[Q] [VOTE] Best Kernel JVP (2.3.4) Based - Galaxy S I9000 General

Cast your votes for the best JVP Kernel !
(the votes should reflect the stability, responsiveness, gaming performance, battery life, optimizations, tweaks and other extra features of the kernel)
This POLL is ment to help gather users experiences with custom made kernels, we could call it Feedback Storming.

you developed a poll? RESPECT!

Wrong section and this actually would be closed in the right section too.
Side question: have you ever accidentally pressed thanks button when you should have been pressed the quete button to flame the user?

galaxysdev said:
Wrong section and this actually would be closed in the right section too.
Side question: have you ever accidentally pressed thanks button when you should have been pressed the quete button to flame the user?
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Galaxysdev I really dont understand what's the problem.maybe you're just having a bad day and therefore try not to interfere with the votes unless you do it in a helping way. Other than that have a nice day.

the dev's make all things to have a good and stable kernel's it's not necessery to vote, in my opinion we must encourage these personne with for exemple buying them some fresh beers to continue to have the good work

no tegrak kernel. WTF????????????????????????????????????????

paratox said:
you developed a poll? RESPECT!
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haha... perhaps he/she developed an app for polls... and it didn't come out right when he actually post it...

sebarkh said:
no tegrak kernel. WTF????????????????????????????????????????
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Yes, where is it?
The best kernel is missing.

Tegrak Kernel is in 'other jvp kernels',that's why I put that option in the first place.Actually i'm doing the devs a favor with this poll.this way they can see users feedbacks and continue improving their kernels.i'm not trying to make a competition out of this just to clear things out.

Dude, its the wrong section, post in general.....read this

i get it i get it, i got it from the beginning, but i`m not gonna make another thread just for the sake of posting in the right section and make people vote again.I prefer to let the moderator move the thread so votes won`t be lost if possible.

"slaphead20" I just wanted to help the community. If you think otherwise there is no need for insults.But if my intention of helping is a crime i guess xda is no place for people like me.Sorry for the harm done. You act like i killed somebody with that comment of yours.No need to act like a 10 year old.


Best IntersectRaven Kernel

This is a informational poll to help some people choose between the different types of kernels that IntersectRaven offers.
wrong subforum buddy, ask this on general.
Why would I put this in General forums?? It is about kernels which is categorized as development since it isnt an app or core function
It's a poll about kernels, but has nothing to with development.
Ok. Well sorry you feel that way.. If it bothers you that bad.. just put some white-out on your monitor where this topic is in the topic listing so you want have to see it!! Thanks
Play nice fellas...
playin4sheezy said:
Ok. Well sorry you feel that way.. If it bothers you that bad.. just put some white-out on your monitor where this topic is in the topic listing so you want have to see it!! Thanks
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Im sorry, but this response is full of win. I applaud you sir.
LOL im just having a little fun. No harm
I will leave this thread in its place since I don't think it would make much sense in the General section. While it isn't development per say, it isn't like saying "what do you like better WM or Android?"
playin4sheezy said:
LOL im just having a little fun. No harm
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get out
get out????
uhhhh.. what am i getting out of???
A poll that could give people a better choice of which kernel to go with???
A thread that is filled with intelligence and good information provided by you??
How about lets stick to the topic and talk about advantages/disadvantages and information about battery life for each of the different kernels.
kinda point less since IntersectRaven updates kernels almost daily how bout just read his thread/posts which state the obvious and continue the discussion of his kernels on his thread..
I voted even though I only used one of these.
14hrs gone, 42% left on 925 CFS! Truly awesome compared to stock, this is my company phone so wifi use and call time is high!
Thanks for the feedback!
i use the 925 cfs but i've not tried the others.
I have tried the bfs one but it was a bit buggy for me to try battery life testing
Enndr said:
get out
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I second this
I feel lonely on 800mv BFS now. Nobody else? Really?
mikroN1 said:
I second this
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WOW!!! Thanks alot for your input. Really helps us see which one is better... After all the bashers, you were still nice enough to help out with your wits.. THANKS ALOT MAN!

