I am Depressed! - Galaxy S II General

It has been almost a month since I've gotten the Galaxy S2.
I literally waited like a longing puppy for almost half a year to get this into my hands.
I have to admit, it is one of the most beautiful creations to ever grace our earth, but gosh, it has this one big, big flaw... (for me) battery life. Before you dismiss this as another battery life complaining thread, hear me out...
I have tried EVERYTHING.
Ever since 2.3.3, battery drain. Then 2.3.4 was announced... NO MORE BATTERY DRAIN. The news caused a burst of elation, but it was all too brief. Flashed to 2.3.4, same deal.
I've tried all the ROMs-- Litening, Villainrom, Cognition, Infusion (now defunct).
I've tried several kernels -- the standard CF kernel, neophyte's, mirage, etc.
I've calibrated my battery after each flash.
I've tried downclocking it with SetCPU.
I've frozen so much with TitaniumBackup.
Dormancy settings, system update settings, modem roms, I've tried them all.
I even purchased, in desperation, a third party battery which claimed to have 2000mAh capacity.
All to no avail. Nada, zilch, non. NOTHING has worked for me.
Last night for example, I had charged my phone to 100%. When I woke up 7 hours later, it had fallen to 63%.
Therefore can deduce that consumption is is about 5% per hour with screen OFF.
I have also made it a point to test a different ROM/kernel for at least 3 to 5 days before I make a change.
Now I really don't know where I'm going wrong, yeah I do have a few widgets and stuff, but what is a phone like this without widgets?
I am getting so sad over this issue. This phone is so perfect in every other way.
Why? Is it just me?

One no mention of actual battery life .
Two phones get fed up with multiple roms kernels etc rammed down their throat and dont work well .

What exactly do you mean by 'battery drain' ?

Starting an new battery drain thread without even describing the type of battery drain is not a god start for this thread.
What is your idle drain? (% per hour when not using the phone).
How much "display on time" do you have when the battery is starting to be empty (no guessing, hard number from the battery menu please). A lot of people underestimates how much active use they have with SGS2.
Please also add graph for battery statistics, both the first page and also for the battery graph (press the small graph on top).
Just trying different ROM's in order to solve a battery drain issue is a bad idea, it is much better to find the root cause of the battery drain and solve that specific issue.

I mean I leave it overnight, and it falls from 100% to 60%.
It has never lasted me beyond 9 hours with mid level usage.

tjtj4444 said:
Starting an new battery drain thread without even describing the type of battery drain is not a god start for this thread.
What is your idle drain? (% per hour when not using the phone).
How much "display on time" do you have when the battery is starting to be empty (no guessing, hard number from the battery menu please). A lot of people underestimates how much active use they have with SGS2.
Please also add graph for battery statistics, both the first page and also for the battery graph (press the small graph on top).
Just trying different ROM's in order to solve a battery drain issue is a bad idea, it is much better to find the root cause of the battery drain and solve that specific issue.
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Apologies, my post has been updated. I don't have a good graph with my now since I'm charging, but I will post one up tomorrow.
Do widgets really make a big difference? Because that's the only thing that I have not really tested.

Could very well be a misbehaving app or widget. My phone in idle uses 0.5%-1% an hour with wifi on. Without wifi it goes slightly faster strange enough. I have some widgets that update every hour, gmail push, whatsapp and Samsung account sync.
Test without syncing and widgets and then re-enable things one by one to find the problem.

Another battery thread. That really IS depressing.

i just got my phone few days ago, battery life isn't great so far but it isn't as bad as your case.
I would recommend you do proper tests after starting fresh. flash a stale official rom, keep the phone barebones, dont install apps etc.. then test bat life with phone call usage.
Then slowly start adding and enabling things like gps, auto sync, background data and so on, till you find the cause. I think the battery life thing in the settings can help too.

Jeremy said:
I mean I leave it overnight, and it falls from 100% to 60%.
It has never lasted me beyond 9 hours with mid level usage.
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40% overnight is huge, I get approx 5% in 7-8 hours.
With 5% drain per hour with no usage, haven't you tested to turn off things until the drain stops? I would start with wifi, SGS2 doesn't work well with some routers. Then just continue with the usual suspects: widgets that connects to internet etc, email sync, facebook etc. (freeze with Titanium)
Do this systematically, you could turn off several things at once, but not too many, try to find the real cause.
There is of course a possibility that your phone is broken, but that isn't my first guess.

Why does no one try Juice defender???

tjtj4444 said:
40% overnight is huge, I get approx 5% in 7-8 hours.
With 5% drain per hour with no usage, haven't you tested to turn off things until the drain stops? I would start with wifi, SGS2 doesn't work well with some routers. Then just continue with the usual suspects: widgets that connects to internet etc, email sync, facebook etc. (freeze with Titanium)
Do this systematically, you could turn off several things at once, but not too many, try to find the real cause.
There is of course a possibility that your phone is broken, but that isn't my first guess.
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Oh yes, that night the 40% drain was with Wifi on, and I heard that there have been issues with the DIR-655, which I am using.
Anyway, even with wifi off, my battery life fell from 100% to 83% with a very slimmed down ROM, everything that could be frozen, frozen.

