Any fix for the sleep of death? - Eee Pad Transformer General

I have had mine for about 9 days now, and it has dose the sleep of death thing twice already... i am running Prime 1.5 it seems that peoples screens dont work after some sleeps of death... just wondering on it.

Optimus-Prime said:
I have had mine for about 9 days now, and it has dose the sleep of death thing twice already... i am running Prime 1.5 it seems that peoples screens dont work after some sleeps of death... just wondering on it.
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I know that when I installed Prime 1.5, I get "Sleep of Death" every hour... I went back to stock and "Sleep of Death" went away... I'm not sure if this issue was fixed yet. I was told last week that it might be kernel related issue. But in the meantime, you can also try a different kernel and see if that fixes the problem... If not, try a different rom or even use Prime 1.4. Worst case is to go back to stock 3.1.
I'm still using stock rom right now and plan on using it for a while...

ill have to give stock a test drive. i did see that when i changed roms i did get sleep of death.
we can just flash a CWM stock rom right?

I had this problem for the first time today. I'm on Prime 1.5.
I also had no sound when I got it back on. Had to reboot to get the sound back.
Any similar sound/sleep of death issues?
Any new information on a permanent fix for this?

ASUS is working on a fix for this. It has something to do with 'power management.'
Just wait patiently while they release a OTA to fix this and then devs will also incorporate this fix within the ROM.

I had it nearly every time I left the tablet on for more than an hour without touching it. Upgraded to stock 3.1 and it hasn't happened since... (I manually flashed it; didn't wait for the OTA if that matters..)

My first TF suffered a SOD but I think it was a screen of death not sleep of death. I could never get it back so I replaced it at TigerDirect. My current solution? I pushed the TF off to the side of my desk and bought a Xoom...

zephiK said:
ASUS is working on a fix for this. It has something to do with 'power management.'
Just wait patiently while they release a OTA to fix this and then devs will also incorporate this fix within the ROM.
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I read Asus saying they were fixing hte dock draining issue, nothing about the sleep of death. I have never had this happen, though I'm on stock, and form the looks of it the peeps that are on custom roms have this issue so doubt they'd fix a non-stock problem.

zephiK said:
ASUS is working on a fix for this. It has something to do with 'power management.'
Just wait patiently while they release a OTA to fix this and then devs will also incorporate this fix within the ROM.
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I also only saw reference to the dock issue being fixed in an OTA. If you have a link to any information about the fix they are working on, it would be most appreciated.

So i replaced everything with stock, and no sleep of death yet to happen. but i have been using it alot lately so ill let it chill for about the next 2 hours and see what happens.

Optimus-Prime said:
So i replaced everything with stock, and no sleep of death yet to happen. but i have been using it alot lately so ill let it chill for about the next 2 hours and see what happens.
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Thanks... let me know if it works for you.

Bought my TF a week ago, with 3.01, NEVER has seen SOD; today -finally- OTA upgrade to 3.1 in the Netherlands; since upgrade SOD every time TF goes in sleep mode..
Great upgrade, thanks ASUS! Any solution (except downgrading) around, plz?

Last nights OTA update fixed my deep sleep problems. This update apparently included a power management fix.

I've had my transformer for 2 months now. I had it stock, always updated OTA, until the NVflash/APX mode rooting method appeared and then I flashed PRIME! v1.4 and never had any SOD until recently when I upgraded to PRIME! v1.5. However, I did two other things around the time of the v1.5 upgrade that could equally have started the problem, namely; I started using a 16GB SDHC card in the keyboard dock and I also connected HDMI to my TV for the first time using a C-to-A adapter (this also does not work properly - uinstable image - intermittent digital interference flickers along the bottom of the screen).
I have since re-flashed PRIME! v1.5 using the APX/NVflash method and have stopped using the 16GB SDHC card in the dock and now the SOD has stopped happening..... HDMI is still an issue but that could be the cable and/or adapter.

