[Q] Someone explain numbers in su permisions [SOLVED] - XPERIA X8 General

Yes, I used search but I didn't find any thread concerning those numbers in su permissions. Can somebody explain how to understand those? I usually see e.g. 777, 775, 666 without knowing what they mean

It's easy, you have 3 numbers every number correspond to an user
You have in this order owner, group, all.
if the permission is 765:
Owner = 7
7 in dec = 111 in binary
the file is readable, writable and executable by the owner
Group = 6
6 in dec = 110 in binary
the file is readable, writable and not executable by the group (owning the file)
all = 5
5 in dec = 101 in binary
the file is readable, not writable and executable by all

bensabin said:
It's easy, you have 3 numbers every number correspond to an user
You have in this order owner, group, all.
if the permission is 765:
Owner = 7
7 in dec = 111 in binary
the file is readable, writable and executable by the owner
Group = 6
6 in dec = 110 in binary
the file is readable, writable and not executable by the group (owning the file)
all = 5
5 in dec = 101 in binary
the file is readable, not writable and executable by all
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binary??? How do I turn dec to binary and vice versa?

bensabin said:
It's easy, you have 3 numbers every number correspond to an user
You have in this order owner, group, all.
if the permission is 765:
Owner = 7
7 in dec = 111 in binary
the file is readable, writable and executable by the owner
Group = 6
6 in dec = 110 in binary
the file is readable, writable and not executable by the group (owning the file)
all = 5
5 in dec = 101 in binary
the file is readable, not writable and executable by all
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Oh I got it

Well in fact, to be precise it's Octal and not decimal, but the explanation is the same.


