Samsung introducing TouchWiz - Multi-Window Multitasking - Xoom General

Samsung is Introducing its TouchWiz 4.0 UI to Honeycomb, nothing Really Interesting you will think, but watch this:
2 Interesting Points here:
1:36 - Scrollable Settings Menu with more Toggles - Do Want.
3:00 - "Mini Apps" as Apps you can Toggle over any other App - This is actually a Cool step to Multi-Window Multitasking and i think its Extremely Useful
The rest of the Video is Garbage, but these two Things - I really hope our Modders will port this to our Xooms or it will be introduced as a Honeycomb 3.2 or later Feature.
What do you think?
€: Youtube Embed Why u no Work?
€²: Ha, working. But now i wonder if this is actually interesting

Kevterminator said:
Samsung is Introducing its TouchWiz 4.0 UI to Honeycomb, nothing Really Interesting you will think, but watch this:
2 Interesting Points here:
1:36 - Scrollable Settings Menu with more Toggles - Do Want.
3:00 - "Mini Apps" as Apps you can Toggle over any other App - This is actually a Cool step to Multi-Window Multitasking and i think its Extremely Useful
The rest of the Video is Garbage, but these two Things - I really hope our Modders will port this to our Xooms or it will be introduced as a Honeycomb 3.2 or later Feature.
What do you think?
€: Youtube Embed Why u no Work?
€²: Ha, working. But now i wonder if this is actually interesting
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The mini apps does look cool but I have a feeling there will not be any widespread development support for it. We will have to wait and see.

They have some nice ideas in there but they really made the OS look "cartoonish". I wish they would leave the stock look and just add the extra features. That video was obviously sped up in some shots. The OS is fast but things like flash on a website don't play as smooth as the video showed. Overall the Galaxy guys are getting some features that may make us Xoom users a little jealous.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App

touchwiz ux has already been ported to the iconia and the transformer....... maybe a xoom port is neccesary? Might have to giver a go and see if I can force it to play nice with our xoom's

Seems much smoother than the Xoom interface.... Samsung are really putting effort into UI development, I'll give em that!

the 'mini-apps' can be done kind of similarly using an app called Wave Launcher. But there are issues with having the 'gesture' from the bottom of the screen. When I had it installed on the xoom.. it effectively rendered the center bottom of the screen useless. The wave launcher was hogging that area looking for input to start the mini app launcher and so any app that have buttons in the center bottom (like MoboPlayer) wouldn't work very well or at all. The app (mobo) worked fine.. but any buttons in the center bottom wouldn't work (wanted to clarify) due to Wave Launcher 'covering' them up.
It took me awhile to figure out it was Wave Launcher doing it... I thought my xoom was broken.
Anyways, just an FYI.

im gonna try and bring tw ux to the xoom, is anybody interested if I post it up here when I'm done?

eliteone said:
im gonna try and bring tw ux to the xoom, is anybody interested if I post it up here when I'm done?
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post it I will try it out

will do, just about to flash my xoom now....... see if i can make a brick

eliteone said:
im gonna try and bring tw ux to the xoom, is anybody interested if I post it up here when I'm done?
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Indeed im interested, please Try

I may be up for testing this if you can get it to boot. Hardware is close enough to the other models that have it ported. Bluetooth and wifi may be an issue.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App

ya, its not as simple as first thought, but its booting...... now for wifi, and bluetooth

eliteone said:
ya, its not as simple as first thought, but its booting...... now for wifi, and bluetooth
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Figured wifi and Bluetooth would be a problem. So it boots? Is it smooth or running choppy and is sound working? I didn't expect it to on first boot.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App

actually seems smoother than the xoom roms. I ported the full 10.1 rom. Sound works, though I'm on a wifi xoom, so I can't say anything about 3g operability. If and when I get wifi up I'll post it for people to try out.

OK, I will flash it as soon as you release it...
or you could share your work with the tiamat team, that would be even more awesome.

I'm on wifi only as well shoot me a link in a pm and I will take a stab at getting wifi going. Two heads are better than one lol.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App

I am also interested in this as well and would be willing to test. I have a 3g Xoom but could really care less about the 3g radio since I don't use it; I use my Xoom WiFi only.

would definitely try it out!
however i think it would be interesting to have these extra features ported over the Tiamat Rom. are you able to remove these extra features and place them in an existing rom/stock?

eliteone said:
actually seems smoother than the xoom roms. I ported the full 10.1 rom. Sound works, though I'm on a wifi xoom, so I can't say anything about 3g operability. If and when I get wifi up I'll post it for people to try out.
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Can you upload please, you can find some help from alot people here, I dream about it all day

haha, I know its been a while sorry guys..... with 3.2 coming out and other stuff in my real life I haven't had a ton of time to work on it. Still can't get wifi to work, and as an extra kick in the ass now the changes I made are causing a softbrick:-( but there are 2 other guys working on it too. And I'll have most of the day tomorrow to wrestle with this little bit*h and hopefully get her going. And crackmulah, that actually might be a good way if I can't get wifi to work that will be the way I go with it. I'm just trying for a "pure" port if possible


New Galaxy Tab owner, some questions and comments...

