Zooming in Browser - TF vs Laptop - Eee Pad Transformer General

In Firefox on my laptop some applications enlarge vertically instead of horizontally. In other words, when I enlarge the text the right and left boundries stay within the screen. The lines of text just increase for the larger text and I don't have to shift the image left to right to read the whole line.
While trying out a Samsung Galaxy 10.1 in Best Buy today I could not figure out how to make it happen. I used the same site for the test, AVS Forum, and I had to shift the screen left to right to read the whole line. AVS had a downloadable app for Android so I did that. Everything was sized just right but I was unable to figure out how to enlarge the text via zooming so I couldn't check out if the zooming function was even supported.
This is probably the only thing keeping me from taking the leap as my eyes are old and worn and the small type is hard to read.
Appreciate any words of wisdom.


Adobe Reader doesn't stop scrolling

I've just noticed something very strange when viewing PDF documents using Touch HD's built-in Adobe Reader LE 2.5: When zoomed into a document and scrolling horizontally by dragging with the stylus, the scrolling just doesn't stop and continues until the view hits the edge of the document! Is anybody else experiencing this?
Here's what I'm seeing in more detail: I zoom into a document (any document, textual or map-based) far enough that the document more than fills the available viewing area both vertically and horizontally. Then I tap and drag the document horizontally. At this point, after stopping dragging and until I lift the tip of the stylus, the document stops scrolling. But, as soon as I lift the tip of the stylus, the document restarts scrolling in the direction I just dragged it and just doesn't stop until it reaches the edge of the document in the scrolling direction. Trying to "catch" the document with the stylus during the scrolling in order to stop it is of no use.
I think I've also noticed that the first couple of attempts at scrolling immediately after opening a new document works fine. The problem sometimes only shows up in subsequent attempts.
This doesn't happen at all when scrolling vertically by dragging. It happens any time the dragging is "mostly" horizontal, but never when I drag "mostly" vertically.
Scrolling around using the scroll bars (by tapping the scroll bar or arrows, or dragging the scroll bar) works just fine.
Could one of you try this out and let me know if you're seeing the same thing?
Some more insights:
The size of the document doesn't seem to make any difference. Small documents or large, it happens every time.
I've played around with "non-linear" dragging. If I drag in an "L-shaped" motion, it appears that the problem only applies when the horizontal portion of the "L" is longer than its vertical portion. Dragging in circles and other jumbled motions produces mixed results.
I came across a map with "bookmarks", where a little "tab" appears near the top of the viewing area in Adobe Reader. When I click the tab, the window splits into two panes, with the top pane showing the bookmark list and the bottom showing the document. When in this mode, the problem disappears. Scrolling by dragging in either direction works perfectly. (And a little faster, oddly.) After I close the top pane, the problem returns. This is the main reason why I think this is an Adobe Reader bug, rather than a side effect of some other software or a setting change that I have on my Touch HD.
I used several other Windows Mobile devices before this one, and on all of them, the software I used for PDF documents was "Adobe Reader for Pocket PC 2.0". (This includes even my AT&T Tilt running WM 6.1.) This "Adobe Reader LE 2.5" is new to me. I wonder if there would be any adverse effects if I tried the 2.0 reader on my Touch HD. I'm worried it might clash with the built-in reader in some bad way. In fact, I'm sure the "Pocket PC 2.0" version of the reader doesn't support VGA (and higher) resolution screens. (I used to use a utility called "Real VGA" on my only other VGA PDA on which I used the Adobe Reader for Pocket PC 2.0 earlier, in order to get it to display documents at the right resolution.) Does anyone here have any experience related to this?
The whole issue evokes an attempt at "inertial scrolling" (not sure if that's what it's mostly called), where, if you "flick" the document with the stylus, the scrolling continues for a little while longer in the same direction after it slows down and stops. If that's what Adobe Reader is trying to do, it's certainly a failed attempt, because there's no sign of a slow down, it never stops, and this happens every time I scroll horizontally by dragging; i.e., even when I did nothing like a "flick".
Anybody have any relevant experiences?
No PDF users around??... Could I really be the only one here who views maps using the built-in Adobe Reader LE 2.5?!
Got something similar happening with PIE, not that that helps ya much!
When in desktop view, any drag continues until the screen is tapped again.
Hmmm... I don't use Pocket IE at all, but that's an interesting clue. Thanks.