For all those who used my ROM, reFREeze, what did you think? (DO NOT FLAME)

For those who tried it, How did you like reFREeze. For those who havent tried it, look at the other thread.
Any bugs, questions, concerns can be posted here. NO FLAMES!!!!!!!!
why could this not have been posted in the original thread for your rom?
dont consider this a flame, its not. i just think its unnecessary to start a feedback thread for a rom that already has a thread
ban_dover said:
why could this not have been posted in the original thread for your rom?
dont consider this a flame, its not. i just think its unnecessary to start a feedback thread for a rom that already has a thread
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So i could get away from that inferno of the original thread. Look at my signature!
gee wilikers, batman, its a flame-fest in here!!!
This is not necessary, people that try ur rom will always post feedback in the thread, it's how everyone learns and the community grows. Not flaming, u made a rom something I can't do, but u don't need this thread.
EDIT(saw ur reply): I understand, that's their bad, they need to give you a chance. I'll give it a try later and post back in the roms thread.
Not sent from an iPhone.
Android for Life!!!
tcberg2010 said:
This is not necessary, people that try ur rom will always post feedback in the thread, it's how everyone learns and the community grows. Not flaming, u made a rom something I can't do, but u don't need this thread.
EDIT(saw ur reply): I understand, that's their bad, they need to give you a chance. I'll give it a try later and post back in the roms thread.
Not sent from an iPhone.
Android for Life!!!
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gee wilikers, batman, its a flame-fest in here!!!
Yeah just relax man, people will definitely try it. Give it time, people have work, families, and other priorities and don't have time to switch ROM's 24/7...even if it's tempting! I'll give it a shot too if I have time. But works been super crazy so we'll see. But don't double thread.. you don't want to clog up the forum
andrew53517 said:
Yeah just relax man, people will definitely try it. Give it time, people have work, families, and other priorities and don't have time to switch ROM's 24/7...even if it's tempting! I'll give it a shot too if I have time. But works been super crazy so we'll see. But don't double thread.. you don't want to clog up the forum
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I check d/l on megaupload every 5minutes. This may be paranoid, but
I just want.to know if peoplelike my rom, as it was my contribution to the community
gee wilikers, batman, its a flame-fest in here!!!
I tried for a short bit. No FCs but as has been pointed out without the GPS, camera, etc not much point. Using Quadrant it was okay, about like most of the other 2.2 stuff. A positive note is that it worked well with the overclocking stuff.
I can only imagine how much time it took to construct so thanks for that - but you'll need to catch up with some of the other devs.
Again, thanks for the efforts.
I see things have started to cool off in the actual rom thread, this essentially just adds another needless thread to the forum. Mods please delete this.
Not sent from an iPhone.
Android for Life!!!
Hey do you guys think this is the guy who made multiple accounts before the other week saying he was able to put fryo on the dInc by downloading the source or something and called it something like b1u31c3 or something lol
TNS201 said:
Hey do you guys think this is the guy who made multiple accounts before the other week saying he was able to put fryo on the dInc by downloading the source or something and called it something like b1u31c3 or something lol
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Yes, I do.
TNS201 said:
Hey do you guys think this is the guy who made multiple accounts before the other week saying he was able to put fryo on the dInc by downloading the source or something and called it something like b1u31c3 or something lol
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Yes, it's the same guy.
Its not rr13$6 or whatever his name was. Please dont tarnish my reputation by stating the untrue
HTC Incredible
ROM: reFREeze 1.0 with hydra ovuv 1.15
Recovery: Clockworkmod
romflash said:
Its not rr13$6 or whatever his name was. Please dont tarnish my reputation by stating the untrue
HTC Incredible
ROM: reFREeze 1.0 with hydra ovuv 1.15
Recovery: Clockworkmod
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Who's flaming? We are just making an observation.
This thread is flaming the development section....
jonnybueno said:
This thread is flaming the development section....
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+1 to this, mods please close thread.
romflash said:
Its not rr13$6 or whatever his name was. Please dont tarnish my reputation by stating the untrue
HTC Incredible
ROM: reFREeze 1.0 with hydra ovuv 1.15
Recovery: Clockworkmod
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Just the fact that you even acknowledge this person as potentially being you screams that you are him. You did the exact same thing in the last three threads that you made on three different accounts trying to fool people. You also are the only person on this forum who I've seen that speaks as if they're a little kid. Why are you trying so desperately hard to fit in? If you're not good enough then you're not good enough. Leave it at that. Clogging up the forums with your terrible attempts at making ROMs isn't helping anyone.
JTCGiants56 said:
Just the fact that you even acknowledge this person as potentially being you screams that you are him. You did the exact same thing in the last three threads that you made on three different accounts trying to fool people. You also are the only person on this forum who I've seen that speaks as if they're a little kid. Why are you trying so desperately hard to fit in? If you're not good enough then you're not good enough. Leave it at that. Clogging up the forums with your terrible attempts at making ROMs isn't helping anyone.
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He is a little kid. If I recall correctly, there was a youtube video with his prepubescent voice on it
To the OP, seriously man, just give up on this. You can't just take someone elses rom +/- apks to it and call it your rom. i guess this happened alot with Moto Droid too. People would just through together a bunch of other peoples work and call it their rom, but they did credit the devs of those apks that were used.
Its good that you are experimenting with stuff but you don't have to release stuff to the public. Keep it to yourself to enjoy. Releasing someone elses modified work and then waiting on them to fix stuff isnt the way to go. It seems you want to get complimented for doing work and releasing something, but it just hurts your rep more the way you are doing things.
Can we get this thread deleted. What kind of 2 year old makes two threads moments apart.
I don't think you should call it YOUR ROM, considering close to 0% of it is your original work.