So I just came over to the galaxy android side of things from the ipad. The so far, (and with my verizon 4g mobile hotspot in hand), I'm mostly impressed. It's really a beautiful device and I really enjoy honeycomb.
However, my stock tab is incredibly laggy in normal use. This manifests most notably when moving App icons around. Another good enough example is angry birds which runs MUCH smoother I on the ipad. Honestly, my galaxy s2 feels much more responsive in normal usage also. What's going on here I thought tegra was supposed to be better than that? So far I'm a bit underwhelmed with the performance.
Also, what the heck is up with the lack of sd card slot? I'm absolutely baffled by this missing feature as I foolishly assumed it would obviously have one. 32GB is nowhere near enough storage for what I plan on using it for.
And what's up with the lack of netflix?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
Forgive the grammatical errors I'm still not used to this swift key keyboard.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
Hmm... First of all,ios does have a smoother build than android. Android has been released like tero years? But ios has been here for more than four years. Android needs time to catch up. well, then samsung's own tweek about android does slow down the system quite a bit. however about angery birds I myself feel it's about resolution.i feel the one on ipad has lower resolution than the one on android(this is my own observation,i have absolute no evidence to bakup my theory), anyone can confirm or correct me please.
Would any of the dev made launchers work properly with a Honeycomb talent and would it likely help with the lag? It is bothersome especially when my galaxy s2 feels much smoother. Thanks guys.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
1. If you want to stay stock honeycomb and it starts to lag between screens, click on + symbol on top right of homescreen, then click other or wallpaper or one of the other options, don't do anything else, then just click the home button to back out. Lag should be gone. Don't know why it works but read it on one of the other forums and it works.
2. Spend $3.50 and buy ADW EX in the market and make it your default launcher. Spend a day tweeking the settings to your liking and you will not see much lag. There is also Launcher Pro Plus but the new update makes ADW EX better IMO. Many forums here will help you set up or tweek ADW EX. Leave your lag behind!
3. What else are you doing while playing Angry Birds? I have never had an issue with a game except for the ones that aren't optimized for honeycomb and are made for a phone. (Which I don't know how anyone plays these games on a phones screen)
4. For typing I absolutely suggest Thumb Keyboard on the Market. I don't know how I went that first week with the stock keyboard. Worth the $2.
Happy Tabbing!
Thanks for the tips! Unfortunately I need another. I just performed that system update thinking it was a good idea but it put that god awful touch wiz ui on my tab!!! Is there any way to get stock honeycomb back??
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I much prefer stock honeycomb to this touch wiz bloat. The please tell me I can go back.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
I'm literally freaking out. What is wrong with these companies and their inability to stick to the stock android ui. I'm horrified by how bad this updated looks.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
you can go back
But you would have to do too many things above my pay grade to get it back. Not sure if a factory reset would do it, pretty sure you would have to root the device and flash a honeycomb 3.1 rom.
I like the touchwiz, I'm just hoping somebody comes up with a way to make the task bar black so it doesn't look so bad while watching Netflix. That is my only real dislike. And the innability to switch apps on the swipe up. A world clock, wtf am I going to need that for?
Everything you need to get your tab exactly how you want it is here. Including getting back to stock 3.1 as well as putting a black bar on touchwiz, or overclocking your processor, or yes even using custom launchers from the Market or from some of the great devs we have. The whole beauty of Android, IMO, is that we don't have to accept what the manufacturers give us. Everything you need, files, instructions, and further reading is in the "Look here first" sticky in the development section. The key is read read read, read some more, search, read read, and read. I love my tab because I can make it my own.
A factory reset will not remove the TouchMyWilly update. Honestly, it seems like you rushed into this purchase, especially given that you didn't know it doesn't have a MicroSD slot prior to buying it. 32 GB is actually quite alot if you use cloud storage. You can also get the USB adapter and transfer files that way.
But, it seems like you're not pleased with the Tab. There's no reason to force yourself to like a gadget. If you're still able to return it and give yourself some time to properly shop around for something that fits your needs then maybe you should consider that.
You can also check out the Android Dev forum a few links down from the General. That will show you how to root and flash a pre-TouchWang ROM. I didn't like the update at first, but it's grown on me.
SaosinEngaged said:
I much prefer stock honeycomb to this touch wiz bloat. The please tell me I can go back.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
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Not as bad as it seems. But it would be great if Samsung published a sdk to make use of their customization of the Android shell. For one thing I love to see more of those apps that are able to stay on top of other apps and still let you use the other apps. Would also be great to get dirty with the launchbar
+1 for ADW it fixed all lag
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
