[Q] Files Beta 2 - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Any of you have the files to update Beta 2? (only files, no rom cooked)
Any link to donwload?

i think Microsoft has already signed off Mango, and has released a phone model together with it
i read it earlier today on Engadget

Yep, it’s definitely official.... http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_...ws-phone-mango-released-to-manufacturing.aspx

dAV84 said:
Any of you have the files to update Beta 2? (only files, no rom cooked)
Any link to donwload?
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What on earth possessed you to put this topic here???
Please use your noodle and read forum titles and next time you have a question use the "Q&A" forum, not development unless you intend to post a rom or reference etc.

sorry boss TheATHEiST
closed topic


[Request] HTC Volume Control

Hi everybody !!!
I'm using the last MaryOne ROM from HelloNasty, but I have one problem...
The ugly volume control...
Does someone have a cab to install HTC Volume Control ?
I'm used to it (I was on Dutty's Roms before), and I think it's more integrated with the design of this last MaryOne Rom...
Thx by advance !!!
OxYTooN said:
Hi everybody !!!
I'm using the last MaryOne ROM from HelloNasty, but I have one problem...
The ugly volume control...
Does someone have a cab to install HTC Volume Control ?
I'm used to it (I was on Dutty's Roms before), and I think it's more integrated with the design of this last MaryOne Rom...
Thx by advance !!!
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Try attached file.
I was going to be rude to you as I'm having a busy day, but instead of taking it out on you I'll explain the way these forums work.
1. If you have a query or your looking for something....search first before posting!!
2. If your query is related to a specific rom, search that particular rom thread first, then ask query within that thread!!
3. If you query is not related specifically to a rom, software, program etc, then you can create a new thread......but post thread in relevant forum section.....i.e. if about rom development, post it in rom development section. Likewise if about software, post in software forum. In your case you are seeking volume control ....so ask in general section as this has nothing to do with ROM DEVELOPMENT
I've been nice this time. Consider this your first and last warning
p.s. Thread moved to general discussion forum
Thx Fallen Spartan, and sorry...
I searched as HTC Volume COntrol, but found nothing, that's why I posted this one...
Sorry and thank you again.
Dear Fallen Spartan,
Thank you for your answer, but in fact I was searching for a way to integrate this app to Sense or WM...
I will try to find on my side, or if any guy here have a solution...