Polluxus said:
Could very well be a misbehaving app or widget. My phone in idle uses 0.5%-1% an hour with wifi on. Without wifi it goes slightly faster strange enough. I have some widgets that update every hour, gmail push, whatsapp and Samsung account sync.
Test without syncing and widgets and then re-enable things one by one to find the problem.
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Yeah. That's a good idea, thanks.
Will try that over the weekend

TheSobadef said:
Why does no one try Juice defender???
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I would, but the thing is, the battery life should not even be that bad in the first place.

Sounds to me like you have a rogue app. I get 12,14 hours of heavy usage with brightness set to roughly 75%.
Don't flame him. He has tried alot things prior to posting. This is the place to post. Try the criskelo rom. It is a great rom with great battery life. Freeze wifi sharing. Delete apps at the beginning that you don't use all the time then add extra apps one by one and see what impacts the battery level the most. Check update schedules for things like news widgets and beautiful weather-I have mine set to six hours or so. There is absolutely no reason why you can't last a full day with 30-40% left.

Well, first of all, it's just a phone, although an expensive one, so no need to be stressed.
Secondly, it sounds very much like you have a faulty battery or device. Maybe you should have replaced it as soon as you noticed the problem. There's definitely something wrong there if it goes from 100% down to 60% overnight (assuming it's not heavily used during that time).
You already tried most of the things that I would do to tackle the issue. Try swapping batteries for a few days with somebody with the same handset, and see what happens.
Good luck!

For giggles, why don't you hard reset your phone? Then, instead of loading tons of apps of questionable quality, task killers, memory managers, and battery monitors, just load the stuff you need everyday. Things like e-mail and social stuff. People that haven't tortured their phones with excessive crap seem to get better battery life without even trying. With over a hundred apps, all the syncs syncing, heavy Wi-Fi use, and Exchange push I'm now up to 14-18 hours with moderate to heavy use. If the experiment works, start loading the rest of your stuff on your phone to see what the impact is.
Another thing to consider is your network connectivity. Your carriers signal strength and infrastructure could be part of the problem. Certain carriers and locations seem to contribute a lot to batter drain. Also, the SGS2 is very router sensitive. It likes Netgear, D-Link not so much.
Good luck.

This is with a screen on time of 2:14 too, and overclocking to 1.52gHz
There is no battery issue, this phone has twice the battery life of the desire hd and thats a fact, i have not changed fast dormancy or anything, this phone is king for battery life.
Played games and browsed internet, i would say medium heavy usage
Using 2.3.3 KF3
Also if you had a laptop that lasted 10 hours with 63 remaining wouldnt you think that was good? This phone is the absolute top dog, i would even say its better than IP4 for battery now
Also used cardiotrainer to track my run this morning using GPS, ran for 30 mins and lost around 6 percent... Amazing!

TheSobadef said:
Why does no one try Juice defender???
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A lot do but informed opinion is that it drains battery .

JJEgan said:
A lot do but informed opinion is that it drains battery .
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Yep Juice defender sucks, and is not needed really...
You either have a rouge app sucking the life out of your phone,
Your syncing at too short periods (mine is set to 1 hour)
Your phone signal is weak so your phone is using more battery drawing 3g from your service provider


Battery Drain HD2?