wish there was an easier way
FillTheVoid said:
Everything you need to get your tab exactly how you want it is here. Including getting back to stock 3.1 as well as putting a black bar on touchwiz, or overclocking your processor, or yes even using custom launchers from the Market or from some of the great devs we have. The whole beauty of Android, IMO, is that we don't have to accept what the manufacturers give us. Everything you need, files, instructions, and further reading is in the "Look here first" sticky in the development section. The key is read read read, read some more, search, read read, and read. I love my tab because I can make it my own.
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Yeah, I have read a little of the forum for the black taskbar but I am not that well versed in android to go messing around with folders. If it was on a PC I would be good to go, just need a simpler solution, hopefully an update. At least the taskbar matches my keyboard, just looks awful when watching Netflix.
Thanks for all the responses.
The tab itself is definitely growing on me. I still find it perplexing Samsung left out the micro SD slot; it's one of Apple devices worst "features" and for Samsung to copy that seems bizarre.
To be honest, I have no idea how to go about setting up cloud storage. I'm just used to old fashion storage methods. I have Google Music but really don't know how to get it set up as a network sharing player. I know I'll have to read read read, but I simply don't have the time right now to get into such an endeavor.
Really, don't let some of my negativity fool you. This tablet is awesome. It's just a bit of shell shock coming from my comfortable experiences with the ipad and my knee jerk dislike of the Touchwiz UI I had no idea would pop up in that update.
I'm very much a fan of stock OS's. Especially Honeycomb, I feel like if it ain't broke, why fix it?
But I'm looking into ADW right now.
SaosinEngaged said:
Thanks for all the responses.
I'm very much a fan of stock OS's. Especially Honeycomb, I feel like if it ain't broke, why fix it?
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Because Honeycomb IS broke. It's a beta, an interim build, came out of the oven months and months before it was ready. The TW update is a partial attempt to address some of these problems, and add some extra functionality.
As for looks, for a lot of people, Honeycomb is an eyesore in stock form, color-wise. The very cold color choices are not welcoming.
I daresay most non-geek people aren't fans of neon blue on black, or of faux-retro computer fonts, and above all else, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 was meant to compete in the mass market, so it needs mass market visual appeal.
Croak said:
Because Honeycomb IS broke. It's a beta, an interim build, came out of the oven months and months before it was ready. The TW update is a partial attempt to address some of these problems, and add some extra functionality.
As for looks, for a lot of people, Honeycomb is an eyesore in stock form, color-wise. The very cold color choices are not welcoming.
I daresay most non-geek people aren't fans of neon blue on black, or of faux-retro computer fonts, and above all else, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 was meant to compete in the mass market, so it needs mass market visual appeal.
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Hey, I totally understand.
I actually really liked the neonish theme of stock honeycomb. It matches very well with the neon color of swiftkey keyboard and just gave a very futuristic vibe.
The added functionality is nice, but that can always be addressed through widgets and apps.
As an aside, what is the name of that app that organizes widgets by grouping similar ones in the widget menu?
Like all of beautiful widgets would lump together into one until you click it?
SaosinEngaged said:
As an aside, what is the name of that app that organizes widgets by grouping similar ones in the widget menu?
Like all of beautiful widgets would lump together into one until you click it?
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Ooh, ooh. When you find that, please postback! My collection of widgets is getting unwieldy. Takes quite a while to scroll from left to right thru the whole collection. Its begging for some organization.
I had a Superclean ROM running on my Fascinate phone that collapsed widgets into folders (ex: all the Beautiful widgets into ONE).
I'd love that on my Tab.
SaosinEngaged said:
And what's up with the lack of netflix?
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You can grab the APK here - just sideload and you'll be streaming
It's a matter of preference. I like the TouchWiz update as it eliminated the worst feature of HC 3.1... the typing lag in forums. I also like the Quick Access panel in the bottom-right corner. One or two clicks to get to what you need, unlike the 4-5 clicks it takes to get to the same things on HC 3.1/3.2.
I am also wondering if this was a rush purchase for you if you didn't realize the Tab 10.1 doesn't have an SD card slot. Not picking on you, please don't misunderstand, but if an SD card slot was important, you could have picked up a 32GB Asus Transformer ($460) instead of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 32GB ($600) and used the savings to buy SD cards. I don't have money to burn (says the guy with a Galaxy Tab 10.1 and an Asus Transformer, lol ), so I do a lot of research before I drop $600 on something.
You can't "uninstall" the TouchWiz update once you have it. Wiping the Tab with a factory reset does not remove TouchWiz. You'd have to load a custom ROM to get rid of it.
And as far as Netflix, just head to the Themes and Apps part of the Galaxy Tab forums and grab the Netflix .apk from there. Easy to install, even for an idiot such as myself. That's the only thing that's making me want to keep the Galaxy Tab over the Asus Transformer at the moment.

