Power Consumption - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

First to say that i'm tottaly dummy regardin android on my HD2. I have decided today to try instal android on my HD2 on SD card. I thing i did everything good but. How can I acive low battery consumption in st-by mod or when 3G or WIFI is in use.
I have installed this version
My power consumtion in st-by is 120
and this is written:
It's about 3~5mA battery consumption on standby when turning on WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, and Auto Sync settings.
Apprisiate your help

cyberx85 said:
First to say that i'm tottaly dummy regardin android on my HD2. I have decided today to try instal android on my HD2 on SD card. I thing i did everything good but. How can I acive low battery consumption in st-by mod or when 3G or WIFI is in use.
I have installed this version
My power consumtion in st-by is 120
and this is written:
It's about 3~5mA battery consumption on standby when turning on WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, and Auto Sync settings.
Apprisiate your help
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How are you measuring the battery usage? Is this with just the ROM, or have you installed any apps?
Any ROM will consume a bit after the first boot, and will settle to 1 - 5 mA eventually unless something is wrong.

I have installed Current widget from the market.....

cyberx85 said:
My power consumtion in st-by is 120
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there's quite a few threads on "battery drain" in HD2 / Android forum, right now cannot provide you with links but you'll definitely find sth, via forum browsing, search or google in xda,
afair one of the chief reasons was GPS location turned on, also some ROM used to have problems with BT in standby, for starters disable all sync / comm / location functions, then check the current and if it's ok start turning them one by one, with a few minutes of standby in between

Battery solved, Black Screen
OK, thank you for your help. I manage to get power consumtion of 6mA in st-by eith "Transformers" version of android from this forum but now i have problems with wakeing up my phone. I will ask here to avoid opening new thread. When My phone goes to sleep it happens that i can't wake-up him. Lights on buttons get light, but screen remain black. Only solution is to remove the battery. My Phone info is as follows:
HTC HD2 T-Mobile
OS version: 5.2.21892
Manila version: 2.5.20121412.2
ROM Version: 2.13.531.1
ROM Date: 4/28/10
SD Card is ScanDisk 2 16GB
Thank you for help and patience...

Does somebody knows the answer to my problem, please....

cyberx85 said:
Does somebody knows the answer to my problem, please....
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don't know which build you're using, mine is ACA (SD), in some of the older builds sth similar used to happen, but usually most of the SOD's were shallow, so I was able to get out of them waiting 5-10 seconds between each attempt of unlocking the device, either using power button, of home/menu combo,
what helped for some users was setting the min CPU in Set CPU or CM Settings up from 128 to 245

When I was using SD based builds I have problems with battery drain as well. To solve the problem, power off your phone, power it on while holding the vol. down button, then pull batt and turn it on again. Then boot into Android through Haret. It worked for me, but it got irritating when I had to do that quite often. In the end I just switched to NAND builds, and I never had problems with battery drain since.

O and just btw cyberx85, I think normally we use a 2.15.xxx radio for the HD2. You can try these links on how to get that on your HD2.

