Post your Screenshots! - Eee Pad Transformer General

Whatsup guys!
I'm purchasing my Asus Transformer tomorrow (yay!!!) and have been wondering how some people have set up their homescreens. If interested, post below, thanks! I want some cool ideas!

Ooops sorry

Bassdj427 said:
Whatsup guys!
I'm purchasing my Asus Transformer tomorrow (yay!!!) and have been wondering how some people have set up their homescreens. If interested, post below, thanks! I want some cool ideas!
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Congratulations, you'll love your new TF. You need to learn to use the SEARCH feature though. There are 61 pages with 621 posts in the correct forum as zephiK has pointed out.

Bassdj427 said:
Ooops sorry
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Don't worry about it I posted it to help you out unlike some people who would traditionally just post "wrong section/read stickies/etc." (Not meant towards JoTeC but XDA trolls who just post 'wrong section' in people's threads without offering any help)


ATTENTION PLEASE regarding J.Anderson

hey guys. thought id fill you in on some info then ask for a favour
as you all know j.Anderson is a tremendous pain in the kneck. and has been banned for being one.
however another thread popped where you all speculated its was his second account. the thread was deleted but im here to tell you it was his account.
the reason im telling you this is because now i know he is not beyond making sock-puppets to make stupid posts
so the favour i want to ask is, if you see a post that seem familiar in wording or content. as well as reporting via the correct methods could you also let me know.
weve had this issue before with another user not long before 2.1 was due to be released and i dont want it to happen again
thanks in advance
Will do, chief!
I am absolutely convinced that he is mentally ill, possibly even schizophrenic. I think he really believes that he has some secret or unique knowledge. Some of his posts at are even more puzzling.
yeah i agree his posts are nonsensical. i remembered the other user i had trouble with. Its was iHim.
Looks like the neighborhood watch is now in effect! We'll be on the lookout! That goober's posts stick out like a flasher in a trenchcoat at the playground and he's likely in the same state of mind.
Sent From My *Super Fly X10*
If I (or anyone for that matter!) help you, dont be afraid to press THANKS!
Sure, np. And get me a rifel to shoot him as well.
Hey guys I found the keys...
I'll post one now and more later..
The first key is... G..G...GG....GEEE UNIIITTTT...
I found it in system/media/music/data
(take that file and unlock the phone)
then open file manager and type this into system/app
i'll post more soon once i get online
(just a heads up as to what to look for)
MrHassell said:
I'm saying this because I like the people and the vibe I get from XDA, it really means so much more to me than to ramble.
Please everyone be civil and sensible. Practical and friendly, helpful where possible and if you feel tempted..
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OmegaRED^ said:
Seriously dude.. is that your primary mission?
To try make us all look crazy?
You seem like a guy that has a clear different plan from actually helping someone or doing anything good for this forum and now you plan to change your target to me.
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No one made you look crazy... you accomplished that part on your own.
No need to worry though, I think its cute
I'm also on the watch (while the others are sleeping, I'm watching and viceversa).
So please PM me also if you find a similar erratic member.
Mr. Clown said:
I'm also on the watch (while the others are sleeping, I'm watching and viceversa).
So please PM me also if you find a similar erratic member.
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Batman? LOL
Batman is john connor
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Thread cleanup, can everyone stop messing with omegared with no reason. We are discussing about other thing in this thread.
Ok, I will take a look in future threads !
-PiLoT- said:
yeah i agree his posts are nonsensical. i remembered the other user i had trouble with. Its was iHim.
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Oh yes, iHim, I remember... did he not return a few times with names like SEinside or something like that? Pain in the @ss...
Will look and report. I just hope you're not gonna be spammed with reports about threads they BELIEVE to be j.Anderson, while it's just a noob who's looking for help
qwer23 said:
Oh yes, iHim, I remember... did he not return a few times with names like SEinside or something like that? Pain in the @ss...
Will look and report. I just hope you're not gonna be spammed with reports about threads they BELIEVE to be j.Anderson, while it's just a noob who's looking for help
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buddy have you read his posts? none of them have any resemblance to a noob looking for help, they're fairly unique & weird and not in a good way
riginal said:
buddy have you read his posts? none of them have any resemblance to a noob looking for help, they're fairly unique & weird and not in a good way
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lol they remind me of the scribblings in the film "A Beautiful Mind"....
Except for the fact that his mind is not beautiful
riginal said:
buddy have you read his posts? none of them have any resemblance to a noob looking for help, they're fairly unique & weird and not in a good way
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lol I know that, I read his posts. But he seems so helpless to me ^^ If you read his posts it's to me like 'did he even read the last answer or any post in this thread? Did he even use Android once?' I mean, what was that thing with this Office 2k certificates?! Seriously... That's what I meant what reminds me of a noob
aR_ChRiS said:
Batman? LOL
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Yes? Did someone flash the Bat-signal?
Windst said:
Batman is john connor
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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No. Batman is Bruce Wayne.

