[Q] Display problem: flickering lines - Eee Pad Transformer General

I got my 32-GB TF today and was really excited to play with it. As soon as I turned on the device, I knew something was wrong with the screen: if you divide the screen in four equally-sized vertical panels, the third one from the left is constantly showing flickering white lines. They're always there, but they're most visible on a dark background.
I took some videos of this. See http://s861.photobucket.com/albums/ab175/dutchinseattle/Asus Eee Pad Transformer/ .
Has anyone else seen this? I'm going to call Asus support to see what they see, but I'm so bummed out about this.

Ya that's definitely a defect screen, give them a call and have them replaced asap. I wonder if it got damage during delivery. Hopefully you won't have to wait for too long to get a new one. Does it come with the latest firmware? Try update it if its not and see if that helps.

andyxover said:
Ya that's definitely a defect screen, give them a call and have them replaced asap. I wonder if it got damage during delivery. Hopefully you won't have to wait for too long to get a new one. Does it come with the latest firmware? Try update it if its not and see if that helps.
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It came with Android 3.01. The box looked fine; there were no dings or anything.
I'm on hold with the 24/7 Asus support line now. I really hope it won't be long to get a new device.

My first Transformer was exactly the same as that and it's definitely a hardware fault.
I noticed it as soon as I turned it on, and spent a couple of hours playing around with it trying to resolve the issue, including doing a firmware upgrade.
Eventually I gave up and was lucky to be able to get a replacement at the store I bought it from.
Hope you manage to get a replacement soon.

Mine sorta does that but its not white lines. Sometimes when i wake it up it randomly has those. They go away for me after about a minute or less but im gonna return mine. just waiting a little till theres less stock issues and so i wont get a crapload of light bleed (though that may be inevitable)
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App

Talked to an Asus support rep just now. Basically I should RMA it, with shipping paid by me, and it would take "ten to fourteen business days." Screw that---I'm not going to pay for shipping a defective product and then wait for three weeks or so. I called J&R, where I ordered the TF, and they were much more accommodating. I got a prepaid UPS label and can return it for a full refund.
I think I'm going to hold off on a tablet for a while and see what's coming down the pipeline in the next few months. Asus needs to get a handle on its QA process---there seem to be a lot of QA issues with the TF.

That's absurd. Asus is really losing a lot of rep dealing with the problems this tablet is plagued with.

Just got mine and it has horizontal lines on the screen that flicker. I called Best Buy to get a replacement sent to me but... THEY ARE SOLD OUT AGAIN.
So I can either keep it and deal with Asus RMA and pay to have it shipped or return it for a full refund. I decided to get a full refund. I don't want an RMA device. I WANT BRAND NEW! So disappointed.

just got mine yesterday...same flickering lines
I just got a 16GB from New Egg yesterday, ordered it 2 days ago. I turned it on and was immediately greeted with flickering lines on the home screen. It had the previous firmware too. After installing newer firmware the problem remains but the flickering doesn't appear as strong and is no longer consistent.
They used to appear as if they were scrolling in a column but now they appear to be less in quantity and relegated to a specific area of the screen and most noticeable in the 'pop-up' type sub-screens in the Settings section. I see no flickering in the Apps screens or the home screen or any of the other app screens I'm using. I'm using a dark background to make them more easily seen but they're not consistent across all screens that I can see. Weird.
I'm hoping they go away magically in the next day otherwise I'm returning it. I've ordered a 32gb from New Egg since they no longer have the 16 gb and hopefully, that one is good.
Not sure this is a screen issue if it's not consistent all the time.

I had the same thing its a hardware connection, had to rma it. I have a new one on its way from Asus.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App

It would always be worse on dark colors,lockscreen,or Widgets..on a whoever page they'd be almost gone
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App