I will try that.... Thanks


Bad battery life is typically not because of the hardware

I'm posting this in return for all the information I found about the HD2 and poor battery performance. I read every thread I could find and every single post in them. I learned a lot and that allowed me to solve my problem.
I got no more than about 10 hours of use out of my battery with average use. Initially I thought this was the norm, reading a number of threads on this issue. I could however not believe that the performance was so poor, even taking the large screen into account.
I decided to try and determine exactly what it was that caused the battery to drain to quickly. I loaded BattLog and found it invaluable (see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=444920).
I immediately noticed that my phone was drawing 85 mA even when it was in standby (or what I thought was standby). Based on what I was reading, the current draw should not be more than 5 mA while the phone is in standby.
I noticed in one of the threads that there were complaints about G-Profile causing battery drain. Since I had it on my phone I thought that might be a logical place to look. I uninstalled it a lo and behold... the current draw fell to below 5 mA when the phone was in standby!
In addition I loaded Bandswitch which switches off my 3G connection after it has not been used for 60 seconds.
Now I have about 48+ hours of battery life. When not using the phone a lot it extends to a lot more than 48 hours.
The long and short of it is that if you get poor battery performance, chances are it is because of some software that is installed on your phone.
Here are a couple of usefull things I have found in helping resolve my battery issues:
1) Use Batlog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=444920) to log the current your phone draws. If it draws more than 5 mA during standby you have a problem, most probably related to a piece of software on your phone
2) Your phone should not be drawing much more than about 150 mA when in 'active' mode with the screen at 40% brightness.
3) If you are running G-Profile, uninstall it and recheck your current draw. Chances are that it is the culprit.
4) Having an active data connection does draw power from the battery. In my case this is about an additional 130 mA. Load something like Bandswitch to disable the data connection when it is not needed.
I hope this information helps somebody. I realise that the situation is different for everybody out there because of all the variants such as age of the battery, sofware loaded and use. However, the reality is that the battery issues are most probably not because of a bad battery or the hardware but rather because of software on the phone.
BTW I am running:
OS Version: 5.2.21869
Manilla version: 2.5.19211619.0
ROM version: 1.48.421.2 (71294) WWE
Radio version:
gerhardvr said:
I'm posting this in return for all the information I found about the HD2 and poor battery performance. I read every thread I could find and every single post in them. I learned a lot and that allowed me to solve my problem.
I got no more than about 10 hours of use out of my battery with average use. Initially I thought this was the norm, reading a number of threads on this issue. I could however not believe that the performance was so poor, even taking the large screen into account.
I decided to try and determine exactly what it was that caused the battery to drain to quickly. I loaded BattLog and found it invaluable.
I immediately noticed that my phone was drawing 85 mA even when it was in standby (or what I thought was standby). Based on what I was reading, the current draw should not be more than 5 mA while the phone is in standby.
I noticed in one of the threads that there were complaints about G-Profile causing battery drain. Since I had it on my phone I thought that might be a logical place to look. I uninstalled it a lo and behold... the current draw fell to below 5 mA when the phone was in standby!
In addition I loaded Bandswitch which switches off my 3G connection after it has not been used for 60 seconds.
Now I have about 48+ hours of battery life. When not using the phone a lot it extends to a lot more than 48 hours.
The long and short of it is that if you get poor battery performance, chances are it is because of some software that is installed on your phone.
Here are a couple of usefull things I have found in helping resolve my battery issues:
1) Use Batlog to log the current your phone draws. If it draws more than 5 mA during standby you have a problem, most probably related to a piece of software on your phone
2) Your phone should not be drawing much more than about 150 mA when in 'active' mode with the screen at 40% brightness.
3) If you are running G-Profile, uninstall it and recheck your current draw. Chances are that it is the culprit.
4) Having an active data connection does draw power from the battery. In my case this is about an additional 130 mA. Load something like Bandswitch to disable the data connection when it is not needed.
I hope this information helps somebody. I realise that the situation is different for everybody out there because of all the variants such as age of the battery, sofware loaded and use. However, the reality is that the battery issues are most probably not because of a bad battery or the hardware but rather because of software on the phone.
BTW I am running:
OS Version: 5.2.21869
