[Q] Not even root is allowed to see my phone through ADB. - Android Software Development

So, I recently upgraded to a HTC Thunderbolt and immediately rooted it. After I finished rooting it worked great. Now, to be clear, I did the rooting on my Ubuntu 10.04 machine at work.
Now continue on to when I get home, I decide I want to write some code for an app I'm working on... well, since I have a new phone I need to update udev to allow me to talk to it as a normal user. So my updated /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules file contains:
SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, SYSFS{idVendor}==”0bb4″, MODE=”0666″
Then I restart udev and adb, but when I type "$ adb devices", I'm still not allowed to see the device. I get the classic "???????????? no permissions".
Now I figure I would troubleshoot a bit, and tried to list devices as root and got *THE SAME RESPONSE*. How can this be?
Does anyone have any clues?
EDIT: I have fixed it. Turns out Debian is more strict about the "user" field in udev rules. Once I specified it, all was good. (Apparently I somehow used backticks before also, instead of quotes...)


[Q] Cannot get adb to connect to Nook Color

Ok I've researched this to death and tried in on both Windows 7 and osx 10.6.6 to attach using adb and install a couple of .apk's and the same thing happens on both platforms - NOTHING :-(.
You would think this would be pretty basic, but I am missing something somewhere.
1. Am running the stock rooted b&n rom.
2. Can access both the internal and SD cards on the nook on both windoze and
osx. Eliminates cables, drivers etc...
3. Debug is selected in the nookstools settings
On both OSX and Win 7 installed the latest version of the Android SDK - both installs provided me with the platform-tools directory from which I will initiate all adb commands. So far so good...
on mac: ./adb devices returns:
$ ./adb kill-server
$ ./adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
As you can see I never get any device information returned, does not matter if Im on Windows or mac - same response.
Just for grins I downloaded the wireless app and tried to connect adb that way...no luck...
I could go into everything that i have tried over the last 24 hours...but that would also be pointless.
Bottom line...assuming this is something simpleI am just missing. Assuming since the symptoms are the same on both platforms that the issue lies on the nook but for the life of me I cannot find it.
Assuming if I cannot figure this out I will slowly go insane..my next step is to flash either froyo or honeycomb rom and see if this helps with the problems. Of course I MUST have the market available to me or I will not b able to load any .apk's.
Hpe Im in the right place. Any guidance is GREATLY appreciated.
Love this little Nook....BG
I know this will sound stupid, but I had this same problem and the only way I found to fix it is to adb while I have the superuser app running.
YMMV, but it solved that issue fo me.
Who Swami - It Worked
I fall to my knees and bask in your knowledge: It WORKED!
I knew it was something simple, there is not a post on the entire Internet in any forum I have ever found (and I may have searched them all!) that mentions superuser needs to be running for adb to be able to communicate with the device. I wonder if this is a nook issue only. Will test on my wife's Epic this evening and post the results tonight.
My sanity now restored I bid you all a hearty SEE-Ya!
Omg I actually helped someone!
Glad it worked for ya I'm sure you felt the same relief I did when I finally stumbled across that fix.. I was pulling my hair out for hours LOL
Thanks Once More
As was I such a simple fix you would think I would have thought about permissions on the client side , such is life and tech thats why we all hang together.
Must say I was going to purchase the iPad 2 when it came out (NEVER buy 1st gen Apple) but now I'm not so sure...LOVING my Nook.
themirthfulswami said:
I know this will sound stupid, but I had this same problem and the only way I found to fix it is to adb while I have the superuser app running.
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I'm not sure if this is related but I *think* that what made it work for me was to freshly enable the Debugging USB mode immediately before connecting the USB cable. Maybe that also triggered the Superuser app??? It's always the small things in life that make us smile
my problem is a little different.... I have sd cards with honeycomb (no market) and froyo (market and other apps). I can see the NC in adb with both, but honeycomb shows the device offline... and adb cannot talk to it. froyo show the device online and I can use adb. Both honeycomb and froyo show up in windows too.
I can't find anything that talks about getting the NC to show online to adb.
Same Problem
I have the same problem of trying to get my nook recognized. The only thing I can see different between my setup and the instructions on NookDevs was that they said I should see Android ADB Composite Interface on my Device Manager. Mine reads Android ADB Interface.
Tried the Superuser and the USB Debugging with no luck. Just really trying to get this set up so in case I need to factory reset. Because the 8x method manually is way too hard.
Have you guys read though this thread?
it worked for me like a charm.
that thread didnt work for me..
i tried lots more ways. just not able to get my nook (running honeycomb) online.
adb devices
just shows a serial code and says offline.
what do i do?
i want to install the G-apps.
I had intermittent ADB success with my Mac. After installing the ADB Wireless app there have been no problems.
Seaweedbrain said:
that thread didnt work for me..
i tried lots more ways. just not able to get my nook (running honeycomb) online.
adb devices
just shows a serial code and says offline.
what do i do?
i want to install the G-apps.
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i connected my nook to the back of the cpu.
for some reason, it seemed to work fine.
it read the device as online.
got the g-apps

