Need help with Root access app. - Android Software Development

I have a simple app that I'm trying to develop. I have written Android apps for work but this would be the first app with root access, and it is not for work. Here is my onCreate code.
* Set up the spinner for the buffer size
spinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;
ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(
this, R.array.KBs, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item);
txtCurVal = (TextView) findViewById(;
try {
txtCurVal.setText(getString(R.string.cursetvalue) + " " + getCurrentValue() + " KB");
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
This code works fine. I get root access from Superuser. Now when I click the button in the following code it works. The only thing is that when I try to refresh my txtCurVal.setText() after the update I get the same value. I have checked and the update to the file did go through. So what I think is that the su process and/or commands dealing with the su have not finished when I read the value again. After searching online most people were saying that I needed to add a p.waitfor(); so that the terminal could finish. This is where the problems occurs it gets to the point and the app just stops. After a few second Android says that the app is non responsive and wants to force close. Here is the button click code.
public void onClick(View v) throws Exception {
switch (v.getId()) {
Toast.makeText(this, "Created by: Ben Murphy (Smurph82)\nCreated on: 2011_0618", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(p.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream osRes = new DataInputStream(p.getInputStream());
os.writeBytes("busybox cp " + getString(R.string.rakpath) + " " + sdcard + "/.sdspeedshifter\n");
os.writeBytes("busybox mv -f " + sdcard + "/.sdspeedshifter/read_ahead_kb " + " " + sdcard + "/.sdspeedshifter/read_ahead_kb_bak\n");
//writeNewValue(spinner.getSelectedItem().toString(), getString(R.string.rakpath));
os.writeBytes("echo \"" + spinner.getSelectedItem().toString() + "\" > " + getString(R.string.rakpath) + "\n");
txtCurVal.setText(getString(R.string.cursetvalue) + " " + getCurrentValue() + " KB");
If I take the p.waitfor(); out everything runs but the value is not displayed correctly. This is just an app for me to learn how to use su access. As you can tell all this does is increase the value in the read_ahead_kb file that helps with sd card speed. Any help of advice would be great. Thanks.

I don't see "p" every declared, so there's no way to know, given what you've posted, whether it is in-scope for both "setContentView" and "onClick" so that may be why you're app is hanging, but I don't think this is the way to go about it. Running a bare "su" command in exec is going to spawn off a new command shell with root privileges, but without passing any arguments, the shell is just going to sit there assuming it is a login shell, waiting for the user to type commands.
Generally, if you need root level control over some resource, you just do it once for the time it is needed and then drop the privilege once the work is done. I typically write a small C code executable that does the privileged stuff, then call is as a command line argument for the su command with the "-c" argument:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su -c mycmd");
Now, mycmd runs, does what it needs to do, then exits returning full control to the app (no hang).
You need to use JNI or another toolchain to write command-line exe's for the device.

Here is the whole class.
public class SDSpeedShifterActivity extends Activity {
private final static File sdcard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
private static Process p = null;
private static TextView txtCurVal = null;
private static Spinner spinner = null;
private static StringBuilder sb = null;
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
* Set up the spinner for the buffer size
spinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;
ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(
this, R.array.KBs, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item);
txtCurVal = (TextView) findViewById(;
try {
txtCurVal.setText(getString(R.string.cursetvalue) + " " + getCurrentValue() + " KB");
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* This handles all of the button clicks.
* @param v The view (Button) that was clicked.
* @throws Exception If something goes wrong.
public void onClick(View v) throws Exception {
switch (v.getId()) {
Toast.makeText(this, "Created by: Ben Murphy (Smurph82)\nCreated on: 2011_0618", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(p.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream osRes = new DataInputStream(p.getInputStream());
os.writeBytes("busybox cp " + getString(R.string.rakpath) + " " + sdcard + "/.sdspeedshifter\n");
os.writeBytes("busybox mv -f " + sdcard + "/.sdspeedshifter/read_ahead_kb " + " " + sdcard + "/.sdspeedshifter/read_ahead_kb_bak\n");
//writeNewValue(spinner.getSelectedItem().toString(), getString(R.string.rakpath));
os.writeBytes("echo \"" + spinner.getSelectedItem().toString() + "\" > " + getString(R.string.rakpath) + "\n");
txtCurVal.setText(getString(R.string.cursetvalue) + " " + getCurrentValue() + " KB");
* Show the current read_ahead_kb value from the file.
* @param v The view (Textview) that needs to be changed.
* @throws IOException
private final String getCurrentValue() throws IOException{
File rak = new File(getString(R.string.rakpath));
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(rak));
String line, vm = "";
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
vm = line;
return vm;
Thanks for the help.

