I have to block users for the only use of Internet Explorer. So the user can't exit from the browser and can't go to the desktop, menu, ecc...
how can I do?
thank you
is there a way to completely remove internet explorer from my hd2 kitchen, or is there a way to disable it permaently?
Any program with root acces, to browse, delete, copy system files from pc?
Droid explorer, pc suite, my phone explorer, don't work for me.
Do you want to use your phone to access shared folders on your PC?
No, I want use PC to acces root system folders on my phone.
This works!!! Thanks
hi, i have no problems sharing my file over wifi with es explorer on windows 7 but cannot seem to get it to work on my mac. i have sharing enabled and the login user and password is the same as windows.
is there something else i need to set on the mac?
Just a quick how-to sideload apps over wifi; no need to upload/download.
First though, you do need ES File Explorer. Once you have that, you can use it's network feature to sideload over wifi from your phone, or whatever other Android device you have.
On your phone, download Samba Server from the Playstore. Open it once installed.
Select the little plus sign. Select SMB Server from the dropdown. It'll bring up a settings page. All you really need to do here is give your server a name. Switch over to the Roots tab / select Add. Again, give your directory a name. Select Browse to navigate to the directory containing the APK's you want to sideload--for me, this is /backups/apps on my sd card since I use ES File Explorer to back up my apps.
Once you've named the server, and the dirctory (roots) hit the back button. It'll prompt you to save. (Twice). Now just select Start to start your session. Select info and take note of your WIFI IP.
Now on your Ouya, open ES File Explorer. Under Network, select the LAN tab. Select New (+ symbol on bottom). Enter the WIFI IP you just noted above, click the little box for Anonymous, hit ok. This will add a little icon representing your phone. open it, and wa-la.... your APKs at your disposal to install directly over wifi.
NOTE that since you're signing in anonymously, this is unsecure. So you won't want to leave this service running at all times. Just remember to stop the server in Samba Server when you're done.
Hi all. I dont know if this is the right place to post but please bear with me.
I am using ES File Explorer and want to access my files remotely. From what Ive read SMB (Server Message Block) port would need to be forwarded on a router's firewall. Also SMB is not encrypted and so I wanted to access my files using ES File Explorer over SSH, using an app like SSHTunnel on my phone.
Is it possible to use SMB over SSH without opening SMB port? Thanks
same question here, would love to have ssh file explorer
ssh into ur ssh server and forward from any port above 1024 since thats the android restriction to 445 (samba port).Then connect to (port that i have specified as source) via ES file explorer
Tried this but can't get it to work in present day
I have done just that but I cannot get the phone to connect to the SMB share after I establish the SSH connection and forward the respective port.
I tried entering localhost:[port] in the LAN server field and I get an error message from ES file Explorer upon connecting.