[Q] Revert trackpad scroll to pre 3.2 - Eee Pad Transformer General

Ok, this new update is annoying. I like to scroll the way it was before 3.2. To scroll down, you move your fingers down and vice versa. This was logical for me. Why did ASUS invert them, it pisses me off. At least if you do, provide a freaking option to change in your settings. Reminds me of Apple, my way or no way.
I hope there is a way to revert back the way it was through root or a script. Any body got any ideas?

I've seen a few people say this, I don't get it. My biggest complaint with the TF when I got it was the messed up reverse scrolling, to me it was completely backwards, I love the fact that with this update the screen moves exactely like it would if it was real. Try this, place a piece of paper on your desk and lightly drag your finger down, the paper follows your finger it doesn't scroll up I do agree that it should be something you can set though, it would make it a nicer experience for everyone. The same with the new mouse pointer, I don't understand the thought behind changing it but let's make it user selectable.

it's just like the default setting in OSX 10.7, it's extremely annoying when you're not physically interacting with the screen, because it IS backwards to what a desktop/laptop experience has been for years now.
options are key though, why companies feel they need to change core interactions without a way for people to choose to go back to the normal way things are done is beyond me.

adiliyo said:
options are key though, why companies feel they need to change core interactions without a way for people to choose to go back to the normal way things are done is beyond me.
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This. If you're going to screw with something so core to the use of the device, at least give people an option to change it.

The thing I find most annoying about it is how close together my fingers have to be in order to register as a scrolling gesture. If I have any space between them, it thinks I'm trying to zoom, which is ridiculous. Finger spacing was not an issue before the update. I think I would be ok with the scrolling mechanic if they allowed me to disable pinch-to-zoom in the browser. If anyone finds a solution, please post!

the pinch to zoom hardly even works properly, it only zooms a little bit


iphone media player?

i have been searching for the iphone touch scroll and media player for the hermes 8525 phone. is there anyone working on this? also is there anyway to make the touch screen to a multi tocuh screen like the iphone.
The multi touch screen is totally different hardware, although it would be cool if there was a way...
delude said:
The multi touch screen is totally different hardware, although it would be cool if there was a way...
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i thought so but i would think if you hack the dll file maybe there is a way to make it read multi times i dont know i am not an expert on hardware or software hacking.
I thought I heard somewhere that there might be someone working on doing something like that. given hardware constraints, it wouldn't be perfect. It would detect the space between the fingers as being pressed as well (I'm assuming), e.g. if you have fingers on the screen like this:
it would see this:
So it would have to figure out by the shape of it where your fingers really are.
Still, I hope someone does. Multitouch would be very nice...
EDIT: due to the restrictiveness of this forum, just imagine that the periods in my ASCII art above dont exist.
That would be amazing, and something i would definately pay for. Looks like it would be like the drag box on a PC desktop. If you put two fingers on then it could drag things or select the space within.
jackbnymbl said:
I thought I heard somewhere that there might be someone working on doing something like that. given hardware constraints, it wouldn't be perfect. It would detect the space between the fingers as being pressed as well (I'm assuming), e.g. if you have fingers on the screen like this:
it would see this:
So it would have to figure out by the shape of it where your fingers really are.
Still, I hope someone does. Multitouch would be very nice...
EDIT: due to the restrictiveness of this forum, just imagine that the periods in my ASCII art above dont exist.
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Detecting the space between fingers would only be possible with double touch screens one on top of the other. To simulate it on the present hardware would require low-level programming to continuously scan the screen within milliseconds so that it could detect minute differences of whichever finger came in contact first. It will not detect it if both fingers pressed on the screen at exactly the same time. Theoretically it should be possible to do but that would really slow down the system just to do it that way.
for multi touch, i'm not sure how it would be useful but i was thinking, maybe it somehow "remembers" a first click, then that second click is processed. for example, the iphone zooming feature. a single click, then a second, separate clickanddrag to zoom in and out
Well, many of the features can actually be done without requiring multi touch. For example, as the screen of the phone small enough, you can actually assigning area in the viewing screen to be doing something specific. For example, on my notebook touch pad, I can assign part of the right portion to do a scroll function. Hence, it is possible to implement the dynamic zoom function on a WM (non-multi touch device) by assigning (say) right hand area to do a zooming. It wont be as cool though.
would it still be cooler than a generic scroll bar? i like to think so.