So I assume it is the "busybox mv..." and/or "busybox cp ..." commands that need root permissions? Just change them to:
"su -c 'busybox mv ...'"

Search z4root source code in Google and have a good look at VirtualTerminal(in source code) and how to use it.

maybe you want to check out this one:


Problems running Unix commands in native Android Java...

I've been trying to do some android stuff on java for some time now, and i've come across a problem here: i can't get the app to execute linux stuff, as there is no system() method like on other platforms... so i searched some code and found this:
protected void system(String[] Commands){
e Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream osRes = new DataInputStream(process.getInputStream());
Vector<String> res = new Vector<String>();
for (String single : Commands) {
e os.writeBytes(single + "\n");
e os.flush();
e res.add(osRes.readLine());
// Log.e("CMDs", osRes.readLine());
e os.writeBytes("exit\n");
e os.flush();
However that won't work because of some errors i have in the marked lines:
"Unhandled exception type IOException"
and the process.waitFor(); line also gives me an error:
"Unhandled exception type InterruptedException"
Any ideas?
You need to add a try/catch block around that code which catches the IO exception and the interrupted exception.
So, first of all thanks to both of you it appears to be working now... i tried in on the emulator, and of course "su" didn't work there (broken pipe), so i replaced it by "sh", however this didn't seem to work well too. the application just locked up with a warning in android.... strange...
edit: tried using /system/bin/sh, didn't work, locked up again
What version of Android in the emulator? I've done it with 1.5 through 2.2 in the emulator, just by using "sh".
could you post the code you used please? would be AWESOME!
i'm trying to get this working on 2.1
Sure, I can post some more details later, but for now just the code.
Include the file in your project and use with:
ShellCommand cmd = new ShellCommand();
CommandResult r ="ls -l");
if (!r.success()) {
Log.v(TAG, "Error " + r.stderr);
} else {
Log.v(TAG, "Success! " + r.stdout);
If you want su you can either use cmd.shOrSu().runWaitFor("..."); which will try su (by running "id", it just tests the status code but it's a nice entry in logcat for debugging) and fallback to sh. Or you can use"...");
Also at
package com.teslacoilsw.quicksshd;
import android.util.Log;
public class ShellCommand {
private static final String TAG = "";
private Boolean can_su;
public SH sh;
public SH su;
public ShellCommand() {
sh = new SH("sh");
su = new SH("su");
public boolean canSU() {
return canSU(false);
public boolean canSU(boolean force_check) {
if (can_su == null || force_check) {
CommandResult r = su.runWaitFor("id");
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
if (r.stdout != null)
out.append(r.stdout).append(" ; ");
if (r.stderr != null)
Log.v(TAG, "canSU() su[" + r.exit_value + "]: " + out);
can_su = r.success();
return can_su;
public SH suOrSH() {
return canSU() ? su : sh;
public class CommandResult {
public final String stdout;
public final String stderr;
public final Integer exit_value;
CommandResult(Integer exit_value_in, String stdout_in, String stderr_in)
exit_value = exit_value_in;
stdout = stdout_in;
stderr = stderr_in;
CommandResult(Integer exit_value_in) {
this(exit_value_in, null, null);
public boolean success() {
return exit_value != null && exit_value == 0;
public class SH {
private String SHELL = "sh";
public SH(String SHELL_in) {
public Process run(String s) {
Process process = null;
try {
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(SHELL);
DataOutputStream toProcess = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
toProcess.writeBytes("exec " + s + "\n");
} catch(Exception e) {
Log.e(QuickSSHD.TAG, "Exception while trying to run: '" + s + "' " + e.getMessage());
process = null;
return process;
private String getStreamLines(InputStream is) {
String out = null;
StringBuffer buffer = null;
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(is);
try {
if (dis.available() > 0) {
buffer = new StringBuffer(dis.readLine());
while(dis.available() > 0)
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e(TAG, ex.getMessage());
if (buffer != null)
out = buffer.toString();
return out;
public CommandResult runWaitFor(String s) {
Process process = run(s);
Integer exit_value = null;
String stdout = null;
String stderr = null;
if (process != null) {
try {
exit_value = process.waitFor();
stdout = getStreamLines(process.getInputStream());
stderr = getStreamLines(process.getErrorStream());
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "runWaitFor " + e.toString());
} catch(NullPointerException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "runWaitFor " + e.toString());
return new CommandResult(exit_value, stdout, stderr);
Thanks kevin The code you are using there is awesome Looking good so far, however it keeps returning permission denied... is it some setting in the android manifest?
Actually "Permission denied" often also means "no such file or directory" on android :-/ . It's very frustrating.
Try running something simple to start with like:"echo foo");
[email protected] said:
Actually "Permission denied" often also means "no such file or directory" on android :-/ . It's very frustrating.
Try running something simple to start with like:"echo foo");
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yep, i tried running echo as i was confused by the "permission denied" although i had already set write permissions for the sdcard... didn't work, for some odd reason