Deep sleep , could it be tegra 2 issue?
the Folio 100, the toshiba thrive and Asus TF has this problem. all of them have Tegra 2. if i set the folio 100 to 30 minutes before sleep i can use it as long as i don't let it go over 30 min before i wake up the screen. if i close the screen (via the button) i don't get deep sleep problem before 30 min has gone. so there is some problem related to the CPU and memory going to deep sleep and can not get interupts from the button anymore

My SOD seems to only happen when it's attached to the keyboard dock. If I leave it undocked, it never get's the SOD. I'm on a replacement dock, and the original dock I had never gave me the SOD either.
I have the latest firmware installed and that didn't make a difference.

No dock. But had my first SOD with Prime 1.6 + Netformer and IO fix OC'd to 1.5

My first post so I'm locked out of development forum with the relevant thread
Anyway, had my TF for only a couple of days, goes to SOD two-three times a day already. I didn't play around with 3.0 much before doing OTA to 3.1 but 3.1 and now 3.2 still put it to this unnatural sleep.
Actually, it didn't wake up after updating to 3.2 itself.
From reading that thread the best probable cause appears to be the voltage issue when CPU clock speed changes - when waking form sleep clock speed goes up but voltage doesn't or something like that, and if some processes are left running, like logging to a file, the system never really goes to sleep so no problem with waking but a problem with catching the culprit.
Someone also said that in 3.2, by design, there should be even more sudden clock speed increases so SOD problem might become even more frequent.
One more possible argument for the voltage theory - SOD doesn't happen when TF is charging, meaning that CPU management is not that strict. Someone reported that Juice Defender, the app to minimize power consumption/CPU load, actually caused SOD on his TF.
The actual cause of SOD is a failure to get the correct value for blacklight on waking so looking at the display closely with a flashlight one still can see it running, allegedly, and can even unlock it. If that happens and the system is otherwise responsive maybe there's a way to force the backlight on, maybe some widget that toggles autobrightness on something. I'm waiting for my next SOD to test this theory, sometimes the screen doesn't look black, simply not light enough.
Maybe all I've said is nonsense but I'm an unrooted noob, I'm allowed.


Phone Malfunctions Coming out of Sleep

Couldn't find anything in the forum, but it could be detailed a 100 different ways...
I'm having a problem where my x10 won't come out of sleep properly - it doesn't happen all the time, but often enough for it to be super annoying...
Basically I cannot get it out of sleep - the screen will turn on, but without backlight, and without the ability to interact with the touchscreen. to get out of it, I have to pull the back off the phone, and pull out the battery.
So in short, I'd say the digitizer and the backlight frequently fail (together) coming out of sleep (everything else 'works')
Anyone else had experience with this issue?
P.S. I'm not rooted.
Happened like 2 times to me, I leave it for 1 min and press again and it works.
No big deal.
sent from my x10i that is banging for a 2.1 upgrade. ...
mezo9090 said:
Happened like 2 times to me, I leave it for 1 min and press again and it works.
No big deal.
sent from my x10i that is banging for a 2.1 upgrade. ...
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Normally I need the phone there and then, but worth a try waiting... I just upgraded to the latest FW, so hopefully it's the last time it happens...
Hmm.. tried the waiting option... left it for more than 10 min, and all it did was stay frozen and drain my battery...
Might try a full re-flash
Strange. I thought a Firmware upgrade would have sorted it. Do you have any apps installed that may be relevant, a lock app or anything? And did it do this from the moment you got your phone?
jas0607 said:
Strange. I thought a Firmware upgrade would have sorted it. Do you have any apps installed that may be relevant, a lock app or anything? And did it do this from the moment you got your phone?
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It started happening fairly soon after I got the phone... couldn't say when, but it's now happening really frequently - at least 3 times today already...
I don't have any apps I could pinpoint, although I'd guess it would have to be something I installed fairly early on.
Strange that it's getting worse though.
Hmm, it seems that this has happened to a few other people online, but mostly with HTC devices. Do your hardware buttons (at the bottom) wake it up differently at all?
jas0607 said:
Hmm, it seems that this has happened to a few other people online, but mostly with HTC devices. Do your hardware buttons (at the bottom) wake it up differently at all?
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Thanks for the links...
Yeah, the HW buttons wake up fine (at least from what I can tell) but they're basically useless when the phone is stuck on the lockscreen
I did a full re-flash last night, so hopefully that fixes it...
It had better since all of the backup programs I had faith in failed me completely... man I'm annoyed... have to spend a bunch of hours putting everything back on my phone and setting it up again.