[Q] is anyone working to get a CyanogenMod 7 or 9 for GTab 7.7 ?

i'm looking forward to see CM9 or even CM7 in this beauty to unlock its full potential and ... be free from TouchWiz
Well, I would see CM7 as big step down from the stock 3.2 OS. And, I doubt there will be a CM9 until Samsung releases an ICS update. So, maybe by May?
I think the release of ics will be near to the release of sgs2 ics .
And thats begin or end of 2nd quartal 2012.
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burhanistan said:
Well, I would see CM7 as big step down from the stock 3.2 OS. And, I doubt there will be a CM9 until Samsung releases an ICS update. So, maybe by May?
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Samsung won't issue a ICS for the original Tab but there is already a version working for it (although not final yet)
The issue is more about having a base large enough of 7.7 users and developers to make it happen, which probably won't be really soon given the fact it;s not sold yet in the US and in many other counties
That's one of the reasons why I am not in a hurry yet to replace my original Tab
Alcibiade said:
Samsung won't issue a ICS for the original Tab but there is already a version working for it (although not final yet)
The issue is more about having a base large enough of 7.7 users and developers to make it happen, which probably won't be really soon given the fact it;s not sold yet in the US and in many other counties
That's one of the reasons why I am not in a hurry yet to replace my original Tab
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Yeah, but we were talking about the 7.7 in the first place. Samsung has already indicated that it will be among the devices that it will update to ICS.
I'm running ICS on my OG 7" and it's pretty smooth, but yeah, Samsung has pretty much abandoned that device.
burhanistan said:
Yeah, but we were talking about the 7.7 in the first place. Samsung has already indicated that it will be among the devices that it will update to ICS.
I'm running ICS on my OG 7" and it's pretty smooth, but yeah, Samsung has pretty much abandoned that device.
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The topic is about CM for the Tab 7.7
And I keep my assertion that you don't need to wait for Samsung's implementation of ICS for the Tab 7.7to ave CM on the 7.7 (And I gave as example the original tab)
xenix96 said:
I think the release of ics will be near to the release of sgs2 ics .
And thats begin or end of 2nd quartal 2012.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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Pretty much depends on whether they want to sell this beautiful device. If they don't want to sell it I would go with Q2, if they do, I would hurry up otherwise this thing will be born dead. No rational being would consider an old OS device when there are newer ones in the market (which will definitely happen before the end of Q1)
And it is pretty much clear this device needs ICS badly. If a user in a store will compare the 1.4 ghz tab to a 1.2 GHz Transformer Prime it is evident he should go with the Prime now.
Also I would say that for tablets an update is much more important than for a phone. Web browsing for example, is boosted enormously on ICS. Considering that much users buy a tablet for web browsing it would be a no brainer to boost this 1.4 GHz of 7.7" amoled goodness
Am I the only one who isn't all that bothered by TouchWiz? Not the launcher of course, I've never been a fan of that... However, once you replace the home launcher with something better, TouchWiz isn't really that bad. I mean, the quick launch apps on the menu bar is a brilliant idea, and I use it all the time! It's awesome now that you can customize the Samsung apps there too now. Now all the quick launch bar needs is support to launch any app/widget you want, and it'd be perfect!
Now don't get me wrong, I love me some vanilla Android, and you can bet your toes that if CM9 becomes available for the 7.7, I'll be at least trying it out to see how it compares. That said, I already know I will be missing that quick launch bar... Oh if only there were something similar, but for an AOSP!! Then again, once you reach that point, it's more a question of which would you prefer: A TouchWiz themed AOSP, or an AOSP themed TouchWiz?
Jade Eyed Wolf said:
Am I the only one who isn't all that bothered by TouchWiz? Not the launcher of course, I've never been a fan of that... However, once you replace the home launcher with something better, TouchWiz isn't really that bad. I mean, the quick launch apps on the menu bar is a brilliant idea, and I use it all the time! It's awesome now that you can customize the Samsung apps there too now. Now all the quick launch bar needs is support to launch any app/widget you want, and it'd be perfect!
