Modifying a Launcher - Android Software Development

I have the source for the Launcher from CyanogenMod (as well as the stock one from Google) which I want to modify, but it appears that some fields and whatnot are missing.
Do I need to download the whole Android source code to my machine just to compile the Launcher apk?
Thanks in advance...


Compiling CM from source

I compiled CM from source but I am missing keyboard. I wonder if anyone know why.
Find a .apk for a keyboard and flash it...maybe you just overlooked it
What application provides keyboard for CM. I found one from droid that allows for multi touch.

[MOD][APP]LP/KK/JB/ICS Email APK with Exchange Security removed (Updated May 2015)

(edited some content and added a few more instructions on May 25 2015)
I initially posted this when my employer changed their policies to require device admin access to people's phones if they wanted to access company emails or calendars. Spent a few days reading the android source code and came up with a working apk.
This app removes the annoying popup saying that you need to give it admin permissions and add a numeric password. It also does not set any additional policies other than what you already have set on your device. It does not make the email app a device admin.
The app tells the server what it wants to hear - which is they have total control over the device, but it doesn't really do anything on the phone.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible if:
You get fired (a very real possiblilty - companies fire people for far less than "circumventing security" even though most of us know that regular folks' emails have nothing valuable to the competition.
If you get in other sorts of trouble for using this
if this melts your device down or breaks it in any fashion or your ROM gets corrupted.
How to install:
Copy the files onto your phone storage and install them using a file explorer.
NOTES (read this before you install):
This will install easily on phones that do not have email.apk and exchange2.apk. But if you have an AOSP ROM, you may already have these in your system/app directory. In that case, you'll have to uninstall the system apps email.apk and exchange or exchange2.apk using a root explorer. I use ES explorer's "App Manager" feature and it works well for me. Once the system apps are removed, you can install the files from this post.
If you update your ROM later, the system apps will come back and may conflict with these apks (installed in /data by default) so you'll have to do the removal/installation again.
You don't need Exchange.apk AND exchange2.apk on the same phone. If you use an ICS ROM (older phones), use exchange.apk. For JB or higher, Exchange2 is the one to use. If you already have exchange2.apk on your phone, you don't need to install the one from this post.
I compiled this from source, so it *should* work with all devices. There are no device-specific frameworks needed for these to run as far as I know.
I've only removed the Exchange based security. If there are any other kind of services (POP/IMAP or something else) which has similar policy enforcement, it may not work. I haven't tested it with anything other than Exchange.
UPDATE - Sep 27, 2015)
I'm sorry I disappeared - I hadn't checked back in a while and it looks like I uploaded the wrong apk. Uploading the correct one for Lpllipop.
UPDATE 4 (May 25, 2015)
Patched and compiled the Lollipop email client from CM12 sources. Google remoived exchange support from the AOSP email client, so I had to turn to CM12 for the source code.
The default Exchange2.apk from a CM or AOSP lollipop build should work so I'm not uploading it here.
UPDATE 2 (May 15, 2013)
Added Email.apk compiled from 4.2.2 sources. This gives you the nice JB style expandable notifications.
Also added higher attachment size support per a user request. The default email.apk limits the size to 5MB for atachment downloads/uploads. The attached Email-JB.apk supports 100MB download/50MB upload sizes. I'm not sure if this varies by Exchange server - I spent two whole nights because I set them too high (250M) and my exchange server threw a generic error. I spent the time troubleshooting policies where it was just the attachment size all along. Cost me 8 hours of sleep
Exchange2.apk is not needed if your phone already has Exchange.apk or Exchange2.apk. For people who have HTC phones, this may come in useful. This file was pulled from this ROM - which is compiled from sources. I couldn't get Exchange2 to compile and work properly from sources, but since there is nothing to be changed in here, any working APK (from a JB/ICS ROM) would suffice.
UPDATE 3 (Jan 11, 2014)
Added Email.apk compiled from 4.4.2 sources. This gives you the new gmail-style email view based on the contact pics or the first letter of the sender's name.
It will say that the policy was changed once you successfully connect to the exchange server, but no policy will be applied. You can check the device admins list once you connect - the newly connected exchange server will not be in the device admins list on your phone.
I have not made any changes to the Exchange2_4_4_2.apk. I'm just pasting it here for convenience, for people who don't have it on their phones (certain HTC stock ROMS, or others that I don't know of).
If your server has other policies which prevent you from accessing it, this probably won't show an error message before bouncing you back because I've suppressed a few of these security related dialogs.
File List
May 25, 2015
Email-5_0.apk - Compiled from CM12 sources, exchange security and popup security dialogs removed, max attachment sizes changed to 100MB download/50MB upload from 5/5.
No exchange2.apk provided for lollipop - the one already on your phone should work. If you have any problems, please get it from a CM12 or AOSP ROM.
--- Old files----
Email.APK - Compiled from ICS (4.0.1) sources.
Exchange.apk - Compiled from ICS (4.0.1) sources.
May 15, 2013:
Email-JB.apk - Compiled from 4.2.2 sources, attachment sizes increased to 100MB/50MB down/up.
Exchange2.apk - pulled from a CM10.1 port (WFTN ROM)
Jan 11, 2014
Email-4_4_2.apk - Compiled from 4.4.2 (Kit Kat) sources, still retains the increased attachment size mod.
Exchange2-4_4_2.apk - Compiled from 4.4.2 sources [this apk is not needed unless you have a phone which does not already have this]
let me be the first one to say thanks !!!
worked like a charm !!
tested on HD2
I'm glad it helped
Yep thanks it's working on my rooted HTC Desire Z with andromedus
ProcessorHog said:
I'm happy to post my first actual Android dev/mod effort.
