Tablets only a niche market - Acer Iconia A500

I like the tablet , but it has limited power next to a laptop or pc ,let me rephrase the power comment , it cant do what can be done on a pc ! I see it being using for many applications , however tablets sit bulky in the hand , as an embedded device for certain functions it will be a desirable device , like for schools or doctors, mechanics ,portable device functions , but it lacks in everything compared to the pc ! Im refferring to pc (macs are the same , I suppose desktops would be better) !
Dont get me wrong I like the Iconia , I just dont see it taking the place of the desktop as the crApple fan bois would like us all to believe , they couldnt come up with the the netbook , so they copied a tablet !

I almost agree with you. The iPad is a great example of a device that'll never handle true desktop productivity. That said, I just upgraded my phone to the Evo 3D and discovered it came with the capability to print to my WiFi printer from most apps that I would want/need to. I can print emails, many attachments, photos, contacts, calendars, web pages, etc.. I believe that system-wide printing will come standard in IceCreamSandwich. Android 3.1 and 2.3.3 already support keyboards and mice, and other input devices too. I'm WiFi scanning capability away from being able to use a modern tablet as a desktop replacement in my university teaching role. Some of the things a tablet can do well the old desktop couldn't do at all, so for me the tablet can be a more productive tool than my desktop was. One more generation will put quad-core processors in these tablets. That's 3 cores more than my last desktop had, and it served me fine. Android, unlike iOS, is moving close and closer to being a workhorse OS. I love it!

It really lacks the heat and noise of my gaming rig when i just want browse the web. Tablets are more in compitition with netbooks. Only fools would walk into a store thinking that this ten inch device would say rip bluerays and convert while playing rounds on tf2. Otherise cool story bro
Even the steve jobs said you will always need a truck to handle the workload and thats a anaolgy for desktop and such
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App

No one who doesn't actually have an agenda would claim that tablets are going to replace desktop computers, but they sure do replace netbooks and laptops for many people. Often people buy netbooks and laptops because they want to be able to read their favorite websites, stay in touch with others via e-mail and just generally to have a way of reaching information on-the-go should the need arise, and a tablet literally shines in such situations.

My laptop replaced my desktop years ago. And as of a few weeks ago, my Dell Streak 7 has replaced my laptop. Replaced as in I sold my laptop. I am a writer, I do video blogging, internet security consulting, and I'm a minister. My tablet has replaced all of my media devices except for the tv, and that even gets replaced by my tablet if I am the only one watching. The only thing I need a pc for now it to flash a new ROM onto my tablet, and rip CDs to mp3 so they can be transfered to the tablet. And to back up my tablet storage in case of failure.
I know that most people will not be going to a tablet as their only computing device any time soon, but I can assure you, it is doable, and quite enjoyable. My only agenda is having my entire digital life in my pocket. And an android tablet does that perfectly.
Sent from my awesome HoneyStreak HD7

In my opinion, the tablet market right now is starting to evolve to replace laptops/netbooks. We are still in the early stages and I won't be surprised if a few years from now, netbooks and tablets will be marketed as a single device (Windows8 has the biggest potential for this IMHO). Want to use it casually in bed? Remove it from its dock, Want to be a power user? Dock it and have a complete kb-mouse-monitor package (akin to the transformer).
I myself use my Iconia more than my netbook already. I only open up my netbook when I need to write something or do photoshop - which is more often than not a handful of times a week. It's just plain more comfortable to watch/read stuff with a tablet especially in bed.

What would be really great is a dual core atom netbook with wifi (yes, I know that's standard), AND a good gps biult-in, two usb host ports and a usb mini slave (for connection to full PC).
I'd buy that for $5 - 700, 2G ram or more, 80 - 120G SSD..

WorkingOnWise said:
My laptop replaced my desktop years ago. And as of a few weeks ago, my Dell Streak 7 has replaced my laptop. Replaced as in I sold my laptop. I am a writer, I do video blogging, internet security consulting, and I'm a minister. My tablet has replaced all of my media devices except for the tv, and that even gets replaced by my tablet if I am the only one watching. The only thing I need a pc for now it to flash a new ROM onto my tablet, and rip CDs to mp3 so they can be transfered to the tablet. And to back up my tablet storage in case of failure.
I know that most people will not be going to a tablet as their only computing device any time soon, but I can assure you, it is doable, and quite enjoyable. My only agenda is having my entire digital life in my pocket. And an android tablet does that perfectly.
Sent from my awesome HoneyStreak HD7
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You are a minister and you are running a DELL?!?!?! REPENT!!!!

Interesting conversation.
At first my Nook Color and now my Iconia have replaced my personal laptop. i have a somewhat powerful work laptop and I am not a big gamer so if I need some heavy lifting done, which is rare, I can do it on my work laptop.
The Acer is much better than my laptop for reading, watching movies, and surfing the web and it is the perfect size for commuting.

WorkingOnWise;15209560My only agenda is having my entire digital life in my pocket. And an android tablet does that perfectly. :-)
[/QUOTE said:
Sir, you have very large pockets if you're keeping an Iconia in them!
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Lol! My son gets this for graduating boot camp in February, when I will get whatever the hotrod dual or quad core 7" android device is out. I like this tablet, but Dell made so many needless compromises with it, I don't see myself buying another Dell. Is that enouth repentance?
Sent from my awesome HoneyStreak HD7

still not quite there,
But I think with the power these devices will soon have. Tablets may be the next console device for gaming. Just look at the partnerships that have developed. Sony already has a phone that pretends to be a PSP. And they will soon have a tablet too. Couple years from now, I could see these tablets running console style games, maybe even a ps4 tablet that omits the stay at home console box. Dock and play, or undock and play on the go. Plus look at all the people trying to link ps3 contollers to run with their emulators. I know others have mentioned the rumors, just give it a bit of time.
As for PC replacement, I am already there. It does not replace my desktop rig for burning bluray. It DOES eliminate my laptop in every way. Web, basic games, email, video chat, can even use torrent services. The future just looks better, even if that means another brand tablet, but love iconia for right now.

For me, the Iconia is perfect as a mobile solution, since I am frequently on the train. Much more handy than a netbook or laptop for when you are actually on the move and you have lots of stuff with you, so every extra kilo is precious. Laptops are rather bulky for watching a movie on the go and even netbooks now feel quite bad in comparison (same screen size, double the weight, half the battery time).
On the other hand, I also have my gaming rig at home, where I can do my movie converting, store my music collection etc. Iconia (or the next generation of tablets) certainly can't replace all that for me. But I can easily see it chomping at the laptop share of the market.

sittin here at work... thinking... I gotta start that batch conversion when I get home... wait! I have splashtop... I can load my pc's desktop on my iconia and do my batch right now... then I can run netflix and watch something or maybe txt my wife to put the other dvd/blueray in the drive so I can start that rip from here...
although I haven't replaced my desktop at home... I certainly have eliminated the need to be there to operate it... I love my iconia!!!

