Full OpenAOS Boot Menu Instructions - Gen8 General

Full OpenAOS Boot Menu Instructions
Install the SDE
Install Boot Menu
Install Cyanogen
Install Urukdroid on the openAOS Boot Menu
Editing the menu.lst
Any one could say to me how to link posts inside a Thread? without opening a new tab?
Thanks goes to:
msticninja for give me Instructions how to install Urukdroid on the Menu.
Bubu for creating the openAOS Boot Menu and Cyanogen.
$aur0n for creating Urukdroid.
vantoman for telling me the right init.rc mounting line for urukdroid.
AlaskaPardus for telling me how to install gapps on cyan.

Install the SDE
Install the SDE
The SDE is a "Special Developer Edition"(=SDE) - Firmware, from Archos, usually only for Developers.
It cames with the Angstrôm Linux-Distribution.
You can use the normal Archos Android, if you have the SDE installed.
Warning, you will loose your Warranty by installing this firmware!
Your device will be watermarked after installation, so Archos can detect that you have installed the SDE!
Installing the SDE:
1) Shut down your Archos.
2) Boot your Archos by holding down the Volume Up ( + ) Button.
3) You will get to the Recovery Menu. You can navigate with the Volume Buttons and the Power Button.
4) Choose "Update Firmware" and connect your Archos with your PC (USB).
5) Download the SDE Firmware here: http://www.archos.com/support/support_tech/_ppp.html?country=de&lang=de&p=gen8
6) Copy the firmware_archos_android_gen8.aos file to your Archos and press the Power Button once.
7) Your Archos now install the SDE Firmware.
8) When you Boot up, your Archos will normally Boot the normal Archos Android, but if you hold down the Volume Down ( - ) Button during Boot Up, you will see the "Boot Menu". (This isnt the openAOS Boot Menu!)

Install Boot Menu
The openAOS Boot Menu, developed from Bubu, allows you to Boot multible OS (f.e. Archos Android,Linux,Cyanogen,Urukdroid,etc...)
Install the Boot Menu:
1) Shut down your Archos.
2) Boot into the SDE Boot Menu by holding down the Volume Down ( - ) Button.
3) Choose "Recovery System" >> "Developer Edition Menu" >> "Flashing zImage and Initramfs".
4) Connect your Archos with your PC (USB).
5) Download the lastest openAOS Boot Menu files (zImage & initramfs.cgio.gz) from here: http://download.openaos.org/bubu/gen8/
6) Copy these two files to your Archos and press the Power Button once.
7) Your Archos now flashes the Boot Menu`s zImage and initramfs.
8) From now on, when you Boot Up your Archos, the openAOS Boot Menu, will showed you can navigate trough the Menu with the Volume Buttons and the Power Button.
9) From standart you will be able to choose between "Archos" (Normal Archos Android) and "Angstrom" (SDE Linux Distribution)
Please often look into the download archive of Bubu ( http://download.openaos.org/bubu/gen8/ ) for a new version of the Boot Menu!

Install Cyanogen
Install Cyanogen
"CyanogenMod is an aftermarket firmware for a number of cell phones
based on the open-source Android operating system.
It offers features not found in the official Android based firmwares of vendors of these cell phones."
(from cyanogenmod.com)​
You can use the lastest Cyanogen version (based on Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread) with the openAOS Boot Menu. (Both systems are from Bubu)
Install Cyanogen
1) Boot into normal Archos Android and connect it with your PC.
2) Download the lastest Cyanogen *.img file from here: http://download.openaos.org/bubu/gen8/android/
3) Once your downloaded the lastest *.img file from there, you have to rename it to "openaos-gingerbread.img.
4) Now copy that file into the root of your Archos.
5) Now download this menu.lst file (from gbohm) http://www.filesonic.com/file/1302552154/menu.lst.
6) Copy that file to the root of your Archos. (maybe copy&overwrite)
7) Reboot your Archos.
8) I you should see a new entry in the Boot Menu, named "Ginger-bread", choose this.
9) Your Archos now boots Cyanogen!
Please often look into the download archive of Bubu ( http://download.openaos.org/bubu/gen8/android/ ) for a new version of Cyanogen!

Install Urukdroid on the openAOS Boot Menu
Install Urukdroid on the openAOS Boot Menu
UrukDroid is an Android distribution for Archos GEN8 devices.
It's mix of Android 2.2.1, original Archos OS with different Linux/GNU utilities, kernel patches and all kind of modification.
Goal of this system is to allow users to do most of the operations
they are allowed to do on normal Linux distributions.
It's aimed for more advanced users, but tries to be useful on basic level of all people if they don't need special features.​(from http://code.google.com/p/urukdroid/)
Urukdroid is created by $aur0n and many other developers.
Some Users may have problems with this, because you need a bit of Linux Knowledge!
Install Urukdroid on the openAOS Boot Menu
If you dont have Urukdroid already, please also follow the Orange Instructions.
Otherwise start with the Black Instructions below.
1) Shut down your Archos.
2) Boot into the SDE Boot Menu. and choose "Recovery System" >> "Developers Edition Menu" >> "Flash Kernel and Initramfs"
3) Connect your Archos with your PC (USB).
4) Download the Urukdroid 1.1 Installation file from here: http://sauron.pourix.com/UrukDroid/UrukDroid-1.0/UrukDroid_1.0-Install.rar
5) Extract the 3 files inside.
6) Copy the zImage and initramfs.cpio.gz files to your Archos.
7) Press the Power Button once.
8) Your Archos now flash the Urukdroid Kernel.
9) Restart your Archos into the SDE (Holding down Volume Down ( - ) Button)
10) Choose your options at the EasyInstall of Urukdroid.
11) Follow the Installation Process of Urukdroid.
12) You now have Urukdroid.
1) If you dont have Linux on your PC already, please download a Ubuntu Live CD from here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download
2) Boot your PC with that CD/USB Stick.
3) Shutdown your Archos.
4) Boot into the SDE Boot Menu. (Hold down Volume Down ( - ) Button)
5) Choose "Recovery System" >> "Repair System" >> "Start USB MSC" and connect your Archos to your PC with booted Ubuntu. (USB)
5.5) You should now see 3 "Devices" connected to your Archos.
These are the 3 Partitions of your Archos.
6) Download this file: http://www.mediafire.com/?oi9g4kujjsytd9x
7) Extract the files out of the archive (one folder & one file)
8) Go to Terminal. (Applications >> Accessories >> Terminal)
9) Type "sudo nautilus"
10) A window, like the Windows Explorer, should open.
11) Go to the directory, where you extracted the archos.inc out of the downloaded file.
12) Copy that file to the root of your Urukdroid Partition.
The Urukdroid Partition is normally 0.5 GB or 1.0 GB big.
13) Now go to the Directory where you have extracted the 2.6.29-omap1 folder out of the downloaded file.
14) Copy that folder into [YOUR URUKDROID PARTITION]/lib/modules.
(You first have to delete the, on your Urukdroid Partition excisting,2.6.29-omap1 folder)
15) Download this file and extract the 2 files out of it http://www.mediafire.com/?xaabbc9in9q4l2u
15) Overwrite the init.rc file on the root of your Urukdroid Partition with the downloaded and extracted one.
[COLOR="Red[COLOR="Red"][/COLOR]"]Warning! This init.rc only work if you have urukdroid installed on internet flash!
You, who have urukdroid installed on sd, please do this steps:[/COLOR]
1) Search for the (commented) Topic "Mount Partitions"
2) The third line under this Topic is commented. (with a #)
3) Uncomment it by erase the #.
4) Now change the line from "mount |____| /data noatime nosuid" (i forgot the middle-part) to "mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk1p3 /data noatime nosuid"
(if you use Urukdroid from sd card you have to change the line to "mount /dev/mmcblk2p3 /data")
5) Now search a Topic called "First Boot Logo" (or so) with only one line under it.
Warning: You just have to do this 2 following steps, if you dont have the A70 S or H
6) You have to add the line "exec /system/bin/flip.sh", but you have to add this below the excisting command under the Topic!
7) Save the init.rc file and exit the text editor.
23) Copy the downloaded and extracted file flip.sh to /system/bin
Warning: The following steps should done by all(also the A70 S or H users!)
24) "Exit" the Urukdroid Partition safely and press the Power Button. (on your Archos)
25) Boot your Archos into the normal Archos Android and connect it with your PC. (You can choose if you use Ubuntu or Windows for this, i used windows)
26) Open the file, named menu.lst.
--> If you do it on Windows, be sure you open it with Notepad ++ (can downloaded here: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/release/5.9.2) and that you have enabled the UNIX line endings! (Edit>>EOL Conversation>>UNIX)
27) Add the line:
If you use Urukdroid from SD Card you have to change "/dev/mmcblk1p2" to "/dev/mmcblk2p2".
28) Save the file and "exit" your Archos safely and reboot your Archos.
29) Boot Up your Archos, now you should see a new Option, to choose, named "Urukdroid".
30) You now have Urukdroid running on the openAOS Boot Menu!