[Idea] Improve touch screen accuracy through software

I have an idea that I think is unique; I can't seem to find anything related to it on xda or google, so forgive me if this already exists and is just too obvious for me to find it. Also I’m not sure if this is posted in the appropriate place since I’m not actually offering anything other than a simple idea. I am not a programmer and would have not way of testing or implementing this concept.
I often find myself repeatedly hitting little check boxes and links on my Windows phone. Even on a perfectly calibrated screen, it can be difficult for my fat finger to find the right spot. I particularly have problems with X/OK button and the Start menu at the top corners of the screen. I’m assuming that soft-buttons, text fields, etc in windows mobile have a defined border that accepts touch input. If the screen detects your touch outside of this box, it will not register. I propose a software solution to this.
I’ve included a simple illustration that hopefully makes this clearer. Also, anyone feel free to tell me this won’t work, that it’s already been done, etc. Rather than having a single box that is awaiting a single touch input, imagine if there were dozens of boxes surrounding the soft-key, each with an assigned value. As the boxes radiate out, the values would decrease. Input happens when the values add up to a predefined amount, which equals a touch. This way, if you click close to the box, but not quite, the screen will register where you are actually touching and make a decision (by adding up the values) of where you were actually trying to touch.
Hopefully the picture helps. I mentioned my lack of programming ability, and that applies to graphic design as well
All feedback is appreciated, and if anyone has the skills and knowledge to do this, let me know if you’re interested. I’d love to see the results.
That's pretty smart, actually; sort of like making our resistive touchscreens emulate capacitive ones.
I am another person who feels this is rather clever.
Sadly i am too a bit naff at programming :/
Thanks for the encouragement guys. I've made a better mock up now that I'm at home and have access to something besides MS Paint. I'm hoping to run across someone with the know-how, willingness, and energy to work up a proof-of-concept.
As a clearer example, in the new image, the red circles could equal 50, the green squares 25, and the blue squares 10. An equation taking sensitivity into account would be better (hard touch equals higher value with a multiplier for the closer circles). Say 100 was the thresh-hold for the screen to register a click on the box. Two reds, one red and two greens, and so on, anything that adds up to 100, would register. There could also be multiple boxes close together, each with their own set of concentric circles.
Another useful way of thinking about this is the elementary difference between accuracy and precision
Screen calibration takes care of precision; I think this would provide accuracy.
Edit: I also wanted to add I was thinking of probability clouds when I came up with this. What can I say, I have a boring job.
Wow. Great idea, but I' not the one to program it! I'm surely someone will be up to the task though.
anything that makes hitting the stupid ok button easier is great in my book!
This won't work. There are no "boxes" like you speak of. The touch screen gives the OS the POINT where it was pressed. The OS converts that into pixels sees what is under the pushed pixel and selects that. Very similar to how a desktop works. The mouse only clicks one pixel and those interactive touch screen things you see at stores where you can see the moues move to where you pressed further illustrate it.
Multi Touch screens report that area that was pressed instead of just one point, but no WinMo phones have multi touch.
petard said:
This won't work. There are no "boxes" like you speak of. The touch screen gives the OS the POINT where it was pressed. The OS converts that into pixels sees what is under the pushed pixel and selects that. Very similar to how a desktop works. The mouse only clicks one pixel and those interactive touch screen things you see at stores where you can see the moues move to where you pressed further illustrate it.
Multi Touch screens report that area that was pressed instead of just one point, but no WinMo phones have multi touch.
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That is helpful; thanks for the insight. I tried to find info on exactly how resistive touch screens worked, but it tended to be technical specs rather than how the OS used them. If it is narrowing it down to a pixel, then I see what you're saying: it won't work. If the point of contact was read as a larger, single area (as opposed to one pixel), it would be possible. Couldn't a GUI simply draw a circle around that single point? Then the area contained in that circle could be used to predict the button/icon you're trying to press using the values of the "boxes" or circles underneath.
Again, I was bored at work and was thinking about how hard it is to hit the OK button sometimes. Oh well, it killed about 2 hours

Need some help figuring out if my trackball is working right...

