Google Calendar Issues - Hero CDMA General

Hi, I have tons of appointments on google calendar and for some reason this morning all my appointments on my phone are gone. There is nothing on google calendar. However when I check online on my PC, they are all there. I have rebooted my phone many times and even cleared cache and delvik cache with no luck. Is anyone else having this issue today too?

Google calendar still works fine for me, all of next month still has all my appointments and events.
Try wiping the data/cache for the calendar:
Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > All > Calendar > Clear data/cache
Settings > Applications > Manage Applicaitons > All > Calendar Storage > Clear data/cache
Then go to 'Settings > Accounts & Sync Settings' and make sure syncing is on, select your account email. Then uncheck and check "Sync Calendar" it should sync everything for you again.
Sent from my Android using Tapatalk

Thanks, worked like a charm


Week numbers

With my HTC P3600 I could choose to show the week numbers in the calender.
Is it still possible to do this on my HD2?
It is possible in the standard calendar. Start > Outlook > Calendar, then Menu > Tools > Options > 'Show week numbers'.
Pargeo said:
It is possible in the standard calendar. Start > Outlook > Calendar, then Menu > Tools > Options > 'Show week numbers'.
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But unfortunately not visible with the HTC Sense calendar, right?

Google calendars X SGS Calendar - Fight!

I've been fighting with this feature and still didn't figured out the problem pattern.
Some calendars that I create online don't show up in the Samsung Calendar App.
I managed to export/import the events from the ones that don't show to the ones that show. But I would like to pinpoint this problem.
I installed another calendar app (Gemini) just to check. The app can show all the calendars unlike the samsung calendar app, but the events are still missing from those calendars that Samsung app hides.
Anybody experienced this?
I just flashed to JM6 and tested this right away. The problem still exists.
Your Samsung Calendar app syncs flawlessly with Google Calendars?
What is happening? Nobody has this problem?
There is no setting that prevents the calendars to sync with the phone. What could be happening here?
In calendar app, try Setting > Calendar and tick on your google account.
I wish it was that simple
Anyhow after scrubbing the web I found the solution. It's not that hard, now that I know how. This could be used for a lot of sync problems that have no apparent reason:
goto Settings > Accounts & sync > tap your gmail account > uncheck Sync Calendar
goto Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > menu > Filter > all > Calendar > Clear data
back out to the Applications list and go into Calendar Storage > Clear data
This should wipe out everything in your calendar. Now go back into your gmail account and re-check Sync Calendar
Voilá!!!!! It works. I'm happy.
What a star!
I had this happen for the first time today, glad you sussed it for me

Droid 2 not syncing Google calendar or Contacts

A friend just got a Droid 2 and she is having fits trying to get her default Google account to sync calendar & contacts.
Contacts is showing in the Account Sync settings & is selected, but Calendar does not appear at all.
I was going to remove the account & re-do the setup, but it would require a hard reset & she doesn't want me to do that!
I know that Verizon transferred info to her Droid 2 and wonder if its the culprit.
Sent from my HTC EVO via the XDA app
Check settings -> battery manager -> Battery mode, and select performance mode. Could be battery manager not allowing data transfer.
Settings -> Applications -> All -> Gmail -> clear data. If the above doesn't work.
This has happened to me and those are the things I did to fix my own problems.
Make sure Gmail is downloaded I was reactivating my phone after updating Fission once and the market wasn't finished downloading and Gmail didn't show up in the sync menu at all like you described. After it was installed I just went back in and selected sync (because it was in there then).

