Camera - Blurry images - Vibrant General

Hi, I own a Vibrant for some months now and I'm using its 5MP camera quite a lot. In fact I find it quite decent for a phone cam in well-lit environments...
Lately I've opened the phone to apply the Hardware GPS fix. It worked (now it locks almost instantly), however the whole trial bequeathed me with a less than working camera (I swear I touch nothing close to there). Now all my images are blurry, case in point: (the original is in full 5MP glory supposededly "adjusted" for the given lighting and taken with a very steady hand).
Do you know what may caused this? Also did anyone else face the same problem (after operning the phone or not)? If so is it a problem that it can be solved?
I grew quite accustomed to my vibrant's camera, and I'll hate if I'm to lose its function now.
Thanks for your attention...

Erm, go to settings> applications> camera > erase everything cache, data etc.
That should make settings default.
Then try it, if it still does it.. erm find a camera app from market, and use that, then you know if its camera, or software.

thats not blurry, more like foggy. I had this same problem when i installed my ffc. I had put the phone back together before I let it fully dry. It might just be the inside of the glass that needs to be wiped off or something. good luck


Problem with detailed pictures.

Hello friends, I didn't find any topic about this so I decided to write. There was one topic but no solution or genesis of the problem.
Yesterday I was high in the mountain. I was happy because I can take some photos with my HTC Hermes. But no way...a big problem jumped in front me.
I have a 1GB Storage Card A-Data. The PPC is not flashed or anything else. I have it for 2 months. I have not take a lot of pictures so I haven't noticed that.
What is the problem. When I try to make 2M Fine Quality picture of and everything "auto" all that I see is a grey picture with size 680B after taking the picture. I make some experiments. I marked everything fixed (photo mode,britness, white balance and so on). Everything the same. I stopped all other programs. Even stopped the GSM service. I tried without the StorageCard. I tried to reset the PPC. I tried to put it on 1M picture one and the same. The picture after the shot is grey with one and the same size 680Bytes.
When I put the mode to 640xXXX pixels the pictures were okey. When I make a photo at 2M in dark place where there is no much light the picture again is okey. 3 times even the Camare service just crashed and I have to restart Camera again. Also one time when I pressed the camera button there was a message stating that the camera service is started and the control on the camera is taken, but this was a lie because TaskManager didn't show me any camera started
Please tell me if you have some info. Or I have to go to the shop where I bought it and ask an explanation.
If it is at any help I will tell you the Device Info:
ROM Version
ROM Date 07/22/06
Protocol 32.34.7010.01H
I have no helpfull info, but I had this problem too on XDA 0.10 but occasionally, no matter if picture was dark or bright, only solution was switch saving new pics to memory, not to card, then it worked. after upgrade to xda 0.20 problem disappeared. I am on Tmobile, and before starting to play with flashing and ROM upgrading, I had no problem with taking pics. fortunately now everything work correctly.
and if you hard reset device do you still have the same problem? I mean if device is empty, not installed any progs...
I suggest upgrading
I found my TyTN using the 1.18 ROM's to be unreliable. I had problems with bluetooth, general phone freezes, and specifically the camera functionality breaking. IIRC, the camera functionality would come back if I did a soft reset. I didn't get any pictures of my 2 year old daughter from a party she was at because I was busy goofing with my phone (prior to the upgrade).
I upgraded to 1.35 ROMs and found a bunch of these issues fixed, so I would recommend upgrading to the appropriate 1.35 ROMs. That was the latest shipping ROMs for my version of the phone. In general, the phone is now a LOT more reliable.
I wish there was a list of bug fixes and enhancements for each ROM but I haven't found such a thing.
I will eat my fears and start flashing...
Try the CoolCamera problem with storage card saving, faster and I think takes better pictures.
I had EXACTLY the same issue with all 3 tytns i had. CoolCamera - link in previous post - sorted all of the problems and IMHO takes much better pics than the default camera app.

