Interesting microphone discovery! - Acer Iconia A500

I got some moisture in my A500 while putting a screen cover on it and the unit was misbehaving. I have that cleared up now (hopefully), but noticed something about the microphone. It was partially covered by a tag from one of the wiring looms! I don't know if moving this tag out of the way will improve the microphone, but it sure as heck aint going to hurt it! Since the microphone points away from you as you hold the tablet, I'm not sure it's ever going to pick up your voice properly.
Pics are attached
update: I put my a500 back together, but forgot I had the sd card still in there. The end result was that I cracked the sd card which renders it useless. I'll have to buy another one now. The microphone recording volume is still quite low, no improvement there. I think it's a design oversight and any tablet should probably have front and rear facing microphones. Only use the one facing away for video recording, othewise use the one facing the user.

Did you try turning the mic over? Maybe they made two mistakes. Putting the mic in wrong and then covering it with the tag

The A500 has a 2 microphones array, for noise canceling effect.
The microphone you put the tag label away from is the noise canceling one, the main microphone is just at the left of that one and its facing front. As you put away that tag you may have an improvement on the noise canceling effect, if you try to turn over the mic it will not harm the device but I'm pretty sure it will not help noise canceling.
Holding the A500 landscape and dock port down, the gap of the front facing mic is between the screen glass and the upper frame, is just right in the middle, it is hard to see but can be seen from certain angles and light conditions.
Also you provided the proof that I'm not writing nonsenses, in the first picture attached, there are those two alike connectors, both have plugged microphones, and they have the same tag flap with the same codes and digits imprinted. If you look closely you can see the edge of the front facing mic, it's at the left of the back facing mic and it's almost covered by the circuit board where both microphones connectors are.

I as well had taken my tablet apart due tons issue with video cable loose.and noticed exactly where the mice are at. Thinking about going tobeadeo shak or order from black box better mic to out in.I have done this on laptop before

silverball.slayer said:
update: I put my a500 back together, but forgot I had the sd card still in there. The end result was that I cracked the sd card which renders it useless. I'll have to buy another one now. The microphone recording volume is still quite low, no improvement there. I think it's a design oversight and any tablet should probably have front and rear facing microphones. Only use the one facing away for video recording, othewise use the one facing the user.
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I did a few recordings to test the noise canceling array, and be able to notice the noise canceling effect when recording video with front facing camera, when recording with back facing camera, I notice no noise canceling, the recording level is a little low, but was ok, I'm not sure if this feature is binded to which camera the user is using during record, also I have no professional equipment or applications to make sure that the noise canceling effect/feature was working or not.
I agree that this kind of double microphone array should be a lot more user friendly, letting a user decide to use both microphones, or using only one and which one, or turn on or off noise canceling, or any other feature as the recording level, will not harm anyone. And having the device defaults to record using front facing camera with front mic and noise canceling, and when using back facing camera with back mic, without noise canceling, will work as most users wanted it to work.

The microphone on my third A500 is working great so far. I returned the second one today because the microphone audio was very low. It's still running 3.01 stock because the 3.01 OTA update isn't available yet for my unit.


Where is mic for video recording?

Love the videos this thing makes. There's some on my u tube channel.. bluedrew.
At concerts, the audio gets muffled and distorted. Especially if there's a heavy base, or I'm near the stack. Need some way to cover up, attenuate the input to the mic, but I can't find it.
Tried testing some a/b recording by covering up different ports with my finger. Nothing seems to make a difference. Maybe if I put the whole phone in a foam shield?!
Open the Camera, The "gear" in the bottom left of the screen when you have the camera app open. Open the tools, press the wretch. Its in there to disable audio recording.
us3rX said:
Open the Camera, The "gear" in the bottom left of the screen when you have the camera app open. Open the tools, press the wretch. Its in there to disable audio recording.
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I think he wanted to know where the microphone was, not to stop audio, but to limit the ammount it takes in. I would assume its the same mic used to talk on the phone. Bottom edge of the phone, almost inline with the G in samsung...little hole about the size of a pin head.
Yeah... I saw the option to mute audio, but I want better audio. Either put a sound suppressor somewhere, or use an external mic. Any ideas?
Actually just did a little test on some advice from the sound guy at a show lastnight.
I plugged in the included handsfree earphones that came with the epic. Now audio comes from that. Quality isn't as good, and if you hit the button, recording stops.
So maybe just a better quality external handsfree, or dedicated better quality mic. Any ideas?
So basically you need a good line mic and an adapter to the cel phone audio jack.
This guy seems to be on to something. Kind of confusing to me...

