<removedddddddd> - Acer Iconia A500


you should be more clear as to what problem you are talking about... I under stand now, but you make no real mention as to what it is. you will help a lot more people if they know what you are trying to help with. just a friendly suggestion

n1nj4dude said:
you should be more clear as to what problem you are talking about... I under stand now, but you make no real mention as to what it is. you will help a lot more people if they know what you are trying to help with. just a friendly suggestion
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Thanks for your advice, i have made modification to the post

You can also use vpn.tenacy.com/public which provide free L2TP proxies located on the US. You also need to clear market data everytime you change this.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

it sounds a good news,but,
if you buy a chinese edition ,just like me,
you will .....i can t find any word to describe this feeling.
in china ,since the bad relation between the gov and google,
we have no google service in mianland.
the search sever is located in hk.
there is even no android markert in my device.
so,your solution cant work with this situation,well,it is not our fault.
when i can get the 3.1 update,i will use an us rom and your way to solve this problem.
in china ,we cant talk about this situation,the gov want to contral everything.
the gov said he need to check the search result within google to make sure there are no harmful information in the result.
harmful does not mean violent or adult movies,it is checked for political reason.
google said NO, so he quit ,
after that ,there is no google service in our mainland.


{TOUCH-INNOVATION.com}Touch friendly programs for windows mobile! NEW Mob site + MORE

Okay you all know i've been working on this website for a few weeks now. This means staying up till 3-4am in the morning, coding non-stop. By the fall of this week, it will be released to the public as a beta for 1-2 days where bugs can be submitted so I can fix it up, to make it a pleasant experience for the user!
Okay so edit again And yes IT's ALL FINISHED!!!!!!
All that needs to be done is to add categorys and content via the admin panel, but i need people to help me out (its a big job)! If you don't want to help all the time, at least help me get through the forums so after i've seen them all I can keep on top, because atm i'm under a huge pile of stree (see what I mean)
Website is here: www.touch-innovation.com
See latest post for the new update
Thanks for letting me know about that ,
But it's not very advanced, and doesn't have a lot of stuff.
Napbree said:
First of all, I am a website designer & coder.
I have the biggest urge to make a website, dedicated for the HTC Touch, and provide people with the best registry hacks/tweaks. The good programs - and link back here to download them. Etc.
I'd provide a forum for support on all of this as well. I was wondering, who would use this site, and support it? And, is there a website like this all ready?
If this website did get alot of support, and became popular, I would expand it further too other HTC devices
What would the website contain?
- Home cooked ROMS
- Original ROMS
- Games
- Programs
- Registry Hacks
- Themes
(if you have any suggestions please let me know)
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What better site than the one your on?!?!?!?!?
This is a awesome site, it's just to cluttered, if you see what I mean. You have to file through them all to find things you want, and then when you find something you need, you dont know if it's the latest version etc.
And this isn't the only good site, there's ipmart etc. and this is my way of trying to merge them all together
It will have a way to add your own stuff, so it's like the users own little admin panel, except everything they do, has to be rectified by the admin
So I just thought I'd simplify the process.
Bump... Surely more people want this?!
If you look at the number of members and posts at SprintTouch.net, I'd say there isn't much interest in a stand alone site. By comparison, SprintMogul.net dwarfs st.n. Granted, the Mogul has been out longer than the Touch, for Sprint anyway. Phones come and go all the time, so I'd think you'd be better off creating a site that's manufacturer or OS specific.
Well that's because you have to register. The site I will make, you won't have to register. It will be simple and quick
iam in
heyyyy whats up man
i like the idea i was thinkin the same open website and i guess we can make good work i work programmer and i have 2 desingers and one for adobe and the 2nd flash
any way i would like to say iam with u from nw but the xda is the best and will stay the best if u dont mind gimme ur yahoo id and ill contact with you .
It's good to know that lot's of people have wanted to do this It means there's a lot of interest. I have contacted you
So far, I have dont the main page - everything's going to be dynamic, and fetched from the mysql db.
It's coming along nicely I think it should be done within 1-2weeks - if I put my mind to it!
you're a bit too late)) http://xda-developers.com
Does no-one read my first post
I am compiling a site, of everything here, and other forums. It is somewhere where you dont have to register. And you dont have to go through lots of messy threads
In the long run it will be better :0
Napbree said:
Does no-one read my first post
I am compiling a site, of everything here, and other forums. It is somewhere where you dont have to register. And you dont have to go through lots of messy threads
In the long run it will be better :0
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Lets go. Sounds good.
So far, I have done the basics - news system, categorys, sub categorys, descriptions, and download/view details page. I am currently going over everything now, to implement more features etc.
It's coming along really nicely!
you say that you dont need to register to use the site, but if you want to download from say Xda-Developers, then you need a username and password!
Yeah I have that one covered as well!
Usually, if someone post's something, they supply a download link to say fileshare, I can provide that. And if I am allowed, and I give proper credit to this site, surely I can upload myself, and give a download link?
Napbree said:
Yeah I have that one covered as well!
Usually, if someone post's something, they supply a download link to say fileshare, I can provide that. And if I am allowed, and I give proper credit to this site, surely I can upload myself, and give a download link?
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How would you make sure the version you are offering is the most current one?
Well, I would keep everything updated, I roam these forums everyday, so I won't miss anything. And If the people who said they want o help are commited they can help.
I might create a php bot, to search for the highest number, shouldn't be too hard
So far, pretty much everything that the user see's is finished! I am just tweaking the rating system - for now, no comments.
But I still have the admin panel to do, but I can still put the website live and add everything via phpmyadmin. I don't like to keep people waiting.
If anyone has donations, then donating to my paypal would be great, and I will add you to my affliates which means more visits to your website
My paypal is booboonathan[[(at)]]gmail[[(dot)]]com (remove the ( and [[ )
Okay - I had to postpone due to family issues and such, and well i've come back but I don't know if I should waist the rest of my time doing this website. Its practically done - Minus a design and just need to implement a few cool effects such as ratings, comments and screesnhots etc.
I have big planns for this website (no wait, rephrase. I had big plans) But I need to know if any of you would use this website? It will be a simple layout, and much easier to get access too.. It will also have news feeds to it's far easier to be able too check if something has been updated.
Hasn't that ever annoyed you? When you see a cool program and you isntall it but you don't realise it's had an update - and you have to go routing through the messy forums (sorry, but it's true - this is a forum, they're all messy) and look for the latest one?!
Either way please tell me if you would use it, it would be free of course