For all returning their phone because of screen separation

I have an HW 003 Novatech EVO built on May 19th.
Like many others I want to return my phone for a new one because of the light leakage and screen separation issues.
However, after reading a few posts and confirming my thesis, there is no point in returning your phone now as the replacement will more than likely have the same defects.
I spoke to a Sprint representative today and she recommended doing this: wait until HTC announces they have shipped newer HW models such as 004, or just a new batch with fixed screens.
Again, save yourself the trouble of unrooting, returning, rooting, etc...
Update: HTC has said they have partnered with several different vendors including Sony to make the screens for the new batch of EVOS. You can read an article about the EVO shortages on Buzzbox. I am not allowed to post the link here..
Hmm, I guess perhaps I should not plan on getting another Evo within the next few weeks. I'm reading a lot of bad stories about the Samsung Galaxy, I don't like the look of the Droid X and this iPhone 4 I just got has a small screen that just doesn't do it for me like the Evo's large screen. But I def do not want to get another Evo and have screen issues again. Oh what to do, what to do......
The replacement I received has no screen separation or like leakage issues. Maybe it takes awhile? my other one had it right off the bat.
Plancy said:
The replacement I received has no screen separation or like leakage issues. Maybe it takes awhile? my other one had it right off the bat.
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My launch day Evo had leakage from day one but the screen wasn't rising until about week later. Now When I last cleaned the screen I could feel movement that I hadn't felt in the beginning. The big deal for me is that I don't want to use an Evo for many months and then the glue problem starts and then the device has the chance of becoming something I can't sell on ebay and would probably not want to give away to friends or family with a faulty screen. It would be nice if HTC could just open up and talk about it and explain how they've fixed the problem and how we have nothing to worry about down the road anymore then we would with another touchscreen phone.
AshMa said:
It would be nice if HTC could just open up and talk about it and explain how they've fixed the problem and how we have nothing to worry about down the road anymore then we would with another touchscreen phone.
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Indeed this would be nice. However, HTC is notorious for not responding to the real issues even though they are aware of them.
As we know, not every EVO has these issues; furthermore, not every EVO has these issues right out of the box. My EVO had no problems until about a 2 weeks after use.
I would recommend playing it safe and just waiting for a newer batch from HTC and then exchange your phone.
We will all probably end up better off
These threads really are not helping my O.C.D.
Hope you guys get everything squared away with your phones. Sucks to hear that the problems can occur even a few weeks down the road
Thats why i'm glad I have an accidental damage warranty. My screen has no separation issues but if it ever does I have a feeling I might accidentally drop this one.
I as well am paying for the warranty, 7$ a month. There is still a 100$ deductible on the new phone.
I've heard screen separation a lot with the novs
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I ordered online (sprint.com) launch day, and got a 002 with screen separation, called 2 weeks ago when sprint.com had some in stock, they made me verify the problem at a local sprint authorized reseller (nearest corporate store is 3hrs away) and by the time i got it verified and called Order Support back they were sold out, they sent me the return kit (i have to return it by August 1) yet its been almost 2 weeks since then and they havent had any in stock to ship me a replacement. Its a little ridiculous as i need to get the replacement through sprint.com, and they are never in stock. I'm terrified of just getting another broken one and having to go through this fiasco again.
If you have screen separation issues, try gently heating the edges of the screen with a hairdryer while pressing down.
dehelflix said:
I ordered online (sprint.com) launch day, and got a 002 with screen separation, called 2 weeks ago when sprint.com had some in stock, they made me verify the problem at a local sprint authorized reseller (nearest corporate store is 3hrs away) and by the time i got it verified and called Order Support back they were sold out, they sent me the return kit (i have to return it by August 1) yet its been almost 2 weeks since then and they havent had any in stock to ship me a replacement. Its a little ridiculous as i need to get the replacement through sprint.com, and they are never in stock. I'm terrified of just getting another broken one and having to go through this fiasco again.
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Strange , I spoke with a sprint rep on Thursday, 7/8, for a exchange, received my return kit today and received email confirmation that the replacement was shipped as of Saturday 7/11. You may want to contact Jerry. 3 day turn around for replacement.
By the way, my return kit states: return original package, manuals, battery, sdhc card, and phone..... I have all of these, but come on original package and manual.
Phone 1 Bad Earpiece speaker
Phone 2 None functioning headphone jack
Phone 3 Screen kept shutting off, but still could recieve calls so it was not a lockup, bad screen maybe?
Phone 4. Ok so far except for light leakage at the bottom. Every one of my replacements had light leakage though, so i wouldnt be returning your phone at this point if light leakage is your only problem. Remember these phones have a 1 year warranty, so if the screen seperates you will get a new phone (refurb)
I dont think HTC as addressed the screen issue, its still very hit and miss with people getting phones that are perfect, and the ones who are, sounds like some are having the issues after a couple weeks use. My newest phone was built on 6-21, and when i got my newest replacement, my brother joined my plan with an evo and both phones had light leakage. My buddy works at sprint, and every employee there that has an evo has light leakage.
Getting a refurb too may be even better, because if they replace the screen, maybe the new screen will be installed properly with a new type of glue, but who knows.
10 char
My Sprint repair store replaced the screen... HTC is sending screens to key repair centers. I ended up fighting til I got a new phone though.
chaoticallysweet said:
Strange , I spoke with a sprint rep on Thursday, 7/8, for a exchange, received my return kit today and received email confirmation that the replacement was shipped as of Saturday 7/11. You may want to contact Jerry. 3 day turn around for replacement.
By the way, my return kit states: return original package, manuals, battery, sdhc card, and phone..... I have all of these, but come on original package and manual.
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called them back today, had to escalate call 3x, got a order number should get new phone in 3-5 days, thanks.
I picked my EVO on launch day, it was a 002 with a nova screen. Exchanged it 29 daya later due to the light leak / screen separation problem. I got a 003 with an Epson screen and no problems in the last week and a half that I've had it.
Return was done at the Sprint store I purchased it from.
Posted via XDA Android app from Evo
My Google I/O EVO has always had it. I am going to try the hair dryer trick, and if that doesn't work I will just wait for a new hardware revision.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using Tapatalk Pro.
It's easy as heck to fix, most all phones suffer from this it's just more noticeable on the EVO due to the lights but when you hear reports of dust under the screen etc on other phones its usually from the same thing. The adhesive doesn't have time to properly set during the initial huge runs of these phones so some of them will dry with the screen not secured as flat as possible. All you have to do is use a heat gun (blow dryer will work just takes longer) run it around the edges that are lifted long enough for the adhesive to melt then push the screen down flat and hold it long enough for the adhesive to set and you have a perfectly flat screen with no seperation.
It's a pretty common thing, I do this with every new phone I purchase and even with some laptops to make sure the screens are sealed properly to avoid problems down the road even if I don't see any problems initially. Better safe than sorry!
Hey guys I have had zero issues with mine. It’s a 003 Novatec screen....it’s too bad some of you have had so much trouble. I’m just curious since many of you have actually exchanged your phones. Can you just call and do an over the phone exchange?...When I had t-mobile this is what I always did. Sometimes for really stupid issues, but was always nice to get a scratch less replacement. They ship you a new one and you just ship it back? I also have the TEP plan but I would rather not pay 100 bucks if I do run into an issue since I think these should be warranty claims.