Now don't get me wrong, I love me some vanilla Android, and you can bet your toes that if CM9 becomes available for the 7.7, I'll be at least trying it out to see how it compares. That said, I already know I will be missing that quick launch bar... Oh if only there were something similar, but for an AOSP!! Then again, once you reach that point, it's more a question of which would you prefer: A TouchWiz themed AOSP, or an AOSP themed TouchWiz?
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Agreed. Just replace the launcher and you have something really good. I actually like some of the Samsung's apps (Typically the email client is fantastic and I haven't found anything that comes close to t on the market). It is the same for many other Samsung proprietary apps that work only with the Touchwiz workframe. And I regret these apps...
HOWEVER performance wise (and battery life wise) CM or other variants (I am using BOCA) are just night and day with Samsung's ROMs... Maybe the 7.7 has so much horsepower that it doesn't matter too much (although I am sure at one stage it will). But clearly for the original Tab I just cannot go back to Samsung base ROM even though I regret the apps...
Would be fantastic if I could instal ICS on it right now. Is it already possible to instal CM9 on the tab 7.7? Or maybe a "leaked" version from Samsung. Hope touchwize wont lag as much as it does now. Device is rooted.
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cm7 is based on gingerbread so does anyone really want to go from android 3.2 to 2.3?
cm9 will come to the device but as for now samsung is working on ics for sgs2.
when they finish sgs2 update they will release ics for note and g 7.7
appelflap said:
Also I would say that for tablets an update is much more important than for a phone. Web browsing for example, is boosted enormously on ICS. Considering that much users buy a tablet for web browsing it would be a no brainer to boost this 1.4 GHz of 7.7" amoled goodness
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I'm currently one of those
i'm so drooling for the Asus Prime, but... the only thing that is keeping me away from purchasing the Asus Prime, is the nVidia Tegra, which is ironic as it's the most powerful Quad core out there right now
but nVidia has bad reputation in Android for NEVER releasing source codes, no source codes = cheesy 3rd development support
and also because the Prime lacks OLED display
I might change my mind if i see CM9 for the ASUS Prime, but for now Gtab 7.7 is pretty much the nicest thing on the market with the largest SAMOLED+ HD display which is what i'm shopping for.
i'm indifferent about TW or CM
TW bonus is really on all the extra hardware codecs it comes with it, which is great if you plan to watch a lot of video on the tablet
CM on the other hand lacks those extra codecs, being AOSP based, but it makes up for it for all the build in features, settings, customization, and power
of course TW based ROMs can be OC too, but there's always all that extra stuff that are not really wanted included, all the stuff that i usually end up replacing with 3rd party apps or prefer the ones that comes from stock AOSP better.
Jade Eyed Wolf said:
Am I the only one who isn't all that bothered by TouchWiz? Not the launcher of course, I've never been a fan of that... However, once you replace the home launcher with something better, TouchWiz isn't really that bad. I mean, the quick launch apps on the menu bar is a brilliant idea, and I use it all the time! It's awesome now that you can customize the Samsung apps there too now. Now all the quick launch bar needs is support to launch any app/widget you want, and it'd be perfect!
Now don't get me wrong, I love me some vanilla Android, and you can bet your toes that if CM9 becomes available for the 7.7, I'll be at least trying it out to see how it compares. That said, I already know I will be missing that quick launch bar... Oh if only there were something similar, but for an AOSP!! Then again, once you reach that point, it's more a question of which would you prefer: A TouchWiz themed AOSP, or an AOSP themed TouchWiz?
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AllGamer said:
i'm indifferent about TW or CM
TW bonus is really on all the extra hardware codecs it comes with it, which is great if you plan to watch a lot of video on the tablet
CM on the other hand lacks those extra codecs, being AOSP based, but it makes up for it for all the build in features, settings, customization, and power
of course TW based ROMs can be OC too, but there's always all that extra stuff that are not really wanted included, all the stuff that i usually end up replacing with 3rd party apps or prefer the ones that comes from stock AOSP better.
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Good points indeed! Normally I'm pretty well set as long as I have root and CWM. Most of my personal customization's don't go beyond changing the launcher anyway. I do play a lot of video's so I guess that's why I'm happy with TW.
Now that I do have both root and CWM, I'm a pretty happy camper!
At this point, a TW ICS can only make things better (provided I can still keep CWM and Root of course!)

