PC Suite for Transformer - Eee Pad Transformer General

I have read all the previous posts on trying to find this to install it. I posted the question by mistake on accessories. Anyway, this is one answer to finding it someone posted.
"Try to install manually from: Asus Sync: confused:??? where is Asus Sync???) dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/EeePAD/TF101/Utility/setup_1.0.40.exe MyDesktop_SplashTop: "
Now could someone explain that to me in plain
English. If this is supposed to be a web site, there is no such animal. It looks like a program to me as it is executable, but pray tell, if so, where might one find this program. (a link would be sooooo helpful)
Could someone who is much more computer and Android literate please break it down for me. Is this software (PC Suite & Sync) supposed to go on your Windows PC as well as your Asus Transformer? Is there an actual website? I have been all over Asus web sites and can not find it. I would be most happy to install it, IF I COULD JUST FIND IT.
Please someone give me step by step instructions on this, as I am about to throw this Asus Transformer out the window, and I don't want to do that. I know it is my ignorance (or at least I think so)
I see many have posted this same question, so some good soul who knows his/her stuff, please help the rest of us out.

SplashTop App
Asus Web Storage App
Asus Sync
These are the three apps that the downloader is suppose to install. I had the same issue as you but I found another post on here that listed where to find them on Asus' site, so just saved them in Dropbox so I won't have to worry about it. Hope this helps.

It confused the hell out me too. I run linux, which pc sync doesn't support.
I wanted to see if it was actually anything I needed so I installed all the drivers and downloaded the PC Suite (which was only a few KBs when I downloaded it for some reason) and it wouldn't install, so I downloaded just the sync app and installed it. Even though all the drivers were installed correctly it still wouldn't connect, I eventually find out it was because I had ADB debugging enabled on the TF, once I disabled it, it connected fine.
Once I opened it, it was just as I expected: pretty worthless. It allows you to sync your contacts and calendar from the device to the computer (which is kind of dumb considering all that is synced to google's servers, so there's no real need to sync from TF to PC IMO) and to install apks that are on your pc to your TF.
What I was really looking for was a way to put my music and pictures on there, but couldn't find a way. I found out that you have to use a music player such as winamp to copy your music over, you can't simply drag and drop.

brando56894 said:
What I was really looking for was a way to put my music and pictures on there, but couldn't find a way. I found out that you have to use a music player such as winamp to copy your music over, you can't simply drag and drop.
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You could setup a ftp server on your asus TF and upload it via ftp client on windows/linux/mac.

I'll probably end up doing that. My friend introduced me to File Expert (which you should totally check out if you havent already) which has built in web and ftp servers. Best of all its free!

Could always use Wifi File Explorer as well
Market Link for it

Thank you for your responces. I got them loaded now. Only problem is I can't
Transfer contacts. In Asus sync cause it won't recognize transformer device. It is there when I go into COMPTER along with my other drives. However whenever I open Asus Sync, it is darkened and you can't highlights or checking anything.

You need this: Samba Filesharing by funkyFresh
I called mine "android" and I have read/write access from my pc to my trans at \\android\sdcard
To save space just use Audiogalaxy for music. It doesn't get much simpler and you can stream your music from anywhere.