Negri RMA Update 3/2 - Great Customer Service!

Hey fellow 7.7 owners,
I just received my RMA authorization from Negri Electronics this afternoon after sending several emails back and forth with their support staff. Bad news I'm afraid...They have said that the turn around time AFTER they receive my tablet in their warehouse will be 3-4 weeks!! This all started shortly after I received my tablet in the mail from them on February 7th. I was happy and content with my purchase and only found one dead pixel at first glance in the upper middle portion of my screen that was visible with any white or lighter background and shows up as a black or red dead pixel at pretty much any screen. So after discovering this one obvious dead pixel I downloaded the Screen Test app from the Android market and discovered that in actuality I have 6 dead pixels all around the screen depending on the background color. The obvious one at the top (can see in almost any app such as the browser, email and so on), two on a blue screen, and finally three on a red screen. As you can imagine I was stunned to find so many pixels that are bad on such a new tablet and with such a gorgeous screen! I have taken pictures of all the bad pixels with my camera and sent those along to Negri with one of my support emails. In addition to these bad pixels I also have the issue with the dark circles that I can only assume come from the manufacturing process when the suction cups are holding the screen in place for assembly. There are also lighter grey streaks at the low brightness level with a black background that can be viewed during the night when there is no ambient light in the room, like when reading or viewing the screen during transition for animations. I believe others have also mentioned the flickering that can be seen with a darker blue background (possibly other dark colors) on the tablet, It reminds me of the older CRT monitors or old tube TV's when they are refreshing the image. I can see this "flickering or streaking" quite easily at night while viewing images in bed or watching a movie with a blue background.
So I guess after all my detailed nitpicking my question for you all would be what would you do in this situation? I really do love this tablet and the form factor. Besides these issues that I have experienced on my tablet I have absolutely enjoyed using the tablet every day Iv'e had it. I just feel like for $550+ investment I shouldn't have to deal with so many display issues when that is the very reason I spent so much more on this tablet in the first place. I also appreciate Negri reaching out and attempting to resolve the issue but with the correspondence I have had thus far and having attached the RMA info I received today below can't be sure what kind of service or replacement I may get and then I will be without my tablet for at least a month! I really wish I could deal directly with Samsung USA and get my unit replaced by them but completely understand why that is not possible at this time. I'm guessing they are giving a 3-4 week turn around back to them because the Samsung Repair Facility is most likely overseas, either in Hong Kong or possibly the UK? Not sure about that one. I wouldn't think that the 7.7 could be repaired or replaced by any Samsung facility here in the US yet. Anyway, any suggestions or ideas you guys my have would be appreciated.
Thank you for contacting Negri Electronics. We received your RMA request in regards to this unit. We will need to have the unit in the warehouse in order to complete the evaluation. We received your reports in regards to the dead pixels and in this case the unit will need to be sent into the Samsung repair facility. We will need to complete the brief evaluation once the unit arrives. Then we can proceed with the repair process. If you have any questions feel free to contact us. Thank you.
Negri Electronics Repairs
Please read this carefully before you return any merchandise!
(Failure to follow directions may result in a restocking fee) This rma will be valid for 2 weeks after its issuance
Please read carefully our store policies. Your item may be subject to a restock fee.
For more efficient service, please print out this email and provide the following information:
*****Repair turnaround time is 3-4 weeks once we receive the unit*****
*Update March 2nd*
^ Above was the original estimate assuming that I would be requesting a repair through Negri by Samsung for the defective screen. Since we found that I had more than 6 Dead Pixels we processed the return as an exchange for a new tablet and I have had my RMA approved today and the replacement is in transit. I wanted to be clear that Negri provided excellent customer service to me and processed my return very professionally.
I too sent my Gtab 7.7 back to Negri for issues with Grey discoloration. I called today making sure they received my unit, they confirmed they got it Thursday. I asked about the supposed 10-12 days for evaluation and the rep thought with my issue they should have an answer next week.
On my RMA i requested a Exchange not repair. If they tell me turn around to get my exchange is gonna take 3-4 weeks. I will ask for just a refund, as i would suggest to you. I also suggest you call and see instead of them repairing your unit, maybe ask for an exchange. I hope they don't try and tell me they want to send it off and not exchange...I have a feeling they might try this.
I'll respond back on Monday, see what they tell me.
That sounds like a very long turn around period, maybe you should get your money back and just wait for local stocks to arrive?
Also since you mentioned that you notice flicker, Im wondering whats causing this on OLEDs, one of the 7.7's I tried yesterday showed a very visible flicker when displaying the green screen test or the screen shot of the green screen test in the gallery.
Thanks for the responses...
Hey guys,
Thanks for your input. I have replied back to the RMA request with my intention to exchange preferably or refund if that is not possible. I really do not want to wait a month to have the unit repaired when I have so many issues with the screen and then not be sure what kind of condition the tablet would be in when I get the replacement. I wish I could just deal with the issues but there are so many it seems on my screen I can't look past them when I think how much I paid for the 7.7 in the first place. Guess we shall see what happens now.