Linux Kitchen setup help

Can someone tell me why I keep getting the directory error at the bottom on my linux box? Sorry am learning linux as i go. I created a zip directory under bin so not sure why I am still getting this error?
no files for configid 26220739write xip block starting at 81800000, with 3 fileswrite xip block starting at 81980000, with 0 filesthis rom seems to be 3.17.03 ENG 2003-05-15 o2eurothis bootloader seems to be V5.22 2003-05-15 17:46:5580000000 - 80040000 -- bootloader 0 files 1 modules80040000 - 8026a804 -- kernel 13 files 11 modules802c2000 - 8057d330 9 OS 15 files 32 modules80580000 - 8075a69c 8 SHELL 79 files 27 modules80780000 - 80a13b04 7 BROWSING 9 files 14 modules80a40000 - 80d8a33c 6 COREAPPS 46 files 30 modules80dc0000 - 80ebd150 5 SYNC 12 files 22 modules80ec0000 - 810388e0 4 24MAPPS 13 files 13 modules81080000 - 81348248 3 24MCONSUMER 69 files 1 modules81400000 - 814019a4 -- xip chain 10 xip entries81440000 - 817f6f14 1 MISC 209 files 40 modules81800000 - 8184ac20 10 XDA_DEVELOPERS1 3 files 0 modules81900000 - 81925800 -- bitmap : 101a301a .. beb6fc8d81940000 - 81960278 -- operator rom 10 files81980000 - 81981054 11 XDA_DEVELOPERS2 0 files 0 modules./mkrom.sh: /bin/zip: No such file or directory
It looks as though you do not have an appropriate ZIP program...
You may want to see if bzip2 will work instead of zip, or get the linux version of RAR.
The issue though, is you do not have /bin/zip, which is an executable file, not a directory.
Maybe someone can verify what compression executable to use instead of /bin/zip...
Ok got that resolved but now when doing zip it gets permission denied. Any other assistance is greatly appreciated. Then should be able to have yorch and company's kitchen running
I would verify that the user that is executing the shell (mkrom) has execute permissions to the zip program...
you can run (as root)
chmod 755 /usr/bin/bzip2
to change permissions on the bzip2 executable file.
That will give root all access, and everyone else read/execute access.
Also, if the zip program uses any temp directories, make sure the same user has read/write permissions to those directories as well (Probably not your problem, though)
Ok got that resolved....now here's what i get....is this a safe error or something I need to worry about? How can I correct it?
./mkrom.sh: ./tounicode: Permission deniedwrite xip block starting at 81720000, with 6 fileswrite xip block starting at 81cb0000, with 72 filesCan't exec "./dumprom": Permission denied at drparse.pl line 22.readline() on closed filehandle FH at drparse.pl line 24.Can't exec "./dumprom": Permission denied at drparse.pl line 22.readline() on closed filehandle FH at drparse.pl line 24.Can't exec "./dumprom": Permission denied at drparse.pl line 22.readline() on closed filehandle FH at drparse.pl line 24.!!! your rom is not known to me: md5: dad2e3cad6095282bf1d58ccf12171e8this bootloader seems to be V5.22 2003-05-15 17:46:55no operator rom found80000000 - 80040000 -- bootloader 0 files 1 modules80040000 - 8015df78 9 XIPKERNEL 5 files 5 modules80180000 - 80376f10 8 KERNEL 10 files 14 modules80380000 - 8064306c 7 OS 20 files 36 modules80670000 - 80be66a8 6 SHELL 107 files 88 modules80c00000 - 8102ce98 5 BROWSING 11 files 36 modules81050000 - 813ef114 4 COREAPPS 95 files 44 modules81400000 - 815d2238 3 EXAPPS 34 files 7 modules815f0000 - 8171bc7c 2 PHONE 56 files 19 modules81720000 - 8177ffe0 10 XDA_DEVELOPERS1 6 files 0 modules81780000 - 81781c34 -- xip chain 11 xip entries817c0000 - 81ca1b44 1 MISC 225 files 42 modules81cb0000 - 81d4eb7c 11 XDA_DEVELOPERS2 72 files 0 modules81ec0000 - 81ee5800 -- bitmap : ffffffff .. ffffffff../rom.exe: found a preamble of 35328 bytes adding: English/NK.nbf (deflated 44%)Archive: rom.exe;The comment below contains SFX script commandsSetup=start.batTempModeSilent=1Overwrite=1 Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- 0 Stored 0 0% 07-28-03 15:28 00000000 English/ 262144 Defl:N 11018 96% 05-20-02 18:27 f4419bea English/CLoader_serial.nb 262144 Defl:N 12683 95% 05-20-02 18:17 d576b33c English/CLoader_usb.nb 4608 Defl:N 1094 76% 07-17-02 17:22 578b9c86 English/GetConnectionType.dll 18432 Defl:N 7650 59% 04-24-02 15:44 e4ed8f0a English/remote_flash.exe 3584 Defl:N 856 76% 08-21-01 16:43 da38a539 English/SetSystemTime.dll 73728 Defl:N 36119 51% 07-09-03 07:09 95cf7c18 adaptrom.exe 155648 Defl:N 50839 67% 08-28-02 15:23 f5a4ac25 PROGRAMME A.exe 3548 Defl:N 1078 70% 08-28-02 15:25 65d98105 readme.rtf 25 Stored 25 0% 07-28-03 15:28 ecfe543d start.bat32505888 Defl:N 18306975 44% 10-11-03 21:28 34cc9720 English/NK.nbf-------- ------- --- -------33289749 18428337 45% 11 files
Looks like you have the same execute permission problem with the tounicode exe.
Try to fix that.
About the drparse.pl, I have to look at that file, to see what it is trying to do...
Ok, here is the line:
open FH, "./dumprom $romfile|";
Looks like it is trying to open (as a file) the output of the dumprom executable.
So, dumprom is failing, probably ... yes, I see it now..
Verify the permissions on dumprom as well...
In fact, all *.pl and *.sh files should have execute permissions, use the same command as above to set them.
This reply is a rambling one, I know, but I wrote is as I was doing the research.
Let me know if it helps you.
Here's what is weird. I have changed those permissions as you said previously and still get the same error. What's strange to me though is I can run the kitchen with rom ver 3 something, but all of the ver 4 roms come back with the error. Any idea as to what the cause of that might be?
btw jta thanks for all the help. If you have time and would like to look at the box for me I will get access to it for you. Thanks.
I got it all working now. Thank you thank you thank you very much for the help.
Ah, good to hear that you have it all working now!
So, when do we get to try it out?? (wink wink)
Very soon....we are now putting finishing touches with other software installs....so will be very very soon.....
cd /usr/local/bin
# ln -s /usr/bin/zip zip