anyone working on a rom mod for the iconia and not just a port/cook besides honeyvil

Question says it all.
Honeyvillain as you mentioned, as well as
and here:
grhand82 said:
Question says it all.
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You have to remember that with Honeycomb still being closed source, there are pretty severe limits as to what a rom cook can do.
Ya know, there's a discussion forum for this. This forum is meant for dev's to post their work.
kinda like the ports
I too would like to see some custom stuff but yes, the whole closed thing is I'm sure pissing everyone off....hope Google doesn't pull an apple. On a lighter note I kinda like all the ports. gives u an idea of what the software on the other tablets are like. All the hardware is basically the same plus/minus a few things so its nice to see what others are messing with. Thanks to the porters!
agentfazexx said:
Ya know, there's a discussion forum for this. This forum is meant for dev's to post their work.
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Hey sorry for that. I realized yesterday that I am posting my questions in the wrong areas and not taking advantage of the search and the suggestions when I am posting. I will admit, very noobish of me. I just get so excited and have questions in my head and am waaaay to ADHD sometimes to slow down and look. Appreciate the feedback from everyone and I will post more smartly in the future.
grhand82 said:
Hey sorry for that. I realized yesterday that I am posting my questions in the wrong areas and not taking advantage of the search and the suggestions when I am posting. I will admit, very noobish of me. I just get so excited and have questions in my head and am waaaay to ADHD sometimes to slow down and look. Appreciate the feedback from everyone and I will post more smartly in the future.
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No problem man, welcome to XDA.
Moved to Q&A

