[Guide] Change the user buttons to home and back - G2 and Desire Z General

I was looking to change the user configurable buttons on my Desire Z but couldn't find a easy guide or simple solution. I started to experiment a bit. This is what I found out:
To change the layout you only need to things:
1. a rooted phone
2. A program like Root explorer with R/W permissions
Then do the following:
Go to system/usr/keylayout and open the file for the layout you are using in a text editor (in my case this was the WWE version)
I then changed 'user 1' to 'HOME' and 'user 2' to 'BACK'.
I did a soft reset and I now use the user 1 button to go to the home screen and the user 2 button to go back
note 1:I allso made the above changes to vision-keypad.kl and the wwe-bopomo.kl files, maybe someone can confirm if this is really nessacary
note 2: This guide is problably written a 1000 times but I couldn't find it so I hope it's my first real (small) contribution


The big all Tweaks topic

There are many tweaks around but If you have resetted your phone you must look @ too much topics.
So why we don't make One bit tweak topic..
with only
tweak name
tweak explained
and maybe a link to a discussion topic/site
and offcourse a download link( if available)
and make this topic sticky.. So after a reset you only have to visit that sticky topic on XDA
an idea?? come on admins you can do it!!
I would very much encourage users to use the WIKI instead... forum posts could be made sticky, but things in a forum *always* get lost.
Pick a topic, here's a suggested one 'in line' with some other wiki pages:
Those who prefer the forum - by all means... I'd ask those who know how to work the wiki to add tweaks as they'd come in, here, though
I vote for this thread to get stickied. I think more people check the forums than the wiki, me included. Here are some things I've found from random places. I have not tested them all. These are all things copied from elsewhere. I claim neither credit nor responsibility.
I've been goofing around with registry values in WM5 now that I have upgraded. I could be completely crazy, but it seems that hickups that I was having are now gone after I made these changes. Anyone else who has upgraded want to try these changes out and see if things are any better?
You're going to need a registry editor. Here is a link to a free editor PHM Registry Editor.
Here are the locations and the values that I set:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\FATFS\Cac heSize=0x1FA0(8192)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\FATFS\Ena bleCache=0x1(1)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Filters\f sreplxfilt\ReplStoreCacheSize=0x1FA0(8192)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\ MSFlash\FATFS\Filters\DataCacheSize=0x1FA0(8192)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\ MSFlash\FATFS\Flags=0x28(40)
One more hack from the guys here at hofo:
Originally Posted by dazz
Matt, you can turn ClearType on by doing a quick little regedit. Here is what is was for WM2003, hopefully it is the same for WM5:
Change "OffOnRotation" to equal 0
So new ways to customize the KJAM
So further to my discovery yesterday I have dug around and discovered the following
The AutoRun.exe contained within the \ExtendedRom\of your KJAM is hard coded, which means that if you place any file (.CAB) which you would want it to install and rename it..
Original file = I_want_this_file_to_auto_install.cab
New File Name = Default_ I_want_this_file_to_auto_install.cab
By adding “Default_” to the beginning of the name it is also AUTO INSTALLED
BUT and it’s a BIG BUT only WM5.0 APPS will be installed as installing earlier apps makes the PDA ask a question “this was designed for an er..” and as you cant press any buttons it don’t get installed…
Well did you know that if you go to http://forum.xda-developers.com/front_page.php and register and then go search for the JASJAR Extended Rom
You might well find a link in this thread… http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=28629&s...ighlight=extendedrom
Now if you were to download it and look inside you would also find a different Autorun.exe which reads a config.txt file
Verey interesting you might think..
“What if I wanted to make my own Custom Auto config ?” is a question which you might well ask..
Well whilst we can not condone such things, in the interest of helping you understand how this different Autorun.exe functions, I’ll take you through an example, please do understand that it is against all the policies of this Board to entice you do download software from the internet and to install this on your own device.
If you however feel compelled to do this for yourself, please be aware that neither myself, PPCD or any of our sponsors can be held responsible in any way for any losses or damages incurred by you or any other persons resulting from information contained here in.
Lesson 1) The Autorun.exe
This file is an executable..but only on a PDA running wm5. It reads a file which is present in the \Extended_Rom\ called config.txt. This app understands certain commands such as
LOCK:Enabled ………………..which locks the Screen and Keys
LOCK: Disabled……………….. which Unlocks the Screen and Keys
CPY1:\Target\Target File.ext…..Which tells it that this file in this folder should be copied
CPY2:\Destination\Destination_File.ext…Which tells it where to copy the file to and what it should be called
CAB: \ Target \ Target_File_to_install.CAB…Tells it to install a cab file
RST: Reset………….Guess what ..Yep resets the PDA
All pretty basic stuff
Lesson 2) So what could I do …if I wanted to..
