[Q] Contact shortcut - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I installed Cyanogen Mod 7.0.3 from stock rom. On the stock rom I was able to create a desktop shortcut to any contact, which would take me directly to the contact screen. In Cyanogen I try to create the same shortcut, but I can only get a "quick contact" version, meaning it acts like a widget by giving me options of call/contact/text/map. All I want is the old shortcut that takes me directly to the full screen contact when I click on the shortcut. Does anyone know if this is possible to do?
I looked at the source of ADW, and it seems like shortcut items are entries in ADW's database, so modifying files like you would on Windows seems out of the question.

Ok, i found only one app that can get the job done easily, after trying a few other popular shortcut apps. It's called xShortcut, and there were some bugs with it and cyanogen mod, but the developer was able to fix them after my feedback. As of this posting the market still has the old buggy version but I expect him to update the market soon.


Need help assigning an icon to a shortcut (.lnk)?

Hopefully someone knows a simple way to do this. I am trying to create shortcuts (.lnk files) for use with PIE. For example, I have one shortcut set up like this 28#"iexplorer.exe" www.yahoo.com. This will obviously open PIE and go to yahoo.com. However, I would like to change the icon from the PIE one and make it the "Y" yahoo icon. Same for many other quick links I like to have. Any ideas. I think I am missing something simple, but I am hoping someone else has done this before.
i can "bet" that noone will help you...
Nevermind, I figured it out
cLaunch is another great program to do what you're wanting to do.
Yeah, that first pic is actually cLaunch embedded in Mobile Shell. I knew cLaunch could assign icons, but I wanted a more "universal" fix for people who do not use cLaunch.
You can add the url to your favorites in PIE, and then look up the shortcut in the windows\favorites folder

To Disable Sense!!

I Installed Resco File explorer and when trying to add registry add in it tried to install a theme file (.tsk) which opened the today management screen (where you can select different themes and select whats on the desktop.
Click the desktop tab (whats displayed on homescreen) and deselect HTC Sense then just tick what you want. At the top is the default windows mobile 6.5 homescreen plugin then all the program addons follow like co-pilot, mail, calendar etc then htc sense. Just choose your flavor..
I'm working at the moment but I'll try and elaborate more later, need to find a screenshot app first for pics.
Put any .tsk file on phone and run from explorer (Resco or otherwise) and the theme screen will show, select your pref (note you can not have HTC SENSE, Windows 6.5 Plugin enabled together, but plugins like calendar etc can without the aforementioned.
Hope this helps someone. (All HTC themed menu's n progs get disabled on deselecting HTC Sense but return on reselecting).
Or... click on Start/Settings/Menu/All Settings/Today/Items to access the menu you are talking about.
Sorry, have seen loads of people ask about this. Only had my phone around 4 hours. Just trying to help and do my bit. Mods you can close this thread. Sorry once again.
Hey, don't take it so personally! I wasn't putting you down in any way.
Keep posting what you find, I'm sure there is plenty more to discover with this phone.
Thanks mate.
Really loving it. Hope to contribute more once fully dissected. lol..

HTC HD2 Call Forward

Love my HD2, but am wondering if anyone knows of a shortcut to get to call forwarding or an app to turn on and off call forwarding, without having to go through all the screens and toggle?
I would like to know this aswell, if anyone out there can help ??
any news on this one? It woul be a very handy app.
If you use Launcher Pro as your launcher then you can open that page with an activity shortcut.
Long-hold the home page to add a shortcut and go:
Shortcuts, Activities, Dialer, Call forwarding
It still takes a few seconds to populate that page, but it has to get the information from your provider every time you start it, so there's nothing you can do about that. It is, however, a shortcut to that page.
If you don't use Launcher Pro then I don't believe you have the ability to add activity shortcuts.
I know its been a while since this was requested. I have just changed my car and the new one has an old factory fitted Motorola startac fitted as a factory option. Rather than mess and fit a new hands free kit I was wanting to forward my HD2 to the Startac.
I have just found the way to do what you require. Firstly use your file explorer (i used resco) to unhide hidden files. Then look in the windows folder on your device and look for CMcallforward. You should then be able to send this to your start menu. Im using Cookies Home tab so I was then able to add this as a quick link.
Hope this helps, cant get much better than a one button option