Probably old news / 3.2 source code on Acer website

...but just in case y'all haven't seen it.
On the Acer site under Tab / Iconia tab / A500 / Documents
App. Guide
Acer kernel source code (for Android 3.2 HoneyComb)
95.9 MB
Achristocat said:
...but just in case y'all haven't seen it.
On the Acer site under Tab / Iconia tab / A500 / Documents
App. Guide
Acer kernel source code (for Android 3.2 HoneyComb)
95.9 MB
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You're right. Very old news, but thanks for posting and not using the search function.
Actually, I did / always do a search...
..and when I posted the new topic, it ALSO does a search for you to list similar topics but nothing came up there either...SO...
Erring on the side of wanting to help I posted anyway...
Sorry to have taken up so much of your precious time and I promise to do my best not to help as much as possible again...
Achristocat said:
..and when I posted the new topic, it ALSO does a search for you to list similar topics but nothing came up there either...SO...
Erring on the side of wanting to help I posted anyway...
Sorry to have taken up so much of your precious time and I promise to do my best not to help as much as possible again...
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I guess "help" is a relative word then. Clogging up forums with topics that have already been posted time, and time again is not "help" as fast as most people are concerned.
When searching remember that there are more than one sub-forums for the A500 that you can search at the same time.
Achristocat said:
..and when I posted the new topic, it ALSO does a search for you to list similar topics but nothing came up there either...SO...
Erring on the side of wanting to help I posted anyway...
Sorry to have taken up so much of your precious time and I promise to do my best not to help as much as possible again...
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Meh, just blow it off. If you think this section is bad, be glad that you didn't post something in the Moto Atrix forum. It's even worse over there.
Seems like this site gets more and more full of users on one month old accounts with 1000 posts posting non-helpful replies. Who gives a **** if it was already posted? Why didn't you just stay out of the thread since you already knew this?
Letting it go...
yup...yes I am...No worries. If I didn't want to get verbally assaulted every once in a blue moon, I wouldn't post
...but on the off chance someone didn't see it and it could help...I'll take the chance Every Time...and even when I do know how to search and use search quite a lot, Every Once in a while search does not turn up the exact phrase or wording or whatever. Sooo...
Letting go while knowing that 99.9999 percent of the people here Really Do want to help...
At least I'm not asking about root for 3.2 right?
mikel81 said:
Seems like this site gets more and more full of users on one month old accounts with 1000 posts posting non-helpful replies. Who gives a **** if it was already posted? Why didn't you just stay out of the thread since you already knew this?
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Says the 9 post wonder
Achristocat said:
yup...yes I am...No worries. If I didn't want to get verbally assaulted every once in a blue moon, I wouldn't post
...but on the off chance someone didn't see it and it could help...I'll take the chance Every Time...and even when I do know how to search and use search quite a lot, Every Once in a while search does not turn up the exact phrase or wording or whatever. Sooo...
Letting go while knowing that 99.9999 percent of the people here Really Do want to help...
At least I'm not asking about root for 3.2 right?
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I've been following this forum fairly regularly since I got my tab in May and I had not seen it so it was useful for me. Thanks...
kjy2010 said:
Says the 9 post wonder
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Says the forum spammer.
Give it a rest, please? The guy wanted to help, and he's been a member WAY longer than you. Post count is irrelevant.
rg1003 said:
I've been following this forum fairly regularly since I got my tab in May and I had not seen it so it was useful for me. Thanks...
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Since we apparently have a bunch of children that don't know how to use the search function in this forum, here you go
kjy2010 said:
Since we apparently have a bunch of children that don't know how to use the search function in this forum, here you go
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The only child here is you having a hissy fit over nothing.
stoney73 said:
The only child here is you having a hissy fit over nothing.
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Huggs and kisses guys.
posting to this,saying its already posted is as bad if not worse then the thread itself as far as spam goes.
Oops I just did it too.
Sorry my friends seeing you bicker over this makes me cry.
More huggs needed.
I know my post was not needed.

Thanks to our devs!!!!

This will be my 1500th post on xda and likely my last. I figured I should go out by thanking a few people who have made my multiple tablets fun.
(there are more but I've used their work the most but thanks to the rest as well)
There are multiple guys who have made some really good themes and have stayed up to date with rom releases. I would also like to thank Jerdog for being one of the best forum moderators I have ever dealt with. I wish more mods here would be like him but its just not the case.
Let me end this post with my favorite quote from CaNsA
"You've been slapped in the face with the shovel of logic"
EDIT: RaYmAn just posted a 1 click root for any TF101 in development. To all you haters who couldn't hate on him enough.........hahahahaha STFU
EDIT2: The rules are selectively enforced here and its become more about being nice than about developers. Unless your one of the favored ones with mods as fanbois. Then you can say whatever you want. Hopefully xda will recover from this silly "Why can't we all just get along" stupidity and go back to supporting real developers and not kangers.
thebadfrog said:
This will be my 1500th post on xda and likely my last. I figured I should go out by thanking a few people who have made my multiple tablets fun.
(there are more but I've used their work the most but thanks to the rest as well)
There are multiple guys who have made some really good themes and have stayed up to date with rom releases. I would also like to thank Jerdog for being one of the best forum moderators I have ever dealt with. I wish more mods here would be like him but its just not the case.
Let me end this post with my favorite quote from CaNsA
"You've been slapped in the face with the shovel of logic"
EDIT: RaYmAn just posted a 1 click root for any TF101 in development. To all you haters who couldn't hate on him enough.........hahahahaha STFU
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Why is this your last post?
Maybe a stupid question, I can install CWM > other ROMs and Ubuntu on my TF?
And restore stock ROM - unroot?
Sorry for my english.
E: and very,very thanks for root!!
last post....?
Cheers froggy, might actually miss you :/2
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
wow, and i thought u were normal with a sense of humour
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
thebadfrog, I would like to have your babies, but you must do one more. Make it!!!!!!! you s***.... I mean 1502
I have a B90 can I root???
I have no time read so please spoon feed me.
There is a new asus update 5mins ago why is there no new update to Prime!
How do I boot into recovery???
So, why should one install your ROM over the others???
Will current docks work with transformer prime?
Do I have to root before I NVflash????
Will I get OTA if I'm rooted???
Tomorrow is Tuesday, is that the day I can root my dock???
How can i root my dock???
There is a firmware update available BUT notifications never shows it??? WHY???
I gave up...Now the question will be.....
When will we have an ICS rom?
Will we be able to overclock?
thebadfrog said:
I gave up...Now the question will be.....
When will we have an ICS rom?
Will we be able to overclock?
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there's already a couple in the Prime thread
grehdaemon said:
there's already a couple in the Prime thread
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I saw and I've already begged people to stop it. There is a thread in general about it. Let people speculate over there.
There's a thanks button for a reason n00b, no need to make **** threads!
I wish the n00bs would understand that most devs and power users would much rather have that thanks button clicked rather than another pointless post. Think about it. The Dev makes a rom and creates a thread. He's notified everytime someone posts in his thread. (if they have this option set which most do) You post "Awesome Rom". The dev gets notified and thinking a bug has been reported he stops what hes doing and checks his thread only to find that post. After a few of those he turns off notifications or just ignores them for awhile. Now you report an actual very important bug and its ignored for 6 hours. This is why the thanks button is there.
thebadfrog said:
Let me end this post with my favorite quote from CaNsA
"You've been slapped in the face with the shovel of logic"
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I just wanted to quote my quote
CaNsA said:
I just wanted to quote my quote
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That is my favorite quote to quote. In fact.....
"Slapped in the face with the shovel of logic" ........CaNsA