Manilla version: 2.5.19211619.0
ROM version: 1.48.421.2 (71294) WWE
Radio version:
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and imagine that your rom version is accused of massive batt draining!
an upgrade to 1.66 / 1.72 should make a difference..or a custom rom
Hi Gerhardvr,
What is the batlog software you used?
I'm very interested about your post.
Very useful findings, gerhardvr. Thanks!
found BattLog
ok, I found BattLog
It's just in showthread.php?t=444920
Have a nice day guys.
When I ran the Test, it said that I was using up 242mA in standby! I dont believe I have G-Profile installed, unless it was pre installed on the device. I have the latest versions of the ROM, Radio, Manila, and OS version, so I know the culprit cant be the ROM version... Any ideas? I bought this phone from T-Mobile US.... Sooo yeah
Folks, I've been trying to get to the bottom of this as well. I have a number of cab files which do seem to help a little. One of the bigest culprits I've found is the screen lockers. Disable them and see how you fair!
soopahsteve said:
When I ran the Test, it said that I was using up 242mA in standby! I dont believe I have G-Profile installed, unless it was pre installed on the device. I have the latest versions of the ROM, Radio, Manila, and OS version, so I know the culprit cant be the ROM version... Any ideas? I bought this phone from T-Mobile US.... Sooo yeah
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I suggest you use Battlog to log to file. This is very useful as it will log the time stamp, the current temp of the battery and the current draw at the point in time. In addition it logs arious events on the phone, in particular the startup and shut down of applications, data connectivity, when you make or receive a call, whether you are talking or receiving on the call, etc. This can be opened in Excel and then analysed and if you are very lucky, you will pick up some patterns allowing you to link some programs to the battery drain.
However, the situation is typically slightly more complex to resolve since the culprit software are usually software that is loaded as TSR application at reboot. The result of this is that Battlog will not show the startup of these applications in the log file since they are already running at the time you are starting Battlog.
You should look at programs that manage phone profiles, screen lockers, screen calls or SMS messages, etc. In other words, any program that does work behind the scenes.
The reason you are seeing 242 mA in "standby" is because your phone is not really in standby. Although the screen is blank, something is preventing your phone from going into true standby, the processor is still active. The trick is to find what this is.
Sometimes the only approach is to uninstall the applications you suspect one by one and see if it makes a difference until you either find the culprit or can prove that none of the them are an issue. Then reinstall the ones you think are "safe" one by one and check whether the probelm pops up again. unfortunately you have to do the double sided approach because there could be more than one application that cuases your issue.
Painful I know but worh it when you have two days worth of battery time with some to spare.
See no reason to upgrade to the latest ROM
chris2busy said:
and imagine that your rom version is accused of massive batt draining!
an upgrade to 1.66 / 1.72 should make a difference..or a custom rom
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You know it. In reality I would love to upgrade to the latest and greatest but I've customised my phone to the Nth degree (did obviously not upgrade the ROM) by installing all the little apps I find useful, Cookies Home tab (best thing since sliced bread), etc. My phone is now just the way I like it.
It would take me quite some time to upgrade the ROM and to customise it again from scratch and I really don't see the benefit. I might be force to do it when I get to a stage where there are software that I would like to load that only works on the later ROMs but until such time I'm not gonna try to fix that that ain't broke.
is this the bandswitch u are using? if not, can i check where to get the program?
gerhardvr said:
It would take me quite some time to upgrade the ROM and to customise it again from scratch
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I just upgraded my ROM and did a Level 1 restore with Sprite Backup ... everything comes back except (I think) for wifi passwords.
i am drawing 180mA on standby..
im using custom rom, energy rom so thats very strange, but i have to agree that my battery life is terrible.. so i got to find a way to cut down on the 180mA drain..
I've always had good battery life on stock 1.66 rom losing 3% overnight with wifi and bluetooth turned off. Had to do a hard reset and started losing 15% overnight with the same everything. Did further resets and got nowhere. Ended up giving up on 1.66 although it had been fine previously after numerous hard resets - makes no sense but this is what happened. Just flashed to 1.72 and back to losing 3% overnight what it should be. And that is out of the box, to be honest all the battery saving registry tweaks are not worth the time installing and I leave 3G on all the time with updates coming through.