[WinXP Script] Extend Search Companion

Annoyed by the fact that Search Companion doesn't return the text string you specified even though you indicated All Files & Folders?
This handy script allows you to extend the PersistenHandlers to include other extension. In my case, I added: provxml and rgu. Copy and paste the following code into notepad and save as a .VB script (ex: xp_persisthandler.vbs). Execute the script and specifiy the file extension you wish to include in Search Companion.
'Add files to Search for files containing text
'© Doug Knox - 11/04/2001
'This code may be freely distributed/modified
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim WshShell, N, P, P1, P2, ItemType, MyBox, FileType, Title, Prompt, RegKey, X
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
P1 = "\PersistentHandler\"
N = "{5e941d80-bf96-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}"
Prompt = "Enter the file extension for the file you wish to add." & vbCR
Prompt = Prompt & "Examples: txt, adm, inf"
Title = "Enter File Type"
FileType = InputBox(Prompt, Title, "")
If FileType = "" Then
MyBox = MsgBox("You left the box blank.",4096,"Error.")
Set WshShell = Nothing
'Check to see if there is already a PersistentHandler default value
RegKey = P & FileType & P1
X = WshShell.RegRead(RegKey)
End If
'MyBox = MsgBox("The PersistentHandler value for ." & FileType & " is: " & X,4096,"Results")
'Set WshShell = Nothing
If X = N Then
MyBox = MsgBox("This value already exists, and is correct." & vbCR & "No Changes were made.", 4096, "No Changes")
Set WshShell = Nothing
End If
If X <> N AND X <> "" Then
MyBox = MsgBox("The Persistent Handler value already exists and is different." & vbCR & "No changes were made.", 4096, "No Changes")
Set WshShell = Nothing
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WshShell.RegWrite RegKey, N
MyBox = MsgBox("The Registry has been updated." & vbCR & "Restart your computer.", 4096, "Done")
Set WshShell = Nothing
End If

