a Nexus S)
and without a doubt the MT4G is the fastest and best.
If you can do without a keyboard go for it.
I had Swype on my Nexus One and thats all I've used for months now.
I didnt use the keyboard when I had a G2.
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Keyboard on the G2 was nice, that and the fact that it's a G2, but the MT4G is a beast. NS was meh. Pretty to look at, and that's about it.
The MT4G is a superhero when it comes to hardware, and CM6 and CM7 are both stable enough to be daily drivers. I almost never use the FFC, but I know I wouldn't ever use the physical keyboard and I really like having the extra RAM. The physical buttons are a nice touch too.
Overall I'm in love with this thing, just make sure you read up on the good display vs. bad display issue. It's easy to test through Terminal with the DMESG command, root NOT required.
tdtylert said:
Ive never been a fan of the mytouch line just because im a fan of vanilla android but someone offered me a trade the only reason why I would do it is because of the ffc, and are there any vanilla roms I can flash?
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MT4G = very fast and powerful phone IF you get lucky, otherwise you will be plagued with the ****tiest quality control to date which can easily get you through 3-5 warranty exchanges.
You will also need a custom ROM to make it very fast and powerful, out of the box it has pissed poor battery life and gets real laggy.
Most custom ROMs have problems with FFC
G2 = Very fast and powerful and great battery life out of the box. The keyboard config make it kinda big and I go worst reception than with the MT4G by a tinny bit.
I didn't miss the extra RAM when I was using the G2, there's really no need for all that in Android.
I miss the keyboard, but not the bulk.
The part about plain Android not needing extra ram is true. On CM7 I usually about 400mb of free ram.
The MT4G with CM7 is the greatest phone I've ever used.
Evil ported the G2 ROM so you can use the exact same ROM with better hardware
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I did exactly this only yesterday and am extremely happy with my decision. This phone is allot quicker, no worrisome hinge and this screen I think is allot more enjoyable to look at! Also the only thing I used the keyboard for on the G2 was emulators!
speoples20 said:
The MT4G with CM7 is the greatest phone I've ever used.
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i have to agree fully.
Did the swap Wed. Wife is happy with the G2 as it just sits in a pouch in her purse. I'm actually faster typing on the Gingerbread soft keyboard, the phone is much thinner in the pocket and CM7 is running nearly perfectly (as long as you use Tango or Yahoo vs Qik for FFC video conferencing).
If I was sticking with stock, I would seriously consider sticking with the G2 though, as the MT4G ships with so much OEM crapware and Sense bloat, it's hard to even find your apps in the drawer (which looks like a lame iPhone rip because of the Sense ROM).