Editing the menu.lst
Editing the menu.lst
This Tutorial is for the more powerful users!
The menu.lst say to the openAOS Boot Menu, which OS are installed on the Device.
The Standart menu.lst, automatically created by the menu on first boot up, looks like:
Lets investigate a normal line:
1) The first Part is the name, that is showed on the Boot Menu.
2) The second Part (empty here) is the Developer/producer of the Rom/OS/Image
3) The third Part is the name and directory of the Image File to Boot.
4) The fourth Part is the directory of the root of the Imaeg/Os.
5) The fifth Part is the SGX Overlay Version, you have to set :
"1" for a Linux/Debian OS/Image
"0" for a Android Os/Image
Editing the menu.lst on Windows
If you want to edit the menu.lst on Windows you have to use Notepad++ for this. (can downloaded here: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download)
You have to be sure, that you have enabled the UNIX Line Endings!
(Edit >> EOL Conversation >> UNIX)
If its "grayed-out" its okey, if not just click on it.
The most maked fault
The most maked fault is this:
Archos|ARCHOS|ARCHOS|/init|0 [BREAK]
Angstrom||/rootfs.img|/sbin/init|1 [BREAK]
Ginger-bread||/openaos-gingerbread.img|/init|0 [BREAK]
This menu.lst dont work!
It has to be:
Archos|ARCHOS|ARCHOS|/init|0 [BREAK]
Angstrom||/rootfs.img|/sbin/init|1 [BREAK]
Ginger-bread||/openaos-gingerbread.img|/init|0 [BREAK]
You have to add a empty line! (Not just press "Enter" once when you are on the end of the last (gingerbread here) line, you have do it twice!)
After that you have to be 2 lines below the last OS line!

Install Google-Apps on Cyanogen
These Instructions are about getting the Google-Applications on Cyanogen.
(Like: Market,Sync,Talk,Backup,..)​1) First install a Root File Explorer (I recommend this free one: https://market.android.com/details?id=gpc.myweb.hinet.net.TaskManager )
2) Download this file: http://www.mediafire.com/?5iu9zvrq0ns6w15
3) Extract all apks out of the zip.
4) Copy all extracted apks to /system/app and reboot your device.
5) When your device boots up you should get to the "Start Up Wizard".
6) Here you have to create or sign in to your Google-Account.
7) Now you have all Google-Apps on Cyanogen!

Here Are Videos all around the openAOS Boot Menu/Urukdroid/Cyanogen.
Installation Process of the SDE
Installation Process of the Boot Menu and Cyanogen
Hands on with Cyanogen
Warning: This Video is old! Its from the very first version of Cyan! The lastest version is much more stable!
Here are helpfull links to Websites about the openAOS Boot Menu:
openAOS - The "Home" of Bubu, the developer of the menu, with updates and news about archos stuff and cyanogen (also Bubu`s work)
Arctablet - An Archos news portal. They make many of the videos (2 of the 3 videos above). Here you can read about the Boot Menu and other Archos stuff and news.
Bubus file server - The file archive of Bubu. Here you can find the lastest version of the Boot Menu and Cyanogen.

Great summary, thanks a bunch

after doing ur how to for Urukdroid it didn't work ; but i'm root now on the original firmware i dont know how or why super user is working... god damn it
with full read and write

Just as a note.
If you have a A70s/h you don't need step 24 in Uruk configuration as our Display is mounted correct.

I can't startup my urukdroid in A101. I have tried below two lines in my config.
I can see it will start to boot Urukdroid, but after that it will switch to ARCHOS animation screen and wait for a long time.
For this one, it will also start to boot Urukdroid at the first time, then it switch to ARCHOS animation screen and boot up android stock firmware.

vantoman said:
after doing ur how to for Urukdroid it didn't work ; but i'm root now on the original firmware i dont know how or why super user is working... god damn it
with full read and write
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I can't startup my urukdroid in A101. I have tried below two lines in my config.
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I know, I know
This is Urukdroid! I didnt believe it too, but i tested Urukconfig and it works normally
It dont install the normal Urukdroid apps... i dont know why...

fzelle said:
Just as a note.
If you have a A70s/h you don't need step 24 in Uruk configuration as our Display is mounted correct.
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Thanks for the tip
I added this at first post

jan_tsui said:
I can't startup my urukdroid in A101. I have tried below two lines in my config.
I can see it will start to boot Urukdroid, but after that it will switch to ARCHOS animation screen and wait for a long time.
For this one, it will also start to boot Urukdroid at the first time, then it switch to ARCHOS animation screen and boot up android stock firmware.
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Try the latest initramfs from BuBu, the one from 4 July. The devices for the external SD card were added again.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

Lenn said:
I know, I know
This is Urukdroid! I didnt believe it too, but i tested Urukconfig and it works normally
It dont install the normal Urukdroid apps... i dont know why...
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Lenn ; no i mean it start archos firmware from the boot menu and u'll get root i've tested it with the latest firmware and i'm root

vantoman said:
Lenn ; no i mean it start archos firmware from the boot menu and u'll get root i've tested it with the latest firmware and i'm root
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Yeah i know you mean,i have this too
But this is urukdroid^^ urukconfig works normally

Your howto works fine, thank you very much.
But I have a problem - maybee simple.
On my Archos 101, after booting gingerbread (last bubu image) all stands upside down (bootmenu, afterwards the ADW screen). I just have checked all in the CM settings, so ADW become right, but some apps (like camera) won't follow and stay upside down .
What have I misdone?

zingel said:
Your howto works fine, thank you very much.
But I have a problem - maybee simple.
On my Archos 101, after booting gingerbread (last bubu image) all stands upside down (bootmenu, afterwards the ADW screen). I just have checked all in the CM settings, so ADW become right, but some apps (like camera) won't follow and stay upside down .
What have I misdone?
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Actually this bug have been solved...
Do you have the lastest versions? Please check

Lenn said:
Actually this bug have been solved...
Do you have the lastest versions? Please check
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The 101 will still have problems with the camera, etc. Display output is reversed, and the accelerometer has been reversed as well to cope with it. Eventually we'll get the display reversed instead of the accelerometer. Speaking of the camera, can you use it? I can't as the sdcard isn't mounted properly.