i really dont understand

I am still having same issue with adb and linux not recognizing my epic I have posted in regards to this and had no responses there all so many devs that work with epic and yet not one has commented to offer a fix i have tried adding 99-samsung.rules with proper edits and changed the 51 rules to match i have reloaded those rules I have added the edited adb i have restarded linux i have changed cables phones usb ports and it picks up my friend og droid no prob but neither me nor my fiances epic will be recognized. any help please.
mikeew83 said:
I am still having same issue with adb and linux not recognizing my epic I have posted in regards to this and had no responses there all so many devs that work with epic and yet not one has commented to offer a fix i have tried adding 99-samsung.rules with proper edits and changed the 51 rules to match i have reloaded those rules I have added the edited adb i have restarded linux i have changed cables phones usb ports and it picks up my friend og droid no prob but neither me nor my fiances epic will be recognized. any help please.
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This is the way its done. Sorry up front for quoting myself but I have responded to this issue in the past:
Download the file from this post
Follow the steps with this post
Holy run on sentence Batman.
Sounds like a drivers issue, or that you don't have USB debugging enabled on the phone.
Open the Dalvik Debugging Monitor Service (DDMS) that came with the Android SDK.
Does it recognize the phone at all in DDMS?
If yes, then does it say "online"? If yes, then you have something blocking adb from talking to your phone from your computer. (firewall?)
If no, then you have a driver or USB connectivity issue. (bad driver installation, usb debugging not enabled on phone, bad usb cable, plugged usb cable into a port not directly on the motherboard)
EDIT: Looks like the post above me could understand the run on sentence more than I could.
You can also run the command lsusb and it should tell you if your system is seeing the device.
What Linux distro your running?
Sent from an Epic with 4G
ok to recap
I have followed your prior threads does not work. I have usb debugging on as explaiend i have tried everything means I have searched for hours on end and come with nothing. I have replaced the ADB and created 99-android.rules and edited that as well as editing the 15-android.rules files I have run lsusb and it does show samsung device.
tried your directions again
I have tried them again and they do not work.
Try the usb cable for the droid x. Its a really good one.
if that were an option
I have an incredible cord i can try that is about the only one but i dont see how it has anything to do with the usb cable when lsusb recognizes the device plugged in just adb will not list it on devices so that i dont think is the answer but thank you for the suggestion.
mikeew83 said:
I have followed your prior threads does not work. I have usb debugging on as explaiend i have tried everything means I have searched for hours on end and come with nothing. I have replaced the ADB and created 99-android.rules and edited that as well as editing the 15-android.rules files I have run lsusb and it does show samsung device.
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You should only have 1 rules file, my suggestion, delete the 15 one and keep the 99.