I've noticed the issue with the scrolling on PDF documents that require a lot of rendering (note that "lots of rendering" reflects complexity of the document, not size).
It seems that the processor is too busy rendering the document to detect when you stopped dragging the screen (but funnily enough, not too busy to detect when you started).
The solution for me was to scroll using the scrolling bars, as opposed to just dragging the entire document. Either that, or scroll veeeryyy slowly .
milan_ns said:
I've noticed the issue with the scrolling on PDF documents that require a lot of rendering (note that "lots of rendering" reflects complexity of the document, not size).
It seems that the processor is too busy rendering the document to detect when you stopped dragging the screen (but funnily enough, not too busy to detect when you started).
The solution for me was to scroll using the scrolling bars, as opposed to just dragging the entire document. Either that, or scroll veeeryyy slowly .
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Thank you for your feedback.
I had thought of the same thing about "the CPU being too busy to detect the end of dragging" too. To experiment with that, I tried waiting for the rotating "wait cursor" to disappear before lifting the stylus from the screen after a drag. It didn't change anything.
I must also state that I see the issue even with a 190 KB (i.e., small) PDF document with nothing but text in a table in it. I don't even see any delay or a "wait cursor" at any point when I'm interacting with this document. But, when I'm zoomed into it and I drag to scroll, it causes the same "neverending pan" behavior.
The point about the scroll bars is valid. I was just trying to check first whether the experience was common, or if it might be due to something goofy that I might have done myself. I guess it's the former...
If you press on the screen and then swipe your finger while maintaining pressure and then stop at the point you like, wait for a moment and then release your finger, you will have full control over the distance scrolled.
However, if you really want to make PDF reading a positive experience, intall diamond acrobat reader le cab that enables reflow on the documents that are not even tagged. It is available on this forum.
sproxy said:
If you press on the screen and then swipe your finger while maintaining pressure and then stop at the point you like, wait for a moment and then release your finger, you will have full control over the distance scrolled.
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Nope. Doesn't work for horizontal scrolling. It resumes scrolling in the same direction as soon as I lift my finger and doesn't stop until hits the edge of the document, no matter how long I "wait for a moment".
sproxy said:
However, if you really want to make PDF reading a positive experience, intall diamond acrobat reader le cab that enables reflow on the documents that are not even tagged. It is available on this forum.
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Not a bad idea. I might give that a try. Thanks.
Staying on topic about PDFs.
Does anyone know how a good software for the HD to read PDFs?
I went through Team Ones to PocketXPDF and they all had problems.
Team Ones was the best but it didn't seem to display the whole PDF at all, cutting parts at the end and it was heaps slow.
The Adobe one is just shocking.
Want one that wraps the text to fit the screen no matter what zoom, the Team One did this very well.
Do we have any solution for this? Reader 2.5 LE, with reflow mode enabled (needs a change in the registry) is just PERFECT to read eBooks, except for the horizontal scrolling issue. Because of that, I'm reading books in vertical mode.
does any body know how to disable the touchFlow for the reflow in the adobe reader 2.5?
True. It seems Reader 2.5 LE with reflow hack appears to be the best among all. But reflow can be very bad for certain documents..
What I think would be a perfect companion for Reader 2.5 LE would be a scroll hack app..
What the app should do?
1. User inputs the % he/she zoomed the given page for comfortable viewing.
2. Support tapping the 6 spots on screen see attach.(when the reader is running).
3.Scroll accurately the document into one of the 6 positions.
One input may be sufficient for a multipage documents with same lay out.
May be some more flaws in my idea... but seems possible --- anyone??
Too bad that I don't know prog for PPC.
Any way don't fire this newbie
montag09 said:
Do we have any solution for this? Reader 2.5 LE, with reflow mode enabled (needs a change in the registry) is just PERFECT to read eBooks, except for the horizontal scrolling issue. Because of that, I'm reading books in vertical mode.
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Opera Mobile - "Pinch To Zoom" vs. "Text Reflow" hassle

Hi there,
I am the only one here really annoyed by the implementation of "Pinch To Zoom" inside Opera Mobile ?
First I thought that it was because of my chubby fat fingers but after several tests it definitely is an Opera Mobile issue :
I suppose that because of the text reflow after the pinch to zoom, the screen is never centered where I actually zoomed in but shifted at "miles away" and I have to scroll a lot to find the spot where I actually pinched to zoom in
This is worse and worse as you try to zoom in a lot on a small area, typically in XDA forums if trying to zoom in a lot on the tiny page links at the bottom right of the page " First < 1 2 3 ... Last >" to display them big enough to easily click them with the finger or thumb, I have to pinch to zoom, then scroll a lot to recenter them, then pinch to zoom again, then scroll again to center again, to finally be able to click the link !