Guide for SBK1 Install of [Win32/64][Dual Boot] Tubuntu for x3Maniac Thread

This guide was written to provide more specific information for installation instructions than the OP below.
The Tubuntu installer application will not install the updated kernels for SBK1 devices and the manual procedure in post #2 will tell you what you need to do.
OP for Tubutnu by x3maniac
1. Download the newest “tubuntu v0.x.x” without Prime (system.img) or Ubuntu.img as it is written in the OP.
a. This download contains the application, boot.img file, and basic kernels available at the time of this guide needed for installation. There will be updates for kernels specific to an Ubuntu image as the developer is able to work on them. Check for new downloads and posts.
b. The download also contains drivers and installation for APX mode located using the “Other” tab in the application.
c. This download does NOT contain the Linux operating system nor the Android ROM.​2. Extract all the files in “tubuntu v0.x.x” to a Tubuntu folder wherever you wish. 7-Zip is the zip program of choice but any others should work fine.
3. Download Prime ROM [stock hc w/ root](system.img)
a. This download is the system.img that contains a root enabled Android ROM.​4. Extract the system.img file from this download.
a. Copy this file to the \images directory. The images directory is a sub folder of the TF-101 Ubuntu Installer application that you extracted in step 2.​5. Download the Ubuntu image of your choice.
a. Currently there are 2 Lubuntu downloads. Read the bullets and determine which one you want.​6. Extract the image file of this download and place it in the \images directory. Rename this file to ubuntu.img.
7. Open the TF-101 Ubuntu Installer application.
8. Connect your usb cable to the TF-101 and the computer.
a. Shut down the tablet.​9. Enter APX mode by holding the volume up button first, then hold the power button until you hear the usb sound from the computer.
a. Your screen will be black and the TF-101 Ubuntu Installer application will light up green and say APX Detected if you correctly entered APX mode.​10. Change the dropdown to SBK 1 located directly below the green APX Detected text.
11. Click on the Flash tab.
a. Select Android/Ubuntu and then hit Flash.
b. Android is the primary boot option here.​12. You will see an install log in the right of the application. Mine takes about 15 minutes or so but you will know you are finished when you see the Android ROM load as well as the red text APX NOT Detected (in case your screen is off when you come back).
13. Proceed with setting up Android. DO NOT reboot or power off before the initial Android set up is complete.
14. Once completed and you wish to enter Lubuntu, power off the TF-101 and hold down volume down first and then power. You will see your screen say hit volume up in 5 seconds for recovery. Hit volume up within 5 seconds and it should boot your Linux graphical desktop environment.
Instructions for installing new kernels for SBK1.
1. In your Tubuntu installation directories, locate transformer.bct and bootloader.bin.
a. Copy these 2 files to the \bins directory of the Tubuntu installation application.​2. Download the updated kernel from the OP.
a. Extract the .img file into the \bins directory of the installation application. You do not need to rename it because the command you enter in step 3 part b indicates the name of the kernel file.​3. Open a command prompt to the directory of \bins for the Tubuntu installer application.
a. Type this command and hit enter: wheelie -1 -o 0x300d8011 --bl bootloader.bin -c transformer.bct
b. Type this command and hit enter: nvflash -r --download 6 whatever_the_kernel_filename_is.img
c. The filename is the name of the kernel you extracted and copied into the \bins directory. This name can really be anything so long as the command you enter reflects that filename.​4. After the copy completes you will be back at the command prompt.
a. Type this command and hit enter: nvflash -r --go​5. Your tablet will reboot after the nvflash mode is exited and depending on your configuration it will boot to Android. Boot to Linux now.
6. Download the supplemental kernel file to the root of your filesystem That is the / directory.
a. Open terminal and type this and press enter: sudo wget http://novaspirit.com/tubuntu/kernel_sup.tar.gz /
b. Then type this command and press enter: sudo tar zxvf /kernel_sup.tar.gz
c. This supplemental is installing modules and drivers to the appropriate locations.
d. Reboot.​7. Please understand names of files especially the kernels and updates will change periodically. The commands and methods of extracting have not changed at this point so substitute the appropriate filename and you should be good to go.
For SBK1 devices, the installation of a custom Android ROM using recovery is very similar to updating the kernel instructions in the post above.
Instructions for installing custom ROM's for SBK1 with Lubuntu installed.
1. In your Tubuntu installation directories, locate transformer.bct and bootloader.bin.
a. Copy these 2 files to the \bins directory of the Tubuntu installation application.​3. Copy the file cwrrecovery.img to the \bins folder.
a. You should be able to substitute a newer recovery file than what comes with the Tubuntu installation application.​2. Download the zip file of the custom Android ROM you wish to install.
a. Copy it to either your Internal SD card or External SD card. Depending on the recovery version you flash you may not be able to use your Internal SD card.​3. Open a command prompt to the directory of \bins for the Tubuntu installer application.
a. Type this command and hit enter: wheelie -1 -o 0x300d8011 --bl bootloader.bin -c transformer.bct
b. Type this command and hit enter: nvflash -r --download 5 cwrrecovery(orwhateverfilenameyourrecoveryis).img
c. The filename cwrrecovery.img is the name of the recovery that comes with the installer application. Please substitute appropriately if you are going to flash a different recovery application. You can also use TWRP just use the appropriate .img file name.​4. After the copy completes you will be back at the command prompt.
a. Type this command and hit enter: nvflash -r --go​5. Your tablet will reboot after the nvflash mode is exited and depending on your configuration it will boot to Android.
a. Now you want to boot to the Android recovery. Do that by powering off the tablet and booting like normal into recovery mode. This should be volume down and power. Hit volume up when prompted to do so. Flash your ROM according to the ROM owner's instructions. I recommend to complete your ROM's installation set up before proceeding to step 6.​6. You must now flash your Tubuntu Linux kernel back or you will not be able to boot into Linux. Follow the instructions again from the \bins directory using the command prompt and putting your tablet back into APX mode which is volume up and the power button until the Tubutnu installation application shows green for APX Detected.
a. Type this command and hit enter: wheelie -1 -o 0x300d8011 --bl bootloader.bin -c transformer.bct
b. Type this command and hit enter: nvflash -r --download 5 whatever_the_kernel_filename_is.img
c. Type this command and hit enter: nvflash -r --go​7. You should now be back into your Android ROM again. From here simply power off and boot into recovery using volume down and power. Then hit volume up when it says to on the screen. If Linux boots without issue then you have successfully reinstalled your kernel.
I did exactly what's in the post. With Tubuntu 0.4.7, Prime ROM, Lubuntu V1.1-rc1 (12.10) and the *updated kernel 12/10/2012* (without supplements)
But after Android initial boot, I reboot but it doesn't finish booting Android. It stops here:
Anything I can do to fix this? Android does boot properly, but Lubuntu doesn't
If anyone knows how to fix this with only Ubuntu (and without Android) then that is fine too..
TomTcom said:
This guide was written to provide more specific information for newcomers.
The Tubuntu installer application will not install the updated kernels for SBK1 devices and the manual procedure in post #2 will tell you what you need to do.
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sainthout said:
I did exactly what's in the post. With Tubuntu 0.4.7, Prime ROM, Lubuntu V1.1-rc1 (12.10) and the *updated kernel 12/10/2012* (without supplements)
But after Android initial boot, I reboot but it doesn't finish booting Android. It stops here:
Anything I can do to fix this? Android does boot properly, but Lubuntu doesn't
If anyone knows how to fix this with only Ubuntu (and without Android) then that is fine too..
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0.4.7 fixes the issue with sbk1 and you don't have to do it with these instructions anymore.
However I did try the newer kernel and got stuck at the same spot you did using my instructions just before the 0.4.7 was uploaded. Go to the original thread and post the issue there.
Thanks for the quick reply! Will post the issues
Outdated Thread But Valid Information
This thread is now outdated. X3Maniac has updated his Tubuntu installation application (0.4.7) to fix the issues with installing kernels and recoveries for SBK1 devices.
The information in this thread is still valid for behind the scenes and you can still use the wheelie and nvflash as standalone items if you wish to do something with your device outside the scope of the main thread.
Thanks for all the thanks from users!
Found a bug with 0.4.7. It's possible the tab may not reboot into Prime automatically with this version. When the dev has time it will get updated. If it doesn't reboot and the Tubuntu application says everything is done, manually hold power and let it reboot to Prime to finish installation.
TomTcom said:
This guide was written to provide more specific information for newcomers.
The Tubuntu installer application will not install the updated kernels for SBK1 devices and the manual procedure in post #2 will tell you what you need to do.
1. Download the newest “tubuntu v0.x.x” without Prime (system.img) or Ubuntu.img as it is written in the OP.
a. This download contains the application, boot.img file, and basic kernels available at the time of this guide needed for installation. There will be updates for kernels specific to an Ubuntu image as the developer is able to work on them. Check for new downloads and posts.
b. The download also contains drivers and installation for APX mode located using the “Other” tab in the application.
c. This download does NOT contain the Linux operating system nor the Android ROM.​2. Extract all the files in “tubuntu v0.x.x” to a Tubuntu folder wherever you wish. 7-Zip is the zip program of choice but any others should work fine.
3. Download Prime ROM [stock hc w/ root](system.img)
a. This download is the system.img that contains a root enabled Android ROM.​4. Extract the system.img file from this download.
a. Copy this file to the \images directory. The images directory is a sub folder of the TF-101 Ubuntu Installer application that you extracted in step 2.​5. Download the Ubuntu image of your choice.