Hissing background noise when recording video

Just got my new xperia arc and whilst it is a great phone I've found that there is a loud hissing noise (like rain) when recording video. I've uploaded a video to show the problem. Ah, just tried to post the link but I've been told I can't as I'm newly registered...
Others I've messaged have the same problem but there doesn't seem to be a fix. Are there any suggestions as this really kills the HD video function for me...
yeah I have the same problem, I think it got slightly improved with the updates.
try updating.
The phone is upated to the latest firmware t-mobile have to offer. I guess the only other option is to debrand and install generic firmware?
my phone is debranded, I tried uk, Global and Hong Kong, they're all the same.
So why isn't this problem more widely reported then? It pretty much kills the video recording capabilities.
I've experienced that too.
Try not to obstruct the first microphone with your right hand, the first microphone is at the bottom of the phone. Check if that solves the issue
It doesn't solve the issue, my fingers are nowhere near either mic hole.
I've also tried some test videos where I cover up each of the mic holes with my finger. I've tried covering up mic 1, mic 2 and then both. Now, strangely, when covering up the mic my voice does get a little muffled but the crackling/hiss does not change.
This indicates to me that this is a possible software issue i.e. compression of the audio or the way it is recorded, rather than the mics physically picking up the hissing.
If the mics were picking up this hissing (i.e. too sensitive etc) then covering up the mic hole would give some change, which it doesn't.

ACER A500 Microphone Fix?