[Q] looking for an ideal ROM to try

Hey all!
So I've been with my NAM(Bell) Desire-Z for a few months now.
I've a fresh new 1800mAH battery and I wanna get the most out of it.
From what I've noticed, I don't really need any of the HTC widgets. I'm bound to find better replacements even if I do.
(Widgetsoid is an amazing widget alternative)
So I ask... do you think SuperVillainZ or maybe Virtuous might be better for me to try out if:
- I want better battery life
- I want a more responsive UI
- I want to stick with SenseUI without the bog-down effect
- I want to keep the SenseUI camera
- I like the SenseUI mail app.
Here's what I am hoping to get at as well....
-replace the HTC People app with the stock Google Contacts app
(HTC People + sync is driving me insane)
-replace the HTC dialer with "Dialer One" (an amazing Dialer replacement)
-retain 7 homescreens
-get wifi calling
-No huge need for overclocking, but definitely underclocking to save battery
-openVPN <-- i need this
I don't mind using a different UI/Launcher and I'm not pushing for 2.3,but it would be nice of course.
I'm using a bell desire z on rogers myself, I would suggest cm 6.1.1 for battery life as I ran it for a week and got rediculously good battery life on stock battery. I'm currently running cm7 nightly and have no complaints, battery isn't as good as 6 was but its still better than stock. as for all your extras your looking for I can't comment too much on as I'm still new to the desire z as well as cm. my main reason for suggesting cm is not only the customizability of it but I got sick of sense. yes it looks nice and its semi cool, but I find cm to be cleaner and less "busy". and adw ex let's me setup my homescreens just right.
sorry I can't help on the sense referral your looking for...just my .02 though and welcome to the desire z/g2 family
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Same here i got a Bell Desire Z and the Battery life was Horrible ~ 12 hours max Sense.com, facebook were killing me.
Try MIUI its really smooth like a iphones but you might not like it as its like an new OS almost.
CM 7 RC would be best choice on cm7 nightly builds i got 24 hours with 2-3 hours use which is a lot coming from sense.
I would say Cyan Rc1 its really nice and stable
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
id recommend cm7 rc1 with flippys 1.8Ghz kernel.
I am running it at 1.4 and getting a really good battery life.(better than stock cm7)
but if you must have htc stuff id recommend virtouos rom.
Hmm... the only thing I really need from Sense is the camera/camcorder. Is it included in Virtuous? SuperVillainZ? other?
I too was thinking of going to CM7 RC1 because i think sense is one of the big reasons my battery is so poor because of all the things in the background, i was wondering though if i would be able to take the HTC touch input and camera from virtuous say and install them on CM7? And how good is the copy paste in gingerbread?
I just like the few little UI things in sense, only reason ive stayed with it
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I would try CM 6.1.1. I've been using it for about a month now and it's great. I've tried Virtuous 0.9.5 and come to the conclusion that Sense is just not for me. Way too busy, and the launcher/home just isn't customizable enough.
I tried CM 7.0 RC1 for a couple days, but was getting choppy performance switching between screens on LauncherPro. It was worse with ADW. Must be some performance tweaking that needs to take place on that ROM.
Unfortunatly htc apps will not work on any other rom unless the rom is based on htc sense . The only htc app that will work is flashlight . I am running cm7 just now but virtouos rom is very awesome. And it has a very good battery life .
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Has anyone else tried GingerVillain or SuperVillainZ or Virtuous, and could drop in 2 cents?
sgtfoo said:
Has anyone else tried GingerVillain or SuperVillainZ or Virtuous, and could drop in 2 cents?
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tried virtuous and gotta say the difference between it and cm6/7 is clear..the latter being obviously snappier and a better performer. I could not deal with the laggier sense ui
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

[Q] So what ROM is the best in your opinion for the Shift?