Recently my workplace introduced some draconian security policies for email syncing. I just wanted my appointments synced, so I didn't feel like encrypting my device, having zero timeout AND not even having the option of a pattern unlock (they enforce only passwords/PIN). I tried a couple of the Email.apks posted on XDA but for some reason or other, I couldn't get them to install/run. There was a GB based app which would install but when it synced, it said the device did not support some of the policies that were needed by the server. When I compared the Email app's GB source with the ICS source, I saw that there were tons more policies supported in the ICS version.
So I set upon a weekend project to modify the ICS email app, and that ended up taking 4 days part time. I learned a lot about aosp, compiling from source and all that and know that I have so much that I don't know.
Anyway, I was able to successfully modify the source code and finally managed to get the original Android Email app (which comes with AOSP) compiled running perfect, but without the ridiculous policies they wanted.
I tested it on my Evo 3D running MeanRom (4.0.3 build) and also tested it on the Android emulator of course ), and it works great. No annoying popup saying that you need to give it device admin permissions nor does it set any additional policies other than what you already have set on your device. It does not make the email app a device admin.
The app tells the server what it wants to hear - which is they have total control over my device, but it doesn't really do it on the phone. Everyone is happy
DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible if you get fired or if you get in other sorts of trouble for using this, or if this melts your device down or breaks it in any fashion. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.
How to install:
adb install -r /path/on/your/computer/to/Email.apk
This is how I installed it. Alternatively, you can try downloading this on your phone (or copying it to the SD Card) and open it with package installer, and see if it installs.
I compiled this from source, so it *should* work with other devices as well. As far as I know, there are no device-specific frameworks/anything else needed for these to run. I used the android-4.0.1_r1 branch source code.
Since I was running MeanROM on my HTC (a sense-based ROM), Email.apk had some dependencies on Exchange.apk which did not exist on my device. I'm posting this as an attachment for the folks who may need it. I haven't changed any code in that project, so If you already have Exchange.apk (shows up as "Exchange Services" in your Apps) you don't need to install it.
I've only removed the Exchange based security. If there are any other kind of services (POP/IMAP or something else) which has similar policy enforcement, it may not work. I haven't tested it with anything other than Exchange.
This was compiled for the arm-v7 CPU. I'm not too sure whether this means it won't run on any other ones (but knowing that it's dalvik code and not native, it should run I guess). It ran fine on my x-86 based emulator.
[*]This is an eng build (non-optimized). I couldn't find a way to get classes.dex in the APK itself on a full "user" release build. Eng is the least optimized form, userdebug is a bit better. I couldn't find a non-device-specific "lunch" option to build this with a "userdebug" variant flag. If I do figure it out, I'll post an updated APK here.
I'm still learning how to use eclipse and such. I haven't posted the source code here, and frankly I don't know how much of it I should post (I think I changed about 3 files and commented out a bunch of stuff). If anyone is interested in knowing, I can point out the files that I changed. If I figure out how to do a proper diff that shows all the changes, I will post the code diff here.
Replaced the apks with a "release-user" build.
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Thanks for share it, I made a CWM flasheable ZIP with your files.
ProcessorHog said:
I'm happy to post my first actual Android dev/mod effort.
Recently my workplace introduced some draconian security policies for email syncing. I just wanted my appointments synced, so I didn't feel like encrypting my device, having zero timeout AND not even having the option of a pattern unlock (they enforce only passwords/PIN). I tried a couple of the Email.apks posted on XDA but for some reason or other, I couldn't get them to install/run. There was a GB based app which would install but when it synced, it said the device did not support some of the policies that were needed by the server. When I compared the Email app's GB source with the ICS source, I saw that there were tons more policies supported in the ICS version.
So I set upon a weekend project to modify the ICS email app, and that ended up taking 4 days part time. I learned a lot about aosp, compiling from source and all that and know that I have so much that I don't know.
Anyway, I was able to successfully modify the source code and finally managed to get the original Android Email app (which comes with AOSP) compiled running perfect, but without the ridiculous policies they wanted.
I tested it on my Evo 3D running MeanRom (4.0.3 build) and also tested it on the Android emulator of course ), and it works great. No annoying popup saying that you need to give it device admin permissions nor does it set any additional policies other than what you already have set on your device. It does not make the email app a device admin.
The app tells the server what it wants to hear - which is they have total control over my device, but it doesn't really do it on the phone. Everyone is happy
DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible if you get fired or if you get in other sorts of trouble for using this, or if this melts your device down or breaks it in any fashion. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.
How to install:
adb install -r /path/on/your/computer/to/Email.apk
This is how I installed it. Alternatively, you can try downloading this on your phone (or copying it to the SD Card) and open it with package installer, and see if it installs.
I compiled this from source, so it *should* work with other devices as well. As far as I know, there are no device-specific frameworks/anything else needed for these to run. I used the android-4.0.1_r1 branch source code.
Since I was running MeanROM on my HTC (a sense-based ROM), Email.apk had some dependencies on Exchange.apk which did not exist on my device. I'm posting this as an attachment for the folks who may need it. I haven't changed any code in that project, so If you already have Exchange.apk (shows up as "Exchange Services" in your Apps) you don't need to install it.
I've only removed the Exchange based security. If there are any other kind of services (POP/IMAP or something else) which has similar policy enforcement, it may not work. I haven't tested it with anything other than Exchange.