So it's all a bit random and shame on HTC for not sorting it out. My advice is do a hard reset, switch the wifi and bluetooth off and see in the morning if you have a reasonable battery life (or use the batt consumption program to verify standby consumption is sensible). Do this first before installing everything, getting frustrated and starting over again like I did when you discover that you're still experiencing high battery drain. This ensures that your starting point is a good flash and the phone is getting good life before adding any apps that could be causing a problem.
i have found my hd2 really does not like being in a poor or no coverage area. other phones i've owned have normally coped pretty well with no or very little signal. but not the hd2.
also noticed more drain in areas where there is only poor 3g coverage and its switching between 'g' and 'h' coverage.
fi3ry_icy said:
i am drawing 180mA on standby..
im using custom rom, energy rom so thats very strange, but i have to agree that my battery life is terrible.. so i got to find a way to cut down on the 180mA drain..
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Energy ROMs, just like the name goes, use a lot of Energy
They are baked in with a lot of performance tweaks so it's not unusual to get lower battery life per charge compared to other more down to earth vanilla ROMs.
Thanks for this thread, a lot of interesting information about the battery life of my HD2.
Just to mention: battconfig shows the power consumption directly in the task bar, a good way to find power guzzlers while they are active.
It's a pity we have no central place in this forum with a list of background applications that are known to drain the battery faster.
Or, also a needed information, a list of applications that are known not to do this (like PhoneAlarm, PocketShield).
I'm using the official rom only and have non fancy apps running or installed while I'm using the test bat program. As I speak the SD card is removed and celular radio is turned off.
Acording to program there is an indicator which is switching from -229ma to +78ma is that what its drawing of power?
Euroman28 said:
Acording to program there is an indicator which is switching from -229ma to +78ma is that what its drawing of power?
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+78ma??? That must mean you are charging the battery. The best way to test current draw is when it is only on the battery.
I get about -5ma draw on standby and it tops out at around 180ma when I have the screen on, but usually hovers around 130 - 150ma. I have my screen brightness at the lowest setting possible.
@OP, I wanted to say this earlier... great topic, very insightful.
I have a few suggestions for everyone posting in this thread. Let's try and get some common data together that is more tangible in order to give us a more similar & common perspective for these discussions.
I suggest the following
1) Soft Reset. Once the device is on, do not run ANY applications. In fact don't do anything except for following the below instructions.
2) Turn your screen brightness all the way DOWN! (Turn off Auto Backlight and manually set it to the lowest setting)
3) Check your power settings and make sure that while your phone is on battery, that it is set to dim the backlight after 30 seconds and turn off after 1 minute
*** I have attached 2 REG files below for both Backlight and Power. Please use them instad of doing it manually.***
4) Turn off all the radios (Phone, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth). Let's make our first round of tests with the Radio's off. Radio ON complicates things a bit as there are several applications to keep track of that use the Data Connection. I'll come up with a more comphrehensive list later so we can do the Radio ON tests.
Use a program like Shave&Save and get the following screenshots
1) Use any Task manager and get a screenshot of all the processes running. Sometimes the number of processes displayed is longer than the screen size can accomodate. Take 2 screenshots in this case making sure that you capture all processes. Edit the image with MS Paint or some other Image Program and attach it here as one image. See the example in the post below this one.
2) Goto \Windows\Startup and get a screenshot of the folder contents
3) If you are using Sense, drag the slider all the way to the end (settings) and goto About Phone. Goto Software Information and get a screenshot of that.
Monitoring the Battery
1) Make sure your phone is not connected to the charger or to the computer.
2) Open BattLog (can be found here), set the refresh rate to 1 second and Start Logging.
3) After you start the logging process do not touch the screen / the phone again for exactly 2 minutes.
TIME THIS with a stop watch. As soon as the 2 minutes it complete, turn the phone back on and stop the logging.
Information to post here
1) All the screenshots from above.
2) The current draw (both on standby and while active). Also, please attach the file that logged all the information in this format: Forum ID - BattLog - dd-mmm-yy.txt
3) ROM - Whose ROM? Release Date? Does it have Cookie's Home Tab Installed or any other MAJOR Sense Modifications.
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HTC HD2 (T8585)
OS: WM 6.5
ROM: Energy * Build 21907 * Release 01.JULY.10 * CHT v1.8.5 - Dinik Edition
Current Draw (mA)
Idle: -3 to -7
Screen On (w/o Radios): -83 to -117
Those figures look normal to me. You should be getting about as good a battery life as a device like this can achieve.

