Google talk - Xperia Play General

When is the xperia play getting the new google talk with video chat??
Sent from my R800i using XDA Premium App

waynebampton said:
When is the xperia play getting the new google talk with video chat??
Sent from my R800i using XDA Premium App
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If you are rooted, then you can just flash on the newer libs and GTalk app versions.
That said, currently the _ONLY_ phones with the new GTalk with Video are the Nexus S and Nexus S 4G. _NO OTHER PHONES HAVE IT_ Everybody else who has it either had it built into their custom ROM or GApps builds, or they flashed it on themselves.
So if you are waiting for it to show up on a stock update, be prepared to wait a long time.

ryocoon said:
If you are rooted, then you can just flash on the newer libs and GTalk app versions.
That said, currently the _ONLY_ phones with the new GTalk with Video are the Nexus S and Nexus S 4G. _NO OTHER PHONES HAVE IT_ Everybody else who has it either had it built into their custom ROM or GApps builds, or they flashed it on themselves.
So if you are waiting for it to show up on a stock update, be prepared to wait a long time.
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Not sure if Paul has fixed the GTalk Video app he supplied for the Play and others, the changes it makes to build.prop killed some of the apps on my handset. had to restore to get them working again.
make sure you have a full back up before running it! couldn't see the thread he posted in on here.
found it -


[App] Working Netflix apk

Good news everyone! Netflix finally has an app for android!
The lovely xda gurus even modified it to stop the device check.
Download the second one (device check disabled), install, login and enjoy!
I have already watched 2 eps of invader zim while on my lunch break!
It is work fine on my p509 w/CM7, so hopefully it will work with all optimus one versions.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
eigokyoukan said:
Good news everyone! Netflix finally has an app for android!
The lovely xda gurus even modified it to stop the device check.
Download the second one (device check disabled), install, login and enjoy!
I have already watched 2 eps of invader zim while on my lunch break!
It is work fine on my p509 w/CM7, so hopefully it will work with all optimus one versions.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
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What about the people who is not live in the US?
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
Thanks! This works great for me. I tried out a few different programs and everything seems to be working.
What kind of bandwidth does Netflix use on a mobile device? When I stream music I use about 60-70 MB/hour. I am wondering if this is something I can use outside my home or just when I have access to wifi.
installs fine, stream starts, but has the "chipmunk" audio issue (playback twice fast), as well as the green bar at the top issue. (P509, rom void#echo, with hwacc.)
morchu said:
installs fine, stream starts, but has the "chipmunk" audio issue (playback twice fast), as well as the green bar at the top issue. (P509, rom void#echo, with hwacc.)
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Yeah.. some people have had this issue across different models of phone.
Personally, on CM7 from mik, it works fine for me. I wonder if it 2x on froyo and not gingerbread.
So far as bandwidth taken, I don't know yet. I have only done it on wifi so I haven't been paying much attention.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
eigokyoukan said:
Yeah.. some people have had this issue across different models of phone.
Personally, on CM7 from mik, it works fine for me. I wonder if it 2x on froyo and not gingerbread.
So far as bandwidth taken, I don't know yet. I have only done it on wifi so I haven't been paying much attention.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
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I simply have no video on my P500h.
I tried OC'ing to 768 with no luck...
Audio is fine.
same issue here
shotgun32 said:
What about the people who is not live in the US?
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same question

Netflix disappeared from the market

Well, we all know by now that Netflix streaming isn't working with Gingerbread + Sense on our Evos, but now it looks like Netflix pulled the app entirely from the market for us. I've tried searching for it on my phone, and it doesn't show up. When I searched for it in the market on my computer, it says my device isn't compatible.
I hope this means they took it down to fix it, not that they're dropping support for us completely...
Netflix has already told us they are working on a fix. Check twitter or call them. Guy on phone told me their engineers are working with HTC to get this resolved.
I noticed that too, I figured there will be an update soon or theres a bug in the app.
Yeah, it was on there long enough for me to install it, now it's not on there, or on my list of installed apps.
And when an app isn't compatible with the os version you are running it wont show up in your app catalog. The are 3.0 only apps and apps that aren't available in the US that we never see.
Sent From The Tree House Out Back!
I'm on cm7 and the app no longer works for me, whereas it worked flawlessly before today. It says my device is "deactivated"
lakers1624 said:
I'm on cm7 and the app no longer works for me, whereas it worked flawlessly before today. It says my device is "deactivated"
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same for me
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Still have it and it works CM7.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
haha i didn't update and checked and its gone even from my market.
thankfully still works. I'd imagine by the time my rom gets the update netflix will have the fix in place. Shouldn't take them too long to fix the app. It's clearly a Netflix problem as their app checks the device before allowing streaming to work. Would think that since they are currently specific to device and OS combo's that they only need to add the EVO on 2.3.3 to the accepted list in a sense....
Yeah, Evo is removed now under list of compatible devices.
Thursday... i tried a GB+sense3 ROM... i found the Netflix app in the market.
but was not able to try it.. due to bad data connection.
because of other issues... i went back to WarmZ (froyo with sense)
just checked to see.. and netflix is not there!
glad i still have it
Newklearx3 said:
Still have it and it works CM7.
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Same here, Netflix 1.2.1 CM
kamtsa said:
Same here, Netflix 1.2.1 CM
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Doesn't show up in my market anymore but the app still streams on CM I wonder if updating the radios has anything to do with the app not working?