Hi, guys Ive been looking for microphone fix on my A500 , when i record any video it has this loud background noise...which in fact my room is silent , also when I'm recording videos outside & using Skype . Im using HC 3.2.1 rooted with thor's CMW ver 1.5 . I been searching the forum for a fix but i cant find it or so as I read that they will fix this issue on HC 3.2, but still i get this issues . Is this a Hardware problem or OS issue?
Also can I still return this tablet to walmart & get a refund? I already exchange the first 1 cuz It got a charging issue. SO basically I'm returning an exchange tablet. It hasn't been 14 days yet. as they mentioned for returns & refunds.
hatyrei said:
Hi, guys Ive been looking for microphone fix on my A500
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Funny, I was coming here to ask for help about something similar...
In my case, I have a refurbished A500 which has been awesome so far, with the exception of the microphone. It records terribly, lots of noise and distortion in any recording I make (using Recorder as the test app I made a short .amr recording which I attach 7zip-compressed).
A friend has an A500, and it doesn't seem to display this issue. While it's no deal-breaker (I can live without recording audio...playback of tv shows loaded on the card works better-than-fine!), I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to fix it, or at least make it a little less...noisy.
I believe the culprit has to do with the speakers creating feedback. The workaround is to use headphones. Hope this works for you.
Take a look here:
tabasco22 said:
Take a look here:
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I did read that entire thread, which only tells me there are multiple unrelated issues around audio recording on the A500...these issues seem to get all mixed-together in that thread, with people who only care about Skype focusing on that and cross-talking to people who have completely different recording issues. I was hoping this thread could avoid the whole need-to-use-Skype distraction and focus on the specific issue of seemingly over-driven recordings. (With the refurb, I'm also out of the whole keep-complaining-to-acer-until-they-do-something-to-fix-it focus there seems to be on that thread. I can't really complain, and any warranty I had expired a while ago.)
The earlier suggestion to use a headset is, however, something I should have considered first (even read in the earlier Skype-centric thread), and am a little embarrassed I didn't. Sometime this weekend I'll pick up a cheap 3.5 mic/headphone set and see if that makes any difference. If it does, and the recordings though it are cleaner, I can be more comfortable it will work for one thing I care about...using the A500 with the SquareUp CC processor.
Mic - Solution for me.
Problem: Microphone recordings sound terrible. Soft, Choppy, Mechanical, like a bad cell call, bathroom (NOT the severe helicopter sound as others have reported). My hypothesis like others have suggested, seems to be noise cancellation issues. Especially since the issues vary app to app. These mics are right beside each other and I assume they're pretty much hearing the same thing, and the rear is trying to cancel what it hears, which is the same as the front! End result being filtering what it hears, ie filtering everything? FAIL.
Test 1: Using Recorder and Skype Test call, I tested different distances talking to the front/back, covering front mic, covering back mic, case on, case off, headphones plugged in/out, etc. In some instances you could hear some, and other hear nothing, some sound ok, some sound horrible. I wasn't satisfied with ANY.
Test 2: Popped off back of tablet and disconnected REAR facing mic. They are side/side, make sure you disconnect the correct one, the one with the diaphragm pointing out. Simple connector. Then tried Recorder/Skype Test call and both sounded Excellent. I have not tried a call with Skype, just the test. EDIT: Tested a real Skype call last night. No sound issues on my end or other end.
Conclusion: Removal of rear mic provided the best quality. There is zero filtering/cancellation/etc.
Gotta try this
Should of thought of this myself. Going to give it shot and post back later!
Unhooked the rear mike --it helps the front m ike is usable now. Not perfect but works.
So for me
1 Run Flexreaper ICS by Civato = better mike
2 Drill hole for front mike = not as muffled
3 Disconnect rear mike= almost as good as a phone but not as sensitive.
Okay on recording and search but Skype still noisy without headset.
Damn connectors were a pain to unhook.
appoaf said:
Problem: Microphone recordings sound terrible. Soft, Choppy, Mechanical, like a bad cell call, bathroom (NOT the severe helicopter sound as others have reported). My hypothesis like others have suggested, seems to be noise cancellation issues. Especially since the issues vary app to app. These mics are right beside each other and I assume they're pretty much hearing the same thing, and the rear is trying to cancel what it hears, which is the same as the front! End result being filtering what it hears, ie filtering everything? FAIL.
Test 1: Using Recorder and Skype Test call, I tested different distances talking to the front/back, covering front mic, covering back mic, case on, case off, headphones plugged in/out, etc. In some instances you could hear some, and other hear nothing, some sound ok, some sound horrible. I wasn't satisfied with ANY.
Test 2: Popped off back of tablet and disconnected REAR facing mic. They are side/side, make sure you disconnect the correct one, the one with the diaphragm pointing out. Simple connector. Then tried Recorder/Skype Test call and both sounded Excellent. I have not tried a call with Skype, just the test. EDIT: Tested a real Skype call last night. No sound issues on my end or other end.
Conclusion: Removal of rear mic provided the best quality. There is zero filtering/cancellation/etc.
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I did and I agree this is a fix if you want to use recorder, Skype, talk, tango, etc. But I also learned to forget using the video camera UNLESS you have it using the rear camera (this is one you use by default when you Skype). Looks like it uses the microphone that points in the direction of the active camera.
So I would suspect the noise cancelling algorithm settings are to blame for poor sound recordings.
I solve this issue by using my stereo earphone with mic that came with my Nokia phone. I have tried a bluetooth stereo headset with mic and another wired earbuds with mic, there was either still a lot of noise or the sound level was very low. Basically, it is the same as using a headset. Finally I found one earphone with mic that works well. I actually have two of the same earbuds from 2 identical Nokia 5230. I tested them on two Iconia A500 with voice chat and video chat, it works very well both ways. I have also tried to turned off the Dolby Mobile as suggested by someone. It actually makes it worse and the sound level went down a lot.
acer a501 microphone fix
hi all
today i finally got to the bottom of the microphone issue
versions 3.x had some issues with the mic that cant be fixed - tried different internal and external mics but no good - i thought it was a hardware issue
and not able to solve but after ota update of ics the external mic is perfect - crystal clear and no noise and heaps of level.
the internal mic is crap so i decided to change the microphone with anything i could find - it has to be electret mic.
I had a few lying around and some worked well and some did not - i eventually found one that worked really well will heaps of level - the
only prob was that it was twice the size of the original.
i had to cut some of the plastic away but eventually got it installed.
The internal mic works great now - much better than the muffled one that came with the unit.
I left the second mic connected as it seems to make no difference in or out.
So what i have found -
firmware on 3.x no good for mic
ics makes mic work well if you use exeternal.
internal mic - get rid of it as it is useless.
hope this helps someone as i spent lots of time trying to fix this
OK but...
jzaiter said:
hi all
today i finally got to the bottom of the microphone issue
versions 3.x had some issues with the mic that cant be fixed - tried different internal and external mics but no good - i thought it was a hardware issue
and not able to solve but after ota update of ics the external mic is perfect - crystal clear and no noise and heaps of level.
the internal mic is crap so i decided to change the microphone with anything i could find - it has to be electret mic.
I had a few lying around and some worked well and some did not - i eventually found one that worked really well will heaps of level - the
only prob was that it was twice the size of the original.
i had to cut some of the plastic away but eventually got it installed.
The internal mic works great now - much better than the muffled one that came with the unit.
I left the second mic connected as it seems to make no difference in or out.
So what i have found -
firmware on 3.x no good for mic
ics makes mic work well if you use exeternal.
internal mic - get rid of it as it is useless.
hope this helps someone as i spent lots of time trying to fix this
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HoneyComb 3.2 disconnected the rear microphone, Resulted in Better Quality without helicopter noise specially better for skype Etc.
Video recording still Just hardly acceptable. but quality is still bad.
Wont buy from acer anymore.

