[adb] [Ubuntu] [script] Quick ADB restart as root script - Thunderbolt Android Development

Hello all. I created a quick fix for a minor annoyance when using ADB on Ubuntu. It seems that at every reboot the adb server would not start as root and as a result i would end up with an error having to do with insufficient privileges when trying to run an adb command.
I created a fix; this might not be the right way to go so i'm open to suggestions, but so far it works for me.
I created a script to quickly restart the ADB server as root.
The script contains the following commands
adb kill-server
cd android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools
sudo ./adb start-server
adb devices
1. If adb is located somewhere else on your computer, modify the 2nd line to match that location.
2. It will ask you to elevate your privileges when you run it.
3. I placed the script in my home folder and gave it executable permissions so that i could run it by simply typing "./adbrestart" without the quotes from a freshly opened terminal. I recommend unzipping this into your home folder for that reason
Again, this is just a method that works well for me, if someone has a better method of doing this, please feel free to chime in.


root Tattoo with Mac

Hey Boys and Girls,
where i can find an manual to root the tattoo with a mac?
sorry, i have search for this, but i cant find information for this
I don't thing that there is a difference.
As soon as you have SDK installed and adb works, the commands are the same.
i'm also doing all the rooting process from mac, just put the directory contain 'adb' shell into your home/user places and executing it with 'terminal'..
Same here, using a Mac ever since and also using it for Android development. Due to the underlying Unix core of OS X you just have to follow the steps as described for Linux. If it's just adb commands it's the same on every platform anyway.
You might want to add a
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/yourusername/android.sdk/tools
to your .bash_profile file in your home folder so you don't have to cd to the SDK tools folder everytime. Happy rooting!
Mod. edit: not dev related, moved to general
Okay thanks for yours answers but i'm a newbie.
the background story is, I want to edit the boot.mp3. Because the startsound is really annoying
So i have download SDK, open the terminal and switch to usb-debbugging mode on my tattoo.
And now? sorry, I'm still missing a few knowledge
thanks for your help
well just use the various adb commands in Terminal Just type in "adb", press enter and you'll get a list of all possible commands. Assuming you've added the path to your sdk tools folder to your bash profile. Otherwise just drag & drop the adb binary from the tools folder onto your Terminal window, et voila.
The most used commands are probably push and pull where you can, well, push stuff to your phone or pull it to your computer.
So if you want to modify the boot.mp3 you would pull the original from the phone to your computer, modify it and push it back, overwriting the original file. In Terminal speak: ;-)
adb pull /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
adb push /path/to/boot.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
Please note depending on the ROM you're using the paths may be different. To browse the device via Terminal type in "adb shell" and make a simple "ls" to list the directories, "cd" to change directories etc.
Or if you just want to use another mp3:
adb push /path/to/whatever.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
Again, on the Mac you can just drag & drop files onto the Terminal to get their full Unix paths like to your custom mp3
Thanks a lot. i love it its really simple
and now i have load and edit the the boot.mp3. But i can't push it to my tattoo, because i can only read but not write
I have tried to root my phone with "adb root" but it is the message "adbd cannot run as root in production builds"
Terminal: "adb remount", then push again
damn the next bad message "remount failed: Operation not permitted"
You need to root your phone first.
Okay i have executed the instructions. But I've stop at this part:
You should get something like this:
# id
uid=0(root) gid=1000(shell) groups=1003(graphics),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet)
uid=0(root) is important.
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Yes i've root but i'cant download the "su binary" because its doesnt exist.
But its absolute essential to need the "su binary" to only copy the boot.mp3 to my phone? Or there is an other way? What are the commands to push the boot.mp3 back to may tattoo then i'm in the root mode like >> "#".
okay hope you understand me
You need "su" to do root stuff... no other way.
Download the package from 1 click root thread and find "su" there...
now, i have install the su binary. Then i does this command
user:~ user$ /Users/user/android-sdk-mac_86/tools/adb shell
$ /data/local/bin/su
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And now? Is there a comand to push the boot.mp3 back to the phone in this mode >> "#" ?
I have try to open an new terminal window and type
adb push /path/to/boot.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
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but the answer is
failed to copy '/Users/android-sdk-mac_86/boot.mp3' to '/system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3': Permission denied
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and adb remount doesnt work to
You also need tattoo-hack.ko file and do insmod tattoo-hack.ko to make /system writable.
Or even better... flash custom amon_ra recovery image and then a custom rom with all this already included.
Mine for example http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=702401
It doesnt have boot sound enabled
Okay thank you very much.
now it was successful