CM7 MAC Address Fix

I could not post directly in the development thread as I joined simply to share my solution. If anyone can confirm and prepare a better guide please post to CM7 thread by whistelstop.
You will need your factory mac address.
MAC Addresses all being the same is due to the nvs_map.bin file required by the tiwlan driver. dmseg driver will tell you it is looking for it and defaulting mac address.
I am running CM7 mileage will vary in stock rom.
I used the calibration instructions in terminal emulator on cm7 Kindle as "su"
#wlan_cu –b
# / w p 1 l 2 f 2
# / t b v 21
# / t b t 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#/ q
New nvs_map.bin file will be ceated in /data/misc/wifi/
#cp /data/misc/wifi/nvs_map.bin to /sdcard/nvs_map.bin
connect to linux/windows host copy file to pc
open with hex editor I used xvi32 for windows.
link to my source for instruction for byte order and editing.
Short instructions:
Editing the MAC Address
After the TX BIP runs, there is a new file called nvs_map.bin in Linux that contains the MAC address and the calibration data. The document SWAA044_NVS_INI_File_Functions_AN.pdf contains the format of the NVS file. If MAC address fields are manually edited with a hex editor, the byte order should be low byte first, followed by the high byte:
MAC address low register (offset 0x01 to 0x02)
MAC address LSB (offset 0x3 to 0x06)
MAC address high register (offset 0x08 to 0x09)
MAC address MSB (offset 0x0A to 0x0D)
The MAC address LSB and MAC address MSB, respectively, are shown in bold in the
following code for 08:00:28:12:34:56:
0000: 01 6d 54 56 34 12 28 01 71 54 00 08
For 11:22:33:44:55:66:
0000: 01 6d 54 66 55 44 33 01 71 54 22 11 00 00
Using a hex editor, you should change the bold numbers to the MAC address you
want to use.
Be careful about byte order and look closely at examples.
Good Luck
Please confirm instructions yourself and use at your own risk
Just tried that and it worked beautifully!
Thanks for that - great find!
TheKid2 said:
I could not post directly in the development thread as I joined simply to share my solution. If anyone can confirm and prepare a better guide please post to CM7 thread by whistelstop.
You will need your factory mac address.
MAC Addresses all being the same is due to the nvs_map.bin file required by the tiwlan driver. dmseg driver will tell you it is looking for it and defaulting mac address.
I am running CM7 mileage will vary in stock rom.
As I can not post links you will need to google my text and find correct link (noob)
maybe a moderator can fix for me.
I used the calibration instructions in terminal as "su"
#wlan_cu –b
# / w p 1 l 2 f 2
# / t b v 21
# / t b t 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#/ q
New nvs_map.bin file will be ceated in /data/misc/wifi/
#cp /data/misc/wifi/nvs_map.bin to /sdcard/nvs_map.bin
connect to linux/windows host copy file to pc
open with hex editor I used xvi32 for windows.
link to my source for instruction for byte order and editing.
Short instructions:
Editing the MAC Address
After the TX BIP runs, there is a new file called nvs_map.bin in Linux that contains the MAC address and the calibration data. The document SWAA044_NVS_INI_File_Functions_AN.pdf contains the format of the NVS file. If MAC address fields are manually edited with a hex editor, the byte order should be low byte first, followed by the high byte:
MAC address low register (offset 0x01 to 0x02)
MAC address LSB (offset 0x3 to 0x06)
MAC address high register (offset 0x08 to 0x09)
MAC address MSB (offset 0x0A to 0x0D)
The MAC address LSB and MAC address MSB, respectively, are shown in bold in the
following code for 08:00:28:12:34:56:
0000: 01 6d 54 56 34 12 28 01 71 54 00 08
For 11:22:33:44:55:66:
0000: 01 6d 54 66 55 44 33 01 71 54 22 11 00 00
Using a hex editor, you should change the bold numbers to the MAC address you
want to use.
Be careful about byte order and look closely at examples.
Good Luck
Please confirm instructions yourself and use at your own risk
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I'll verify tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to help run this to ground and get a workaround.
** Deleted **
For new driver only ....
so next cm7 build will get the fix
As it was my first post forum would not allow me to post links I am hoping someone will clean up solution and add to development thread.
whistlestop said:
I'll verify tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to help run this to ground and get a workaround.
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love this rom , I have four of these running on my router now with original factory mac addresses, Thank You for your work. I know from personal experience hours and hours can just disappear when you get involved with a project of this type.
Is there a way to get the factory MAC address while still in CM7 or do I have to load the stock ROM to get it and then go back to CM7?
I have not found am method other than loading stock software back on device.
If you only have one kindle on your network you most likely will never have a problem.
If you had more than one running cm7 you could have router issues as they all were reporting same mac address. You will not have any issues unless another cm7 kindle shows up on the same wireless access point as yours.
Unless you have a router log or something with your former mac address, I think you have to reload stock to find it. Thats what I did anyway.
Thanks to the OP for posting this; worked like a charm!
direct editing
could we use a hex editor to change the local file on the kindle?
I spotted one at the market place, and combined with SU privileges it might get the job done.
jfb9301 said:
could we use a hex editor to change the local file on the kindle?
I spotted one at the market place, and combined with SU privileges it might get the job done.
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any hex editor should work. I am so use to using laptop still adjusting to touch keyboard.
Hopefully better instructions
having just stumbled through to OPs instructions (hats off to the OP for finding this). Successfully I might add, I thought I'd write up a hopefully more clear method of achieving this.
As I have had difficulty with the adb.exe command (connection issues, probably from a dodgy connection if I have too many USB devices plugged in) I chose to use applications local to my Kindle itself for as much as I could.
adb.exe (the one that came with Kindle_Fire_Utility worked for me) grab a copy of this useful tool here kindle fire utility thread
Root explorer from the android market android market link
HexEditor android market link
Kindle fire