Anyone else experiencing excessive battery drain on their HD2?
I am interested to know if this is just my phone or if it actually just chews through that much juice.
I have had windows mobile phones for several years so I know all the basic ways to keep battery drain down.
Stuff that I have generally found:
1. If I keep the screen turned on without it going blank I lose about 1% every 2 minutes.
2. If I am browsing that figure almost doubles.
3. My old Touch HD used about 5% battery overnight when in standby but this phone will go through about 25%.
4. The phone gets really hot when browsing (much hotter than my old Touch HD)
I have tried flashing ROM's and Radios but nothing seems to help.
I am not running any software on the phone that I wasn't running on my old HD1.
I have only had the phone for a week so I am not sure if this is normal but I would be very surprised if HTC released a phone that lasts for only a few hours on one battery.
-1% every 3 minutes
-4% during the night (when i'am sleeping)
Crash95 said:
-1% every 3 minutes
-4% during the night (when i'am sleeping)
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I wish I got 2 days
we really need extended battery ,hd1 battery was much more better.
Good mate but yes i agreee HTC has come up with a battery eating device this time around. My device on full charge just gives in around 8-10 hrs. This might be dat my EDGE is on and 7 mails accounts sending mails back and forth.
but truly i think that HTC better look into this very seriously cause more and more ppl are suffering in this battery drain..
Any of flashing roms and radio not helping either... did a complete hard reset but no step up
HTC come with longer battery battery for bigger devices soon......
The only solution i see now is get one of those extra battery worth mind bogling £52.87
I've had this problem ever since flashing to 1.66, I flashed the radio to as this was said to solve the problem but it hasn't made any difference after a few days of use. My battery life used to be significantly better when I was on the original stock ROM, so much so I'm considering going back to it
I also know all the tricks as to clawing back the battery drain, my phone is idle on my desk at work most of the time and I don't use Wi-Fi, all the location stuff is turned off as are weather, stock and other updates plus my screen is set to 30% then off after 60 seconds. Despite all of that I lose 1% every 2-3 minutes
It seems to me that perhaps the radio is checking for reception pretty much constantly rather than say, 5-10 mins perhaps? This used to be a problem on my old Blackberry Storm but a few fimware updates solved it, eventually!
The only other thing I've noticed since the update is that once the battery drops below 50% or so, the drain seems to slow, I don't know if this is perhaps because the phone goes into some sort of semi-power saving mode?
Suggestions/hints welcome! I've had a semi-thorough look into this on the forums and tried most of the suggestions but still the problem remains. Will battery life improve after a few charges perhaps as this was a trait of my Storm's battery, the more you charged it the better the day to day battery life was (and no it wasn't because I had it plugged in all the time! Over time the general charge just seemed to improve when roaming).
Piemole said:
Anyone else experiencing excessive battery drain on their HD2?
I am interested to know if this is just my phone or if it actually just chews through that much juice.
I have had windows mobile phones for several years so I know all the basic ways to keep battery drain down.
Stuff that I have generally found:
1. If I keep the screen turned on without it going blank I lose about 1% every 2 minutes.
2. If I am browsing that figure almost doubles.
3. My old Touch HD used about 5% battery overnight when in standby but this phone will go through about 25%.
4. The phone gets really hot when browsing (much hotter than my old Touch HD)
I have tried flashing ROM's and Radios but nothing seems to help.
I am not running any software on the phone that I wasn't running on my old HD1.
I have only had the phone for a week so I am not sure if this is normal but I would be very surprised if HTC released a phone that lasts for only a few hours on one battery.
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You need to indicate what services you have running. Do you have any data services running eg: location services, push mail, weather? all of these have a bearing. In addition, network services can also drain a battery, especially if the signal is weak and the phone have to search for a transmitter, or 3g services.
Hexjibber said:
The only other thing I've noticed since the update is that once the battery drops below 50% or so, the drain seems to slow, I don't know if this is perhaps because the phone goes into some sort of semi-power saving mode?
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That is a very interesting comment. Although since upgrading to radio I have had very good battery life, I too have noticed a slowdown after 50%
romac said:
You need to indicate what services you have running. Do you have any data services running eg: location services, push mail, weather? all of these have a bearing. In addition, network services can also drain a battery, especially if the signal is weak and the phone have to search for a transmitter, or 3g services.
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Nothing is turned on, everything is set to manual.
As I stated I know all the basic stuff. I understand that all these things have a bearing on battery loss.
Everything I stated in the first post is for when I have nothing running. The phone is just sitting there running sense, thats all.
I have had my HD2 for a few days now. I am on Vodacom in South Africa.
I have not had a problem with battery life.