This was compiled for the arm-v7 CPU. I'm not too sure whether this means it won't run on any other ones (but knowing that it's dalvik code and not native, it should run I guess). It ran fine on my x-86 based emulator.
[*]This is an eng build (non-optimized). I couldn't find a way to get classes.dex in the APK itself on a full "user" release build. Eng is the least optimized form, userdebug is a bit better. I couldn't find a non-device-specific "lunch" option to build this with a "userdebug" variant flag. If I do figure it out, I'll post an updated APK here.
I'm still learning how to use eclipse and such. I haven't posted the source code here, and frankly I don't know how much of it I should post (I think I changed about 3 files and commented out a bunch of stuff). If anyone is interested in knowing, I can point out the files that I changed. If I figure out how to do a proper diff that shows all the changes, I will post the code diff here.
Replaced the apks with a "release-user" build.
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what part of the smali code was modified please?
Would this work on 4.2?
I could use some help. I'm trying to run this on SOS M ver 2.6.2 (4.0.3 build) on an Evo 3d. I was under the impression that SOS M was similar enough to Mean ROM so that it would work, but all I'm getting is an immediate crash on startup. Any suggestions?
So glad that someone created this! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
The new security rules are ridiculous!
I wish that app would be maintained with the current version and be put in the google play store. How can I keep up to date with the most recent version of this app?
Recent update
Sorry I haven't been here much - life got too busy! If you post here and don't see a reply from me in a couple of days, feel free to send me a PM.
carm01 said:
what part of the smali code was modified please?
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No smali code was modified, the apk was compiled directly from the java source code which I modified to take out a few annoying dialog boxes and the actual policies/restrictions that the server wants to set on your device.
zdravke said:
Would this work on 4.2?
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The ICS version worked fine on 4.2 since it's just regular java code compiled from source, but I recently also added an APK compiled from 4.2.2 sources which has the expanded notifications (the ICS version didn't have it).
pbmurdoc said:
I could use some help. I'm trying to run this on SOS M ver 2.6.2 (4.0.3 build) on an Evo 3d. I was under the impression that SOS M was similar enough to Mean ROM so that it would work, but all I'm getting is an immediate crash on startup. Any suggestions?
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Could you try the newly updated APK? Make sure your phone has exchange2.apk or exchange.apk as well. Some phones do not have these pre-installed.
sirtom1 said:
So glad that someone created this! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
The new security rules are ridiculous!
I wish that app would be maintained with the current version and be put in the google play store. How can I keep up to date with the most recent version of this app?
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I don't think this can be put on the play store - I don't regularly maintain it (once compiled it should run without problems), and I recently updated it just because I finally got a JB ROM a few months ago and started missing the expanded notification. The next update will probably be after a long time - after the next version of android gets released.
I'm not bright enough to write something complex like the email app - there's a TON of code in it written by smart and talented people, I just dug around a little to find the policy application code and removed it. The real talented folks are the ones who actually contribute to android
luisjoseb said:
Thanks for share it, I made a CWM flasheable ZIP with your files.
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Thanks for making this easy for others! If you have the time, could you make one for the 4.2.2 version of it? Someone could find that useful!
Just gave it a try. Works great. Thanks so much
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
thank you .. working like a charm ..
Desire with MIUI Rom (VJ - JB-4.1.2)
I had to use this mod as the latest build didnt have an Email app .. and other ROMs' Email2.apk didnt work on this one (due to mishandling the security request) .. !
anyways .. thank you ..
Thanks. I try on US T-mobile HTC One S JB 4.1.1 Sense and it works. I use Email-JB.apk and Exchange.apk
thanks for this, it's working on my galaxy s4 (android 4.2.2) now instead of that ugly samsung mail app. 1 thing i'm missing is option in the nice JB style expandable notifications to directly mark as read or delete the email in the notification panel. this option is present in cm10.1/aosp android 4.2.2 but not in this email app. Is it possible to add this?
elroy944 said:
thanks for this, it's working on my galaxy s4 (android 4.2.2) now instead of that ugly samsung mail app. 1 thing i'm missing is option in the nice JB style expandable notifications to directly mark as read or delete the email in the notification panel. this option is present in cm10.1/aosp android 4.2.2 but not in this email app. Is it possible to add this?
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For this, I'll have to compile from CM10.1 sources. I haven't tried that - I'll give it a shot when I get some free time and will post the APK here if I manage to do that
ProcessorHog said:
For this, I'll have to compile from CM10.1 sources. I haven't tried that - I'll give it a shot when I get some free time and will post the APK here if I manage to do that
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Okay, thanks
Getting an error on adb install... Running JDQ39 official Google version for Galaxy Nexus. Rooted/etc, obviously. Leankernel 16.something.
Is this only for AOSP ROMs?
Error I am receiving:
pkg: /data/local/tmp/Email-JB.apk
No dice...
I managed to get it installed by using Titanium to uninstall Email 4.1 prior to installing yours. This gave me endless "Unfortunately, Email has stopped working" errors.
I installed a fresh AOSP 4.2.2 ROM and tried several iterations of uninstalling Email and Exchange2Google.apk and continue to get the "Unfortunately, Email has stopped working" errors.
I've tried using "apk install" and Package Installer, same results regardless of install method.
Works fine on TF101 EeePad Transformer (EOS4) and Galaxy Ace phone (CM10)