[Q] Can I register a listener on process state?

I'm an experienced developer but new to Android development. I have an app that runs some native binaries, and I provide a status indicator to show when the native process is running and when it's not. Currently I poll the device to figure this out, using the ActivityManager API to determine if specific processes are running or not.
I'm hoping there is some way to register a listener on process state changes, so I can get notified when my process starts or stops. I looked through the API, and there doesn't seem to be such a thing. Does anyone know how I can keep track of process start and stop other than polling via ActivityManager?
MidnightJava said:
I'm an experienced developer but new to Android development. I have an app that runs some native binaries, and I provide a status indicator to show when the native process is running and when it's not. Currently I poll the device to figure this out, using the ActivityManager API to determine if specific processes are running or not.
I'm hoping there is some way to register a listener on process state changes, so I can get notified when my process starts or stops. I looked through the API, and there doesn't seem to be such a thing. Does anyone know how I can keep track of process start and stop other than polling via ActivityManager?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Afaik there's no way to accomplish that other than your way or being system/root app. See this similar question here for reference.
Can you show how you start the process?
EmptinessFiller said:
Can you show how you start the process?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sure. Here's the class that manages starting, stopping, and statusing (running or not) the binary executable. In this case, it's the omniNames service of the omni ORB (CORBA broker).
public class RHManager {
private TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
if (RHManager.this.listener != null) {
private IStatusListener listener;
public RHManager() {
public void startOmniNames() {
final Exec exec = new Exec();
final String[] args = new String[]
final String[] env = new String[] {"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sdcard/data/com.axiosengineering.rhmanager/omniORB/lib"};
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
int res = exec.doExec(args, env);
logMsg("omniNames start return code " + res);
} catch (IOException e) {
logMsg("Failed to start omniNames");
String std = exec.getOutResult();
logMsg("omniNames start: std out==> " + std );
String err = exec.getErrResult();
logMsg("omniNames start: err out==> " + err );
logMsg("omniNames started");
private boolean isOmniNamesRunning() {
String pid_s = getOmniNamesPid();
Integer pid = null;
if (pid_s != null) {
try {
pid = Integer.parseInt(pid_s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
if (pid != null) {
RunningAppProcessInfo activityMgr = new ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo("omniNames", pid, null);
return activityMgr.processName != null ;
return false;
public void stopOmniNames() {
String pid = getOmniNamesPid();
android.os.Process.sendSignal(Integer.parseInt(pid), android.os.Process.SIGNAL_KILL);
private String getOmniNamesPid() {
Exec exec = new Exec();
final String[] args = new String[]
String pid = "";
try {
int res = exec.doExec(args, null);
logMsg("oniNames pid return code: " + res);
} catch (IOException e) {
logMsg("Failed to start omniNames");
return pid;
String std = exec.getOutResult();
logMsg("omniNames pid: std out ==> " + std);
String err = exec.getErrResult();
logMsg("omniNames pid: err out ==> " + err);
String[] parts = std.split("\\s+");
if (parts.length >= 2) {
pid = parts[1];
return pid;
//monitor omniNames status and report status periodically to an IStatusListener
public void startMonitorProcess(IStatusListener listener, String string) {
this.listener = listener;
Timer t = new Timer();
t.schedule(task, 0, 1000);
private void logMsg(String msg) {
if (RhMgrConstants.DEBUG) {
Here's the Exec class that handles invocation of Runtime#exec(), consumes std and err out, and reports those and process return status to the caller.
public class Exec {
private String outResult;
private String errResult;
private Process process;
private boolean failed = false;
StreamReader outReader;
StreamReader errReader;
public int doExec(String[] cmd, String[] envp) throws IOException{
Timer t = null;
try {
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd, envp);
outReader = new StreamReader(process.getInputStream());
errReader = new StreamReader(process.getErrorStream());
t = new Timer();
t.schedule(task, 10000);
int status = process.waitFor();
StringWriter outWriter = outReader.getResult();
outResult = outWriter.toString();
StringWriter errWriter = errReader.getResult();
errResult = errWriter.toString();
return (failed ? -1: status);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return -1;
} finally {
if (t != null) {
public int doExec(String[] cmd) throws IOException{
return doExec(cmd, null);
public String getOutResult(){
return outResult;
public String getErrResult(){
return errResult;
private static class StreamReader extends Thread {
private InputStream is;
private StringWriter sw;
StreamReader(InputStream is) { = is;
sw = new StringWriter(30000);
public void run() {
try {
int c;
while ((c = != -1){
catch (IOException e) { ; }
StringWriter getResult() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Unable to close input stream in StreamReader");
return sw;
private TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
failed = true;
Here's the script that startOminNames() invokes. It's the shell script installed with omniORB with functions other than start and get_pid removed, since those are handled by Android classes. You can invoke any executable in place of the script, or wrap your executable in a script.
# omniNames init file for starting up the OMNI Naming service
# chkconfig: - 20 80
# description: Starts and stops the OMNI Naming service
options=" -start -always -logdir $logdir -errlog $logfile"
start() {
#[ -x $exec ] || exit 5
echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
$exec $options
get_pid() {
ps | grep omniNames
case "$1" in
start && exit 0
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart|try-restart|reload|force-reload}"
exit 2
exit $?
And here's the IStatusListener interface
public interface IStatusListener {
public void running(boolean running);
Runtime.exec() has some pitfalls. See this helpful Runtime.exec tutorial for a nice explanation.
And you may also want to check out this post on loading native binaries in Android.