Little Johnny wants to create a Custom installation routine for his new PDA and did NOT want that nasty default autorun to install the antivirus files which would slooooooooow his new pet down.
a) He would like some CAB Files installed
b) Whilst he would like other to be simply copied so that he can install them later (He knows that if he just allows them to auto install instead that they will be put in to main memory, and he would like to have them on his SD Card instead)
c) He would like to put some Custome Ring Tones in to the \Windows\Ringers directory
d) He would like to put some wav files in to the \Windows directory so that he could use them for ALARMS and NOTIFICATIONS.
1) He creates a file in note pad called config.txt
2) Has he would not like the Device to be disturbed he first enters
a. LOCK:Enabled
3) The Files he would like to AUTO INSTALL are :-
a. Default_CAB-shortcut-CDL-08Sep05.CAB
b. Default_cdl_wwe_version.cab
c. Default_ie_view.sa.cab
4) Then he would have to enter :-
a. CAB: \Extended_ROM\Default_CAB-shortcut-CDL-08Sep05.CAB
b. CAB: \Extended_ROM\Default_cdl_wwe_version.cab
c. CAB: \Extended_ROM\Default_ie_view.sa.cab
5) Now he wants to have some files simply copied, he desides on coping them to \My Documents\Business\ so that he can find them quickly and install them later. The files he wants to copy are:
a. Default_tcmdpocketarm.CAB (Total Commander Freeware found at http://www.ghisler.com/pocketpc.htm)
b. Default_Backgammon_PPC_IMAM001.CAB
c. Default_SkypeForPocketPCnonxScale.CAB
d. Default_SmartDialing_enable_0915_signed.CAB
6) Thus he enters :-
a. CPY1:\Extended_ROM\Default_tcmdpocketarm.CAB
b. CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_tcmdpocketarm.CAB
c. CPY1:\Extended_ROM\Default_Backgammon_PPC_IMAM001.CAB
d. CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_Backgammon_PPC_IMAM001.CAB
e. CPY1:\Extended_ROM\Default_SkypeForPocketPCnonxScale.CAB
f. CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_SkypeForPocketPCnonxScale.CAB
g. CPY1:\Extended_ROM\Default_SmartDialing_enable_0915_signed.CAB
h. CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_SmartDialing_enable_0915_signed.CAB
7) No he wants to get those custom sounds and ringers installed, these being
a. MyNeatSMSMsg.WAV………...A cool neat SMS Sound ! (Can only be wav)
b. MyNeatNewAlarmSound.WAV..A cool neat ALARM Sound ! (Can only be wav)
c. MyReallyCoolRinger.WAV…….A cool neat RINGER Sound ! (Could be .MP3, .MID or .wav)
8) So he enters:-
a. CPY1:\Extended_ROM\MyNeatSMSMsg.WAV
b. CPY2:\Windows\ MyNeatSMSMsg.WAV
c. CPY1:\Extended_ROM\MyNeatNewAlarmSound.WAV
d. CPY2:\Windows\ MyNeatNewAlarmSound.WAV
e. CPY1:\Extended_ROM\MyReallyCoolRinger.WAV
f. CPY2:\Windows\Rings\ MyReallyCoolRinger.WAV
9) Now Johnny is nearly finish so he completes the new config.txt with the following lines
a. LOCK: Disabled
b. RST: Reset
10) His now finished config.txt looks like this.
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Default_CAB-shortcut-CDL-08Sep05.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Default_cdl_wwe_version.cab
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Default_ie_view.sa.cab
CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_tcmdpocketarm.CAB
CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_Backgammon_PPC_IMAM001.CAB
CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_SkypeForPocketPCnonxScale.CAB
CPY2:\My Documents\Business\Default_SmartDialing_enable_0915_signed.CAB
CPY2:\Windows\ MyNeatSMSMsg.WAV
CPY2:\Windows\ MyNeatNewAlarmSound.WAV
CPY2:\Windows\Rings\ MyReallyCoolRinger.WAV
LOCK: Disabled
RST: Reset
Lesson 3) So where did he get the files and mor important what did he do with them.
To complete your education I would like to explain exactly how little Johnny got a hold of the files (Default_) mention in lesson 2) above.
