Google Navigation on Gingerbread 596 deodexed - Droid X General

Hey everyone,
I'm new to this site but I've been tinkering with my DX for a few months now. I hope you guys can help me solve something.
No matter what I do, I can't get the nav to go into night mode at night. I've tried uninstalling updates and installing again. No luck. I've been having this issue since I was on 588. Does anyone know how this can be fixed? It's very frustrating to have a bright light on your face when you drive. This was never an issue in froyo I don't want to go back to it but I might if this can't be resolved.
Does anyone have any suggestions?


Camera Problems

Hey guys, none of my cameras are working. When i hit the camera button the camera app turns on but the screen is white. I've tried searching but everything comes up related to a discolored camera. Ive tried flashing many roms, fixing permissions, tapping on the camera. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Do you have an Evo 4g? You said you "hit the camera button" but the Evo doesn't have a hardware camera button.
If it's happening across multiple roms, including stock, it's probably a hardware problem.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
oxxomxxo said:
Hey guys, none of my cameras are working. When i hit the camera button the camera app turns on but the screen is white. I've tried searching but everything comes up related to a discolored camera. Ive tried flashing many roms, fixing permissions, tapping on the camera. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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You haven't flashed a Froyo kernel on a Gingerbread ROM, have you? The issue you describe is a well-documented side-effect of doing just that. If not, I would flash back to stock and see if it works. If it does, then you know it's a software issue. If it doesn't, then I would agree with plainjane.
Did you ever get a working answer to this? I'm having the same problem. My camera won't open, it force closes before going anywhere beyond a black screen. The night before, it would at least open. The front facing camera worked but the rear facing camera seemed stuck on solarize (which I had no options to change). Seems like a software problem so I updated to the latest deck rom, updated hboot, pri, nv, wimax - now fully updated and still no fix. Tried installing miui apk and still same.
If I don't get this camera fixed, I'll have to unroot. Not looking forward to doing that but if it's between having root or camera, I'm going to pick the camera.
Hope someone can help before I have to go to such drastic measures.
midian42 said:
Did you ever get a working answer to this? I'm having the same problem. My camera won't open, it force closes before going anywhere beyond a black screen. The night before, it would at least open. The front facing camera worked but the rear facing camera seemed stuck on solarize (which I had no options to change). Seems like a software problem so I updated to the latest deck rom, updated hboot, pri, nv, wimax - now fully updated and still no fix. Tried installing miui apk and still same.
If I don't get this camera fixed, I'll have to unroot. Not looking forward to doing that but if it's between having root or camera, I'm going to pick the camera.
Hope someone can help before I have to go to such drastic measures.
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Rooting won't break your camera.
I would flash back to a rooted stock ROM, and confirm whether camera works or not on it. If it does, then you know the issue is in fact software related (which it doesn't sound like it is). If it doesn't, then you have a hardware failure.
A corrupt sd cars gave me the same problem. Try re-formatting it.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I took it to Best Buy and they told me it's a sensor issue. My phone gets replaced so it's all good.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I tried them all before deciding it must be a hardware issue and going to BB.
I know this is a few months late, but I recently had a similar problem. I would click the camera icon and the screen would just go black and then f/c on me. I was running ICS roms, so I flashed to Decks GB rom, Mik 3.1 rom and had the same problem. So I figured it was a hardware problem.
I decided to open up my evo and take a look inside and found the camera housing was not seated completely. Pushed it back down and it has been working for days now
I guess it probably jarred loose when I dropped it or bumped it or something.
Thought I would share, because it was very frustrating for me, so I figured it might be bothering someone else.

gps problem

hello everyone. i'm on aurora light currently everything works great but i face a problem with my gps. it seems like it gets the wrong location and shows that im in another town far away from where am i. i tried a lot of playstore apps. they seem to work from time to time but not always.
anyone facing the same problem? maybe someone having a solution?
thanks in advance

Video playing issues ever since Lollipop.

Hi, I'm new to these forums, and I'll be glad if someone could help me.
I have a Nexus 4, which has served me well for a long time. I'm not in a financial position to upgrade and I feel that the phone is still fast enough for my needs. However, I have been experiencing a very annoying issue ever since I upgraded to Lollipop back last year. The phone is currently up to date and was running a custom rom before i reverted to stock to upgrade to lollipop.
The issue is that after a while, the phone will just stop loading videos (on YouTube/Vine/Twitter). This wont be fixed until I reboot the phone. This happens almost every day and is extremely annoying. Changing from AwesomePlayer instead of NuPlayer in dev options also doesn't help. I've performed a factory reset, to no avail. Clearing cache also didn't help.
I don't know what to do any more. Any help would be appreciated.

GPS no longer working after 5.1.1 update

Hi, I use my GPS frequently on my Note 4 but ever since I updated my phone to 5.1.1 it will not lock on to my location.
It will give directions, but the pointer does not move and it has a big light blue circle around, and when it does move, it goes all over the place.
When I did my update, my phone did a factory reset, so I know that wont fix the issue.
Here's a pic of what I always see even during naviataion:
I'm almost giving up on this to the point of where I want to get a new phone, that's one feature I can't live without.
Any ideas of how to fix this?
Thanks everyone.
I had terrible fix issues with my GPS. I switched from wanamlite rom to sweet rom, now my GPS works again!

Question Lock Screen Notifications Crashing

I'm having an issue where every time i unlock my phone using a lock screen notification to go directly to the app, my phone crashes and goes back to the lock screen. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a fix?
Thank you
Hello is you phone still standard or mod?
I was watching a review just this morning on youtube about the same problem on firmware latest Nothing firmware.
But it's seem to be hit and miss with user of this device..
Nyssa1104 said:
Hello is you phone still standard or mod?
I was watching a review just this morning on youtube about the same problem on firmware latest Nothing firmware.
But it's seem to be hit and miss with user of this device..
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My phone is standard, no root or anything.
im on 1.1.2
Had the same issue since I got it. There is no fix until they fix it software side.
I have the same issue! Running latest 1.1.2 software, no root.
I'm from Germany by the way, were are you from guys? Would be interesting to see if devices from a certain area have the same issues.
This ****ty software feels so beta its unbelievable.
UK here, had the problem since launch day
Another EU version here with the same issue. Located in the Nordics
I'm also having this issue and the new update should resolve it!