a. Currently there are 2 Lubuntu downloads. Read the bullets and determine which one you want.​6. Extract the image file of this download and place it in the \images directory. Rename this file to ubuntu.img.
7. Open the TF-101 Ubuntu Installer application.
8. Connect your usb cable to the TF-101 and the computer.
a. Shut down the tablet.​9. Enter APX mode by holding the volume up button first, then hold the power button until you hear the usb sound from the computer.
a. Your screen will be black and the TF-101 Ubuntu Installer application will light up green and say APX Detected if you correctly entered APX mode.​10. Change the dropdown to SBK 1 located directly below the green APX Detected text.
11. Click on the Flash tab.
a. Select Android/Ubuntu and then hit Flash.
b. Android is the primary boot option here.​12. You will see an install log in the right of the application. Mine takes about 15 minutes or so but you will know you are finished when you see the Android ROM load as well as the red text APX NOT Detected (in case your screen is off when you come back).
13. Proceed with setting up Android. DO NOT reboot or power off before the initial Android set up is complete.
14. Once completed and you wish to enter Lubuntu, power off the TF-101 and hold down volume down first and then power. You will see your screen say hit volume up in 5 seconds for recovery. Hit volume up within 5 seconds and it should boot your Linux graphical desktop environment.
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i just succeeded dual booting into ubunto.the prime rom just booted...can i install eos jb rom and still dual boot to ubuntu? thanks in advanced
Yes you can. You will need an updated recovery .img file that supports jb. You temporarily flash the new recovery boot into it then install the new rom. See my post on installing updated android roms. Its the third one I think.
oh sorry for the silly question,,i got it now thanks a lot.. nice job
Hi there,
First off, thanks for the tutorial and hard work!
I've been able to successfully install Lubuntu v1.2 and Lubuntu V1.1-rc1 but I've run into issues with both that I'm hoping you can help me with.
When I installed v1.2, my wireless adapter didn't work and I wasn't able to copy any files (kept saying I was out of space, probably a mounting issue).
When I installed v1.1-rc1, things seemed to work well (wireless worked) but when I tried to upgrade the kernel to 3.1 following the instructions, my mouse pad stopped working and so did my wireless adapter again. I saw that there is a way to fix the mouse pad but it seemed to require an internet connection. Any idea what I did wrong or how to fix the wireless on either v1.2 or on v1.1-rc1 with the 3.1 kernel?
You're welcome.
To solve the space issue, open terminal and execute this command: sudo resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p8
The wireless adapter isn't working because the 3.1 kernel is not stable. Do Not Use It.
Get this from the OP:
#470 Controlling your CPU for stability
Stable kernels (use with care for OC version)
2.6.36 - [cpu 1.6 ghz] [gpu 400mhz] - download
benchmarks - blowfish score 30
glxgear - 70 fps
Then get the supplement from the OP:
kernel supplement -
extract and copy the kernel suppliment to /lib/modules/
TomTcom said:
You're welcome.
To solve the space issue, open terminal and execute this command: sudo resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p8
The wireless adapter isn't working because the 3.1 kernel is not stable. Do Not Use It.
Get this from the OP:
#470 Controlling your CPU for stability
Stable kernels (use with care for OC version)
2.6.36 - [cpu 1.6 ghz] [gpu 400mhz] - download
benchmarks - blowfish score 30
glxgear - 70 fps
Then get the supplement from the OP:
kernel supplement -
extract and copy the kernel suppliment to /lib/modules/
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Awesome, works like a charm. Thanks again!
Not sure if I'm the only one experiencing this, but every now and again whenever i click anywhere it thinks I'm trying to move a file (shows the little file icon when I move the mouse). Is this a known bug or just something in my settings I need to change?
---------- Post added at 12:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 PM ----------
I also just found that my sound stopped working. It was working before when I used the instructions from the original post (using alsamixer) but I guess somewhere along the way of me messing around I broke it. Here is the error output when I try to play an mp3 in mplayer:
Requested audio codec family [mpg123] (afm=mpg123) not available.
Enable it at compilation.
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, floatle, 128.0 kbit/4.54% (ratio: 16000->352800)
Selected audio codec: [ffmp3float] afm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG layer-3 audio)
Assertion 'pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->mutex) == 0' failed at pulsecore/mutex-posix.c:108, function pa_mutex_unlock(). Aborting.
MPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module: ao2_init
I've tried searching for a solution but still no luck. I've also tried other players and they don't work either. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Treizy said:
Not sure if I'm the only one experiencing this, but every now and again whenever i click anywhere it thinks I'm trying to move a file (shows the little file icon when I move the mouse). Is this a known bug or just something in my settings I need to change?
---------- Post added at 12:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 PM ----------
I also just found that my sound stopped working. It was working before when I used the instructions from the original post (using alsamixer) but I guess somewhere along the way of me messing around I broke it. Here is the error output when I try to play an mp3 in mplayer:
Requested audio codec family [mpg123] (afm=mpg123) not available.
Enable it at compilation.
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, floatle, 128.0 kbit/4.54% (ratio: 16000->352800)
Selected audio codec: [ffmp3float] afm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG layer-3 audio)
Assertion 'pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->mutex) == 0' failed at pulsecore/mutex-posix.c:108, function pa_mutex_unlock(). Aborting.
MPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module: ao2_init
I've tried searching for a solution but still no luck. I've also tried other players and they don't work either. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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See KingZaks post for sound settings. It's in the op and his signature.
The clicking shouldn't do that every time. Did you extract the supplemental zip and are you using the 1.2-1.6ghz kernels?
Hmm, I'm thinking of installing fresh to see if things get fixed. Is there a way to do that without touching the Android partition? I don't want to have to reflash EOS and what not. Do I just not include the Prime img in the images folder?
A Terribly Confused Noob!
I am terribly confused and I hope that someone can help me to understand a few things! I am sorry if I don't understand all the links but they seem to go round and round. Right no I have no less that 25 tabs open trying to figure out the first step.
So, to my first question (probably the first of many): This guide was written to help "newcomers", of which I am definitely one. But, right under that statement comes the statement "The Tubuntu installer application will not install the updated kernels for SBK1 devices and the manual procedure in post #2 will tell you what you need to do." Does that mean I'm actually supposed to start at Post #2? But Post #2 assumes I already have "Tubuntu installation directories", which I don't have so I can't locate the two files.
I am attempting to be a user of Ubuntu on my Transformer, not a developer - I take my hat off to all of you that have put your Transformers in harm's way developing the techniques and software that I want to use, but the instructions are terribly confusing for someone not familiar with all of the terms!
Any help would be most appreciated and I thank you in advance.
TheArtfulDodger said:
I am terribly confused and I hope that someone can help me to understand a few things! I am sorry if I don't understand all the links but they seem to go round and round. Right no I have no less that 25 tabs open trying to figure out the first step.
So, to my first question (probably the first of many): This guide was written to help "newcomers", of which I am definitely one. But, right under that statement comes the statement "The Tubuntu installer application will not install the updated kernels for SBK1 devices and the manual procedure in post #2 will tell you what you need to do." Does that mean I'm actually supposed to start at Post #2? But Post #2 assumes I already have "Tubuntu installation directories", which I don't have so I can't locate the two files.
I am attempting to be a user of Ubuntu on my Transformer, not a developer - I take my hat off to all of you that have put your Transformers in harm's way developing the techniques and software that I want to use, but the instructions are terribly confusing for someone not familiar with all of the terms!
Any help would be most appreciated and I thank you in advance.
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Hey Sparky, there's no more active development on this just so you are aware. That means you can make your own images for newer Linux builds if you wish but things such as hardware acceleration and kernels will not be updated.
In step 1 of my guide you are going to the OP link by the dev who made the Windows based Tubuntu application.
Go to where you see these links:
tubuntu v0.4.7 [1mb] Executable ONLY - download v0.4.2b and replace the tubuntu.exe with this one
download v0.4.7 (jan, 3 2013)
tubuntu v0.4.6beta [1mb] Executable ONLY - download v0.4.2b and replace the tubuntu.exe with this one
download v0.4.6b (dec, 10 2012)
tubuntu v0.4.2beta [78mb] without Prime(system.img) or ubuntu.img
download v0.4.2b (dec, 7 2012)
tubuntu v0.3alpha [57mb] without Prime(system.img) or ubuntu.img
download v0.3a
Prime ROM[stock hc w/ root](system.img)
Download tubuntu v0.4.2beta (78mb).
Download tubuntu v0.4.7 (1mb).
Extract the files to whatever location on your Windows machine.
The 1mb file is a replacement of tubuntu.exe file. So just copy/paste and overwrite that file on your Windows machine.
Do you know how to put your tablet in APX mode? If not, you open tubuntu.exe (you might need .net 4.0 Microsoft framework to run the tubuntu.exe). With the tablet off and usb connected to your windows machine, hold volume up and power. The application tubuntu.exe should have a green indicator that it's connected. Change the dropdown to sbk1.
From there you can choose how you want to flash, such as android as the default boot and linux as the secondary boot.