adb remount operation not permitted

Hey Guys,
I Clockwork3'd my Aria, but I wanted to update my sources (thread 730398) so I can get non market apps. When I follow the instructions in that post I get an error:
./adb remount
remount failed: operation not permitted
'adb devices' does show my Aria's SN, I'm su'd and I'm running in debug mode. I also chowned everything in the android sdk tools and its subdirectories.
Here's the question -
In searching, I found (thread 614645) that suggested ro.secure wasn't set properly, and sure enough if I do:
./adb shell
$ getprop ro.secure
Shouldn't applying clockwork have set that properly? Would the instructions at (thread 8041739 post 9 ) be the right steps to resolve this on an Aria?
PS - sorry I can't post direct links.
if you have all the drivers installed, it should work...
which OS are you using?? (Mac, Win7, etc)
dont rund SDK command in Clockwork, with phone on connect data cable and select "charge only" when asked.
the ./ command is used for Linux i think, i never got that command to work either. just go to the folder where SDK/Tools is located in CMD prompt or Terminal(depending on the OS) and run the following command:
adb remount
hope this helps a bit
I had a lot of issues with driver installs on Windows 7, so I'm doing this on a netbook with Ubuntu netbook remix. Also tried the reflash CD, similar issue.
Right, so with Ubuntu, and the cable my phone came with (have tried a few others just in case)
1. phone on and operational
2. plug in to laptop
3. phone gives happy USB connected and Charge Only notifications
4. fire up terminal window, and su
5. type ./adb remount
and I get the error above. If I do kill-server to refresh it, I get the demon starting successfully on port 5037.
Yeah, I was hoping I'd just missed something stupid. Should I need to modify the boot.img file outside of what Clockwork did?
My symptoms match those described in thread 685146 post #3, however, I've only applied Clockwork (which seems to work) not done anything else funky.
I have my windows 7 machine at the same point now -
adb remount gives 'remount failed: operation not permitted'
getprop ro.secure at the adb shell returns 1.
I think this means there's something wrong on the phone, if both machines act the same.
One other data point, I noticed the new Superuser Permissions app that installing clockwork gave me is asking to give superuser permissions to /system/bin/sh when I try to run the adb shell, but it doesn't trigger that when I do the adb remount.
Not sure what this means, any ideas most welcome - TIA!
steps here fixed it, thanks - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=730398