[Help] Android GUI for privoxy+polipo

How are you?
I have make simple android GUI to start privoxy and polipo binary
but my problem.How i can stop privoxy and polipo when press on stop button
i can get process id (PID) for privoxy and polipo using this code
public int findProcessIdWithPS(String str) throws IOException {
String readLine;
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
CharSequence name = new File(str).getName();
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(runtime.exec("ps " + name).getInputStream()));
do {
readLine = bufferedReader.readLine();
if (readLine == null) {
return -1;
} while (!readLine.contains(name));
return Integer.parseInt(readLine.split("\\s+")[1]);
this code return the PID of process
then i have try kill process but not working with this code
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("kill -9 " + findProcessIdWithPS("privoxy"));
but this code not working with me
Please any help
Sorry of my English java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected an int

hello i have a problems with app
W/System.err﹕ java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected an int but was BOOLEAN at line 1 column 856
private Boolean getCourseInfo() {
CourseSyncTask cs = new CourseSyncTask(mUrl, token, siteInfo.getId());
Boolean usrCourseSyncStatus = cs.syncUserCourses();
if (!usrCourseSyncStatus) {
+ context.getString(R.string.login_prog_sync_failed));
return usrCourseSyncStatus;
public class CourseSyncTask {
String mUrl;
String token;
long siteid;
String error;
* @param mUrl
* @param token
* @param siteid
public CourseSyncTask(String mUrl, String token, long siteid) {
this.mUrl = mUrl;
this.token = token;
this.siteid = siteid;
* Sync all the courses in the current site.
* @return syncStatus
public Boolean syncAllCourses() {
MoodleRestCourse mrc = new MoodleRestCourse(mUrl, token);
ArrayList<MoodleCourse> mCourses = mrc.getAllCourses();
/** Error checking **/
// Some network or encoding issue.
if (mCourses.size() == 0) {
error = "Network issue!";
return false;
// Moodle exception
if (mCourses.size() == 1 && mCourses.get(0).getCourseid() == 0) {
error = "Moodle Exception: User don't have permissions!";
return false;
// Add siteid to all courses and update
MoodleCourse course = new MoodleCourse();
List<MoodleCourse> dbCourses;
for (int i = 0; i < mCourses.size(); i++) {
course = mCourses.get(i);
// Update or save in database
dbCourses = MoodleCourse.find(MoodleCourse.class,
"courseid = ? and siteid = ?", course.getCourseid() + "",
course.getSiteid() + "");
if (dbCourses != null && dbCourses.size() > 0) {
// Set app specific fields explicitly
return true;
* Sync all courses of logged in user in the current site.
* @return syncStatus
public Boolean syncUserCourses() {
// Get userid
MoodleSiteInfo site = MoodleSiteInfo.findById(MoodleSiteInfo.class,
if (site == null)
return false;
int userid = site.getUserid();
MoodleRestCourse mrc = new MoodleRestCourse(mUrl, token);