Watching Video on your Xoom

Most of the information in this post is covered in various threads but I was recently looking for various options for playing video on my XOOM and found it frustrating having to look all over the place. I'd like to try and make this a comprehensive guide to playing video on the XOOM, including streaming over wifi, playing directly from the device etc.
Before you read on...
This isn't always a necessary step, but whenever you plan to interact with your device via USB you should ensure you have the latest version of the USB drivers from Motorola. In my case I was able to access the XOOM and move files to it without any specific drivers, but it's a good idea to keep them up-to-date to avoid potential frustration. Of course if you need to use ADB, you will absolutely need the latest drivers or you'll have no luck at all.
Playing directly from the XOOM
This is obviously the simplest solution, copying the video files onto your XOOM and playing them directly. This won't be the most appropriate solution for those of you with extensive digital media libraries, but we'll cover solutions for that later.
Plug your XOOM into your PC using a micro-USB to USB cable, one of which is typically provided in the box. You'll see your device pop up under "Computer" (Windows 7 & Vista) or "My Computer" (Windows XP).
Double click the device and you'll see that you're able to directly access the device's internal storage.
Double click that and you'll now be looking at all the folders and files on your device
You can now copy files to the device as though it was any other folder on your computer. Feel free to create a folder (I use one called "Files from Computer") if you'd like to keep your copied files separate from the system created stuff.
Choose your player! With all the files copied over to the XOOM, you're ready to play them but you'll first need a decent player capable of playing a range of formats. A couple of my favourites are:
If there are others that should be added to this list, let me know.
You're all done - either of the above players should be able to play most video files, though I can't say I've really pushed them as most of my files are just XviD avi's. In my experience I've found vPlayer to be slightly better than Rockplayer especially when it comes to seeking, but Rockplayer's free version is an ad-supported full version and vPlayer's is just a temporary trial so it comes down to preference and willingness to pay for a little extra functionality.
Streaming over Wi-fi
This is going to be the preferred solution for many people, since it doesn't involve any copying/moving of files and will allow you to access that media library that you've spent so much time meticulously organising. There's a few different approaches here, I'll cover the simplest approach first.
Streaming from TVersity
If you already have TVersity set up, then you won't need to do much at all and you can skip straight to step 3. Otherwise, you can follow these directions to get it up and running.
Head to TVersity.com and grab the latest version of TVersity. I won't go through the setup and so forth as it's all pretty straightforward and is covered well in TVersity's own documentation.
Once you have TVersity set up, add your video directories to the library and (optional, but preferable) give your computer a static IP address on the network.
Open up your browser on the XOOM and navigate to "YOUR-IP-ADDRESS:41952".
You should see a TVersity page load up with various navigation options. From here it's pretty obvious how to drill down through your folders and locate any file you'd like to play. When you click a file to play it, you will be able to choose which media player you'd like to handle the file in. I've found vPlayer is capable of seeking and will play it quite nicely, but Rockplayer works well also, just without the ability to seek.
Mounting a Network Share
This is more complicated for the novice user (me, for example) but it works well enough and the end result is a little more user friendly once you get there. The major drawback with this one is you must root your device for this method. If you don't want to root your device, you'll need to use one of the other methods discussed in this post. This method allows you to mount a folder that you've shared over the network so that it can be accessed on the tablet as though it's actually a part of the tablet's file structure. This means that almost all video players should simply play the files without too much trouble (at least, theoretically; I can confirm vPlayer and Rockplayer as working with this method).
There are two apps capable of mounting shares, but before we get into that we'll need to ensure you have a CIFS module installed. If you're like me, you're probably wondering wtf a CIFS module is. When you root your device (I used the "one click" process described in this thread) you'll need to find a "cifs.ko" file that matches the particular kernal you've installed. If you use the aforementioned method, you'll find a cifs.ko file you can use inside the zip file (inside the "timat" folder).
Once you have the module use Root Explorer to copy it (or use adb to push it) to this location: /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko and then reboot your XOOM. If you have adb installed on your computer, you can use these steps to verify that it's loaded:
adb shell
You'll be wanting to see the CIFS module in the list as a loaded module. If it's not loaded try typing:
insmod /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko
If you get an error like I did saying "exec format error" it means you've got the wrong cifs.ko for your kernal, so you'll need to poke around some more and locate the right one.
Congratulations, if you've made it this far you've completed the hardest part - the rest is easy.
Make sure you have an actual folder shared to "Everyone" on your network. Optionally, but preferably, give your computer a static IP address. If you don't do this you'll need to change your settings every time your computer gets a new IP.
Install "Mount Manager" or "CIFS Manager" from the android market. I'll give instructions for CIFS Manager but Mount Manager is just as good and works just fine if you'd rather use that.
Open CIFS Manager. You'll need to do this from the "My Apps" section of the market because for some reason it won't start from a shortcut or from the apptray - annoying!
Open the app-menu and select "Add New Share..."
Your share path should be: "IP-ADDRESS/FOLDER-NAME"
Your mount point will be the location you'd like to mount the share to on your internal memory. By default it likes to mount in "/mnt/cifs/FOLDER-NAME", but this is really up to you. Pick whatever you like here and then go to the next field.
Username/password will be a valid account you can use on the computer hosting the share. I just used my regular Windows 7 account here.
Click "Save Share".
Long-press the new share you've created and then select the option "Mount" when it comes up.
If all is well the icon on the right will turn green and you can now access your share by browsing to your mount point in your favourite video player.
Encoding video for optimal playback
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I had a lot of trouble filtering through all the different posts on this topic and it took a lot of time for me to eventually find and experiment with each of these different options. Hopefully I've saved you all some time and helped out with some of the sticking points you might encounter. If anyone has anything they think I should add, just let me know.
I do plan on adding a section for streaming over 3G, but since I haven't tried it myself (I have a wifi-only XOOM) I can't really contribute to that side of things yet.
If you catch any typos or errors in the above text, please let me know asap and I'll fix them right up. This is my first thread here, and I haven't even made 8 posts yet so I couldn't include external URLs, I'll go through and edit some useful links in as soon as I'm able.