Battery Solution the **FINAL POST**

ALL i did was use Autoboot (Exceller Multiple Build Loader) set at 3 seconds
Try this setup if all else fails
Rom: ChuckyRom Lite HERE
Radio: HERE
Droid: HyperDroid 1.7 HERE
AutoBoot: Exceller Multiple Build Loader for Android/Ubuntu HERE (Comes preinstalled in ChuckyRom)
I have been reading and in a recent post I read HAVE THE BUTTON LIGHTS ON WHEN U BOOT ANDROID and u will save battery and its true try this!
I had to try this twice before it worked but THE KEY IS TO BOOT ANDROID AS SOON AS THE KEYPAD LIGHYS TURN ON!
chrisizzle492 said:
I have been reading and in a recent post I read HAVE THE BUTTON LIGHTS ON WHEN U BOOT ANDROID and u will save battery and its true try this!
I had to try this twice before it worked but THE KEY IS TO BOOT ANDROID AS SOON AS THE KEYPAD LIGHYS TURN ON!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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I just posted this in another battery thread but I think the real key is booting Android as quickly as possible and not really the lights so much as I have achieved similar results just using Exceller Multiple Build Loader app and not even touching the keys/lights. C/P from the other thread-->
Tried different techniques to get better battery and found that even on the same build with exact same setup would give varying results. Here's my setup that I would like others to try and post their results. SetCpu with screen off profile set to 245min/max 100 priority and whatever main profile you like; but use conservative preferably or interactive for best battery performance. Any task killer that auto kills all tasks with screen off (be sure to add SetCPU to ignore list). And here is the most important step, use an auto android booting app with minimum boot time setting. I have been doing some experiments with this and found that if you boot into Android as soon as possible, it seems to give better battery performance as opposed to playing around in WM then booting Android. Have tried this with several WM/Android combos. For the first time ever I'm able to get comparable battery performance out of Android as WM. I'm running a bare bones WM (but should work with and WM rom) and using Exceller Multiple Build Loader app set to 3 secs. Even running several sense builds I was able to achieve 3-7 mA draw during standby according to current widget. Took my phone off the charger at about 6:30 a.m. and it is now 11:15 and I still have 25% battery left after pretty heavy usage on standard battery. This is as good or better than what I usually get from WM! Hope this helps.
This was the one thing that was ruining my Android on HD2 experience. I finally got this step right after a few tries.
I've been using it for two days now, and getting consistent 5-8mA readings on standby. There's definitely something to either booting Android quickly and/or hitting the back button to turn on the LED backlight on the buttons.
I just checked my phone, and it's reading 5mA.
And I don't even have SetCPU on my phone. Should I try it out?
I think HTC winmo sense is the culprit. I disable the sense in winmo and get very low Android battery usage during standby. Sometimes around 3mA.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I also suggest to disable sense and put wmo in offline status.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
leeyunfook said:
I think HTC winmo sense is the culprit. I disable the sense in winmo and get very low Android battery usage during standby. Sometimes around 3mA.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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why should turning off sense be good when it comes to battery usage under android? this would mean winmo and sense are running in the background of android...which is not the fact!
chrisizzle492 said:
I have been reading and in a recent post I read HAVE THE BUTTON LIGHTS ON WHEN U BOOT ANDROID and u will save battery and its true try this!
I had to try this twice before it worked but THE KEY IS TO BOOT ANDROID AS SOON AS THE KEYPAD LIGHYS TURN ON!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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You had to try this 2 times before it worked yet you claim this is the final solution for battery drain problems?
i agree with you guys but let me just throw this observation into the mix here. i've read somrthing here in these forums regarding the sd card that came with the phone had something wrong with it ( don't really remember the exact issue ) and if you swapped it out for another sd card, there would be less SODs and a better battery as well.
i've tested this as i have a 4gb sd card and have had no problems whatsoever. everything runs smooth as silk. and, once again, the battery life is great.
NOTE: i do use the keypads lights on trick as well.
anap40 said:
You had to try this 2 times before it worked yet you claim this is the final solution for battery drain problems?
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Please re-read the post. i updated
Most of us don't need to do keypad gymnastics to get those same results.
Just use the exceller boot loader and set it for 3 or 6 seconds. Having stuff turned off till you need it is a great way to preserve the battery.