Yesterday i unplugged from the charger at 07:00. I spent about 1 and 1/2 hours of talk time on the phone, it was permanently connected to 3g doing weather updates etc. Sent and received a couple of sms's. Also played with a few tweaks and reboots.
When i got home at about 18:00 i had over 30% battery. I then surfed the web for over 2 hours to drain the battery.
try setting Network Selection to Manual
Piemole said:
Anyone else experiencing excessive battery drain on their HD2?
I am interested to know if this is just my phone or if it actually just chews through that much juice.
I have had windows mobile phones for several years so I know all the basic ways to keep battery drain down.
Stuff that I have generally found:
1. If I keep the screen turned on without it going blank I lose about 1% every 2 minutes.
2. If I am browsing that figure almost doubles.
3. My old Touch HD used about 5% battery overnight when in standby but this phone will go through about 25%.
4. The phone gets really hot when browsing (much hotter than my old Touch HD)
I have tried flashing ROM's and Radios but nothing seems to help.
I am not running any software on the phone that I wasn't running on my old HD1.
I have only had the phone for a week so I am not sure if this is normal but I would be very surprised if HTC released a phone that lasts for only a few hours on one battery.
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Same here with and without stock ROM.
yeah.. the phone is a battery sucker.... another cons of HD2....
This is very interesting to read because I do not have this problem. When I left my HTC HD2 on last night (I woke up at 4 in the morning to get something to drink and unplugged it) and then woke up at 8, it was at 98%. That means it went from 100% to 98% in 4 hours. Not to bad imo.
I am now at work and it is 15:34, and I am at 87%. I have made some calls, watched some videos, send a few text messages. Not much (I am at work so I got other things to do). So 08:00 (98%) - 15:34 (87%) - that's 7 and a half hours, with some calls, text messages and a video.
I am pretty sure when I get home at 18:30 the battery will still be above 75%. Then I connect to my wifi at home, refresh twitter, weather, browse the web a little bit, check e-mail etc. So that will drain my battery a little more.
But overall I have not had any problems with my battery life. I always make it trough a day, and never have a problem like 'damn my battery is almost done and I am not near a charger'.
Some info that might help:
I do not sync ANYTHING automatically. I still have some things to do with my Vodafone contract and do not have an unlimited plan yet. I only sync at home on my own wifi connection. For me this is not a problem, because I only need to refresh the weather each morning to see what the day is going to be like. Twitter I only do when I have the time. Stocks I do not use.
I have screen brightness set to automatic.
I am on 3G most of the time.
I am running the official 1.66 Dutch ROM.
I have some tweaks, games and programs installed.
I hope you all solve this issue, because it just can not be that my HD2 has a good battery life, and your HD2 not
Kind Regards
EDIT @ 17:00 still 87%.
I am in a 3G 2100 only network (I don't have 2G functionality).
ROM: Artemis 3.0
Customization: Seiya 6.5.5
I don't leave any automatic updates on, except for my e-mail account every 2 hrs.
I never close my connection.
The drainage overnight is -3% (8hrs).
The battery lasts at least 12 hrs of intense usage.
Normally I have to recharge every second day (e.g. I charged last night, I answered a few calls, I did some IM and browsing and I still have 73% left).
For a phone with a 1 GHz processor, a 4.3" screen and a tiny 1250 mAh battery I find the drainage is rather decent.
Mind you, I ALWAYS do at least one full charging cycle to my battery after flashing a new ROM. I mean: full discharge, battery out 1 min, full charging in OFF mode, battery out 2 mins.
27firesnake said:
Mind you, I ALWAYS do at least one full charging cycle to my battery after flashing a new ROM. I mean: full discharge, battery out 1 min, full charging in OFF mode, battery out 2 mins.
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I have seen this process recommended a couple of times now. What is the theory behind it if you don't mind me asking?
maybe its also becouse some of us couldnt wait using the hd2 when they got it (like me) before it was fully charged for the first time
anyway my battery life has improved a little bit, i was at 74% this morning and did a lot of browsing, installing, tweaking and now its at 3%. it used to be much worse
I have battery consuming problem from time to time.I did everything:
installed new stock rom 1.66;
transfered all data which phone is using from card to phone memory(pictures,icons,sounds.etc...)
all updates are done manually;
Gprs connection is swiched off on the idle after one min;
One night it is loosing from 2 to 4%;
another from 30 to 40%
and it is eating memory from 10 to 15mb
I think that it is radio which is causing battery drainage so fast(to much communication wit a base stations,because when I am checking spb wireless monitor in the morning,there is no any data traffic.
I hope they can solve problem,because it is getting me mad and crazy
Try setting the screen brightness to 10-20% (on battery powered)
and dim backlight after 10 seconds (on batter powered).
It helps a lot, at least for me.
creed said:
I have seen this process recommended a couple of times now. What is the theory behind it if you don't mind me asking?
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as far as i know, the battery has an integrated digital circuit (ic) which estimates the state-of-charge (soc). the procedure resets/calibrates the ic to obtain a more accurate estimation. since the radio rom is in charge with the power management (among other things), by changing it you decalibrate the "gauge".
i don't know if i've got the theory right but i tested this myself and it surely works.