Android Tablet Newbie

So after some extensive searching and not really finding a solid reference, I wanted to ask you guys some things. First off, I have been using Android for a couple years now, with my first phone being a Hero (which I absolutely hated) and my latest phone being an Evo 4G. Well, I just sold my iPad for the Xformer and I don't regret it in the slightest, only problem now is I feel like I'm not getting the full potential of what this device is capable of handling. That's where I wanted to come here. Can anyone recommend some sort of Beginners guide to Must-Have apps, widgets, and other things for honeycomb? I'm just looking to get the most out of this. Also, I'm not opposed to paid apps or widgets.
Second, does anyone know of a simple, easy way of sharing files or pushing things between two android devices? With having an android phone and tablet, there are things I'll find on my tablet, for instance the apk for the new market, that I wish I could just easily push the link similar to chrome to android? Also file sharing. I find Bluetooth works simply but what about over wifi? Any ways to do this. I normally just email myself files and open them on the other device, but i feel theres gotta be a better solution.
I appreciate any and all help and if I missed something already posted, I apologize but please do share ANY advice. Thank you.
smackinisaiah said:
Second, does anyone know of a simple, easy way of sharing files or pushing things between two android devices? With having an android phone and tablet, there are things I'll find on my tablet, for instance the apk for the new market, that I wish I could just easily push the link similar to chrome to android? Also file sharing. I find Bluetooth works simply but what about over wifi? Any ways to do this. I normally just email myself files and open them on the other device, but i feel theres gotta be a better solution.
I appreciate any and all help and if I missed something already posted, I apologize but please do share ANY advice. Thank you.
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Have you tried DropBox?
You can share between Android devices, and any other device...
First question : depends on what kind of apps and widget you want.
Second question : you can install an ftp server/client on your devices. For exemple file expert can access files via network, be it smb or ftp. Just do a search on the market for these apps.
Hope that helps.
I use WIFI File Explorer to transfer files to and from my TF via the laptop...I'm sure that it would work the same between two android devices.
I use DropBox (from the app store) on three computers, an Android phone, and my Transformer. My son has it on his iPad, his computer, and his Android phone and I keep one folder in my DropBox that I share with him. I also use the free Asus webstorage on my main computer, Transformer, and phone (it's in the app store). Both of them work really well for me. - sheureka
I would certainly recommend looking at the initial post in this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1068593. I found the Tips and tricks link in that post particularly helpful when I was starting out.