Developer wanted

Developer wanted to build gps tracklng app. PM me.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
Google Latitude already does this.
www . google . com/latitude/apps/history
You should post a bit more information about what you're trying to do if you want to get serious developers interested. For example, are you commissioning an app, or are you wanting to partner with someone to develop something? If the latter, do you know anything about programming? If you don't, what would you bring to the table? Just a good idea probably isn't enough to warrant a 50% share in whatever is made. All this can be given without having to disclose what your idea itself.
(If you *are* getting serious developers interested, then ignore me! )

[Q]Should I publish a local application international?

Hi there,
I would like to know if is has disadvantages in your opinion to publish a local app for other countries then where the app is meant for?
I don't want negative comments in the market like: I can't use this app in this country, but on the other hand we would like to target at some people who live at the borders of my country.
Specially the experiences from other companies are really interesting to me!
Sorry when this is the wrong place to ask, but it seems that there should be some of you with some experience about this!
Thank you for your reply!
I haven't tried this myself, but I think as long as you make a very clear note that the app is only useful in your country in the Market description, it should be ok. The reason I think you should still make it international is that people who live in another country but who are planning to come to yours might want it, if for example it has transport or touristy information.
thanks! We are not sure yet what to do... Mentioning it in de application description seems not so professional to us. Maybe we can make a note in the application itself.
have you seen the comments in the android market? if you don't mention it in the app description then you are going to be bombarded with low ratings and bad comments from people who are wasting their time downloading it.
^^don't want to sound like a douche, but anything to curb useless/repetitive market comments is seen as professional in my eyes
I think you should make it international and should also mention it in the description.
But people are still going to download it without reading the description or title or looking at the icon or screen shots and then complain that it lagged their phone and doesn't work at all, one star.