[Q] Skype 2.0 and Nexus S Video

So I installed the new update today but dont see any video option. Voice works great but that is it. Anyone else? My phone is rooted.
mikeruoc said:
So I installed the new update today but dont see any video option. Voice works great but that is it. Anyone else? My phone is rooted.
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I see the video icon next to video capable contacts.
krohnjw said:
I see the video icon next to video capable contacts.
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Are you rooted?
mikeruoc said:
Are you rooted?
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Unlocked and rooted yes. Stock rom though. If you're running a custom rom it may be doing a check on build.prop for enabling features.
krohnjw said:
Unlocked and rooted yes. Stock rom though. If you're running a custom rom it may be doing a check on build.prop for enabling features.
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Stock ROM. I just changed the radio to remove the upload cap for ATT. Otherwise completely stock.
Stock ROM. Not working for me.
Are you guys both on AT&T/i9020a?
Works for me on the i9020t, stock rom, netatchy kernel
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
krohnjw said:
Are you guys both on AT&T/i9020a?
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Nope Sprint Nexus S4G
We are not supported
Works for me on infinity rom.
What gives better quality google talk video chat or skype
Works for me with NSCollab 1.0.34 with no problems. Of course, the other side has to be able to participate in a video call.
So I take it one-way video calling isn't possible? If so, that's a shame...
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
Video doesn't seem to work on my i9020A. (Not rooted, build GRJ22)
I figured the A was the issue. We are the red headed step child of the Nexus clan.
grifforama said:
We are not supported
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Works great for me running latest cm nightly with netarchys kernel. This is alot better than gtalks video chat
This works on my NS4G!!
Someone posted a working Skype apk in the 4g dev section
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Anyone got it working on MIUI ROM? I currently don't see any trace of video controls...
mikeyinid said:
Someone posted a working Skype apk in the 4g dev section
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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Still doesn't appear to work.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App

Skype For Android Gets Video

Awesome news! I wonder if it will have the sideways video issue of other video chat apps.
Skype For Android Gets Video
Widespread 3G and cheap Wi-Fi routers have made video calling popular. This has helped applications such as Fring get millions of users in very little time. To catch up with the competition, Skype has now released its version 2.0, capable of video chat for Android.
Right now, Skype 2.0 will only work on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) devices with front-facing cameras. The list of compatible devices includes the HTC Desire S, Sony Ericsson Xperia neo, Sony Ericsson Xperia pro, and the Google Nexus S. The company is also working on a plan to cover devices that have currently been left out. The application will work with Wi-Fi as well as 3G. It reportedly supports PC-to-mobile calls, which gives it an edge over the competition. According to Skype, the app also features a completely revamped UI.
If you happen to have a Gingerbread device, download Skype 2.0 here (see original article for link) . Otherwise, check out the following video.
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DCRocks said:
The list of compatible devices includes the HTC Desire S, Sony Ericsson Xperia neo, Sony Ericsson Xperia pro, and the Google Nexus S.
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no thanks.
i think the reason the Epic is not on there, is that GB has not been released for it yet, just like with Netflix
And just like with Netflix, I thought someone that is running the GB leak may want to test this out
Who knows, it may work on the leak, but we won't know until someone tests it.
I am still on SRF 1.1.0, otherwise I would try it myself, as I have been waiting for this for a while!
Got excited and tried it, no dice on video, no options anywhere for it. Wondering if the apk that get loaded from the market is different if you have a supported device.
Found this post:
Checking it out now.
So i think it works, if anyone wants to test add me as a contact and test, PM for my skype username.
It doesn't work, I can see now the camera logo but as soon I try to do video, the app force closed :S
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I also get a FC if on 4G.
lepapirriky said:
It doesn't work, I can see now the camera logo but as soon I try to do video, the app force closed :S
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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What rom? You need to be on the EF02 leak for this to work. I can't say for sure but when i did the test call from the only contact in there (Echo) I was able to see myself without any force closes. I wish someone else had this working to try it out with.
I'm still in froyo and stock.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Worked for me, Mobile to PC.
I tried to a PC but didn't tried to a mobil
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
formula84 said:
Got excited and tried it, no dice on video, no options anywhere for it. Wondering if the apk that get loaded from the market is different if you have a supported device.
Found this post:
Checking it out now.
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I used this APK and it is working great. I am on Stock EF02
I get the same FC on video calls on the Epic, but it works fine on my Evo 3D.
It works great for me on ef02. Very clear even on 3g. My guess is that you have to be on gingerbread just like with the netflix app.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

Cm7 app issues

After installing cm7 there is few apps that were gone from the store. Like whatsapp and Skype are no where to be found. Anyone else had this issue?
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G MB860 using XDA Premium App
You are of course referring to the alpha "pre-beta" build right? Have you tried ownloading those apps and installing them dirctly?
This happened to me with Whatsapp so I went to the official site and downloaded the apk. This fixed it, although the disappearance is puzzling.
its the way the market is reading the device ID. the apps aren't recognizing the phone as a compatible device.
Sent from my Atrix running CM7
Anthonok said:
its the way the market is reading the device ID. the apps aren't recognizing the phone as a compatible device.
Sent from my Atrix running CM7
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Yep. It's a combination of device/android version and or firmware.
The market sees you're on 2.3.5 and through some logic deems you incompatible if for instance they only know compatibility goes up to 2.3.4 .
Makes sense guys thanks. Got the APk for whatsapp, did not find Skype yet.
Anyone know where I can find a swipe keyboard for this?
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G MB860 using XDA Premium App