Nexus 7 3G - is my rear microphone bust?

I moved from an iPad to the N7. When I first got it I accidentally and absent-mindedly pushed the SIM opener into the rather stupidly-placed rear mic hole (which is the same size as the tray opener hole) because I'm used to the removal hole being at the side of the tray and was rushing to get it up and running
I can't seem to get it to record anything, so can I assume that I've bust it or does it only kick in under certain conditions or in certain apps? I've tried downloading different voice recording apps but even the ones that allow you to switch mics don't seem to actually switch on the N7 - they just seem to use the mic on the top-right of the device.
Can someone on here test their mics and let me know if it records on both? I know that if I push my finger over the main mic I just get some ambient muffled sound (probably just being picked up by the covered mic).
I don't know how resistant the mic is to having a SIM opening tool pushed quite hard into it, stupid as I feel, I'm sure I'm not the only person to have made this mistake!
leoni1980 said:
I moved from an iPad to the N7. When I first got it I accidentally and absent-mindedly pushed the SIM opener into the rather stupidly-placed rear mic hole (which is the same size as the tray opener hole) because I'm used to the removal hole being at the side of the tray and was rushing to get it up and running
I can't seem to get it to record anything, so can I assume that I've bust it or does it only kick in under certain conditions or in certain apps? I've tried downloading different voice recording apps but even the ones that allow you to switch mics don't seem to actually switch on the N7 - they just seem to use the mic on the top-right of the device.
Can someone on here test their mics and let me know if it records on both? I know that if I push my finger over the main mic I just get some ambient muffled sound (probably just being picked up by the covered mic).
I don't know how resistant the mic is to having a SIM opening tool pushed quite hard into it, stupid as I feel, I'm sure I'm not the only person to have made this mistake!
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I have not made the same mistake as you but my mic is not working either. Is working only the mic that is in the power button, but not the one on the Sim card tray...
Can any confirm that is a real mic and it´s working?
Mine too... not that loud compared to the main mic in power button.
Confirmed that the microphone is working only when the Nexus is on landscape mode.
I sent an RMA to Google thinking that the unit was faulty and then I came with the solution by myself. What a lack of knowledge of their own product!!