Sorry if this question has been asked a million times haha. But I'm just curious about the perks or other ROMs, most especially for battery life since I'm out and about most the time. I have tried CM7 and Miui when they were still new to the shift but just settled down with Mikshift because I love the simple sense roms haha. But ever since I rooted my friends HTC Glacier a couple days ago my mind just became a curious george lol. I know I can just read the threads but I want to know why the person uses that rom....thanks in advance!
Kushdeck with tiamat kernel seems really good so far. No issues and battery life is great. Also the phone is smooth.
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
Well when i was on the HTC Evo 3 weeks ago i was HIGHLY FOND OF MikG. I Use this rom due to the looks of it are clean and crisp. i also found it to be the fastest sense rom with great battery life. I also enjoy the lock screen on it very very much.
but i hear nothin but good things about CM7 which u wont hear anything good from me due to i personally like the Sense UI.
I also enjoyed playing on a MIUI rom due to the high customization you can do with it.
kyhassen said:
Well when i was on the HTC Evo 3 weeks ago i was HIGHLY FOND OF MikG. I Use this rom due to the looks of it are clean and crisp. i also found it to be the fastest sense rom with great battery life. I also enjoy the lock screen on it very very much.
but i hear nothin but good things about CM7 which u wont hear anything good from me due to i personally like the Sense UI.
I also enjoyed playing on a MIUI rom due to the high customization you can do with it.
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Building on what he said I've been using MikG also and I've been pretty happy so far with the peformance
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
Mikg all day
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
Mik if you want sense.
CM7 if you want vanilla.
No doubt if u want raw performance without care for ui. Use cyanogen. I had cyanogen for a bit, and could notice the speed.
But I lovee sense, so I'm usin mik g supreme currently I think it runs just as well as regular mikg but u get 3d widgets/rosie...
If we ever get the src for the kernel from htc mikroms would improve performance greatly. Id say I'm more than satisfied with the stock kernel with sense 3.0
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
Haha thanks for the input guys. I agree with you all...Sense UI is already perfect in my eyes. Whenever the source kernal comes out....everybody will be jizzin' haha.
Depends on what your going to use it for, business, personal, or both. How heavy a phoneaholic you are ( I'm REALLY BAD ) . But one thing is definate, we have plenty of choices .
Good point, considering I manage a couple email accounts I've grown accustomed to the reliability of sense notifications and how emails are handled.
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
Just installed Synergy, no major complaints, very solid all around.
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Honestly for me it's a toss up between CyanogenMod and MikShifted-G. Cm has the raw performance while MS-G has the stability & reliability. Currently I'm using MS-G. It was a little quirky at first, but when I got the V6Supercharger and 98KickAssKernelTweaks scripts installed the UI became just as snappy if not more then cm. Just wish HTC would release the damn kernel source already.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I currently use Supreme Sense and love it. Although Mikshifted-G is also a really good ROM also if you don't want that 3.0 rosie and want to save a little speed, but mikshifted g has a couple little bugs. Synergy is good has a few nice features too. Idk ima sense kindof guy. BTW: Anyone know how to put smilies in on XDA Premium? Just started using it in celebration to full root
Sent from my Supreme Shift on Wires!
Been on miui for the last 6 months and never looked back... by far the best rom in my opinion...
Sent from my speedy miui w/1.9 of goodness!!
prboy1969 said:
But one thing is definate, we have plenty of choices .
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True, but not always a good thing. I downgraded and rooted my shift yesterday, and I'm running into the same problem that I had when I first switched to linux on my desktop back in 2000. There are so many choices that I can be tough to narrow it down to what you really want.
Overall, I thought Sense was a bit overdone, so I've been enjoying CM7-nightly for the moment, but there are a small handfull of features I REALLY miss from Sense like T9 in the dialer, and the FriendStream widget & app.
This is really a subjective question. You will get different responses from different people.
Personally I have tried all roms available for the Shift and I always seem to go back to MIUI. In terms of customization, MIUI has virtually limitless UI options. It allows you to really make your phone unique. At first I really did not like the fact that it resembles crApple UI. But after I gave it a try I was hooked. I've haven't been on any other rom for more than a week after trying MIUI. With the Tiamat kernel my battery has lasted more than 2days with medium use.
I also liked Mik G. Its a very good rom. But I just got tired of sense lol. I do think that Sense is the best Manufacturer pushed UI though.
Like someone before me said if you want raw performance CM7 is great. The UI is just not as "pretty" as some others.
I had good performance with ShiftDeck as well. Basically similar to CM7 with a few tweaks and changes.
I suggest trying all the different roms and see which one you enjoy, thats what really matters.
Happy Flashing!
The two roms I use are CM7 nightlies and another rom I'm not sure if I can post about it here as it isn't public atm, also if you like sense and you like customization I recommend checking out synergy... That thing has more mods that idk what
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thronnos said:
The two roms I use are CM7 nightlies and another rom I'm not sure if I can post about it here as it isn't public atm, also if you like sense and you like customization I recommend checking out synergy... That thing has more mods that idk what
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
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Can you at least tell us if the rom you're using is AOSP or not? We really need some more Vanilla for the Shift.
Sent from my EVO Shift 4g using BASEDtalk
MIUI ftw..
Sent from Gingerbread Speedy 4G
It's hard to stick with one ROM. From a Sense ROM (mik-g, SSv3, Synergy) and then to an AOSP ROM (CMnightlies, kushdeck, evervolv) and then back to Sense. Haven't tried a MIUI ROM yet, maybe one day.
Currently on nightly175...
from the Speedy EVO Engine...