I use GO Launcher, so not sure if folders works the same way as default, but I think so. You drag items together and can change folder name, and can add more to it with "+" or dragging. My problem is I create browser shortcuts and drag them into a folder called "Favorites". But once I have 3 shortcuts and add a 4th, one of the existing 3 disappears. Can seem to add as many apps as you want, just seems to do something odd with shortcuts.
Or it might have something to do with total number of items since I have another folder "Bookmarks" with 14 shortcuts, but when I add a 15th one disappears. Very strange behavior!
I am using Nova Launcher and do not have this issue. I would contact go launcher sounds like a bug in there side.. You can also try to use stock launcher and see if it persist or troubles go away. Its very easy to check if the bug is launcher or not .. Install another launcher and try it..
Good Luck
I've been playing with this. Turns out if I create a shortcut with long press (shortcut thru GO) I can add a bookmark, which pulls from Chrome list. I can drag these into the folder with no problem. But if I am in FF Aurora, and long press the link to create bookmark on desktop... that bookmark is the one that tends to make another disappear.
So not sure if it's an Aurora, or GO, or JB issue. At least I've found the workaround... and the shortcuts create from the Chrome list, still open in Aurora (what I prefer). I'm guessing it's a Firefox issue.

[SOLVED] Minimalistic Text widgets help

See following post for workaround
I tracked down an old version of the app (2.6.2--extracted from one of the nooter project file zips) and installed it on my NST, hoping to create a simple date-day widget.
I must be daft. I cannot get a widget to display! I can go through the entire creation and customization process. I can "see" the preview result while in the settings section. But nothing appears on the home screen
I tried installing the same app on my little KitKat device and had no issues with the widget appearing on the home screen. This version of the app was surely known to work with the NST or else it would not have been included in the nooter package.
Does anyone have any experience with Minimalistic Test on the NST? I must be missing something. I have no problem adding other widgets.
Whew! It's too bad there wasn't any chatter on the forum about working with this app. Maybe something in the newer NST firmwares just makes it mad, but whatever may be the case, here's what I did:
The last version for Eclair is 2.6.3. You can get it straight from the developer here: http://devmil.de/MT/MinimalisticText_2_6_3.apk
I did this on a system running FW 1.2.2 but I'm pretty sure this will apply to 1.2.1 also. Installation goes OK but apparently the file minimaltextprefs*.xml in /data/data/de.devmil.minimalitext/shared_pref is malformed in some way. Things just don't behave the way they should. While I floundered about I ended up installing the app on my little KitKat media player and then copied the minimaltextprefs*.xml file from that device and used it to replace the one on the NST. Voila! There is a number at the end of the file name and you can make the replacement file the same as the original file, but the number does change as you use the app. I have attached a zipped copy of the file I used below.
For me the best use of the widgets is with black text and no background. Unfortunately the opening settings screen of the app is black.... So if you use black text (the default is white) you will see nothing except a box for your widget. However, within the customization section there is a preview pane which lets you see what you've got.
One last--and the most important--thing. Supposedly when you've made changes the "back" button saves these. Not on the NST. Instead, while in the settings section (anywhere except the customization preview pane) if you tap the "menu" button one of the options that pops up at the bottom of the screen is "OK". That is how you save your changes. Using the "save" command at the end of the settings just places things in a file for later reference.
All this for a date-month-day text widget...... But you can do a lot more with the app, so maybe someday.
I want to thank @Devmil for providing the direct link to v. 2.6.3 and also for having patience with me while I tried to figure all this out.

