EF10.rdf - Epic 4G General

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
* Sprint UA Prof template
* Version: 2.0
* Created: 1/3/2002
* Organization: Customer Equipment
* Modified: 01/03/2008
* Copyright 2008 Sprint PCS
* Note
* Elements that are not required by Sprint PCS have been omitted
* from this template.
* Revision History
* 0.1 Initial Release
* 1.2 Updated for Multimedia (J Gilborne)
* 1.3 Updated for FOTA Components (K Hunter) 10/21/2004
* Updated for OTA Diagnostics Components (K Hunter) 10/21/2004
* Updated Multimedia Component to include MultimediaEncoderDisplaySize
* Updated WapDeviceClass with documentation
* 1.4 Added for Browser Portal Version in the Sprint Extensions(K Hunter) 06/29/2005
* Added for IOTA Protocol Version in the Sprint Extensions(K Hunter) 06/29/2005
* Added DateNetworkType in the Sprint Extensions (K Hunter) 06/29/2005
* 1.5 Deleted CcppAccept-Encoding from SoftwarePlatform section (K Hunter) 09/08/2005
* Note: If the CcppAccept-Encoding is include in the rdf with a Multimedia device, then
* this will prohibit the device from streaming multimedia content.
* 1.5.1 Updated profie to validate with MAG ( D Durig ) 10/27/2005
* 1.5.2 Changed units of measure on the Multimedia Maximum Bit Rate for Streaming and for
* Encoding from fps to kbps ( J Bryan ) 11/10/2005
* 1.6 Added for Sprint On Demand, Capable and Version in the Sprint Extensions ( J Bryan ) 01/06/2006
* Added for Sprint MI-UI, Capable and Version in the Sprint Extensions ( J Bryan ) 01/10/2006
* Added x-pcs/od.content and x-pcs/theme to CcppAccept ( J Bryan ) 01/18/2006
* 1.7 Added # to the xpcs namespace URL. ( J Bryan ) 12/05/2006
* 1.8 Added GLMS attributes. ( J Bryan ) 02/28/2007
* 2.0 Added WiMAX attributes. ( J Bryan ) 01/21/2008
* Known issues
* Push characteristics are not defined yet
* Have not yet defined schema for Sprint Specific enhancements
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="MyDeviceProfile">
<!--********************** Hardware Platform Description
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="HardwarePlatform">
<!-- ******** Vendor/model *******-->
<!-- Enter the vendor name here. This must
match the vendor name in the EDF -->
<!-- Enter the device model name here. This
must match the model name in the EDF -->
<!-- Change if different -->
<!--****** Display ******-->
<!-- Enter screen size in pixels here - width x height -->
<!-- "Yes" if device supports color -->
<!-- Enter the color or grayscale depth here -->
<!-- Change if not 1:1 -->
<!-- This should always be "Yes" -->
<!-- Enter the screen size in characters here. Use the default font. -->
<!-- Change the to "No" only if the default font on the device is not proportional -->
<!-- List the supported output character sets here. -->
<!-- ******** Input capabilities ******-->
<!-- List the supported Input character sets here -->
<!-- This should always be "Yes" -->
<!-- This value should only be changed if the device does not use a standard DTMF keypad -->
<!-- Enter the number of softkeys supported by the device -->
<!-- ********* Audio **********-->
<!-- This should always be "Yes" -->
<!-- This should be "Yes" for all voice capable devices -->
<!--********************** Software Platform Description ***************************************-->
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="SoftwarePlatform">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.wapforum.org/profiles/UAPROF/ccppschema-20010430#SoftwarePlatform"/>
<!-- ***** Basic ******-->
<!-- Should be "Yes" for all Java capable devices -->
<!-- Use this for J2ME app support -->
<!-- Enter the software version number here.
This must match the version reported via IOTA-->
<!-- Should not change if using Qualcomm software-->
Google Android, L4
<!-- Should not change if using Qualcomm software-->
Google, Qualcomm
<!-- Fill in version of DMSS Software base -->
Android 2.3, SBAQ6085BSNACAZ4390
<!-- ********** Java ***********-->
<!-- Should be yes for all Java capable products -->
<!-- Indicate MIDP + Sprint Extension profile support -->
<!-- Indicate the VM vendor/version here -->
<!-- ********* CCPP accept **********-->
<!-- List all accepted MIME types here -->
<!-- Markup languages -->
<!-- Images -->
<!-- Audio / Multimedia -->
<!-- Video / Multimedia -->
<!-- Applications -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- List all accepted character sets here -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- List all accepted languages here in order of preference -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- List all accepted transfer encodings here -->
<!-- Deleted CcppAccept-Encoding K.Hunter in 1.5-->
<!-- ******** Input Encoders ******-->
<rdf:Bag><rdf:li> </rdf:li></rdf:Bag>
<!--********************** Network Characteristics Description ***************************************-->
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="NetworkCharacteristics">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.wapforum.org/profiles/UAPROF/ccppschema-20010430#NetworkCharacteristics"/>
<!-- Indicate support for SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 -->
<!-- Indicate support for IS-2000 release 0 packet data bearer -->
<!-- May add more detail here in a later rev. -->
<rdf:li>HTTP 1.1 (http, https)</rdf:li>
<!--********************** Browser UA Description ***************************************-->
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="BrowserUA">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.wapforum.org/profiles/UAPROF/ccppschema-20010430#BrowserUA"/>
<!-- ********* Browser Identification ********** -->
<!-- Enter the browser vendor/product name here -->
Android Browser
<!-- Enter the browser version here -->
<!-- ********** Capabilities *********** -->
<!-- Frames are not supported -->
<!-- Basic tables are supported in xhtml-basic -->
<!-- Frames are not supported -->
<!-- *********** Applet / Script support is not required ********** -->
<!-- ************* XHTML support - indicate XHTML-Basic 1.0 ************ -->
<rdf:Bag><rdf:li> </rdf:li></rdf:Bag>
<!--********************** WAP Characteristics Description ***************************************-->
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="WapCharacteristics">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.wapforum.org/profiles/UAPROF/ccppschema-20010430#WapCharacteristics"/>
<!--******** General ***********-->
<!-- WAP Device Class defined in http://www1.wapforum.org/tech/documents/PROP-ClassConform-20000211.pdf -->
"1.2.1 (WML, WSP/WTLS)", "2.0 (limited supports for HTML-MP and wCSS)"
<!--*********** WML ************-->
<!-- If full wml 2.0 is supported, it should be added here -->
<!-- Enter the maximum deck size for wml -->
<!--********************** Push Characteristics Description ***************************************-->
<!-- Note: This entire section is TBD in this revision -->
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="PushCharacteristics">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.wapforum.org/profiles/UAPROF/ccppschema-20010430#PushCharacteristics"/>
<!-- ********************************-->
<!-- ****************** Sprint UA Prof Extensions ******************************-->
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="SprintExtensions">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://device.sprintpcs.com/uaprof/sprint-uaprof-extensions.xml"/>
<!-- MultimediaPlayback support -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Multimedia Streaming Support -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Multimedia Encoding Support -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Type and version of MM player supported -->
<!-- example -->
CORE/6.506.4.1 OpenCORE/2.02 (Linux;Android 2.3.3)
<!-- Type and version of MM encoder supported -->
<!-- example -->
CORE/6.506.4.1 OpenCORE/2.02 (Linux;Android 2.3.3)
<!-- Multimedia Encoder Supported Display Size(s) -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- File Format the decoder supports -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- File Format the encoder supports -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- Display size the Multimedia player supports -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- Maximum frame rate the device supports when playing local files -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Maximum frame rate the device supports when streaming content -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Maximum frame rate the device supports when encoding content -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Maximum bit rate the Multimedia player supports when playing local files -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Maximum bit rate the device supports when streaming content -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Maximum bit rate the device supports when encoding content -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- List all supported video codecs for decoding here -->
<rdf:li>H.264 BP,MP,HP</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>MPEG4 SP,ASP</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>H.263 P3</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>Sorenson Spark</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>VC-1 MP</rdf:li>
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- List all supported video codecs for encoding here -->
<rdf:li>H.264 SP,MP</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>H.263 P0</rdf:li>
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- List all supported audio codecs here -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- List all supported audio codecs here -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- MCD version -->
<!-- PictureMailSupport -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- VideoMailSupport -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- *************** IOTA/FOTA Components *****************-->
<!--example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- *************** OTA Diagnostics Components *****************-->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- *************** Sprint Browser Components *****************-->
**Values for devices**
1.0 for 1x
2.0 for DO
<!-- *************** Sprint Device Data Network Types*****************-->
<!-- *************** Sprint On Demand *****************-->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- *************** Sprint MI-UI *****************-->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- *************** Sprint GLMS *****************-->
<!-- example -->
<!--example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- ********************************-->
<!-- ****************** Sprint WiMAX Extensions ******************************-->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<xpcs:OMADMCapable >
<!-- example -->
<xpcs:OMADMVendor >
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<xpcs:ConnectionManagerVendor >
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Enter other items... -->