Update from Negri today is that they are working with me to get a replacement or refund instead of sending off to Samsung for repairs. They are certainly going out of their way to make sure the issue is solved. Props to the customer support department for excellent communication. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't leaving any doubt in Negri's business practice as they have proved thus far too be very helpful in this unfortunate circumstance. I'm sending the tablet back to them Monday morning and will update with the status after I get the initial evaluation complete.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
This is the usual problem with purchasing goods that are not officially distributed in your country yet... I tried n the past and I won't again
I love the 7.7 but will wait for it to be distributed in the US (And hopefully ICS will be around the corner at that time)
Thank You
Thank you all for your comments.
The process does take time because we need to work with the manufacturer who manufactured the "defective" product. Their timeline is longer than ours, however we have direct contact with most. So returning to us and having us to the leg-work would be better than the customer going directly to the manufacture. Going directly with the manufacture can take 10-12 weeks as we have experienced in the past. We do our best to provide a quick turn around time for you - however we can only promise you what we are promised by the manufacturer.
Please understand that we do not manufacture these items. Many RMA's come through "demanding" replacements and fast service. We always do our best, but ask that you always treat us with respect (unrelated to the above posts) - and understand that issues such as these are not our fault, but we will do our best to make sure you are satisfied with the results.
Negri has good customer service. But regarding the dead pixel issue, i have better experience with Expansys where they simply ship out a replacement once the defective one is received and confirmed. Then they will deal with the manufacturing for the faulty unit. Not to say one vendor is better than another in general, but to point out different vendor has different policy and way of handling these kind of things.
kflanegan said:
Update from Negri today is that they are working with me to get a replacement or refund instead of sending off to Samsung for repairs. They are certainly going out of their way to make sure the issue is solved. Props to the customer support department for excellent communication. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't leaving any doubt in Negri's business practice as they have proved thus far too be very helpful in this unfortunate circumstance. I'm sending the tablet back to them Monday morning and will update with the status after I get the initial evaluation complete.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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I too have spoken with Negri, they are currently evaluating my Tablet. I appreciate they actually jumped on this thread to respond. I guess there's no way around the 6-12 day evaluation period, as I've called after 5 days (still being evaluated). There customer service is easy to work with, I just want them to understand I aint waiting for a repair, I want a exchange or refund.
aaronv20 said:
I too have spoken with Negri, they are currently evaluating my Tablet. I appreciate they actually jumped on this thread to respond. I guess there's no way around the 6-12 day evaluation period, as I've called after 5 days (still being evaluated). There customer service is easy to work with, I just want them to understand I aint waiting for a repair, I want a exchange or refund.
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Thanks for the update Aaron! My tablet is in transit and scheduled for delivery on Monday. I'm hoping for a 1-2 week turn around. I'm having withdraws already... ;-) I too am hoping for a new exchange foremost and a refund otherwise so I can decide what to do next. Good luck with your return. Keep us updated...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I got the results of my evaluation...
Thank you for your patience in regards to your RMA. At this time the RMA evaluation has been completed on your unit. Our team has evaluated your unit extensively to see if they can find the display issue. After testing the unit our RMA team was unable to notice any grayish streaking on the display. They advised us that they tested the unit on "0" brightness and with the white background, both landscape and portrait mode and were not able to see any defect. They also advise us they had to create a customer background to ensure there was no defect. Again, no defect was noticed with the display. These are Super Amoled displays and will be noticeable to see any streaking on the display, as you stated on the lowest brightness levels. We did receive notification from our customer service representatives that you would like a refund on this unit, in this case we can proceed with a refund minus a 12% re-stoking fee based on the usage and time out. This will be the minimal re-stocking fee that can be applied towards this refund. We can also have this unit shipped back to you at no additional costs. Please review these details and contact us on how you would like to proceed. Thank you.
Well 12% is around $75.00 and since after shoping around i cant find anything to match this wonderful tablet, Im gonna keep it.
Looks like im gonna have to settle at never turning my brightness completely down.
good luck KFLAN!
aaronv20 said:
I got the results of my evaluation...
Well 12% is around $75.00 and since after shopping around I can't find anything to match this wonderful tablet, I'm gonna keep it.
Looks like I'm gonna have to settle at never turning my brightness completely down.
good luck KFLAN!