1) He downloaded Total commander for PPC (http://www.ghisler.com/pocketpc.htm) and installed it (Windows Installer Version) on both his PC and PDA after the install he made sure that he ActiveSynced and Ran the file on the PDA
2) He again downloaded the CAB version from the same site
3) He placed this in a Directory of his SD card called \GoAuto and created another folder called \AutoBackup, both in the root of the SD CARD
4) On the PDA he typed in the ENTER BOX at the top of the Total Commander screen exactly the Word “\Exteneded_Rom” making sure that the spelling and capitalization were correct
5) He was then presented with a display showing the contents of this otherwise hidden folder.
6) He quickly selected from the TC menu the word “Show”…this brought up a Dialogue with many options. He selected “Single window mode”, this brought up another dialog, here he selected “Virtual 2 window mode”
7) Now by selecting the “>” he had to file display windows
8) He Depressed the “>” which showed him the root of his device, here he selected “Storage card”, and then “\AutoBackup”, pressing the “<” now brought him back to the “hidden folder”
9) He he dragged his stylus across the screen, thus selecting all the files and after pressing the 2 icon at the bottom of the screen , he was asked where he would like to copy or move the files.
10) He made sure that the Diloge showed “\Storage Card\AutoBackup\*.*” and after depressing Move. All those nasty files were moved on to his SD card.
11) He reconnected his PDA to his PC, and via ActiveSync and “Explore ”, he was able to select his storage card.
12) He copied the contents of “Storage_Card\AutoBackup\” to his PC for safe keeping.
13) As this copy now contained the some files which he wanted , he copied the files in question on to his SD Card, placing them in the “\GoAuto” Folder.
14) After coping the remain files (wav, mid,…) which he wanted to auto install, he created a “Config.Txt’ as described in Lesson 2), which he also placed in to the folder.
15) KNOWING that the original “Autorun.exe” would not install the files as per this config.txt, he proceded to go search on xda-developers for the rom image, he then extracted the other ‘Autorun.exe” and placed this also in the folder \GoAuto
16) Back on his PDA he started “TC” again, and reselected the “\Extended_Rom\” and via the “Virtual 2 window mode” also the “\Storage Card\GoAuto\”
17) He then procedded to select all the files in the “\GoAuto” folder and copied them all across to the “\Extended_Rom\” folder.
18) He was now able to HARD RESET his device and watched as the PDA installed and copied the files as requested.
Looking inside my \Windows\Startup folder on my Wizard, I found a shortcut to an application called CapNotify.exe. Upon inspecting the file in a hex editor, I found a registry key called "EnableIndicator" which was not found in the registry.
After creating the registry entry called EnableIndicator at \HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd and assigning the DWORD value of 1 to it , then soft-resetting my device, an indicator appeared next to the keyboard icon on the bottom of the screen! Tapping the Shift key showed a "C" while tapping the Dot key showed a dot! Very cool!
The Extended ROM is not locked, but hidden, and can be accessed and customized using Ghisler's Total Commander 2.0 utility for Pocket PC. (mixmaven and nobackup)
An electronic version (PDF) of the manual and the quick-start guide can be found here and here, respectively. Page 11 of the manual contains some good information. (mixmaven, local links provided)
Hold down the Comm button to toggle vibrate/sound mode. (farzonalmaneih).
Bootloader mode can be accessed by holding the Camera and Voice buttons, and tapping the soft reset hole. (mashie)
Using tip #1, the integrated antivirus software can be removed for reported better performance. (mmg)
Download the latest beta of ActiveSync 4.1, build 4807 here, as it has provided a number of bug fixes from the public release of ActiveSync 4.0. (mixmaven, local link provided)
Put the Wizard in standby (phone/data will still work if radio is on) by pressing the Power button. Turn off the Wizard completely (you will not be able to receive calls) by holding down the Power button for 5 seconds. With persistent storage, this new feature will ultimately save the battery power better than any previous Windows Mobile device. (mixmaven)
WM5FixSite.com provides a user-submitted database of current applications and their compatibility with Windows Mobile 5.0. (prodigalfish)
Use OCP's WinCE CAB Manager to open pre-XML-based CAB files. Digital signature authentication will be broken if the CAB files are modified, however. (beyondthetech)
The digital signature security that's enabled by default can be disabled by using the digitally-signed CAB file from Sprint PPC-6700's Extended ROM. Add a "Default_" prefix to the name and have it run first in the Wizard's Extended ROM, so that any CAB, CPF, or EXE file, signed or not, can be used after that CAB file has been installed. (beyondthetech)