NEW ICS 4.0.4 Port for I9000

there is a new Custom Rom, based on Android 4.0.4 for you.
You will find it on:
The Name ist ICS-BLUES-V0-4.
If you want to test it, do it.
Sorry about my bad english.
Greets from Germany,
Russian is present?
It is synchronized with MyPhoneExplorer?
One Question:
HOW ON EARTH, that can be 4.0.4 when even Google did not release 4.0.4 as source or on SDK?
Clearly a fake...
Sorry, its not a fake,
It´s a port of the 4.0.4 Rom from the Nexus. It was ported to the I9000.
Curently the Version is pulled back, because there was a bug in the widget drawer.
Have some look, it will be pulled out again in a short time.
"EDIT: It´s now back for Download".
link broken
Andi28 said:
there is a new Custom Rom, based on Android 4.0.4 for you.
You will find it on:
The Name ist ICS-BLUES-V0-4.
If you want to test it, do it.
Sorry about my bad english.
Greets from Germany,
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link doesn't work and search in android-hilfe.de gives no results for ICS-BLUES as well!???!?
pedaone said:
link doesn't work and search in android-hilfe.de gives no results for ICS-BLUES as well!???!?
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404 = HTML not found...
Nice joke
what 4.0.4 is out ?
Search for v1 not 0.4
v1.0 also doesn´t show page, only vBulletin.
wrong post
Ok, here are the last news about this Rom.
Short time the Rom was up for downloading.
Then many Users in the German Forum means, there was a rom, that was custom
from parts of 3 different Rom´s ,ICSSGS, CNA , Kang & finaly New Parts of the 4.0.4 Nexus Rom.
The Problem here was, that the customer has no named the person´s on the other Roms.
I think, he has it vorgotten. Other Users mean, that is a no go.
And so the discussion goes on.
So the admins of the forum stop that, and removed the Thread.
So now, this Theme is closed. How long, i dont know...
But i have a copy of the V1.0 Rom and for me, it runs very good.
So if you want , you can have this rom for testing.
Give me a link for upload and i will do my best..
Sorry for my english, i hope you know what i mean.
Yes the ICS-Blues V1.0 (4.0.4) is very good!
I have this Rom 26h of my i9000 with no problems!!!
Nice work!!!
i want this rom for testing. can you put a link? or PM me? thanks.
I would love to try it out too
Someone should upload it to dropbox or .box
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Ok, i upload now the rom in a dropbox.
If the upload is finish, i take the link here, but i can´t make a aktive link, because i need more helpful posts, bevor i can do that here.
But beware:
This Rom works absolutly stable, but i am not the producer of this rom.
Actually the producer of this rom has no given an answer if he want to support this
rom again.
We all want to look, what he said.
You can find it in the german Forum as User Bavaria_blues.
So if you like this rom, please give him a PM and say thanks, maybe its funny for him and he wants come back to make a v1.1 for us.
And last, but not least,flash at your own risk.
How to flash.
Reboot into Recovery Mod.
Make a full wipe.
Install Rom as Zip.
If you come from another ICS, thats it.
If you come from Stockrom 2.3.x than you can have a bootloop.
So pull out the battery, put it back and flash again, then it works.
Here is the Link: Dropbox is down , to much traffic
Thnx for this rom
thanks for it. downloading now
Could any1 post some screenshots,
thank you.