Temp root on 2.3.20 firmware

It's not pretty, but I managed to get the exploit used by Archangel to work on the 2.3.20 firmware. Hopefully someone can think of something to automate this process, or knows of a better way to do this.
I believe what Archos is doing is simply restricting your ability to execute the Archangel application in the required directories, with the addition of the psneuter exploit, you can get around this.
This exploit requires that you have ADB setup, the Archangel APK, and the psneuter exploit.
Create a folder on your computer titled archosroot (or anything you would like)
Download Archangel from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=928767 rename the apk to zip and extract the files.
From the extracted files navigate to "res" then to "raw"
In this folder copy "ls" and "su" to your "archosroot" folder
Download psneuter from http://www.thinkthinkdo.com/trac/project1/attachment/wiki/psneuter/psneuter.zip and extract the files.
Copy the extracted psneuter to your "archosroot" folder.
Enable USB Debugging on your Archos, and connect it to your computer with USB.
From a command prompt, navigate to the directory ADB is installed in.
Verify that the device is connected by running
adb devices
Your archos should be listed, if not please refer to the forum on how to setup ADB for the archos
Once your archos is detected run the following commands.
adb push pathto\archosroot\psneuter /data/local/tmp
(replace pathto with the location your archosroot folder is in, for example c:\archosroot\psneuter)
adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/psneuter
adb shell /data/local/tmp/psneuter
This may take a few moments
Copy ls and su to your sdcard
adb push pathto\archosroot\ls /sdcard
adb push pathto\archosroot\su /sdcard
Connect to the shell
adb shell
move ls and su to /tmp
mv /sdcard/ls /tmp/
mv /sdcard/su /tmp/
Execute the ls exploit
/tmp/ls 0x62c7a315 0x260de680
Install the superuser application from the market (if you don't already have it)
You should now be able to run su to get root access from a terminal.
Note 1: I was previously rooted with archangel so I already had these files, I have not tried without the files being installed at all, however since this is only a temp root, the process should be the same.
Note 2: I was not able to get Titanium Backup to work, it could be the psneuter exploit prevents the application from properly requesting the right permissions.
This is good, but you should post this in the developer sup-forum
its too hard to do this for beginners
Thanks! It's very simple instruction, will try it today. As easy as install Urukdroid.
I postponed to upgrage to 2.3.20 just due to lack of root method without SDK.
I need the root just for copy some scripts to \system\bin
this has already been done in the following thread with perm root.
Firmwares have already been made that include overclock as well, the first post reveals all.
the_Danzilla , the way you pointed to requires SDE installation. I don't want to use SDE.
Inciner8Fire said:
Download psneuter from http://www.thinkthinkdo.com/trac/project1/attachment/wiki/psneuter/psneuter.zip and extract the files.
Copy the extracted psneuter to your "archosroot" folder.
Enable USB Debugging on your Archos, and connect it to your computer with USB.
From a command prompt, navigate to the directory ADB is installed in.
Verify that the device is connected by running
adb devices
Your archos should be listed, if not please refer to the forum on how to setup ADB for the archos
Once your archos is detected run the following commands.
adb push pathto\archosroot\psneuter /data/local/tmp
(replace pathto with the location your archosroot folder is in, for example c:\archosroot\psneuter)
adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/psneuter
adb shell /data/local/tmp/psneuter
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From what I can read psneuter is a root exploit for the adbd service. So you don't need archangel to complete the root.
Can you verify what user adbd is running after you execute psneuter.
adb shell whoami
The other thing that is mentioned in the first lines of the source code of psneuter is that it effectively disables reading the settings this will probably affect a lot of programs and probably is the reason Titanium backup is not working. So this method is effectively useless to have a working root.
wdl1908 said:
From what I can read psneuter is a root exploit for the adbd service. So you don't need archangel to complete the root.
Can you verify what user adbd is running after you execute psneuter.
adb shell whoami
The other thing that is mentioned in the first lines of the source code of psneuter is that it effectively disables reading the settings this will probably affect a lot of programs and probably is the reason Titanium backup is not working. So this method is effectively useless to have a working root.
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I was doing some more looking and you are right that because of breaking the settings this is not a good long term root.
However I would not call it useless, since you should be able to manually back up an application.
Perhaps the property file that this setting is in can be modified with this, so that it can be rooted using a more standard method.
Not sure what I did, but I was able to get root with the properties intact.
My archos had froze today and I was forced to power it off so I know the properties were no longer be neutered. I was looking at some of the properties files and for the heck of it I tried running su from a terminal, and it worked.
I opened Titanium backup and it prompted for root permissions.
Perhaps something about the forced power cycle?
I found out that when I connect to a wireless network (as required by archangel) if the disable network shares option is chosen it's not possible to root.
However it would appear that if you connect and don't select this option Archangel will still work.
I suppose there could be something else I did without realizing it, but this has worked after rebooting 5 times so far.