Tablets aren't replacing desktops anytime soon for people on these forums.
But, think of this - what about the mom's, grandmoms and others who just want to check email and browse the web? Why would they NEED anything more than a tablet?
My wife uses a tablet almost exclusively now. Only when she needs to print something does she go to the desktop, and that's very rare (school forms, etc.) And if they can ever get printing built into Android it would go a long way towards doing away with need for a desktop for a lot of people.
At least half of my employees could easily replace their home PC with a 10" tablet and be better off for it.
Of course the people on these forums are more the desktop PC experts and techies and we will never be able to do away with our desktops.
For work, we're investigating replacing some employee laptops with Honeycomb tablets and a special app we are writing. It would provide better mobility for those specific job functions than a laptop ever could, and allow us to better control the devices, spend less on them, and ensure the data security better. Because most of our desktops are used for massive data entry, a tablet doesn't make sense there, but a tablet with a docking station, HDMI screen and keyboard might make sense in the future for some employees...
If only Google would put out a real tablet Docs app...

great conversation
I have been a avid computer user since the late 1980's and holding this a500 in my hands still amazes me after nearly a month owning it.
The only reason I find myself sitting at my IBM desktop machine is when I need to pull some files from a DVD/CD or need to print something, or have spare time for some gaming.
This thing has replaced 90%+ of what I use a desktop for - and just think - the tablet market has barely gotten started. Imagine what these will be like in ten years
On a side note; no chance 3.1 can use a USB based external dvd-rom drive, is there?