[GUIDE] Port firefox OS to Nexus 4 + Galaxy 2 Dual Boot

How To Install Firefox OS on a nexus 4 and dual boot. ​
XDA-Developers member pureexe has created an Image that will help you to port Firefox OS to your Google Nexus 4. Here is the list of what works and what doesn’t works:
What Works:
– Wi-Fi
– Data
– Phone Calls
– Contact Import
-Some Sensors (Light+Gyroscope+Acceleration)
Does NOT Work:
– Camera
– A lot of other things
How To Flash
Step 1: First connect your device to PC (desktop/laptop) via USB and make sure that USB debugging enabled on your device.
Step 2: Now to be on safe side create a Nandroid backup from recovery its because if something goes wrong then you can easily backup all your data.
Step 3: After creating backup, now download the ROM (FFOS_mako_********.zip) file and place these files on the SD card of the phone.
Step 4: Now switch off the phone and boot the phone into Recovery mode.
Step 5: Assuming you are in the Recovery mode and now you have to wipe the full data on your device. To do this, you have to click on “Wipe Data/Factory Reset” option. As soon as you click on “Wipe Data/Factory Reset” option a new screen pop-up where you have to click on “Yes” option.
Step 6: After wiping out all the data on your device you have to wipe the cache & the dalvik cache also.
Step 7: Now go to “install zip from SD card” option and click on “select zip from SD card”. After selecting the option “select zip from SD card” you have to choose the ROM file.
Step 8: After performing all the correctly in step 7 you have to clear the cache and & dalvik cache again.
Step 9: Now, go to “Install zip from SD card” option and click on “Select zip from SD card”. After selecting the option “Select zip from SD card”, you have to choose the optional file like home app or server module
Step 10 : Assuming you have performed all the steps correctly, now simply reboot your device and it will boot into Firefox OS.
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How to dual boot: ONLY FOR GALAXY S2
Warning: This procedure doesn't really work anymore. It only works with Android 4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and Siyah Kernel v 5.0.1. Later versions of either won't work. Consider this guide archived, and use it at your own risk.
If you want to test B2G from time to time but continue using Android as your main OS and you have a Samsung Galaxy S2, you can choose to install B2G in a separate partition (which is already present on the phone) and choose where to boot into when your device starts.
In order to dual boot Android and B2G, you have to meet these prerequisites:
You have to have built B2G for the Galaxy S2
You have to download the Siyah kernel v. 5.0.1 for the Galaxy S2
You need the tool simg2img, that you get automatically if you build B2G following the guide on MDN
You need the heimdall tool, best if version 1.3.1 as you may encounter problems with version 1.3.2
One-time operations
There are several operations to do in order to get a working dual boot. The following ones need to be done the first time only.
In order to use heimdall without requiring root access, you should create a file called android.rules (the portion of the name before the .rules extension is arbitrary) and place it in /etc/udev/rules.d. The file should contain a line line the following:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666"
In order to activate this rule, you should restart udev:
sudo service udev restart
and then unplug and replug in the phone. The above rule will also allow adb to access the SGS2 without requiring root privlidges.
Flashing the Siyah kernel
The Siyah kernel is mandatory for the dual boot, because it is this kernel that manages it. Once you have downloaded and decompressed the tar file, you'll be left with a file named zImage. In order to flash it on your phone you have to follow these steps:
Switch off your phone
Reboot in download mode (press together volume down + home + power buttons and then, when asked, volume up button)
Use heimdall to flash the kernel with the following command (your phone needs to be connected to your PC):
heimdall flash --kernel /path/to/zImage
Once the kernel is flashed the phone will reboot.
Preparing the B2G rom environment
Once you've installed the Siyah kernel, it's time to use its functions to prepare the environment to install your B2G image in the secondary partition. Follow these steps:
Switch off your phone
Reboot in recovery mode (press together volume up + home + power buttons)
In the CWMR Touch interface, go to dual-boot options -> Wipe 2ndROM data/cache -> Yes - Wipe. This operation will take some time
Once the operation is finished, select Go Back and then reboot system now to reboot your phone. If you check, inside the internal SD card of your phone you'll now have a .secondrom directory with inside two files named cache.img and data.img.
B2G update operations
The following operations need to be done every time you build a new version of B2G.
In order to simplify command line instructions, it's advised to copy all needed files in a same folder of your choice. These are the files that need to be copied inside the folder:
simg2img, found in B2G/out/target/product/galaxys2/system/bin/
system.img, found in B2G/out/target/product/galaxys2/
userdata.img, found in B2G/out/target/product/galaxys2/
Once you have all the files in one place, do the following:
Create a data.img file out of the sparse file userdata.img. You can do it with the following command:
simg2img userdata.img data.img
Put the data.img file on your phone's .secondrom folder. You can do this either by enabling file storage mode on your phone and connecting it to your PC or, if you have USB Debug active, you can use adb:
adb push /path/to/data.img /sdcard/.secondrom/data.img
Switch off your phone
Reboot in download mode (press together volume down + home + power buttons and then, when asked, volume up button)
Use heimdall to flash B2G firmware inside the second partition:
heimdall flash --hidden system.img
Once the flash is finished, your phone will reboot and at boot time you can boot into your second rom (the B2G one) by pressing the home button during the bootloader countdown. If everything has gone right, once you've finished booting B2G you'll have a black screen on your phone. You now have to install Gaia.
Note: Depending on how you want to test B2G, you may not want to put a new data.img file on the phone every time you update B2G, as it will wipe all of your preferences, installed applications and in general pretty much everything you've done while using B2G.
Boot operations
The following operations need to be done every time you boot inside B2G.
Unfortunately, there's no simple way to put Gaia inside the system.img B2G image, and it get lost when you switch off your phone, so you'll need to install Gaia again every time you boot inside B2G. To install Gaia, type the following on a console after you've booted your phone inside B2G (so you have a black screen) and have connected your phone to your PC:
cd B2G/gaia
GAIA_DOMAIN=foo.org make install-gaia
After the upload of Gaia is completed, on your phone's screen the B2G interface will appear.
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Dual Boot With Nexus 4 :
Original Link Here
Text Steps :
-Download FFOS.zip file
-Go to TWRP recovery
-Go to advanced, MultiROM, add ROM
-Select android, and don't share kernel
-Select next, then select zip file
-Select the FFOS.zip file
-After that go to list ROMs, pick FFOS, select flash zip, and flash the addons you want
-Reboot to multiboot
-Select FFOS and boot it
-Wait about 2 minutes
-You're now booted to FFOS
BTW FFOS stands for firefox OS
Downloads :
FFOS image Here
Contributors + Complier
pureexefor image and steps
Mozilla (for Dual Boot 1)
Riro Zizo for dual boot 2
Me, for putting all this stuff together!
I have two version of porting
- Base Jellybean 4.3
- Base Kitkat
i know Base Kitkat is bad but working fine on base Jellybean 4.3
on jellybean everything working except MTP
Please read this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=44451567&postcount=2
@pureexe I know but I'm sparse on time will update soon. The image is your latest 1 tho ;D thanks for original guide
Removed by owner
What Works:
- Wi-Fi
- Data
- Phone Calls
- Bluetooth
- Camera (Rear Camera & Front Camera)
- Video Record
- MUSIC (Mp3 & ogg decoder working)
- USB tethering
- WIFI tethering
- Video HQ decoder
- Sensor (Light+Gyroscope+Acceleration)
- A lot of thing
Does NOT Work:

*UPDATED**UNLOCK TOOL (4-2019) for ALL Versions of BLU R1-HD

BLU R1-HD bootloader unlock script tool, and TWRP install tool.
Download is a zip file, unpack it to somewhere you will remember. Run the dirty-cow-tool.bat // mtk-su-tool.bat
The included files and folders are set to hidden, in effort to keep them safe from accidental delete.
Must have adb+fastboot + drivers installed and setup prior to using tool
Easiest method to install adb + fastboot on windows is with "15 second adb + fastboot install TOOL"
It is for windows
In linux :
"sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb"
"sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot" Some fastboot commands were missing when i used this one ie "fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability"
"sudo apt-get install fastboot" worked better when I tried. ( i used that command as a check before doing the unlock, so it was needed only for that check)
Using Tool
On Windows?
Unzip the downloaded file to a new folder, open new
folder and click on "dirty-cow-tool.bat". // "mtk-su-tool.bat"
Do the steps in order (1-2-3-4) to be unlocked, then
Step (5) to get to second page where step (1) is root
The rest is optional
On Linux?
Unzip downloaded file to new folder folder .
Open folder. Then open R1-Linux-tool-v2 folder
Open terminal from that folder and type
" . R1-HD-TOOL.sh "
Same order of steps (1,2,3,4) step (5) for extra
Steps (1 on second menu) for superSU root.
Second menu steps (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) are optional.
**Linux Note**
The tool uses "fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability" as one of the methods to check before doing the unlock.
The version of fastboot that installed with "apt-get install android-tools-fastboot" did not recognize
this command. But "apt-get install fastboot" updated some version and then the command was recognized.
******OTHER NOTES****
--- this has been mentioned in the general thread and the modified v17 thread, but It has come up again so I wanted to make note of it.----
--- The newest blu versions (V7.4.2 and V17) Have made changes to "toolbox" and this effects things like "adaway" and "titanium backup"
--- The suggested fix is to install busy-box. I have had success with the version from play store, some prefer to use f-droid version. Either one will do. Install it and open the app. From in the app you need to do an install.
V1:. Initial release : removed
V2:. : fixed typos preventing proper function
V3:.: switch file verification to md5 check instead of "ls-l" comparison.
V4: current version: add extras page, add SU flash, de-bloat script, Added Fm Radio, Added pre-loader roll back
V5: Fixed wrong loop "goto" line that made preloader rollback do "MTK_BLU Debloat v2" instead
V6: Added manual pause to script for mods that need recovery (Extra's 5) . Added redundent recovery flash command .
Few reports of recovery "not Sticking" and needed to run the flash commands manually one by one. Maybe the redundent
flash will make it survive. If still having problem with recovery "staying install" try manually flashing
here is link to the steps needed. FLASH RECOVERY
V7 Improved logs Added line to make batch run as sub-process so if error occurs , will not close
V7.1 : Updated the fm radio install zip and include the needed selinux mode changer app
V8: fixed dependency of needing to be unzipped to location w/o spaces in name. (when used from location with spaces, tool used to fail to push needed files).
.. added more time to allow dirtycow to "spawn" its root shell. Recent testing has shown sometimes it takes longer than the 60 seconds allowed in the script. Now it is looped 3 times.
V9 Added full path to abd push lines for recovery flash files. included fastboot.exe file to address some version issue where user s version would not output text file I coded into script for a verification ( included file is called by script, no need to do anything different with it)
V10: Moved zip file to included folder to help preserve locations when unpacked, added device check before running tool; So tool not used on wrong device, Rearranged order of operations on extra's page. (recovery installed options) Push files while in android before rebooting to recovery( should improve reliability for multiple reports of not automatically installing options for some)
******I have received some reports that some devices are reporting "ro.build.product =R1_HD and not "BLU_R1_HD" like mine, so the added device check is blocking tool from starting If this happens to you , you can make edit to the .bat file like below.
Change this line
find "BLU_R1_HD" "%~dp0workingproduct.txt"
To this
find "R1_HD" "%~dp0workingproduct.txt"
it is line #23
V11: Updated device model verification lines
MTK-SU: Replaced all dirty-cow part with New MTK-SU binary(elf) from @diplomatic
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Credits to @Diplomatic for his work on the Mtk_su that I used used to make this tool work again after Dirty-Cow was patched.
Preferred to use the Downloads tab of this thread.
Archived downloads on android file host also == link
XDA:DevDB Information
R1-HD Dirty-cow Unlock Tool, Tool/Utility for the BLU R1 HD
mrmazak, vampirefo for his recovery, lopestom for his recovery, emc2cube for his debloat zips, christianrodher for his dirtycow method,
Source Code: https://github.com/mrmazakblu/DirtyCow-R1_HD
Version Information
Status: Testing
Current Stable Version: V11
Stable Release Date: 2017-04-11
Current Beta Version: MTK-SU
Beta Release Date: 2019-04-14
Created 2017-02-22
Last Updated 2019-04-18
Items planed to be addressed in next release:
--Add few more file integrity checks to the extra's page
--Add copy log to clipboard option so it is easier to post log entry if needed-------*********----already-_added to github copy of batch file
--Add a verification step that checks what recovery is installed( to prevent trying to do steps on extra's page with stock recovery)
--Possibly move to a "fastboot boot recovery" instead of "adb reboot recovery" for the same reason as above
--Add wget or similar to the extra's items so initial "TOOL" size is smaller (not that 40-50MB is big, but to some it may be )
--Add additional "selinux mode changer apk" for fm radio install rather than just the note that says it needs to be found.
Works great on OEM 6.6, thanks for the tool!
So I got the one-click-root.sh done, maybe. Can some linux users go over it, make sure I didn't do anything stupid? I don't exactly have a device to check it with atm, and I am not pro with scripting, barely novice, so it is a pretty basic conversion of the batch file. Still, it might work . Just would like a few eyes on first.
Also, I looked at dirty-cow-tool.bat. However, wow, more an advanced batch file, and I am not sure what the first half does, so not sure how to convert . However, it seems if anyone does get it, the eqiv of goto for linux is funtions. simple cheatsheet:
function stuff {
echo "this stuff is run via the function"
stuff #goes to stuff and runs function
theredbaron1834 said:
So I got the one-click-root.sh done, maybe. Can some linux users go over it, make sure I didn't do anything stupid? I don't exactly have a device to check it with atm, and I am not pro with scripting, barely novice, so it is a pretty basic conversion of the batch file. Still, it might work . Just would like a few eyes on first.
Also, I looked at dirty-cow-tool.bat. However, wow, more an advanced batch file, and I am not sure what the first half does, so not sure how to convert . However, it seems if anyone does get it, the eqiv of goto for linux is funtions. simple cheatsheet:
function stuff {
echo "this stuff is run via the function"
stuff #goes to stuff and runs function
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thank you for your input.
As far as the begining of the batch, It is adding a few folders to the "path" variable so help ensure the "adb push" commands find the files it is trying to push. Then it sets some folder "flags" to hidden so that the files the batch needs don't get accidentally moved or changed. Then the large section with mostly "echo" that is to set up the "simulated" G.U.I.