[GUIDE] Root Kindle with 6.2.1 using JCase method

These are my notes and guide for rooting the Kindle with 6.2.1 firmware. If I left something out, or something is not working, please leave a comment and I'll try to update.
Credit goes to JCase for the root. Please consider making a donation to him here:
Original procedure is here:
ADB INSTALL AND TEST - Method 1 (skip to the ROOT INSTALL section if you already have a working ADB)
NOTE: ADB = Android Debug Bridge. It is a command line interface to the android device. A working ADB is required before you can root your Kindle. ADB is installed on a PC and accesses the Kindle via USB cable.
Install Java SE Development Kit 7 on PC
The Android SDK Manager requires Java SDK
Install Android SDK Manager on PC
The Android SDK has the drivers and ADB needed to perform the root procedure
Uncheck Android 4.0
Check 2.33
Ensure Google USB Driver is checked
Install to c:\android to make typing easier later on
NOTE: The install can take a long time!
Manually update files so drivers will properly install
Open c:\users\your account name\.android\adb_usb.ini (or c:\documents and settings... if you have XP) and add the following
Open c:\android\extras\google\usb_driver\android_winusb.inf and make additions as shown:
;Kindle Fire
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_1949&PID_0006
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_1949&PID_0006&MI_01
;Kindle Fire
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_1949&PID_0006
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_1949&PID_0006&MI_01
Install drivers
Find the Kindle device in device manager and update drivers. Point to the location with android_winusb .inf
Verify ADB works
Open a command prompt
CD to c:\android\platform-tools
adb kill-server
adb devices
If it's working, ADB will return a large number, like this:
312342134231342 device
NOTE: I have not tried this, but Vashypooh's app can apparently handle the driver install, and run ADB without installing the above software. If all of this works, then his app would be the best way IMO.
NOTE 2: I've seen a lot of comments suggesting the driver install in Vashypooh's app doesn't work at this point.
Install JCase's kindleroot_androidpolice.apk
JCase's app gives ADB root access. Once this is done, you still need to install the superuser app
Download kindleroot_androidpolice.apk to PC
Ensure the Kindle is connected via USB, and copy file to Kindle sdcard
Using ES File Explorer on Kindle, navigate to the kindleroot_androidpolice.apk and launch
Follow prompts and click root
Install superuser app
Download superuser-2 to PC
Unzip to c:\download\sufiles
Use ADB to install SU app
adb root
adb remount
adb push c:\download\sufiles\su /system/xbin/su
adb shell chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su
adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
adb install c:\download\sufiles\Superuser.apk
adb reboot
NOTE: I have not tried this, but Vashypooh's app can apparently handle the root process.
BurritoRoot (Temporary)
Install Permanent Root with Superuser
A+ instructions, wish I could write my own that good lol.
jcase said:
A+ instructions, wish I could write my own that good lol.
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Thanks to you for the root. I hope the guide will help those trying to root!
Thanks for the clear and easy steps.
Great guide Ectoplasmic!
One thing I would add though, in step 5 "Verify ADB Works", before you use the "adb devices" command, you need to type "adb kill-server". If you don't type in "adb kill-server" first, the device won't show up when you use the "adb devices" command. Or at least it didn't for me.
Otherwise, everything worked FLAWLESSLY. I verified I was rooted using Root Checker. Thank you!
zopzop25 said:
Great guide Ectoplasmic!
One thing I would add though, in step 5 "Verify ADB Works", before you use the "adb devices" command, you need to type "adb kill-server". If you don't type in "adb kill-server" first, the device won't show up when you use the "adb devices" command. Or at least it didn't for me.
Otherwise, everything worked FLAWLESSLY. I verified I was rooted using Root Checker. Thank you!
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Thanks, I added this to the guide.
Hi I use JCase method to root my 6.2.1 KF, then I need to unroot it so my kids can still enjoy the prime video, but I cannot. I try rootkeeper but failed. I also try the "kindleroot_androidpolice.apk" and click the unroot button, but it still cannot unroot. Pls help!
Get help in irc from jcase and vashypool theyll probably be able to help u
tkcctkcc said:
Hi I use JCase method to root my 6.2.1 KF, then I need to unroot it so my kids can still enjoy the prime video, but I cannot. I try rootkeeper but failed. I also try the "kindleroot_androidpolice.apk" and click the unroot button, but it still cannot unroot. Pls help!
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Unroot in my app (BurritoRoot) does not remove su, it just turns off adb root (which is what my app turns on) sorry for the confusion.
Will add in the future when I release burritomod
Here's the equivalent instructions for Mac
I am pretty new myself, but I'm happy to share what I've come up with so far. I am on a Mac OS X 10.6.8
Download the Android SDK for Mac (dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r16-macosx.zip), the easiest place to put it is at the top of your user directory, from the browser download window chose your username from places on the left side, then name the zip "Android"
Next from Finder, navigate to the place where you downloaded the SDK, and double-click on it which should unzip it and create a folder of the same name e.g "Android". Open that and inside it will be a folder "tools", and inside that there will be a file "android". Double-click that to run it and the "Android SDK Manager" program window will pop up, you will also see a Terminal window in the background, don't worry about that. Uncheck all the boxes, then check "Android SDK Platform-tools" which should be the third from the top, and click install. This gets you the actual "dab" program.
Once adb is setup, to get it to recognize your kindle fire on your mac, you may need to make an entry in a config file if you haven't already.