Everyone help join in and make google do this!!!!

guys, i started a discussion on GOOGLES FORUM regarding the implementation of google voice. PLEASE, add this. I use this so much, as do my colleagues, that im baffled by it not being used, especially since we all have ported numbers, it would be picture perfect. even if you dont have it....please just agree on the forum for them to add it so they can see the consumer need of it.
thank you CLICK BELOW (also please respond on this thread to let us all know you are helping the cause)
I would be tempted to PAY people to post there, I am so sick of them NOT adding these functions to the tablets due to US carrier greed and stupidity.
posted there...
Its moving fast!
Thank you guys. keep it going, google will listen. and even IF they were going to implement it...this will help them let us know..cause honestly..the suspense is killer.
Lets Go!
dudeimgeorge said:
guys, i started a discussion on GOOGLES FORUM regarding the implementation of google voice. PLEASE, add this. I use this so much, as do my colleagues, that im baffled by it not being used, especially since we all have ported numbers, it would be picture perfect. even if you dont have it....please just agree on the forum for them to add it so they can see the consumer need of it.
thank you CLICK BELOW (also please respond on this thread to let us all know you are helping the cause)
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Help me understand how you want to use this with the Xoom. I know a little about Google Voice but I do not integrate it with my current phone... only play with it on the side.
Ok I read that thread. Someone help me understand something... do you guys want to carry around your Xoom and use it as your phone? Why?
I have no plans to stop using my Nexus One. I feel like a loser because I don't understand the big deal here. Someone explain it to me like I'm a child.
jesus christ no
ok clearly you dont get it. not a big deal.
its more then that, lets say im on my tablet, phone not near me
voice mails get transcribed/organized from it as well as textmessages (that are done through data!)
everything can be starred, controlled and archived
meaning you can organize your information on a much better level.
you can control how a voicemail are answered for particular people, have a do not disturb time as well.
you can download voice mails and phonecall recordings, and mail them.
its not so i can have a oversized phone. its just much, much more than that, and so convenient, so i can have that information on me and control it.
I hope this helped. you should try youtubing google voice videos to see just how amazing it is.
if you dont find it to fit your needs i understand (or you probably didnt really read more into it, i just got into it last year and pretty much got ALOT of people in it as well)
please help at least on the forum, much appreciated.
Yes, I'm looking forward to the day I can hold my Xoom to my head while walking through NYC and talking to my friends
I use GV on my ipad as I'll get text messages on that number. The GV client is for the iphone and doesn't scale up as nicely but it works. Also, I find it easier to listen to email and take notes on the larger screen.
Posted. Thanks for the link, that was quick and simple to add a reply on.
Lets cross our fingers!
I would've put money on this being an app Google would've included with the launch of 3.0. Posted.
Totally needs to be ported over.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
11 chars
Yeah can't believe that it's not implemented...posted
Off to throw in my comment. Count me into the people who don't use GV for voice, but for SMS and retrieving my VoiceMail. I'm in Europe a couple of times a year and this lets me stay connected to people in the States as it all works on WiFi too.
I'll bet that the only reason the .APK is FCing is 'cause it's tripping over the APIs needed for telephony, which probably aren't in a tablet-only codebase (right now). It might be as simple (OK, probably not ) as commenting that code out?
How about you just use it via the browser for now? Like how it was done on iPhone before apple let the app on the market.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
... because if I'm going to have to manually check my browser every few minutes to see if I've gotten an SMS, it somewhat defeats the point doncha think? I've moved nearly everything that sends SMS (even my credit cards and my airlines) to GV SMS because you're not tied to any particular carrier.
Luckily I'm still carrying an Android phone so I get my notifications there, but I've piled on in the request thread so that they can hopefully get what must be a relatively-straightforward fix in before I have to leave the States again- I'd like to be able to use my Xoom for everything while abroad.
keep it going
decent amount of people have posted, im surpised google mods havent replied. ive seen them do some swift replies else where for the most part too...intresting
I've never used it but there again, I've never owned an Android-based device. Just wanted to support your endeavors!