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Thanks Aaron for your evaluation results, also sorry to hear that you won't be receiving a replacement unit for your issues. My 7.7 arrived this morning at their warehouse so I hope to hear something later this week. I was seriously debating sending mine back before I started the process because I loved everything else with the tablet other than the dead pixels I saw whenever I used it. Some things you just can't un-see and that was my problem. I hope you do enjoy your tablet and agree with your decision to keep it. $75 is a big hit only a few weeks after purchase on a premium product such as the 7.7. I hope that my dead pixels are as obvious to Negri as they were to me in my tests and usage.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
IIRC, you did post an image on the screen feedbacks thread right and it was quite visible unless I've mistaken you from someone else. I cant believe they cant see it.
EarlZ said:
IIRC, you did post an image on the screen feedbacks thread right and it was quite visible unless I've mistaken you from someone else. I cant believe they cant see it.
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yup, I did post a screen image, on the screen issues thread. There main issue was that since the tab would probably not fall under the Samsung warranty then they would be able to deem it a manufacture issue. Its sucks but at least i dont have any other issues (dead pixels, etc). They did mention that i have a 1 year warranty so if it becomes worst then I could handle the issue then...Im really trying to look on the bright side, and put it out of mind, cause all it will do is frustrate the crap out of me..
I dont understand why they cant see it, the very small grey streak on my Tablet was even visible to the technician who diagnosed my tab even though I didnt tell him about it.
Follow up on Negri RMA
I received word today that my RMA request for exchange has been approved and my replacement unit has been shipped out from Negri's warehouse this afternoon. My returned tablet arrived on Monday 2/27 and I followed up on Wed to make sure the tablet arrived as I had shipped and to receive an update on the RMA process. I worked with Sergio Mendez throughout the return, he was very helpful and excellent in communicating any updates from their end. I would certainly not hesitate to recommend Negri Electronics to anyone in the future and they have dealt with my problem with a sense of urgency and a very professional manner.
Many thanks to Sergio and the whole team at Customer Service for all their help! I am scheduled to receive my new unit next Thursday the 8th. I'll report back after I have set the new 7.7 up and report my findings on my replacement unit.
Sounds great that you've been given a replacement, we await for your findings and hopefully you can get a great screen. Keep us posted Im interested as well!
Sooo, I couldnt make it a week. I cant stand staring at this discolored screen. I have re submitted some more photos of my defective screen to Sergio at Negri. I hope he and his superiors can see this is not a "common" problem but a manufacture defect. If there RMA evaluators cant see this issue, there are some serious issues with their eyesight! Negri Customer service has been great , however i cant just except this as a non issue. Negri customer service, feel free to comment...or better yet email me asap. Yall agree? (white out personal info in photos, sorry)
aaronv20 said:
Sooo, I couldn't make it a week. I can't stand staring at this discolored screen. I have re submitted some more photos of my defective screen to Sergio at Negri. I hope he and his superiors can see this is not a "common" problem but a manufacture defect. If there RMA evaluators can't see this issue, there are some serious issues with their eyesight! Negri Customer service has been great , however I can't just except this as a non issue. Negri customer service, feel free to comment...or better yet email me asap. Y'all agree? (white out personal info in photos, sorry)
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I agree with you on the discoloration. I can certainly see it in your provided photos. Sergio worked very well with me on my exchange and when we spoke on the phone he seemed very helpful and like a nice guy. I hope your experience will serve a better outcome this go around and understand your frustration! I would also consider going the Samsung route if you run into the same issue going through with the second return. Who knows how their process runs but unfortunately I would guess the waiting period could be much longer seeing as how the 7.7 isn't sold except by Verizon in the US as of now, as far as they would be concerned....
Anyway, I've been anxiously awaiting my exchange by FedEx. It should arrive sometime tomorrow and then I'll be giving my new model the inspection to see if I faired better this time. The tracking info hadn't updated at all since the package left Phoenix, AZ on Friday and I was beginning to get worried it was lost in transit until magically it arrived in Ellenwood, GA just this morning. I guess it arrived there via bike messenger to account for the long delay in updates for so many days...haha. It always seems to drag the longest when you are really looking forward to receiving something though. ;-) Have a good day man, I'll cross my fingers for you.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
*Update on my replacement wifi 7.7... I received the exchanged GT-P6810 yesterday afternoon and after a 2 hour initial charge was ready to dive right in. First thing I did after set up was download 3 solid backgrounds. One white, one red and lastly blue. Then I opened the backgrounds full screen in the gallery and found absolutely zero dead pixels or any obvious defects. The only thing I have noticed thus far is the circles and lines on a black screen at zero ambient light. Although I'm almost positive there aren't any units that wouldn't display those in the same lighting conditions. Seems to be a product of the manufacturing process. Anyway, I'm certainly satisfied so far and love my new unit. I want to give Negri another shout out for their awesome customer service and in particular Sergio for his excellent communication throughout the process. I was without my tab for 2 or 3 weeks but it's certainly worth the wait to get a new replacement with none of the major issues. I'll be active on the forums and see you guys and girls around.
Oh btw, set up go launcher HD last night from their beta page and this thing flies with that launcher and looks great!
Sent from my GT-P6810 using xda premium