App Suggestion: Auto Brightness Control Using 3g Camera

Hi folks, today I was lamenting the fact that my Hermes (and many other HTC phones for that matter) has no automatic brightness control. This results in me using it on max brightness all the time, which of course eats through the battery and is mostly unnecessary (except in bright sunlight). Then the thought occurred to me that an app could be written that used the 3g camera in order to detect brightness.
While I have an IT background (including a large amount of programming), I have no experience with Windows mobile, and think this is probably not the place to start doing WM apps. However, I thought that perhaps someone else would think this is a good idea, so thought I would make the suggestion. Reading the camera would of course use some battery, but not nearly so much as running the screen at high brightness to avoid having to adjust it manually all the time...I also read the other day that MS is planning to use the camera for orientation control (instead of an accelerometer) in WM7, so I guess this would indicate that they don't suck batteries that any rate, you wouldn't need to read it constantly...once every second or two would no doubt be sufficient...
To extend the idea further, you could also use differences in brightness between the main and 3g camera to do things like proximity sensing to switch off the screen when the phone is next to your head or in a pocket automatically.
Any thoughts?
Nice idea, but I think that the amount of battery saved will be much less than the amount consumed be having the camera on all the time plus CPU processing power required for the camera.
Now a dedicated light sensor would of course be a different story.....last time I enjoyed one on a WM device was on the good old Ipaq 3970.....brilliant device at the time (hardware wise, at least)
I did have a think about this, is there a way we can test battery consumption with camera on? Remember that nothing would be drawn to the screen by the app, and you wouldn't actually have to run the camera constantly necessarily, just long enough to get an image (you wouldn't even have to do all the auto adjustment it does when you're trying to take a picture like gaining up the sensor in the dark'd wanna open it up with constant settings each time). I'm pretty sure that the camera can write directly to memory without accessing the CPU (DMA)...and you wouldn't need to actually process the image at all...
Very off-topic...but are you "est in horto"????
haha took me a minute but LOL been years since I took the course...sadly my idea isn't getting the kinda interest i'd hoped though...maybe one of these days i'll have to learn wm6 development after all :-(
I suspect with anything using the camera will be the power-drain. For it to be responsive enought it will have to have the camera on either constantly or very frequently. The kaiser battery is bad enough as it is.
Yeah, good old caecillius. Shame that vesuvius got him. shed a tear I did. ;D
It needn't constantly test the camera...
I have such an application on my palm OS treo 600.
It's called BrightCam and you can assign a hotkey to run it.
It only runs on command,
checks the ambient light using the camera (regular not 3G in this instance),
adjusts the screen brightness accordingly - et voila...
could be nice to have this functionality in WM too.
would u be kind enough to share it,236.html
Maybe it can be done by RunEveryDay.
Not as elegant as the camera solution....but maybe easier to realize.

[Q] Google Camera problem - Nexus 4

Hi there.
My problem is this. When you restart my phone works with about 1400mb free RAM. A few days ago I had to do in a short time many photos 20-25 in HDR mode. After 20 picture the camera kick me out, and when I looked at how much RAM I have, I found that I had free only 150mb. I noticed that when taking pictures of RAM consumption increases progressively with each shot, not once. Another thing I noticed that this consumption occurs only when taking pictures in HDR mode. When off HDR shooting mode there is no problem. Separately in the Running Apps nowhere figuring out what is currently using as much memory. When I reboot the phone everything falls into place, but every 20 photos i restart it, and I do not think that is normal. I would like to use HDR. My friends with* Nexus 4 have the same problem, which means that the problem is not in my phone. Can any of you to try and convince you.Before the update I had no problem with the camera and I hope you do not have to go back to the old camera. My question is there a way to fix the problem. Thanks and sorry for my English.
Unfortunately, Your friend and you arent the only one. I have the same problem with pictures in HDR and I am also on a nexus 4... :/
Same problem here. Also in photoshere, after 8-10 photos photosphere kicks me out. havnt still found fix to this issue..
After I took 20+ photos in HDR, free RAM was only 261 MB, and N4 was totaly slow. There sure are problems with google camera.
this is an ongoing issue since sometime now with no fix in sight.
My N4 restarts automatically after taking few shots. the same happens at times in other applications as well. so I don't think it's Camera application itself, but camera drivers or something which is creating the problem.
Yes the infamous camera reboot was supposedly solved in 4.4.3 but it appears that many are still having the issue. It is camera driver related and affects all applications that utilize any of the devices cameras.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app