Android Market not working on my device

Hey guys,
I've had my sgs2 for about a week now, and i have not yet been able to successfully open Android Market.
As soon as i press on the Market icon, a white page opens up that says "loading" and it stays like that for a while, then suddenly my screen goes back to the android home screen.
-Same result using 3G and WiFi
-Google account added to device (contacts synced successfully)
No idea how to solve this.
This is obviously a single case problem, but i would really appreciate any solutions from the bright minds that frequent this forum.
trancer_84 said:
Hey guys,
I've had my sgs2 for about a week now, and i have not yet been able to successfully open Android Market.
As soon as i press on the Market icon, a white page opens up that says "loading" and it stays like that for a while, then suddenly my screen goes back to the android home screen.
-Same result using 3G and WiFi
-Google account added to device (contacts synced successfully)
No idea how to solve this.
This is obviously a single case problem, but i would really appreciate any solutions from the bright minds that frequent this forum.
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With an issue like that I would just try flashing a new ROM. I take it you are on stock and have already performed a factory reset? Another quick test would be to wipe the application cache from firstly the settings --- application menu and failing that just wiping the phone cache from recovery. If these steps don't work then reflash your ROM. It may also be worth trying another G account as means of ruling out any issues solely with your email address. Only worth doing if the problem persists though.
If you are not wanting to root you can just reflash official firmware but why not check out a custom ROM seeing as your hand is being forced! Head over to the Development Section and check out the guides for flashing with ODIN.
Before flashing a new ROM, try the following...
From the home screen, go to menu, settings, applications, manage applications and find the market in the list (look in the "all" tab, not the default "downloaded" tab).
In there, click "clear data" and (if not greyed out) click "clear cache".
Now try running the market app.
If that doesn't work, I'd recommend a hard reset before flashing a different ROM. You shouldn't just assume a software issue needs a new ROM. If everyone else using the same ROM has the same problem then fair enough, but I don't see hoards of xda members complaining about the market not working!
Good luck mate - hope this helps
Thanks for the suggestions mates!
Clearing data/cache did nothing.
Factory reset did nothing but annoy me
I have a pretty big hunch this problem is due to me being currently located in Syria.
(screw you google )
I'm going to flash VillainROM and try the Market Enabler app.
Hopefully that will solve it and give me access to the Market.
Will post an update if things work out, if anyone really cares
I had a problem with my market as well.
Did some of the things suggested above - Cleared data and cache under Manage Apps, etc. Asked a colleague to check on their phone - no problem. Ensured my data connection was working, etc, etc but to no avail. In the end I tried Wifi and it worked straight away. Switched off wifi and tried again - it continued to work
Anyway, I'd say your problem is more political than technical ...
Just wanted to post an update:
Finally got Android Market to work! :-D
I had to bypass google's block on android users from Syria by using Market Enabler to spoof my gsm provider (requires root). And then i had to use a VPN service to mask my ip (subscription required).
Overall im very happy, it just sucks that some people have to go through all this just to experience a standard feature of an android device.
And who says google isnt into politics? ;-) (thanks for the sanctions a$$holes)
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
trancer_84 said:
And who says google isnt into politics? ;-) (thanks for the sanctions a$$holes)
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yeah! go jihad on our american sorry [email protected]@es! Peace!
y still stick on official android market??
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
kreoXDA said:
yeah! go jihad on our american sorry [email protected]@es! Peace!
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Huh? Care to elaborate?
I was not insulting Americans. I am an American! So whats all this jihad bs you speak off?
I am calling those who impose and support sanctions a$$holes.
I call out imperialistic policies when i see them.
If you care to defend such policies and discuss this issue further, lets take it to a political forum. I will standy by and defend my statement till you are enlightend.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
trancer_84 said:
Huh? Care to elaborate?
I was not insulting Americans. I am an American! So whats all this jihad bs you speak off?
I am calling those who impose and support sanctions a$$holes.
I call out imperialistic policies when i see them.
If you care to defend such policies and discuss this issue further, lets take it to a political forum. I will standy by and defend my statement till you are enlightend.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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Sanctions on Syria are in part imposed by the US, so you called the US a$$holes, thus insulting me, and as an American you billed yourself an a$$hole too I guess.