What makes these ICS roms so cool?

I haven't really tried them out much yet. I installed AOKP for a little bit the other day, but didn't know enough about ti to leave it on as my daily driver for work. SO I am wondering what do these roms have that make them cool? I like the way the 5 icons look in the dock at the bottom of the screen, but I can get that with GoLauncher.
Not hating on these roms at all. I love what the devs are doing. I just want to know what difference I get going with an ICS rom over something like MikG 3.0 or tommys classic?
It's the new thing out..newer is better, right?
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mike208 said:
I haven't really tried them out much yet. I installed AOKP for a little bit the other day, but didn't know enough about ti to leave it on as my daily driver for work. SO I am wondering what do these roms have that make them cool? I like the way the 5 icons look in the dock at the bottom of the screen, but I can get that with GoLauncher.
Not hating on these roms at all. I love what the devs are doing. I just want to know what difference I get going with an ICS rom over something like MikG 3.0 or tommys classic?
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Its just another thing that we're not supposed to have on our evos which makes it fun!
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Battery life on decks alphas is awesome
I'd like to use Chrome for the phone.
I haven't left any on my Evo because I'm waiting for CM9 to come out. Although there are a couple of ROMS in the development section that looks promising.
Plus I am getting stellar performance w/ Evo Classic 0.06 Supermagic preview developed by TommyTomatoe
It's the latest version of Android, Google what's new.
PlusTheHarm said:
It's the latest version of Android, Google what's new.
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I have done that, but I also know these roms aren't all their yet. Just wondering what cool new features they have and which ones they might be missing compared to the actual ICS
I'm not always an early adopter, and I don't automatically subscribe to newer=better.
That said, I just really love the new UI for ICS. I've always had to theme my roms to get rid of green and replace with blue (I hate green).
It's also the first real revamp of the UI in a LONG time. I like how the menu options shoot up the middle of screen, instead of 6 blocks across the bottom.
I like how there's finally scrollable Widgets (namely, finally, for the email), but also browser, calendar.
The quickmenu in browser is a really cool feature, as is the way browser handles tabs.
I really like the way gallery is handled, and the layout for sharing options after a pic is taken.
Notifications sweep away much easier/smoother than I've ever seen on GB. Also, long press of home for task switching is handled nicer than previously, I think.
I just really like it. Yes, there are features not working yet, but I do think it really is an improvement over earlier versions. On AOKP, I'm getting pretty poor battery life (but it's a great ROM), On drews p6 I got fantastic battery life.
Oh, I like the rotation animation, too. I'm sure there's lots more I'm not thinking of.
sent from AOKP heaven
Not sold on ICS... yet.
I'm a flashaholic. My wife and I both have EVO 4G's, and I'm constantly flashing different ROMs on our phones. I've tried a couple ICS roms, even though there are still some bugs yet to be worked out. I'm not really impressed. I've found that I prefer ROMs that are more easily theme friendly. I think the new ICS blue is gonna get old fast. My wife prefers MikG 3.0, while I'm currently swagged out with Swagged Out Stock (Swag=ON). That said, when CM9 is available, I'll flash and play around with it. I'm also looking forward to checking out Chrome and a few other apps only available for ICS.
Why do you think CM9 will be worth? Hell, it may never even come to Evo (if you haven't noticed, CM has dropped support for Evo). The devs working on 4.0 now are light years beyond CM. Try it , you'll see.
sent from AOKP heaven
Ics is android 4.0 which is the latest and greatest! All the android 4.0 roms you will find right now are all AOSP roms, and later on when HTC releases it there will be the Sense android 4.0 roms! The difference is its just the latest and has extra eye candy and a few better features!
I hope I helped If I did please hit the thanks button,
scottspa74 said:
Why do you think CM9 will be worth? Hell, it may never even come to Evo (if you haven't noticed, CM has dropped support for Evo). The devs working on 4.0 now are light years beyond CM. Try it , you'll see.
sent from AOKP heaven
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As far as I've heard from inside source is that cm9 is close to ready for evo. Its missing some drivers that they are having to write themselves due to lack of support from HTC and qualcom. I know for a fact that a close buddy of mine is running cm9 that he compiled himself from cm tree only thing is hes had to hack the kernel for now. So it will be coming eventually.
cool to hear. I'll obviously keep my eye out (always am lol). Thanks for heads up. AOKP so far has been pretty amazing, though.
sent from AOKP heaven
Battery life is my favorite part so far. Going a full day and at the end of the night having 50% left is ridiculous. I use to be lucky having battery left by lunch! AOKP by the way. Tried to post the screenshot but either the upload doesn't work on the app or I don't have enough posts.
First, its task manager is awsome, you have to now end tasks or they will keep going its nice in some ways but lame if you get tomany running,
second, scrollable widgets and the ablity to resize them.\
and thats all i got
The big things that I'm loving about ICS are;
Scollable widgets (I used to stick to sense because of the great widgets, but these are comparable).
Re-sizable widgets (I know this is available with different launcher replacements, but it's nice to have "out of the box").
Battery life, getting almost 24 hours on AOKP.
Swiping away notifications (again, available on different ROMs).
The overall look is fresh, I prefer the blue over the typical green.
The things I'm not a fan of;
No 4g (though I hardly ever used it anyway because it just KILLS my battery).
No video recording.
Random force closes (these are few and far between, much less than other ROMs I've been on, but they still happen).
Not being able to long press to add an app or widget to a screen (I know this is available through NOVA launcher, just talking about out of the box here).
Not sure if I'm sold on the new app drawer layout.
Bottom line is, since I flashed ICS (Evervolv first, now AOKP) to try it out, it's become my daily driver. The features match up with what I'm looking for, and what's currently missing will surely be fixed soon enough thanks to the awesome dev's working on it. As always, it boils down to what you want and what you can live without.
indyjames said:
It's the new thing out..newer is better, right?
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I think thats what it was, for me at least. I couldn't wait to hop on board the ICS train. I was flashing everytime someone released a new alpha!
It eventually died down for me, and now I am settled back down nicely with CM7..
So far the only ICS that has impressed me was 4.0.3 sense 4.0. Other than that I can't seem to see what all the hype is. Aosp ICS in my opinion(yes my opinion) is its plain and poorly colored. Maybe I don't want a turquois blue UI. Idk. Just MY opinion as I know everyone has their own ideas thoughts and feelings. Don't get me wrong I do like some of the features(some which evo4g may not see) but in time I believe it will get better. Everything starts from bottom. GB was the same way when it surfaced for our evos. Well see what the future brings!

