[Q] Tablet apps on market? - Acer Iconia A500

Does anyone know whats going on with the Featured Tablet Apps section on the market? I haven't checked the market in a while, so I got on today, and the tablet tab that's usually the first section is gone. Did they remove it? Is there any way to know what apps are optimized for Honeycomb? Apologies in advance if this was already covered. I ran a quick search but only found threads not related to the US.

I noticed they changed the market as we'll.I think it might be so Google will stop getting all the bad press about only having a handfull of apps for there new os.
Go figure

There's always 3 places I look for the tablet apps.
1. Featured Tablet Apps
2. Search "tablet"
3. Search "honeycomb"
They all give great results and frankly, more than what these media junkets report are optimized for Honeycomb. Then again, they never know what happens in the real world anyway.

Yes I agree there are alot of apps that do work and are full screen.but not designed for or use all the real estate of the tablet.even some of the so called optimized for tablet are just ported
but im not complaining its a new is and will grow up quickly as more tablets with honeycomb are pushed to end users


Necessary Changes in The Android Market..

If this isn't in the right place, please move it mods.
Basically I think that the market is a bit incomplete.
There are changes I'd like to be made and i've voiced my concerns with google.
Now I need the community backing to actually see these things implemented.
To read about the suggestions and comment, visit this link
I try and address problems with the market and even underlying Android issues that have yet to be resolved.
Add your input and they'll have to listen.
Good idea... You might also add to the list a way to delete apps from download that won't be used anymore. I have three in my download that I will never install again and can't get them off the list. Imagine a few of those in there and it starts to take up alot of space with apps you aren't interested in anymore.
I posted a reply there as it seems to have gotten some attention there. Some of the issues are already in feature request on android issues, I linked to them. Starring the issues increases chances someone will take care of it.
Suggestion added Jeffro.
Thanks for posting Areinu!
If I could make suggestions for Android Market:
(1) Fix all this missing protected apps for new device / firmware quickly
This is silly issue and will only hurt Android platform. This will greatly discourage Android developers for making good apps.
I want to support Android, I want to make it success! I can do this by spending money on Android apps, but I simply cant because of this issue.
And I am afraid this will repeat once new firmware released.
Take a look how long this issue is ... ridiculous
(2) Remove restrictions on countries for purchasing apps
Right now, certain countries like Sweden for example cannot even see the apps!
(3) Add ability to FILTER apps TITLE
I want to "hide" all those WALLPAPERS, SEXY whatnot.
Android is nice, really nice platform. But this Android Market issues are blocking its success.
here in Denmark we can't even see non-free apps in the ma market. because of this, users of ex. iPhone won't even try the platform. its sad really.
Sent from my HTC Legend using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Filtering is very much needed. I tend to view the 'just in' apps, but lately its just a list of MMCANDROIDs latest releases of boarderline under age Asian girls. Its really annoying that you cant block out the stuff you have no interest in.
I'm adding them as they come.
Post a comment on the page to make sure Google eventually sees it.

Applications and support/manuals

Having a question regarding the support (mainly in the form of help and manuals) of locations which are mainly downloadable through the market.
My main examples are:
Juice Defender
Titanium Backup
Both of these are very sweet tools but I often find myself wondering what different settings/options do. It's nice to be able to look things up about a program but even though apps have official sites with some form of support I still feel things are alacking in this department...
Am I the only one who think helpfiles, manuals and such are a bit of a forgotten section in android market and apps? Just something I only noticed recently and prolly because of the fact there's just so much possible in android
In no way meant as complaints or anything btw!

loading old android market on xoom

After much debate I purchased the Motorola xoom today. I am having a huge problem with the android market not wanting to perform with examples being where downloads say they are waiting for install and such, overall not pleased withandroid3.0 market. How can I put the old market back on there so it will recognizethe apps ihave already purchased as well as better functionality. Also typing thison the doom and it is really slow. Is this typical or did I make a bad choice and should have gone withthe galaxy tab. Paid full price so no contracts, just wifi version for home use.
I have the APK for an older Android market on my Honeycomb emulator. Let me see if I can find the original link I got it from.
I think this is it:
Not sure if you just need the Vending.apk file or not.
Stick with the Xoom. It'll only get better with updates.
tried it
Doesn't seem to be any different than the one already pre installed, I think what I do kind of need is something like being able to install the android market 2.2 froyo or gingerbread edition. Honeycomb a just doesn't show the apps that I have purchased or any for that matter, and that hang time issue with it stating it is trying to install and just hangs there isn't any fun typimg is a bit faster I went back to stock for the keyboard instac of using better keyboard 8 which i have been using for my croid incrdible- I guess not compatible yet with a tablet- fine and dandy I guess- but still' how can I fix the market issue, does anyone know.where I can download the 2.3 version and isntall it without havng sone kind of conflict issue with the xoom tab?
I did end up going to the market management app section in the settings and ende d up deleting all information and wiping in there and pandors that was giving me trouble installed without a problem, force closes though since there is no fix for the wifi version of the xoom' still. Still having issues with other applications with thr hangingsaying it is installing and not showing upp like it should o download screen. It will lenot switch over to the screen where you have your downloading section listed on the left hand side. After several tries it will eventually download, and give me theproper screen' at least it didwith thr oneapp i tested'. Having typin issues where it is slow to register that I am typingsndin fact at this point the typing has not even began sowing up on my screen vrustrating' perhspsi should return the xoom for the more stable galaxy tab-
weird, maybe it's an issue with your xoom. Can you still exchange it?
I find the new market to be amazing. On wifi, clicking install basically downloads/installs anything almost instantly... very very fast.