Galaxy S5 camera is laggy

I've searched around and I could not find a way to fix my problem.
Its quite simple to explain I guess... whenever I move my phone around to take a photo, it gets very laggy. The image preview that I see at the screen gets very laggy and out of time (it takes a few seconds to show up on the phone after something moved).
I have tried all the modes and the weird thing is that I haven't experienced lag on the Shot and More mode. However that's not convenient (at least for me) since it's gonna take forever to take the picture since it takes a few of them. On the auto mode and the beauty thing mode the picture preview on the screen provided by the camera is still very very laggy.
Photo stabilization IS off and HDR mode is off as well. Picture quality is set to HD (16 mp)
Soooo any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Your description is a bit vague. To the limits of the information you provide, it sounds like normal behaviour. You imply that it works fine before you move it. And as one would expect when you change the scene, the camera has to recalculate focus, exposure and everything else which takes a finite amount of time. Moreover you are using the camera at it's maximum resolution where such adjustments would take the maximum amount of time.
And plausibly the effect is minimized when you use a multiple shot mode where you would expect the camera to be optimized for sequential adjustments.
Unfortunately you didn't give us any details of whether it changes when you select lower resolutions, type of scenes shot, lighting, type of focus used or any other details. Looking for a pattern or even having a more detailed description would help eliminate some possibilities an d more accurately characterize the issue.
Based on the limited information provided, it sounds normal. Just the limit of the camera design.
fffft said:
Your description is a bit vague. To the limits of the information you provide, it sounds like normal behaviour. You imply that it works fine before you move it. And as one would expect when you change the scene, the camera has to recalculate focus, exposure and everything else which takes a finite amount of time. Moreover you are using the camera at it's maximum resolution where such adjustments would take the maximum amount of time.
And plausibly the effect is minimized when you use a multiple shot mode where you would expect the camera to be optimized for sequential adjustments.
Unfortunately you didn't give us any details of whether it changes when you select lower resolutions, type of scenes shot, lighting, type of focus used or any other details. Looking for a pattern or even having a more detailed description would help eliminate some possibilities an d more accurately characterize the issue.
Based on the limited information provided, it sounds normal. Just the limit of the camera design.
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Actually, to me, it doesn't sound normal at all!
I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding him or you are, but what I got from his message is that it's not a focus lag, but the the actual image that appears on the screen that lags behind what the camera is currently being aimed at.
He says that if something moves, it will take a few seconds before you see that it has moved on the screen.
In addition, the fact that in Shot & More mode, it doesn't happen seems to confirm that something's wrong.
xPedroo said:
I've searched around and I could not find a way to fix my problem.
Its quite simple to explain I guess... whenever I move my phone around to take a photo, it gets very laggy. The image preview that I see at the screen gets very laggy and out of time (it takes a few seconds to show up on the phone after something moved).
I have tried all the modes and the weird thing is that I haven't experienced lag on the Shot and More mode. However that's not convenient (at least for me) since it's gonna take forever to take the picture since it takes a few of them. On the auto mode and the beauty thing mode the picture preview on the screen provided by the camera is still very very laggy.
Photo stabilization IS off and HDR mode is off as well. Picture quality is set to HD (16 mp)
Soooo any ideas? Thanks in advance.
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To good thing (hopefully) is that it seems that it's a software problem, and not hardware, because otherwise you probably would have the same issue in Shot & More mode.
I don't know if you have a custom rom, or if you're still stock, but you might want to try to reflash your rom over the current one first, and if that doesn't work, you may have to do a full wipe.
If you're using a custom rom, you might want to try a different rom altogether (+ full wipe) to see if it makes a difference.
If you decide to go down that road, please read the corresponding thread(custom, stock, ... for your model) to avoid bricking your phone..
Mithrandir007 said:
To good thing (hopefully) is that it seems that it's a software problem, and not hardware, because otherwise you probably would have the same issue in Shot & More mode.
I don't know if you have a custom rom, or if you're still stock, but you might want to try to reflash your rom over the current one first, and if that doesn't work, you may have to do a full wipe.
If you're using a custom rom, you might want to try a different rom altogether (+ full wipe) to see if it makes a difference.
If you decide to go down that road, please read the corresponding thread(custom, stock, ... for your model) to avoid bricking your phone..
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Yes, you got it right. Thanks.
Uhm, I'm using the default rom (the one that came with my phone when I bought it)
By the way I could not log in back to my old account so I created this second one lol, sorry about it.
Anyway do you need any more info?
How do I reflash my rom? Sorry I don't know these terms too well :c
xPedrooo said:
Yes, you got it right. Thanks.
Uhm, I'm using the default rom (the one that came with my phone when I bought it)
By the way I could not log in back to my old account so I created this second one lol, sorry about it.
Anyway do you need any more info?
How do I reflash my rom? Sorry I don't know these terms too well :c
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You could go to the Android Development section and read all about it, but if you've never done it and are not comfortable with it, it might be better to just do a factory reset of your device (make sure to backup everything you want to keep first), or check if there's an update (Software update in the settings).

camera not taking any photos

Happened 3 times for me when I run camera from locked phone. It makes a sound of taking photo but won't take any photo. When unblocked after then doesn't work ether. Just restart is fixing.
Have you noticed any similar?
prfraczek said:
Happened 3 times for me when I run camera from locked phone. It makes a sound of taking photo but won't take any photo. When unblocked after then doesn't work ether. Just restart is fixing.
Have you noticed any similar?
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Try going into settings>applications and finding the camera app. Clear cache and data for the app and restart device. It's probably just due to buggy software and not a hardware issue if you're not getting any black screena or errors since the camera module itself is still functioning. Also see if changing the saving location to SD or Internal storage makes a difference.