Unofficial 8779 UltraFruit v2.0 by DaZ

Hey guys,
I have been browsing on the DFT forums, and have found the following ROM.
The change log is included, I have flashed it and it seems to be pretty stable. You do NOT need an activation code to access windows live services with this one
Downloading it was a pain for me, navigating the Chinese site, registering and adding friends was frustrating. Therefore I will upload the ROM to quickfilepost, I will edit this when it is done...
Download link : (Removed until permission is obtained from DFT)
The password for the DFT rar files is "Unofficial_8779_Ultrafruit_v2.0 by DaZ"
You may need to push the attached CAB file to your device for Xbox Live games to work.
is new magldr into this zip?
speedyracer5 said:
Hey guys,
I have been browsing on the DFT forums, and have found the following ROM.
The change log is included, I have flashed it and it seems to be pretty stable. You do NOT need an activation code to access windows live services with this one
Downloading it was a pain for me, navigating the Chinese site, registering and adding friends was frustrating. Therefore I will upload the ROM to quickfilepost, I will edit this when it is done...
Download link :
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I am wondering if you had permission from the Dark Forces Team or members of the DFT website to download the file and then upload the file to another file sharing service.
It is basically a well-established tradition here on this forum that either members of the Dark Forces Team, such as Cotulla or mwang, or someone else they have asked to post here open threads on XDA-Developers when members of the team release new ROMS, new MAGLDR, and other utilities.
As I recall, on the Dark Forces Team website in China there is a form to fill out if you want to post their work on another site. I do not recall if the form is in Chinese or English or both. I wonder if you filled out the form if it is still there. At any rate, I hope you had DaZ's permission before posting his work on other sites.
P.S. For those who are wondering the file has nothing to do with the upcoming new MAGLDR from Cotulla or new ROMS he will be releasing for Leo.
Humm, waiting for a new HD2o Rom
Guys, no MAGLDR 2.XX in the download
The great Cotulla or Mwang will be given the honors of releasing MAGLDR 2
---------- Post added at 02:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------
Guys, no MAGLDR 2.XX in the download
The great Cotulla or Mwang will be given the honors of releasing MAGLDR 2
i downloaded the Unofficial_8779_Ultrafruit_v2.0 by DaZ as well. 4 rar files. but its asking for a password. i went every looking for a password and i also replied on the website for the hidden message but didnt find anything. can some help me/
Hack it !
...or...ask it !
...or, wait the the HD2O rom
jsosa23 said:
i downloaded the Unofficial_8779_Ultrafruit_v2.0 by DaZ as well. 4 rar files. but its asking for a password. i went every looking for a password and i also replied on the website for the hidden message but didnt find anything. can some help me/
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If you want a version of Windows Phone 7 Mango 8779 why not just download one of the versions here on XDA-Developers? Or, you could wait for Cotulla's next version of MAGLDR and a ROM that will be compatible with the new MAGLDR.
I have a hunch that a password was placed on the download on DFT China just because of the existence of this thread.
rlydiard said:
If you want a version of Windows Phone 7 Mango 8779 why not just download one of the versions here on XDA-Developers? Or, you could wait for Cotulla's next version of MAGLDR and a ROM that will be compatible with the new MAGLDR.
I have a hunch that a password was placed on the download on DFT China just because of the existence of this thread.
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I'm sure the password is "Unofficial_8779_Ultrafruit_v2.0 by DaZ", the website is down now but that is what I can remember...
speedyracer5 said:
I'm sure the password is "Unofficial_8779_Ultrafruit_v2.0 by DaZ", the website is down now but that is what I can remember...
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Yes, DFT China is down at the moment. Strange though, I do not recall the required password. But, then, my mileage may vary from yours, as I was given a VIP account on the site by the original administrator of the site and probably have a better understanding of the language, although I am much more familiar with traditional Chinese characters than Simplified Chinese characters...
The site is online and working again. Anyway all of this is purely academic, as I reread DaZ's thread on DFT China. In that thread DaZ made a request that the downloaded files be deleted from the computer it was downloaded to 24 hours after the download as the ROM is for testing purposes only. Due to that request I suspect that he is somewhat unlikely to consent to having this ROM placed on another third party file sharing service, and especially on a file sharing service that is outside of China.
At any rate, I agree with one or two of our HD2 Windows Phone 7 chefs here on XDA-Developes who have suggested waiting to flash our HD2s until Cotulla and the other team members of DFT release the new version of MAGLDR for our Leos. Those of us who have followed the developments cannot help but be excited about the new capabilities our phones will acquire.
Some of the XBL games are not working :\
im getting the same thing but all my games are not working. does anybody know if there is a cab or a reg fix to get the games working? other than the games not working, this is a perfect os.
sudeep6258 said:
Some of the XBL games are not working :\
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jsosa23 said:
im getting the same thing but all my games are not working. does anybody know if there is a cab or a reg fix to get the games working? other than the games not working, this is a perfect os.
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Hi, please try the following cab http://www.qfpost.com/file/d?g=MeRDx0gYb
I do not know if it works, but it is taken from the post I linked to. It should work
Nixeus said:
Hack it !
...or...ask it !
...or, wait the the HD2O rom
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The secret code is Unofficial_8779_Ultrafruit_v2.0 by DaZ
sudeep6258 said:
Some of the XBL games are not working :\
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You can use this CAB.
how about the battery fixed? i tried to download rom but the dft site doesn't work with chrome to register... hopefully a functional wp7.5 or 7.8 rom will come!
rainsey said:
how about the battery fixed? i tried to download rom but the dft site doesn't work with chrome to register... hopefully a functional wp7.5 or 7.8 rom will come!
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The download link is http://dl.dbank.com/c0r41n4qdb
And the password is "Unofficial_8779_Ultrafruit_v2.0 by DaZ"
Do you know if HD2Owner is releasing a rom based on this ?
Nixeus said:
Do you know if HD2Owner is releasing a rom based on this ?
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Those who are more familiar with the people in the developing community realize that almost all the newer Windows Phone 7 ROMs for Leo are based on work from Cotulla and DFT, and that includes DaZ and HD2Owner. Both give credit to Cotulla and DFT on their ROM pages, whether it is on DFT China, or XDA-Developers. Russian and English are not the only languages that Cotulla can communicate in. Many people from many countries are looking forward to further developments from DFT and Cotulla.
i give it a try, but i have an msg on boot: FFatal Hit3 >.> too bad, really want try that rom