Getting a XOOM already own a laptop

Hola Guys...can somebody list some reasons to own a XOOM tablet if you already own a laptop(macbook pro)? Everyday im drooling more and more for this tablet...but I don't see a very good reason to own one if somebody have a laptop thats in very good condition...
Well.. if you didn't already figure this one out yourself, here is a list from the top of my head:
With a laptop:
1) You can't hold a laptop with the lid open in one hand and use it (for a long period)
2) You can't remove the keyboard from the screen if all you want to do is read/watch movies (it's stuck there forever)
3) You can't use the screen to navigate (you need the touchpad or "joyknob" or mouse)
4) You don't have a camera on the back to snap pictures
5) You usually have to carry an extra bag/backpack (charger, cables, mouse, ..)
With a tablet:
1) You can't read/write DVD's
2) You can't use it for high CPU/memory intensive tasks (coding, video editing, 3D raytracing,etc.)
Most people can perfectly combine a tablet and a laptop for their tasks: a laptop for coding/video-editing/burning, and a tablet for email, ebooks, twitter/fb, movies, music, (video)chatting, pictures and browsing.
The biggest one for me would have to be: you can't connect an external hard drive to a tablet.
I have all my videos on my 1tb 2.5"...
I'm planning on selling my laptop- probably wont get much for it, but keeping it seems redundant.
Sent from N1 XDA
magicdroid's list hits all the major pros and cons. For me, the major incentive is instant-on for web browsing and a few other apps.
asianxtreme - most of us just have a decent size SD card and rotate shows/movies.
OP - the one catch to all the arguments in favor of a tablet would be having the latest Macbook Air. It has instant-on and amazing battery life. I'm no Apple fan, but having one of those would easily convince me to ditch almost any tablet, as it is extremely thin and light. Of course, the pricetag is pretty unfriendly.
Dont you already have an incredible/fascinate?
asianxtreme said:
The biggest one for me would have to be: you can't connect an external hard drive to a tablet.
I have all my videos on my 1tb 2.5"...
I'm planning on selling my laptop- probably wont get much for it, but keeping it seems redundant.
Sent from N1 XDA
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You'd really want to stream anyway. Local storage is starting to phase out in a way. Everything is in the cloud or at least stored on a home media server/desktop.
SMB is used for accessing public shares... and the apps for running them from an SMB are getting better.
For me, why I want a tablet?
1. Battery life
2. Instant on (no need to wait for booting!)
3. Easy to carry and hold
4. Touch screen friendly (I hate mouse)
That's all the points, bottom line, it is for most of daily tasks and entertainments:
- Web browsing, email, movies, photo viewer, reading?, facebook, games ...
If I need heavy duty tasks like photo / video editing, coding then I will sit in front of my desktop computer.
Otherwise, just lay down in the couch or bed with the tablet!
Fast, easy and simple
For me I had purchased a G73 asus laptop, which is way to heavy for daily carry. So a tablet will be something i will use for class and entertainment purposes when i'm out and about. the laptop will remain in the house and only be carried out when I need to do some extensive work on it for class.
I decided to get a tablet when I had a crappy delivery job for 3 days and needed to enter delivery information into a google spreadsheet while driving. I tried it unsuccesfully with a 17" Toshiba X205-S9349 laptop... it was marketed as a gaming laptop so it's not a perfect example. It is BARELY a laptop as heavy as it is. It's heavier in a laptop bag then my kindle, evo, thumb drives, pens, cables, evo, and a viewsonic g-tablet in my messenger bag.
I also say DON'T SELL YOUR LAPTOP. Unless you are on a right budget, it's better to have backup devices because things break. My parents talked me out of selling my laptop and it has saved my ass on numerous occasions. Be a true geek and have a device for every occasion. Your tablet will be your everyday mobile device that can do pretty much all of what you could need on the go. It can read/edit documents... record audio(actually I'm unsure about this and can't find an answer, did they forget to put a mic on this thing?), pictures, video. It offers you full internet, which is a big deal because you can do most anything with web apps these days. Think Star Trek, or Stargate Atlantis, or any other sci-fi where they use a tablet. I really do think one day laptops will be obsolete.
We will simply have tablets with docking stations. I mean think about how capable your phone is. My HTC EVO does EVERYTHING I need on the go, except that it is too small for some things and a touch slow on some. The difference between a 4.3" EVO and a 10.1" Xoom is not just a superior UI.. its 450% increased screen area.
Stargate Atlantis is why I'm getting a tablet, it's the future.
There is no easy way to mane anything because in actuality eventhough tablets are pretty cool they have not got far enough yet to replace a laptop yet....Don't get me wrong they are close all they really need to do is make it so u can collect external hard drives and cd/dvd drives.
vamp6x6x6x said:
There is no easy way to mane anything because in actuality eventhough tablets are pretty cool they have not got far enough yet to replace a laptop yet....Don't get me wrong they are close all they really need to do is make it so u can collect external hard drives and cd/dvd drives.
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It's been reported that Laptops only just overtook the desktop last year. I dont think true tablets will ever support external devices like hard-drives or cd-drives. It's not the direction of technology. Yes, we need them now, but we wont in 5 years. solid state drives will hit the TB range by then if not sooner. Also, most of our pictures will be on the cloud, videos will be streamed from your home media server or you'll buy (own) the rights to stream shows/movies from the web instead of having subscriptions (think eBooks, but with movies).
Tablets will overtake laptops, but we'll still have need for docking stations, for real work, for at least another 10 years.
I think I could almost get away with using a tablet as my primary work device.
