This thread is already starting to become flooded with questions that belong in the 'General' or 'Q&A' section. Please post in the proper section.
thanks for your help
You need to of posted ten times to post in any dev section.
Thread Closed
[SIZE=+3]This thread has been created strictly for
Questions & Troubleshooting[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+2]Specific to[/SIZE]
Sea_JB ​
[SIZE=+2]This thread has been created for people to share issues, question and help
while using this version of ROM Sea JB​[/SIZE]
PLEASE make sure to thank developer here for the dedication to this ROM
Please do not clutter the Development thread with non related development chatter
maybie it will be good if we have this kind of thread that is common for 4.2.2 ROMs as they are new, just suggestion.
OK, IMO I think this shouldn't be in development, it should be in general + why is there a double of it?
This thread does not belong here,as the op says it's Q/A, next time when you try something like this please read the rule where to post,i appreciate your work but it's not in appropriate section.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk 2
Q&A threads go here
Sorry huys,
thread moved to the Android Nand Q&A section"
very best regards, Kuzibri
General section is not the place to post your question.
In order to keep the forum organized use Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting section instead.
If your thread can be phrased as a question, it doesn't belong in General and DEFINITELY not in Development.
Your threads will be either moved or closed or deleted without notice.
Use the report button when necessary.
Thank you.
If you are asking a question, please post it in the Q&A section. It's there for a reason. Please use it!
We have had way too many questions posted in general lately.
Future violations are subject to be deleted without warning. Repeat offenders will result in further action.
El Daddy
Ok folks, I have re-opened this sticky thread to make a point.
QUESTIONS belong in the QUESTION and ANSWER section. If you are have trouble with your phone and want to troubleshoot, it belongs in the QUESTION and ANSWER section.
This general section is creating about 6-10 reports per day as users post questions in here. Its an easy concept
If your post ends in a "?" its a question and should be in Q&A
If you are wanting a reply to your post that will give you more information, you are asking a question, post it in Q&A
If you are asking how to fix your phone, post it in Q&A
If you are having issues with your phone and want to know how to fix it, post it in Q&A
In future I may start just deleting threads instead of politely moving them to Q&A for you....
Thanks for your co-operation.