A chronicle of my TF101 RMA experience - ASUS SUCKS!

I got my TF101 in mid-Feb. The same day as I got it (as a gift) it decided that it didn't want to power on. I went through all the tips on here (very useful, thank you XDA) but ended up having to send it in to get RMAed at the Grapevine, TX location.
Got it back on 2/25. Worked for two hours, then same problem. Started becoming more difficult to turn on, then wouldn't power up at all, despite being PLENTY charged. Called in, spoke to yet another ASUS rep, and ended up with another RMA. They paid for shipping this time (FedEx Super Saver, of course)
Rec'd the tablet back today. Seemed to be working quite well, even went through the update released on 3/20. Left to go to the store and was back within 30 minutes. Guess what!?!?? I no longer will power on anymore!
Called ASUS support AGAIN, demanded they cross-ship me a new tablet, and was pretty much told to stuff it, I need to send it in AGAIN. I asked for overnight shipping both ways and expedited service (the 2nd was to be expedited but I didn't get it back for nearly a month). This was, of course, also not an option.
I'm about to RMA it for the 3rd time.
If any of you are interested, here is a much more detailed writeup of my horrendous experience: http://www.tweaksforgeeks.com/hardware/2012/03/asus-transformer-tf101-rma-process-a-story-of-incompetence
I've written to Anandtech and TomsHardware, and while I doubt that it'll even get looked at by them, with any luck some spotlight on their defective product and incompetence will get something done. Wishful thinking, I'm sure.
Should've just gotten a new one by returning the broken one.
Yup, Asus is pretty terrible with RMAs. Seems like their repair centers can never fix it right the first time.
File a complaint with BBB.
Have you tried holding the power button for 10 seconds? This happens to my transformer too since i updated to ics. Full battery and the screen would just turn off. Nothing can be done except to hold power button for 10 secs
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Where did you get the Tablet from? Most places will let you exchange it no problem if you got it retail, did the person who got it for you keep the receipt? If not I guess you didnt have a choice, but if you bought it from Best Buy or Walmart or something like that you should have just taken it back there and it would have probably been replaced with a brand new one on the spot
Same thing happened to my B40 TF101 a few months back.
One day the Pad just locked up then refused to power up (w/customROM onboard, by the way).
* RMA#1: TX sent it back with factory-HCROM. Stated "no issue found" but everything was wiped clean. It lasted about 1 day and no power-on again.
* RMA#2: Repeat RMA#1.
* RMA#3: I demanded a new motherboard or a different unit. They changed
out the motherboard (still-nvflashable). It has been working beautifully since.
Interesting, this is exactly what happened in my case, except I'm just on the second RMA. It is also a BK40. Everyone seems to think that holding the 'owe button will work, or holding the button plus volume, etc. Not in this case, the unit is completely dead. I'm hoping they fix it this time so I can sell the thing and buy anything besides an Asus. Anyone else with a BK40 having the same issue?
Between family & friends we have about 9 TF101s, about 5x B40s (I have two). One of my TF101 was dead (3x RMAs until TX actually did a repair). My niece's B40 screen just went dead two weeks ago, almost out-of-warranty. Her Tab was still running, just no display.
Threads like this make me think i should return mine and look into something else. I've had a few reboot issues since ICS updated with one power on issue but the last couple days have been fine. I have until 4/1 to make up my mind...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
I guess Im kinda lucky then (knock knock...). Havnt had a single random reboot/shutdown or freeze.
It died once, but that was because it ran out of battery
Ive had 1 semi-freeze though, not sure what caused it.
Mightve been a random Nova Launcher freeze, or the kernel played up a bit (using the OC'able ICS kernel, running at 1.4Ghz).
But after 1-2min it started responding again (with a message saying novo launcher didnt respond) and has worked flawless since.
I really really hope my TF wont start acting up as others have.
Edit: .... guess what. I just got my first random reboot. Damnit, I never shouldve posted this post! lol
Hm funny, it looped the first screen over and over untill I held the power button down for, oh i dunno, 30sec?, then it started.
I will tell you my experience with the ASUS RMA after i send it the 3 time.
I gave it to Saturn (german electronics mall), they send it to ASUS.
After 3 weeks,i got my TF back. Before the repair, there where scratches on the sides and back, the cam was blurry and so on.
I opened the box and was shocked, they repaired everything, even the scratches. (The device s/n is the same)
ICS was preinstalled.
I dont know why they needed 3 repairs, but now, im lucky again with my tf
Gesendet von meinem Transformer TF101 mit Tapatalk
It's been sent in for RMA #3 now, it'll be interesting to see if it takes them another month to get it back to me not fixed. I filed a complaint with the BBB and included that - along with a copy of my 2nd RMA form, a new 3rd RMA form, as well as a printout of the long-ass writeup I linked to in my first post.
In the interim I've purchased an Acer Iconia A200, which has beet utterly fantastic. It's got ICS, a charger cord that's longer than a couple feet, as well as a full sized female USB port so that I can actually hook up a flash drive if needed. I do believe I'm in love.
Sootah said:
It's been sent in for RMA #3 now, it'll be interesting to see if it takes them another month to get it back to me not fixed.
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I'm right there with you, Sootah. I have a stock B6O Transformer that I have sent to Asus service 3 times for the same problem. Like you, I had to pay for shipping on the first RMA round (even though the problem was clearly Asus's). I just don't know how this type of customer service can be good for Asus in the long run.
Because of the terrible experiences I have had with Asus, I cannot, in good faith, recommend their products to my friends. Nor will I purchase from Asus ever again.

[Q] Are RMAs successful or not?

