Repeat/Shuffle Music - Xperia Arc General

How come I dont have repeat and shuffle options in my music player?

The shuffle option is listed under All Tracks. "Shuffle All". It also appears under any albums, or artists. Just click them and you should get the option. The player automatically repeats itself once it reaches the end of the list. I don't think there's a single repeat option, though you can try creating a playlist with only one song and keep playing that...


Is there a way to make HTC Audio the default media player?

Right now I'm using Microsoft Voice Command to play music through my HT820's, but when I say, for instance, "Play Red Hot Chili Peppers", though I have several mp3's worth of their music, it will only find and queue 1 of their songs. I'm thinking that WMP is the bottleneck and isn't reading the tags on the mp3's quite the same way HTC Audio is, which is my preferred media player, and also finds all of the artist names (If I go to the "artist" section of WMP it only shows 6 categories; "All Songs by Artist", "Unknown", "Sample Artist 1", "Sample Artist 2", 'Van Morrison"). I have about 1.75 GB of music on my 4 GB card, and I'd like to try this setup out with HTC Audio as the default (If it's possible) to see if it'll resolve the remaining tie-ups.

HTC Music Shuffle

I am using the HTC music player in TF3D 2.5. It seems like the shuffle feature is not very good. I will have a play list with a few hundred songs in it. When I tell the player to shuffle, I tend to get multiple songs from the same artist/album played together. When it does shuffle in other songs, they tend to be from a similar position in the playlist. It seems like they couldn't effectively randomize throughout the entire list.
Has anyone else notice this? I know people have other 3rd party players they prefer. If I go that route, can the music tab in TF3D be updated to use those players instead?
i noticed that too...
thats why i'm not using it anymore.
i got "pocket music" cost me $30.00 but it was worthed
works perfect on tp2
hempel said:
I am using the HTC music player in TF3D 2.5. It seems like the shuffle feature is not very good. I will have a play list with a few hundred songs in it. When I tell the player to shuffle, I tend to get multiple songs from the same artist/album played together. When it does shuffle in other songs, they tend to be from a similar position in the playlist. It seems like they couldn't effectively randomize throughout the entire list.
Has anyone else notice this? I know people have other 3rd party players they prefer. If I go that route, can the music tab in TF3D be updated to use those players instead?
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Computer random is random and you can get patterns where you'll see two songs next to each other on an album or playlist played right after each other.
Doesn't mean its "not random enough" it just means your perception of random may not be random enough
So i guess what you're asking for is something which doesn't play songs randomly, it applies some logic to the tracks to ensure you don't get two by the same artist next to each other or songs aren't all from the same album.
Highland3r said:
Computer random is random and you can get patterns where you'll see two songs next to each other on an album or playlist played right after each other.
Doesn't mean its "not random enough" it just means your perception of random may not be random enough
So i guess what you're asking for is something which doesn't play songs randomly, it applies some logic to the tracks to ensure you don't get two by the same artist next to each other or songs aren't all from the same album.
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I would say that having 4-5 songs out of 6 from the same album is not random when there are several hundred songs to pick from.
To the perosn who switched to a different player, are you set the music tab in TF3D to use the new playerr? How does one go about doing that?
I've been playing with music player from touchflo and s2p and the suffle option is different. The s2p works great but the music player from htc doesnt. I have all different artists and about 200 songs. I play music for about 30 minutes, i stop for a while and play music for another 30 minutes. The same songs play again in a different order, but the same songs!

Why is there no STOP or ALBUM SKIP?

I have been using my HTC HD2 for a while now and I could swear the first two items below worked for me before but here goes. The last question is a "how to"
When playing music through the standard album art interface I get several issues
When in portrait mode you can't flip between albums only songs within an album
I can't find a STOP button, only a pause button. Where is the STOP?
I can't find the menu to play the playlists I created
Appreciate your help folks
Lazy HTC developers
1 press library - albums tab. there isn't room for all variant options on the front screen.
2 pause stops playback, and only having one button saves screen space. since the m music tab is always in memory it makes no difference if the track is paused or stopped.
3 click library choose play list tab click the list you want then click any song in thee list.playback starts from whichever song you click.
About the first question:
When you first got your phone, it only had the pre-added music that HTC put on it: just a couple of songs to demo the music player, with only one song in each album.
The first time you used the music player, all these songs were loaded in the "now playing" list. Since each album had only one song, skipping songs meant skipping albums. I think that's where you got the idea that you could flip through albums in portrait mode.
In fact, you can't; you can only skip through the songs that are currently loaded in the "now playing" list.
To flip through your albums, switch to landscape mode (you probably knew that already).
You're not the first one to ask this question; check out my explanation here:
Many thanks for the responses folks. Saved me a lot of possible lost time trying to get my device back to vanilla settings.

HTC Music Player's shuffle not shuffly enough?