Changing the value of "OffOnRotation" from 0 to 1 in registry location HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings, followed by a soft-reset, will give the ClearType feature in landscape (keyboard open) mode. ClearType must be enabled in portrait mode first. (mixmaven)
Double-clicking on the Shift key will toggle Caps Lock mode. Double-clicking on the Dot key will toggle Symbols mode. (sparkomatic)
Change the Comm button to OK/Close in the Buttons applet under Settings, to make it easier than tapping the OK button when in portrait (keyboard closed) mode. (sparkomatic)
Left-handed action of the Wizard can open the keyboard slightly enough to hit the OK and Windows buttons without it going into landscape mode. (nobackup)
Tapping the End key will minimize the current application and return to the Today screen (if you have a valid SIM card installed). (nobackup)
Use Orb on your desktop to stream multimedia files to the Wizard via its fast Wi-Fi or EDGE capabilities. (mmg)
BoxWave's VersaCharger, accompanied with a mini-USB cable is a single, perfect solution to charge the Wizard in a vehicle or at a wall outlet. (beyondthetech)
Create an Internet Favorites shortcut to http://mobile.google.com/loc_search.html and get a PDA-friendly Google interface to search for business listings. (beyondthetech)
Create an Internet shortcut to your local Loews Cineplex Odeon theater. Surf their main site (www.enjoytheshow.com), punch in your zip code on the 'Theatre Search' box on the left, click on your theater, grab the 5-letter code for your theater in the URL, and get a 'very light output' version of the showtimes using their 'Print Showtimes' shortcut. (beyondthetech)
NEW! Create an Internet shortcut to any movie theatre that Fandango supports. Using the same method in tip #19, get the 5-letter code for the theater of your choice, and make a shortcut to http://www.fandango.com/TheaterPage.aspx?pf=1&tid=XXXXX and replace XXXXX with that 5-letter code. This will be a PDA/printer-friendly output of today's movie showtimes. (beyondthetech)
Microsoft Voice Command 1.5 can be installed in replacement of Cyberon's Voice Speed Dial software. Further cleanup to remove Voice Speed Dial in the registry is also available.(beyondthetech and beyondthetech)
Perform a full wipe of the device by going to Settings > System > Clear Storage. It is disputed that it may not be a full equivalent to a hard reset. (Dave Evans)
A hard reset can easily be performed by holding down the Comm and Voice buttons, and tapping the soft reset hole. While still holding down the two top buttons, the screen will go black and you will be prompted to hit Send to restore factory default settings. (nickp)
Clubimate.com offers a hosted Exchange Server solution for email for free to all i-mate device owners. Additional Exchange Server features are at an additional cost. (beyondthetech)
The 24-hour clock mode and English-UK regional settings customizations are performed by one of the CAB files in the Extended ROM. Delete the unnecessary CAB files, or perform a soft-reset before customizations are performed, or simply go to Settings > Regional Settings and change it back afterwards. Make sure you use the lowercase 'h' time format for 12-hour mode. (beyondthetech, nickp and nickp)
Change the Network Selection to Manual to customize preferable cellular towers and maintain a better signal. (prodigalfish)
The built-in Wi-Fi radio on the Wizard allegedly does not transceive on all channels. (kid1972)
The installation of Skype and SmartDialing is reported to make the device run slower, and the Network Setting of Automatic can make the device more busy in low-signal conditions. (nobackup)
There is no cut/copy & paste keyboard shortcut on the Wizard's hardware keyboard. (cdtv)
The device can play ringtones in MP3 and WMA format. (boxer82003)
Easily toggle the Wi-Fi radio on and off in the Comm Manager to resolve any DHCP/IP issues. (bubmc)
Relocate the Temporary Internet Files, History, and Cookies locations to the Storage Card to save precious main storage memory. It is reported that there may be a slight performance impact with this configuration. (mixmaven and dherrero)
Spb Pocket Plus 3.0.1 should work better on the Wizard if the Safe Mode feature is unchecked, but now Spb Pocket Plus 3.0.4 apparently resolves the Safe Mode issue. (mixmaven and mixmaven)
Use 3M First Aid Tape or eGrips to keep a better hold or grip on the Wizard. (hitch and beyondthetech)
Prevent any connected Bluetooth device from timing out (sleeping) by changing the "Sleep" value from 1 to 0 in registry location HKCU\ControlPanel\Phone. (mixmaven)
Power the Wizard in an emergency using the Arkon Battery Extender with USB Port (CA062) and 4 AA-size batteries (NiMH, NiCd, or alkaline). (hitch)
A prestine copy of the K-JAM's initial shipping version of the Extended ROM can be found on XDA-Developers' FTP site. (beyondthetech)
Updating the desktop to Windows XP Service Pack 2 and all the hotfixes can resolve many ActiveSync connectivity issues with the Wizard. (garyhartaz)
A detailed method on resolving 'Blue Screen of Death' issues on PC's trying to ActiveSync can be seen here. (swjg)
Steps to reverting to ActiveSync 4.0 after an ActiveSync 4.1 installation is detailed here. Preserving Outlook settings during this process is also detailed here. (lcavada and swjg and aadadams)