[Q] Nook Simple Touch - all set up and it's partly fun

Hi all, recently bought one of these nice little devices myself. This is how I got on, not all that's supposed to work actually does.
Rooting with Touchnnoter 2.1.31 was easy enough and I soon found SearchMarket to access Android Market. What does work: Kindle, QuickPic, AdAway, DropBox, GoodNews
So I could be reading books and news, but I'd like to have a bit more, namely web access!
- ReadItLater/Pocket is shown as purchased in Market, but can't be installed
- Stock browser shows starting page as Error404, directly opening another page works first time only, but links or scrolling don't. Plus it often crashes.
- pre-installed Opera Mini didn't work, so I uninstalled and reinstalled:
a) only clicking "accept" REALLY fast allowed me to open it at all, otherwise it'd crash
b) spiegel.de and BBCNews always crash, even with images turned off I only briefly see the page layout
- Opera Mini Next doesn't open,
- Opera Mobile and Evernote are supposed to work, but don't appear on SearchMarket
- Dolphin Browser often crashes as well, plus no add-ons can be found
Any ideas why this is happening?
Plus: can anybody tell me how to access the external sdcard? I tried several file managers, activated root access etc. but have never been able to access /mnt/ or external_sd or emmc. So I haven't been able to sideload any apk either.
I use Opera Mobile, I found the apk somewhere (not on Market).
The SD card appears as /sdcard in the system (i.e. shell or ADB).
It is the second device mounted on the USB (i.e. desktop).
If you are writing an application you need the permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.
There's also Instafetch as an alternative clipper.
Regards market errors, it's nice to do adb installs anyway, just a matter of getting hold of the .apk, possibly from AppBrain. OperaMobile (not to be mistaken with the lighter streaming OperaMini) works well for me. Perhaps there's a apk direct from Opera available.
It sounds like you have a problem with market. Perhaps adblock could be interfering? As I say, check out alternative ways to install in the interim.
The last couple versions of opera mini don't work but luckily I backed up my apps via airdroid and have a version that works. Readitlater/Pocket does not work because their recent updates have dropped android 2.1 support. Have you tried es file explorer? In ES you tap the home icon on the toolbar and select Phone the sdcard should then appear as a folder
PatchMeUp said:
- Opera Mobile and Evernote are supposed to work, but don't appear on SearchMarket
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I see both Opera Mobile and Evernote through SearchMarket.
Try to see if you can find Opera Mobile directly from Market (not SearchMarket)
Market -> App -> Communication -> Top Free
Opera Mobile is on the second page.
Alternatively you could go to Google Play on your desktop/laptop
and see if the Nook shows up on the devices (its called Phone).
Then install them on the website for the device, and a few seconds later you will see them install on the nook.
PatchMeUp said:
- Opera Mobile and Evernote are supposed to work, but don't appear on SearchMarket
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Browsing and installing from the webstore is definitely way faster than on the Nook.
Also, I use another app called Quick Search Widget. Launch it as an app or from the widget. It can search the Market, and also doubles as a Google/wikipedia/... search widget.
Wow, thank you all for your tips - quite a kick-start and steep learning curve!
SD card: my bad, as "sdcard" was available. But as I recently formatted this drawer on my SGS (wanting to format the external sdcard, but wiping the OS...) I was extra cautious. Settled.
I downloaded adb and installed apks, great! I still don't get it how to do this on the Nook itself. There's something in NookColorTools about the app having to be in /system/apps/ or else it won't work...
And I'm quite proud to have figured out why Market didn't work! There was something wrong with the content filter: although set to "all", a lot of apps were blocked. Having switched to "mature", I'm in business with Evernote and trying out Instafetch.
BTW: @Schneicw, you're the best! The working OperaMini.apk was the best birthday present (couple of days early)! You wouldn't happen to have an old ReadItLater.apk lying around as well?!?
Next, I'll give the ebooklauncher a shot. Fingers crossed!
PatchMeUp said:
I downloaded adb and installed apks, great! I still don't get it how to do this on the Nook itself. There's something in NookColorTools about the app having to be in /system/apps/ or else it won't work...
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You probably do not have install of Non-Market apps enabled.
Bring up NookColor Tools, and you will see check box with "Allow Non Market Apps". This might be checked (but still not working).
So you need to uncheck this box and recheck it.
Also try out remote install of apps from the google play website play.google.com/store/apps from a laptop (you need to login with the same account as on your nook), I find that really convenient...
I've got my Nook Simple Touch rooted with latest Touchnooter. The thing is, I don't want to use the Android Market at all. I want to install the F-Droid repository instead, as it has nothing but Free Software Apps, and has satisfied all my needs on my Droid phone, and I would prefer to keep as much of my data away from google as I can.
I have the FDroid.apk file. But I can't understand how to install it. I have the box (about allowing install of outside apps) in NookColor Tools checked. But I don't know how to get to the file on the SD card to start installing it.
What is this I've been hearing about installing with adb? Does that mean you can't just go to a file manager, select the apk, and begin installing? Because that is essentially how F-Droid installs its apps. Just does it all on its own, you just click "Install". But if that method doesn't work on the NST. Than F-Droid won't work
Any help would be very appreciated. God Bless ya guys!!
P.S. also the stock browser doesn't really work right. just goes to a black screen after a couple different web pages. And Opera (the one installed by Touchnooter) won't open at all. Just flashes the screen once, then stays on the home screen.
We really need a custom made CyanogenMod Rom!!! I get the feeling it would solve alot of our issues.
clem11388 said:
I have the FDroid.apk file. But I can't understand how to install it. I have the box (about allowing install of outside apps) in NookColor Tools checked. But I don't know how to get to the file on the SD card to start installing it.
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You should be able to connect the nook to your Windows machine and copy the .apk onto the sdcard.
For browser Opera Mobile works for me.
TouchNooter also has the Amazon Market, which you could use.
cbay said:
You should be able to connect the nook to your Windows machine and copy the .apk onto the sdcard.
For browser Opera Mobile works for me.
TouchNooter also has the Amazon Market, which you could use.
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well as a first note, I would like to say I have no Windows machines at all. I am 100% Linux
But I already have the apk file on my SD card. Its just I have no idea how to get to the file to install it. I thought that the app "Super Manager" was a file explorer/manager of some sort. But it does the same thing as Opera, I click on the icon in the App drawer, and the screen just flashes once or twice. Then returns the the home screen. No thing saying that it has crashed or anything.
So that is where I'm stuck.
Also, as a side note, I wish to use the F-Droid repository, because I want to use nothing but Open Source (Also known as Freedom Based) Software. Including markets. It's the number one reason why I use nothing but Linux on my machines. Linux is also faster than Mac or Windows, but won't get into that can of worms right now. hahaha.
You could write your own file explorer Jk
adb install seems to be the way for you.
Google "ADB download install", there should be a ton of links.
However now you will have software created by google installed/running on
your linux machine. (ha ha).
cbay said:
You could write your own file explorer Jk
adb install seems to be the way for you.
Google "ADB download install", there should be a ton of links.
However now you will have software created by google installed/running on
your linux machine. (ha ha).
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Lol Well I have next to zero programming knowledge. But when I find the the best open source file explorer I'm definitely gonna throw the dev more than a few bucks for his hard work.
I'll look into adb installing for now. Just really hope and pray we get a Cyanogen or some other real Rom ported to NST soon. I think would solve all our issues with a totally different rom on it.
P.S. yes, having proprietary google software is gonna bug the crap outta me!! lol
God Bless ya guys!