I think that Opera Mobile should keep the screen centered on the spot where the pinch to zoom was executed !
Lord.Nibbler said:
Hi there,
I am the only one here really annoyed by the implementation of "Pinch To Zoom" inside Opera Mobile ?
First I thought that it was because of my chubby fat fingers but after several tests it definitely is an Opera Mobile issue :
I suppose that because of the text reflow after the pinch to zoom, the screen is never centered where I actually zoomed in but shifted at "miles away" and I have to scroll a lot to find the spot where I actually pinched to zoom in
This is worse and worse as you try to zoom in a lot on a small area, typically in XDA forums if trying to zoom in a lot on the tiny page links at the bottom right of the page " First < 1 2 3 ... Last >" to display them big enough to easily click them with the finger or thumb, I have to pinch to zoom, then scroll a lot to recenter them, then pinch to zoom again, then scroll again to center again, to finally be able to click the link !
I think that Opera Mobile should keep the screen centered on the spot where the pinch to zoom was executed !
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It is possible but awkward like you say. I find that if you put your thumb at the bottom of the screen and move up with you index finger (so move only one finger) it recentres better than moving both fingers.
I also get huge fonts (set on "Small") eg http://m.google.com/calendar
sometimes text do not reflow to fit screen.
sometimes clicking on links don't work, no response, BUT zoomin/out works.
weird shtuff
optiknerv said:
I find that if you put your thumb at the bottom of the screen and move up with you index finger (so move only one finger) it recentres better than moving both fingers.
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I only partially agree
I also noticed that if you do it this way it would center a little bit better as you somewhat keep the screen anchored with your thumb and because you remove the risk of inadvertently scroll a little the text while pinch to zooming or when you remove your fingers off the screen.
Yet if you zoom a lot as for clicking on the damned "< 1 2 3 ... Last>" links it definitely s*cks ! You can see that the text is ok before opera re-render and reflow the text then the text run away
I certainly wouldn't call this a major problem, all it takes is scrolling a little after zooming in, and it's definitely much better than having no reflow - I tried Safari on my wife's iPhone, and it's much more painful.
I agree ...
- it's definitely better than no reflow or no pinch to zoom at all
- it's probably better than iPhone (never gone to the dark side of the force )
- if would be definitely better if Opera remembered the position of the center spot of pinch to zoom and then recenter itself there
For most of the links as a word or a sentence underlined or an image link it is OK ... but for the really small links as the <1 2 3 ... Last> ones below it just a pain (maybe you have less chubby fat fingers than me )
Just sticking my oar in, but from an experienced developer's point of view, what you are asking for is a COMPLETE nightmare to develop!
You're actually saying that you want Opera to remember what text is at the centre point of your pinch-to-zoom action, and then find it, after text re-flow, and center it on the page again.
This is ridiculously difficult.
Open an image in Opera and you'll see that it does actually center on where you pinch, but that's obviously because there's no text re-flow in the case of an image. (Incidentally, I mean an image, and not a page with an image on it. The URL should end with an image extension, such as .jpg, .png etc..)
I'm not saying you're all wingers or anything like that, as I too would love this to work in the way you all say you want. I'm just adding a bit of perspective.
I agree it is difficult ... yet not more that rendering the web pages or doing the text reflow itself ! Don't get me wrong, I respect the great job done by opera software ... yet they can do better
Opera is a browser coded from scratch, all the rendering is under opera software developers control. It is not like they are using some memo or third party component to do the reflow and have no control over how it draws itself. They render all the code word by word, letter by letter, pixel by pixel, where they decide to render it. So I suppose they can tag a word or link that will be the center, then do the text reflow, then center back at the right place.
Yet I would also appreciate a simple workaround : a timeout of 1 or 2 seconds to wait after pinch to zoom before the text reflow is done. This way I can zoom my link and click it before it runs away
I usually just double tap because of this. It still works best.
I am 100% in agreement with you. I just bought my wife a iPhone 3gs and I love using safari. I think its a great browser because its very smooth and easy to use. The pinch to zoom feature is very nice I can zoom exactly where I need to go with very little effort. I just received my HD2 Telstra yesterday and have to say that Opera is really bad and not as responsive. I have spent the last couple of hours trying to find a safari like browser with no luck. Lets hope that with wm7 IE gets a little closer to Apples implementation of a browser.