[ROM][2.3.6] Overcome Rom 4.1.0 new links

Hello dear XDA members
The Overcome ROM and Kernel is intended for GSM based Samsung Galaxy tab Only !!
(GT-P1000 or T Mobile or AT&T or Telstra Tabs only)
Overcome ROMs and Kernels will NOT work with Latin American Tabs (the P1000L/N Galaxy Tabs) or CDMA-Based Tabs (If your Tab doesn’t have a SIM card,it won’t work…sorry!) or Wi-Fi Only Tabs (P1010 models!)​
As I promised to Priyana, a fine member on XDA who probably will share my thread thousand of times , I created this thread to share the Overcome ROM files that I have because a lot of people are still using this fine ROM to restock or to upgrade to some new Custom ROMs like CM.
well, all the credit goes to Alterbridge86 who made this great ROM along with the people who contributed to improve it all the way from the first version.
And now the links:
The original thread by Alterbridge86
Overcome files uploaded and hosted by ApriliaM3 >>>
Dev-Host Mirror
Overcome files uploaded and hosted by ApriliaM3 >>>
AndroidFileHost Mirror
Individual file download links hosted by ApriliaM3:
This is the guide with Images :
The Overcome ROM A (Hopefully!) Comprehensive Guide To Installing \ The_Installation_Guide_The_Overcome_Experience.pdf
> This is an Italian version of the guide by meksone > http://www.meksone.com/riportare-il-galaxy-tab-7-allo-stato-di-fabbrica-metodo-overcome/
Thank you Priyana for the guide.
Thank you meksone for the Italian translation of the guide.
Thank you ApriliaM3 for hosting all the files on your servers.
Hello guys,
I'm totally new to this tab.
currently running stock 2.2.
Thinking of updating it any guide to follow?
Thanks in advance.
you didn't look hard enough.
Open your eyes wide, and look for the following on post #1
The Overcome ROM A (Hopefully!) Comprehensive Guide To Installing
OP updated, thanks again the Atheist. The guide is moved to the top.
best regards
Galaxy Tab 7.7
thanks for repost the links
i was looking for those links before, but its all death from the original thread...
someone might find this usefull...:good:
me_guitarist said:
Hello guys,
I'm totally new to this tab.
currently running stock 2.2.
Thinking of updating it any guide to follow?
Thanks in advance.
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And did you even bother to read the OP???
People like you really annoy me because about 40-50% of the topics on XDA are clone topics or silly questions that are easily answered by reading the OP, stickies or by using search. It all just pollutes/dilutes the site.
TheATHEiST said:
Overcome_Kernel_v4.0.0.tar Mediafire
Overcome_7_Series_v4.1.0_NoWipe.zip Mediafire
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Thanks from all users will need theses file... (as me)..
I have the overcome v4 files on my server, I'll open it to public. So if you're having problems with media fire you can download direct from my server.
Will post links later tonight once live
From my GT-I9300 using Forum Runner
Omega rom 23.x// Kernel: stock (13400)
drdax said:
I have the overcome v4 files on my server, I'll open it to public. So if you're having problems with media fire you can download direct from my server.
Will post links later tonight once live
From my GT-I9300 using Forum Runner
Omega rom 23.x// Kernel: stock (13400)
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yes no waiting time and resume downloads! it will be great.
best regards
Galaxy Tab 7.7
Not forgotten, was working late, should b live by 10.00 today
From my GT-I9300 using Forum Runner
Omega rom 23.x// Kernel: stock (13400)
there is a feedback that the overcome guide you uploaded was incorrect.
Apparently the steps jumps from GB stock safe to having CWM recovery (step 7 to 9)
This one that was available earlier in google docs is more accurate.
Can you help replace your OP with this one?
priyana said:
there is a feedback that the overcome guide you uploaded was incorrect.
Apparently the steps jumps from GB stock safe to having CWM recovery (step 7 to 9)
This one that was available earlier in google docs is more accurate.
Can you help replace your OP with this one?
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Yes of course !!!
thanks Priyana for the new file, i didn't know that my file is mistaken
I will change it right away :good:
edit : OP updated (thanks to priyana) the guide has been replaced by a new one
Moved thread to General as isn't development as notified.
Thank you! I thought I was lost a few weeks back when I needed these files.
Accurate overcome guide
Thank you for the accurate overcome guide. Was using the old one. :good:
Thank You
Hi,I am new to using the site and I have been looking for those files for a long time and I just wanted to thank sos_sifou for making them available along with the Overcome install guide. Thanks also to THE ATHiEST for the kernel and no wipe.zip. I am a noob in the truest sense of the word and I need all the help I can get.
Just used your excellent guide,good to see there's still some interest in our older tech. Big thanks.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Thankyou very much!!! You helped me... :good::good::good::good::good:
My little contribute / [ITA] piccolo contributo
[ENG ]Hi all, this is my little contribute... i've made an Italian version of the Overcome method on my site
[ITA] nel mio piccolo, ho fatto una traduzione del metodo Overcome, completo dei file essenziali, sul mio sito. Spero sia utilie a qualcuno.
Purtroppo non posso postare links in quanto "nuovo utente", quindi il link è
3 x w, meksone.com/riportare-il-galaxy-tab-7-allo-stato-di-fabbrica-metodo-overcome/
OP updated, thanks Meksone