Holy ****. The rdf's used to be just a few lines.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

lol!!! i posted this at the same time you did.. lolol

Hit thanks for both you and stevie
Mod please merge thread with other thread

I'm just faster.
(in b4 "that's what she said")

AtomicPlayboy said:
I'm just faster.
(in b4 "that's what she said")
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You've never seen me with your girl right?
Help support autism awareness,it only takes 2 seconds to help make a difference...

ecooce said:
You've never seen me with your girl right?
Help support autism awareness,it only takes 2 seconds to help make a difference...
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Of course not, Your too "quick"
Sent from my Epix 4G using XDA

Who said I had a girl?

well back to subject at hand. I wonder how marvelious the next modems gunna be.
Sent from my Epix 4G using XDA

Shoulon said:
well back to subject at hand. I woner how marvelious the next modems gunna be.
Sent from my Epix 4G using XDA
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Very. No more dropping to 1x when your signal was perfect 2.38 seconds ago; GPS lock is almost instantaneous to 7.46'; when you're talking to someone else, they start looking around because it sounds like you're next to them; you'll choose 3G over wifi because of the speed increase and when you connect to 4G, your face will literally almost melt off.
Disclaimer: I have no proof to the preceeding statements.

hayzooos said:
Very. No more dropping to 1x when your signal was perfect 2.38 seconds ago; GPS lock is almost instantaneous to 7.46'; when you're talking to someone else, they start looking around because it sounds like you're next to them; you'll choose 3G over wifi because of the speed increase and when you connect to 4G, your face will literally almost melt off.
Disclaimer: I have no proof to the preceeding statements.
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This made me lol. But in all honesty, it should be better than the EE03 modem.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

hayzooos said:
Very. No more dropping to 1x when your signal was perfect 2.38 seconds ago; GPS lock is almost instantaneous to 7.46'; when you're talking to someone else, they start looking around because it sounds like you're next to them; you'll choose 3G over wifi because of the speed increase and when you connect to 4G, your face will literally almost melt off.
Disclaimer: I have no proof to the preceeding statements.
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Now that's COMEDY! Thanks for the hardy guffaw.

swear0730 said:
Now that's COMEDY! Thanks for the hardy guffaw.
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Anytime, especially for a fellow Madison friend! Beautiful city for about 4 months out of the year. I grew up just outside there and love it.

hayzooos said:
Anytime, especially for a fellow Madison friend! Beautiful city for about 4 months out of the year. I grew up just outside there and love it.
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You're kinda my mirror image! I was born in Madison while my dad was getting his chem engineering degree. He got a job in IL and so I grew up in Waukegan. Came back here for college and never left.
But hey! Its nice for 6 months not 4!

Just wondering on EF10
Are there any leaks of this EF10 on the web right now cause I've been searching to no avail?

Frostacious said:
Are there any leaks of this EF10 on the web right now cause I've been searching to no avail?
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Soon my friend.
lownox said:
"Gingerbread rom for D700 and I897 tonight online! Europe time."
I hope this is true. ...and I hope it's official.
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Battery Status themes and theme questions