Start Terminal Applications > Utilities > Terminal or if you are used to using spotlight, simply type in "Terminal". (here's an intro to using Terminal guides.macrumors.com/Terminal) and navigate to the directory where you have adb, e.g. if you placed it at the top of your user directory that would be
cd Android
or if you left it in the default downloads directory it would be
cd Downloads/android-sdk-macosx/
then enter the following commands
mkdir ~/.android
You may get the following error
mkdir: /Users/<username>/.android: File exists
If so, that is fine, continue to the next step
touch ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
open -e ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
TextEdit will open with that file open, you should have an entry in it on a single line that says
if not, copy that in, then save and close it, then
./adb kill-server
Connect your kindle to the mac if it isn't already, then
./adb devices
You should see a message like
List of devices attached
2ED6000600000001 device
On your kindle, make sure you have a file navigation app, the example above ES FileExplorer is excellent and is the one I use from Amazon app store
Download Burrito Root from Android Police ( androidpolice.com/2011/12/23/exclusive-how-to-easily-root-the-amazon-kindle-regardless-of-its-software-version/)
Also download the Superuser.zip from the same page (multiupload.com/ONH28CB1GU) and unzip, then make sure you move the contents "su" and "Superuser.apk" into the same directory as adb
Through Finder copy the "kindleroot_androidpolice.apk" file you downloaded earlier to your kindle, some place like "download" so you can find it easily later
Now on the Kindle, tap disconnect on your KIndle so you can get back to the apps screen, launch the file explorer you installed earlier, navigate to folder you copied it to, e.g. "download" then install the "kindleroot_androidpolice.apk", open it, and go through the steps to launch click "Root"
Back on the Mac, in the terminal window where you had adb going, enter the commands
./adb root
./adb remount
./adb push su /system/xbin/su
./adb shell chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su
./adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
./adb install Superuser.apk
./adb reboot
You should be rooted now, then you can follow the other instructions out there for getting Android market, etc working
here's a tip if you don't want to have to type in the period and slash ahead of adb every time. from your terminal window enter the
cd ~
touch .profile
open -e .profile
That will open text editor, and paste in the following line,
replacing both our user name and the path to where you have sdk e.g. in my case
Then close the terminal window and reopen a new one and you should be good to go, now you'll only need to type in "adb".
Let me know if I missed something, trying to give back since this forum has been super helpful.
---------- Post added at 01:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 AM ----------
tkcctkcc said:
Hi I use JCase method to root my 6.2.1 KF, then I need to unroot it so my kids can still enjoy the prime video, but I cannot. I try rootkeeper but failed. I also try the "kindleroot_androidpolice.apk" and click the unroot button, but it still cannot unroot. Pls help!
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OTA Rootkeeper should work but since its not, try this (courtesy rootkindlefire.com/kindle-fire-unroot/how-to-unroot-kindle-fire/)
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
rm /system/app/Superuser.apk
rm /system/xbin/su
after your Kindle restarts you won't have root and Amazon Video should work just fine.
I have successfully rooted my device with the above instructions. While installing the Android market I was abusing of my root privileges and I've successfully "burned" my device. That is, the Kindle won't start up anymore (it stays forever in the initial phase showing the kindleFire logo).
I don't know where else to turn for help so I'm writing about this here. If anyone has hints of how I could recover my kindle from the void, please let me know
Yesssssssssssssssssss. So nice to have root again. My Titanium Backup and SUFBS works again
I had ADB and SDK working when I had my Glacier, but since I have gotten my SGS2, and my Kindle, Android SDK Manager will not open... It just opens a command prompt, and then closes.. I have reinstalled both the SDK Manager and the Java Kit... Any ideas?
I must have messed with something in my system settings somewhere to corrupt a bunch of stuff... I did a system restore to the 18th of December, reinstalled, and everything works perfect now... Oh well! Haha
Hey, I used a combo of the link JCase gave me when I had questions, this guide, and the links off the rootzwiki guide and managed to get it first try. It was actually easier than I thought it was going to be. I've never rooted anything before, I didn't even have ADB or the SDK until tonight. The process (while using both guides and video tut) went smoothly without a hitch. I just finished installing the Android Market but have to wait til morning to access it, as I have no WiFi at home, and its too late for me to be driving to a hotspot. Thank you very much. You(JCase) and your comrades who put this all together f**king rule.
a really clear and easy guide ! - congratulations - you shoud try to let it pin on top !
Ectoplasmic said:
NOTE 2: I've seen a lot of comments suggesting the driver install in Vashypooh's app doesn't work at this point.
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the reason people have problems with vashipooh's driver installation seems to be the old drivers - they don't manage to clean up the old drivers:
disconnect KF
Open an (elevated for win7) command prompt:
set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
device manager opens - click "view" - click "show hidden devices"
now you see all devices ever connected/installed
uninstall all devices regarding "kindle" and "android (composite) adb device"
connect KF - will startup by itself
select the most recent driver (that you have installed before by install_driver.bat from KFU) manually (check date/time)
now you should be set up with a good driver installation
btw. i'm on xp - it's working for xp and 7, 32 and 64 bit