Make sure the permissions are configured correctly, the biggest issue to run this type of operations in linux is the permissions and the ownership on the config files
Sent from an Epic with 4G
could you possibly explain this a bit more in detail as im still very new to this im a quick learner and great at researching.
mikeew83 said:
could you possibly explain this a bit more in detail as im still very new to this im a quick learner and great at researching.
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Let me go over what to do:
After downloading the rules file on the above post, for example I have the SDK (adb) installed on my PC on the following path: ~/android/tools/, so go to your SDK folder (where adb is located) and run the chmod a+rwx adb command.
After this, take the rules file you downloaded from the above post and moved it to the /etc/udev/rules.d/ folder (logged as root, NOT SUDO). After doing this, run the following commands:
make sure that 51-android.rules file has the following permissions -rw-r--r (read and write for owner, group + others read only)
su [then placed the password] (Once again DO NOT USE SUDO)
chown root:root 51-android.rules
Once done, restart the PC and it should be working 100%. Before connecting the phone, make sure USB Debugging is active, and restart your phone.
Connect your phone via USB and run the lsusb command to confirm the connection of the device and then run ./adb devices and check for the positive return!
Note: if you have never had a password on su, run the following command: sudo passwd and change the password and try running the series of command above.
Note2: add your user to the plugdev group on your computer
Note3: sometimes while performing the ./adb devices command will return a response stating that a device by the name ?????????????? is connected, this is OK, you can connect via ./adb shell and you will see your device file structure, if you request SU permissions you will have to authorize it on the phone via the SUPERUSER app that gets installed when rooting the device.
IMPORTANT: The password for ROOT (su) user is not the same as the password you enter for the SUDO command (your user) unless you make them the same!
I'm not sure what exact problem you are having, but I was having a similar problem until this morning (of ADB not recognizing the phone) until I did this:
A) Open the phone dialer.
B) Enter "##8778#".
C) Set both options to "PDA".
D) Make sure sure "USB Debugging" is enabled under "Settings", "Applications", "Development".
I have no idea if this fully applies to your issue, but if it helps, great. If not, no harm done.
SweetBearCub said:
I'm not sure what exact problem you are having, but I was having a similar problem until this morning (of ADB not recognizing the phone) until I did this:
A) Open the phone dialer.
B) Enter "##8778#".
C) Set both options to "PDA".
D) Make sure sure "USB Debugging" is enabled under "Settings", "Applications", "Development".
I have no idea if this fully applies to your issue, but if it helps, great. If not, no harm done.
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Though this is good info (thanks for pointing it out), I would highly suggest to leave UART as Modem, and just change USB to PDA.
Sometimes you may have issues with Tethering if you set the UART to PDA.
I have been a bit busy I appreciate the run down and will try it here tomorrow or its 2am so later today I also checked the 8778 and my usb is already set to what was specified.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