(SOD) blank screen on EC05

Is anyone getting the Screen of Death.. (or whatever its being called).. on EC05??
im on EB13 and I have to pull my battery out at least 8 to 10 times a day because the screen wont come back on...
is anyone getting this on EC05 or has the issue been fixed??
Sounds like you need to Odin.
bigdreco said:
Is anyone getting the Screen of Death.. (or whatever its being called).. on EC05??
im on EB13 and I have to pull my battery out at least 8 to 10 times a day because the screen wont come back on...
is anyone getting this on EC05 or has the issue been fixed??
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I got that on EB as well. It's weird because it didn't start as soon as I flashed it. It was maybe about a week later when it started doing that. When it happened to me my phone would vibrate sporadically and then the screen would finally go "black" or turn off. The odd thing is the bottom four buttons would stay lit. I would have to pull the battery. It started happening more and more frequently. I've since flashed to EC and am rooted but that's it. I've been flashing back and forth between different set ups, so I haven't been on this current set up for more than 2 days. I did however have the same problem today at lunch. I had to pull the battery to get it to reset. I was playing a video I recorded on my phone before the screen went black. I don't know if it was media related. I will play some more videos and see if it does it again.
k0nane said:
Sounds like you need to Odin.
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I Odined a fresh EB a couple of times and it would eventually come back. Not sure if it was a program I was using that triggered it on EB. I don't know if it might be a media issue. I use my camera and video pretty frequently, so that's the only thing I can think of at this point. It's the only thing I really use, even on EC, on a regular basis except my XDA app. I hope it's not that!...
cpcormier3 said:
I Odined a fresh EB a couple of times and it would eventually come back. Not sure if it was a program I was using that triggered it on EB. I don't know if it might be a media issue. I use my camera and video pretty frequently, so that's the only thing I can think of at this point. It's the only thing I really use, even on EC, on a regular basis except my XDA app. I hope it's not that!...
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Have you tried formatting your SD card yet?
k0nane said:
Have you tried formatting your SD card yet?
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I haven't with EC, but I did with EB and I still had those problems. Today was the first day that it's happened to me. I've only been on this set up for the last couple of days, because I flashed a couple of things and hoping that I would have better luck with stock. I will try re-formatting when I get home. I tried playing a coulpe of videos (the same ones as before) to see if I could replicate the problem, but haven't been able to yet. Hopefully that was just a situation to where the phone just needed to reboot....
bigdreco said:
Is anyone getting the Screen of Death.. (or whatever its being called).. on EC05??
im on EB13 and I have to pull my battery out at least 8 to 10 times a day because the screen wont come back on...
is anyone getting this on EC05 or has the issue been fixed??
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!!! Y E S !!!
It happened to me four times today!
Does anyone know a way to get logs to continuously write to disk? Otherwise I have no idea how to troubleshoot this.
I'm running, midNIGHT EC05 with minimal apps installed. I use SetCPU, and I've just changed the settings. I'm thinking this may have started after trying to use 100MHz and "startass" setting. My profiles are now set to 200Mhz minimum and "ondemand." I'll let you know how that goes.
Having to use my old BlackBerry Bold as an alarm clock now, just in case!
EDIT: I did not format SD with this install but have formatted less than 2 weeks ago.
Happened again after setCPU settings were changed.
That happened to me but what's weird isnit only happened when I was on di18 kept having to pull the battery and once I updated to eb13 it all stopped
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Do you have Beautiful Widgets installed? Is one of their widgets on your HS? .. Had this problem on DK28..