Change the User Agent information to trick websites into receiving pages normally designed for desktop with these instructions here. (aadadams)
Google "PDA version" can be accessed through http://www.google.com/pda and http://www.google.com/xhtml. (mmg and mmg)
Keep the GPRS connection active at all times possible by changing value "AlwaysOn" from 0 to 1 in registry location HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A3...}\Connections\GPRS...\. (aadadams)
Back up your Cyberon Voice Tag database by copying the CommandModel1.bin file in your \Windows folder to your PC or Storage Card for safekeeping. (simx)
The current version of OmegaOne Journal Bar hangs in its Links section. Disable the section until a newer version is released. (mixmaven)
Changing the timeout value from 1 minute to 2 minutes in the Power settings has been reported to resolve some alarm notification issues. (zedeff)
Registry location HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FavoritesEntries\ contains the default Internet Favorites that can't be removed from within Internet Explorer Mobile. Delete them manually in the registry instead. (mixmaven)
Tweaks2k2.NET has incorporated many registry hacks (including some listed previously here) and performing certain tweaks is reported to have better performance results, especially when converting the registry from hive to file format. (bengalboy)
To date, SunnySoft Backup Manager is the only reported working file and registry backup utility that works on Windows Mobile 5.0. Version 3.6 has just been released.(beyondthetech)
Last, but not least, HowardForums has established their own user-supported Wiki to incorporate all the inner workings of Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC devices. (howardforums)
for those who hates the "Message Sent" notification after sending an SMS, this is the steps to remove the bubble notification...this is the STEP by STEP method to do it in case some of you guys dont get it right...
1. First, you will need to download a Registry Editor to help you do it...
a good one will be the freeware PHM Registry Editor
or for those who got the Resco Explorer, you can use the Registry Editor that comes with it...
2. using the Registry Editor, navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Inbox
3. Next, click on Inbox (make sure the Inbox is highlighted) and select Edit, New Key
4. Name the New Key as "Settings"
5. Click on "Settings" (make sure the Settings is highlighted) and select Edit, New String Value
6. On "Value name:", key in SMSNoSentMsg and in "Value data", key in 1
7. Soft reset your device and test it with one SMS, and you will notice that the SMS Sent bubble is being disabled
Message Sent
You can change the message that is shown in the Sent Message Notification.
This hack will increase your available ROM memory and people have reported storage gains of over 9 mb. You will need to have a storage card with some free memory installed to utilize this hack. First open up internet explorer and navigate Menu>Tools>Options>Memory and press the delete files button to clear the cache then delete the cache and the history. Then open up file explorer from the programs folder in the start menu. Navigate to the Storage Card and make sure that you are in the base directory of the card. Then create an ie folder and within that folder create a cache folder, history, and Open up a registry entry program such as Resco Registry that comes with Resco Explorer 2005. Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Cache". You can change the default value "\Windows\Profiles\Guest\Temporary Internet Files" to "\Storage_Card\ie\cache". Change the other values in the Shell Folders section of the registry to the folders you created and then soft reset. Be warned that you will create errors in ie if you do not have a storage card inserted with those directories on it while you are surfing from now on.
Open up a registry entry program such as Resco Registry that comes with Resco Explorer 2005. Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\11 2" By changing the default key you can change the text of the softkey and by changing Open key you can change the program that it opens. The right key cannot be changed by this method. "
Now the Second Key
you just add a new key
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\11 3"
and the default is the key
and and a new string value "Open" with the path and presto!!!!
1. Run Total commander
2. go to \\ (at the very top)
3. open \\\registry\HKCU\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Ring \Directory
4. Change the content of this file from
\Windows\Rings to \Storage Card\Rings\
Note: \Storage Card\Rings\ is the directory I created on my storage Card to store my personal Ring Tones.
To select a new ringtone, Start->Settings->Phone.
The Ring tone are now selected from \Storage Card\Rings\
and Best of all, your ring tones doesnt take up any valuable RAM Space.
After reading Vishny' commment on one of the threads in xda-dev, per his suggestion, I added the key EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon dword value in HKLM\Drivers\BuilIn\RIL.