This is an replacement phone. Everything is perfect on it and it works great but I'm not sure if my trackball is working like my old phone. Please let me know if your trackball has the same sort of response or if there's something up with it... pretty sure it is but I really don't want to repair this phone if its not necessary.
1. It works great in most areas on the home screen no problem.. but that seems to be expected cause its really not requiring much precision.
2. Mostly on selecting text (in the browser because I can't find another app that lets me have a select text cursor) I notice that:
-It jumps around a lot when going in any direction other than horizontal or vertical when holding the phone in portrait view and landscape. Diagonal is always imprecise and jumpy.
-I normally have to sort of flick the track ball quickly.. IE move my thumb over it quickly.. to get the cursor to move.
-While it can also move it slightly slower it's not as good and I can't have my finger resting on the trackball (where its depressed a tiny bit but not enough to click it) and then move my finger around. It doesn't do anything (or much of anything).
If I do any of these moves outside of "select text" it seems to work just fine but the precision on the movement I can't tell because I can't see exactly where things are going.
I think I got lost in the froyo FRF83 thread madness when I posted. Anyone willing to try and help out? This just a terribly implemented trackball text selection? If it is I figured it would've been fixed by now.. update-1, froyo 50 and froyo 83 all have the same results in terms of behavior with text selection.

Where are the Zoom button images located? And Naked Browser Talk

Hey all, I like using the phone one handed and zoom buttons are essential. I also like being able to zoom with just a tap, as opposed to more convoluted methods (xScope/Naked Browser, I'm looking at you...). But the stock Android zoom buttons are ugly and less functional than the ones I had way back when on 2.2 (Bionix for the Samsung Vibrant).
Could anyone tell me where in could find the images for the Zoom buttons? I'd like to replace them with the ones from an older ROM, mentioned above. Think it would be somewhere in the SystemUI.apk?
If anyone is curious, the buttons I would prefer are transparent circles with a black outline. They're a good bit easier to press and you can see elements that would otherwise be obscured.
I'm the developer of Naked Browser. Naked Browser has the option to enable/disable the zoom buttons. It also has the option to enable/disable one-finger zoom. It also allows zoom with just a double-tap. Am I missing something?
aminaked said:
I'm the developer of Naked Browser. Naked Browser has the option to enable/disable the zoom buttons. It also has the option to enable/disable one-finger zoom. It also allows zoom with just a double-tap. Am I missing something?
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Oh snap. No, it's just that one-finger drag zoom has poor performance (just isn't as smooth as it is on xScope). But I love your browser. It's why I mentioned it specifically. My niggle isn't to do specifically with Naked Browser or any other app, it's a system conflict. I think the stock zoom buttons are ugly and I want to swap them out with the zoom buttons I used on a different browser. It's easier to tap a round circle than it is to hit a little tic-tac. Also, the zoom buttons sometimes obscure elements in the bottom right and I have to wait until they fade out, so the transparent zoom circle buttons I mentioned in the first post would solve both of these issues. Rather than having you bloat up your fantastically minimal app, I'd prefer to do my own tinkering and fix the zoom buttons across my system.
I just wanted to say, your browser is fantastic. I found out about it just randomly perusing the big Android Themes and Apps forum and gave it a try. It's my default browser now. While I have your attention, if I could make a suggestion: you know how you have the swipe-from-edge toggle so the menu bars don't appear with unexpected frequency? It works great for making sure the bookmarks bar only opens with deliberate swipes. However, if you could provide a separate toggle for the address and tab bar, that'd be great. I never had a problem with the top bars appearing unintentionally. It's not much of a nuisance. However, in one-handed use, I have to reposition the phone in my hand and then swipe from the top to bring down that bar. On a big phone like the Nexus 4, you can understand how that extra little bit of effort adds up over a long browsing session.
Very cool. Thank you very much.
Let me address what you brought up:
One finger zoom in Naked Browser isn't as smooth as it is on xScope because:
- xScope is for newer devices. Naked Browser supports Froyo and newer and so far I've found that that kind of zooming isn't easy on older devices. That's really not much of an excuse because I could work on it. However, it could take days to figure out. I'm focusing on other features and bug fixes right now. Furthermore,
- I haven't used xScope in a long time but one finger zoom seems to work good enough in Naked Browser (no?). For comparison, it seems to work like crap in Google Maps, last I checked.
Regarding changing the zoom button pix, I use a smaller screen than you so I don't like the +/- buttons in a browser. I pinch zoom and I do it with one hand: small phone / big hands. Regardless, I'm adding your request to my list of items for the pro version.
Regarding adding the separate option for the menu gestures, I added those options (double swipe & swipe from edge) as afterthoughts. I feel that an experienced user of Naked Browser should turn both of these off because they've developed a feel for the menus, knowing instinctively how to avoid opening the bookmarks sidebar and top menu. For me it took about a week to get comfortable with it. Now, I think it is very efficient.
That being said, I may have messed up the gesture settings for larger screens as I don't have a tablet. What do you think about all this? Is it very hard to avoid opening the bookmarks menu? Tell me more about it, please.
Anyway, I hope you have luck changing the +/- on your devices and I do appreciate your feedback on Naked Browser. You're one of the few people I've seen mention stuff like this. Got my attention!
This is hijacking your thread for my app, so if you want to PM me or join me in the xda naked browser thread the feel free.
Thanks again, man. :good:
Hey, you've got a great app and I certainly don't mind helping it get more exposure. I know it's not a priority for you right now, but if it gets really popular, I'm sure you'll add a ton of lightweight features. That's how xScope became the best browser on Gingerbread!
On my Nexus 4, I've found that the bookmarks menu shows up by accident much more often than the URL/tab bar, and it's much more obtrusive when it does. It'd be nice to disable the bookmarks bar. I actually use the bookmarks menu a ton, so perhaps a better option would be to incorporate the menu button menu with the the bookmarks menu.
Also, I'm not sure if my options are causing it or its an inherent behavior, but it's inconvenient to have to scroll all the way to the top to bring up the URL/tab bar. I really wouldn't mind if it appeared every time I made any downward swipe. Maybe to accommodate other users, make the top half or quarter of the screen a zone that can pull up the URL/tab bar when the user swipes down from that region.
I basically want the navigation features of xScope but with the minimal, clean appearance of Naked Browser. I stopped using xScope because it's so bloated and unstable now. Naked Browser is 90% perfect for me. The 10% is just the menu behavior and tab navigation. xScope, for example, uses double tap and left/right to navigate between adjacent tabs while double tap and up/down to zoom. But if this decreases performance as it did on xScope, I'm happy with Naked Browser the way it is.
Maybe I need to optimize the swipe sensitivity for devices like the Nexus 4. I need to check one out, but for now the next update will reduce sensitivity somewhat. Regarding the separate gesture options, I had thought about adding them but I was resistant because I don't want to clutter the options view. However, I think it is the right thing to have and you've convinced me of how sorely it is needed. The next update will have them! I've tried it out and I like it.
If you press the device menu key it should show the top menu from anywhere on the page. Devices without a menu key should have 3 dots in a row that act as the menu key. Making it appear for every downward swipe is an interesting idea. I think that this would be more suited for larger screens though. I will make a note of this idea. There already is an option to start gestures from the screen edge for both URL bar and sidebar.
I haven't used xScope in years and it doesn't run on any of my devices. I think that if you give Naked Browser some time (about a week) you'll start to become accustomed to the menus. If you can get past the frustrating phase I think that you may find that the menus are very efficient. Of course, if the gesture sensitivity is wrong for your device then that's a different story. I really need to check this out.
Double-tap and swipe to change tabs shouldn't cause much of a performance problem (although I'd have to try it out to know for sure). I was going to allow customizations of this sort of thing in the pro version. For example, double tap and swipe to go quickly to the very top or bottom of the web page. The volume buttons could be used in the same way.
Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it!
I figured out where the zoom buttons are. They're in framework-res.apk/res/drawable-xhdpi.