apallohadas said:
Most of us don't need to do keypad gymnastics to get those same results.
Just use the exceller boot loader and set it for 3 or 6 seconds. Having stuff turned off till you need it is a great way to preserve the battery.
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Ya thanks for the comment, i was doin this in between class so i didnt have time to just try the Excellor Boot Loader!!!
Updated the First Post Thanks!!!!
well now we hav almost 48 hrs of battery life on android... and moreover i info radio 2.14.xxx is better than 2.15.xxx in battery life...
Not working for me
Sorry thats all not working for me
i'm still having about 60 mA with VBNROM reloaded - Bangster 1.5 / Scandisk class 2 - 8 GB
I realley tryed everything and have read a lot of posts. I'm really distressed at the moment.
The best battery cosumption i ever experienced was with mccm 2.5 But that one was not stable for me.
Baltheruis said:
Sorry thats all not working for me
i'm still having about 60 mA with VBNROM reloaded - Bangster 1.5 / Scandisk class 2 - 8 GB
I realley tryed everything and have read a lot of posts. I'm really distressed at the moment.
The best battery cosumption i ever experienced was with mccm 2.5 But that one was not stable for me.
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1. Are you using SetCPU with a 245 max screen off profile? 2. Are you disabling WiFi, data and GPS when not using it? 3. Are you using a auto task killer with only SetCPU and Current Widget in ignore list? Also, I don't have 3g in my area but if you do I guess it could account for increased battery drain. If you're in an area that is in/out of coverage, this will cause higher battery drain as well. I get spotty coverage where I work and the battery drain is terrible.
Try mdeejay sense rEVOlution 2.0 androind build with your vbn wom rom - works great !
Try this:
1. switch phone radio off in winmo
2. power off and charge until green light comes on
3. boot winwmo on vbn, then immediately click on EBL
4. boot into mdeejay sense rEVO 2.0
5. turn sense off and use LauncherPro
I get *very good* battery life now with avg 5-7mA draw as evidenced by currentwidget.
Baltheruis said:
Sorry thats all not working for me
i'm still having about 60 mA with VBNROM reloaded - Bangster 1.5 / Scandisk class 2 - 8 GB
I realley tryed everything and have read a lot of posts. I'm really distressed at the moment.
The best battery cosumption i ever experienced was with mccm 2.5 But that one was not stable for me.
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try my complete setup
Baltheruis said:
Sorry thats all not working for me
i'm still having about 60 mA with VBNROM reloaded - Bangster 1.5 / Scandisk class 2 - 8 GB
I realley tryed everything and have read a lot of posts. I'm really distressed at the moment.
The best battery cosumption i ever experienced was with mccm 2.5 But that one was not stable for me.
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a few things to try
boot into android as quick as possible, 3 or 6 seconds
disable gps location in android
activate the lights when haret is loading
disable wifi & 3g
disable hotspot
disable sync
running htc sense? try a build without it
and many more attempts
im finally at 3mA in airplane mode, 5mA on phone, 7mA with wifi, 20mA with wifi & 3g
chrisizzle492 said:
try my complete setup
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I want to try that version of Android, but I don't want to mess with my good setup...
Baltheruis said:
Sorry thats all not working for me
i'm still having about 60 mA with VBNROM reloaded - Bangster 1.5 / Scandisk class 2 - 8 GB
I realley tryed everything and have read a lot of posts. I'm really distressed at the moment.
The best battery cosumption i ever experienced was with mccm 2.5 But that one was not stable for me.
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no need for keypad gymnastics or other weird and wonderful combinations - before booting into Android, just use KeypadLedControl to force the keypad lights to stay on, then fire up Android using your loader of choice (I use Android Loader, modified to automatically call KeypadLedControl to turn on keypad lights, instead of just letting it run on WinMo startup).
Been rebooting 5-6 times now with consistent low 5-10ma standby current.
Link to KeypadLedControl for lazy people: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=605731
The Solution....kind of ;-)
Thx for u'r replys.
I considered all u'r tips and sry dudes it didn't work for me I think the problem was related to the Bangster Build, even though i have been lonesome with my issues.
I changed the LED lib, and tryed to let the LEDs on while booting, set CPU is in condervativ mode/screen off 245min/245max 100% interactiv. And yep, GPS and Wifi where off. I even searched for any SD-Card related Problems in regestry. But Chucky did some great work i think. (i switched again concernig to faster boot)
At some time i think each Leo is different to the other. I changed to Hyperdroid 1.7 with 2.14 Radio and the results are definitely mind blasting.
12 hours on the road, did some surfing, some calls, 2 h musik.
Strange though i used the same kernel and same Radio. Something must have gone wrong by flashing Bangster or something.