Touchwiz appreciation thread.

Is it just me, or is touchwiz on a tablet actually really nice :L
i know it slows the tab down, but the widgets icons and notification bar r really minimalist and generally not bad looking!
And the fact that stock touchwiz hc roms come with polaris office and a pen memo means that i dont really mind the occasional lag it has :L
Im also looking forward to the ics touchwiz build aswell.
Does anyone agree with me?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
adamski123 said:
Is it just me, or is touchwiz on a tablet actually really nice :L
i know it slows the tab down, but the widgets icons and notification bar r really minimalist and generally not bad looking!
And the fact that stock touchwiz hc roms come with polaris office and a pen memo means that i dont really mind the occasional lag it has :L
Im also looking forward to the ics touchwiz build aswell.
Does anyone agree with me?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Wow dude. This is bold. I don't totally disagree with you (in fact, I don't have much of an opinion one way or another), but you're definitely in the minority around here... I'll apologize in advance for the nonsense flames you'll get for posting this.
slack04 said:
Wow dude. This is bold. I don't totally disagree with you (in fact, I don't have much of an opinion one way or another), but you're definitely in the minority around here... I'll apologize in advance for the nonsense flames you'll get for posting this.
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Yeah that's the thing though, a while I understand touchwiz on a phone is ugly. On a tablet its actually nice. :L they (samsung) havent done that much in terms of looks with tw, which is gd.
So yeah, bring on the trolls
I don't really see it. I have been using touching HC 3.2 for as long as I have the tablet. I just recently installed touchwiz-less ICS and now never want to go back to touching. I do not miss polarised office at all since it doesn't work with swiftkey tablet x, and ihave replaced pen memo with quill, which was only 20 cents. But I guess tastes are different...
Localhorst86 said:
I don't really see it. I have been using touching HC 3.2 for as long as I have the tablet. I just recently installed touchwiz-less ICS and now never want to go back to touching. I do not miss polarised office at all since it doesn't work with swiftkey tablet x, and ihave replaced pen memo with quill, which was only 20 cents. But I guess tastes are different...
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Fair enough mate.
I can understand why u dont like touchwiz, and i know ics is amazing.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Well, there are a few things I didn't like about TW:
1. Bright settings menu. The whole tab felt that it should have a dark theme and in most places it did. But then there was the settings menu that feels out of place.
2. The statusbar is annoying. I don't know how often I accidentally made a Screenshot when I didn't want to. Or brought up the pop up bar which contains alps I never use.
Localhorst86 said:
Well, there are a few things I didn't like about TW:
1. Bright settings menu. The whole tab felt that it should have a dark theme and in most places it did. But then there was the settings menu that feels out of place.
2. The statusbar is annoying. I don't know how often I accidentally made a Screenshot when I didn't want to. Or brought up the pop up bar which contains alps I never use.
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Ok yeh i get it about the settings. But the screenshot button is useful. And im sure in the newer versions of tw u can have custom apps in the pop up bar?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Localhorst86 said:
2. Or brought up the pop up bar which contains alps I never use.
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is there a way to change those apps on the pop up bar? That would actually be useful if you could customize that.
mike-y said:
is there a way to change those apps on the pop up bar? That would actually be useful if you could customize that.
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I vaguely remember seeing the gtab 7.7 having the option to edit the pop up bar...
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adamski123 said:
Ok yeh i get it about the settings. But the screenshot button is useful. And im sure in the newer versions of tw u can have custom apps in the pop up bar?
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Having a Screenshot function available is nice, but I agree. But I prefer the way the ICS Rom I am using implements it: hidden in the power menu. I mean, why would you need it readily available at all times?
Localhorst86 said:
Having a Screenshot function available is nice, but I agree. But I prefer the way the ICS Rom I am using implements it: hidden in the power menu. I mean, why would you need it readily available at all times?
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Im not sure that stock ics has the screenshot function in the power menu. Its only added in later on through custom roms and tweaks such as enabling it in rom control :L
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Yeah, but in the same respect I am not even sure if the things I complain about a HC or TW features
Localhorst86 said:
Yeah, but in the same respect I am not even sure if the things I complain about a HC or TW features
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Haha fair enough. Tbh HC was a bit of a fail on googles part. It felt rushed and ill prepared. Hopefully ics will iron out everything.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
adamski123 said:
Im not sure that stock ics has the screenshot function in the power menu. Its only added in later on through custom roms and tweaks such as enabling it in rom control :L
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nah its there by default in ics
its one of ics main selling points
btw for the record i love touchwiz just because of the extra features like mini apps
the ui hasnt really affected me as i probs only have had my tab with stocktouchwiz theme for about 2 weeks when i got it
BroBot175 said:
nah its there by default in ics
its one of ics main selling points
btw for the record i love touchwiz just because of the extra features like mini apps
the ui hasnt really affected me as i probs only have had my tab with stocktouchwiz theme for about 2 weeks when i got it
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Whoops my bad xD haha yes the calculator and task manager r soo useful
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Honeycomb is a very good concept but a "beta version" software: slow, laggy, unstable and incomplete in several ways... I got my G.Tab 10.1 in January and 2 weeks later I flashed (and kept updated ever since) ICS KANG and loving it.
That said, I do like the added Samsung apps and functionality (on both my Note and my G.Tab 10.1) so as soon as it comes out I will flash Samsung's ICS update.
The Note is already great as it is on the latest LB1 Gingerbread ROM so I don't mind waiting a little more for ICS BUT I really can't wait to get Samsung's ICS ROM for the Tab 10.1 and pretty pissed off that they can't seem to be able to give a less vague date.
I hope they make it up to me by adding the split screen funcionality shown off on the Note 10.1 and a revamped note app which syncs across my Note's S Memo app and Outlook notes..
I think touchwiz on 3.X is amazing, really improves the experience. I cringe whenever I see the stock notification bar (I have to open it, hit settings and then hit settings again to actually open the settings compared to open it and hit settings once in touchwiz).
If touchwiz is that amazing, what's HTC sense? Sense is great on both phones and tabs. Look at the HTC jetstream, HTC did a much better job then Samsung.
I don't mind Touchwiz. I like some of the little extras, etc. Stock Honeycomb is still fugly so TW helps a tad, but since it's so light, not much. ICS is a huge improvement on phones, but not so much in tablets. It's bascially what Honeycomb should have been in the first place.
I'd rather have HTC Sense, but since HTC never had any good wifi tablets last year, it just wasn't in the cards. I will say, the GT 10.1 has been a good tablet and does everything I need it to do, but I won't be buying anymore Samsung products like.... um.... Ever. My next tab will be W8 and probably from Asus or something.
I have never liked HTC Sense at all, Touchwiz is a great compromise between adding functionality and staying as close as possible at the "Android experience" (which keeps on getting better and better). Ideally I would like to have a consistent experience across all Android devices with, at best, "touches" added by the different makers and design and hardware to differentiate among them. Sense goes totally against this.

Why install Cyanogenmod?