[Request] Toshiba Portege G910 / Original Firmware !

Hello Xda Users.
I am releasing a Windows Mobile ROM.
The device I've worked on is the Toshiba Portege G910
(probably many of you will remember my numerous questions in this forum. )
and..... Finally, after "years of study" I'm doing it.
The ROM si ready on my PC, but I still need an original (stock) ROM for this device, otherwise the new Rom won't work properly and I couldn't add very important apps to it (as for example the camera...)
A long time ago I found Stock Roms on the Toshiba website.
But now the link is not avaible anymore.
Please, can anyone upload for me (on any website) an original/stock ROM for this device?
I also remeber that, a lot of stock ROMs for the G910, were stored in the forum section of "www.4pda.ru" but this website is in russian language and it's totaly understandable for me, even if I try to translate it.
Please, can any russian man simply search the stock ROM for me?
If you help me I will include you and your profile/website in the credits of this project
(Soon the Rom will be avaible here and on my website)
It seems to me that the official firmware isn't in the "4pda" forum, I found 2 links in another website (it's always russian...)
But the file has been removed by the File-Hosting service,
my last hope is that some "ex-Toshiba-G910" owner stored it in his old Hard-Drive or PC... (please help)
For Toshiba :
I understand that so many years have passed, this phone is totally discontinued and of course you don't offer new support... But, why on earth do you eliminate even the old support already provided ?!?!
After spending hours for search it, Finally I found a working link to download this Stock Rom (required to make an updated one)
I started the download but the speed is about 0.0 kbs/sec...
Why? Users, Could you just try if it works?
Maybe the download will work outside my country ...
How about this?
Removed - It was malicious, sorry
ReDorDeD said:
How about this?
Removed - It was malicious, sorry
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Hello Redorded! I have just seen the message!
I really Thank you for the !
Does your link was a Torrent or a File/sharing Download?
Anyway it's very hard to find this Stock rom but not impossible.
In fact I found 2 guys that have it but I can't see their e-mails because I can not use a site in russian!
Maybe... Do you speak russian??
Do Anyone have an account on "4pda" or on "unlockers.ru" ??