Battery Life?

I've had the HTC Aria for about four days now and my biggest issues is the battery drains to quickly. At first I attributed it to use because android phones prompt you to use them more often. However, even without use it still drains pretty rapidly. Does anyone know of a solution to this issue software wise. I have already turned off Bluetooth, GPS and Wifi. Are there other solutions
I got mine on Saturday, and I've actually gotten pretty good battery life out of it. I'm still in the habit of charging it every night, like I had to do with my old WinMo phone, but I think I could probably go two days without a charge. And that's with GPS / data always on, Wifi parts of the day, and pretty heavy use, since I'm always playing with it.
Have you tried something like Advanced Task Killer to keep apps closed that you aren't using? You can also adjust your screen brightness and timeout to try and save power.
It says that of my power is used by cellular idle or something like that 50% of it was used by that. Could it be my AT&T service
I don't get more than 10 hours out of mine. When I know I will be out all day, I turn the screen brightness almost all the way down to help conserve energy.
Good as it Gets.
With basic usage (some texting, a few calls and some market browsing or playing a game here and there) about 2 to 2.5 days without charging. Maybe the ones having issues with there phone sucking battery have to many widgets running.
In my current configuration I am only using 3 of my screens and only 3 widgets [favorites (small one), HTC clock/weather widget, and the HTC calendar widget (small)]. I have my work email checking every 30 minutes for syncing. I also have gmail and the default mail app pulling mail. I run ATK but only to kill apps on startup (cause it runs almost everything), other than that you don't need a task killer as you will have to reload these tasks next time and that will drain battery. I don't use it after that to kill anything. I am also running my screen at about 30% brightness.
Just some tips, widgets are nice, but they suck the battery life as well as constant updates. Check to see what you are running and disable/remove what is not needed or adjust sync times.
My battery life is fine. I got two days over the weekend with light usage. You need to look at what services are running and disable any widgets that you dont need. You may also want to look at the sync settings and turn off things you dont use (such as news). You do not need a task killer.
Also, see this post:
cranked said:
some quick tips:
1) disable market notifications - Market -> Downloads -> Notifications -> 'Don't Notify Me
2) Lower the sync times for your social network apps like twitter and facebook (or make them manual)
If you still suffer, have a look at some of the great tips HERE on the Cyanogenmod forums...ignore 1 and 3.
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Also one might do *#*#4636#*#* then change phone setting from WCDMA to GSM .... Then that get little more out of battery...
It's critical that you turn off auto-sync; I have found that it absolutely destroys battery life.
Before I was losing maybe 5-10% every hour on standby, but ever since turning off auto-sync, I'm still sitting at 100% battery after 5 hours of standby.
Turning off mobile data/Wi-Fi doesn't make an impact on battery life, in my experience.
hi2u2 said:
It's critical that you turn off auto-sync if you don't want update to happen, such as Facebook, email, google account (cal/contact) sync, etc..; I have found that it absolutely destroys battery life.
Before I was losing maybe 5-10% every hour on standby, but ever since turning off auto-sync, I'm still sitting at 100% battery after 5 hours of standby.
Turning off mobile data/Wi-Fi doesn't make an impact on battery life, in my experience.
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I edited your response..
Auto-Sync in itself is not going to be a problem.. Depends on what's syncing. EVERYONE will have different battery life because everyone uses their phones differently. Different configurations, different accounts used, different amounts of traffic on those accounts, not to mention actual usage patterns.
khaytsus said:
I edited your response..
Auto-Sync in itself is not going to be a problem.. Depends on what's syncing. EVERYONE will have different battery life because everyone uses their phones differently. Different configurations, different accounts used, different amounts of traffic on those accounts, not to mention actual usage patterns.
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90% of people will have *slightly* different battery life.
5% of people will drain it fast.
5% will use it like a voice phone and might even get 16 hrs out of it.
But to turn off all apps makes for an invalid test because then you're testing the phone as if it were a non-smartphone, like a voice only phone.
I think the battery is too small for me and probably too small for most people. I look forward to fat batteries for this great phone.
bwolmarans said:
90% of people will have *slightly* different battery life.
5% of people will drain it fast.
5% will use it like a voice phone and might even get 16 hrs out of it.
But to turn off all apps makes for an invalid test because then you're testing the phone as if it were a non-smartphone, like a voice only phone.
I think the battery is too small for me and probably too small for most people. I look forward to fat batteries for this great phone.
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My wife gets 2+ days out of hers... The battery is not that much smaller than my Nexus One, a more powerful phone, and I'm a power user with a lot of crap running including IMAP push mail, weather syncing... I look in at Market, Facebook, Twitter and manually sync those types of things etc.. I can easily get a full day out of it, off charger ~8am back on the charger midnight, 20-30% left. What I don't do is sit staring at my phone all day or play games for 8 hours at work, nor do I use it as a mp3 player..

X10 battery lasts about 4 hours from 92% charge .. Wtf!!

Hey guys, , i apolagise in advanced if this topic is coverd, ive tryied to search but didnt find any related topics.....
I went to a 2 day festival took my x10 - WASTE OF TIME!!!!! couldnt even use it!!!!
Battery had died within first day, with hardly any use and 2nd day i had it charged for me up to 92%...
Checking the times every now and then on the 2nd day from 4pm onwards, i noticed by about 6pm my phone was on 50%, so i was curious about this as no wireless connectivity were turned on,
so at this time, i then "downloaded" from (GSM) not 3g. as coverage wasnt that good, advanced task killer.. i killed ALL my apps.. and carried on as normal, (only checking my phone for the time).. by 8pm i was getting messages saying 15% battery... and then 9pm my phone was dead :/ .......
No wifi, no internet surfing (apart from downloading advanced task killer) no bluetooth no gps..
Used my phone for a couple of text's and a couple of phone calls. NO WAY!!! should that have used all my battery up... Is their somthing i dont know about ??????
You gotta drain your battery s few times when you first get it. Also task killers don't really help with battery life. Imo they worsen it. Thirdly upgrade to the latest firmware
Sent from my X10a using Tapatalk
corruptfate said:
You gotta drain your battery s few times when you first get it. Also task killers don't really help with battery life. Imo they worsen it. Thirdly upgrade to the latest firmware
Sent from my X10a using Tapatalk
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+1 to that. Don't use task killers, let android do the work, it knows best what to do. what firmware are you using atm?
duffy1807 said:
Hey guys, , i apolagise in advanced if this topic is coverd, ive tryied to search but didnt find any related topics.....
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X10 battery issues has been covered big time
So has in call volume ...
I had the same first few days as you and was pretty dissapointed in the X10 but now things are much better. You do have to cycle the battery a couple of times and you'll see some improvement.
Most of the extra battery life really comes from using newer firmware. Since you didn't mention yours it's difficult to say if you are above or below 023. The 023 firmware seems to be the spot where most of the increased battery life came about.
Since I still wanted more I switched over to a 2600mAh battery from Cameron Sino. Now I have trouble killing the battery
There is something else that might be contributing to the problem... There are a number of apps and home screen widgets out there which are badly written and prevent the phone from sleeping, and therefore drain the battery like a *****... you should try a Factory Data Reset and then add your apps and widgets back in 1 or 2 per day until you have sussed what was causing it.. I had terrible trouble with Weather and Data widget killing my battery for a while..
im_iceman said:
There is something else that might be contributing to the problem... There are a number of apps and home screen widgets out there which are badly written and prevent the phone from sleeping, and therefore drain the battery like a *****... you should try a Factory Data Reset and then add your apps and widgets back in 1 or 2 per day until you have sussed what was causing it.. I had terrible trouble with Weather and Data widget killing my battery for a while..
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Good point about the Widgets.
It would be nice, as a matter of fact, if there were a topic on Widgets that cause battery drain. I've read a few posts about specific widgets but have never seen an ongoing thread. I'm off to look for volunteers.
I seriously dont get these battery threads. I know this dosent help much, but I honestly get over 20 hours on a charge consistently, with WIFI and 3g on.
4h only?
Pretty much is a faulty battery/device.
I saw a movie with brightness at maximum using BT with wifi on at the same time and i still had 60%+ left.
Wow that sucks... I think your battery needs to be replaced.
Mine lasts about 4 DAYS
Battery history and make sure the phone is sleeping when not in use.
If its showing 100% or close to 100% then an app or something is preventing your phone from properly sleeping.
my personal experience on two batteries one 2 year old (from x1) and brand new one gave me 7 hours of intense usage wifi ( i don't use 3g ), texting gaming and in the mean time playing music after first update, before was maximum 5 hour , also need to mention i need to remove every task except what i'm working with task killer cause in my case every 2-3 hour for some odd reason i have at least 20 apps restarting again in the system which drain battery like hell , time scape and media scape use lots of battery life in auto connect mode so update it whenever u want them , gps is a drainer too i just use it when i'm desperate be careful some programs may automatically use gps without asking! also should say compare to x1 the speed of the lock is at least 10 times faster and not i can get it indoor near the window as well (its cool) !!!! hope energy roms come here as well cause they will blow your mind!
Just update to the latest firmware version and your battery life will be just fine.
If not you coul'd update your phone, root it, install setcpu, and get rid of Timescape & Mediascape.