[UPDATED][Video] How To Root Transformer & Downgrade Honeycomb 3.1

Some prerequisites to the rooting process:
1) You must have a Windows 7 or XP for this tutorial.
2) You must have a micro SD card in your tablet throughout the procedure. It is safe to remove it AFTER you finish the ALL steps. There's no minimum size requirement but 2gb should be fine.
3) The files needed to root your device from here:
4) An Asus Transformer (16 or 32gb) running Honeycomb 3.0.1...SEE DOWNGRADE INSTRUCTIONS IF YOU ARE ON HONEYCOMB 3.1
5) Data cable
6) Me guiding you
Alright now that you have everything set, lets begin the rooting process!
1) You need to make sure your device has USB Debugging activated. To do this go to Setting>Applications>Development and make sure there is a check box next to USB Debugging. Leave the other two options unchecked.
2) Check what your Build Number is. Go to Settings>About Tablet>Build Number. Make a note. If it it says 0423 at the end (or anything after) then you use V5. If its anything below (ex. 0421) then you use V4. Got it?
3) Hook up your Transformer to your computer via the USB Cable. Avoid USB hubs if possible.
4) If you are using Windows 7 then the drivers will install automatically. I have provided you with the link to the drivers here:
4) Download & Install the Asus Sync software. I know its annoying to have to install bloatware that you will probably never use but in this case, your Windows machine will not detect your device without it.
5) Insert the MicroSD card into your Transformer and make sure that the tablet recognizes it. I have had issues with some cards not being detected.
6) Now we need to download the Android SDK. You can download it here.
7) Install the Java Developer Kit if you dont have it already. You can find it here:
Even after you install the JDK the SDK installer might say that its not installed. Just click back then next again (or restart the installer again) and it should work-Thanks Codiox
8) Install the SDK to the root of your hard drive and put it in a folder called Android. This means when you click the local disk C: drive the first folder you should see is the Android folder. This will make using the command prompt simple.
9) Go to Start>All Programs>Android SDK and click in the SDK Manager. When you're presented with the option to install all updates (and you have time to do so) let it all install. All you really need though is the Android SDK Provision tools update. You can hit cancel once that is installed successfully.
10) Open up the command prompt
11) Lets being with the terminal commands. Make sure you press the ENTER button after every command line. You can copy and paste the commands if you want; if you do so, you dont need to press enter to go to the next line.
adb devices
make sure your device is detected
adb push gingerbreakBB /data/local/
adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/gingerbreakBB
adb shell
you will get a $ sign.
nothing will happen at first, but after about 5 minutes, you will see a long list of "vold" commands....let this run its course...go grab a sandwich or something.
If for some reason it says permission denied, try running these commands immediately after running the
command. DO THIS ONLY IF YOU GET PERMISSION DENIED LIKE IN MY VIDEO! If you didnt get the permission denied error, continue to step 20.
rm /data/local/tmp/boomsh
then type.
rm /data/local/tmp/sh
then redo step 16 again which is
20. After about 7-10 minutes you will be presented with a # sign. THIS IS GOOD!
21. Open ANOTHER command prompt window; the same way you opened the first one. DO NOT FOR ANY REASON CLOSE THE FIRST COMMAND PROMPT. LEAVE IT OPEN IN THE BACKGROUND!
22. type
adb devices
23. PAY ATTENTION HERE! Remember when I told you to look at your build number? We need that information now. If your tablet has a build number ON OR AFTER 0423 then use this command
adb push CWM_BLOB_V5 /data/local
If it has a build number BEFORE 0423 (ie. 0422) then use this command
adb push CWM_BLOB_V4 /data/local
24. Whatever number you used above, you will continue to use it throughout the installation! REPLACE THE # SIGN WITH WHATEVER YOUR NUMBER ABOVE WAS; EITHER 4 OR 5.
adb pull /data/local/CWM_BLOB_V# cwmblob_retransfer
25. Return BACK to the PREVIOUS command prompt that had the # sign just sitting there.
26. Type
dd if=/data/local/CWM_BLOB_V# of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4
Replace # with your number (4 or 5)
adb shell
29. Your device will reboot now. This will take a bit longer than a normal reboot so be patient.
adb remount
adb push su /system/xbin
adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/
adb shell
THAT'S IT! Congratulations! You have successfully rooted your Asus Transformer. I hope this tutorial made it simple for you. Let us know if you have any questions!
Credit Goes To Androidroot.mobi devs for the original rooting process.
Original Thread:
+1 Thanks!
So its a no go on vista 64 bit
combat goofwing said:
So its a no go on vista 64 bit
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sorry i keep forget that Vista existed at one point ...yes it should work fine on vista
Does anyone know when it will get 3.1 support?
PatrikSelin said:
Does anyone know when it will get 3.1 support?
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Not until someone updates the modifies blob files for 3.1. However you can use this how-to to root the 3.0.1 build then flash a 3.1 ROM. Unless you're on 3.1 now with no root...then ur SOL for just a but longer
Sent from my ThunderBolt using Tapatalk