ArrayList<MoodleCourse> mCourses = mrc.getEnrolledCourses(userid + "");
/** Error checking **/
// Some network or encoding issue.
if (mCourses == null)
return false;
// Some network or encoding issue.
if (mCourses.size() == 0)
return false;
// Moodle exception
if (mCourses.size() == 1 && mCourses.get(0).getCourseid() == 0)
return false;
// Add siteid and isUserCourse to all courses and update
MoodleCourse course = new MoodleCourse();
List<MoodleCourse> dbCourses;
for (int i = 0; i < mCourses.size(); i++) {
course = mCourses.get(i);
// Update or save in database
dbCourses = MoodleCourse.find(MoodleCourse.class,
"courseid = ? and siteid = ?", course.getCourseid() + "",
course.getSiteid() + "");
if (dbCourses.size() > 0) {
// Set app specific fields explicitly
return true;
* Error message from the last failed sync operation.
* @return error
public String getError() {
return error;
public class MoodleRestCourse {
private final String DEBUG_TAG = "MoodleRestCourses";
private String mUrl;
private String token;
public MoodleRestCourse(String mUrl, String token) {
this.mUrl = mUrl;
this.token = token;
public ArrayList<MoodleCourse> getAllCourses() {
ArrayList<MoodleCourse> mCourses = new ArrayList<MoodleCourse>();
String format = MoodleRestOption.RESPONSE_FORMAT;
String function = MoodleRestOption.FUNCTION_GET_ALL_COURSES;
try {
// Adding all parameters.
String params = "" + URLEncoder.encode("", "UTF-8");
// Build a REST call url to make a call.
String restUrl = mUrl + "/webservice/rest/server.php" + "?wstoken="
+ token + "&wsfunction=" + function
+ "&moodlewsrestformat=" + format;
// Fetch content now.
MoodleRestCall mrc = new MoodleRestCall();
Reader reader = mrc.fetchContent(restUrl, params);
GsonExclude ex = new GsonExclude();
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
mCourses = gson.fromJson(reader,
new TypeToken<List<MoodleCourse>>() {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "URL encoding failed");
return mCourses;
public ArrayList<MoodleCourse> getEnrolledCourses(String userId) {
ArrayList<MoodleCourse> mCourses = new ArrayList<MoodleCourse>();
String format = MoodleRestOption.RESPONSE_FORMAT;
String function = MoodleRestOption.FUNCTION_GET_ENROLLED_COURSES;
try {
// Adding all parameters.
String params = "&" + URLEncoder.encode("userid", "UTF-8") + "="
+ userId;
// Build a REST call url to make a call.
String restUrl = mUrl + "/webservice/rest/server.php" + "?wstoken="
+ token + "&wsfunction=" + function
+ "&moodlewsrestformat=" + format;
// Fetch content now.
MoodleRestCall mrc = new MoodleRestCall();
Reader reader = mrc.fetchContent(restUrl, params);
GsonExclude ex = new GsonExclude();
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
mCourses = gson.fromJson(reader,
new TypeToken<List<MoodleCourse>>() {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "URL encoding failed");
return mCourses;
} java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected an int