I already use Google Docs as my word processor, so no problems there.
For coding, the only thing I need is a terminal and an SSH client, since most of the stuff I do is remote using Vim.
Of course, I do need some sort of physical keyboard, when I'm doing heavy-duty stuff, so I'm hoping that something like this... eventually released for tablets with the Xoom's form factor.
That said, it would be more difficult for me to lose the Gimp, which I use frequently. I am still not happy with the online graphics tools I've found. Maybe Adobe will eventually release a more powerful version of Photoshop for tablets, but I'm not holding my breath.
Xevilious said:
I think I could almost get away with using a tablet as my primary work device.
I already use Google Docs as my word processor, so no problems there.
For coding, the only thing I need is a terminal and an SSH client, since most of the stuff I do is remote using Vim.
Of course, I do need some sort of physical keyboard, when I'm doing heavy-duty stuff, so I'm hoping that something like this... eventually released for tablets with the Xoom's form factor.
That said, it would be more difficult for me to lose the Gimp, which I use frequently. I am still not happy with the online graphics tools I've found. Maybe Adobe will eventually release a more powerful version of Photoshop for tablets, but I'm not holding my breath.
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You can use any Bluetooth keyboard with the Xoom. The tablet only has to support (HID) protocol. Actually, if you go over to the MOTO website, there's a docking station as well as MOTO keyboards.
kenyu73 said:
You can use any Bluetooth keyboard with the Xoom. The tablet only has to support (HID) protocol. Actually, if you go over to the MOTO website, there's a docking station as well as MOTO keyboards.
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Yes, but I'm more interested in a solution that includes a keyboard embedded in a case. To me, it just seems more convenient than having to carry around a cradle and keyboard with my tablet.
Xevilious said:
Yes, but I'm more interested in a solution that includes a keyboard embedded in a case. To me, it just seems more convenient than having to carry around a cradle and keyboard with my tablet.
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I hear that Google VoiceSearch v12.6 will have full speech recognition that will make keyboards and mice obsolete!
It reminds me of Star Trek IV where Scotty tries to interact with a Mac by talking to it.
Xevilious said:
Yes, but I'm more interested in a solution that includes a keyboard embedded in a case. To me, it just seems more convenient than having to carry around a cradle and keyboard with my tablet.
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If you want a keyboard in a case.. buy a laptop
In all seriousness I do find that a little silly, though I can understand the logic and utility of such a thing. Carrying it all the time like that though, which it sounds like you want to do is well and truly a laptop. A keyboard that is dockable would be good.. but I still think a seperate keyboard is fine.. and just prop the tablet up in a folio case.
setite said:
If you want a keyboard in a case.. buy a laptop
In all seriousness I do find that a little silly, though I can understand the logic and utility of such a thing. Carrying it all the time like that though, which it sounds like you want to do is well and truly a laptop. A keyboard that is dockable would be good.. but I still think a seperate keyboard is fine.. and just prop the tablet up in a folio case.
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I already have a laptop, and it's perfectly fine for many tasks, but it lacks a lot of tools that I would get with a tablet. I would much rather bring my laptop to a coffee shop, but when I'm traveling, I like to do some light work, and a tablet (GPS, Verizon data, e-reader) makes for a friendlier traveling companion than a laptop. If I had a tablet with a keyboard, I could have most of my tools in a single package. Without a physical keyboard, I'd have to bring my laptop along for the ride, and I'd really rather not have to bring two larger devices every time I travel.
Truth be told, there's nothing I would love more than a tablet that let me make voice calls via a bluetooth headset. With that, I'd even dump my phone.
Xevilious said:
I already have a laptop, and it's perfectly fine for many tasks, but it lacks a lot of tools that I would get with a tablet. I would much rather bring my laptop to a coffee shop, but when I'm traveling, I like to do some light work, and a tablet (GPS, Verizon data, e-reader) makes for a friendlier traveling companion than a laptop. If I had a tablet with a keyboard, I could have most of my tools in a single package. Without a physical keyboard, I'd have to bring my laptop along for the ride, and I'd really rather not have to bring two larger devices every time I travel.
Truth be told, there's nothing I would love more than a tablet that let me make voice calls via a bluetooth headset. With that, I'd even dump my phone.
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For my sake, may I ask what tools the tablet has that your laptop lacks. I don't say that as a challenge, but rather I am seeking ways to use the device that I am not aware of yet.
kenyu73 said:
You'd really want to stream anyway. Local storage is starting to phase out in a way. Everything is in the cloud or at least stored on a home media server/desktop.
SMB is used for accessing public shares... and the apps for running them from an SMB are getting better.
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The problem with this is we are starting to see the beginning of the end of unlimited data plans. So if we have to stream everything, that will come with more data use and cost.
So a tablet won't be able to access an external hard drive? Even with an app like like Astro?
I didn't think it would be possible, but I think it would be cool to have access to an external dvd/cd/blu ray burner with plug and use/play technology.
If these 2 things were possible, people could really ditch their laptops and netbooks for the tablets. Netbooks had the possibility of an external drive, which opened up the usability imo.

Time to move on. Selling my TF-101.