This is a minor problem but I don't know what to make of it.
HTC's Music Player seems to have a couple of "favourite" songs, albums or artists that get extremely disproportionate airplay when I shuffle a playlist.
Say I shuffle a genre that contains about 40 entire albums (400+ songs). There's this one album ('Sno Angel Like You by Howe Gelb, if you must know) with about 15 songs on it, and all of them typically get played within the first 20 songs of that shuffled list. And there's a couple of other individual songs that show up remarkably often as well.
I've observed this for some time now and the bias is too obvious to be a coincidence or a false impression. It's nothing big, but slightly annoying to get the same songs all the time -- kinda beats the concept of shuffling, doesn't it?
I know it's a long shot, but does anyone have a clue what's going on here? Or a solution?
I am soooo glad it is not just me that has noticed this!
It frustrates me immensely!
Would love to know if there is something that can be done to resolve this....
i get this's a real PITA!: -)
same here....
Glad I'm not the only one as well! seems like Music Player's kinda biased, no?
Wish I could be of assistance to you and myself included... I want variety everytime I play my music, so lately what I've been doing is switching from shuffled to normal, so now I can remember what song will be played next in a shuffle which is pretty sad
Robrecht said:
This is a minor problem but I don't know what to make of it.
HTC's Music Player seems to have a couple of "favourite" songs, albums or artists that get extremely disproportionate airplay when I shuffle a playlist.
Say I shuffle a genre that contains about 40 entire albums (400+ songs). There's this one album ('Sno Angel Like You by Howe Gelb, if you must know) with about 15 songs on it, and all of them typically get played within the first 20 songs of that shuffled list. And there's a couple of other individual songs that show up remarkably often as well.
I've observed this for some time now and the bias is too obvious to be a coincidence or a false impression. It's nothing big, but slightly annoying to get the same songs all the time -- kinda beats the concept of shuffling, doesn't it?
I know it's a long shot, but does anyone have a clue what's going on here? Or a solution?
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Agreed...samething here...its like it doesnt even shuffle it just skips a song lol...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Robrecht said:
This is a minor problem but I don't know what to make of it.
HTC's Music Player seems to have a couple of "favourite" songs, albums or artists that get extremely disproportionate airplay when I shuffle a playlist.
Say I shuffle a genre that contains about 40 entire albums (400+ songs). There's this one album ('Sno Angel Like You by Howe Gelb, if you must know) with about 15 songs on it, and all of them typically get played within the first 20 songs of that shuffled list. And there's a couple of other individual songs that show up remarkably often as well.
I've observed this for some time now and the bias is too obvious to be a coincidence or a false impression. It's nothing big, but slightly annoying to get the same songs all the time -- kinda beats the concept of shuffling, doesn't it?
I know it's a long shot, but does anyone have a clue what's going on here? Or a solution?
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I have noticed this issue on mine also and had the same issue on an iphone I had. probably has something to do with the algorithms used in the selection process. In any event, I noticed that when I created a playlist, enabled the shuffle and disabled the repeat function, it would play completely through the entire playlist once and then stop. Even after powering down, the next time I turned on the phone and went to the music player, it would be where it left off and continued til it went through the entire playlist. I am currently trying it on the entire library (700+ songs) and seems to be working so far. The only problem is trying to remember if a song has already played or not after 4 or 5 days in to it. But I think as long as you don't touch anything other than advancing going back to a previous song it seems to work, but I wish I had a better way to keep track!
i was so glad when i saw this, i know its not just me experiencing it!
does anyone know how the music is shuffled? i would have assumed its by track name, it could be by file name or info in the ID3 tags or some other source or a combination? maybe this affects it somehow
my solution is to turn shuffle off then turn it on again, it works for a bit then has to be done again. i also have repeat all enabled. im tempted to actually start syncing music with windows media player on my pc, maybe i could then create a playlist of all the songs shuffled then just copy that over every now and then.
it does seem more then coincidence that the same songs get played a lot. ive noticed if i have similar song names they are played close together. for example, i have a song called americas suitehearts (by fall out boy) and 2 versions of american idiot by green day (1 live and 1 normal). guarenteed every time these three songs will play one after the other (2 american idiot songs, then americas suitehearts) very strange. i know HTC released an update to correct some bugs in the music player, but i have no idea what was fixed.
Definately a bit of a problem, seems to jump from bottom of the list to the top then back to the bottom etc when selecting songs not actual random.
Would love a fix for this
is there any other player that supports the remote and does the shuffle as it should?
I'm also experiencing this problem. Even tried some different roms to see if this would help, but to no avail.
Is there another music player that is easily integrated into a tab ?
Woa, lots of replies! Thanks... good to hear I'm not the only one (or crazy).