Your original MAC address - this might suck to get, as you will have to get it from your Kindle booted to stock Kindle Fire Firmware. I had installed CM7 using TWRP, so I booted to TWRP did a backup of my current CM7 OS, did a restore to the KF OS, booted to stock(rooted) opened up settings/device and nabbed that pesky MAC address, rebooted to TWRP, restored CM7.
connect KF to computer
open the computers start menu and select run, type CMD in the box
navigate to kindle_fire_utility/tools
type command: adb shell
adb should open and start communication with you Kindle
within the shell you have to type the following (be mindful of the spaces as they are important, ignore the #s as they are to make this post put the spaces in):
#wlan_cu –b
# / w p 1 l 2 f 2
# / t b v 21
# / t b t 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#/ q
now use ctrl-c to end ADB, and command:
to close cmd, you are done with windows.
now the kindle part...
open root explorer
select nvs_map.bin and copy to the sdcard, I made two copies and named the second nvs_map.bin.bak just in case things got screwed from this point on.
exit root explorer
open HexEditor
open /sdcard/nvs_map.bin and change the digits in the very first line of the file
(example from OPs post)
following code for 08:00:28:12:34:56:
0000: 01 6d 54 56 34 12 28 01 71 54 00 08 00 00
For 11:22:33:44:55:66:
0000: 01 6d 54 66 55 44 33 01 71 54 22 11 00 00
save the file
use root explorer to copy it back to /data/misc/wifi
long press the file and set permissions to RW-RW-RW-
---------- Post added at 04:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 PM ----------
I confimed MAC address using my wifi router (DDWRT) is awesome.
Does anyone know a way to get CM7 to cough up the kindles MAC address?
I'm having some difficulties with these instructions. I've tried with the WiFi setting from CM7 on and off, and also with the full instructions from the omappedia.org site, and it's still not working. A quick Google didn't come up with anything.
This is my output (from an ADB shell, obviously):
# insmod /system/etc/wifi/tiwlan_drv.ko
# start wlan_loader
# ifconfig tiwlan0 up
# wlan_cu –b
ERROR - IpcWpa_Sockets_Open - can't connect the socket
Connection to supplicant failed
ERROR - IPC_STA_Private_Send - error sending Wext private IOCTL to STA driver (ioctl_cmd = 800003, res = -1, errno = 19)
ERROR - driver is not in RUNNING state!
user_main, start
\> Driver/, Connection/, Management/, Show/, Privacy/, scAn/, roaminG/, qOs/, poWer/, eVents/, Bt coexsistance/, Report/, dEbug/, biT/, aboUt, Quit
/ D S
\> Driver/, Connection/, Management/, Show/, Privacy/, scAn/, roaminG/, qOs/, poWer/, eVents/, Bt coexsistance/, Report/, dEbug/, biT/, aboUt, Quit
.../Driver> Start, sTop, stAtus
ERROR - IPC_STA_Private_Send - error sending Wext private IOCTL to STA driver (ioctl_cmd = 8000001, res = -1, errno = 19)
ERROR - Failed to start driver!
I have tried it with and without the first three lines (going straight to wlan_cu -b), and the / D S line is an unsuccessful attempt to start the driver. An attempt to just push through all the commands gives an error message with every line, and does not create the nvs_map.bin file.
Anyone have any ideas?
I had wifi on, and did not run the first 3 commands. No thoughts beyond that.
For reference, I am on the latest CM7 with the updated video stuff by wistlestop (I think)
csyria6919 & jfb9301,
I can confirm, you'll get the errors csyria6919 gets with WiFi OFF - turn on Wifi on the KF and then the ADB commands work without errors.
VERY NICE Fix - +1 thanks to TheKid2!
csyria6919 said:
I'm having some difficulties with these instructions. I've tried with the WiFi setting from CM7 on and off, and also with the full instructions from the omappedia.org site, and it's still not working. A quick Google didn't come up with anything.
This is my output (from an ADB shell, obviously):
# insmod /system/etc/wifi/tiwlan_drv.ko
# start wlan_loader
# ifconfig tiwlan0 up
# wlan_cu –b
ERROR - IpcWpa_Sockets_Open - can't connect the socket
Connection to supplicant failed
ERROR - IPC_STA_Private_Send - error sending Wext private IOCTL to STA driver (ioctl_cmd = 800003, res = -1, errno = 19)
ERROR - driver is not in RUNNING state!
user_main, start
\> Driver/, Connection/, Management/, Show/, Privacy/, scAn/, roaminG/, qOs/, poWer/, eVents/, Bt coexsistance/, Report/, dEbug/, biT/, aboUt, Quit
/ D S
\> Driver/, Connection/, Management/, Show/, Privacy/, scAn/, roaminG/, qOs/, poWer/, eVents/, Bt coexsistance/, Report/, dEbug/, biT/, aboUt, Quit
.../Driver> Start, sTop, stAtus
ERROR - IPC_STA_Private_Send - error sending Wext private IOCTL to STA driver (ioctl_cmd = 8000001, res = -1, errno = 19)
ERROR - Failed to start driver!
I have tried it with and without the first three lines (going straight to wlan_cu -b), and the / D S line is an unsuccessful attempt to start the driver. An attempt to just push through all the commands gives an error message with every line, and does not create the nvs_map.bin file.
Anyone have any ideas?
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I only used docs as reference. Wifi should be turned on on Kindle. I issued all command from terminal emulator running on Kindle. Hope you have found solution that works for you. Also there are spaces in between just about every letter in the commands.
Let us know if you were successful.
I am hearing about cpu utilization issue in another thread. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1411895
Can anyone running cm7 and using nvs_map file check utilization connected to secure network. My installation is not exhibiting cpu behavior stuck at 1008 that is being described. Wondering if using calibration file is actually improving performance.
As a side not same file can be used in the current build of ics they are developing in that thread.
cpu scaling issue does not show up on unsecured net. Need a few people to sound off here to determine if my kindles are the only ones not having scaling issue.
Is there somewhere in cm7 to check cpu utilization, I looked everywhere ended up downloading task manager from market. Seems like task manager, and performance monitor should be in there somewhere. I am sure I am overlooking something simple.
TheKid2 said:
Is there somewhere in cm7 to check cpu utilization, I looked everywhere ended up downloading task manager from market. Seems like task manager, and performance monitor should be in there somewhere. I am sure I am overlooking something simple.
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I used your guide, got CM7 on my device and will check that once I get home.
To check CPU utilization I'd recommend CPU Spy https://market.android.com/details?id=com.bvalosek.cpuspy