Same here. Like the term sod, btw. Happening when I use flash. I'm on stock ec coming from fresh odin, and formatted sd.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
alfiej said:
Do you have Beautiful Widgets installed? Is one of their widgets on your HS? .. Had this problem on DK28..
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No Beautiful Widgets here.
I am running Go Launcher, which is new to me. Will likely eliminate that tomorrow. Oh yeah, the only other widget new to me is "Android System Info" (which is great, btw).
I run Pure Grid calendar and Sense Analog Clock widgets, but I've been running those without trouble for months.
Does anyone know how to change logging levels?
The only rom I was able to use without the SOD was myfrankenstein DK28. While on
EB13 it did it contstanly and much hasnt changed while running EC05. I formatted my sd card and only installed minimal apps. I tried not restoring from Titanium or Astro. Fresh install from market and it still happens. I've stopped using SetCPU, that didnt help either. I do have Beautiful widgets running on my home screen, but I aslo had that while running DK28. I have no idea what the problem is. It is a complete pain having to check my phone every couple of mins to make sure that its still on. Over night forget about it, every morning the phone is dead. Can anybody help me please.
I just Odin to EC05 last night.. and installed the new syndicate frozen rom... and my screen just went blank today.. so far it has done it twice in less then 5 minutes....
but I have noticed that if the phone is plugged into the charger that it wont do it.. no matter how long goes past.. thats the only way I know my alarm is gonna go off in the morning.. is to have it plugged in..
do anyone know if its doing it on plain Stock untouched modem and stock rom??
because if not imma flash over to that.. I cant take this crap too much longer..
I have had this so called SOD for almost 3-4 months and as a matter of fact I just ordered a replacement 10 minutes ago. My SOD involves the phone either rebooting or completely going black except for the bottom cap buttons, then vibrating in order once, then 3 times, then once, and so on until a battery pull. This has happened on the charger as well for some roms. I can tell you it does it on a stock rom. I just did a full reset, stock eb13, updated to ec05 OTA, wiped sdcard and everything except contacts. The problem exists, so I am almost 100% that it is a hardware flaw somewhere. I even did the ##786# reset. I'll let you know if a new phone fixes the issue :]
damn.. even on the stock rom huh???
well do anyone know if it might have something to do with rather journaling is on or off??
other wise.. i have not a clue of what could be causing it..
I have EC stock rom, but am rooted. It happens to my phone. It doesn't happen quite that often like you guys, but it happens maybe about once a day. It happened more frequently when I was on EB. It would happen at least 5 or 6 times a day. It's strange cause it never happened right when I flashed EB or EC. I was fine for a couple of days before it happened. Not sure why....?
I had to pull the battery 20 or more times today, same issue. Mine started doing it right after I added the news and weather widget to the homescreen. If it does it tonight im thinking of takin it back to stock and getting a replacement.
EB13 btw, flashed EC05 a few minutes ago and will try it out.
sultan.of.swing said:
I had to pull the battery 20 or more times today, same issue. Mine started doing it right after I added the news and weather widget to the homescreen. If it does it tonight im thinking of takin it back to stock and getting a replacement.
EB13 btw, flashed EC05 a few minutes ago and will try it out.
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I had about six today. I'm flashing stock and running untouched starting tomorrow. If that doesn't fix it, it's replacement time for me too.
Sad, because a stress test on my phone at 1.4ghz ran fine.
Btw, I still use set cpu, but only in known safe configurations, no OC.
I just received my replacement. Brand new phone, I installed a formatted sdcard and synced contacts... within 10 minutes it seemed to be happening again. The phone was stock di18, then it updated to stock EB05... I have no idea what the problem could be now, since this phone is brand new.