damn,!!!!! awsome post should be sticky, thank u for your support and work
Added to ultimate thread. Nice job.
Should be in the dev section as a sticky.
Trouble installing development kit
I installed the Java SE Development Kit 6 Update 25 (64-bit) but when I try to run the SDK tools setup it says the JDK is not found. The Development Kit shows up in my programs and I've installed it and reinstalled it about 3 times now, including downloading a fresh file and rebooting my computer. Is that the wrong file? I'm running Windows7 on a 64-bit computer. TIA - sheureka
PatrikSelin said:
Does anyone know when it will get 3.1 support?
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If you have root already you can update to 3.1 using the modified update that is floating around here. Sorry I don't have a link.
sheureka said:
I installed the Java SE Development Kit 6 Update 25 (64-bit) but when I try to run the SDK tools setup it says the JDK is not found. The Development Kit shows up in my programs and I've installed it and reinstalled it about 3 times now, including downloading a fresh file and rebooting my computer. Is that the wrong file? I'm running Windows7 on a 64-bit computer. TIA - sheureka
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just click on the "back" button, then the "next" button and you'll be fine. its a known bug.
Good write up. There are two problems. You do not give credit to the source of the root method (apache/bumblebee and rayman) and they specifically asked that their method not be reposted, only linked.
If you watched the video you would know that I took a minute to thank the developers of over at androidroot.mobi (which include all the people you just mentioned). As for their files, I respected their wishes... again I specifically said this in the video that I will honor their wishes. The link on my site takes them directly to their site. I do not host any of their files. As for the write up itself, this is my variation of their work. I wrote everything you see in my own words so newbies will understand it without confusion. Their procedure didn't work for me so I just tweaked it to make it work for me and decided to share. I'm not trying to steal their work, I think people here know my true intentions. I just wanted to help and promote my site a little. I hope that clears up everything. I will add additional credit on the main page so there's no confusion.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Well, I got to [*] vold: 0085 GOT start: 0x00017368 GOT end:0x000175e8 (right after the donate and thanks stuff and nothing ran. I went ahead to went to the other command screen and did that stuff, hoping something would shake lose. Exploit did not take a while. In fact nothing happened at all. I'm not sure what to do - should I reboot the tablet to see what happens or just unplug and start all over. Any ideas?
I just saw that someone over on AsusTransform site has exactly the same problem. I did unplug and everything seems to be running fine (though it's obviously not rooted) but it's a little scary.
sheureka said:
Well, I got to [*] vold: 0085 GOT start: 0x00017368 GOT end:0x000175e8 (right after the donate and thanks stuff and nothing ran. I went ahead to went to the other command screen and did that stuff, hoping something would shake lose. Exploit did not take a while. In fact nothing happened at all. I'm not sure what to do - should I reboot the tablet to see what happens or just unplug and start all over. Any ideas?
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I have another person on my forum with the same issue. What was your battery life when you attempted this? His was below 20%. Are u using a USB hub? My recommendations are to reboot, try a different usb port, charge the tab above 50% if its low and try again. You most likely need to do steps 17-19 since you pushed the gingerbreak file already. Let me kknow iif that works.
ayman07 said:
If you watched the video you would know that I took a minute to thank the developers of over at androidroot.mobi (which include all the people you just mentioned). As for their files, I respected their wishes... again I specifically said this in the video that I will honor their wishes. The link on my site takes them directly to their site. I do not host any of their files. As for the write up itself, this is my variation of their work. I wrote everything you see in my own words so newbies will understand it without confusion. Their procedure didn't work for me so I just tweaked it to make it work for me and decided to share. I'm not trying to steal their work, I think people here know my true intentions. I just wanted to help and promote my site a little. I hope that clears up everything. I will add additional credit on the main page so there's no confusion.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
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Video and writeup are 2 different things. Thanks for adding the credit.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
My battery was about 80% and I'm directly plugged into my desktop. - sheureka
sheureka said:
My battery was about 80% and I'm directly plugged into my desktop. - sheureka
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I apologize, I was mistaken. This will not work on the following firmware
There is currently no way to root this and I dont think theres a way to downgrade either. I will adjust my post. Sorry about that :-( your tab is fine though. No harm done.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Never mind.