Ikarus suggested we start a new thread with our customized themes and questions on theming, so I thought I would post my current to start it off.
Theme includes the segoe ui font. Ikarus said he would assist in this thread as time permits for him, otherwise anyone with BS experience can jump in and assist anyone with problems.
If you don't know what the excellent Battery Status is, check out here
Here is the online-manual for customization, which is linked in the first post of BS-Thread too.
Yet another clock theme
Here's a clean and simple theme i made for my wizard. Not all meters can be shown, since i made icons for only the ones i use (no operator info, no AM/PM indicator for 12h clock, maybe something else is not implemented).
Includes icons for tray launcher - BT on/off, WiFi on/off, Phone on/off, rotate screen, disable screen and lock device.
With Ecqlipse 2 icons used for Touch commander and ppcProfiles Pro with modified tray icons and profile selection menu to match the overall look (done with ResourceHacker since ppcProfiles has no skinning option) it makes quite a good impression
Works best with HTC Touch Today screen theme, or other dark backgrounds.
mr_deimos said:
Here's a clean and simple theme i made for my wizard. Not all meters can be shown, since i made icons for only the ones i use (no operator info, no AM/PM indicator for 12h clock, maybe something else is not implemented).
Includes icons for tray launcher - BT on/off, WiFi on/off, Phone on/off, rotate screen, disable screen and lock device.
With Ecqlipse 2 icons used for Touch commander and ppcProfiles Pro with modified tray icons and profile selection menu to match the overall look (done with ResourceHacker since ppcProfiles has no skinning option) it makes quite a good impression
Works best with HTC Touch Today screen theme, or other dark backgrounds.
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Click to collapse
Nice job Mr_Deimos, looks great with a dark theme.
great job thank you
All the themes will be moved here this weekend
maybe interesting for theme-makers..
Eyecandy for KDE
Many sets of images in png-format.. maybe useful for making themes
Just started using this program and love it.
I actually got rid of Ilauncher since all I was using it for was the meters.
Keep those themes coming
Hi ikarus,
- How do you add the class="start_app" in the class "date" or the class "cpu_utilization" ?
I tried <Item class="date" ontap="\Windows\Calendar.exe" > but it doesn't work.
- How do change the icons for class="battery_ac_icons" ?
- Sorry to ask : where can I find the manual with all the tags ?
- Something strange : if the view with the CPU load is not active, the CPU load is not displayed in the taskbar. If the view is active and BS is minimized, the CPU load is still displayed in the taskbar.
- I believe the skin setup should override the option setup : if the option is set, the CPU frequency is bold, even with :
<Item class="cpuspeed" >
<label fontfamily="Tahoma" fontsize="12" bold="0" />
- When trying to display the CPU utilization below the icon, using :
<Item class="cpu_utilization" ontap="CtlPnl" index="4" subindex="2" >
<image src="CPU.png" width="12" top="2" left="10" />
<label fontfamily="Tahoma" fontsize="12" width="40" top="7" left="-25" align="center" />
Only the label area below the icon is refreshed (12 pixels) instead of the whole area (40 pixels).
Thanks again for this great apps.
Kind regards,
Theme by Nostramo. Many Thanks to Nostramo for his great work!!!
Download -> see attachement
ClockTheme by RedUsr:
Download -> 4pda.ru
Theme by banan4ik -> internal Link
Minimalistic theme by utak3r --> Download
Example for application launcher:
<Row seperator="1" >
<View height="20" itemselect="1" >
<Item class="space" >
<image left="-25" src="rotate.bmp" transparent="020202" />
<Item class="start_app" onhold="StartApp" path="\Windows\fexplore.exe" path1="\Windows\solitare.exe" />
<Item class="start_app" path="\Windows\BubbleBreaker.exe" />
<Item class="start_app" path="\Windows\solitare.exe" />
<Item class="start_app" path="\Windows\pword.exe" />
<Item class="start_app" path="\Windows\iexplore.exe" />
<Item class="start_app" path="\Windows\Calc.exe" />
<View height="38" itemselect="1" >
<Item class="space" >
<image left="-25" src="rotate.bmp" transparent="020202" />
<Item class="start_app" path="\Windows\Calc.exe" />
<Item class="start_app" onhold="StartApp" path="\Windows\fexplore.exe" path1="\Windows\solitare.exe" />
<Item class="start_app" path="\Windows\iexplore.exe" >
<image smallicon="1" />
<Item class="start_app" path="\Windows\ppt.exe" />
<Item class="start_app" path="\Windows\pword.exe" />
<Item class="start_app" path="\Windows\solitare.exe" />
<View height="62" absolute="2" itemselect="1" >
<Item class="space" absolute="0" >
<image left="-25" src="rotate.bmp" transparent="020202" />
<Item class="start_app" title="Calc" path="\Windows\Calc.exe" >
<image top="1" left="25" />
<label width="40" top="36" valign="top" align="center" left="-2" fontsize="-3" />
<Item class="start_app" title="File Explore" path="\Windows\fexplore.exe" >
<image top="1" left="65" />
<label width="40" top="34" valign="top" align="center" left="-4" format="wordbreak" fontsize="-3" />
<Item class="start_app" title="Internet Explore" path="\Windows\iexplore.exe" >
<image top="1" left="105" />
<label width="40" top="36" valign="top" align="center" left="-2" format="wordbreak" fontsize="-3" />
<Item class="start_app" title="Power Point" path="\Windows\ppt.exe" >
<image top="1" left="145" />
<label width="40" top="36" valign="top" align="center" left="-2" format="wordbreak" fontsize="-3" />
<Item class="start_app" title="Solitare" path="\Windows\solitare.exe" >
<image top="1" left="185" />
<label width="40" top="36" valign="top" align="center" left="-2" fontsize="-3" />
<View height="112" itemselect="1" multi="1" >
<Item class="space" >
<image left="-25" src="rotate.bmp" transparent="020202" />
<Item class="start_app" title=" Calculator" path="\Windows\Calc.exe" >
<image top="1" />
<label width="180" bold="1" valign="top" top="10"/>
<Item class="start_app" onhold="StartApp" title=" File Explorer" path="\Windows\fexplore.exe" path1="\Windows\solitare.exe" >
<image left="-216" top="38" />
<label width="180" bold="1" top="46" valign="top" />
<Item class="start_app" title=" Internet Explorer" path="\Windows\iexplore.exe" >
<image left="-216" top="76"/>
<label width="180" bold="1" top="84" valign="top" />
<View height="112" itemselect="1" multi="1" >
<Item class="space" absolute="1" >
<image src="rotate.bmp" transparent="020202" />
<Item class="start_app" absolute="1" title=" Calculator" path="\Windows\Calc.exe" >
<image left="25" top="1" />
<label width="180" bold="1" valign="top" top="10"/>
<Item class="start_app" onhold="StartApp" absolute="1" title=" öFile Explorer" path="\Windows\fexplore.exe" path1="\Windows\solitare.exe" >
<image left="25" top="38" />
<label width="180" bold="1" top="46" valign="top" />
<Item class="start_app" absolute="1" title=" Internet Explorer" path="\Windows\iexplore.exe" >
<image left="25" top="76"/>
<label width="180" bold="1" top="84" valign="top" />
Example for Clock with seconds:
<View height="58">
<Item class="clock_digit" >
<image left="-18" resize="85" />
<Item class="clock_digit" />
<Item class="clock_seperator" >
<image top="8" />
<Item class="clock_digit" />
<Item class="clock_digit" />
<Item class="clock_seconds_sep" >
<image resize="50" top="25" />
<Item class="clock_seconds" >
<image top="22" />
<Item class="clock_seconds" >
<image top="22" />
<Item class="clock_alarm" ontap="CtlPnl" index="16" subindex="2">
<image left="-43" top="4" />
<Item class="clock_apm" >
<image left="4" top="2" />
Themes 1
THEMES !!!!!
Theme from banan4ik, modified/fixed miniBS by utak3r --> Download
nothinpack_xo1BSTheme by nothin --> Download
SkinBS_Tiggerbcn --> Download
mini theme by nihil0 --> Download
Themes 2
Mini Theme by nihil0
--> Download
HTC Home style by tzm0510
--> Download
Hello Herunim,
Herunim said:
- Sorry to ask : where can I find the manual with all the tags ?
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Click to collapse
online-manual for customization, which is linked in the first post of BS-Thread too.