[Info][WIP] LET's FIGURE OUT the sleep of Death!!!! [NOT A ROM]

Does anyone have a logcat from their dead transformer, during/around the time when it died?
Has anyone noticed any trends in when it happens? I saw something about 82% battery but I think that's just a coincidence.
Please post here so we can get to the bottom of this.
I think this is dev, unless it's a hardware issue. But hopefully we'll be able to discern that.
I have had multiple sleep of death issues after rooting. When I flashed back to the stock Blob, they stopped. Every time I root to Blob V5 (I am on the most recent firmware), they come back. I tried MoDaCo's Rom - they still occurred. Trying Prime's Rom now - so far it's working without any sleep of deaths.
I was on MoDaCo's Hr4 for a few days and never had a sleep of death. Since installing Prime 1.2 I've had 3 or 4.
Since we've had completely opposite experiences I think we can safely rule out that this issue is ROM related.
I've used both those roms and never had a sleep of death. But I also used the root method without the v5 blob, just the standard GingerbreakBB.
I've had one sleep of death incident, using unrooted stock Transformer configuration.
mine case: downgrade back to using SD method ( then Gigerbreakbb then the BLOBV5 => lots of SOD issue.
May be we must update to the latest before break using gingerbreakbb and install BLOBV5?
Blob 5 is made to work with It will most definitely have issues with the old firmware.
I am beginning to think the issue is with one of my apps and its settings. When I am rooted, I use Titanium Backup to restore my data and maybe the reason for the SOD is because something in an application isn't playing nice with Honeycomb... Obviously when I am not rooted, I cannot restore the settings and thus no SOD.
I just flashed back to root with Blob V5. Going to see if there are any SOD issues before installing apps... Will probably install one by one to try to see if I can find the problem - A PITA, but I really want the SOD to stop.
Had it with latest asus Update, no root and 40% brightness + wifi sleeps while screen is off. Lockscreen was enabled.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Had another one after changing wifi sleep policy. I think it is wifi related.
The-Nazgul said:
Had it with latest asus Update, no root and 40% brightness + wifi sleeps while screen is off. Lockscreen was enabled.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Had another one after changing wifi sleep policy. I think it is wifi related.
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Other threads are pointing to the WiFi scanning be enabled. I have flashed back to MoDaCo Hr4 (because it was more stable for me than Prime 1.2) and also disabled WiFi notifications and will report back if/when I get a SOD.
Unrooted, getting about one or two of these a day depending...... seems to happen more if I've left it sleeping for an hour or more.
Putzy said:
Unrooted, getting about one or two of these a day depending...... seems to happen more if I've left it sleeping for an hour or more.
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this could relate to wifi scanning as well. were you connected, and what are your current settings?
Thanks for participating everyone, so far there isn't a conclusive answer.
However, could someone install log collector from the market, and leave it there until the BlackSOD happens, and then upload the file? that would be super awesome. preferably someone who gets them all the time. if the last thing in the logcat is consistently wifi-related, then we're on to something.
is there any firmware version on which NOBODY has EVER had a BlackSOD? This could be worth looking in to as well.
Well, I rerooted and have installed about 80% of my apps. So far no SOD. I have a few more apps to install and I usually freeze some of the unwanted apps. Will post an update later. Also, I read on other forums that fancy widget caused issues like this on other tablets. I had been using beautiful widgets I wonder if the way that tries to access wifi causes issues.
The apps I have yet to install are:
Watchdog lite, beautiful widgets, adfree android
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Just had one while wifi was disabled! I guess that makes it less likely that wifi causes the problem.
Next time I will upload a logfile!
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
I've had 2 so far, both with Hr4 and blob v5. Battery has been at different levels, so I think thats a coincidence.
Has anyone tested on a 100% Factory reset device (either with a custom or stock ROM?) That should help rule out any apps which may cause the problem.
FWIW, never had this issue (have run Stock, HR1 -> HR4 & Prime V1.2)
so far no SOD after a clean tstart
Had a SOD this morning on Hr4 so I will run Log Collector today and hope to catch another. I'm assuming that Log Collector is continually writing to my Gmail draft so it should be there after the full reboot? Doesn't seem like it will let me mirror logcat to a file on sdcard...
sent from a device using an app
I realize this isn't the least bit helpful, but after having several SoD issues, and trying all the fixes (and then undoing them), I haven't had the issue for a week now. Mine would do it sporadically -- it would happen once in a day, and then 3 times in a day -- and the only thing I've left changed is disabling the lock screen, but I think that's just coincidence. This will be a hard one for Asus to nail down.
Hopefully someone produces a helpful log for Asus, I'm sure some non-XDA people may think they have a dead tablet rather than one they have to force power down and reboot.
had my firs SOD today.
running prime 1.2 US. battery at 96%. wifi on.
spuniun said:
Had a SOD this morning on Hr4 so I will run Log Collector today and hope to catch another. I'm assuming that Log Collector is continually writing to my Gmail draft so it should be there after the full reboot? Doesn't seem like it will let me mirror logcat to a file on sdcard
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So it does not seem that this app will work because it only collects logs in real-time, does not store them for later analyzing. What else can I use other than leaving adb logcat running?
sent from a device using an app