Possible soluition to fix 60mA: Enable GPS and wait for full sync

Hi friends.
I found the following coincedence.
When I install new build aparently CurrentWindget shows 60mA in stand by and no way to fix it to 5-7mA as it should be.
The solution which helps me to fix it is the following:
- enable GPS module in settings
- open Maps and wait for it to find where you are located
- go back to homescreen and put phone to stand by
It should be fixed now to 5-7mA current.
Hope it will help everyone.
I can even leave GPS module on all the time after that - standby current stays at 5-7mA level.
hlvl said:
I can even leave GPS module on all the time after that - standby current stays at 5-7mA level.
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Very strange, but very cool if it works for you! I will give it a shot next time I see high battery drain. Thanks for sharing, it will help at least one other person if it helps you.
I've also found that switching Bluetooth off, then back on again, fixes this 60mA drain !
Common misconception: leaving GPS enabled in settings doesn't leave the GPS chip on the whole time. It just means that an app can enable it when it needs to (e.g. when you open Maps). As long as there's no GPS icon in your status bar, it doesn't drain *any* battery.
OT: that trick would be way faster than rebooting! Gonna try if it works for me too.
Really strange solution for this issue. I have the same problem but for this moment have drain about 5mA after quick boot with dualbootloader (wait time 3sec for Android load). For this moment 5mA in standby mode - with any enabled comm modules (WiFi,Bluetooth,GPS).
My experince of fixing the problem(temporary) is not using taskkiller too often, but it not always works
Curarpikt said:
My experince of fixing the problem(temporary) is not using taskkiller too often, but it not always works
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Don't ever use your task killer again, it only causes problems.
Tried the above however no sucess..........please check out my post and tell me what you think
I'm getting better battery life with wifi on
StephanV said:
Don't ever use your task killer again, it only causes problems.
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Why? I use it a lot...
To solve 60mA problem, each time you want to boot android:
1) when you are in windows mobile, lock the phone and turn the screen off by press end call button
2) wait few seconds and press it again to turn on screen
3) you see lock screen, unlock your phone
4) after that boot your android quickly within 10 seconds! (you can do it by creat shortcut of android on your home sceen)
I test it and solve problem for me on both mccm and mdeejay builds!
Phantoml337 said:
Why? I use it a lot...
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It was discussed hunderd of times. You dont need to free up mem in android 2.x
It has already a memory management built inside.
The only reason to use a task killer is to close an app that hangs or not properly close itself.
If you continue to kill your processes and backround apps just to free up ram, you will definitively drain more battery becaouse some of that apps will just load again automatically from SD or, when you open again one of them, it needs to load again from SD.
rafpigna said:
It was discussed hunderd of times. You dont need to free up mem in android 2.x
It has already a memory management built inside.
The only reason to use a task killer is to close an app that hangs or not properly close itself.
If you continue to kill your processes and backround apps just to free up ram, you will definitively drain more battery becaouse some of that apps will just load again automatically from SD or, when you open again one of them, it needs to load again from SD.
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Exactly. And apps not closing properly is still not an excuse for using it. If the app is bad uninstall it or mail the dev to fixit, but don't go around screwing stuff up with a task killer.
Phantoml337 said:
Why? I use it a lot...
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Me to....i use 2!
Autokiller on agressive,and a taskkiller....never troubles with drain etc
Or everyone check my signiture for my thread on battery drain solution
I think the OP is really onto something here. I tried this trick & my drain has gone from a steady 55-65mA down to around 5. I'm impressed!
Just one question, those of you that having issues with battery drain what WM do u use? I've recently had a problem on my HD2 (no USB) and i installed a stock ROM. Before i had the VBN Droid Reloaded 2 and with Mdeejay kernel current widget never showed me values above 300mA (witch i believe i only saw that value 1 time). Usually i'd get from 1-2mA to 250mA tops. Now i'll never go below 60mA and i've seen the record of 600mA. Today it drain me from 95% to 35% in about 2 hours. A bit too much for my taste...
I always find if you boot Android with Win Mo fully booted, it's over 60mA, but if I use Exceller Dual Boot to boot Android before Win Mo has finished loading, then it's 5-6mA.
Yea man task_killer - problem
Everything is working for me fine, i am using futureShocks MIUI build, the only thing is when i switch on bluetooth, my battery drain is about 60-80 mAh without bluetooth i have 3-6 mAh... no task killer, no setcpu, with other builds like mdeejays sense roms this problem is not !?
Everyone an idea how to solve the problem ?

[Q] Changing Radio, NAND already on

So this is the thing: I want to change my Radio from to a version more compatibile with NAND, because I'm having huge battery drain even in standby (about 109mA due to a CurretWidget). So which one should I choose, and how to flash it? I'm sort of newbie in the topic. And excuse my poor language. Thanks
Semen_K said:
So this is the thing: I want to change my Radio from to a version more compatibile with NAND, because I'm having huge battery drain even in standby (about 109mA due to a CurretWidget). So which one should I choose, and how to flash it? I'm sort of newbie in the topic. And excuse my poor language. Thanks
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Your Radio is compatible with NAND. I have the same Radio and i'm drawing 2mA in standby with 3G on.
If you are using any battery widgets (and i don't mean Current widget) stop doing that. Also in Location settings disable the option "wireless connections"
There are numerous topics in regards to battery drainage and how to fix this.
Hi, I'm using radio and i'm fine with it..
To flash simply download the radio from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=611787 and it should be a readyb to flash pack.
Turn off your device, and turn it on whil pushing vol down buttun, when you are at the 3 colored screen, connect to the pc via usb (the word serial should change automatically in USB on the phone).
Start customRUU provided with the radio and follow the steps.
It should be all fine then.
hope this helped, bye.
ill never stop having this issue (high drainage peaks in standby) theres still no solution for me. no location, no particular apps n widgets... etc
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
For me i worked, thank You all . Ive disabled loction, batt widget plus Ive found program wich saves battery: juiceDefender. Works just fine and i get batt usage on level of 2mA in standby
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
hey guys after flashing my radio from 2.08 to 2.15 my internet/GPRS/Data stopped working, at first it was working fine but after awhile it just stopped working, i tried to mess with the APN settings but its still wont connect, i went back to WM and it STILL wont connect, help please it is really frustrating me! thank you a whole bunch!