Shall i make the fontsize in first thread bigger?
Basically i don't like to emphasize so much, because it irritates more then..
Herunim said:
- How do you add the class="start_app" in the class "date" or the class "cpu_utilization" ?
I tried <Item class="date" ontap="\Windows\Calendar.exe" > but it doesn't work.
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Click to collapse
you have to use ontap="StartApp", which specifies the action to do.
btw. the class="start_app" implicitly makes use of ontap="StartApp"..
After that you can supply the parameters for that action (see manual) e.g. path="\Windows\Calendar.exe"
Don't you've seen the example for AppLauncher at first page of BS-Thread?
Anything you need is used in the example...
btw. i've just moved it to first page of this thread.
Herunim said:
- How do change the icons for class="battery_ac_icons" ?
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Click to collapse
there are a lot of methods, e.g.
- replace the bitmaps for that icons (copy the resources from default-folder to your desktop-computer and check which ones to change)
- use two <image src="..."... > for the images, where you can use png/bmp/gif/jpeg..
Herunim said:
- Something strange : if the view with the CPU load is not active, the CPU load is not displayed in the taskbar. If the view is active and BS is minimized, the CPU load is still displayed in the taskbar.
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Click to collapse
It's by design. The taskbar-indicator is primarily for showing the cpuspeed.
If no cpu-utilization reading is on today-screen (and cpuscaler is disabled), then there's no need to hold the resources for cpu-utilization. Any resources for cpu-utilization will then be released.
Herunim said:
- I believe the skin setup should override the option setup : if the option is set, the CPU frequency is bold, even with :
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Click to collapse
search for toggleBoldFont-Attribute in the online-manual
Herunim said:
- When trying to display the CPU utilization below the icon, using :
<Item class="cpu_utilization" ontap="CtlPnl" index="4" subindex="2" >
<image src="CPU.png" width="12" top="2" left="10" />
<label fontfamily="Tahoma" fontsize="12" width="40" top="7" left="-25" align="center" />
Only the label area below the icon is refreshed (12 pixels) instead of the whole area (40 pixels).
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Click to collapse
I will check this as soon as possible, but i don't know when...
Nevertheless, thanks for reporting your observation
Hi ikarus,
The download link for "HTC Home style by tzm0510" in post #10 seems to be incorrect?
Hi ikarus,
Thank you for your answers.
I'm still having troubles with the battery icons:
<Item type="icon" class="battery_ac_icons" ontap="CtlPnl" index="3" >
<image src="OnBatt.png" />
<image src="OnAC.png" />
doesn't work.
It seems that path with accents are not correctly handled. Using:
<Item class="cpu_utilization" ontap="StartApp" path="\Windows\Menu Démarrer\Task Manager.lnk" >
<image src="CPU.png" width="20" top="2" left="10" />
<label fontfamily="Tahoma" fontsize="12" width="20" top="7" left="-20" align="center" />
makes BS revert to the default theme.
Kind regards,
I had this code in my xml. The date and clock is showing fine but the alarmon image is always showing even when alarm is set to off.
Anybody knows how to make it work?
Edit : Another question...what does absolute parameter do?
<View height="14">
<Item class="date" ontap="CtlPnl" index="16">
<label text="dddd, dd MMMM yyyy" bold="1" fontsize="12" left="-28" top="2" align="center" />
<Row seperator="1" >
<View height="50">
<Item class="clock" ontap="CtlPnl" index="16">
<label text="HH':'mm':'ss" fontsize="40" left="-28" top="2" width="240" align="center" fontfamily="Alien Encounters" />
<Item class="clock_alarm" ontap="CtlPnl" index="16" >
<image top="6" left="-22" />
From what i've seen, the alarm icon works only if you use png image-based clock. I think it was mentioned somewhere that it won't work with a label class based clock.
Try getting digit files (0.png - 9.png, separator.png and empty.png") and clock code from any of the themes using png clocks to confirm if it is in fact the case.
d8302530 said:
The download link for "HTC Home style by tzm0510" in post #10 seems to be incorrect?
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Click to collapse
oh, okay. thanks for report.. i will delete it. Actually i don't have a more recent link.
Herunim said:
I'm still having troubles with the battery icons:
<Item type="icon" class="battery_ac_icons" ontap="CtlPnl" index="3" >
<image src="OnBatt.png" />
<image src="OnAC.png" />
doesn't work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
could you attach your xml and the images for battery_ac_icons?
Herunim said:
It seems that path with accents are not correctly handled. Using:
makes BS revert to the default theme.
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Click to collapse
it's mentioned in the online-manual, but i don't know whether it works with accents.
You must load the xml on your PC with wordpad and "save as" "Unicode-document".
It's defaulted to ansi-encoding which is good for english. Even german users should do it btw...
whysolate said:
I had this code in my xml. The date and clock is showing fine but the alarmon image is always showing even when alarm is set to off.
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Click to collapse
This will NOT WORK yet.
alarmon is part of digit_clock-component and does not work without the digit_clock. I don't know when, but maybe next year i have more time to make it work..
whysolate said:
Edit : Another question...what does absolute parameter do?
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Click to collapse
check the online-manual
Hey Ikarus,
Is there anyway that using "ontap" for a row, we can toggle the view of the next row (right now, for next row action, I can only find "ToggleNextRow" which enables or hides the next row. I was looking for something similar to ToggleView, i.e., ToggleNextRowView)..
build 0264 - 22/12/2007:
- fixed: png allowed for battery_ac_icons
- removed: version-attribute from Window, version < 1 not supported any longer
- added: <Window ... custombg="0" > for using default-system-theme-background
- added: for RegistryTracker,
<image src="filename%d.png"...> respectively <image src="filename%s.ext"...>
for using images depending on registry-value
if a value is not covered by an image, then filename-1.ext (dword) or filename_empty.ext (string) will be used
- added: Mask to apply to registry-value (dword)
e.g. <label text="%d" mask="0xFF" >...
Herunim said:
I'm still having troubles with the battery icons:
<Item type="icon" class="battery_ac_icons" ontap="CtlPnl" index="3" >
<image src="OnBatt.png" />
<image src="OnAC.png" />
doesn't work.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
fixed in build 0264.
shantzg001 said:
Hey Ikarus,
Is there anyway that using "ontap" for a row, we can toggle the view of the next row (right now, for next row action, I can only find "ToggleNextRow" which enables or hides the next row. I was looking for something similar to ToggleView, i.e., ToggleNextRowView)..
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Click to collapse
hello shantzg, there's no way yet. Do you mean to switch the view or open a certain view?
ikarus, i meant open a certain view. Actually, I thought that if we have this feature we can have a "full-fledged" app launcher with BS. In one row, we can have 3-4 items that work as "tabs", and next row contains launcher icons. So, whenever we click on a tab, it switches the view of the next row accordingly so we see the corresponding icons.
Ikarus said that i have to post my problem here...
Here it is:
Screen1 = my Today-Screen
Screen2 = view 2 of BS in my Today-screen
It takes the red marked Field in Screen4 to open the tasks. When I tap onto the Tasks ("7 aktive Aufgaben") it switches to View 1.
Is there something wrong?
And my Problem 2: the green marked Field (in Screen3 and Screen4) doesnt change anything... it should change the views, but it doesnt change...
Please help me. Thanks you!