[Q] Strange Battery/Phone Issue...anyone have similar experience?

This is strange. I know everyone is probably sick of these battery discussion threads but something weird has been happening.
I have ATK and UltimateJuice and with the two I can go 8 hours at night and lose MAYBE 1% battery. If I then use the phone normally it will last about 2-3 days with around 1% loss per hour (more or less, depending). Well, I find after opening numerous apps the phone begins to lose more battery per hour, sometimes upwards of 3-5%. I check ATK and nothing has changed that I can see. After restarting the phone the charge lasts longer and depletes at a much slower rate. So, this begs me to ask:
What is causing this and why?
and, How can I stop it?
All insight is appreciated! Thanks.
Notes: - same location for both cases
- WiFi enabled in both cases
- GTalk and syncing the same
Anyone at all?
i have an average of 8-9% battery loss overnight with only Google account on an active sync. over the day it'll drain randomly too. sadly.
no idea why but i'm living with it.
People well tell you not to but get ATK. I ignore all apps for syncing and important stuff and have it kill stuff like gallery, etc. I found it helped a lot with saving battery. UltimateJuice helps a lot with battery as well. I'm at 70% and it has been over a day an a half now.
the think i learned about all those auto *whatever* programs, they always end up causing more problem than what they solve
i only use them to manually end task apps that i don't want to have in memory anymore
otherwise i just leave them running
no effects on battery life
the battery life is more related to the WiFi usage & GPS usage
if you are not using any of those 2 just manually slide down the tab and click them off
you can go a whole 24+ hr if you keep GPS and WiFi off, and only use 3G/voice in moderation

Answers on battery life.