I really just want update to 1.141.07

So, I'm on my second a500, first one seemed "off", bad battery life, random shutdowns, etc.
now, I understand some issues are fixed with the 1.141.07 update. I desparately run the system update check like a teenage girl waiting for a boy to call. But no dice.
Is there any way to legitimately get the update?
Seems like people were being updated last week and then nothing...... (crickets chirping).
I'm still not very impressed with my second unit. screen on/off thing drives me crazy. I dont think the battery should be draining when in standby. etc.
I know that nobody here works for Acer, so dont flame me. But if I can;t get a reliable android tab, I think I may run back and get an Ipad2 instead. I have had an ipad 1 since release, and I guess i'm spoiled to only needing to charge the thing once a week, and I use it heavily.
I really want a android tab though - I'm a big google person and love having all my stuff in sync and connected. But I dont like having to live next to the power outlet, or wonder when my unit is going to randomly restart. I'm sure there are others in the same boat.
My first one runs great, just bought a second one at Costco with the fabulous deal they have. I have no battery run down issues. Auto brightness, Wifi, and gps all on....except when in for sleep mode. I turn on Airplane mode on and off through a downloaded toggle widget.
I've been using it periodically for 3 days and haven't turned it off. Even started a new book with Kindle. Still have 55% battery.
I'd say you are running a bad app which is the culprit. I bet if you go back to stock reset you won't have the issues, other than sleep without airplane mode.
...and no, we are all waiting for the update or 3.1, whichever comes first. I need it for Exchange, everything else is pretty minor.
I guess I should have mentioned. my first unit, I did a factory reset and ran stock for a couple of days, and still had the same issues.
This new unit is pretty much stock, and only thing I have installed is Flash, Kindle, and File manager HD.I have it running in airplane mode, wifi set to turn off when the screen is off, and screen brightness at about 10%.
I charged it all night, I have used it maybe 3 times today (since 6am), just to browse a couple of sites, and @2:30 today the battery was already @ 40%. it has been in standby most of the day.
I find it hard to believe that 2 different units could perform so poorly.
I really want to love this product, but haivng a hard time doing so, lol
The thing you described should be fixed with the 3.1 patient.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
BadGrim said:
So, I'm on my second a500, first one seemed "off", bad battery life, random shutdowns, etc.
now, I understand some issues are fixed with the 1.141.07 update. I desparately run the system update check like a teenage girl waiting for a boy to call. But no dice.
Is there any way to legitimately get the update?
Seems like people were being updated last week and then nothing...... (crickets chirping).
I'm still not very impressed with my second unit. screen on/off thing drives me crazy. I dont think the battery should be draining when in standby. etc.
I know that nobody here works for Acer, so dont flame me. But if I can;t get a reliable android tab, I think I may run back and get an Ipad2 instead. I have had an ipad 1 since release, and I guess i'm spoiled to only needing to charge the thing once a week, and I use it heavily.
I really want a android tab though - I'm a big google person and love having all my stuff in sync and connected. But I dont like having to live next to the power outlet, or wonder when my unit is going to randomly restart. I'm sure there are others in the same boat.
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Make sure you register the device via the Acer registration widget in apps. This will get your s/n in the OTA database.....
bonzer2u said:
Make sure you register the device via the Acer registration widget in apps. This will get your s/n in the OTA database.....
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I too am waiting for the .141.07 update. Seems I read that Acer had pulled the updates. Still check every day. I like my tablet and have not seen battery issues with very little standby drain.
The only issue I have is that the WiFi keeps disconnecting. I have checked the advanced settings and it is set at always connected and I have tried changing the channel on my router (suggested elsewhere) but once or twice an hour I have to bump the WiFi to get it to work.
bonzer2u said:
Make sure you register the device via the Acer registration widget in apps. This will get your s/n in the OTA database.....
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yup, did that on both units.
so, I made it 12 hours today on a single charge. I only used it 3 times to browse the web for about 5 min (no flash), and I wrote an email and sent it.