ThrottleLauncher Skining tutorial

Here you have a little tutorial on how to create Themes for throttlelauncher. I still have to work on it but almost all is here. With this, theorically you can create almost any interface (still there's some work to do to achieve this ).
Any help, sugestions or requests are appreciated.
To read this tutorial is recomended to know XML file format.
First of all the file structure of a setup for throttlelauncher must be this.
- throttlelauncher instalation
|- Setups
|- MyTheme
|- Skins
|- Skin1
|- skin.xml
|- ...pictures of the skin​ |- Skin2
|- skin.xml
|- ...pictures of the skin​ |- Skin3​ |- config.xml
|- ....imported xml files
|- icons
|- ....my icons... any dir estructure​can be placed inside
To configure the app there are several tags. All the xml must be inside the root tag.
configuration: this tag contains the configuration parameters for the app (especified by the tag param). The allowed params names are:
- appear: Boolean value. Defines if the animation from down to top when the app got focus is activated (only valid for the standalon app).
- skin: defines the path of the folder of the skin to use. Relative to the app folder. See some post's below how to create the skin files.
- speeddecreaserate: factor that multiplies the value of your finger speed when starting kinetic scrolling.
- speedinitmultiply: factor that sets how fast the speed will be decreased in kinetic scrolling. IMPORTANT: set a value greatter than 1.
- status: two possible values. 0: normal (will show title bar and button bar of the app). 1: Maximized (will show the app fullscreen).
- osdenabled: It true, the OSD top bar will be shown when element is selected.
- imagecontactnophoto: Relative path to the image to be used it there's no contact photo.
- minclicktime: Min lapse time in miliseconds between the mouse down and up events to perform a click over the pressed element.
- .... there are some more... I will add them latter.
<param name="screenshot" value="True" />
<param name="appear" value="True" />
<param name="skin" value="Setups\Touchflo3D\skins\general" />
<param name="speeddecreaserate" value="1.2" />
<param name="speedinitmultiply" value="1.4" />
<param name="status" value="1" />
page: wich represent a page inside the app. Must be placed inside the root tag and the first one in the file is going to be the first one been showed by default. Page can have 2 attributes:
- name: contains the name of the page. This is going to be used when whe create a link to this page.
- loadonstartup: Boolean value, the default is "true". I recomend to set it to "false" in any page that be do not use frecuently to reduce memory usage.
- autounload: Indicates if the page will be unloaded automatically (and all it's resources will be freed).
- autounloadtime: time a unused page will remain loaded until autounload event starts. This param will be only used it autounload is true.
- import: will import the target xml as content of the page.
<page name="Home" loadonstartup="True" autounload="false">
row: Must be placed inside a page tag. They are specified in order from top to bottom. The following attributes are allowed:
- name
- marginX / marginY : margin bettwen the elements contained in the row.
- rows: number of rows of elements. If you set it up to -1 the number of rows is infinite.
- minheight: minimum height of the row (use recomended with dinamically sized rows due to contents like all contactswith photo or runningapps or recent)
- mincolwidth:
- scrollingmode: one of [Paged, WheelOfFortune, Direct, Kinetic, Auto, None]
- alignment: one of [left,right,center]
<row name="Programs" marginX="5" marginY="1" rows="3" scrolling="Paged">
footer: Must be placed inside the root tag. It parametters are exactly the same as the row. The footer is common for all the pages. Only one footer can be especified.
icon: Must be used inside the row tag or the footer tag. Used to display an icon. The allowed attributes are:
- name: Will be shown in the OSD when the icon is selected.
- path: path of the icon file. Recomended to use png. Can be absolute or relative to the app path. If the path is not specified, then the file on exec (if it's exe or lnk) will be used to obtain the icon image. No zooming efect will be applied in this case.
- exec: file to execute when the icon is clicked (deprecated, use event click instead).
- params: params for the file execution (deprecated, use event click instead).
- width: override the icons width.
- height: override the icons height.
- rowspan: indicates that the icon fills that number of rows intead of 1.
- showtext: will display the name of the icon as footer text.
<icon name="New Contact" exec="\windows\poutlook.exe" params="contacts -new" path="icons\contact.png" />
separator: must be especified inside a row or a footer. Allowed attributes are:
- name: if especified will show a vertical oriented text. If not especified the separator will show a vertical line.
<separator name="Personal" />
text: Must be especified inside a row or a footer. Used to show text. Inherits all the atributes of the icon (so background icon can be displayed) plus:
- text: contains the text to be shown. The ~ symbol can be used for "new line", and two especial sentences:
* date: #$date,format#. Will be replaced by the date in the format especified. Will be updated automatically every second.
* reg: #$reg,key#. Will de replaced by the value of the desired key. Will be updated every second. When regkey is especified you can also use this format to parse date registry values: #$reg,key,date,dateformat
Example, start date for next apointment: #$reg,HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\State\Appointments\Next\Start Time,date,MMM/dd/yyyy hh:mm#
- fonttype: font type specified by "fontname,size,bold" or "size,bold".
- fontcolor: RGB value.
- leftmargin: margin left of the text.
- topmargin: margin top of the text.
- spacing: interline spacing.
- textwidth: defines the width of the area filled by the text
- textheight: defines the height of area filled by the text
- textimages: defines a path where you can place images for each caracter on the text. Example: textimages="setups\Touchflo3d\icons\tf3d\numbers\#$char#.png" where #$char# will be replaced on the path for the character.