I've been seeing a lot of posts on crap battery life around here, and I was chasing my tail about some of them as well, following a lot of misinformation even by senior members. I think I have a good handle on it now, and picked up most of these tips from these forums, so I'm not taking credit for these ideas, just collecting them in one place. Some of my suggestions assume you have root and Rom Manager (see the Tips and Tricks sticky thread on how to get them).
1. If your battery drains in less than a day on standby, you probably have a bad flash of the JI6 modem (either from the OTA update or from a ROM). Flash the JI2 modem from here "www dot teamwhiskey dot com/home/downloads". If the flash fixes it, you may try going back to JI6 if you want, and it may stay fixed. I went back to JI2 and didn't bother going back to JI6, but it has worked for others. With JI2 and 3G on I get just over 24 hours in normal usage.
2. The #2 battery drain on standby is 3G. I turned it off (Settings/Wireless/Mobile networks/Network mode/GSM only) and my phone lasted for 40 hours on Edge with light usage (few phone calls, messaging, quite a lot of web surfing, 2 hours of podcasts). Didn't even feel too slow (I get 140kbps on edge). Can anybody suggest a really good widget for turning 3G on/off? I use the 2G-3G OnOff widget by Curvefish. It's not one-click, it's just a shortcut to Mobile Network Settings, but it works. Note that sometimes it takes a while for the data connection to re-establish after you see the 3G or E icon.
2.5. WiFi always on is a huge battery saver! It keeps 3g off. I can easily get 3+ days with light usage on my home wifi. Settings/Wireless and Network/Wifi Settings/Menu/Advanced/Wifi Sleep Policy/Never.
3. Don't need a task killer. I wasted all my time killing tasks trying to chase down my crappy battery usage, but since I fixed my modem and turned off 3G I know that the 3-5% CPU usage at idle does not hurt my battery. Taskiller for me was actually hitting the CPU constantly, lightly but for no reason, so I got pissed and uninstalled it.
4. Install a CPU usage monitor like Usage Timelines. It sits in the notification bar, very easy on the battery, but tells you if you have a rogue app pegging your CPU and draining your battery. These are the only apps you should be worried about killing. Astro File Manager has a task manager that shows CPU usage for each app, so you can kill the rogue one. I shoot for about 5% cpu usage at idle (at 200mhz - at 100mhz it would be a bit higher).
5. The app Autostarts lets you disable any app from starting on boot or other events like connectivity changes. This is not strictly necessary unless you have a lot of crap apps installed on your phone and they like to start themselves and waste CPU time behind your back.
6. If your battery reads less than 100% as soon as you unplug it from the charger fully charged, or your battery meter sits at 100% for a long time after you unplug it, you can recalibrate your battery meter. To recalibrate: 1) charge your battery to full, 2) unplug, 3) reboot into Clockwork Recovery and 4) Wipe battery stats.
7. There is No Such Thing as "battery reconditioning" (for all intents and purposes). The above procedure only RECALIBRATES you battery METER to read on a more linear scale between full and empty. It DOES NOT make your battery last longer, period. Whoever tells you that is a moron. If your battery is dying in 6 hours, doing any amount of calibration will not make it last longer (I've tried).
8. I wouldn't be too worried about undervolting, overclocking, kernel tricks and superawesomefast ROMS. The CPU drain at idle is so minuscule (as long as you don't have rogue apps) that those things make precious little difference. Like I said, the biggest drain is 3G and other radios. Having said that, I run Bionix 1.9 with the JAC kernel. It drained my battery in half a day at idle until I flashed the JI2 modem. With JI2 it suddenly started lasting over 24 hours, and once I turned off 3G, over 40 hours. I like this ROM and see no need to switch, it's very smooth. But you should be able to get similar battery life on a stock Vibrant.
9. I have GPS on, WiFi never sleep, auto-brightness, and a few widgets on like Weather and friend updates. I have no fancy settings, literally just turning off 3G (or wifi on, which is the same) got me 2-3 days. So I wouldn't waste time fooling around with magic settings (other than wifi never sleep), battery saver apps, etc.
10. If your screen is on all the time and you're playing games nonstop, you're draining your battery quicker than any of the things I mentioned above, so you probably don't care. In that case an optimized ROM/kernel is probably your best bet, especially JIT in Froyo. You can probably save on screen brightness as well.
If you guys have any other tips I'd be glad to add them to the list, but I hope this gives you an understanding of where your battery life is going. Basically: bad modem, 3G, or rogue apps.
Also, I hope this will put an end to trolls calling people whiners for complaining about battery life and saying unproductive **** like "you're a whiner" or "the Galaxy S is just a battery hog, live with it". It's not, you don't have to live with it, nobody should have to, here are your solutions.
Good luck.
A few things I do to help with battery life is:
Disable Audible touch tones
Disable Audible selection
Disable Haptic feedback
Disable SD card notifications
Set animations to NO animations
Uninstall media hub if you dont use it
Disable auto brightness adjustment
Disable power saving mode
I disable the last 2 and just swipe the notification bar to adjust brightness. Granted these items really only work when using the phone but I can go about 2 days of normal use without a charge believe it or not.
yeah disabling 3g has always been the best option for people really, really concerned with battery life.
But it's kinda hard to tell people not to use 3g on their brand new 3g capable devices.
You may want to add how to test if you battery is bad. If you use you phone repeatedly while it its plugged in you risk overheating and damaging your battery. Signs that unitas is the case are very quick drain and long (7 hours) charge times. You can easily test and see if your battery its damaged. Remove it from your phone and place on flat surface (e.g. Counter top) try spinning the battery. If it rotates easily and quickly you battery is bulging, this is a sign of damage. Time for a new battery.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Answer to #2-
Use APNDroid. Comes with a widget.
Thanks to the OP and other contributors in this thread.
I flashed a ROM with the ji6 modem and battery life has been noticeably ****ty since. Example - this morning I unplugged my phone at 7:30 am. 100% charged. It's 10:21 am and my phone is at 75%