I replied with "jihad" because I felt like countering a stupid ideologically charged and stereotypical message with another stereotyping message. I thought you would enjoy it.
Please keep this forum free of politics.
kreoXDA said:
Sanctions on Syria are in part imposed by the US, so you called the US a$$holes, thus insulting me, and as an American you billed yourself an a$$hole too I guess.
I replied with "jihad" because I felt like countering a stupid ideologically charged and stereotypical message with another stereotyping message. I thought you would enjoy it.
Please keep this forum free of politics.
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How was my remark stereotypical? lol. Your remark on the other hand clearly fits the description of stereotypical.
Not all Americans (my self included) support these sanctions.
If you support these sanctions then my previous remark applies to you as well.
If you care to back up your reasons for supporting such policies lets take it to a political forum.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
trancer_84 said:
How was my remark stereotypical? lol. Your remark on the other hand clearly fits the description of stereotypical.
Not all Americans (my self included) support these sanctions.
If you support these sanctions then my previous remark applies to you as well.
If you care to back up your reasons for supporting such policies lets take it to a political forum.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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some guy from Syria comes and calls my country "a$$holes" - believe me I went easy on you with the obviously obnoxious (and thus message-pointing, not actually heartfelt) jihad reference. I do not know and do not care how your use of the word "a$$holes" was justified in reference to my country especially not knowing it was your country too. I also do not care what your political views are, because this is not a political forum. So please stay off politics, please.
kreoXDA said:
some guy from Syria comes and calls my country "a$$holes" - believe me I went easy on you with the obviously obnoxious (and thus message-pointing, not actually heartfelt) jihad reference. I do not know and do not care how your use of the word "a$$holes" was justified in reference to my country especially not knowing it was your country too. I also do not care what your political views are, because this is not a political forum. So please stay off politics, please.
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Despite my clarification, you still misunderstand.
When did i call 'your' country an a$$hole? Do you know how to differentiate between foreign policies and the rest of America? Your political stances are not shared by all americans. So please dont speak on behalf of all americans.
Your unwillingness to discuss this issue on a political forum in order to defend your position or listen to someone else's point of view reveals your closed minded nature that does not accept criticism or the desire to learn something other than what is engrained in your brainwashed mind.
I might have put a can of worms on the table, but you opened it buddy
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Rofl, take it easy boys. Whether sanctions on Syria were imposed by US or not it's not part of this debate. And if these sanctions stop an Android user from accessing the market then you gotta admit it's a bit retarded
guys, come on, GTFO to some political forum and discuss your obviously matching political views there. thank you very much! let this be the last post on the subject.
OP, go on, the thread is yours again.
Sorry to be off-topic, i thought my point is not a political view, but a common sense statement. Accessing google shouldn't be political, if you think otherwise than it's you right to believe so. And that's my last post here as well. Have fun oppressing syrian android users
trancer_84 said:
Just wanted to post an update:
Finally got Android Market to work! :-D
I had to bypass google's block on android users from Syria by using Market Enabler to spoof my gsm provider (requires root). And then i had to use a VPN service to mask my ip (subscription required).
Overall im very happy, it just sucks that some people have to go through all this just to experience a standard feature of an android device.
And who says google isnt into politics? ;-) (thanks for the sanctions a$$holes)
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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hi trancer_84
may i ask you which VPN service you used? is it paid public service or something private? i am asking coz i'v tried 2 company's who provide vpn solution till yet and both of them seems to be already blocked !
can you give the name please? i am welling to spend for this
hi mate i live in syria too and i am having a problem with the same things but cant get a vpn working on my phone can you help me or just recommend some kind of vpn or anything that would be nice from you
use pandapow[.com] tested and working in syria 100%
yaskot Bashar
Go into settings you're looking market applications and delete the data cache and restart and open it you should work