Galaxy s4 audio water tap hiss in recorded video

I have a i9500 which I have enjoyed its high res images and full HD detailed images in 13MP (ozcan rom capability). Everything works flawlessly in my s4. Am not so sure what the problem could be when it comes to the recording of sound in video and voice recording.
I have been scrounging the net for a possible solution but realized that the s4 has a design flaw of pop and crack sounds when video recording. I do experience those but negligible. The sound quality recording is very good on the s4. My issue is it comes with an unpleasant water tap hiss that requires ambient audio to be a certain threshold to completely drown it like an ordinary conversation in a few feet from the microphone. This problem I encountered in both stock rom & ozcan rom.
The trouble comes in when you decide to record video in absolute or near silence. It will be very notable on playback at volume 10 but hardly audible at volume 4. This happens both in voice or cam recorder. Has anyone figured out how to rid of this unpleasant hiss?
Isn't anyone experiencing /has experienced this at all?
I have experienced this while recording myself playing guitar, but I thought it was the amplifier hahaha. Sorry I can't help, it seems it's an issue with S4 itself, and if that's the case you can't do anything AFAIK. If I end up discovering a solution I'll update you on this, but I don't think I'll find anything...
XxLordxX said:
I have experienced this while recording myself playing guitar, but I thought it was the amplifier hahaha. Sorry I can't help, it seems it's an issue with S4 itself, and if that's the case you can't do anything AFAIK. If I end up discovering a solution I'll update you on this, but I don't think I'll find anything...
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Oh, I've just seen your reply, I hope am not too late. An in depth further analysis on the nature of this problem is, in the recorded video if you care to open it in a professional video editor, the left audio channel is the one with the distortion. The right one is crystal clear for my case with 0% hiss. In voice recording, only one channel is doing the recording and I assume it is the left one because the distortion is also present in it as bad. I'd like to here of your case though.
Just now I plugged in the earphones with the mic and voice recorder app automatically switched to using the mic on the earphones and this only happens in voice recording. Video recording doesn't automatically switch to external mic with the earphones plugged in, am not certain it is a video mic vs earphone mic compatibility issue. The good news is the earphone mic picks up very faint clear sounds even whispers in 1.5 feet proximity and WITHOUT ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT the distortion (water tap/whistling sound I get) that I get from the internal mic of the phone in voice recording only. Now what is the chance that it is my internal mic next to my charging port that is at fault?
After doing alittle more research right now, I have learnt that the voice recorder does its recording in mono hence has only one channel and the Video recorder does its recording in stereo since it has two audio channels (left and right). This now explains when it fails to use the earphone microphone as an audio external recorder.
Now the S4 has two different microphones as now seen by the video recorder's audio output. I have established that the culprit channel is the left channel. One simple test has now narrowed down which microphone is faulty. I ran the voice recorder app and placed my phone on my bed. I scratched with my finger really close to where the mic 1 (next to the usb charger is) then did the same to the mic 2 next to the earphone jack port. Thank God!! the audio recording has confirmed that it is indeed using the left channel which is the mic 1 placed next to the charging port. This gives me the chance to use this video to rectify the issue. My only problem is finding a genuine part because there are people complaining of quality issues with the replacement parts.
Kernel ranger said:
After doing alittle more research right now, I have learnt that the voice recorder does its recording in mono hence has only one channel and the Video recorder does its recording in stereo since it has two audio channels (left and right). This now explains when it fails to use the earphone microphone as an audio external recorder.
Now the S4 has two different microphones as now seen by the video recorder's audio output. I have established that the culprit channel is the left channel. One simple test has now narrowed down which microphone is faulty. I ran the voice recorder app and placed my phone on my bed. I scratched with my finger really close to where the mic 1 (next to the usb charger is) then did the same to the mic 2 next to the earphone jack port. Thank God!! the audio recording has confirmed that it is indeed using the left channel which is the mic 1 placed next to the charging port. This gives me the chance to use this video to rectify the issue. My only problem is finding a genuine part because there are people complaining of quality issues with the replacement parts.
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Hi there Kernel ranger! Did you manage to fix the noise of the mic? I'm having the same trouble. This morning I recorded a Koto concert from a distance and the left channel is plagued with some kind of electrostatic noise. Right channel seems ok, though. I think I will have to clean that rubbish with Ozone...
chinchulin01 said:
Hi there Kernel ranger! Did you manage to fix the noise of the mic? I'm having the same trouble. This morning I recorded a Koto concert from a distance and the left channel is plagued with some kind of electrostatic noise. Right channel seems ok, though. I think I will have to clean that rubbish with Ozone...
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Am glad people with the same issue are following this thread. I'm telling you! I ran all the tests I could and confirmed 100% that my Microphone Mic Flex Cable Ribbon part needed replacement but before I could even do it, someone liked my s4 as it was and I sold it to them. What is your s4 model number? Now I got a Note 4.
What you can do is first get it cleaned with even rubbing alcohol if necessary, if this problem just started just recently. After cleaning it and the problem persists, you will have to get a repair kit like I did from ebay then order Microphone Mic Flex Cable Ribbon part to replace the faulty one. Youtube has tonnes of video about how to replace that part and it will only cost you $10 at the most if you do it yourself correctly.

