Apk Manager Error - Xperia Play General

When I'm trying to decompile certain APKs, such as the stock messaging/email/phone from the xperia play, i get an error saying framework not installed. I have extracted the framework-res.apk from the Play, and have placed it in the same folder as the Script. What am I doing wrong? When it says drag it into this screen, I get an error saying "This is not the dependee apk"


[Q] recompile apk?

I accidently deleted the apk file from the bin directory of one of my projects and now everytime i try to compile/run it I get an error message saying that the apk can't be located. How do I fix this?
Try to clean your project. I don't know Eclipse, but there should be a "clean" command in menu->project, menu->build, menu->run or something like that.

Modding app pictures but get parse error or not installed

Hey I am trying to mod some apps and there icons and backgrounds.
I remove res folder with 7zip and mod the pics and overwrite the res folder is the .apk.
Then if they are .9 files I used the program to make them .9 again but the lastest ones are not .9
Then I put the .apk into apk multi-tool modding folder
hit 25 (select the APK)
hit 1 to unzip
hit 3 to zip
hit 4 to sign
I now have 2 files the original (I guess) the singed and unsigned
I have transfered all 3 over to the SD card and I tried to install all 3
the signed and unsigned gets parse error
the original says installing then right at the last it says not installed?
I have tried on GO launcher and tunein radio. I have also tried signing them with the system app with no luck!
Any ideas?

[Q] Problem with recompiling an apk

May be this not a right place to ask, but I have this problem with recompiling an apk with apkmanager.
I'm trying to mod settings.apk and had done few modding in strings.xml. Since I have edited an xml I delete the resources.arsc file from the keep folder and also sign it after recombiling. But when I install the apk in my phone it never opens and force closes.
I've tried again by not deleting that file but that time no modifications where shown, And the next time, I didn't sign it and tried again to install the unsigned apk. But that too fails.
Anyone know why this happn?
Before modifying the APKManager, make sure the framework-res.apk and twframework.apk been set, and don't forget to delete the file resource.arsc and the file you have modified, then enter at apkmanager windows, don't forget to rename Unsigned to system file that you modified

[Q] Why this edited and signed ap doesn't want to install?

I have changed several png files (icons) in this app, deleted META-INF folder and signed using ZipSigner.
When I try to install this apk I get "Application doesn't install" (Android 2.2.2).
I try to copy apk to data/app folder, but I get "App isn't installed".
I try also one_click_signer.
Original apk worked well.
Why I can't install this app (attached).

cannot complete decompile apk file procedure succesfully

hello i am a newbie on android development and i am just trying to decompile an apk file.i have done it all correct using apk tool and when i am trying to decompile the apk file via command prompt it doesn't dissapear the folder with the name of apk which encluding the resource files.any ideas???
Dont show log, so i could not help.
But when you compile it, selected signed or unsigned apk. For debug, unsigned apk is okay. With signed apk, searching for how to make progruard-rules, how to config it. Then everything will work.