<text text="#$date,HH:mm:ss#~#$date,dd/MM/yy#~#$date,ddd#" fonttype="12,true" fontcolor="255,255,255" leftmargin="10" topmargin="10" spacing="-10" rowspan="3" width="100"/>
clock: must be inside a row or a footer. Inherits all the attributes of the icon. Can contain the following tags:
- hours
- minutes
- seconds
Each of those tags can contain a color attribute with the color in RGB for the line. If some of those tags is not especified, the respective line will not be shown.
<clock name="clock" path="clock.png" rowspan="3">
<hours color="0,0,100"/>
<minutes color="100,100,200"/>
<seconds color="160,160,255"/>
allcontactswithphoto: must be inside a row or a footer. Will display all contact with photo matching the criteria in the attributes and assigned to the category "ThrottlePhotoDial".
- name: name of the tag element.
- categoryfilter: comma separated list of contact categories to be included on the filter.
- showcategories: If true will automatically show a separator for each category containing contacts.
- max: max number of contacts to display.
- width/height: define the diaplay size of the contact photos.
- All contacts with photo tag may contain two special icons with this two exec values: ":addcontact",":removecontact". This icons will open a contact selecting dialog allowing to choose a contact to asign or remove the "ThrottlePhotoDialer" category.
<allcontactswithphoto height="80" width="60" max="100" showcategories="True" name="Group unnamed">
<icon name="New Contact" exec=":addcontact" rowspan="1" height="80" width="80" path="setups\Default\icons\contact_add.png" />
<icon name="Remove Contact" exec=":removecontact" rowspan="1" height="80" width="80" path="setups\Default\icons\contact_del.png" />
lastapps: must be included inside a row or a footer. Will display the last 12 apps executed (same shown in the start menu). Can include the following attributes:
- name.
- zoom: will zoom the icons if different than 1.
<lastapps zoom="1" name="Group unnamed" />
runningapps: will display the running apps icons. The following attributes can be included:
- name.
- zoom: will zoom the icons if different than 1.
Inside you can especify the app's to exclude from the list by using the exclude tag as shown in the example.
<runningapps zoom="1" name="Group unnamed">
<exclude name="\Windows\shell32.exe" />
<exclude name="\Windows\cprog.exe" />
<exclude name="\Windows\repllog.exe" />
<exclude name="\Windows\gwes.exe" />
<exclude name="\Windows\filesys.exe" />
<exclude name="\Program Files\ThrottleLauncher\ThrottleLauncher.exe" />
folder: this will add an icon for each file cotained in the specified folder matching the pattern if any.
- zoom: zoom to be aplied to the icons.
- path: path of the folder to load. If the folder path is on the registry, you may specify the registry path (sample: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Explorer\CrossPlatformNavigationURL).
- pattern: pattern to be used to filter the files.
- recursive: indicates wether to look into subfolders (any subfolder loaded will generate automatically a spearator named as the folder).
- name
plugin: this is used to include a today plugin inside the main app (not the today plugin).
- name: name of the plugin to be used. Importan the name MUST be the name of entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\. ONLY PLUGINS BASE ON DLL's WILL WORK.
<plugin name="ADBWeatherPlus"/>
<plugin name="rlToday"/>
<plugin name="HTC Home"/>
<plugin name="BatteryStatus"/>
-throttleplugin: with this tag you can include 3rd party plugins for throttle launcher. For example you can include flash using the following:
<throttleplugin name="Reloj" path="#$THROTTLE#\Plugins\Flash\FlashPlugin.dll" height="90" class="FlashPlugin.FlashThrottlePlugin">
<param name="movie" value="#$THROTTLE#/Setups/Touchflo3dFlash/TWolf/Clock/horas_28_LITE.swf"/>
<param name="width" value="240"/>
<param name="backgroundpath" value="#$THROTTLE#\Setups\Touchflo3dFlash\TWolf\Clock/fondoReloj.jpg"/>
Skins are based on xml file as config.xml does. Skin xml file may only contain param tag placed inside the root tag. All the params are optional, so if you don't need one, don't especify it!!
All files refenced by the skin.xml need to be placed on the same skin folder.
Params tag format is the following:
<param name="name" value="value"/>
The allowed names and it's values meanings are:
- trasparency: will allow trasparency for the skin. This means that if the skin is applied to a row the row background will be filled with the main setup skin texture.
- pagebackcolor: backcolor to be used as page background (only used for main setup skin).
- rowbackcolor: backcolor to be used on the rows (this will be used as the trasparent color if trasparency is specified).
- texture: relative path to the texture image to be used as page background.
- rowtexture: relative path to the texture image to be used as rowbackground.
- buttonback: relative path to the back image to be used on all clickable elements.
- selectionimage: relative path to the hover image to be used when an element is selected.
- buttonbackmargin: margin to be used between the buttonback image and the main element image.
- fontstyle: font style for the text displayed for example in the separators or the contact names. Two formats can be used: "size, bold" or "size, bold, fonttype".
- linecolor: color to be used for lines. Must be specified in an RGB value.
- textcolor: color for text. RGB
- osdtextcolor: color for OSD text. RGB
- osdbackcolor: color to be used as the OSD back color. RGB.
- osdfontstyle: font style for the text displayed in the OSD. Two formats can be used: "size, bold" or "size, bold, fonttype".
Thanks, APBilbo, for sharing this. Really appreciate your help towards the community.
Thanks a lot!!! I really love this app. Its the best one I have found so far. I would be surprised if Verizon and T-mobile dont start using this in the phones they sell...
I wish I had the time to create using ThrottleLauncher, I guess I'll leave it up to the pro's. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