sysctl.conf tweaks already tested

filevm.dirty_ratio = 70
vm.oom_kill_allocating_task = 1
vm.min_free_kbytes = 7168
vm.vfs_cache_pressure = 10
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 50
This file is in system/etc
If you dont found it create it and put this tweaks on it
The file is called sysctl.conf
I recommend to install a cache cleaner, this will allow to create more cache so your device will be more faster so install one
You have to copy it in system\etc
Sent From My Rooted Kindle Fire HD

Nokia Hidden Xamls

Hi everyone.
for a better finding hidden xamls In Nokia I create a new thread to find any hidden xamls.
If you want to help us in finding these xamls please write the name of app that you are checked for it xamls.
what is your Rom Version and what xap did you used to find xamls (like me)
My phone is a Nokia Lumia 920 and it runs GDR3 Developer Preview and I used GDR2 xaps to find the xamls.
Here I take screenshots from Extras + Info xamls that you can see them in the following link.
first picture is GUID to Run and second one is the running xaml.
xamls found:
1.Extras + Info Xamls. (xap extracted from GDR2 and run on GDR3 Developer Preview)
Instead of making a new thread...
I thought I'd post some of my new work here. This will contain everything I can possibly find that will launch.
Some of this will be SYSTEM apps, some will be OEM apps.
SOURCE: Lumia 521
HKLM\SOFTWARE\OEM\ADC (Launches access point)
Pasteable Key (for Native Toasts)
app://CE3895C7-01D0-4DAF-A4C3-25C10463942D /View/MainPage.xaml
Values Type Size Data
AutoDataConfigDll String 72 C:\Programs\CommonFiles\ADC\Adc.dll
NsaGuid String 74 ce3895c7-01d0-4daf-a4c3-25c10463942d
NsaUri String 40 /View/MainPage.xaml
MultivariantDLL String 80 C:\windows\System32\MultivariantDLL.dll
HKLM\SOFTWARE\OEM\Nokia\MultiVariant (Launches extras+info/MultiVarient?)
Values Type Size Data
Started Integer 4 0
Completed Integer 4 0
Failed Integer 4 0
Warmboot Integer 4 0
MaxRetries Integer 4 1
Retries Integer 4 0
SPN String 2
IMSI String 2
Variant String 2
CSPNodeList MultiString 94 BrowserFavorites
UILaunched Integer 4 0
PostOOBEAppParams String 98 /_default#/FUELib;component/Pages/SetupPage.xaml
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\OOBE - (Launches OOBE Setup?)
Pasteable Key (for Native Toasts)
Values Type Size Data
ShowLanguageSelectionUI Integer 4 0
MobileOperatorLiveID String 2
CustomOOBETimeout Integer 4 300000
ActivationLocationOOBETimeout Integer 4 90000
BMRDownloadTimeout Integer 4 300000
OobeCompleteTime Long 8
CustomOOBEConnReq Integer 4 1
CustomOOBETaskName String 86 @C:\Windows\AccountDisplayStrings.dll,-102
CustomOOBEPartnerName String 86 @C:\Windows\AccountDisplayStrings.dll,-101
CustomOOBEGUIDParams String 102 /_default#/FUELib;component/Pages/ConsentPage.xaml
CustomOOBEGUID String 74 2377fe1b-c10f-47da-92f3-fc517345a3c0
BMRState Integer 4 0
NextSection Integer 4 17
ActivationLocation Integer 4 1
Done Integer 4 2
ActivationLocationLat String 0
ActivationLocationLon String 0
ActivationLocationRad String 0