Now, you need to stop Activesync from periodically starting on it's own. To do so open Activesync on your WM5 device and tap on Menu>Add Server Source. Add any info to create a fake server sync. After that is complete go to Menu>Schedule and change the two dropdowns to "Manual" and tap "ok" at the top right. You can now go to Menu>Options and delete the Exchange Server setting you just added. Now Activesync will not start when you cradle your device.
Error Reporting is real drain on the battery and on performance. It is simple to disable, just go to Start>Settings>System(tab) and tap the Error Reporting icon. Change the setting to "Disable error reporting".
1) Get the aWizard tool from
2) Enable RAPI (otherwise next command will exit with a message saying itsutils.dll cannot be replaced, or smth like that)
You do that searching the "EnableRAPI.cab" on the forum and follow the instructions (you copy it to the phone and then install it on the phone)
For example here:
3) MAKE SURE the phone is connected via ActiveSync
Get a DOS shell : start -> run -> "cmd"
move to the directory that contains the tools ("\lib")
(the next 3 steps are just to test the pdocread.exe and logoconvert.exe - i think)
otherwise skip to step 7
4) pdocread.exe -n 1 0x002d0000 153630 splash.bin
5) Use the logoconverter.exe -> see attachement
I got the cpp file, changed the resolution to 240x320 and recompiled it
logoconvert bin2bmp splash.bin splash.bmp
6) Get a image editor (I use "gimp") and see the splash.bmp -> it should be the image that it's displayed at boot time.
You can modify it as you like.
7) Get a image 240x320 with 24 bits depth bmp (I think) (it should be around 250K)
it can be the one obtained at steps 4,5 and 6
"logoconvert bmp2bin splash.bmp splash.bin"
9) "pdocwrite.exe -n 1 splash.bin 0x002d0000"
That's about it.
NOTE: I'm just an user of the above programs, I don't know exactly what they are supposed to do and what they really do. Anyway, I managed to changed the boot image and I want to thank all of the people that by their tools made it possible.
This cab file will enable the caps/icon lock indicator on all roms and the edge icon indicator on newer roms.
previous messages show how to do this exact thing through reg editing. this is for those who don't want to do it that way.
This cab will prevent cab files from being automatically deleted after they're run.
This unlocks the extended rom in wizard versions that have it locked
This one is very recent and to quote arnonrgo from a different thread.
It is basically a cab that holds a few registry changes
one to stop menu animation
one for (2 keys) to enable G (wireless. in versions that dont have it enabled)
one (3 keys) to set a (small 1K) cache
and one to enbale the keyboard indicator (the same as is done in a previously posted cab file)
I renamed the cab to make it easier to see what it does.
If you want to do the G hack through the registry instead of the cab. Wagnerb supplied the keys
All values are decimal
guttrhead said:
I vote for this thread to get stickied. I think more people check the forums than the wiki, me included.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
chicken and egg...
Why would people check the wiki if the information can't be found there?
And why would people add to the wiki if everybody just goes to the forum anyway?
Anyway, carry on...
Seeing as you're Dutch you might want to take a look here. I've gathered quite a few amongst other useful info.

[How To] Disable volume button when screen lock

Dear all,
I am not sure if this is being shared. Anyway i found this solution myself and wishes to share with anyone who is running WM6.1 and wish to keep their volume button lock when screen lock. Below are the steps.
Step 1) Make a backup of HTCVolumeControl.dll in your windows folder
Step 2))REGEDIT HLCU\Software\HTC\Bootlauncher\Services\HTCVOLUME\Module, change value from "Windows\HTCVolumeControl.dll" to "Windows\HTCVolumeControl.dll.bak" and RESTART
Step 3) Copy attached HTCVolumeControl.dll to windows folder and replace the existing one using Total Commander or other file explorer
Step 4) REGEDIT HLCU\Software\HTC\Bootlauncher\Services\HTCVOLUME, change value from "Windows\HTCVolumeControl.dll.bak" back to "Windows\HTCVolumeControl.dll"
Step 5) REGEDIT HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\VolumeOverlay, set "LoadIconFromResDLL"=dword:00000001, and RESTART
WOW! I've been looking for something like this for a while now! Thanks!
yes i know because i came across some thread regarding accidentally activating the volume button while screen is lock. I personally is facing this problem until i found this solution.
glad that it works for you. =)

Changing Quicklinks on homescreen

This ist probably a stupid question, but I just couldn't find a solution.
How do I change an already existing Quickling on the homescreen? The same question is also valid for the contacts screen.