[MOD] Changing the brightness curve in stock JellyBean

Ok, so with instructions from this thread - [MOD]Lower Auto-Brightness levels to save battery we can change the brightness curve without using 3rd party tools running on top.
Note: Seems like the output values need to be one more entry than the autoBrightnessLevels arrays.
And now the following lines contain the tweaked settings that make more sense for our cellphone. We need to extend the following arrays first.
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValuesPowerSave">
The following lines should be changed too to the following:
<integer-array name="config_displayTempThresholdValues">
<integer-array name="config_displayTempHysteresisValues">
<integer-array name="config_displayProtectionCapValues">
And to finish it seems like we need to drop down the minimum backlight brightness level too in order to make use of our new curve. This can be changed in 'res/values/integers.xml', the stock value is 20,
res/values/integers.xml: <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDim">20</integer>
I personally just use a value of four and a warmup of zero.
res/values/integers.xml: <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDim">2</integer>
res/values/integers.xml: <integer name="config_lightSensorWarmupTime">0</integer>
Note: Once done, sign with the old signature of the file and then zipalign or you will bootloop after every /data wipe procedure!
Omar-Avelar said:
So I can see that the device by itself can really output dimmer backlight levels on the device. I can control that at will by doing the following as root:
echo 2 > /sys/class/backlight/psb-bl/brightness
The backlight really gets DIMM, which is insanely good for using the phone at night.
Question: Does anyone know a way or has an idea to change the way android registers the minimum backlight setting and also change the brightness curve? This would be for the stock JB firmware.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I use velis auto brightness set as amoled bright and high sensitivity with the stock dim and auto brightness switched off
<Updated original post with the relevant information since this is not a question anymore>
Updated the last line in order to be able to get lower brightness values.
I tried the mod on the JB Retail.EU homemade fastboot version. And so far so good it seems to work great.
Will see on the long term if I can see the improvement on the backlight
Le_Poilu said:
I tried the mod on the JB Retail.EU homemade fastboot version. And so far so good it seems to work great.
Will see on the long term if I can see the improvement on the backlight
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Click to collapse
Did you try the Brasil mod on the EU rom, or did you modify your own framework file?
arman68 said:
Did you try the Brasil mod on the EU rom, or did you modify your own framework file?
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I downloaded the mod here, the BR one, with no modification at all.
<integer-array name="config_displayTempThresholdValues">
<integer-array name="config_displayTempHysteresisValues">
<integer-array name="config_displayProtectionCapValues">
What do the above settings do, and why did you change them?
arman68 said:
<integer-array name="config_displayTempThresholdValues">
<integer-array name="config_displayTempHysteresisValues">
<integer-array name="config_displayProtectionCapValues">
What do the above settings do, and why did you change them?
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The first one is which value to stop holding hysteresis for (if a 100 lux change is present or more), the second one is a timer/ticker on for how long to wait for the hysteresis curves before doing a fast change in the brightness levels.
I have no idea on the last one so I just played with it and haven't had much complains personally.
I did the procedure and I am in booloop, can someone help me, please?
matheusgallo said:
I did the procedure and I am in booloop, can someone help me, please?
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Click to collapse
I got a bootloop to. Downloaded the EU Version. Currently i have the Homemade Version 91.2.260001.XT890.Retail.en.EU Version installed.
Wipe-Cache does not help..
Solution for bootloop
I did the downgrade to ICS and used the unbrick.
Now, my device is ON! =D
Better brightness curves
I don't quite understand why, but I have been experimenting with config_displayTempThresholdValues, config_displayTempHysteresisValues and config_displayProtectionCapValues, and your settings make it much smoothier and less jittery than the default ones; therefore I will use those.
However, I am not so sure about your brightness curve. I agree the default one is far too bright, but I find yours too dark and scaling up too slowly. I have been experimenting with multiple curves, and I think I have finally found one I am happy with:
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
<item>4</item> <!-- 0 to 2 -->
<item>12</item> <!-- 3 to 19 -->
<item>23</item> <!-- 20 to 49 -->
<item>35</item> <!-- 50 to 99 -->
<item>48</item> <!-- 100 to 199 -->
<item>64</item> <!-- 200 to 349 -->
<item>81</item> <!-- 350 to 599 -->
<item>99</item> <!-- 600 to 999 -->
<item>119</item> <!-- 1000 to 1599 -->
<item>142</item> <!-- 1600 to 2499 -->
<item>166</item> <!-- 2500 to 3999 -->
<item>193</item> <!-- 4000 to 6399 -->
<item>223</item> <!-- 6400 to 9999 -->
<item>255</item> <!-- 10000 to 65535-->
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValuesPowerSave">
<item>4</item> <!-- 0 to 2 -->
<item>10</item> <!-- 3 to 19 -->
<item>17</item> <!-- 20 to 49 -->
<item>25</item> <!-- 50 to 99 -->
<item>35</item> <!-- 100 to 199 -->
<item>47</item> <!-- 200 to 349 -->
<item>61</item> <!-- 350 to 599 -->
<item>78</item> <!-- 600 to 999 -->
<item>97</item> <!-- 1000 to 1599 -->
<item>119</item> <!-- 1600 to 2499 -->
<item>146</item> <!-- 2500 to 3999 -->
<item>177</item> <!-- 4000 to 6399 -->
<item>213</item> <!-- 6400 to 9999 -->
<item>255</item> <!-- 10000 to 65535-->
I am not sure yet if we can go lower than 4 as a minimum value, and I am going to check it next.
Logarithmic curves to show low light behaviour:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Linear curves to show mid to bright light behaviour:
I have been doing some more testing, and I find a minimum brightness setting of 1 instead of 4 (default is 20) is even better.
I have adjusted the brightness curves to take this into account, with some wider difference between automatic and power saver, while trying to keep the power saver mode usable. I need to use the phone a bit longer, in different light conditions, including reading books in the dark, and when satisfied I will post my new settings.
arman68 said:
I have been doing some more testing, and I find a minimum brightness setting of 1 instead of 4 (default is 20) is even better.
I have adjusted the brightness curves to take this into account, with some wider difference between automatic and power saver, while trying to keep the power saver mode usable. I need to use the phone a bit longer, in different light conditions, including reading books in the dark, and when satisfied I will post my new settings.
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Click to collapse
Awesome! and yeah. I had to bump up the middle-low values the other day because it was not ramping up fast enough. It was a first approach -- but eventually we will get it good, I think 10-12 steps is pretty good too btw .
Oh, and for everyone I actually decided to take out the pre-modded framework files offline as depending on deodexed or odexed ROM's it was causing people to bootloop. I think it will be better to just include the curves on something more distributable!
Omar-Avelar said:
I had to bump up the middle-low values the other day because it was not ramping up fast enough.
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Click to collapse
Yes, my new curve is a bit too dark. I will have to do adjust the polynomial formula for faster ramping in the low-mid values as well, and do some more testing.
Could anyone provide the res.apk for a stock Rom (guess that would be odexed)?
Omar-Avelar said:
Ok, so with instructions from this thread - [MOD]Lower Auto-Brightness levels to save battery we can change the brightness curve without using 3rd party tools running on top.
Note: Seems like the output values need to be one more entry than the autoBrightnessLevels arrays.
And now the following lines contain the tweaked settings that make more sense for our cellphone. We need to extend the following arrays first.
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValuesPowerSave">
The following lines should be changed too to the following:
<integer-array name="config_displayTempThresholdValues">
<integer-array name="config_displayTempHysteresisValues">
<integer-array name="config_displayProtectionCapValues">
And to finish it seems like we need to drop down the minimum backlight brightness level too in order to make use of our new curve. This can be changed in 'res/values/integers.xml', the stock value is 20,
res/values/integers.xml: <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDim">20</integer>
I personally just use a value of four.
res/values/integers.xml: <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDim">4</integer>
Note: Once done, sign with the old signature of the file and then zipalign or you will bootloop after every /data wipe procedure!
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Click to collapse
Thai omar,can put this in cmw zip to flash for us.Thk.
Le_Poilu said:
I downloaded the mod here, the BR one, with no modification at all.
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Click to collapse
Dear Le_Poilu, You mean u have framework done dime brightness for GB rom, can u post here for us.Thanks.
Daniel 9999 said:
Dear Le_Poilu, You mean u have framework done dime brightness for GB rom, can u post here for us.Thanks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't get what you're expecting from me...
Envoyé depuis mon Nexus 7 avec Tapatalk

default.xml edits

I know that you can re-arrange the quick settings and revert to the AOSP recent apps from editing the default.xml file on the phone. There's a bunch of other settings in there. I was wondering if anyone has any others that could be useful?
The default.xml is located at:
Re-arrange Quick Settings
<item type="integer-array" name="quick_setting_items">
<int>0</int> <!-- CONTACT CARD -->
<int>8</int> <!-- MOBILE DATA-->
<int>3</int> <!-- WIFI -->
<int>4</int> <!-- BLUETOOTH -->
<int>12</int> <!-- GPS -->
<int>5</int> <!-- AIRPLANE MODE-->
<int>11</int> <!-- SCREEN SHOT -->
<int>15</int> <!-- AUTO SYNC-->
<int>1</int> <!-- BRIGHTNESS -->
<int>7</int> <!-- ROTATION -->
<int>6</int> <!-- POWER SAVER-->
<int>2</int> <!-- SETTINGS -->
<int>10</int> <!-- WIFI HOTSPOT-->
<int>9</int> <!-- SOUND PROFILE-->
<int>18</int> <!-- RING TONE-->
<int>19</int> <!-- TIMEOUT -->
<int>14</int> <!-- MEDIA OUTPUT -->
<int>17</int> <!-- MUSIC -->
<int>13</int> <!-- ROAMING -->
<int>16</int> <!-- ROAMING SETTING-->
<int>20</int> <!-- APN -->
Use Horizontal Quick Settings (Only first 5 settings seem to show)
<item type="boolean" name="support_minor_quicksettings">false</item>
Change number of signal bars to 4
<item type="integer" name="signal_icon_level_gsm">4</item>
Use AOSP Recent Apps / Multitasking
<item type="boolean" name="isHtcStyleRecentApp">false</item>
<item type="boolean" name="support_HtcStyleRecentApp">false</item>
YES +1 this!
thanks!, it seems a lot of things I was using xposed framework modules to control can be set in here. just need to find more documentation on what some of these things mean