I love Android and was so excited to get my N10. Mine had creaks, a little light bleed and one reboot and about 5 freezes since I've had it in the past week and it was laggy in some apps. All forgivable, but tonight it started flashing white with black on the entire screen between transitions (I was able to reproduce this by tabbing the home and apps drawer back and forth). Screen flashing and artifacts are a deal breaker.
So, is anyone successful with their RMAs? Do these issues get resolved or more like a few of the horror stories I've seen with 5-6 returns to Google.
If you RMA with Google, it's somewhat random luck (it seems) as to what kind of device you'll get next. If you RMA with Samsung, it might take a bit longer to get you device back, but it "should" be fixed (unless the problem is software-related anyway)
zmattmanz said:
I love Android and was so excited to get my N10. Mine had creaks, a little light bleed and one reboot and about 5 freezes since I've had it in the past week and it was laggy in some apps. All forgivable, but tonight it started flashing white with black on the entire screen between transitions (I was able to reproduce this by tabbing the home and apps drawer back and forth). Screen flashing and artifacts are a deal breaker.
So, is anyone successful with their RMAs? Do these issues get resolved or more like a few of the horror stories I've seen with 5-6 returns to Google.
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if you purchased from google play and its the 15 day window then call up google. They should send you a new device. If after 15 day then Samsung is the one to contact and I heard some bad stuff about that process.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
killerapl said:
if you purchased from google play and its the 15 day window then call up google. They should send you a new device. If after 15 day then Samsung is the one to contact and I heard some bad stuff about that process.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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Got mine from Staples last Saturday. It's an RC32CC I think. So I can return in no problem.
zmattmanz said:
Got mine from Staples last Saturday. It's an RC32CC I think. So I can return in no problem.
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That would be the best choice. Get a replacement or refund
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Ive had my nexus 10 since Christmas and last week the volume button suddenly died on me. I called up Google and had a free RMA heading my way within 20 minutes of being on the phone. I was blown away by how awesome Google's customer service was and how nice they were.
Anyways, the RMA I received was better than the original one I had bought off of Google Play. The hardware buttons were no longer loose and are now rock solid. And my screen uniformity is 100x better than my original. I may have gotten lucky, but I'm extremely satisfied.
michaelearth said:
Ive had my nexus 10 since Christmas and last week the volume button suddenly died on me. I called up Google and had a free RMA heading my way within 20 minutes of being on the phone. I was blown away by how awesome Google's customer service was and how nice they were.
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Free? As in you weren't required to put down the $400-$500 price on-hold?
espionage724 said:
Free? As in you weren't required to put down the $400-$500 price on-hold?
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yeah something seems off here...
killerapl said:
if you purchased from google play and its the 15 day window then call up google. They should send you a new device. If after 15 day then Samsung is the one to contact and I heard some bad stuff about that process.
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Actually if you ordered from google play, you can call google up to a YEAR after you purchased,and they'll send you a new device(thats their way of "repairing")
espionage724 said:
Free? As in you weren't required to put down the $400-$500 price on-hold?
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technically it is free
free means you dont have to pay, and you dont
they authorize the full amount,which drops off after a few days
of course its not free and you have to pay if and only if you fail to return the broken one
a "hold" is simply not the same as actually paying for the tablet
I had extremely painless (pleasant, even) experiences with RMAs through Google. However, it did take a couple tries for my issues to be resolved. My first replacement was worse than the one I was sending back, but they got it right with my second replacement. And in both cases the $499 hold on my account was released before the tablet I sent them had even been received. I'm thinking that as soon as the tracking info was updated showing the tablet was sent it was released (just speculation, but both times the holds were released within 24 hours of UPS updating the tracking info). And my phone calls were easy - less than 20 minutes each time. There have been some horror stories on here about RMAs, but not all have been bad.
My nexus 10 arrived with one speaker dead. If I pushed down on the corner the speaker was in, it would work again while I held it down. I got an rma replacement from google play and everything was working.
If your device is rooted, and you have custom recovery installed do you have to return it to stock before you can RMA it? My camera doesn't seem to work, but I haven't gotten around to RMA'ing it because I've been too busy.
professor_chaos said:
If your device is rooted, and you have custom recovery installed do you have to return it to stock before you can RMA it? My camera doesn't seem to work, but I haven't gotten around to RMA'ing it because I've been too busy.
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It's generally always a good idea to revert to 100% stock and locked when sending them back.
professor_chaos said:
If your device is rooted, and you have custom recovery installed do you have to return it to stock before you can RMA it? My camera doesn't seem to work, but I haven't gotten around to RMA'ing it because I've been too busy.
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I went to 100% stock before sending mine back. Just to be safe I wanted to make sure Google/Samsung didn't try to pin the issue on it having been rooted.