{Q} CM7 Nook Color not recoginzed in either Linux or Windows

Hello, I have CM 7.0.3 encore with the overclocked kernel on my nook. Lately I have not been able to get the thing to connect to my computer in either windows or Linux. (It's XP and "Lucid Lynx" 10.04 Ubuntu if that helps)
If I connect my cable to either the front of back USB ports (because I have tried both under both OSs) at best I get my windows install to see and start to run auto hardware install. This, of course does not work and the machine will inform me that my new hardware (which it correctly ids as a nook until this point) may not work correctly. And, it does not. It displays as 'removable drive' and clicking on it pulls up an 'insert disk please' message.
In Ubuntu the Nook will show up as B&N Ereader. Both SD cards (the internal and the card in slot) show as the same thing. Clicking on them brings up a message that this drive is not a folder and cannot be opened as such.
This thread leads me to think that there should be a notification in windows about the usb being connected...and as soon as I post this I will be restarting to check that... but I really rather do this under Ubuntu. ETA. This does not work for me. Canceling the install software wizard does not work either. (I have been uninstalling the faulty installs each time and rebooting the comp without the nook attached. Oh, and the Nook IS awake too. )
Searches bring up nothing, and I'm a bit lost.
I must be missing something so basic and simple no one has had this issue but me. I mean, Android is a Linux variant, right? They should be able to talk to one another!??
If your trying to accomplish what I think you are then it doesn't matter what your computers says. Plug your Nook into the PC and open your notifications window. There should be a USB icon on the status bar waiting for your input. Just follow the prompts.
Given you have gone through the process of installing the Android SDK, in Linux, from the terminal you need to change to your target folder to
then you need to log in as root and kill, then start the server. make sure to exit root when you are done.
su : enter password
# ./adb kill-server
# ./adb start-server
# exit
then it should pick it up.
I have the same problem as OP and went crazy trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. It's not as simple as everyone suggests.
To be clear I'm using Linux, Ubuntu Natty. I have a Samsung Vibrant also running CM7 nightlies. Start adb, plug in Vibrant, shows up in adb devices list without any problem. Plug in the NC no device in adb. running lsusb there is no android vendorID for the NC but there is for the Vibrant. The NC only shows a vendorID for the mass storage just like the OP says.
The NC is booting with CM7 nightlie on the SD card, not eMMC. Will that make a difference?
IFLATLINE, Thing is, there is no notification popup on my Nook for me to tap.
neidlinger, I will be trying that ASAP. I do not have that installed... I'm rather new to Linux.
I did manage to brick the nook trying to update the build last night so I'm in the middle of reflashing it. So, as soon as I finish making a boot micro SD (I know, I should just have one I keep for this but I don't) I will be flashing phiremod's version of CM7 on the nook.
digver, I did find somewhere on here that the OC kernel was causing some people grief and that once they removed it they had no issues connecting the the computer... but I think they were windows. I'm not sure if that will fix this very annoying little problem.
katsrevenge said:
neidlinger, I will be trying that ASAP. I do not have that installed... I'm rather new to Linux.
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personally i <3 linux. It's the only way to fly esp with dealing with Androids. Android Central has a GREAT write up on how to install the SDK on your Linux unit.
I'll have to look up the link @ home. I'm at work and WebSense blocks 99% of everything.

Motion Sense Radar Bypass

Hello everyone! I'm looking some advice from the wise about bypassing the region restrictions for the Soli Radar (Motion Sense) in my Pixel 4. I am pretty new at running ADB (Android Debug Bridge) from my Windows PC. That said, I'm sure I overlooked something very simple. I can't get the commands to work at all. I followed the XDA YouTube video step by step on how to install and setup the SDK Platform tools on my PC. As well as how to prepare my device to receive commands from my PC. But it fails every time. I'm pretty sure that I'm just running the ADB incorrectly, but I don't know. I have only been able to find instructions on how to install and setup the SDK package. But no clear instructions on how exactly to utilize it. Again, I've never done this before. I am running the latest version on Android 10 on my phone and my PC is running Windows 10. And before running any commands, I verified that the device is in fact attached to the PC by running "adb devices" first. I wish there was an option to attach a screenshot of failure message I'm getting. But it says:
setprop: failed to set property 'pixel.oslo.allowed_override' to 'true'
I get this same failure when I run the alternative command line as well. And I have tried both command prompt and Power Shell and receive the same failure message. Anything advice that can be shot my way would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
First check the windows 10 device manager to confirm that your device and computer are successfully connected.
Then try to replace with a new data cable, a USB 2.0 cable may be better.
Is the phone bootloader unlocked or have you rooted it yet? Honestly I am not sure if either of those are required for the changes, but I suspect they are. If you haven't rooted the phone yet, then I bet you don't have the correct privileges to make those kind of changes to the phone.