Lord.Nibbler said:
Hi there,
I am the only one here really annoyed by the implementation of "Pinch To Zoom" inside Opera Mobile ?
First I thought that it was because of my chubby fat fingers but after several tests it definitely is an Opera Mobile issue :
I suppose that because of the text reflow after the pinch to zoom, the screen is never centered where I actually zoomed in but shifted at "miles away" and I have to scroll a lot to find the spot where I actually pinched to zoom in
This is worse and worse as you try to zoom in a lot on a small area, typically in XDA forums if trying to zoom in a lot on the tiny page links at the bottom right of the page " First < 1 2 3 ... Last >" to display them big enough to easily click them with the finger or thumb, I have to pinch to zoom, then scroll a lot to recenter them, then pinch to zoom again, then scroll again to center again, to finally be able to click the link !
I think that Opera Mobile should keep the screen centered on the spot where the pinch to zoom was executed !
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Hi, might I suggest you give opera 10 beta a try , it does not have pinch and zoom which would be good for you also it does have other useful enhancements you might also like.
I use double tapping as well so I'm not that bothered with that.
What bothers me more thou is when I click on the link and then go back to the same page it never goes back to the same part of a website. Its soooooo annoying.
Lord.Nibbler said:
Hi there,
I am the only one here really annoyed by the implementation of "Pinch To Zoom" inside Opera Mobile ?
First I thought that it was because of my chubby fat fingers but after several tests it definitely is an Opera Mobile issue :
I suppose that because of the text reflow after the pinch to zoom, the screen is never centered where I actually zoomed in but shifted at "miles away" and I have to scroll a lot to find the spot where I actually pinched to zoom in
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This annoys the hell out of me, as well - as you say, it's particularly annoying when trying to zoom in on a very small link (like the page numbers of a thread on this forum, or the "jump to first unread message in this thread" link from the contents page).
To those who are advocating double-tapping "instead", that works fine for reading text, but it doesn't zoom in nearly far enough to allow you to click on a very small link. If you could double-tap several times to zoom in successive levels, that would be fine, but you can't - the second double-tap zooms out again. (Any way to change this?)
I downloaded office 2010 mobile and I believe IE was included or I just didn't see it before (New rom and New device HD2). I ran IE and what an improvement microsoft has made. The rendering using the zoom bar seems as nice as safari. The biggest issue again is pinch to zoom. My HD2 rocks but without pinch to zoom browser it pretty much makes it a pain.
Shasarak said:
This annoys the hell out of me, as well - as you say, it's particularly annoying when trying to zoom in on a very small link (like the page numbers of a thread on this forum, or the "jump to first unread message in this thread" link from the contents page).
To those who are advocating double-tapping "instead", that works fine for reading text, but it doesn't zoom in nearly far enough to allow you to click on a very small link. If you could double-tap several times to zoom in successive levels, that would be fine, but you can't - the second double-tap zooms out again. (Any way to change this?)
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is it possible to disable text re-flow?
ok so this is about the only major bug i have with opera ...you tap to zoom and it flys off and zooms in where you were not looking !!! and if you're zoomed in under the double tap and then try to pinch zoom a bit more to click the tiny "1,2,3...last" on forum links it will fly off again....im forever having to try and find where i was on a page ...soooooooooooo annoying !
how do we fix this ??
how about this for annoying....i am reading a post and the screen locks. i unlock and the browser jumps to the top agsin!
try iris 1.1.9 web browser.. its like safari with webkits support except it was bought by RIM blackberry before it even finetune itself ...non the less it works
I also hope this issue gets resolved. Pinch to zoom doesn't center where I actually zoom in.

Wrapping Text w/ Multitouch Browser

I am new here and am ready to get into the wonderful world of rooting.
I noticed that Cyanogen was able to beat google to the multitouch browser, and most importantly, it wrapped the text when you zoomed in. In the new update, per iPhone, when you pinch-and-zoom it doesn't wrap the text for you leaving you to go side to side. This is not the end of the world, in fact far from it, but I was wondering if there was a way to get the text to wrap so I can read and just go straight down the line instead of side to side sometimes waiting for the checkered pattern to load into content.
After you zoom in, give the screen a double-tap, and the text will wrap to the current zoom level. Pinch zoom out and it will auto wrap as you go.