OpenSource ROM

Hello,you all ready know that nobody is developing something good
for our X8.
I meant no overall progress and there is only one dev that can make progress in all three caregory:
1.Apps and framework
2.Libs,tweaks and performance
Point of this rom is that there are 4 people making by each one covering each category + one (i ddont know how to call it) boss and he's mission is to listen users about ideas and collecting progress from others and intergrating it to rom.
Thread will have 4 posts first boss one then the others one so users for example can download wifi driver without downloading whole rom or waiting for it.
The only thing we need is people for each category + boss.
If any one want to contribute please PM me or post to this thread but first we need to see is this idea good by vooting on this poll.
Will work on this rom: sapabg (app/theme maker)
XperianPro said:
Hello,you all ready know that nobody is developing something good
for our X8.
I meant no overall progress and there is only one dev that can make progress in all three caregory:
1.Apps and framework
2.Libs,tweaks and performance
Point of this rom is that there are 4 people making by each one covering each category + one (i ddont know how to call it) boss and he's mission is to listen users about ideas and collecting progress from others and intergrating it to rom.
Thread will have 4 posts first boss one then the others one so users for example can download wifi driver without downloading whole rom or waiting for it.
The only thing we need is people for each category + boss.
If any one want to contribute please PM me or post to this thread but first we need to see is this idea good by vooting on this poll.
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Well, the thing is that devs do what they want.It's up to them if they want this or not. The best thing is to wait for the reply of some devs
We can use FXP and/or CM71 sources for that?
Nice idea. If a single person can cook a nice rom. How about 4 or more of them joined force to produce a very stable rom.
Sent from my Xperia X8 using XDA App
sapabg added to list of interested people.
AChep is a good themer, maybe ask him if he wants to join?
That would be great.
But the devs would have to want to work on the same team.
velnens123 said:
AChep is a good themer, maybe ask him if he wants to join?
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AChep's themes are all too good! They are the only CM7 theme I use(for now).
rav3n_pl said:
We can use FXP and/or CM71 sources for that?
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Doesn't FXP Kernel have wifi issues amongst others?