Download ability?

Hello everyone,
I heard that you can't download all kinds of files on a WP8 , thus rendering you limited to a certain number of formats. (and as far as I understood there are issues with e-mail downloads and opening some files?...)
Which formats are we limited to? Is Microsoft willing to address this issue? Is it a deal-breaker or can you still use the phone? Are there any issues with download such as the ability to only view the files and not actually download them?
Many thanks,
i would think its possible after reading this http://wmpoweruser.com/windows-phone-8-has-new-api-for-loading-music-from-apps-into-the-music-hub/
as far as downloading music files but i havent seen anyone develop anything to test it out and showcase this ability
Dunno, maybe Nokia Xpress browser can do something? ..
Deformat said:
Hello everyone,
I heard that you can't download all kinds of files on a WP8 , thus rendering you limited to a certain number of formats. (and as far as I understood there are issues with e-mail downloads and opening some files?...)
Which formats are we limited to? Is Microsoft willing to address this issue? Is it a deal-breaker or can you still use the phone? Are there any issues with download such as the ability to only view the files and not actually download them?
Many thanks,
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You are correct. In both email and browser, you can not download any type of file and save it somewhere. You can open a few types only, and even then, the phone will save them automatically I believe (pdf,doc,mp3).
I wish I knew what MS was thinking on this and what they are willing to do in the future. But of course, they dont say anything as far as their plans. I would love the ability to save any type of file to a folder I chose, no matter if I can open it with the phone or not. Only MS knows their thoughts on this. I wish there was someone I could contact to find out what their feelings are on it and if they are even entertaining the idea of this for the future. they are too tight lipped about future updates.
i'm using wp7.5 and i can download and open zip files.. but can't save it. After you close the zip file it's gone
we really need a file explorer
HypeZ85 said:
i'm using wp7.5 and i can download and open zip files.. but can't save it. After you close the zip file it's gone
we really need a file explorer
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Yep. And sadly, we most likely wont get one. At least not an official one. The only way we could get one with WP7, I think you had to be able to side load apps and be interop unlocked. Not 100 percent sure on the interop part, but it basically wasnt something available to everyone. I hear people say we dont need custom roms and hacks.....sorry, but YES we do. If MS is going to lock down half the OS, then YES we absolutely need hacks and Custom ROMs.
Jola66 said:
Yep. And sadly, we most likely wont get one. At least not an official one. The only way we could get one with WP7, I think you had to be able to side load apps and be interop unlocked. Not 100 percent sure on the interop part, but it basically wasnt something available to everyone. I hear people say we dont need custom roms and hacks.....sorry, but YES we do. If MS is going to lock down half the OS, then YES we absolutely need hacks and Custom ROMs.
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i'm confused...
if you can't download files on wp, how would i do this:
navigate to college website, login portal, download
zips, etc containing course materials ?
students email powerpoint slides and annotate those slides as needed to each other also.
is this not possible to do on the platform, still ?
please, this is a very -direct- process. i would prefer to keep things out of the cloud (ie skydrive, dropbox, whoever) and KEEP it a DIRECT process.
thanks !
ohgood said:
i'm confused...
if you can't download files on wp, how would i do this:
navigate to college website, login portal, download
zips, etc containing course materials ?
students email powerpoint slides and annotate those slides as needed to each other also.
is this not possible to do on the platform, still ?
please, this is a very -direct- process. i would prefer to keep things out of the cloud (ie skydrive, dropbox, whoever) and KEEP it a DIRECT process.
thanks !
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I should clarify something.
If it is one of the following, I believe the phone will save it automatically once you open it. Powerpoint, PDF, Dox, exel file, text, audio. You click the link to download and the file will open. It will save automatically or you have the option to save it sometimes. Other than those file types, you cant do much with anything else.
I downloaded a ZIP file, and while I could actually open it, I had no option to save it. And when I mean download, the phone downloads it, but does not save it in a location you have access to. So without a File Explorer or MS updating the download and save file feature, we wont have access to any files except the types I listed.
Use UC brower, it can download all stuff , but you will need to upload it to skydrive to access it outside the browser.
surya467 said:
Use UC brower, it can download all stuff , but you will need to upload it to skydrive to access it outside the browser.
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this is not a download solution. the whole point of the thread (so far) is if its possible (and how) to download files to the phone, and then access those files.
the point of downloading a file to a device is to use, edit, and store that file -on- the device.
surya467 said:
Use UC brower, it can download all stuff , but you will need to upload it to skydrive to access it outside the browser.
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I still prefer MS change it by allowing us to have control over saving files to the phone and having access to that folder. When I need to then get those files from my phone to my computer, Skydrive doesnt help when I am working somewhere and there is no WIFI, which happens a lot for me. And no, I will not pay more to have tethering.
You can currently save office documents and also send those via E-Mail, Bluetooth, NFC (well - depends, currently only works with other Windows devices). The one notable exception currently is PDF-files that have been openend directly from the browser (if they were stored on SkyDrive it works).
You can open Zip-Files and contained files but the Zip-Files themselves are not stored.
Aside from the file types reserved for the system (there is a list in MSDN) Apps can register as compatible with those filetypes. E.g. Autodesk could create an AutoCAD-Viewer that registers for the *.DWG Filetype. If you then receive such a file via E-Mail, SkyDrive, Download, etc. and open it the according application will be launched and that application will have to take care of the file (display, storage, etc.)
If you don't have an App on the phone that can handle the filetype you can launch a search on the Store for Apps that support the filetype. Should you have multiple Apps installed that support the filetype you will be provided with a prompt that asks you what you want to do.
As far as I know that is pretty much the same way iOS handles those situations but I might be mistaken there.