Once I have defined a Quicklink on the Homescreen there doesn't seem to be a method to change it to something else, I couldn't find it anywhere in the settings. And touch-and-hold doesn't do anything eighter.
So if anyone knows the solution please post it here.
Remove quick links
Try "Menu" (lower right corner) -> Remove quick links ->tap on the one you want to remove -> Done -> you're done
found solution (sorry)
Okay that works.
Thank for your help.
I'm also having Quicklinks problems.
I can delete/change the ones that point to programs but the last row of my Quicklinks point to my top websites (ie; Bookmarks/Favourites) and if I use the normal method to delete them it doesn't work! Has anyone else found this, or a solution?
What might be the issue is that I've installed a cab to increase the number of Quicklinks from 9 (3x3) to 16 (4x4). Could that be causing this, as in a stock HD2 that last row wouldn't even be there...?
Many thanks!
You may certainly use a *.cab which has modified the number of quicklinks on home tab, and which doesn't work properly, isn't ?
You can :
- uninstall this cab
- sof reset
- delete quick links
- install back the cab
- soft reset
Then it's ok.
I realise that this is an old thread but I am a new owner of an HD2 and still finding my way. I have done a search and this is the closest thread to my issue.
Just like ugotamesij I have 16 quick links on my home page. My probem is that I cannot remove an unwanted quick link by using the menu button option to get rid of it. The link that I am trying to remove is to the Excel Mobile program.
I would like to remove the .cab file that gave me the 16 links and then re-install it but I do not know how to remove the .cab file from the SD card.
I have located the particular file using the file explorer and deleted it from the list on my SD card but the 16 quick links still appear on my phone after a soft reset.
Can someone assist please?
the_rascal said:
I realise that this is an old thread but I am a new owner of an HD2 and still finding my way. I have done a search and this is the closest thread to my issue.
Just like ugotamesij I have 16 quick links on my home page. My probem is that I cannot remove an unwanted quick link by using the menu button option to get rid of it. The link that I am trying to remove is to the Excel Mobile program.
I would like to remove the .cab file that gave me the 16 links and then re-install it but I do not know how to remove the .cab file from the SD card.
I have located the particular file using the file explorer and deleted it from the list on my SD card but the 16 quick links still appear on my phone after a soft reset.
Can someone assist please?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you can use the registry editor to remove the links -
There are keys marked with 0..9 (or 0..n)
each item is a shortcut on the home page.
there is a value called "IsExist" set it to 0,
and set all the other tring values to empty.
If you only want to re-order the links -
you can use the app in the following link
Som30ne, thank you for the reply and link.
I am sorry to reveal my ignorance but I do not know what your instructions mean. I have never had a windows mobile phone before and have never attempted any tweaks.
This registry editor business sounds very interesting but sadly, it's like a foreign language to me.
If you have the time can you break it right down for me or point me to a "how to..." guide?
the_rascal said:
Som30ne, thank you for the reply and link.
I am sorry to reveal my ignorance but I do not know what your instructions mean. I have never had a windows mobile phone before and have never attempted any tweaks.
This registry editor business sounds very interesting but sadly, it's like a foreign language to me.
If you have the time can you break it right down for me or point me to a "how to..." guide?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
To edit the registry I use TotalCommanderCE,
it's free, just google it.
After you install it, run it, and click on the [\] button (top right of the screen)
double click "Plugins"
double click "Registry"
and then go to the path specified (HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Home\. . . .)
go to each of the number folders and double click the values to edit them.
After editing - exit the TotalCommander,
and hold the power button, and select "power off", than turn the device back on,
so the new values would be loaded on bootup.
I hope it's clear enough.
(BTW: if you are not sure - write down any o the value you changed,
just in case you need to restore the values to what they were before)
I feel as though I'm on the right path but require a little more help.
After a little further research I installed PHM RegEdit and using the directions provided by Som30ne have found the entry in the registry that relates to the offending quick link (Excel Mobile). It is next to a folder with the number 9.
The path is HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Home\9
What do I do to simply remove Excel Mobile as a quick link?
the_rascal said:
I feel as though I'm on the right path but require a little more help.
After a little further research I installed PHM RegEdit and using the directions provided by Som30ne have found the entry in the registry that relates to the offending quick link (Excel Mobile). It is next to a folder with the number 9.
The path is HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Home\9
What do I do to simply remove Excel Mobile as a quick link?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
there is a value called "IsExist" set it to 0,
Then click save Then reboot
I don't have a value named, IsExist". I can see;
IsSet is the only one of these that has a value other than 0 (the value is 1).
Any ideas?