The lines of just "::::::::::" are simply used to help with reading the batch file. i use them to seperate functions. They are not needed.
The lines with only 2 "::" are standard windows comment / remark line entries
The lines with 1 ":" are the beginning line of the loop/ function == the line that "goto *" searches for
Does Works to unlock 7.4.2?
khyr said:
Does Works to unlock 7.4.2?
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It is supposed to. It is the same base codes used from original script, and that one was confirmed to work. I Do not have first hand use of V7.4.2 so it is only confirmed through other users.
The dirty-cow being used has been patched by google in Dec but blu has not rolled out the patch. So there is no reason for it not to work.
I have the linux version ready.
-the first step, (ADB Push) is ready. including md5 file checks
-step 2 is ready= running dirty-cow with md5 check before final writing to mmcblk device
-step 3 is ready unlocking bootloader = including check if unlock is done, but need to fix the "unlock_adility" check
I can make to file to compare and grep the line needed, but cannot "sed" the extra information or do a > < comparison
-step 4 is ready .--flash twrp
Finished 90% of tool.
still need to tweek the log feature.
I ran tests on the lop back to menu and test ran
1. push files for dirty-cow and md5 check . then made push fail to verify the check method was valid ==pass
2. run dirty cow commands and md5 verification on resulting file. ==pass
3.unlock bootloader --- I ran it (needed to fake the already unlocked check) it works == pass
4 . flash twrp --installed both version i have, both install fine ===pass
5 extra menus -- ran . install su-----debloat---rebloat--- add fm radio--- preloader roll back =====all pass
(bootloader roll back needs manual intervention to re-enter fastboot during the boot loop that is unavoidable)
6. instruction ====not written yet
7. exit yes it closes == pass
8. logs --- needs completeing
I just loaded this on my OTA updated 7.4.2 device. I would note that the batch file does not actually create the /sdcard/Download folder so you might need to go into the terminal and actually create this on your sdcard... also worth noting that this batch file **requires** an sd card in the device to do any of the loads in the "5" menu.
torchredfrc said:
I just loaded this on my OTA updated 7.4.2 device. I would note that the batch file does not actually create the /sdcard/Download folder so you might need to go into the terminal and actually create this on your sdcard... also worth noting that this batch file **requires** an sd card in the device to do any of the loads in the "5" menu.
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no it does not.
the /sdcard is the internal memory and the Download folder is already there.
you might be having issues but the folder is already part of normal system
mrmazak said:
no it does not.
the /sdcard is the internal memory and the Download folder is already there.
you might be having issues but the folder is already part of normal system
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Fair enough, my restore didn't have /sdcard/Download and I made an assumption that /sdcard was my mounted card. Thanks for the insight.
found typo on V4 of tool. batch files sets variables for "return", from loop functions. And two returns were set to same label9, so if you had tried to do extra's menu option #8. "ROLL Back Preloader" , instead it was running option # 5. " MTK_BLU Debloat v2"
fixed and still reading and re-reading to search for errors.
This looks bad.
The reason I put together this tool was I felt it was important to make a way to minimize the problems usually associated with android modifications. By making "typo's" a thing of the past, and I found them in my own script.
re-posted V5 combined with linux V2--
torchredfrc said:
I just loaded this on my OTA updated 7.4.2 device. I would note that the batch file does not actually create the /sdcard/Download folder so you might need to go into the terminal and actually create this on your sdcard... also worth noting that this batch file **requires** an sd card in the device to do any of the loads in the "5" menu.
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I'm a total noob, and I'd like to know how to proceed with the supersu and all the other parts of step 5. Thank you
gabriel986 said:
I'm a total noob, and I'd like to know how to proceed with the supersu and all the other parts of step 5. Thank you
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Ok. After you have completed upto twrp install. You can do the options on #5. It is all programed and automatic. What is does is put zip files onto the phone and reboots phone into recovery, then recovery installs them.
mrmazak said:
Ok. After you have completed upto twrp install. You can do the options on #5. It is all programed and automatic. What is does is put zip files onto the phone and reboots phone into recovery, then recovery installs them.
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I get up to the recovery installation, but then I can not access such recovery on the phone, If I turn it on with power+vol up, it takes me to the default factory recovery by blu.
And If I try to the super su step with the phone on, it resets it, and get it to the screen with the dead android, while the script just shows the ADB DETECTED message.
In case it's needed, my R1 HD is running on
BLU_R0010UU_V7.4.2_GENERIC 09-11-2016 13:38
gabriel986 said:
I get up to the recovery installation, but then I can not access such recovery on the phone, If I turn it on with power+vol up, it takes me to the default factory recovery by blu.
And If I try to the super su step with the phone on, it resets it, and get it to the screen with the dead android, while the script just shows the ADB DETECTED message.
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You missed a step in the process.
As tool finishes the recovery install it comes to a "pause" in the script, you need to hold the volume up button on phone "before" pressing button on pc keyboard to continue.
If phone does a normal reboot at this point then the system will replace the newly installed recovery with the stock one.
Giving you the situation you have now.
This step I cannot control, you must press volume button on phone to get the boot menu, and directly boot into recovery to ensure that the install sticks.
mrmazak said:
You missed a step in the process.
As tool finishes the recovery install it comes to a "pause" in the script, you need to hold the volume up button on phone "before" pressing button on pc keyboard to continue.
If phone does a normal reboot at this point then the system will replace the newly installed recovery with the stock one.
Giving you the situation you have now.
This step I cannot control, you must press volume button on phone to get the boot menu, and directly boot into recovery to ensure that the install sticks.
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trying again....
for how long should I press the volume up key?
gabriel986 said:
trying again....
for how long should I press the volume up key?
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When tool says Hold button , keep it held. Then continue the script. Phone should reboot to the boot menu. Then let go of volume
Some phones do not accept the fastboot reboot command, on those phones need to hold power to shut off. Then volume and power together to come on, release power when screen come on
mrmazak said:
When tool says Hold button , keep it held. Then continue the script. Phone should reboot to the boot menu. Then let go of volume
Some phones do not accept the fastboot reboot command, on those phones need to hold power to shut off. Then volume and power together to come on, release power when screen come on
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ok.. trying again
---------- Post added at 02:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------
gabriel986 said:
trying again....
for how long should I press the volume up key?
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it beat me!
I get stuck in that part of the process, If anyone uploads a video to check what i'm doing wrong, I'll be grateful.