In the last 3 hours I browsed the web for 10 minutes while having my coffee and a smoke before heading out to work. Blue tooth was on for my drive, and I've sent 2 text messages. Aside from that my phone has been on stand-by since I unplugged it 3 hours ago.
I'm going to try to flash back to ji2 tonight as the battery usage was definitely better. Will also look into the 3G thing.
Thanks again.
You forgot to mention the two DRM and one downloader services that run resident on JI6.
These were the cause of my reduced battery life after I upgraded. Killing & removing these processes restored my battery life back to normal
blink55184 said:
Answer to #2-
Use APNDroid. Comes with a widget.
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I just tried this - switching 3G off works fine, but switching 3G back on didn't work for me. I had to re-boot to get 3G back so this is a no-go in my case.
I know how to kill the processes for the DRM and downloader but how do I remove them?
OP thank you for putting together the list. But I've never seen the point of doing all this. Its like getting a lamborghini and only driving 40mph because it you don't want to waste gas, whats the point? Either get a second wall charger to charge at work or a car charger. Heck even get a second battery if you are out for a long period of time.
speoples20 said:
Its like getting a lamborghini and only driving 40mph because it you don't want to waste gas, whats the point?
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You don't need to disable 3g.
The point of my post is to avoid people wasting their time with tweaks that have little to no effect on battery life. I'm telling people that they're wasting time killing apps and optimizing cpu usage and twiddling their settings when the radio drains most of their battery on standby anyway.
Meaning no matter what changes you make, you can only hope to improve your battery life by a tiny amount, because any other effect is overshadowed by 3G.
Put another way, you will NEVER get battery life much longer than a day if you're on 3g, so you're wasting your energy trying all kinds of tricks.
blink55184 said:
Answer to #2-
Use APNDroid. Comes with a widget.
smutek said:
I just tried this - switching 3G off works fine, but switching 3G back on didn't work for me. I had to re-boot to get 3G back so this is a no-go in my case.
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For me the widget did nothing. But it seems like it's not even supposed to turn the 3G radio off, but ALL APN network traffic. Did I miss something? It won't save battery power as long as the 3G radio is on.
I went back to the 2G-3G OnOff widget by Curvefish. It's not one-click, it's just a shortcut to Mobile Network Settings, but it works. Note that sometimes it takes a while for the data connection to re-establish after you see the 3G or E icon.
Back to my Moto Startac
While i understand the idea behind this thread, your conclusion is simple.
If you use the phone as a smartphone, it will eat up your battery no matter what.
I personally go through two batteries and some a day. (they cost about 12 bucks in ebay, and they work just fine)
The price for saving battery is not using the phone, and having a 400 bucks phone just for show off is just silly at least.
If you have a phone like this is to use it. At least you can change the battery not like some other devices......
I understand that task killer is useless, but do any of you use Autokiller (memory manager) ?
That's kind of a redundant question because even if you do not use the app, your phone is still performing the functions. The app just adjusts the settings. But to answer your question, using a memory optimization tool such as AutoKiller is 1000% more efficient than using a Task Killer. I don't think it effects battery much, but works wonders on performance.
There's no 3g-off widget because apparently in Android there's no way to do that through a direct command. I also use the Curvefish widget, and you are absolutely right about turning off 3g to save battery. I normally do so when I'm asleep or if I'm sitting at my desk next to a computer (why do I need fast data on my phone when I have my computer right here?).
The other thing I would recommend is AutoStarts. There are way too many apps that open themselves up at bizarre and inappropriate times. Autostarts is an easy and painless way to see which apps do this and keep them from opening.
gagb1967 said:
While i understand the idea behind this thread, your conclusion is simple.
If you use the phone as a smartphone, it will eat up your battery no matter what.
I personally go through two batteries and some a day. (they cost about 12 bucks in ebay, and they work just fine)
The price for saving battery is not using the phone, and having a 400 bucks phone just for show off is just silly at least.
If you have a phone like this is to use it. At least you can change the battery not like some other devices......
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Great battery life comes to people who hardly use their phones. Guess I need to get a netbook. Will prolly get a netbook or 3g laptop + skype and ETF my phone soon. These battery woes are show-stopping.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Losing 4% an hour on standby when you're not using the phone is unacceptable. Samsung screwed something up with the JI6 update. Most people think it's because of the stupid Media Hub. I think they are right.
People are not complaining about the poor battery life from using the phone. They are complaining about the slow battery drain even when they are not using it. ~4% an hour adds up fast. Vibrant is supposed to have 450 hour (18 days) stand-by time. That's what is rated. But people are getting 24 hour (1 day) stand-by time after JI6.
Yellow C6 said:
Losing 4% an hour on standby when you're not using the phone is unacceptable. Samsung screwed something up with the JI6 update. Most people think it's because of the stupid Media Hub. I think they are right.
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I'm not ready to sign off on this idea. For me simply flashing JI2 over JI6 fixed it. For some people flashing JI6 back over still left the problem fixed. I still have those processes running on JI2 and my battery life is fine.
The other reason I'm not ready to recommend wiping out those DRM processes is that apparently it stops the bundled Avatar movie from playing, and might affect other things that users may get pissed about. I've read that killing the downloader process people are talking about kills the market. So I really wish those people advocating that solution would figure their **** out and provide exact steps for the fix (right now their posts are really vague like "kill the processes that are named something like this" and not well tested; in all my research I didn't find the exact name of the "downloader" process).
Is it possible to flash the ji2 modem without root? Wishful thinking, I suppose..