ADB Pull Error

I am getting the following error when I try to pull a TWRP backup from my Nexus 4. Can anyone please help?
remote object '/sdcard/TWRP' does not exist
It doesn't exist there. /sdcard/ is really a symlink. The actual location is /data/media/0/TWRP, but try /storage/emulated/0/TWRP as well.
Next time type "adb shell" to go into the phone, then type:
find / -type d -iname twrp
this will search the entire phone for folders with the name TWRP and list their path.
/ is the root folder of the phone to search in
-type d means search for folders only, leave it out if you want to search for file names
-iname means to search for terms case insensitive
sent from xda premium app
Thanks for the help eksasol. I've tried to pull many different paths and they all return the same remote object does not exist error. I've even tried sudo adb pull, with the same result. I've tried this, find / -type d -iname twrp but, all I get is Permission denied. If anyone else has got some ideas I'd be happy to hear them. Thanks. :good:
If you are using Ubuntu or linux, typing 'find' only search what is in your PC. You get permission denied because you want to search in a root directly that required root permission.
To search for files in your phone, you need to log into your phone by typing "adb shell". TWRP give you root by default, then you can use the find command.
Since you have root by default in TWRP, you don't need to use sudo, also Android do not have "sudo" installed. The correct way to gain root privilege in linux (Android) is by typing: su -
To tell if you have are root, you should see # where your user name is in the command window.
Once you are done finding the path, you need to exit the adb shell in order to make contact with your PC, so just type exit. Only then you can start using "adb pull".
by the way, its "adb pull /data/media/0/TWRP/ \home\username\backup\"
Rememer in linux (Android), it's case sensitive.
OK, I see my mistakes now. I was not exiting adb shell when typing adb pull. Anyway, thanks to your help, everything is working correctly now. Thank you again, I really appreciate it. Now I can flash the 4.4 update safely.
eksasol said:
If you are using Ubuntu or linux, typing 'find' only search what is in your PC. You get permission denied because you want to search in a root directly that required root permission.
by the way, its "adb pull /data/media/0/TWRP/ \home\username\backup"
Rememer in linux (Android), it's case sensitive.
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Thanks for helping me re-learn that linux (Android) is case sensitive