[Q] Syncing apps to multiple devices

I just bought a Xoom tablet and so far love it. I also own an Inspire 4G which is rooted and has many apps installed. I noticed soon after first sync that the apps from my phone are now on my tablet. I assume they are they apps listed in the Market which is ok except that it seems that they are "small screen" versions if there is such a thing. Is there a way to block or stop syncing to certain devices while allowing others? Am I clear whith this question? Do large format apps exist? Will the market auto download the correct version of the app depending on the device?
Just started to get up to speed with Android on my inspire, now comes another learning curve!!!!
Thanks in advance.
For most apps, there is only one version which the author can update to include our tablet (16:10) format. It's not that "small" versions are being downloaded, it's just that the version doesn't yet take full advantage of the extra screen size on our tablets. It's worth searching though, because some apps may have a larger (or tablet-specific) version abailable. Or, you may find another developer has a similar app optimized for the tablet. But, for the most part, the apps come in one flavor and as the author has time (or need), they can/will update the app for Honeycomb support.
Hope this helps to answer at least part of your question...not sure about stopping the process once it has started. I know that the first time you setup your account on some android devices, they will start downloading any apps you have in your library. My Xoom didn't though... Probably because I canceled the initial setup purposely then did it manually later. Doing it manually will bypass the app download as I recall.
As always... Great support on this community driven site!!! Thanks.
I suppose I will next look to perhaps rooting, although, as yet I see little need. Haven't noticed the bloatware that so burdened my Inspire4G.
I think there is also a "compatibility" setting on the Xoom that you can uncheck...in Applications??? that will allow the apps to show full screen, though they may be jaggy. Search for it...it might work for some of your "Must Have" apps=win!
Also, the market should show you a tablet specific selection of apps.
Good luck.

[Q] touchnooter and uninstalling google market

hi folks.
gonna be getting me one of these when they go on sale in a week or so here in the uk.
i want one to root because it looks like the perfect ereader to use with pdfs.
my question is once rooted and touchnooter is installed multi touch and no refresh are enabled and the very few apps i want installed are on the deivce can i then somehow remove the market app?
the plan is to simply install a few other ebook apps some pdf apps gmail skydrive and then never install another app ever. i want it as minimal as possible to help with the battery and the less that is on there the better
if anyone knows please let me know.
You could remove Market after using TN, or simply root without it. I've spent a lot of time looking at battery consumption on my NSTs, and have never noticed Market causing any drain worth worrying about.
With the recent release of Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite, you might want to wait to see how B&N responds. The NST is nice enough, but a capacitive screen would be nice.
bobstro said:
You could remove Market after using TN, or simply root without it. I've spent a lot of time looking at battery consumption on my NSTs, and have never noticed Market causing any drain worth worrying about.
With the recent release of Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite, you might want to wait to see how B&N responds. The NST is nice enough, but a capacitive screen would be nice.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks for the reply. yes i did see the tinynoot root solution after i originally posted this thread.
my question about that is if i used that method can i still install the multi touch and no refresh hack (i am guessing i can but confirmation would be nice). if i can then i will most likely go down that route. it isnt all about battery life but i know the market does check very often when wifi is enabled for updates and what not and i would rather not have to worry about that at all. bottom line i want to keep the reader as close to a reader as possible. pdf email web browser ebook reader and file manager is all that is needed. nothing more is required or wanted and therefore i want it is minimal as possible with no bells or whistles.
not really too fussed about any new future nook and will take the plunge as soon as i can here in the uk. if they bring out something extra special later then i will simply sell the old and buy the new but i will do that as and when i want/ have to. the reason the nook gets my vote over my kindle is the page turn buttons. i have a keyboard 3g at the moment and it is great but it doesnt handle pdfs very well. i bought the new kindle touch but i missed the physical buttons and so bought another keyboard but amazon have crippled the pdf functionality and although i could jailbreak it and install one of the pdf viewer hacks that improve the situation i cant be bothered with all the faffing around. however i was willing to do this but then i saw the multi touch no refresh hack on the nook and watched how it handled pdfs when the hacks were installed and that was me sold. i have a lot of pdfs that i would to view on an e ink screen and the nook is by far and away the best solution for the job.
"can i still install the multi touch and no refresh hack" (after rooting with tinynoot)
Not clear that you can, but if you look at the thread on the overclock kernel that's just been posted, the dev who posted that
also posted an APK that gives you much/most of hte benefit of the no refresh hack, in terms of screen speed.
I am not sure if that work also gives multitouch.