I've had my 32gb tf 101 for roughly a month after being one of the lucky ones to find the tablet in stores. Mine has no defects except the inevitable minor light bleed.
After trying to incorporate the tablet in my life it has become clear that tablets aren't for me. I always end up reaching for my phone. I've taken the tablet with me on my travels, on the plane with movies and music and all that great stuff. But I end up using my phone 90% of the time, my laptop for another 9% and the tablet for the final 1%. At home my tablet is very rarely used as well. It truly is a unique experience and 3.1 makes it far better. For the time that I've used it, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The display is beautiful.
I'm sure for some people it makes a lot of sense. But sadly it isn't for me. If anyone in the GTA, ON Canada wants it, feel free to shoot me a pm.
Sent from my Samsung Captivate.
Many people are making an assumption that a tablet will replace a laptop or a desktop and will become a productivity device. When people mocked original iPad and called it an oversized Touch they actually weren't that far off; a tablet is purely a consumption and entertainment device. It's understandable that $500 is hard to justify for something like this considering your phone can perform at least 90% of the tasks your tablet can, albeit on a smaller scale. Hopefully OEM's will flood the market with decent Android tablets and drive the prices down to a more bearable ~$200 range.
Personally I find myself reaching for the tablet first and settling for my phone if I absolutly must. Most of the time my phone is set to bluetooth tether. To be honest I'd probably be better off with a 3g call-capable tablet and a pen-sized bluetooth headset. I almost never carry my laptop any more. But I rarely need to work on the go (other than answering emails)
THe only reason I reach for my laptop is Netflix. Otherwise, I spend most of my time on the tablet at home
I want it. Have the 16gb version and loving it. 32gb would be great. Please shoot me a pm with price. Thanks
vernicex said:
I want it. Have the 16gb version and loving it. 32gb would be great. Please shoot me a pm with price. Thanks
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Newegg had them in stock this morning.
I have a 360, a Boxee Box, and a Blu-ray player attached to my TV. All 3 have some overlapping features, but each one does something the other two can't do, and I enjoy having the different options. If one of them died, I could limp along with the other two, but I'd rather not. Point is, tablet and phone features will always overlap, you just have to figure out which task each one is better at and use it accordingly, then you'll find the tablet has a valuable place in your tech collection. I could live without the TF, but I'd rather not
I use it to read pdfs. most my books and journal articles are available in pdf format. The TF is by far the best pdf reader. I agree, you don't ready need it if you have good laptop. It's a luxury toy not pc replacement.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA Premium App
dfin13 said:
I have a 360, a Boxee Box, and a Blu-ray player attached to my TV. All 3 have some overlapping features, but each one does something the other two can't do, and I enjoy having the different options. If one of them died, I could limp along with the other two, but I'd rather not. Point is, tablet and phone features will always overlap, you just have to figure out which task each one is better at and use it accordingly, then you'll find the tablet has a valuable place in your tech collection. I could live without the TF, but I'd rather not
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What (s)he said! I have 2 PS3s at home just because I didn't want to spend money on a bluray player only. A tablet is luxury for most of us... there are very few instances where a tablet would be beneficial (e.g. inventorying, showing clients photos or videos etc.). I personally love my tablet and have not used my PC as much. And with a baby around it's great to have a neat little gadget that's portable and has nice multimedia features.
He I don't really fault people for buying a tablet and then realizing it has no place in their life. I bought a used 7" Galaxy Tab for the gf a couple of weeks ago to replace her eReader. She thinks its neat, but she hasn't used it for anything but reading and to her, it seems like a waste. So I'll probably sell it and get her the new Nook reader. Tablets just aren't for everyone.
have you ever tried one of the thumb keyboards available on the market place? They make using a tablet sloop much easier and more practical
I'm pretty new to the whole tablet world, started with the NookColor and moved onto the Transformer. I've got to say it's mostly a consumption device but it's a fantastic consumption device at that. I love the internet on the 10" screen, love the entirely useable e-mail client included, love the quality of the games available and look forward to the continued evolution of the platform in general.
I loaded up the Autodesk sketch program and found myself cheerfully painting like a kid for the first time in decades - It's not that I can't do anything in particular on a tablet vs. another device, just that the tablet seems like a good fit for many more things. A magazine looks like a magazine, the internet looks like it does on my real computer and the remote access means I've got my fully useable desktop with me anywhere there's a wifi connection.
I think the only real downside it the portability. I grew up in an era where professionals carried around day planners so this is no big stretch for me but it is unusual given today's norms. Too big to fit in a pocket and too small to justify a computer bag.
All in all though if a phone and laptop do what you need that should be all you need. I'm not happy reading stuff on my laptop and personally prefer the touch interface when on the go so tablets fit my bill - for now.
use it as an in dash display in your car. That way it is always with you in a practical manner.
Then when you need to take it out of your car you can carry it into the library/coffee shop or whatever.
newtybar said:
use it as an in dash display in your car. That way it is always with you in a practical manner.
Then when you need to take it out of your car you can carry it into the library/coffee shop or whatever.
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This was my plan all along (still the primary reason), but then when I got my TF, I found so many other uses. Yes I have a MT4G and a laptop, but the TF makes viewing things so much easier. I have just loaded up Supernatural seasons 5 and 6, so I can get caught up anywhere I want to. I love it!
I can't agree that the TF is not a productivity tool, it is my tool of choice for email and browsing at home and Google docs app is the business. I do have the dock though which turns it into a netbook but with better battery life and screen.
So far loving it.
First to android and tablets and ive turned on my computer twice in 3 weeks...
and both times was so that i could remote into and control my music downloads as i watched tv, surfed the net, and responded to work emails.
even last night, i downloaded a "read to me" story of the 3 little pigs and watched it with my daughter before she went to bed...
then i get to surf the net in bed again.. catch up with xda, news, sports, etc..
its a convenience..
this past weekend i took it on a road trip.. my daughter played games, i used it to book a room while using the hotel's wifi, snapped a few pics in the car, and even got it to tether off an older palm treo phone...(so i had internet in the car!)
i should be receiving mines any minute now...
already owning the g2x and a laptop the sole reason for me getting the transformer is to read pdf files. Being a college student textbooks become really expensive. Now days you can get a copy of the text in pdf for a fraction of the cost or if you just search the net you can find it for free. For me reading pdf files off a laptop is really inconvenient and the battery life is nothing compared to a tablet. Therefore it made sense for me to invest in a tablet and load all my pdf text onto the tablet. I save money in the end and I don't have to lug around a bunch of heavy ass textbooks everyday. So it's a win-win situation for me.
AnyMal said:
Many people are making an assumption that a tablet will replace a laptop or a desktop and will become a productivity device. When people mocked original iPad and called it an oversized Touch they actually weren't that far off; a tablet is purely a consumption and entertainment device. It's understandable that $500 is hard to justify for something like this considering your phone can perform at least 90% of the tasks your tablet can, albeit on a smaller scale. Hopefully OEM's will flood the market with decent Android tablets and drive the prices down to a more bearable ~$200 range.
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Won't happen unless subsidized, most phones are $450.
For me I've noticed that since getting this the battery on my evo lasts 3x as long. Surfing on this is much more pleasant.
As a university student, the tablet is an awesome device once you put the proper apps in it.
-a proper file manager (I've still yet to find one with drag&drop and proper shortcuts like windows explorer)
-a proper 'windows-office' like program and one that opens pdfs
-a proper video player (moboplayer)
-a proper calendar and agenda device
-a proper ebook reader (ie moonreader)
The advantage of android apps is that they open much faster than if you were to run windows versions of the programs. With files are easily transferred over ftp, it is very time-efficient.
I'd say this device can easily take the place of my current netbook (and it has). The long lasting battery life and the tiny form factor (along with its lightweightness) really sold it for me
lawonga said:
As a university student, the tablet is an awesome device once you put the proper apps in it.
-a proper file manager (I've still yet to find one with drag&drop and proper shortcuts like windows explorer)
-a proper 'windows-office' like program and one that opens pdfs
-a proper video player (moboplayer)
-a proper calendar and agenda device
-a proper ebook reader (ie moonreader)
The advantage of android apps is that they open much faster than if you were to run windows versions of the programs. With files are easily transferred over ftp, it is very time-efficient.
I'd say this device can easily take the place of my current netbook (and it has). The long lasting battery life and the tiny form factor (along with its lightweightness) really sold it for me
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Try repligo readerd for a good pdf reader, you can even add notes, drraw lines and rectangles, write free hand on the pdf ...