Hope this helps--
Jeremy B.
But what I want to do is have the text as big as it was when I was zoomed in and have it wrap to the parameters of the screen; not having it zoom out to where it is wrapped (and where the text is too small).
A quick double tap after pinch zooming does that.
Really? So if I am zoomed in, all I have to do is double tap and it will stay at the same zoomed in level and wrap the text?
Ruben1123 said:
Really? So if I am zoomed in, all I have to do is double tap and it will stay at the same zoomed in level and wrap the text?
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Yup, I think there's a 1 or 2 second span after pinching that you can double tap that will wrap instead of zooming in/out again.
It works!
I was curious about this also after the pinch and zoom was released.
This is awesome! I can't wait to test it out. Just another reason why the nexus beats the iPhone *sigh*
Start asking your questios in the correct sub-forum.
Sorry about that.

PressReader tablet edition released, hopefully Asus will upgrade

Just noticed that NewspaperDirect have shipped their first version of PressReader that's specifically intended for tablets:
I've actually started using PressReader myself, and although it's a bit more expensive than subscribing to the website of the paper I want to read (South China Morning Post), it's also more convenient in that I can read it offline and in the same manner as the real paper.
Here's hoping that Asus upgrades the existing version to the tablet one in their next firmware update. I'd definitely prefer to have a Honeycomb-specific version, but if I want it right now, I'll end up with two PressReader installs on my tablet.
I'll be talking to the PressReader folks in a few days when I upgrade to a paid account, so I'll see if they can tell me anything about whether Asus will be shipping an update at the same time... Fingers crossed!
Misread .. Doh but HoneyComb PressReader is way better now, the layout is so much user friendly.
Haven't installed it yet as I didn't want to risk it not coexisting with my existing subscription. What did they change, specifically?
the interface is ok but it really bugs me that i have to choose a country everytime i want to browse newspapers.
it would be better to be able to set a default and then browse other countries if required.
also, it seems pretty expensive. i've subscribed at the moment but i'm not sure that i can justify the cost ... i love reading the latest newspapers on my transformer though.
Granted...the shelf is different. But other than that..when actually viewing the papers I don't see much/any difference from the version that was already on our 3.1 Transformer. Maybe they just launched it with Asus first before bringing it to the app store? Do you notice any differences?
BTW. Although I like clicking on a headline to get just that story on one page.. I think it should include all the pictures associated with the story. Many times it's just text...sometimes one out of 3 pictures is included.
sbliner said:
Granted...the shelf is different. But other than that..when actually viewing the papers I don't see much/any difference from the version that was already on our 3.1 Transformer. Maybe they just launched it with Asus first before bringing it to the app store? Do you notice any differences?
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Took a look myself, and what they've added is a new view mode accessed with a button near the right end of the top menu bar while viewing a paper. It gives you a supposedly more newspaper-like arrangement where you see (other than the front / rear covers) two pages side by side, with a faint darkening towards the division between the two pages, to mimic the look of an opened newspaper.
It's cute I guess, but only really of use if you tap headlines to read stories, which I don't. Except for the headlines, the font is too small to be readable even on a tablet.
What I'd much rather see PressReader add is a view that would fit the page to the screen width, which would make for a very readable paper in landscape orientation on a tablet. (Drag up / down to read the page, flick side to side to change pages). Right now, their default view choices are either zoomed (which requires 2D panning), single-page (with loads of wasted space around the edges), or double-page (with loads of wasted space around the edges).
Anybody else noticing lockups with Press Reader's tablet edition? I've found a few bugs, but this seems by far the most severe. It's specific to the tablet edition; never had anything similar with the standard edition that's bundled on the Transformer.
It's happened to me four times now, always while I'm panning around a page that's been zoomed in to 100% by double tapping on the page.
The symptom is that the tablet stops responding completely. Not only is Press Reader locked up, but so is Honeycomb's System Bar -- the Home, Back, Menu, and Apps buttons, and the status section at the right end of the bar all don't respond if tapped. Nor does holding the power button bring up the "Power Off" dialog. If I close the tablet screen on the dock and reopen it, the screen won't come back on.
Honeycomb itself *isn't* locked up, though, just its user interface. If I tap the power button, the tablet goes to sleep, and a second tap wakes it up properly. Also, the most recent time it happened to me, as luck would have it, I had a live radio feed playing on TuneIn Radio, and it kept playing for a couple of minutes after the Honeycomb UI had locked up.