Compile a single apk from source

i wanted to add this mod to my stock JWR66V systemui.apk
after some research found that i need the source from i got a tick on all requirements except one my internet speed, i have a 512kbps connection and now way in hell will i be able to download 8.5 gb for compiling a single apk..
so is there someone willing to help me by compiling the apk. :fingers-crossed:
Best bet would be to install xposed and see if there's a module that does what you want (I imagine so)
Can't you simply decompile the apk (pulled via adb from your phone), do the changes and compile it again?
There are tools for that like for example apktool
Sent from my Nexus 4 running Android 4.3

HydrogenOS Apps on OxygenOS

Hi guys, this is my first thread on XDA.
I have an OPT and tryed both Oxygen OS and Hydrogen OS and... well, I love H2OS style but I prefer OxygenOS (ui language, native soft touch configuration etc..)
So I though it would be a great idea to port some of stock Hydrogen OS apps in order to make them works on my OPT with O2OS.
I'm not an Android dev, never developed any app, made a custom ROM and never decompiled an apk, till today.
Using JoelDroid tool I deodexed all system apps (app, priv-app and framework) of the lastest H2OS build (actually it's 1.2).
And that's the point.
I managed to install on my OPT oxy the H2 Launcher and some other apps, including the hydrogenos framework, but are full of bugs, so I decided to open this thread in order to find someone who can help me.
Actually the launcher "works", but I can't access to the settings page, can't see the clock widget and some apps are missings like dialer, camera and chrome (but still accessible from the launcher global search).
Here you can find the whole app, priv-app and framework I've ripped, extracted and deodexed:!QodyHB4Y!5tvtdPXq40_mhGG_2-MXPA
Let me know if someone is interested in making those apps avaliable for our oxygenated OPT