android tablet not useful

I've had the transformer for 3 months.
It does some things great but it is neither a tool or a laptop replacement. The tablet effect may be real at the moment but it will pass.
I love this tablet for movies and email and calendar on the road. And for battery life.
That's where my love ends
It is slow. The browser is deadly slow and buggy as ****. How does a Google product have such a **** browser?
It is not useful as a tool.
Letters, documents spreadsheets... can be done but not effectively.
It is a fun toy and nice to have on the road. But I still need me macbook for anything work related. So now I just have one more thing in my travel bag. Not the direction I want to go.
And worthy of note, of all my computers and devices, I like my full desktop with dual monitors and 6core Intel CPU best. The desktop isn't dead yet either.
I use it as a terminal into my computer. So when I go to a meeting or travel I can access my computer with remote desktop.
Do you have the docking? And did you try other browsers?
Because with docking and with opera mobile i do not reckognize any of your points.
I never buy my TF in order to replace my Ubuntu laptop or my desktop computer.
I have it for the battery life, the GPS, the portability, to do emails, downloads, games and surfing lazy in my salon listening TV at same time, copying my camera movies or pictures in holidays, etc ...
I'm doing that before with a net book, but now I have also a Tablet and this is so Geek
The TF is somewhere between my HTC Desire and my Laptop !
I like also to see Honeycomb and the market growing with butty full applications.
This is my new precious and I enjoy it so much
PS: Try Dolphin Browser HD, is not to bad and faster.
I wouldn't say it's not useful...just not exactly a laptop replacement.
I do use it for documents, emails, games, and such...the same thing I use my laptop for...the only difference is that the TF allows me to do all that at the coffee shop with my feet up on the hearth, eating a scone...
It is what it is...
I would say that you picked the Transformer up for all the wrong reasons. You have a Macbook yet you're looking for something portable for work. That doesnt' really make sense to me. You're probably not the best use case for this device.
This thing is for people who like the price point and portability of a netbook, but enjoy the tablet form factor for general or on-the-go use. This doesn't seem to be you and I wouldn't call Android tablets "not useful" when you're basically looking for a full laptop replacement - which this is not.
Edit: Re-read, you have a Macbook, didn't specifically say an Air, but maybe one would be better suited for your needs? It's light, has a full OS and is about as portable as laptops can be.
Having the TF now means that I can leave my laptop in the office for the week & only carry my TF to & from home each evening for email, browsing & other work related things.
On the train I watch a TV show or listen to music on the TF & when home I use kindle to read books in bed.
It isn't a laptop or even a netbook, as someone else said, it is what it is, you just have to find out how to fit it into your life.
Honestly, I love when people come in to a device specific forum and complain about how they don't use/need it. Personally, I found that using wireless tether and tablet keeps it with me and in use everywhere i go.
Huh, for me I've essentially replaced my Work windows laptop with my Transformer.
I use a Combo of the stock browser and Dolphin for Pad for web browsing (stock set to tablet, Dolphin set to desktop). I randomly will have a site act funky, but never been a show stopper.
I picked up a bluetooth keyboard that works great for longer emails and document creation via Polaris Office. None of the Android Office suites are MS Office replacements yet, but Polaris suites my needs.
I have VPN Connections working to connect to my corp network when needed.
2X Client is an amazing RDP client for connecting to boxes on my home network or on the corp network when VPN'd in.
The only thing I have an issue with is printing support for Emails/websites/documents when needed. I can print pictures to my HP via their iPrint app. I haven't researched printing solutions that much yet (open to any good suggestions).
Since I got my Transformer in June, the only time I've gotten my laptop out at home was to run a specific app that is Windows only for my golf league and to print those reports. I inquired with the developers about an Android port, but they said it wasn't on their timeline.
I disagree,
Its not useful to you maybe, but to me its exactly what I bought it to be.
I have read more books on my TF in the past 3 months than I have read in the 2 years before that.
I can browse my PC network from any room in the house, view any pictures, listen to any music and watch every video format I have, wherever, whenever.
I can browse the web conveniently, quickly and almost perfectly on my WiFi connection or using 3G from my Desire.
I can waste a few minutes playing a game, or reading a comic.
I can show off my artwork to customers or friends via the gallery.
I can sketch an idea or write a note, even draw some artwork.
I can see whats on TV next or even watch that thing I missed the night before on catchup.
It's not a PC or laptop replacement, its not meant to be, its the thing you use when you don't have time to boot up your PC, or when you don't want to carry that laptop, or know that you will need more than 3 hours of battery life.
its Amazing....
My TF with the dock now fits neatly between my Evo and my Mac Mini in terms of functionality. My portable computing needs are not that taxing, so the Macbook Pro I had was overkill. Sold it last month and now my TF is my portable. I miss some things about the MBP, namely OS X, but I'm getting used to it.
My TF fits perfect for what i need. Reading news feeds, books, PDF's/documents, emails, taking notes with my stylus, and a quick check of the internet with the browser.
Any heavy usage i rely on my chromebook or work laptop and any heavy reading done with my nook color since it's lighter.
Hungry troll is hungry....
I sure wouldnt lug my desktop out to the back yard for some hammock surfing, nor would I use a laptop for extended reading. I see tablets an extension of my current setup, not as a replacement for anything.
If you don't see a use for tablets, why get one? Personally, aside from nitpicking, I couldn't be more happy about my Transformer. I simply love the little thing.
It's definitely not as effective for some pretty important work related things (ie. I had a lot of trouble making fine details on my presentation slides, but I just decided to do the tiny things on my laptop instead). Of course, I don't expect it to be a desktop/laptop replacement. It's a netbook (and tablet of course), and it's meant to be ultra portable. I love it.
For all of my the things I used to used my netbook for (email, web surfing, basic photo editing, games, movies, books, etc.) the Transformer is more than enough. Anything beyond that I use my desktop. The only thing that I wish would happen is a decent screenwriting application (Celtx hopefully). Opera mobile has no lag for me though the stock browser is pretty slow as you say. I don't think the TF was ever pitched as a netbook replacement. The dock inclusion is mainly aimed for those who want a tablet form factor (touchscreen, thin, high resolution screen) with the occasional benefit of faster input through a keyboard (it also serves as an extended battery and stand).
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
the TF is my new laptop. I have my desktop forgaming etc..
The TF does everything else.. this was one of the best buys i have ever made.
what an utterly pointless thread ..... wheres this Iron Fist ????
IMHO, the thing that will make or break the 'usefulness' of a tablet is the software. And of course, everyone's needs will be different.
If you've got to do serious work on it, yeah, you're gonna be better with a full-on laptop. Period.
Myself, I don't need the horsepower of a full laptop, but I do find that the browser on the tablet is pretty slow. Some apps could use a lot of improvement (for instance, I use Polaris Office to interface with Google Docs, but I hate the little return carriage icon it puts after every line in the editor...)
I'm going to hang on to mine because it is useful to me, and as software improves, it will get even more useful.
Its good for books and magazines.
Listening to audio any format
watching movies in SD format only, any higher and experience lag and desync audio
games are enjoyable
internet browsing is ok would be alot better if websites considered ppl touching a screen rather then using a mouse.
some apps beat the website but not many
OP, cry me a river. You don't have anyone to blame other than yourself about the fact that you purchased a device you didn't have the need for.
I've got a gaming desktop with dual 24 inch IPS screens setup; a 15 inch windows/ubuntu Asus laptop; an old iBook acting as a home server; a Galaxy S 4 inch Android smartphone; and an iPod Touch 4th generation (solely for work related testing purposes).
In addition, I was pretty skeptical about the tablets as a device class as a whole before.
Know what? The TF did actually fit me so damn well that I can't imagine not having it now. I had never imagined I'd have those situations and use cases before I actually started using it.