Sorry, but that is ridiculous.
BadGrim said:
yup, did that on both units.
so, I made it 12 hours today on a single charge. I only used it 3 times to browse the web for about 5 min (no flash), and I wrote an email and sent it.
Sorry, but that is ridiculous.
no need to apologize, that plain suks......
call the support line, perhaps they can push it to your s/n....???
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Mine has been fine, except for the GPS.
I have a build 1.112.01_EMEA_CUS7. A new tablet and it's registered from today so they probably update them by batches because there are no new updates.
EDIT: But it works brilliantly apart from the crashes when I've installed any app. I've fixed that but it would be nice to be bug free.
bpivk said:
I have a build 1.112.01_EMEA_CUS7. A new tablet and it's registered from today so they probably update them by batches because there are no new updates.
EDIT: But it works brilliantly apart from the crashes when I've installed any app. I've fixed that but it would be nice to be bug free.
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You are lucky. There is a update from Acer here for your build. It will take you directly to 1.141.01.
You need to unzip it using this post and then move the extracted from the file to your external sdcard and then do the update key sequence (volume down and power pressed) and you're done
Thanks. I'm updating as I type this.
I just hope that it will update properly and that I won't have any problems with rooting and or bricking my device or any problems that I've already solved.
I come from Desire so I'm used to wiping my phone first so just updating is a new for me. I would also feel better if our bootloader would be unlocked.
EDIT: Updated OK. Root pending.
EDIT2: Rooted and disabled phone.apk
The phone now works perfectly and is updated.
bpivk said:
Thanks. I'm updating as I type this.
I just hope that it will update properly and that I won't have any problems with rooting and or bricking my device or any problems that I've already solved.
I come from Desire so I'm used to wiping my phone first so just updating is a new for me. I would also feel better if our bootloader would be unlocked.
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This is an official update so it will either update or not if the checksums are wrong or it cannot binary patch a file. So no chance of a brick.
It works OK. The only thing I've noticed is the longer boot time.
The android screen takes a minute longer probably because it's building files.
I'll check logcat when I have the time and patience to mess with it some more.
I didn't know that the update would just fail. I was expecting a brick because I was reading some posts about people bricking their tablets. I guess I was wrong.
Feedback from Acer Support re Updates, Etc.
According to Acer tech support, there is no way to force the new firmware update or Honeycomb update to the Tab. You just have to be patient and wait for the Tab to update itself.
As we know, lots of people are complaining about the screen turning on/off/on/off by itself, resulting in battery drain. These complaints are well-publicized and easily found using search engines.
I first purchased a 16gb Iconia Tab. I called tech support about the flashing screen and reported it as an issue. After speaking with customer support, they emailed me a survey asking about my user experience with the Tab. I completed that survey and again noted the problem with the flashing screen and battery drain.
The new firmware update that was pushed to the device solved the flashing screen issue and improved battery life.
Then I bought a 32 gb Tab and experienced the same flashing screen/battery drain issue. I called tech support (to see if I could obtain the firmware update for the new Tab). Amazingly, tech support told me that they had never heard of this issue. I told them to search their knowledge base but they insisted this was the first time they heard about a problem with the screen.
I know that cannot be true because I called them twice about this very issue, and gave them feedback in their on-line survey.
Anyway, I expect that the screen problem will be resolved when the firmware update gets pushed to the device. Unfortunately, on my first 16gb TAB I got the firmware update the day after I opened the box. I'm still waiting for that update on the 32gb Tab after 10 days.
mandel4026 said:
As we know, lots of people are complaining about the screen turning on/off/on/off by itself, resulting in battery drain. These complaints are well-publicized and easily found using search engines.
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I had this issue. It's because of the wifi. My screen would turn on and off randomly and it was because my wifi was on my place where it had bad reception. I turned it off and the screen didn't light up anymore.
I didn't test if it also occurs on the new firmware.