[Q] epic Calander Problems

Ok i searched thru the search and havent found my answer. I set up gmail calander and inside it set up some events to follow, like Us Holidays and sport teams calanders. It set up nicely on my laptop, but when i sync on my phone, they show up in the list of connected calanders but are now in the actual calander. Am i doing something wrong?, like looking at the samsung calander and not the Gmail calander. I am on Froyo Dk28 rooted aswell. HELP!!
urirx98 said:
Ok i searched thru the search and havent found my answer. I set up gmail calander and inside it set up some events to follow, like Us Holidays and sport teams calanders. It set up nicely on my laptop, but when i sync on my phone, they show up in the list of connected calanders but are now in the actual calander. Am i doing something wrong?, like looking at the samsung calander and not the Gmail calander. I am on Froyo Dk28 rooted aswell. HELP!!
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I didn't fully catch your question, but If I understand correctly:
have you tried going to the regular calendar?: open app drawer, select Calendar. Then Menu, Settings, Calendars
Here you can check or uncheck the calendars you want to show; the list should include all of your calendars, including "other" calendars you added through GCal. After you do that, hit the back button, go to Calendar Sync and make sure the calendar is checked to sync (if you want that). I'm pretty sure most of the other 3rd party calendar apps either use the same method or pull from these settings.
If it's not showing up in the list, uncheck the Calendar Sync from your google account. Then goto Settings->Applications and clear application data for "Calendar Storage" (not "Calendar"). Then recheck the calendar Sync to resync, that should work.
that didnt work, anyone else got any ideas?? Please very annoying not having the holidays on the phone
fastmikey1969 said:
If it's not showing up in the list, uncheck the Calendar Sync from your google account. Then goto Settings->Applications and clear application data for "Calendar Storage" (not "Calendar"). Then recheck the calendar Sync to resync, that should work.
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that fix helped me with my calendar sync issue after upgrading to froyo eb13, thanks!
Had same issue. Clearing Calenar and Sync storage fixed it right up for me. Didn't even need to uncheck the calendars.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
same issue here... clearing the cache actually made me lose some of the calendars I had synced and now can't get them back...
Haven't been able to get a calender my wife has shared with me since upgrading at all.
Before I upgraded, I forgot to save the phone calendar since it doesn't sync to google. I used MyBackup Root before I upgraded to save the all calendars. So, I restored the calendar in MyBackup Root and it took all my events from all the calendars it backed up and smushed them into the main calendar. I didn't catch it before it synced to google and it made a mess. I exported the calendar to try to fix it and deleted the calendar to find that the export is corrupted...DOH!!!
Anyone else have a way to solve this issue with MyBackup and putting all calendars into one?
fastmikey1969 said:
If it's not showing up in the list, uncheck the Calendar Sync from your google account. Then goto Settings->Applications and clear application data for "Calendar Storage" (not "Calendar"). Then recheck the calendar Sync to resync, that should work.
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OMG THANK YOU! Lost a bunch of appointments when I went to DK28, and this fixed it!
You know i dont think i read things correctly the 1st time, either that or i should have tried it a 2nd time because by GEORGE IT WORKED. AWESOME!!
Had all my calendars except 1 before i tried the 'fix'... then did the fix...and lost all my calendars...
i dunno what i did but i got one of them back... 1! .... but still not all of them.. later im going to try to replace the calendar apk file
fastmikey1969 said:
If it's not showing up in the list, uncheck the Calendar Sync from your google account. Then goto Settings->Applications and clear application data for "Calendar Storage" (not "Calendar"). Then recheck the calendar Sync to resync, that should work.
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Took me a minute to find the setting, on my Epic 2.2.1 its Settings > Applications > Manage > All > Calendar Storage
WOW. Clearing the cache. I sort of felt it was the cache that was corrupt, but did not know the 'ALL' tab on Apps existed!!
THANKS A TON!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was missing some events/appointments in EB13 calendar. Unchecking sync, then clearing data in "calendar storage" then rechecking sync did the trick! Thank you!!

[Q] Google calendar stopped working

So starting today all of my calendar events have disappeared. No change in settings and no new programs installed. Google calendar still checked marked under settings and google sync still showing as active.
Any suggestions before I go and wipe the device?
Disregard, clearing calendar data seemed to do the trick