Can the Note replace a phone, tablet and laptop?

Has anyone tried to use the Note to replace a phone, tablet and laptop? If so how successful was it and was there anything you could not do such as printing?
It can't replace a laptop but it can do quite a bit including printing.
I'd be able to do many things with the Note if I had to if my laptop broke. But for everyday use - no way. Playing games, reading stuff, browsing, media etc. - yes. Writing an official letter several pages long comfortably- no.
Basically, no it can't replace a laptop but it'll replace a phone and tablet quite easily (in fact, tablets will seem excessively bulky after you get used to the Note). Perhaps in a few months/years when developers actually make good software for Android that rivals that of Apple's App Store, it could replace a laptop, but until then it won't.
It's quite capable hardware-wise of replacing all three but its missing the software component of it - the software available on the Market and preinstalled just isn't taking full advantage of the phone's capabilities. It's sad, really. Hopefully this will change with ICS and the release of the Pen SDK.
Depends on what you use your laptop for. If its just browsing the web and some multimedia stuff then maybe. If its things like word processing then probably no.
Gaugerer said:
Has anyone tried to use the Note to replace a phone, tablet and laptop? If so how successful was it and was there anything you could not do such as printing?
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Gaugerer said:
Has anyone tried to use the Note to replace a phone, tablet and laptop? If so how successful was it and was there anything you could not do such as printing?
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It will never replace a Laptop/Notebook. At least NOT in the next 5-10 years to say a minimum. Before everyone starts shooting at me... Why? I will try to explain my opinion in a simple manner:
A Desktop/Tower PC: You have a keyboard and a screen but its not portable.
Laptop/Notebook(13"-18.4"): You have a screen and a keyboard and it's portable.
Netbooks(10"-13"): You again got have a screen and a keyboard and it's portable but the small screen is not very comfortable to use. Subjective so NO bushing please. For me it's not, but I agree those tiny things are very portable.
Tablet(7"-10.1"): Good performance, NO hardware keyboard on most, virtual typing on flat surface or even in a angle NOT very comfortable for long typings and (usually)half the screen is GONE also and it's NOT even near to a Laptop/Notebook/Netbook's usage comfortability.
For everyone else that does not require often writing or specific tasks, it's near perfect.
Tablet(7"-10.1") with keyboard dock: Android might be good, but is NOWHERE near or close to Windows or OCX or Linux as every day usage for almost everything.
And also to be honest here. A Tablet with a keyboard dock? Then the main difference with the Netbooks, is the Operating system. Think about it.
And last but NOT least, Phoneblets: Same performance as Tablets, PERFECT MIX to a phone and a tablet, it CAN indeed replace them, but it will NOT directly replace the Tablets(might replace it for some that are satisfied with 5.3", like me) or neither any above categories for the above aforementioned reasons.
The main reason is the smaller screen. A 7-10.1" might not be very pocketable, but it's much more easy to work on those screen sizes.
Everything exists in it's own category. Before you ask why, because other people need/want what we DO NOT need or want. E.g: I don't need Tablets, I own a Notebook/Laptop which is a 18.4".
Why that screen size? Because I need/want a 17-18" Laptop/Notebook. Like people need/want a Tablet or a Netbook or a Phoneblet or a economic car, while others don't care and get a 5.0L V8 instead of a 2-3L Hybrid.
In the end? They will give us/make what the Market Demands. That's all there is to it. Market demand and profit. Where's a Market to get into, there's profit. If not, they move on.
P.S: While I love my GNote and I never owned personally a Tablet (had a GTab for 2 weeks), if I had own one, it would have replaced it. Hell, I barely use my Laptop now(fiance does tho ) and mostly I'm on my Desktop and my GNote.
And productivity is going very well also. GNote for social "work" and some quick emails(also some games, funny apps, killing time, oh and calling) and if I need something more "advance" or specific, I just use my PC.
But when I visit friends, I usually take the Laptop/Notebook with me. Even if I love my GNote it cannot replace it as of now. But the future is looking very promising tbh.
Gaugerer said:
Has anyone tried to use the Note to replace a phone, tablet and laptop? If so how successful was it and was there anything you could not do such as printing?
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The obvious answer is, of course, what do you do?
The biggest difference between a laptop and a smartphone is the operating system. Only being able to have one app open at once is a dealbreaker as far as productivity goes. And that's just one difference.
People bring up mouse/keyboard but you can use a bluetooth keyboard/mouse with the Note. So that's irrelevant.
Highly dense text/apps would be much easier on the eyes with a tablet. I've already hit a few games that had just unbearably small text. The new amazon store has quite small text, but still readable.
As a phone - no question it works, unless you tend to use pockets that would be too small to hold the note. ( The note is far more pocketable than people think though ).
- Frank
I have found very little use for my laptop since I bought the Note.
My main machine is a desktop with 2x 24" monitors, so that's where my design work happens. Anything else is a satellite to my desktop, and the Note replaces both my old Android (Desire HD/Ace) and my laptop for pretty much everything, with the added advantage of having stylus input. Being able to write to USB stick over OTG cable is a big win too.
I used to have a tablet, but a 7" device isn't pocketable so I left it at home all the time. The Note is small enough to pocket but big enough to show clients images, layouts, videos, Flash, and to annotate effectively, especially with the laptop-level resolution.
I haven't received my Note yet. I get it next Wednesday.
But as a Dell Streak, HP TouchPad, and Macbook Pro owner my usage ranking is; Macbook Pro, Dell Streak, then TouchPad.
I like the larger tablet with some activities, but as an all around tablet I take the smaller 5" Streak every time. The Note will do everything my Streak does but better.
Soon, I'll just be a Macbook Pro and Note owner. I think that's my ideal form factors... and there is a specific void they both fill well.
Gaugerer said:
Has anyone tried to use the Note to replace a phone, tablet and laptop?
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replacing laptop? what have you been smoking son?
There are many "levels" of laptops. From netbooks to workstations. You have to be more specific. I mean do you think the Gnote can replace my W520 that I use to run adobe software while driving three external monitors?
investmenttechnology said:
replacing laptop? what have you been smoking son?
There are many "levels" of laptops. From netbooks to workstations. You have to be more specific. I mean do you think the Gnote can replace my W520 that I use to run adobe software while driving three external monitors?
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For those that use the Laptops just for surfing the net, occasional e-mailing, some text writing and in general very, very basic stuff, then yes, it possible to replace them.
But then again laptops for the mentioned usage(performance wise) are much cheaper than the Note.
for me it easily replace phone (htc hd2 runnig android) and tablet (galaxy tab 7" still prefer tab over note over ebook while i have both under my hand) but laptop i dont think so as koniakki said if you only surf, email, office it may replace laptop for you at some situations but generally it cant replace laptop.
let's have some more inputs on this from note/note 2 users.....
can it really replace a laptop...?
for someone who is mostly uses the laptop for surfing the web, listening to music, watching videos reading ebooks/pdf and travels often carrying the laptop around, Can the note/note 2 be considered a laptop replacement device....?!?
No it can't replace laptop completely. I use btooth keyboard and mouse and it almost replaces laptop until when I need to do serious photo editing or work on a complex excel sheet or compile few c# codes. These exceptions are once in a blue moon stuff and hence I wouldn't feel comfortable to give up laptop for Note or Android tablets. Windows 8 tablet may finally replace laptop.
Sent from GNote.
willstay said:
No it can't replace laptop completely. I use btooth keyboard and mouse and it almost replaces laptop until when I need to do serious photo editing or work on a complex excel sheet or compile few c# codes. These exceptions are once in a blue moon stuff and hence I wouldn't feel comfortable to give up laptop for Note or Android tablets. Windows 8 tablet may finally replace laptop.
Sent from GNote.
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Although the Note is an epic device, and can do almost anything, For situations like that ^^ it cannot replace a laptop / pc
I use mine for everything, I do all my emailing / surfing / movie /music watching + streaming on the Note ( Mainly because im too lazy to move to the other side of the room to access the PC lol)
I would imaging for your average user then yes, It can / could replace a laptop, But at some point there will be a moment where you think 'Damn it ! wouldn't this just be easier on my computer?'
I must also add, Im super lazy, I have remote desktop app on my Note so I can access my computer and print files without leaving the sofa, I also have the Viera connect app so I can control my TV when I cannot be bothered to reach over for the remote control lol..... All I need now is for someone to pump my chest every few seconds so I dont have to waste energy breathing :laugh:
I adore my Note. Still it will never replace my PC/laptop. The specific reason for me is productivity. Productivity means MS Office, Digital Audio Workstations, large screen, large and higher precision input devices (mouse, normal size keyboard). Although I have been able to tackle some productivity tasks using the Note - "send me a PDF of the paper document you filed at the registry office", "take a look at this excel and tell me when it can be ready" etc.
Hm, now that I think of it - I often read XDA on the Note but have written only 1 post from the Note - I'd really rather do it using a normal keyboard.
well before my htc desire broke down i was planing to buy tablet... and when it broke down i had no choice but to use my money to buy new phone... i had to chose between sony xperia s (i think, cant be sure now) and note... i chose note cos i hoped that it will satisfy my need for tablet...
it didnt.
i end up buying tablet few months later
so NO! it cant replace not even tablet, and definitely not pc/laptop
tatkovladko said:
I adore my Note. Still it will never replace my PC/laptop. The specific reason for me is productivity. Productivity means MS Office, Digital Audio Workstations, large screen, large and higher precision input devices (mouse, normal size keyboard). Although I have been able to tackle some productivity tasks using the Note - "send me a PDF of the paper document you filed at the registry office", "take a look at this excel and tell me when it can be ready" etc.
Hm, now that I think of it - I often read XDA on the Note but have written only 1 post from the Note - I'd really rather do it using a normal keyboard.
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I agree. Note hardly replaces my notebook for the productivity. However, it can be used as a substitute while you travel light. Reading and sending emails, paying bills, communicating, reading news and books, watching movies, listening music, playng games all are possible. Great gadget for me. The best.
Sent from my GT-N7000
I stopped bothering switching on my laptop long before i got the GNote.

[Q] Nexus 7 as Laptop replacement?