[ISSUE]Battery Drain Returns after installing about 5+apps

After installing a number of apps from the market, battery drain issue happens again.yuki xbmod v2 radio 5.51T HD2 EU.
uninstall apps. no go.
reboot and do camera trick. no go.
reset phone fixes issue.
i read from somewhere that putting 5 albums in the SD card also results to this.those who are using toms XAP installer pls send feedback as im not sideloading for now.
any ideas?
tbor1277 said:
After installing a number of apps from the market, battery drain issue happens again.yuki xbmod v2 radio 5.51T HD2 EU.
uninstall apps. no go.
reboot and do camera trick. no go.
reset phone fixes issue.
i read from somewhere that putting 5 albums in the SD card also results to this.those who are using toms XAP installer pls send feedback as im not sideloading for now.
any ideas?
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My sister has the same problem on her HD2, I told her to order a new SD card. Class 2. I'll post if she has any success.
Does this trick: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=933751 still works in Mango version? Becouse i have a 5.51t software radio version and 2.15 radio on my HTC HD2 euro version and camera trick doesn't work for me. My battery drain after 4-5 hours (sic!) of using WP7. (music, internet connection etc.). Battery stats show -220 drain. Is it normal? Any solutions?
A Random Battery Fix!!!
Hi all,
I am running mango 7720 (v2) - radio is still 5.69 for 2weeks now.
Have installed both radios 2.15 and 2.12 without any luck in regards to the camera trick. it worked upon a fresh format (-5ma), few apps later i am at -74ma. Battery lasts 9hrs 3g on, barely any use!!! dropped over 90% overnight.
I am aware that 5.51T/5.51 radio fixes this problem but i am waiting until XBmod releases the radio package without the need to format the phone.
I am running radio 2.12 for a few days now with horrendous battery life, until i came across something random.
Now, my drain is at -4/5ma and it lasts well over a day with 3g on. This is what i did (tested for 2days and loving it!):
Connect to wifi, turn off phone, turn phone on, do camera trick, turn wifi off, turn airplane mode on, then off and there you go!
Have tried doing the trick with/without reboots/wifi/airplane mode touched, - all failed!!! How weird, yes?
Hope this helps others.
God bless you XBmod-Yuki
tbor1277 said:
i read from somewhere that putting 5 albums in the SD card also results to this.those who are using toms XAP installer pls send feedback as im not sideloading for now.
any ideas?
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I installed about 30 albums and sideloased a lot of Xaps.
Cameratrick does not work anymore. After fresh install of Mango 7720 everything was ok. Radio 5.51T and European HD2
mentjens said:
I installed about 30 albums and sideloased a lot of Xaps.
Cameratrick does not work anymore. After fresh install of Mango 7720 everything was ok. Radio 5.51T and European HD2
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Did you sideload any apps after the fresh install though? Been running 7720 on my TMOUS with 5.51T and it was great for about a week, then after a full charge, battery saver would show that i'm losing a percent about every 10 mins. Battery tool says i'm getting between 4-10ma on standby so i find it strange. Battery saver used to say time remaining would be 1 day and a few hours, but now on full charge it says 20 hours. Is battery saver even reliable for its readouts?
I really don't want to reset my phone (done it about 10 times) but if this will fix the drain then I will.
skoti7 said:
Does this trick: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=933751 still works in Mango version? Becouse i have a 5.51t software radio version and 2.15 radio on my HTC HD2 euro version and camera trick doesn't work for me. My battery drain after 4-5 hours (sic!) of using WP7. (music, internet connection etc.). Battery stats show -220 drain. Is it normal? Any solutions?
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Is this trick working???
Please reply
Bluetooth seems power hungry when phone is idle
I have lots of apps & music installed and great battery life as long as i switch off Bluetooth when not in use.
To test standby current correctly:
Launch Battery Tool,
Lock phone,
Wait a couple of minutes to make sure phone has gone into standby.
Unlock phone and wait 10 seconds for reading.
Bluetooth enabled standby current ~100mA
Bluetooth disabled standby current ~6mA.
I am in a 3g area and Wifi is enabled.