[Port] Galaxy SII ICS progression(NON DEV ISSUES & Q&A)

As the title of the thread says anything you want to post keep it here regarding the ICS porting... Please, keep all your posts and wishes to the devs here. That is the entire point of this thread; for general discussions and non-dev issues.I will always try and keep updates in this thread and in the first post..
Also keep up to date here.
Notice to everyone before going ahead and posting in this thread. Please read here
SD Cards
Phone ending
transparency fixed courtesy of Team Hacksung
HWcomposer is working now(this is what it does.For using the GPU to render the UI.)
Soft keys have now gone ala Nexus style
What's not working
Video Recording
Video Codecs
Call Mic so far not working during calls
The team working on the project:
Intratech's amazing posts. Quality post 1,Quality Post 2
Thanks again to all devs for the hard work they are doing for us
Development thread and Q&A/General threads always end up the same... you know.. because people in dev section just noob it.
Let's give some estimates?
I say I ll have ICS running in no more than 34 hours.
jastonas said:
Development thread and Q&A/General threads always end up the same... you know.. because people in dev section just noob it.
Let's give some estimates?
I say I ll have ICS running in no more than 34 hours.
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well hope you are right about the estimates but regarding the other part i will make sure that all noob questions are posted here instead...wished i was a mod to say that noob questions posted there will be welcomed with a big ban with it anyways the thread is here now so anyone wants to leave even the most pointless post do it here instead
Just wondering - how many threads/posts do you have per day?
King Shady said:
Just wondering - how many threads/posts do you have per day?
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this is the one and only one i have King all respect to you Sir i got no lifei have the xda bug.....
EDIT:30 posts a day.... why not...better than going out and gambling or doing drugs
and anyway this is to help the team concentrate on their work and for noobs and the rest to post there stuff here...keep that thread in android section just for pure dev posts..no harm in that is there
Matriak31 said:
this is the one and only one i have King all respect to you Sir i got no lifei have the xda bug.....
EDIT:30 posts a day.... why not...better than going out and gambling or doing drugs
and anyway this is to help the team concentrate on their work and for noobs and the rest to post there stuff here...keep that thread in android section just for pure dev posts..no harm in that is there
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Haha true. Well I'm glad to see you helping out in all ways possible .
I tried putting Icecream sandwich on my Galaxy S2 but I think it's incompatible! It melted and now my phone's all sticky.
karendar said:
I tried putting Icecream sandwich on my Galaxy S2 but I think it's incompatible! It melted and now my phone's all sticky.
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aaaaww just wipe it and you'll be fine ! ^^
karendar said:
I tried putting Icecream sandwich on my Galaxy S2 but I think it's incompatible! It melted and now my phone's all sticky.
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Here it starts ....!
• This thread should be a sticky till ICS release.
karendar said:
I tried putting Icecream sandwich on my Galaxy S2 but I think it's incompatible! It melted and now my phone's all sticky.
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jeandujardin01 said:
aaaaww just wipe it and you'll be fine ! ^^
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If wiping it doesn't work,paint it blue(Will match the ICS theme too) and throw it in the sea.It's effective.You'll never have problems with that phone again.
Matriak31 said:
well hope you are right about the estimates but regarding the other part i will make sure that all noob questions are posted here instead...wished i was a mod to say that noob questions posted there will be welcomed with a big ban with it anyways the thread is here now so anyone wants to leave even the most pointless post do it here instead
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It's a good thing that noobull****(You know,noobs' bull**** ) tend to be seperated from development thread.They just tend to though.When the day comes that XDA forums will be divided in noob and developer forums and noobs stick to their rightful place,then XDA will be a better place.Ahh Utopia...
To avoid misunderstandings:
I don't call anyone who isn't a developer a noob.If I did,I'd be calling 90% of XDA's users,including me and people much better than me,noobs.Noobs are those typical idiots with that strange sense of entitlement to other,more skilled people's work,while they don't contribute to anything.Although I'm pretty sure most of you know what I mean...
tolis626 said:
If wiping it doesn't work,paint it blue(Will match the ICS theme too) and throw it in the sea.It's effective.You'll never have problems with that phone again.
To avoid misunderstandings:
I don't call anyone who isn't a developer a noob.If I did,I'd be calling 90% of XDA's users,including me and people much better than me,noobs.Noobs are those typical idiots with that strange sense of entitlement to other,more skilled people's work,while they don't contribute to anything.Although I'm pretty sure most of you know what I mean...
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I knew my spur of stupidity would give good feedback. haha.
Yeah, well keep in mind that most of us have been noobs at sometime or another. What's important is how long you move away from n00bishness and become like everyone else. heh
King Shady said:
Haha true. Well I'm glad to see you helping out in all ways possible .
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thanks mate. i know im not a dev or themer or know coding and stuff but if i can help in any way so the devs can get their work done in peace then that for me is job well done and i will do anything for it to happen.
karendar said:
I tried putting Icecream sandwich on my Galaxy S2 but I think it's incompatible! It melted and now my phone's all sticky.
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joker..nice to see you here mate
ithehappy said:
Here it starts ....!
• This thread should be a sticky till ICS release.
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i think it should be..so at least people can stop opening pointless threads and at least they can use this as their source
tolis626 said:
If wiping it doesn't work,paint it blue(Will match the ICS theme too) and throw it in the sea.It's effective.You'll never have problems with that phone again.
It's a good thing that noobull****(You know,noobs' bull**** ) tend to be seperated from development thread.They just tend to though.When the day comes that XDA forums will be divided in noob and developer forums and noobs stick to their rightful place,then XDA will be a better place.Ahh Utopia...
To avoid misunderstandings:
I don't call anyone who isn't a developer a noob.If I did,I'd be calling 90% of XDA's users,including me and people much better than me,noobs.Noobs are those typical idiots with that strange sense of entitlement to other,more skilled people's work,while they don't contribute to anything.Although I'm pretty sure most of you know what I mean...
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Amen to that file mou....Sympwnw apolita mazi sou...(agree with you) we are all noobs we all started from somewere but there is a line between not knowing and actually trying to find out something on your own..
karendar said:
I knew my spur of stupidity would give good feedback. haha.
Yeah, well keep in mind that most of us have been noobs at sometime or another. What's important is how long you move away from n00bishness and become like everyone else. heh
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again another well good post...keep them coming..
anything you might know guys or anyone that can help the cause of getting port over now since the source is out(yes i know drivers are the most important piece of the puzzle) post it here and i will put it in the first post so we can keep everyone else updated.. thanks to you all and the devs who take their time to do all this for us...
Matriak31 said:
thanks mate. i know im not a dev or themer or know coding and stuff but if i can help in any way so the devs can get their work done in peace then that for me is job well done and i will do anything for it to happen.
joker..nice to see you here mate
i think it should be..so at least people can stop opening pointless threads and at least they can use this as their source
Amen to that file mou....Sympwnw apolita mazi sou...(agree with you) we are all noobs we all started from somewere but there is a line between not knowing and actually trying to find out something on your own..
again another well good post...keep them coming..
anything you might know guys or anyone that can help the cause of getting port over now since the source is out(yes i know drivers are the most important piece of the puzzle) post it here and i will put it in the first post so we can keep everyone else updated.. thanks to you all and the devs who take their time to do all this for us...
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You either speek Greek for some reason,or we Greeks are much more common than I thought.
Anyway,yes,we've all acted noobish at times,but there are two types of noobs as I have said elsewhere:
i)The "I want to learn" noob,who is the good noob and the one to be deprived of his noobishness quickly and once and for all.
ii)The "I'm an ass and think I deserve it all" noob,who is that typical idiot that asks the same question that was answered two posts above his.Number (ii) is the plague of every tech forum,not only XDA.
Being a noob isn't bad by itself.The problem is which noob type you choose to be.
tolis626 said:
You either speek Greek for some reason,or we Greeks are much more common than I thought.
Anyway,yes,we've all acted noobish at times,but there are two types of noobs as I have said elsewhere:
i)The "I want to learn" noob,who is the good noob and the one to be deprived of his noobishness quickly and once and for all.
ii)The "I'm an ass and think I deserve it all" noob,who is that typical idiot that asks the same question that was answered two posts above his.Number (ii) is the plague of every tech forum,not only XDA.
Being a noob isn't bad by itself.The problem is which noob type you choose to be.
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Haha..I love your posts.. Make so much sense...And fully fledged Greek my friend..
I choose number 1..That is the kinda noob i consider myself to be..There are still things i am learning...Do not thing it would be to the level of dev or themer but i feel pretty good so far in what i have learned in the short space i have been using android.
Rant... ish.
I don't think it's just forums where you find this issue. The world seems to be full of people these days who seem to think that the entire planet owes them something although they have probably not done a days honest work in their entire pathetic existence.
Rather off-topic wouldn't you say
Mcjim113 said:
I don't think it's just forums where you find this issue. The world seems to be full of people these days who seem to think that the entire planet owes them something although they have probably not done a days honest work in their entire pathetic existence.
Rather off-topic wouldn't you say
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That is the point of having this thread...So can people post the normal ICS stuff and other things they want to say....Not filling the thread on the dev section with it..
And yeah unfortunately this is life..you will get those kinda people werever you go even if its online or not...
Mcjim113 said:
I don't think it's just forums where you find this issue. The world seems to be full of people these days who seem to think that the entire planet owes them something although they have probably not done a days honest work in their entire pathetic existence.
Rather off-topic wouldn't you say
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Hah,tell me.And one of these guys happens to be teaching me math at school.Pathetic sometimes...Not to sound like a ****er,but some people here consider me something like a genious(at math,physics and chemistry) and he insists that I'm good because he's a good teacher.Stopping this because it'll get ugly!
Matriak31 said:
Haha..I love your posts.. Make so much sense...And fully fledged Greek my friend..
I choose number 1..That is the kinda noob i consider myself to be..There are still things i am learning...Do not thing it would be to the level of dev or themer but i feel pretty good so far in what i have learned in the short space i have been using android.
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Well yeah,I too consider myself let's say...Part-time noob.I help noobs that are worth it,insult those who deserve it,point out development issues...Well,one does what one can do!
And,Greek?Holy poo!Where are you from?
tolis626 said:
Hah,tell me.And one of these guys happens to be teaching me math at school.Pathetic sometimes...Not to sound like a ****er,but some people here consider me something like a genious(at math,physics and chemistry) and he insists that I'm good because he's a good teacher.Stopping this because it'll get ugly!
Well yeah,I too consider myself let's say...Part-time noob.I help noobs that are worth it,insult those who deserve it,point out development issues...Well,one does what one can do!
And,Greek?Holy poo!Where are you from?
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London based but originally from Cyprus in Larnaka..Same here help noobs that are worth it and try to get them to the next level which is called super noob
And i do have the XDA bug..For some reason im on here learning and plus helping others were i can but also on the look out for new roms to play with and see what new is out.
Matriak31 said:
London based but originally from Cyprus in Larnaka..Same here help noobs that are worth it and try to get them to the next level which is called super noob
And i do have the XDA bug..For some reason im on here learning and plus helping others were i can but also on the look out for new roms to play with and see what new is out.
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Hah!We Greeks are very common to stumble upon after all!
Always happy to see that there is "just-one-more" of us.
Anyway,I don't have the XDA bug at such a degree,but I do have some bad ORD(Obsessive Rom-flashing Disorder).Blood examination didn't show anything.I'll try acupuncture.
ithehappy said:
Here it starts ....!
• This thread should be a sticky till ICS release.
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Haha, if anyone didn't know the lingo here, that would make for one confusing sentence
Sticky thread ice cream sandwich release