Hey guys, I wanted to get your guys' opinions since i havent gotten a chance to get my hands on a nexus 7 yet. I am a Graduate Assisstant at my college and i graduate in december. With my GA position i was given a laptop to use, well I was wondering what you guys think about using a Nexus 7 as a replacement for a laptop when i graduate since i have to return my laptop. I do have a desktop that runs linux, so for any real computing power i can use that, but for laying in bed, browsing the web, email, watchign youtube, hulu, and other streaming sites as well as visiting lots of forums, do you think the nexus 7 is suitable as a daily device for that? thanks
ontoptherock said:
Hey guys, I wanted to get your guys' opinions since i havent gotten a chance to get my hands on a nexus 7 yet. I am a Graduate Assisstant at my college and i graduate in december. With my GA position i was given a laptop to use, well I was wondering what you guys think about using a Nexus 7 as a replacement for a laptop when i graduate since i have to return my laptop. I do have a desktop that runs linux, so for any real computing power i can use that, but for laying in bed, browsing the web, email, watchign youtube, hulu, and other streaming sites as well as visiting lots of forums, do you think the nexus 7 is suitable as a daily device for that? thanks
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Since you already have a desktop I would say replacing the laptop with a Nexus 7 would be fine.
Agreed for those, but no tablet is a replacement for a laptop.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Agreed, there are nice office suites in the play store for any document you need, lots of power and it just runs great. Also to, it has NFC built in for beaming files and paying for stuff w/Google wallet.
Sent from my De-Sensed HTC Vivid using xda premium
I'll eventually get a laptop but right now just dont have the money to get one that would be suitable or what i would want spec wise. So i figure with the low cost of the nexus i would use that in the meantime
I am a grad student and school teacher. I bought a tab to replace my laptop because I didn't need everything the laptop could do. My wife has a desktop, so I use that for doing any heavy tasks. I use my n7 with a bluetooth keyboard when in grad class and as a notebook for recording nots and ideas when working g with students.
I originally had a 10 inch tab, but that was too big. Love the n7,and I do not feel like a need a laptop.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
For what you said you'd use the tablet for I'd say yes but get the 32gb version cause you never know when you'd need the extra space
I bought my n7 to compliment my atom netbook for my university course. One Bluetooth keyboard and an otg cable and I haven't even turned my netbook on in over 3 months. Office apps are good enough for editing and some changes to PowerPoint presentations etc.
Half of the time now I don't even take a bag to Uni, my n7 in my pocket and I am good.
I have 3 computers at home (wife and kids use them) I find most of my browsing, YouTube etc. Is being done on the n7. My comps I use only for mmo gaming and large projects.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Tablet is nice but it will never replace a PC/laptop for me. If I'm home alone, I am still always on my desktop. I'd rather sit at my desk with a sound system to listen to Pandora than being alone on the couch with ear buds. There are still many times I need to use my PC because a page won't display correctly or is difficult to use.
While I love my N7, it's still for casual use. It will never replace a PC for me unless I have no choice.
For sitting on the couch or in bed, a tablet will probably be good enough you.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Honestly if I had a hard keyboard for my nexus 7, I wouldn't really ever use my laptop. Jellybean is a pretty good operating system getting better everyday, serves as a pretty good windows replacement.
I use my tablet for most things but still can't completely replace my laptop yet.
-Brought to you by Marino's Nexus 7-
I use my nexus for internet now more then my desktop, laptop, EP121 combined. Only thing it hasn't taken over yet is my pen and paper character sheet duties. So yeah for what you listed it will do fine.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
I've got a Nexus 7 to replace my Asus EEPC 701 as my travel partner .
My major task for my travel partner is look for a map , get some simple translation , upload picture from my DSLR to my facebook account .
And now , all these task are completed by my N7 . And it is always on , the battery even can survive a single of heavy usage !
But of course , I would still keep my EEEPC , since it is still a standard IBM PC , there are still lots of works that require a standard computer to complete . For example , briefing with VGA out , connect some uncommon hardware (e.g. 3G usb modem , printer with no network) .
one last thing i do alot also is use torrents, is that something that can be easily done on the N7. I saw utorrent just released a beta for android, so i assume that this is a task easily done now on the N7. Thanks guys i think i am going to go with the N7 as my go to mobile device. For only $250 you cant really beat it.
On another note, is anyone using the tablet UI, and if so what do you like better by chance?
Nutshell version:
In most situations laptops are orverkill. Web browsing, torrenting, music, gaming can all be done BETTER on the N7. You don't NEED a laptop for this. CREATING a lot of content then you'll NEED a laptop. The N7 can handle SOME of this but when you get into doing a lot of it it's clunky and you'll run into limitations.
TL-DR version:
An N7 is NOT a laptop replacement. If you're looking to replace an entire laptop, just buy a laptop. HOWEVER... if you realize you don't NEED a laptop.. the N7 is perfect.
Here's a little illustration to help:
I personaly have come to realize that I don't NEED a laptop. I have one.. but it never leaves my house. When I go out, I take my N7 instead. My needs on the go are different than my needs at home. I realize what I need (I say "need"... but who really "needs" luxury devices like laptops and tablets though) is a beefy and powerful desktop at home and some periphery computing accessories like a chromebook and a good tablet. If i want to do graphics, music or gaming.. I do it at home on the desktop. If i'm on the go, i'm not trying to do graphic editing or create music... i'm consuming content or gaming.. the Nexus is perfect for this. If i'm trying to create content on the go... it's not going to be heavy duty stuff.. it's most likely going to be document editing or coding.. the chromebook will do nicely.
I hope that illustration helps. Thats a real world use for the N7 as opposed to something unrealistic like trying to do all of your college work (i'm also in school.. the N7 can handle some things like documents, but it's DEFINITELY better to use a full computer/laptop) you're going to run into limitations you'll be forced to work around.
^ well put
Honestly if I had a hard keyboard for my nexus 7, I wouldn't really ever use my laptop. Jellybean is a pretty good operating system getting better everyday, serves as a pretty good windows replacement
It comes down to a decision about content consumption vs. content creation and which & when you do more of. Because of variability in what people do and how much they travel around, I don't think there is a one-size-fits-all answer. The need to use a single PC application that can't be substituted for with a tablet app can easily force the decision.
Three years ago I was down to two computers - a laptop and an android phone. When the laptop finally died, I switched to a deskside, even though I knew I would sorely miss it for one kind of multitasking: watching TV and web surfing simultaneously.
Why? Screen real estate! You simply can not be as productive (say as a programmer) when you need to refer to several things simultaneously (docs, code, deguggers, etc) on a single 15-17" diagonal screen. Multiple monitors are a game-changer when it comes to productivity. (Sure, you can use stacks of windows or multiple virtual desktops on a laptop, but switching back and forth between them is lost time).
Along the same vein, appreciate that Android style multitasking - a single activity on the whole screen - makes cut-n-paste operations or quick referral to info in a 2nd app clumsily slow. A tablet (Android or Apple) isn't productive for work that needs frequent use of that type of activity.
Same goes for using a finger for text entry - pathetically slow. If you must capture notes of any length ("content creation") on the tablet, use a physical keyboard.
Still, I missed surfing from the couch, and a 3-in android phone screen wasn't cutting it. Tried Google TV for a while, but sharing the same display just seems unnatural and is an irritation to a 2nd person watching the same TV screen.
So, now I still don't have a laptop - just the big iron for being productive (read: not in front of the TV!), and an entertainment/reading device that can be used anywhere - couch/bed/crapper.
In a way, that's good as it helps enforce a decent separation between work and play.
At this point, I miss the laptop only for situations that require both a full-up OS and portability. I don't need that for work; but if I did I probably would have all three.
If it came down to a matter of money, and I could only afford one, it would probably be the laptop that got the nod.