[MOD]Updated fonts for stock roms v5

Here i present to you updated fonts for our Xperia devices.
I have taken the AOSP font files from AOSP master(except for noto which is from 6.0.1 branch)
The Sony font files are from Xperia Z5,E6653,32.0.A.6.200
I have manually edited the XML files to match AOSP without losing any of the Sony fonts.
The zip was built using Android Script Creator made by @Octanium91 with updated binaries by me.
The updater_binary used is the one from ArchiKitchen - Android Kitchen made by @JustArchi .
The updater script was written by me.
This should work on any version of android xperia rom, however i have only tested on 5.1.1 on an Xperia Z C6603.
There is no clear changelog for this, but some highlights are:
Update Roboto font files to upstream version 2.01289, this fixes the accidental omision of IPA tone mark ligatures.
Update NotoColorEmoji font to Unicode 7 and 8, see all the new emoji here:
Better compression for NotoColorEmoji
Please leave any feedback you have.
Feel free to use this in your own project or rom, but please don't forget to give credit to me.
Flash with recovery (Tested on TWRP)
Update:V5 released.
Sony Fonts updated to Z3 Concept M build 2186
SomcUDGothic-Regular.ttf was depreciated so its removed
Add backward compatibily symlinks as described in fonts makefile
Remove DroidSansFallback since its intended only for SMALLER_FONT_FOOTPRINT build
Remove MTLmr3m.ttf as the full Japanese font is already included.
Updated to the full set of NOTO fonts as defined in the makefiles
Removed all hacks that make some of the black and white emoji show up as color. This issue needs to be fixed in the keyboard not in the fonts.
The Zip does a clean install every time now to prevent issues.
Update:V3 released.
Updated noto-cjk from v1.002 to v1.004
Updated nono-other fonts to git revision 33d499e
Update Roboto fonts to 15/08/20 build
WIP new explanations of what this is:
Google keeps compiled fonts in the AOSP source tree.
These fonts are updated sporadically and the updates don't get spread out well through all branches and releases.
Even worse, even the master branch fonts in AOSP are sometimes heavily outdated when compared to the fonts's sourcecode project. Unfortunately part of the compiling process is still closed source so we have to take what we can get, e.g. AOSP binaries.
What my mod does is cherry pick the latest font description XML from AOSP (usually master branch or a marshmallow tag), and merge that with the the XML's from Sony.
All the fonts that get used according to the XML are then cherry picked from their respective repositories on AOSP.
The Sony XML and Sony Fonts are taken from Z3 Marshmallow concept and/or Z5 roms, they are generally the same.
So in a nutshell this mod updates any outdated AOSP and Sony font on your phone and replaces the XML files so all those fonts actualy get used.
I also delete a few fonts that are either unused or depreciated.
This will work on any rom that uses the AOSP locations for fonts and XML's but it will not delete fonts that are not on stock roms so it could leave some clutter behind.
This mod does nothing to the input side of things, so you will need a marshmellow 6.0.1 aware keyboard to be able to type the new emoji's,
It seems to work out of the box on the sony keyboard and there are modded google keyboards available too.
Font sources:
Upstream source:
AOSP stable:
Upstream source:
AOSP stable:
Upstream source:
AOSP stable:
Upstream source:
AOSP stable:
Emoji One (reviewing the posibility of adding this)
Upstream source:
AOSP stable:
Upstream source:
AOSP stable:
More to come..
notocoloremoji from ios or not?
cipetonk said:
notocoloremoji from ios or not?
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No these are the official Google emoji's, so its almost the same as IOS9.1 now, you can see all the new ones here
tetsuo55 said:
No these are the official Google emoji's, so its almost the same as IOS9.1 now, you can see all the new ones here
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thanks for the port, works beautifully on Z Ultra 5.1.1 latest update, and stock keyboard
kientrongtran said:
thanks for the port, works beautifully on Z Ultra 5.1.1 latest update, and stock keyboard
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Great thanks for confirming
Just tested on my M4 Aqua. I can see all the new emojis but does the mod does not work with Google Keyboard but Xperia Keyboard works fine
I found a modded Google keyboard with all emojis enabled
can i use in xperia p cm12.1?
does the emoji support?
and how to install it?
I will look into rewriting the description based on your inputs.
To install it simply flash it from recovery