Yeah, it's annoying. I haven't done any more testing but I've been thinking about this. I believe the Music Player shuffles the whole playlist the moment you tap the "shuffle" button. By this I mean that it decides beforehand in which random (but not random enough) order it will play the songs, instead of randomly choosing the next song each time the previous song ends.
Not much news there, right?
Now, I like to shuffle playlists containing lots and lots of songs, much more songs than I could ever listen to in one sitting, because I want to be "surprised" by what comes up. Unfortunately, as we have all experienced, the same songs seem to be put at the beginning of the shuffled list every time, so I end up hearing those songs over and over again.
But of course the rest of the shuffled list still contains all the other songs you put in it. This would mean that, if you're tired of hearing the same songs all the time, you could simply make a habit of skipping the first, say, 20 songs (the ones that always come up in the beginning) to get to the less familiar ones. Could be a workaround, I don't know.
Then there's still the problem that the player seems to like grouping songs from the same album together. Ideally, I think a good shuffle function should actively avoid playing songs from the same album/artist in a row (even preventing them from ending up together purely by chance; i.e., a good shuffler should go beyond simply randomising). But HTC's shuffler seems to actively pursue it: it shows more album grouping than can be explained by mere coincidence.
All very strange. :-/
Robrecht said:
Woa, lots of replies! Thanks... good to hear I'm not the only one (or crazy).
Yeah, it's annoying. I haven't done any more testing but I've been thinking about this. I believe the Music Player shuffles the whole playlist the moment you tap the "shuffle" button. By this I mean that it decides beforehand in which random (but not random enough) order it will play the songs, instead of randomly choosing the next song each time the previous song ends.
Not much news there, right?
Now, I like to shuffle playlists containing lots and lots of songs, much more songs than I could ever listen to in one sitting, because I want to be "surprised" by what comes up. Unfortunately, as we have all experienced, the same songs seem to be put at the beginning of the shuffled list every time, so I end up hearing those songs over and over again.
But of course the rest of the shuffled list still contains all the other songs you put in it. This would mean that, if you're tired of hearing the same songs all the time, you could simply make a habit of skipping the first, say, 20 songs (the ones that always come up in the beginning) to get to the less familiar ones. Could be a workaround, I don't know.
Then there's still the problem that the player seems to like grouping songs from the same album together. Ideally, I think a good shuffle function should actively avoid playing songs from the same album/artist in a row (even preventing them from ending up together purely by chance; i.e., a good shuffler should go beyond simply randomising). But HTC's shuffler seems to actively pursue it: it shows more album grouping than can be explained by mere coincidence.
All very strange. :-/
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I'l try this again, choose shuffle, disable Continue function. it'll play all the way through without repeating as long as you leave it alone. If you're constantly changing playlists or going in and out of the library, then it starts all over again. I have mine set like this and haven't repeated once since I set it. Player will stop completely once you go through the selected library, playlist, etc.
same problem here. the bias seems to be towards songs in the beginning of the list, so songs starting with a number or with an a have a bigger chance of being selected. the only way of changing the songs being played is adding an empty song entitled "111", which will result in other songs being randomly picked (i.e. the songs just before the ones that would normally have been selected in the alphabetical list).
Please include me also i have also same problem htc hd2 shuffle is not working properly
Glad I'm not just being too picky. I tried using Kinoma FreePlay, which shuffles nicely but does a lot of quick pauses in playback when the device is locked. Found that Windows Media Player shuffles well once it S-L-O-W-L-Y loads all the files into its library, but it won't stop playing the podcasts and other misc. audio files in folders that I've made hidden. Anyone know a good freeware alternative to the HTC player?
Gyaaaa, someone have to let them know (HTC) about this. Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this.
Ive had my HD2 a few weeks and I thought I'd noticed the same think. I play all the tracks in shuffle mode but i noticed that after a soft reset the player would tend to revert to playing the tracks in alphabetical order. I only spotted this when it played the same track in a row (with different artists) and when some tracks kept cropping up (those with names starting with A!) I also noticed that the shuffle function was switching off (although at least once Ive had to switch it off and back on to get it to shuffle again).
I also think its done this when connecting to my pc in hard drive mode (songs are on SD card so perhaps player is resetting track listing) and possibly when switching from and to bluetooth (which i do several times a day). It doesnt always start from "A" either, sometimes it just plays in alphabetical order from where the play list left off.
Never had this problem on my HD.
Not suggesting this is what is happening to others, although seems to fit with a more experiences others are having. Not obvious to spot when tracks are playing in alphabetical order as you dont always think of the track titles!
Can we somehow fix that problem. It really annoys me

[Q] Resume Music

I generally listen to music as a playlist on my Focus.
However, if for any reason I reboot the phone, the currently playing song is lost and I have to scroll through the playlist manually and resume the song. The music app doesnt have a quick search for the song to resume from.
Is there anyway the playlist can be resumed automatically after reboot?
Thank you