Numerous ports with no result

Today i was roming around in in forums when i found a lot of threads of ports which give no satisfactory results some were last updated long ago. So guys what do you think what are the futures of those threads.???? I personally feel that all such threads must be closed by moderators.
Using the mods are much better option than making them.Proud to be a noob
Well porting has no future untill the base of that port is updated
And they had work which we shoudnt take less of please dont flame anyone . This thread will also deleted / closed
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technosavie said:
Well porting has no future untill the base of that port is updated
And they had work which we shoudnt take less of please dont flame anyone . This thread will also deleted / closed
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I agree with your opinion complete but check out some ports where the porter have only uploaded 1st beta version and then not even replied to the reporters. I m talkin abt those posts those posts are nothing more than a crap.
Using the mods are much better option than making them.Proud to be a noob
Because as i said its not easy job to debug the rom
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technosavie said:
Because as i said its not easy job to debug the rom
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Yup i can understand that but practically those roms r fully unusuable do u agree??
Using the mods are much better option than making them.Proud to be a noob
Souroking said:
Yup i can understand that but practically those roms r fully unusuable do u agree??
Using the mods are much better option than making them.Proud to be a noob
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it's not you who will judge the individual user preference and experiences,
what you think is useless may not be for the others,
and please remember rom building is not a walk in the park,
it takes an ample amount of time and resources needed to properly facilitate the process,
you make me sick,
people like you are unproductive,
instead of whining you can just construct a constructive criticism so developers/porters/themers can make their work better,
not a single rom is perfect,
and you should learn to respect the hard earned work of others,
without them your phone will be stuck in a 1 and 1/2 year old software and forced to be locked by OEM's software
deathnotice01 said:
it's not you who will judge the individual user preference and experiences,
what you think is useless may not be for the others,
and please remember rom building is not a walk in the park,
it takes an ample amount of time and resources needed to properly facilitate the process,
you make me sick,
people like you are unproductive,
instead of whining you can just construct a constructive criticism so developers/porters/themers can make their work better,
not a single rom is perfect,
and you should learn to respect the hard earned work of others,
without them your phone will be stuck in a 1 and 1/2 year old software and forced to be locked by OEM's software
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Luk dude i am not here to critizize any ony but we the users are the only one to judge whether it is useful or useless always remember without the users there is no value for any milestone reached by any hifi developers remember it always...
And dont underestimate noobs u have no rite to do that as well remember that every top notch developer is a noob in the beginning so dont boast of yourself...
And 1 more thing i know that rom development is not a walk in the park but u should also know that it is valid only if the dev is also serious about em....
Using the mods are much better option than making them.Proud to be a noob
Don't argue with a noob, he will drag you down to his level and will beat you.
BarJei said:
Don't argue with a noob, he will drag you down to his level and will beat you.
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Do not behave like a kid talk practically if u can...
And damn carp u too are a noob and talking big mouth haha
Using the mods are much better option than making them.Proud to be a noob
Uhmm FYI I'm not a noob like you.
just a new member but I know more than you
Souroking said:
Luk dude i am not here to critizize any ony but we the users are the only one to judge whether it is useful or useless always remember without the users there is no value for any milestone reached by any hifi developers remember it always...
And dont underestimate noobs u have no rite to do that as well remember that every top notch developer is a noob in the beginning so dont boast of yourself...
And 1 more thing i know that rom development is not a walk in the park but u should also know that it is valid only if the dev is also serious about em....
Using the mods are much better option than making them.Proud to be a noob
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Then u also dont have right to underestimate the devs
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technosavie said:
Then u also dont have right to underestimate the devs
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When did i underestimated the devs¿¿ i wanted to tell clearly that some devs are really irresponsible....
Using the mods are much better option than making them.Proud to be a noob
i thought this was all about ports not working but where the hell did being a noob and dev come in from ?? A junior member is not a noob....fom when did post counts start determinig others capabilities??
devs are not irresponsible ...they have a personal life too..they dont sit 24*7 on XDA finding solutions to problems...
instead of opening a new thread why dont you give them ideas .....noob like dev like doesn't matter....
anubhavrev said:
i thought this was all about ports not working but where the hell did being a noob and dev come in from ?? A junior member is not a noob....fom when did post counts start determinig others capabilities??
devs are not irresponsible ...they have a personal life too..they dont sit 24*7 on XDA finding solutions to problems...
instead of opening a new thread why dont you give them ideas .....noob like dev like doesn't matter....
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Now tats smethg worth and i agree
Using the mods are much better option than making them.Proud to be a noob
Thread Closed:
I fail to see the point in this thread except to complain. If you don't like it, don't use it. Try something else! Or get creative! XDA is a development site!