[SCRIPT] PhoenixOS Installer for Debian based Linux

Hello I've Created installer script for PhoenixOS with help of grub installer script taken from remixos deb package file.
I am not responsible for anything that may happen to your PC/Laptop/Tab as a result of installing and using this script. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.
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Note: Backup your custom.cfg file if you are dual booting with other os if not then proceed further.
custom.cfg should be in /boot/grub/custom.cfg if EFI install then /boot/efi/EFI/yourdistroname/custom.cfg
p7zip-full should be installed its need for extracting ISO file.
Script should be placed where desired files or ISO is present.
--> This is tested and working fine in kde neon lts on MBR and GPT disks & EFI is not tested as I don't have that installation so it should work.
--> Other then Debian based distros IDK if my script works on them or not, so please test it yourself and inform.
--> If your home folder is defined on other disk or partition please add insmod part_gpt insmod ext2 OR insmod part_msdos insmod ext2 according to disk partition table to grub entry in custom.cfg
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Path defined root and home only.
Method defined FILES and ISO & EXE only.
Has Uninstall options.
Data folder is created in os folder
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Make script executable
chmod +x PhoenixOS-Installer-Linux
Then Run
reserved post
Not enough information. Please elaborate on the installation procedure itself. On Ubuntu of course it should install to sda2. I chose the path /dev/sda2/ then used .iso for the install method, and then upon trying to do the install using option 2 it simply keeps bringing me back to the menu where choices 1-4 are present.
I actually got PhoenixOS to install using the USB method, however I cannot find a working boot sequence for GRUB bootloader. I'm kind of at a loss for finding a way to easily switch between Ubuntu and PhoenixOS.
Deucalion29710 said:
Not enough information. Please elaborate on the installation procedure itself. On Ubuntu of course it should install sda2. I chose the path /dev/sda2/ then used .iso for the install method, and then upon trying to do the install using option 2 it simply keeps bringing me back to the menu where choices 1-4 are present.
I actually got PhoenixOS to install using the USB method, however, I cannot find a working boot sequence for GRUB bootloader. I'm kind of at a loss for finding a way to easily switch between Ubuntu and PhoenixOS.[/QUOTES]
I got this done by making different partitions. Sounds like a no-brainer, but it works. My main OS is MacOSX, then I made different partitions of FAT32s using Disk Utility, I created them all in different sizes (to prevent confusion). After that, I just install the other OS one by one (Phoenix will always be the last). And, I made some extra partitions during Linux installation (just in case) and deleted them after.
As for the Phoenix post, Thank you
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It does not work...
I have placed the script and the iso file in the same home directory, chdir in that place but the script does nothing ... It asks for sudo and the it does not create any directorys.
To complicated to debug for me....
I have managed to install it in home / iso mode
I had to edit the generated schipt for modifying GRUB. It was copiing the whole script and not stopping at EOF ?!
It works great
1 - Download Phonix OS ISO image on Phonix OS web site
2 - Create a folder with any name
3 - Copy the Iso file to this folder and extract the PhoenixOS-Installer-Linux.zip file to this folder
4 - Open the terminal and go to the folder you created
5 - Now run "chmod +x PhoenixOS-Installer-Linux" and "./PhoenixOS-Installer-Linux" command
6 - The script will run
7 - Select "Select Path & Method"
8 - Type "home" for path and press enter
9 - Type "iso" for method and press enter
10 - Select "Install Rom" and follow the steps
11 - Run the "sudo update-grub" command using the terminal when the process is finished
12 - Restart the computer and select Phoenix Os
I'm sorry for my bad english
bycoder said:
1 - Download Phonix OS ISO image on Phonix OS web site
2 - Create a folder with any name
3 - Copy the Iso file to this folder and extract the PhoenixOS-Installer-Linux.zip file to this folder
4 - Open the terminal and go to the folder you created
5 - Now run "chmod +x PhoenixOS-Installer-Linux" and "./PhoenixOS-Installer-Linux" command
6 - The script will run
7 - Select "Select Path & Method"
8 - Type "home" for path and press enter
9 - Type "iso" for method and press enter
10 - Select "Install Rom" and follow the steps
11 - Run the "sudo update-grub" command using the terminal when the process is finished
12 - Restart the computer and select Phoenix Os
I'm sorry for my bad english
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it works but when i try to boot it stucks at command shell. any idea ?

ME176C/CX detailed guide on dual-booting linux

i did go through dual-booting linux on our device kind of process and spend a bit of time, trying to figure out the correct steps.
Was not easy, for a newbie like me, i dont know much about linux itself, most of the inscrutions are written in "foreing language" for me, so here is more of a detailed guide.
This guide is only for installation on the SDCARD, i did not try out internal storage
!!! Im not responsible for anything that happens during/using these steps, you and only you are responsible to what happens, use with caution !!!
Unlocked bootloader: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...6c-boot-for-asus-memo-pad-7-me176c-x.3780225/
Installed TWRP: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...p-3-3-1-for-asus-memo-pad-7-me176c-x.3745190/
Both of these guides are made step by step, so there should be no questions about this
First of all, go to https://images.postmarketos.org/bpo/v22.12/asus-me176c/ , there are 3 different types of UI, the kernel itself should be the same, but i dont know for sure myself
Phosh - very well working on our device, missing a bit of RAM to launch firefox stable for example
Plasma-mobile - i found this one was very hardware heavy, it takes quite alot of more storage aswell, i do not recommend this for our device
Sxmo - this one did boot up just fine, but i wasnt able to get more testing as my hardware inputs were not recognized by the software, i do not recommend this one
There are multiple software version, i did try only the latest one
Possible to try out the lower (outdated) versions yourself
After downloading these files, you should have 2 of the .xz archives, unpack them somewhere, i did put them into the same folder, but thats just my own preference
After unpacking them, you should have
XXX are reference to date of the build
To have ourself things easier, we will rename both of these build and leave only the "asus-me176c.img/asus-me176c-bootpart.img", you can leave them named as theyre, but it will take you a bit more time in the terminal
After that, we will move one of our images (the non-bootpart one) to the internal storage of the device.
Make sure, to have enough space available. I have the 8GB version and it was kind of struggle for me to install the plasma-mobile version.
I did also try moving that file to USB-OTG and SDCARD, but i had some problems with USB-OTG in TWRP and SDCARD gets wiped when you install the OS.
After moving our file to the internal memory, we will go and reboot our tablet to fastboot mode
when powered off, press volume down + power on, release power when screen lights up
in the custom bootloader menu, using volume keys (power one does not work), we select Fastboot (power down to move and power up to select)
Our phone should boot into fastboot mode, we go and connect our phone to the computer
after connecting the phone, we go to the folder where our xxx asus-bootpart.img is located, go ahead and SHIFT+RIGHTCLICK on empy space in the folder, select Open a terminal/powershell window here
in the terminal/powershell we type in command " fastboot flash APD asus-me176c.img "
let the command process, after its done, go and type in " fastboot reboot-bootloader "
our phone gets rebooted into the bootloader, with volume keys once again, select RECOVERY
when our device gets booted to TWRP, go to Mount -> Tick ESP
anywhere on your PC, open up the default text editor, paste in:
title postmarketOS
volume 80868086-8086-8086-8086-000000000007
linux /vmlinuz-edge
initrd /intel-ucode.img
initrd /initramfs
# Comment this out to get more output on screen while booting
options console=null
this text is only used for the latest version of the OS, for lower versions, please follow https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/ASUS_MeMO_Pad_7_(asus-me176c)
select the file type as "every files" instead of text document
name it pmos.conf and save it anywhere you like
at your computer, download MiniDiskPartition tool, or other partition tool
partition your sdcard using the selected tool
i have 32GB sdcard, i did partition my sdcard roughly 8GB with FAT32 for file sharing between android/linux/windows and the rest with EXT4 for the Linux itself
i believe the partition size for Linux doesnt matter aslong as its over 4GB, the installation itself should resize the partition on sdcard itself, depending on how it needs, BUT im still not 100% how this works
connect your phone to the computer
in TWRP go to MOUNT and tick ESP
in the folder where you saved the pmos.conf, open up a terminal (once again SHIFT+RIGHTLICK and open terminal/powershell here)
type in " adb push pmos.conf /esp/loader/entries/ " , press enter
in TWRP go to Advanced and go to Terminal
type in " df "
then you should see your partitions, we are looking for one that belongs to /external_sd/ , usually dev/block/mmcblkX0Y (X and Y are not specified), it should have it written at the end
mine was " /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 " YOURS CAN BE DIFFERENT! in the original guide, they specify, it can be also SDXY (XY belongs to any number)
after we find our partition that belongs to /external_sd/ , we go into the terminal in TWRP and type in:
i did have the IMG file in my internal storage, therefore my command was:
dd if=/sdcard/asus-me176c.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 bs=4m
make sure to use the bs=4m instead of bs=4M (as specified in the original guide), otherwise you will get "illegal number" error
after this, you should wait! The file is 1,6 - 2,4 GB, it takes time
your result should appear in the terminal
if your installation was succesfull, you can go in TWRP to REBOOT and select BOOTLOADER
you should have postmarketOS option available in the bootloader boot options, select it
you should boot your postmarketOS now
if you didnt, you probably didnt follow the guide correctly, read the steps once again
if you couldnt install the postmarketOS and youre sure you did follow the steps correctly, contact me on XDA (preferably make a comment under this thread)
Original thread:
ASUS MeMO Pad 7 (asus-me176c) - postmarketOS