hello i have a problems with app
W/System.err﹕ java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected an int but was BOOLEAN at line 1 column 856
private Boolean getCourseInfo() {
CourseSyncTask cs = new CourseSyncTask(mUrl, token, siteInfo.getId());
publishProgress(context.getString(R.string.login_p rog_sync_course));
Boolean usrCourseSyncStatus = cs.syncUserCourses();
if (!usrCourseSyncStatus) {
+ context.getString(R.string.login_prog_sync_failed) );
return usrCourseSyncStatus;
public class CourseSyncTask {
String mUrl;
String token;
long siteid;
String error;
* @param mUrl
* @param token
* @param siteid
public CourseSyncTask(String mUrl, String token, long siteid) {
this.mUrl = mUrl;
this.token = token;
this.siteid = siteid;
* Sync all the courses in the current site.
* @return syncStatus
public Boolean syncAllCourses() {
MoodleRestCourse mrc = new MoodleRestCourse(mUrl, token);
ArrayList<MoodleCourse> mCourses = mrc.getAllCourses();
/** Error checking **/
// Some network or encoding issue.
if (mCourses.size() == 0) {
error = "Network issue!";
return false;
// Moodle exception
if (mCourses.size() == 1 && mCourses.get(0).getCourseid() == 0) {
error = "Moodle Exception: User don't have permissions!";
return false;
// Add siteid to all courses and update
MoodleCourse course = new MoodleCourse();
List<MoodleCourse> dbCourses;
for (int i = 0; i < mCourses.size(); i++) {
course = mCourses.get(i);
// Update or save in database
dbCourses = MoodleCourse.find(MoodleCourse.class,
"courseid = ? and siteid = ?", course.getCourseid() + "",
course.getSiteid() + "");
if (dbCourses != null && dbCourses.size() > 0) {
// Set app specific fields explicitly
course.setIsUserCourse(dbCourses.get(0).getIsUserC ourse());
course.setIsFavCourse(dbCourses.get(0).getIsFavCou rse());
return true;
* Sync all courses of logged in user in the current site.
* @return syncStatus
public Boolean syncUserCourses() {
// Get userid
MoodleSiteInfo site = MoodleSiteInfo.findById(MoodleSiteInfo.class,
if (site == null)
return false;
int userid = site.getUserid();
MoodleRestCourse mrc = new MoodleRestCourse(mUrl, token);
ArrayList<MoodleCourse> mCourses = mrc.getEnrolledCourses(userid + "");
/** Error checking **/
// Some network or encoding issue.
if (mCourses == null)
return false;
// Some network or encoding issue.
if (mCourses.size() == 0)
return false;
// Moodle exception
if (mCourses.size() == 1 && mCourses.get(0).getCourseid() == 0)
return false;
// Add siteid and isUserCourse to all courses and update
MoodleCourse course = new MoodleCourse();
List<MoodleCourse> dbCourses;
for (int i = 0; i < mCourses.size(); i++) {
course = mCourses.get(i);
// Update or save in database
dbCourses = MoodleCourse.find(MoodleCourse.class,
"courseid = ? and siteid = ?", course.getCourseid() + "",
course.getSiteid() + "");
if (dbCourses.size() > 0) {
// Set app specific fields explicitly
course.setIsFavCourse(dbCourses.get(0).getIsFavCou rse());
return true;
* Error message from the last failed sync operation.
* @return error
public String getError() {
return error;
public class MoodleRestCourse {
private final String DEBUG_TAG = "MoodleRestCourses";
private String mUrl;
private String token;
public MoodleRestCourse(String mUrl, String token) {
this.mUrl = mUrl;
this.token = token;
public ArrayList<MoodleCourse> getAllCourses() {
ArrayList<MoodleCourse> mCourses = new ArrayList<MoodleCourse>();
String format = MoodleRestOption.RESPONSE_FORMAT;
String function = MoodleRestOption.FUNCTION_GET_ALL_COURSES;
try {
// Adding all parameters.
String params = "" + URLEncoder.encode("", "UTF-8");
// Build a REST call url to make a call.
String restUrl = mUrl + "/webservice/rest/server.php" + "?wstoken="
+ token + "&wsfunction=" + function
+ "&moodlewsrestformat=" + format;
// Fetch content now.
MoodleRestCall mrc = new MoodleRestCall();
Reader reader = mrc.fetchContent(restUrl, params);
GsonExclude ex = new GsonExclude();
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
mCourses = gson.fromJson(reader,
new TypeToken<List<MoodleCourse>>() {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "URL encoding failed");
return mCourses;
public ArrayList<MoodleCourse> getEnrolledCourses(String userId) {
ArrayList<MoodleCourse> mCourses = new ArrayList<MoodleCourse>();
String format = MoodleRestOption.RESPONSE_FORMAT;
String function = MoodleRestOption.FUNCTION_GET_ENROLLED_COURSES;
try {
// Adding all parameters.
String params = "&" + URLEncoder.encode("userid", "UTF-8") + "="
+ userId;
// Build a REST call url to make a call.
String restUrl = mUrl + "/webservice/rest/server.php" + "?wstoken="
+ token + "&wsfunction=" + function
+ "&moodlewsrestformat=" + format;
// Fetch content now.
MoodleRestCall mrc = new MoodleRestCall();
Reader reader = mrc.fetchContent(restUrl, params);
GsonExclude ex = new GsonExclude();
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
mCourses = gson.fromJson(reader,
new TypeToken<List<MoodleCourse>>() {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "URL encoding failed");
return mCourses;