[]UPDATE[] Unbalanced Front Facing Speakers

This is a fix that I've whipped up and made into a recovery flashable zip
Please read POST 8
I've modified the mixer_paths.xml file in /system/etc
File originally from crDroid 6.0.1
Original sections
<path name="speaker">
<ctl name="QUAT_MI2S_RX Channels" value="Two" />
<!-- Disable earpiece mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST earpiece mode" value="Off" />
<!-- Select Left channel on Left IC bypass mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST Left Ch Select" value="1" />
<!-- Select Right channel on Right IC bypass mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST Right Ch Select" value="2" />
<!-- Enable Mixers to power up Left and Right IC's -->
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Right Mixer right" value="1" />
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Left Mixer left" value="1" />
<path name="speaker-reverse">
<ctl name="QUAT_MI2S_RX Channels" value="Two" />
<!-- Disable earpiece mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST earpiece mode" value="Off" />
<!-- Select Left channel on Left IC bypass mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST Left Ch Select" value="2" />
<!-- Select Right channel on Right IC bypass mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST Right Ch Select" value="1" />
<!-- Enable Mixers to power up Left and Right IC's -->
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Right Mixer right" value="1" />
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Left Mixer left" value="1" />
<path name="handset">
<!-- Enable earpiece mode this toggles gpio -->
<ctl name="BOOST earpiece mode" value="On" />
<!-- Enable Mixer to power up Left IC -->
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Left Mixer left" value="1" />
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Right Mixer right" value="0" />
<!-- select (l + r)/2 -->
<ctl name="BOOST Left Ch Select" value="3" />
<!-- bypass dsp -->
<ctl name="BOOST ENABLE Spkr Left Prot" value="1" />
MODIFIED sections
<path name="speaker">
<ctl name="QUAT_MI2S_RX Channels" value="Two" />
<!-- Disable earpiece mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST earpiece mode" value="Off" />
<!-- Select Left channel on Left IC bypass mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST Left Ch Select" value="1" />
<!-- Select Right channel on Right IC bypass mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST Right Ch Select" value="2" />
<!-- Enable Mixers to power up Left and Right IC's -->
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Right Mixer right" value="1" />
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Left Mixer left" value="1" />
<path name="speaker-reverse">
<ctl name="QUAT_MI2S_RX Channels" value="Two" />
<!-- Disable earpiece mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST earpiece mode" value="Off" />
<!-- Select Left channel on Left IC bypass mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST Left Ch Select" value="1" />
<!-- Select Right channel on Right IC bypass mode -->
<ctl name="BOOST Right Ch Select" value="2" />
<!-- Enable Mixers to power up Left and Right IC's -->
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Right Mixer right" value="1" />
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Left Mixer left" value="1" />
<path name="speaker-safe">
<!-- Bottom speaker only for Shamu -->
<!-- Select mono channel on Right IC -->
<ctl name="BOOST Right Ch Select" value="2" />
<!-- Enable Mixers to power up Right IC only -->
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Right Mixer right" value="1" />
<path name="handset">
<!-- Enable earpiece mode this toggles gpio -->
<ctl name="BOOST earpiece mode" value="Off" />
<!-- Enable Mixer to power up Left IC -->
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Left Mixer left" value="1" />
<ctl name="BOOST_STUB Right Mixer right" value="0" />
<!-- select (l + r)/2 -->
<ctl name="BOOST Left Ch Select" value="1" />
<!-- bypass dsp -->
<ctl name="BOOST ENABLE Spkr Left Prot" value="1" />
Is this a known issue? Not something I've noticed when watching videos. I'll have to pay closer attention when playing media.
Some people notice that the top (earpiece) speaker is louder, ever so slightly, than the bottom speaker.
The default config puts emphasis on the earpiece speaker, making it just a few decibels louder. This fixes that imbalance.
Unfortunately it has to be flashed along side each ROM update.
Eun-Hjzjined said:
Some people notice that the top (earpiece) speaker is louder, ever so slightly, than the bottom speaker.
The default config puts emphasis on the earpiece speaker, making it just a few decibels louder. This fixes that imbalance.
Unfortunately it has to be flashed along side each ROM update.
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Where did the file come from originally that you edited? Your mixer path values may conflict with custom rom mixer path values that were designed to work with a specific kernel & could cause people's volumes to be all jacked up. Back on the G2 I would take mixer file from one rom & put it in another with mixed results. Could be good.. could be bad... Might be worth the note of where yours came from.
May be worth noting in the OP what values you changed to resolve the issue so others can make the change manually if they want.
Updated op with original and modified sections on the mixer_path.xml [from crDroid 6.0.1]
Eun-Hjzjined said:
Updated op with original and modified sections on the mixer_path.xml [from crDroid 6.0.1]
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what rom are you using??
does this work on stock based roms? coz for what i know, crdroid is based on cm..
I'm on crDroid right now.
I'm looking into a way to change the values, rather than just replacing the file.
For the mean time, you can edit your own file if you are not sure about flashing this.
After further investigation, I've determined that the sound imbalance problem only affects certain ROM and/or kernel combinations.
For some reason some ROMs won't select the proper audio mode (two channel vs mono).
If mono is selected for audio playback through the speakers, the left channel signal is boosted, and right signal is merged into the left.
This still produces sound from the bottom speaker, however the signal is diminished. Creating an imbalance.
If the correct configuration, two channel mode, is the default the ROM and/or kernel picks to output sound to the hardware speakers, there is no imbalance.
There is most likely a fix, but it can't be done at the user level. It's a problem somewhere in audio signal processing in source, on the ROM or the kernel side.
Would a kernel with faux sound support and the faux sound control app remedy this?
I would likely think so.
If you hear a difference from before and after, please report back.
could you share with us the list of rom/kernels that have the mono issue?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
I really don't want to turn this into that kind of thread.
If you experience imbalance, you really should let your ROM and/or Kernel Dev know in it's respective thread.
But my personal experience tells me, on my device, that crDroid (currently) has it.
Eun-Hjzjined said:
I really don't want to turn this into that kind of thread.
If you experience imbalance, you really should let your ROM and/or Kernel Dev know in it's respective thread.
But my personal experience tells me, on my device, that crDroid (currently) has it.
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Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
Did anyone ever try this lol?
Yes. Myself and a few others from around the forums.
The issue seems to be fixed now, whatever was causing it.
OP I think you are on to something cause I just rooted and tried my first ROM. Before running stock I had no top speaker sound distortion. Now on custom ROM I have distorted top speaker noise. I could go back to my stock rooted to check.
It just sounds like my speaker is cracked at high volume, max volume wasn't a issue.
Notice this on my Shamu too, now I have the Angler Nexus 6P.