Okey, so Cyanogenmod is coming to our wonderful TF and people are hyping about this. I'm just wondering why. So we get an equalizer and themes support, hoopla. And we're minus the Polaris Office which Asus provides as a free extra, which is a long and big minus.
So why install it?
(I'm not a troll, I'm just curious because don't see any reason for all the hype.)
Cyanogenmod is 100% open source. Once Cyanogenmod has a working TF101 build that means that others can build on top of it, and when Asus drops support we can use the cyanogenmod made code to keep our devices up to date. CM roms are also feature rich and offer constant updates. If you're willing to give up (or just pay for) Polaris then you'll see how much smoother AOSP roms are.
Polaris Office. recovery installable .zip is in Tjemes and apps section, its extracted from main ics build.
Sent from my GT-I5700 using XDA
Polaris office don't work for me , on ROM CM9 cornerstone.....
That is not the only thing that does not work in cornerstone...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
Polaris office works fine on CM9 non-cornerstone.
for the moment, what do you guys choose ? transformer rom or cyanogen rom ?
CoopZor said:
for the moment, what do you guys choose ? transformer rom or cyanogen rom ?
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for now modified stock
maybe in the future cm9 but for now nah
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium HD app
This question interest me too.
Is someone able to be a bit more specific about what a 'feature rich' CM9 brings beyond what the stock ROM has?
And what do we lose functionally besides the applications Asus has added?
A list of important differences would be very informative.
CM9 includes an entire list of performance tweaks and options such as reboot to recovery, my CM9 on my phone also uses the volume keys when screen is off to skip tracks without having to wake the device and press a button on the screen..just for a small example.
luna_c666 said:
CM9 includes an entire list of performance tweaks and options such as reboot to recovery, my CM9 on my phone also uses the volume keys when screen is off to skip tracks without having to wake the device and press a button on the screen..just for a small example.
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Several music apps do the same with vol keys
Also reboot options are gonna be added to modified stock at some point just like in honeycomb
I like the stock notification area and settings to i think cm9 should have something similar
I love cyanogenmod use it on my phone all the time its quick and awesome but at the moment i dont see the reason to switch yet on the tf
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium HD app
i should say, im fairly eager as well to try out CM, but as far as i understand, its not as mature as the stock OS itself. ive read poor support for the camera, wifi and bluetooth, which in its own right is a CM-killer for me. but perhaps that is not the case now?
i love being in control of my phone/tablet and that's why i want to get away from stock roms that are always trying to unroot and lock the phone or tablet, that is not the meaning of open source and Android to me.
anyhow, id love someone knowledgeable on CM to debunk the issues with camera, wifi and bluetooth. id love to know what to expect in terms of stability, play store support and such, so that we could all have a clear understanding of what CM is and what it can do, how it differs, etc.
Thanks in advance,
Im hoping the lack of official support has been due to cm getting new build machines, cm said they,ll be up and running in a few days
Sent from my R800i using xda premium
locutus7o9 said:
This question interest me too.
Is someone able to be a bit more specific about what a 'feature rich' CM9 brings beyond what the stock ROM has?
And what do we lose functionally besides the applications Asus has added?
A list of important differences would be very informative.
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Responsive, boot up time is quicker more customization's. For example taking away the names under the apps so its just the app itself.. if we had a built in LED set the LED blink frequency time or intervals and some even change its color and assign it to email, battery ect. Battery life is way long but its very quick. Bounce back affect when you hit the sides,Glow, change window transitions, like have the homescreen change in card stack form, flip, boxed, fade, spin ect or just have a constant home screen switching (no end) just starts over. Change the weight of the transition from light to heavy so it feels like light as a feather or heavy when switching screens. Erasing the Google search bar , change how notifications behave. Change the sound pitch. Hide status bar or the dock screen so its just your wallpaper and apps.. assign swipe animations like sliding your finger up or down you can make the status bar appear or dock dispel. Different lock screens, lock screen gestures.Make the static wallpaper not move with transitions (which gives a speedy feel to everything). Force Live wallpapers to not move with each screen swipe.. it feels like its more stable and less stuttering when using a LWP.That's just a quick list off the top of my head. Plus alot of changes under the hood. They also support theme's depending on the launcher they include.
You can get most of this separate by getting another launcher but its not built into the package. Its not bonded to your transformer. With CM its all there ready to use. Its done very subtle that it looks like it meant for it since its a tweaked version of the ones you can get in the Market. Some people dont like CM since its not as flashy. That's why most get a CM based ROM with added stuff. I love the CM9.. Right now there on there 2nd nightly build. I would wait till they announce an RC version or stable. Currently, dock support is glitchy and its missing features since its there 2nd nightly build. Nighties are like Beta builds. Not a daily driver..
---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 PM ----------
will8578 said:
Im hoping the lack of official support has been due to cm getting new build machines, cm said they,ll be up and running in a few days
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it was.. they released there 2nd nightly build yesterday right after they announced there new servers.
Just for info, this is there 4th nightly, i know it only shows 2 but iv installed at least 4, oh and nice defence cm rocks
Sent from my R800i using xda premium
hardy81 said:
Okey, so Cyanogenmod is coming to our wonderful TF and people are hyping about this. I'm just wondering why. So we get an equalizer and themes support, hoopla. And we're minus the Polaris Office which Asus provides as a free extra, which is a long and big minus.
So why install it?
(I'm not a troll, I'm just curious because don't see any reason for all the hype.)
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Development on CM9, Megatron (CM9 based) and AOKP are all done more real time and ongoing than anything from Asus. They provide better stability, can be developed to accept the Asus stock apps, and introduce new features to your tablet. Nearly all of the added features can be purchased apps instead of integrated for free though. I'd rather donate to one dev doing awesome things than have 1000 apps from different mediocre devs. It's less work for you to optimize and get every ounce of ability out of your tablet. Even with the 201, 101 and 300 all being out and pretty much awesome still even through the first two are "aging", we still get better attention. Maybe not all those thoughts go together.
In my opinion though, my tablet runs smoother on Megatron than it did stock. I have Guevor and Ricardopv working hard from each end supporting this tablet in a way that Asus isn't. I use Kingsoft Office Suite (free and full-functioning) with cloud support for office needs. I play my games, Facebook, Twitter and anything else I can think of pretty much with this thing and don't have to worry about the random reboots at all.
To each their own though. If you don't think you need it, that's cool. I probably didn't need it. I wanted it though. When CM hits a device, even AOKP now, it brings out developers that will usually support a device until it is truly dead. Support a dev and try their wares. Donate.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