Can anyone help?
the_rascal said:
I don't have a value named, IsExist". I can see;
IsSet is the only one of these that has a value other than 0 (the value is 1).
Any ideas?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I dont understand - what do you mean it is near the 9 folder ?
There cannot/shouldnt/isnt any quick links near the folders.
The quick links are defined inside the folders.
Inside each of the folders (0 . . N) there are several entries - one of the entried is called "IsExist", and the others contain a path to a program link, and a path to the program icon.
Thanks for you patience.
I finally found the value IsExist and changed it from 1 to 0. I saved my change and then did a soft reset. Sadly, The quick link is still there and resolutely defies any attempts to remove it.
Is there something that I have missed or is there another way? If all else fails I can see only two choices;
1. Perform a hard reset and start again from scratch or,
2. Leave the quick link where it is and learn to live with it.
Any other ideas - PLEASE?
I am fairly new to this registry editing myself, but I also had this problem.
Using the good advice from this thread so far I have managed to get rid of the quick link from my 4x4 quick link grid.
I just looked at the registry values for an empty link and entered the same values for the one I wanted to remove. I then did a soft reset and it seems to have worked.
Thanks for the support speaky05 but I managed to get the required result by simply un-installing the .cab file that gave me the 4x4 grid and then re-installing it.
I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner.

Customise Keyboard (Bigger 8 keys in a row)

Hi there, after reading some of the customised keyboard post, I came out with my own and share with you guys. There is one bug though, the number key will first appear funny and you have to run your finger through all the number keys then it will be fine. Hope you guys can help to fix it.
Its a mode of the Fingertouch Pro Keyboard, I reduced the number of key to 8 instead of 10 so that the key can be bigger and more finger friendly. More of the key layout remain the same except 4 or 5 key which need to get a bit used to. (By the way, its a shareware, modify at your own risk)
Please back up the original one and follow this thread for instruction :
Thanks to the original auther of the thread. (BTW his attached file already removed from his server, so I have to design with my own)
"Flexible keyboard layout with FingertouchPRO"
by meda » Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:46 pm
If you've seen the FT Pro ads, one feature refers to the possibility of customizing the keyboard layout.
I'm going to show you how powerful this feature is, then I will go back and finish an article that explains how this process works, so you can do any customizations yourselves later.
FingertouchPro is installed by default in:
Code: Select all
/program files/teksoft/fingertouch/
At this point we are particularly interested in two folders:
Code: Select all
Inside Images, there are several folders with skins.
Open Default subfolder, and check kb_1.png . Based on the resolution of your device, this image is either 480x240 (for VGAs), either 240x120 (for qvgas).
Inside KBLayout you will find two .TXT files:
On my device the first language is English, so I have the KbLayoutEnglish.txt
This file defines all the 5 layers provided by FTPRO.
Currently the Layout 1 is the Classic keyboard, and it looks like this:
I want to modify this file, to have on Layout #1 only digits, + / -, a decimal point a space button and the backspace button.
This means that I will also need a different skin (keyboard image), since I only have 15 keys and the key sizes and their repartition is different from the original Layout #1.
So, after chaging the KbLayoutEnglish.txt, and preparing the skin, I have the new layout installed on my device!
If you want to try this layout, download the ftprores.zip file.
Inside you will find KbLayoutEnglish.txt, kb_1qvga.png and kb_1vga.png. Extract these 3 files, then:
1) Copy KbLayoutEnglish.txt to your mobile device, over the old layout file in:
/program files/teksoft/fingertouch/KBLayout
2) If your device is VGA (or WVGA) use kb_1vga.png, if it's QVGA (or WQVGA) use kb_1qvga.png. Rename the file to kb_1.png and copy it to the mobile device, over the old one in:
/program files/teksoft/fingertouch/Images/Default
3) Restart your mobile device, then select Layout #1 (using the KB button).
Important: Make sure you have selected the Default skin, from the FingertouchPRO Settings panel, since we've changed the Default skin for layout #1.Medameda
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu May 11, 2006 2:40 pm

[TUT] making volume and home button viberate when pressed

firstly thanks to kenjilucas19 for finding this
CAUTION:- 1. the button you will make virtual can not be used on lockscreen
2. do not use this for power button else you will not be able to wake up your screen
you will need root for this
1. open any file manager with root access
2. go to /system/usr/keylayout
3. open aries-keypad.kl with text editor
4. change the word WAKE with VIRTUAL
5. save the file and reboot
you are done
it was done originally on galaxy mini, thread link:- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1667694
Its usr, not use .
sorry my keyboard app auto correct words