Need an invite for a friend please. (He may buy a Find 7a!)

Close this thread please
getting free invites and selling them
Sent from my Nexus 5
Syke21 said:
If I can't get an invite today he's going for the Find 7a. I can show you pics of my OpO if you think it's for me but I have no invites left.
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playya said:
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Unfortunately someone else claimed it. I really appreciate you helping though so thanks for that.
Anyone else who feels as kind as the person above could you please Pm me the invite. I promise I won't horde them I'll delete this thread at the end of the day anyway.
Syke21 said:
Unfortunately someone else claimed it. I really appreciate you helping though so thanks for that.
Anyone else who feels as kind as the person above could you please Pm me the invite. I promise I won't horde them I'll delete this thread at the end of the day anyway.
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dont worry about it I will pm you one in a moment.... I got chu!
To the guy that rob his invite you better at least hit the thx button..... Geeeeez!
playya said:
dont worry about it I will pm you one in a moment.... I got chu!
To the guy that rob his invite you better at least hit the thx button..... Geeeeez!
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Thanks very much man!
playya so generous
zephiK said:
playya so generous
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I got 2 more zephik so if you know someone directly let me know if not gonna drop them in a thread soon.... LOL
Please i need one
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
Playya has been an absolute star he did his research and saw I've been a longtime member and helped a brother out. I thank him and I am now requesting this thread deleted if I can't do so myself.
If you got one to spare i would be forever in your debt.
dicecuber said:
Close this thread please
getting free invites and selling them
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Curious how you deleted my message and replaced it with yours actually... Your avatar doesn't say you're a mod or anything. Shouldn't I be the OP on this yet you are.
Syke21 said:
Curious how you deleted my message and replaced it with yours actually... Your avatar doesn't say you're a mod or anything. Shouldn't I be the OP on this yet you are.
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Friends in high places?
I'm wondering if I should jump on this or wait it out for the N6... hmmmmm...
sorry interupt .. i also need 1 invite for my sister.. anyone can pm me ..thanks alot
musz said:
sorry interupt .. i also need 1 invite for my sister.. anyone can pm me ..thanks alot
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Are you after a swap? An invite, for your sister?
SimonTS said:
Are you after a swap? An invite, for your sister?
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Lol... nice try bro..hahaha
dicecuber said:
Close this thread please
getting free invites and selling them
Sent from my Nexus 5
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As long as you do that somewhere else and not on Everyone else, please go to
I wish people would stop creating these types of threads.
Thread closed.