The only way to fix the problem is a cold boot, by holding the power button in for ~10 seconds or so until the screen goes off. On rebooting, Honeycomb and Press Reader work correctly again. It's a bit alarming that whatever the Press Reader bug is can lock up the entire Honeycomb UI, though!
Other bugs I've found:
* When zoomed in 100%, sometimes the graphics in the newspaper appear on the wrong places in the page and/or extremely blurrily. Zooming out and back in again corrects the problem.
* Also when zoomed in 100%, sometimes part or all of the text on the page doesn't re-render, and stays unreadably blurry.
* When downloading new issues of newspapers, the status bar showing the download sometimes stays at zero and/or a thumbnail of the newspaper never appears even though the download has completed, but if I double tap on the incomplete status bar the paper will open, or if I exit and reenter Press Reader the paper's thumbnail will generate and the status bar will vanish.
* I've also had one issue lock up during downloading, and the download wouldn't complete despite working wifi until I rebooted the tablet.
* I also have problems with images seeming to be more compressed on the tablet version, or perhaps not rendering correctly. Comparing the same newspaper, which has a small comics section, the tablet version is blurry enough that I can barely read the text on the comics, while the standard version is much sharper and the same size comic text is very easily readable.
Considering all these together, the tablet version of the app is simply not ready for prime time. Asus didn't upgrade the bundled version of Press Reader on their just-released OTA update, and I'd say that's a damned good thing!
Hopefully NewspaperDirect can fix these issues, and add a "fit page to screen width" viewing mode, which would also require better quality font rendering at lower zoom levels. (Right now, when you zoom out a bit, text rapidly becomes blurry when it should be easily readable, just because the rendering is very poor; this problem applies to both tablet and standard versions, though.)
Obviously the most important bug is the lockup issue, and if anybody else is experiencing it, I'd really like to hear from them...

[Q] Did anyone discover any super secret mode for stylus calibration yet?

Man, I tested a demo set and the pen was SERIOUSLY off. Whatever I wrote was like a 2-3 pixels off. The only thing the staff could tell me was to send the set for repair if I ever got this issue. They quickly removed the demo set after I showed them the problem. I am pretty sure Samsung is not going to replace the WHOLE screen just for this issue, anyone discovered anything yet?
i have the same problem.
i cant write with this poor precision...
need to recalibrate the s-pen... or the screen, i dont know...
Me to... i hope there is such a thing because if i zoom in a screenshot and draw something the offset is over 3 mm for me
Have none of you realized that this is intentional as a result of left and right hand mode so that you can see the line you are drawing? its not a calibration issue at all.
but it's stupid.
i want a perfect precision, not at 2-3mm....
thekiller3 said:
but it's stupid.
i want a perfect precision, not at 2-3mm....
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As was mentioned above and in another thread all Wacom tablets/pens behave this way so that you can see what you are drawing, not just the note. It takes some getting used to but after a bit of practice it'll become second nature to you, just like the first few times you use a keyboard in your life and you have to search all over for half a minute for a single key
All that said I would like more options exposed for the pen/digitizer just like you get with a Wacom tablet such as tip feel and tilt sensitivity and calibration. Perhaps we should all send Samsung an email requesting a settings app for the pen, and/or ask Wacom if they intend to build an app for their pens for Android since they might appear on more that just Samsung devices now.
Or maybe we'll have to wait for ICS for proper pen settings. Then again someone crafty on XDA might manage it.
I use a lenovo x220T tablet PC with a wacom. On the computer, it will show a little dot wherever you are hovering over the screen. This dot makes a 1-2 mm offset easily usable. Does the galaxy note have this little dot when you are hovering over the screen? If it doesn't, that's the problem...
Maybe once the SDK is out we can create an application to make this dot visible.
1 yoy 1
PickleHead said:
I use a lenovo x220T tablet PC with a wacom. On the computer, it will show a little dot wherever you are hovering over the screen. This dot makes a 1-2 mm offset easily usable. Does the galaxy note have this little dot when you are hovering over the screen? If it doesn't, that's the problem...
Maybe once the SDK is out we can create an application to make this dot visible.
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Haven't seen the hovering dot for pen in apps I've tried so far
I also use a x220t and wish the calibration capability was available on the Note.
have you noticed that you can switch the screen from switching off by keeping the stylus about half a cm from the screen.. the stylus seems to have a method of interacting with the note without touching..