Why does Amazon Kindle for Windows not get the same love?

I went to twitter to contact the kindle department @Amazonkindle to ask them why they don't supportin Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 as they do Android and Apple. What I mean is the cloud service for the items you upload which is a great feature and I didn't really think anything of it until my asus transformer died. I leaned to try and use my Lumia to no avail as well as my Windows 8 laptop. Then I proceeded to try it on my wife's iphone and it worked....... I know this may sound petty just reaching out to see if anyone else has this issue or knows of a WORKAROUND. I want to thank you for your time and feel free to contact Amazon as well!
buffalosolja42 said:
I went to twitter to contact the kindle department @Amazonkindle to ask them why they don't supportin Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 as they do Android and Apple. What I mean is the cloud service for the items you upload which is a great feature and I didn't really think anything of it until my asus transformer died. I leaned to try and use my Lumia to no avail as well as my Windows 8 laptop. Then I proceeded to try it on my wife's iphone and it worked....... I know this may sound petty just reaching out to see if anyone else has this issue or knows of a WORKAROUND. I want to thank you for your time and feel free to contact Amazon as well!
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I contaced Amazon support with basicaly the same question a few days ago, sitll haven't received an answer. My Question was regarding the fact that amazon allows purchases of Comics for the android and ios Apps of Kindle, but not Windows 8 Or Windows Phone 8.
I know with my T101 biting dust I cannot read my tech books now would hope that we as a community could come together on these issues.
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In WP7, the solution was to use a file browser to sideload the content directly, which (mildly surprisingly) worked flawlessly; the Application Data folder was laid out very much like the root folder of an actual Kindle device.
In WP8, we don't currently have any file browser with enough permissions to write into (or even read from, actually) the relevant folder. The isolated storage explorer tools would work if the app were sideloaded, but that's blocked for retail (store) apps.
The only work-around I can recommend right now is to use a different e-reader app. There are lots of them on the store, most are free, some can even read Amazon's formats (use Calibre to convert the files otherwise) and they all support synching from some "cloud" provider (usually DropBox).
GoodDayToDie said:
In WP7, the solution was to use a file browser to sideload the content directly, which (mildly surprisingly) worked flawlessly; the Application Data folder was laid out very much like the root folder of an actual Kindle device.
In WP8, we don't currently have any file browser with enough permissions to write into (or even read from, actually) the relevant folder. The isolated storage explorer tools would work if the app were sideloaded, but that's blocked for retail (store) apps.
The only work-around I can recommend right now is to use a different e-reader app. There are lots of them on the store, most are free, some can even read Amazon's formats (use Calibre to convert the files otherwise) and they all support synching from some "cloud" provider (usually DropBox).
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I use dropbox and specifically uploaded them to Amazon truthfully to use one reader, and it would be sync'd across all my devices I thought. My Transformer just magically started working but I would still like this ability. I like calibre but with Kindle if you use your email address and have a pdf and put convert in subject it will change it for you. Less work on my local machine so to say. I just don't know why they would leave this out to users. I wonder does the BB have the cloud option if so this is really messed up.