A Good Rom for Evo?

i hope this the correct forum for this if not Im sorry. I have an epic but my wife has an Evo and i have put a rom on it for her. Now she is complaining about cyanogenmod 7 that I put on her phone and she keeps running into small problems Im not that familiar w/ the evo roms so I need some guidance with them. I need something very stable and very easy to use, it doesn't matter what android as long as it is stable.
thanks in advance
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
My mom's phone is an Evo 4G and I put MIUI on it. It has an iOS-like interface and it is VERY easy to use.
Lacedaemon said:
My mom's phone is an Evo 4G and I put MIUI on it. It has an iOS-like interface and it is VERY easy to use.
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It's also the buggiest ROM I've ever run. Try Evo Classic by TommyTomatoe. Super stable and super easy to use.
Evo4gLI said:
It's also the buggiest ROM I've ever run. Try Evo Classic by TommyTomatoe. Super stable and super easy to use.
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Honestly, Evo4gLI, the last time I checked, I haven't run into any problems using MIUI. Green_Arrow says in his guide that MIUI "has the longest battery life and is very customizable." I would readily second that, and though MIUI doesn't have WiMAX as of yet, I don't use 4G at ALL.
Check our the guide in my signature. For ultimate stability, I would suggest MikG or tommytomatoe's The Classic if you want Sense.
MIUI is my favorite AOSP ROM. It is incredibly stable if you actually wipe everything right
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Evo4gLI said:
It's also the buggiest ROM I've ever run. Try Evo Classic by TommyTomatoe. Super stable and super easy to use.
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OMG, it's the most STABLE ROM ever. I had ZERO bugs on my MIUI setups. None
Evo4gLI said:
It's also the buggiest ROM I've ever run. Try Evo Classic by TommyTomatoe. Super stable and super easy to use.
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Cosign that
about miui, yes there are bugs at times on the releases
thanks to everyone for the info
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migmartinez said:
i hope this the correct forum for this if not Im sorry. I have an epic but my wife has an Evo and i have put a rom on it for her. Now she is complaining about cyanogenmod 7 that I put on her phone and she keeps running into small problems Im not that familiar w/ the evo roms so I need some guidance with them. I need something very stable and very easy to use, it doesn't matter what android as long as it is stable.
thanks in advance
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Sounds like you should have left the phone at stock settings ;o Go with one of the stock mods like Classic or Swagged Out Stock. Can't get more stable than that.
Maybe get her an ice cream sandwich mod for ease of use when those become stable.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I am new to rooting but have found Fresh and Nocturnal's Shooter (Sense 3.0) roms pretty good. No issues so far and has been around 3 weeks of steady usage. I have the Evo 4g. Just make sure to back up so if anything goes wrong you are covered. I also like to test out the phone pretty good after installing anything. rooted or otherwise. could be buggy software causing the issues. waiting for cyan9 in jan.
Also http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1334484 has an excellent guide on rooting the evo. I was put off by other guides but you can't get more cut and dry than that one. Thoughtful and detailed in case you missed anything.
tropicalbrit said:
Check our the guide in my signature. For ultimate stability, I would suggest MikG or tommytomatoe's The Classic if you want Sense.
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Can't say I've ever ran MIUI, but from all of the roms I've ran, I've never had
stability issues with any Sense based rom and have so far had the best battery
life with MikG's 2.59 with the Freedom kernel.
sitting at 22:30 hrs up, 6:50hrs awake with 54% battery life remaining.
Took a screen shot even to show my brother to tick him off, his photon dies
over the course of a work day.
I'd agree though, MikG and Tommytomatoes roms are great,
I love a lot of the 3.5 roms as well, but the stability and performance aren't
where I'd like them to be yet. Never got the feel for CM/AOSP based roms,
though they all run well for me, and I never did like the Apple style UI, which
everyone seems to compare MIUI to. Probably why that's one of the only roms
I haven't installed on my evo.

New to G2 Quick question

Just got a G2 for my wife i use the samsung epic and have it flashed, rooted and overclocked. For the G2 what is the best ROM and kernel, im just looking for something speedy and good battery. i would like to overclock and under clock from 200-1000 or something nothing crazy. Thanks for any help this is truly the best forum out there
its for your wife... so your wife isn't gonna be using it as guys do... i suggest virtuous G-Lite
I will always recommend elitemod. Day nd a half battery life and super speedy
Girls like their phones not to suck, too. Cyanogen nightly 263. The kang nightlies since then. Mexdroid Atomic (what i"ve got on mine right now).
Or something miui based?
Just loaded it onto a friends original desire and he's falling in love all over again. Can theme it till the cows some home too.
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