The mod will work on any rom that uses the standard AOSP location for font related files.
Since this is made for stock rom's on other roms some fonts might get orphaned since they are no longer called in the XML files,
Additionally the Sony fonts will replace some other fonts which might look strange if a view was designed for a specific font.
I also want to add that these fonts are the newest pre-compiled ones i could find, but that the source code for the fonts is actually many commits ahead of what google provides in AOSP. I can't compile the fonts myself so this is the best i can do for now.
Inputwise i'm glad to hear that the sony keyboard works, the google keyboard probably needs to be the one from marshmellow 6.0.1 onwards. thats probably what the linked modded keyboard is,
tetsuo55 said:
I will look into rewriting the description based on your inputs.
To install it simply flash it from recovery
The mod will work on any rom that uses the standard AOSP location for font related files.
Since this is made for stock rom's on other roms some fonts might get orphaned since they are no longer called in the XML files,
Additionally the Sony fonts will replace some other fonts which might look strange if a view was designed for a specific font.
I also want to add that these fonts are the newest pre-compiled ones i could find, but that the source code for the fonts is actually many commits ahead of what google provides in AOSP. I can't compile the fonts myself so this is the best i can do for now.
Inputwise i'm glad to hear that the sony keyboard works, the google keyboard probably needs to be the one from marshmellow 6.0.1 onwards. thats probably what the linked modded keyboard is,
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Well it works fine on my Xperia M4 Aqua with 5.0 Stock. I think it would be nice to have a zip to revert to regular fonts.
ardentis said:
Well it works fine on my Xperia M4 Aqua with 5.0 Stock. I think it would be nice to have a zip to revert to regular fonts.
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Great that it works. However reverting does not seem to make a lot of sense. Can you explain a scenario where it would make sense?
The only way a revert zip would work is if i backup the original files and actually wipe the whole font folder.
Even then you would get the same files back but with the unfixed bugs and unused fonts
Thanks for the update. Works fine on Z2 5.1.1
tetsuo55 said:
Great that it works. However reverting does not seem to make a lot of sense. Can you explain a scenario where it would make sense?
The only way a revert zip would work is if i backup the original files and actually wipe the whole font folder.
Even then you would get the same files back but with the unfixed bugs and unused fonts
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The revert zip would be useful if it does not work or it causes a bootloop. In that case, you go into recovery and flash the revert zip
ardentis said:
Just tested on my M4 Aqua. I can see all the new emojis but does the mod does not work with Google Keyboard but Xperia Keyboard works fine
I found a modded Google keyboard with all emojis enabled
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i try install it. but some emoji are supported. new emoji doesn't support.
shafyqsod said:
i try install it. but some emoji are supported. new emoji doesn't support.
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Could you explain in more detail please?
tetsuo55 said:
Could you explain in more detail please?
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its only show android 5.0 emoji only and what i see there many box with X in it.
when i flash updated font that you give, and try use back the google mod keyboard.
it fully function. all emoji can be use.
V3 uploaded.
This time i was able to get many files from upstream.
See first post for details.
Nothing has changed with regards to the (un)installer or the ability of keyboards to use new emoji's
I tried to compile the emoji font myself as there seem to be quite a few updates upstream but my server crashed, maybe some other time.
Version 5 released.
This will be the last version for a while i think, google is working on their font compiling framework and i don't expect any updates until they finish that part.
Note this version contains no emoji hacks, so some emoji's will display as black and white if they use the wrong unicode-code.
Confirmed working on Xperia M2
On Z1 Compact the updated emojis appear in the stock keyboard, but the flash really ruined a custom theme I was using (!). As if I installed some weird new theme. Why is that?
BTW, how can we use all those fonts?