One hand use

I'd like to know if anybody actually uses Samsung's features in order to help using the phone with one hand?
I myself make only use of the (not convincingly thought through) gesture which allows me to shrink the screen.
The assistant menu:
quite customisable, but much too big and slow for my taste.
Side key panel:
the other way round, quite comfortable to use, but nearly no customisation at all.
All in all I'd say lots of options, but not really thought through. What do you think?
Like you, I find the side key panel quite useful- eliminates the thumb stretching for the "back" button.
One handed input is also turned on & is mildly helpful for the dialer. Seemed to help a bit with continuous input on the keyboard as well, but ended up switching back to the stock Google keyboard I've grown so accustomed to.
Long pressing the recents key to bring up menus is also nice, though not specific to the Note 4.
Sometimes I use the shrink screen function that's when I'm to lazy to move my other hand haha
Sent from my SM-N910F using XDA Free mobile app
It's not just laziness. Sometimes you really need to do other things with your other hand (old school multi-tasking).
Holmegaard said:
Like you, I find the side key panel quite useful- eliminates the thumb stretching for the "back" button.
One handed input is also turned on & is mildly helpful for the dialer. Seemed to help a bit with continuous input on the keyboard as well, but ended up switching back to the stock Google keyboard I've grown so accustomed to.
Long pressing the recents key to bring up menus is also nice, though not specific to the Note 4.
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I agree with everything you said. Still: I'm not too convinced from what the side key panel offers. If you could customise the side key panel the same way as the assistant menu, I'd totally go for it.
macmobile said:
I agree with everything you said. Still: I'm not too convinced from what the side key panel offers. If you could customise the side key panel the same way as the assistant menu, I'd totally go for it.
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I seem to remember that there should be an app that mimics the one you can find in Ios. Anyway, there are several very good apps I use for 'one handed mode':
- button savior non root (you can find in in the google play store) which gives you back, home, recent, screen lock and lets you start both the dialer and the camera;
- lmt launcher (see at xda) which works very well if you are rooted and lacks some little features if you are not. You just have to remove tue superuser permission from the manifest file (which you can do with apk permission remover) and turn on accessibility and it'll work almost as a charm. I mean, it does not only allow you to mimic the hardware keys, it can start any app and any activity which does not require root. If you are rooted, it can do virtually anything;
- as a good replacement of lmt launcher, you can test pie control by Coolace (always in the google play store).
I mostly keep the note 4 in my left hand (though I am right handed) just because my 2 years experience with the note 2 has got me accustomed to writing with my right hand, while keeping the smartphone with the left one... so that I currently feel uncomfortable while holding the note with my dominant hand So, I feel the need to have virtual keys on the right side, since reaching the back button on the right side is not so easy (though my hands are normally sized) and the above mentioned apps are the most useful I have found.
Funny, you actually named some very important apps I already use on my phone except for the lmt launcher. Could be that I thought there isn't anything to gain from if you're not rooted. Going to give it a try though. Thank you! Still I don't get it, why Samsung's Touchwiz doesn't offer better solutions? They could do it so easily.
No doubt macmobile, some customization options would be nice. The big phone trend isn't going away, so I'm hoping that more options for easing one-handed use are in the pipeline. Samsung would do well to lead the way, given their investment in the "phablet" space.
macmobile said:
Funny, you actually named some very important apps I already use on my phone except for the lmt launcher. Could be that I thought there isn't anything to gain from if you're not rooted. Going to give it a try though. Thank you! Still I don't get it, why Samsung's Touchwiz doesn't offer better solutions? They could do it so easily.
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I rooted every single phone or tablet before buying a Note 4 and now, though I miss the fun of flashing rom and mods, I think this phone has too many sensors which wouldn't be supported by an AOSP rom, while custom touchwiz roms aren't worth for me to give up to knox. Not much for the warranty loss, but more for the loss of the knox enviroment itself. So, since I don't want to root, I have got to look for work-arounds and I think there are many good apps.
Back on topic, imho Samsung has so far designed the best implementation for one hand usage, though it could be better. If you look at the nexus 6, it's just a big phone and the Iphone itself is just a (good) 5.5" phone which doesn't pay particular attention to single hand usage.
I agree with you both that phablets are very likely here to stay and that the current UI for single hand usage is at very early stage.
I just received the Note 4 with lollipop pre installed.
The one-handed operation (that I was using woth my note 3) has disappeared from settings!!!!!
how to get it back?
Settings/Display and Wallpaper/One-handed operation
Samsung screwed one thing about One handed operation: there is no separate setting for dialing keyboard and QWERTY keyboard, just like it was on my previous Note II.
I wish I could set smaller dialpad, but retain full QWERTY, which is not the option any more.
When set one handed operation ON, samsung keyboard is just too small to me.