After recent firmware update, tablet freezes

After recent update, within 24hrs, my transformer has frozen completely three times. This is where I have to hold down the power 10+ sec and turn the unit back on. One time, about 40min watching a video via hbogo website. One playing a game (walkabout) and another time, just playing mp3 from the main screen via a widget.
Has anyone else experience this? Never happened on prior firmware versions.
Keyboard flash problem
I don't know if this can help: after firmware upgrade my browser crash if i try to tipe something in a flash animation, keyboard isn't show and then crash.
Exactly the same experience here: with 3.01 I had no problems at all; since OTA update 3.1 two days ago 'sleep of death' (shutdown in sleep mode) all the time!
Very annoying, according to other threads/ forums SOD was SOLVED for couple of guys with 3.1 update - I just received my SOD with 3.1!
Thanks Asus; I do hope someone/ somewhere is working on a fix!
In the meanwhile: any help/ solution for SOD (except downgrading/ rooting) would be very wellcome!
TF101, US, stock 3.1 unrooted
Same here with some Apps. MyLibrary was working fine on a pdf, now it freezes and crash all the time. Impossible to read anything anymore.
Battery seems to be drained faster too.
Since I have gotten the update the tablet is very sluggish. It was perfect before. I had no light bleed and it was very smooth. Now I have a ton of light bleed and it is so sluggish it almost takes 4 mins to connect to the internet. Anyone know the customer support number?
lukesjr said:
Since I have gotten the update the tablet is very sluggish. It was perfect before. I had no light bleed and it was very smooth. Now I have a ton of light bleed and it is so sluggish it almost takes 4 mins to connect to the internet. Anyone know the customer support number?
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software has nothing to do with your hardware screen showing more lightbleed, other than if the brightnessis higher which may show it better.
superevilllama said:
software has nothing to do with your hardware screen showing more lightbleed, other than if the brightnessis higher which may show it better.
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I don't disagree, but the fact is that I didn't see it before now it is terrible. I thought I had a "good one". Oh well.
In general last update has improved performance, allows more variety ( file types) in video streaming from my server, slightly better browser performance and slightly better wifi reception, however I have noticed a few lock ups that were not there before last update. Long Power button hold required to recover.
I'm having the freeze problem in Firefox after the update. it will work for a bit, but some sites will cause the tablet to lock up and I have to do the power off reboot. The stock browser is working fine.
On another forum they were saying it's pure superstition, but..: turning OFF the auto brightness has prevented sleep of death on my Transformer (SODs since update 3.1) allready about a day!
I know people say it's nonsense, but for anyone else struggling with auto shutdown in sleep mode problem; give it a try!
mllk said:
After recent update, within 24hrs, my transformer has frozen completely three times. This is where I have to hold down the power 10+ sec and turn the unit back on. One time, about 40min watching a video via hbogo website. One playing a game (walkabout) and another time, just playing mp3 from the main screen via a widget.
Has anyone else experience this? Never happened on prior firmware versions.
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I've had four freezes, all in Press Reader tablet edition, and was thinking they were related to that app specifically, but maybe not. Reason being, my wife got her first freeze last night playing angry birds.
My freezes in Press Reader are not caused by the update, though, as two of them happened before the update was released. Also, I've discovered though that it is only the UI that is freezing, because on one freeze I had internet radio playing, and it kept playing for multiple minutes after the UI for froze.
More on my Press Reader freezes here:
Do freeze issues go away if you clear all caches / factory reset?
Reason I ask, is this has helped me in the past, so I always do one, including right after this recent OTA update...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
Huh, I've not had any problems. My 32gb TF is a B50, and dock is a B60. I usually have it connected to the dock.
I've had my ASUS Transformer for about 4 days now, never had any freezes yet, not with nor without the update (updated yesterday).
mike5065 said:
Do freeze issues go away if you clear all caches / factory reset?
Reason I ask, is this has helped me in the past, so I always do one, including right after this recent OTA update...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
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Can't speak to the other people, but I'm not trying because it's such a [email protected]*dy hassle to do a factory reset, when there's no way to back everything up in one go without root access.
Backup is definitely a major shortcoming of Android.
+1 to the sleep of death issue aft the 7/16 update. Screen will go off and tablet will either reboot or need a reboot.
I have had my auto brightness off since day 1, kept default brightness, and have been lucky with no issues. Still on 3.1.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
monkespit said:
I have had my auto brightness off since day 1, kept default brightness, and have been lucky with no issues. Still on 3.1.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
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3.1 is the latest.. of course you're still on 3.1
Try changing the rom and kernel. The Netformer kernel seems the fastest and smoothest. I had the screen freezes also. Running Clem's v3rom for then flashed the Netformer over instead of using Clem's kernel.
avlon said:
+1 to the sleep of death issue aft the 7/16 update. Screen will go off and tablet will either reboot or need a reboot.
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We're not talking sleep of death here, we're talking lockups while the tablet is active. Totally different issue, or at least totally different symptom.