Bright white line down the screen, 3rd XL

This is now my 3rd replacement which is due tomorrow, the first had charging issues, the second crashing apps and charging issues, the third after about 7 days use this horrible bright white line just appeared on the screen out of nowhere today, i'm now expecting my fourth replacement tomorrow, i'm about to give up on the XL if this next one isn't right, I've never had to send a new phone back at all, here's some examples.
I'm on phone #8, welcome to the club. Had to pick up another device to deal with my sanity being almost gone dealing with rma's
Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Ady1976 said:
This is now my 3rd replacement which is due tomorrow, the first had charging issues, the second crashing apps and charging issues, the third after about 7 days use this horrible bright white line just appeared on the screen out of nowhere today, i'm now expecting my fourth replacement tomorrow, i'm about to give up on the XL if this next one isn't right, I've never had to send a new phone back at all, here's some examples.
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That's a bummer. I had issues with my Nexus 6P and Google was very good about making sure things were right. Even after two years they gave me a full refund.
Fortunately, I haven't had any problems with my Pixel XL 2
browniegirl said:
I'm on phone #8, welcome to the club. Had to pick up another device to deal with my sanity being almost gone dealing with rma's
Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
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I'm starting to lose hope, even if i did get what seemed to be a good one that lasted a few months who knows when these lines might appear again out of nowhere, I really didn't want to have to deal with this constant rma cycle, I'm wasting so much time keep setting a new device up it's demoralising.
jasondowning85 said:
That's a bummer. I had issues with my Nexus 6P and Google was very good about making sure things were right. Even after two years they gave me a full refund.
Fortunately, I haven't had any problems with my Pixel XL 2
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That's one device i never had an issue with the 6p loved it, Google do seem to be dealing effectively by keep sending me a new one but if they run out of stock and i still can't get a fault free device I'm going to have to ask for a refund
Ady1976 said:
That's one device i never had an issue with the 6p loved it, Google do seem to be dealing effectively by keep sending me a new one but if they run out of stock and i still can't get a fault free device I'm going to have to ask for a refund
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Are they sending you refurb units or new? If refurbs, I would demand a new one. It's a $1,000 phone and no more than 6 months old?
jasondowning85 said:
Are they sending you refurb units or new? If refurbs, I would demand a new one. It's a $1,000 phone and no more than 6 months old?
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it's a new one they're sending, i'm concerned as to what is the time frame I've got before I can say just give me a full refund as it's not fit for use ?
browniegirl said:
I'm on phone #8, welcome to the club. Had to pick up another device to deal with my sanity being almost gone dealing with rma's
Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
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Phone 7 here but it is perfect months in now!
Ady1976 said:
it's a new one they're sending, i'm concerned as to what is the time frame I've got before I can say just give me a full refund as it's not fit for use ?
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It depends upon the area, if they have refurbs your getting a refurb. Even the new is a "new" in a refurb box. Also, they won't give you a refund.
Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
I can't believe so many people have had to swap so many times. I'm 5 months in with phone #1 and no issues at all.
browniegirl said:
It depends upon the area, if they have refurbs your getting a refurb. Even the new is a "new" in a refurb box. Also, they won't give you a refund.
Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
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No these are brand new sealed, I'm in the uk, they said it's not a service centre repair or refurb as it was purchased from the Google store, incidentally the first 2 i had over the course since nov when i pre ordered none of them had any issues with the screen, just this later batch of mine which was manufactured on the 16th nov shipped on the 20th.
jimv1983 said:
I can't believe so many people have had to swap so many times. I'm 5 months in with phone #1 and no issues at all.
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I'll be honest mate I've never had to rma a single phone I've purchased over the last 10 years + this is a first, I've been unlucky it seems, although it also seems I'm not alone.
Just to update on this I watched this video https://youtu.be/upLTjUzrRxw a similar issue to him excep he didn't have the line until he pressed a certain part of the screen, I've now been able to remove the line by pressing a certain part of the screen near the bottom near the home button, it has now vanished, i can get it to reappear briefly by pressing the screen again in a certain area, but now it's off, I've told Google if it arrives back to them like this don't think there is nothing wrong with it, there must be some short or damaged connection behind the screen somewhere, I'm still keeping the new one which arrives today.
Facing the same issue
Even I had this experience. But in my case the bright white line was on the left of the phone. I'll let you know that my phone's screen has been cracked since the last 9 months and it had been working perfectly fine until one afternoon when I kept it in my bag and it had the thick line on it. I cannot diagnose if it's a software or hardware issue. I'm going for a screen replacement. But in the meantime can anyone help me to know if it is a software or hardware issue?
Namanv said:
Even I had this experience. But in my case the bright white line was on the left of the phone. I'll let you know that my phone's screen has been cracked since the last 9 months and it had been working perfectly fine until one afternoon when I kept it in my bag and it had the thick line on it. I cannot diagnose if it's a software or hardware issue. I'm going for a screen replacement. But in the meantime can anyone help me to know if it is a software or hardware issue?
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My replacement which I've had for nearly a year now is perfect and defect free, whites are white like they should be and no hardware defects, I'm sorry to say it sounds like a hardware issue, if you can firmly press all parts if the screen and sometimes it disappears it's a connection issue but it's very difficult to pin point where the exact loose connection is, if your getting a new and digitizer that may remove the issue.
I can press all parts of the screen perfectly..even where the line is located. Thats what made me think that it is a software bug. Also the line is far brighter than even the highest brightness settings on the phone. I'll have it replaced and I will respond here soon
Namanv said:
I can press all parts of the screen perfectly..even where the line is located. Thats what made me think that it is a software bug. Also the line is far brighter than even the highest brightness settings on the phone. I'll have it replaced and I will respond here soon
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Yes that's how mine was the line was extremely bright like that pixel line was on full brightness, no problem, loving the pixel 2 xl my best phone so far, will upgrade to the 4 xl if they get rid of that fugly notch on the 3 xl, Good luck with your screen mate.
